Tips for completing Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions Completed Game Tips

Final Fantasy Tactics is already ten years old, whatever one may say, and many probably managed to pass it. Therefore, in order to interest not only beginners, in this material we will focus on non-obvious details. game mechanics, and also tell you about the bonuses that have appeared in the PSP version.

List of classes

V The war of the Lions not only were there two new classes, but the requirements for getting some of the old ones also changed. Below is a list of professions with the conditions under which this or that specialization opens in the list of available for a particular character.
Squire: available initially
Chemist: available initially
Knight: Lv2 Squire
Archer: Lv2 Squire
Monk: Lv3 Knight
White Mage: Lv2 Chemist
Black Mage: Lv2 Chemist
Time Mage: Lv3 Black Mage
Summoner: Lv3 Time Mage
Thief: Lv3 Archer
Orator: Lv3 Mystic
Mystic: Lv3 White Mage
Geomancer: Lv4 Monk
Dragoon: Lv4 Thief
Samurai: Lv4 Knight, Lv5 Monk, Lv2 Dragoon
Ninja: Lv4 Archer, Lv5 Thief, Lv2 Geomancer
Arithmetician: Lv5 White Mage, Lv5 Black Mage, Lv4 Time Mage, Lv4 Mystic
Bard: Lv5 Summoner, Lv5 Orator (male only)
Dancer: Lv5 Geomancer, Lv5 Lancer (female characters only)
Mime: Lv8 Squire, Lv8 Chemist, Lv5 Summoner, Lv5 Orator, Lv5 Geomancer, Lv5 Lancer
Dark Knight: Master Knight, Master Black Mage, Lv8 Samurai, Lv8 Ninja, Lv8 Geomancer, Lv8 Dragoon; the character must kill (meaning the transformation into a crystal / chest) 20 opponents
Onion knight: Lv6 Squire, Lv6 Chemist

Game mechanics

If you are in FFT- beginner, try to sit out the incredibly slow and tedious, but at the same time useful tutorial. There, however, two characteristics that greatly influence the course of battles - Bravery and Faith are not sufficiently covered.

Bravery, bravery, is responsible for the likelihood that Reaction Ability will be used. In other words, a character with Br 70 will be able to counterattack 70% of the time. Therefore, it is highly recommended to pump the courage of the whole team; this can be done using the speaker ability Praise or Ramza Steel (only from the second chapter). Do not forget, however, that by raising the Bravery value by 4 in battle, you will only permanently increase it by one.

Unlike courage, Faith is a double-edged sword. The more the character believes in the supernatural, the more it affects him, but his own magical attacks also become more powerful. The conclusion is simple: for magicians, deep faith is simply necessary, but those characters who rely on brute physical strength (Knight, Monk, Dragoon) are reasonably made atheists - this will give them almost complete immunity to magic. Alas, useful too: so, Haste will not improve the character's agility with scanty Faith.

The same orators are trained to instruct the heroes in faith - and in exactly the same way, with an increase of 4 units in battle, the characteristic changes its true value only by 1. Do not overdo it: if the true value of Faith exceeds 94, the character will be too distant from worldly affairs to stay in your squad. This, of course, does not apply to Ramza: his maximum value of faith reaches 97.

Zodiac signs can serve you well. For example, Belias, considered the hardest boss in the game, will always be Aries - so if you want to defend yourself against him properly, choose a zodiac sign that does not go well with Aries. Keep in mind that this will also affect the power of your attack on Belias.

By the way, about the Zodiacal monsters. It's not hard to guess that they have a lot, a lot of HP. But there is an easy way to deal with their prohibitive survivability. The Invigoration (Mystic) and Gravity (Time Mage) spells remove a quarter of the enemy's maximum HP. Always, regardless of the coolness of the enemy and even the zodiac compatibility! Sammon Lich and the magic of Graviga (all the same time magician) leave the enemy only half the HP. Accordingly, two Lichs will kill almost anyone (except, for example, the last boss: that has 3000 HP, and the damage is limited to a limit of 999). Whether the spells hit the bull's-eye depends on the magical power of your magician, as well as on the faith of both his and the enemy.
More advanced Dragoon Jump abilities include weaker ones. In other words, you only need to learn Horizontal Jump 8 and Vertical Jump 8 - you won't need the rest. And even then you can save on the vertical.
It is difficult to get arithmeticists, it is even more difficult to pump (given their snail's speed and initial helplessness), but, having mastered Arithmeticks in full, your character will turn into a real Terminator, and even with one such fighter in your team, you will easily complete the game. The reason is simple: spells used with Arithmeticks do not consume MP, are instantaneous and theoretically can hit all characters on the map at once. The mechanics are simple. First, a value is selected, which will be used for calculations - for example, a level. Then a multiplier. Finally, a spell is chosen (available for use with Arithmeticks); the most powerful of them is Holy. Bottom line: all characters whose level is a multiple of the multiplier we selected (or is a prime number if we chose Prime) are affected by Holy. For most opponents, this means instant death. If you do not want to turn the passage into a serene walk through Ivalis accompanied by the screams of dying enemies, do not use arithmeticians.
How to prolong the life of characters far from magic? Use the Time Mage's Reaction Ability - Mana Shield. Damage dealt is deducted from MP until they run out - and in the case of especially dangerous opponents, this means zero damage for HP from the strongest attack. After that, it is enough to restore at least a little MP (here Manafont mysticism succeeds), and you can again safely take off the slap in the face.
Teleport (also at the time magician) - perhaps best ability for movement. Using it, the character ignores obstacles and the difference in height between the starting point and the destination - which automatically devalues ​​the skills of Ignore Elevation (Dragoon) and Fly (Bard; yes, Fly is the same skill that "costs" the record 5000 JP). Teleportation is guaranteed to work within the character's standard movement radius (limited by the Move indicator) and loses a 10% chance of being triggered for each cell outside this radius. In other words, a character with Move 3 has an 80% chance of teleporting five cells in length.
Don't trust handbags, axes and maces! Their allegedly high attack power does not bring any benefit (unless they are thrown), and the damage inflicted is arbitrary and can easily differ from the stated when aiming.

Note to gamers

After the first battle of the first chapter, you will find yourself on the world map, with access to the city of Gariland. Even then, you should think about the composition of the future team: after all, you are free to choose any characters for yourself! One has only to strip (and, probably, exclude from the team) the original batch of Ramza's cadet companions, and sell their equipment, along with the unnecessary Holy Water. There should be enough money to buy four soldiers in Warriors' Guild. Each time they offer a character with arbitrary Bravery / Faith and a zodiac sign - with due diligence, you will be able to choose heroes to your liking. And you can also name them yourself!
The main tool in character leveling: Squire's Support Ability - JP Boost, which increases the number of JP received for an action by one and a half times.
If you do not want to spend too much time on pumping, and the enemies continue to mercilessly kill heroes, try to train and put the Auto-Potion chemist on the entire Reaction Ability team. At its expense, the characters will be healed after each enemy strike (if, of course, there is enough courage). Remember to dispose of weak drugs when stronger ones appear in stores.
Luso and Ramza in Chapter 4 have the last line in the list of skills for the squire. This is the Ultima spell, which cannot be learned in the usual way: it is necessary that the heroes first suffer from it. A good place for inhuman lessons - Limberry Castle. If only one character has memorized the spell, it doesn't matter, by the same method he himself will transfer the knowledge to a colleague.
The Marquis Elmdor is equipped to drool: Masamune, a complete set of Genji outfits; everything is extremely useful and not sold in stores. In the original FFT, all this stuff could be stolen by a thief; here - no, Elmdor, as well as many other important opponents, has an innate Safeguard ability. Alas. Genji Armor, however, is given as a trophy in Beowulf's sidequest; other Genji outfits can be obtained in multiplayer battles.
The point of no return is after Mullonde, before Orbonne. Be sure to leave your save in front of the monastery - otherwise after watching the ending side quests will be lost to you!

An example of a strong team

Genji (, one of best players Russia in FFT and challenge expert, recommends the following command:


Arcane strength


Why Iaido? Yes, because the power of all samurai skills is directly proportional to the magical power of the character, and it’s the highest among black magicians. It is also reasonable to pump it even more with equipment: Wizard's Rod, Celebrant's Miter / Lambient Hat, Wizard Robe (even despite the meager bonus to HP), Magepower Glove. Shirahadori allows you to dodge a physical attack with chances equal to Bravery - that is, almost 100%.


Counter / First Strike

Move + 3

Why do ninja need monk abilities? The immense power of the fist kick, coupled with the built-in Dual Wield, makes him a real killer. Brawler also increases the power of all Martial Arts skills - even if the character is not unarmed. And due to the main occupation, the ninja is very fast. Counter should be replaced with First Strike in battles with people: when the enemy is just about to hit the character, he will immediately punch him in the eye, completely discouraging any desire to attack. Only works against normal attack, Arts of War, Aim or Throw. That is why this skill is useless when fighting monsters: they use abilities that are unique for each type. Move + 3 is available only to male characters, since only they can become bards. However, it can be easily replaced with Teleport, which no one is deprived of - you just have to cross your fingers before each attempt to teleport.

Machinist / Sky Pirate

Move + 3

Mustadio and Baltier. Their innate ability to paralyze enemies from a distance will serve you well more than once, as will the ability to throw Phoenix Downs around. The Reflexes skill perfectly complements the mantle worn on the character: using it, the fighter doubles the chances of dodging enemy intrigues. Which towards the end of the game guarantees constant misses of both physical and magical attacks!

Time mage


Summoning creatures is always too leisurely. Swiftness doubles down all "slow" actions (except for songs, dances, jumps and aiming) - which means that summons will fly to enemies much faster! It makes sense to use equipment to reduce the speed of the character himself, so that he makes the first move in battle after all the enemies - then none of them will prevent him from preparing the most powerful spells. If it didn't work out, it doesn't matter! Do not forget: when you move and do any action, the ST scale is reset to zero, but if you do not move or do not attack, the scale will begin to fill from 20 (and from 40, if you just stand and do nothing). Thus, stepping aside and waving the staff in vain, we will let the enemy go ahead: after all, if he does not hit us, the next move will be given to him faster. And only then he will be completely in our power.


Reflexes / Shirahadori / Counter / First Strike

Move + 3

What is the strongest team without Orlando? He doesn't even need to change his equipment after he joins, it is enough just to finish teaching his unique abilities - and the unstoppable death machine is ready. Secondary abilities are of no use to him - the main ones are enough with the head; Reaction Ability, on the other hand, should be disposed of depending on your play style. For protection, Reflexes (doubles given by the Evade shield) and Shirahadori are suitable; for attack (perhaps Orlando's main occupation) - Counter and First Strike.

Optional battles

Midlight's Deep

This highly challenging optional dungeon is unlocked by visiting Warjilis at the very end of Chapter 4. It has 10 floors; to open access to the next one, you need not to destroy all the monsters on the current one, but to find a way out - a special cell, the location of which alternates from time to time between five possible points. Midlight's Deep is completely dark on all floors; light can be obtained from crystals that enemies leave behind after death. Also in this dungeon are hidden the rarest and strongest items, which will help you find the Treasure Hunt skill. Be careful: the chances of finding a valuable item are inversely proportional to the character's bravery with Treasure Hunt! That is, a hero with Br 70 has a 70% chance to dig up some pathetic Phoenix Down, and only 30% - an artifact. On The floor Interstice hordes of ninjas will climb on you: - put the heroes with the ability Sticky Fingers (the same ninjas) and catch all the good that the enemies throw at you. And they will gladly part with the best weapons in the game!

On the last floor of Midlight's Deep you will find a battle with the sorcerer Elidibs, in which, firstly, the monster Byblos will join you, and secondly, you can learn the most powerful summon in the game. To do this, you need to be of the appropriate class (Summoner; he, like Luso and Ramza, has the last line in the list of skills in the fourth chapter) and feel the full power of the desired spell. Mana Shield will not help you here: without getting hurt, the heroes will not learn Zodiark.

Sidequest Cloud

Cloud hasn't gone anywhere from The war of the lions and it still isn't easy to get hold of. You can start your search in Chapter 4: look in Goug (Mustadio's presence in the team is required), watch the scene. Then in Goland in the tavern, read the gossip "The Haunted Mine", look into Lesalia - Beowulf will join you, and when you return to Goland, play a series of battles, in the final of which the dragon Reis will join the team. Visit Goug again for Construct 8, a loyal robotic servant. Then head to Zeltennia, find out about Nelveska at the bar and fight Construct 7 (be careful - he is invulnerable to spells and once resurrects after death) and a group of monsters, after which Reis will transform into a human. Don't forget to buy a flower at Sal Ghidos! Return to Goug for the last time and Cloud will appear in Ivalice. To get him to join, you need to win an easy battle at Sal Ghidos.

Sidequest Beowulf

Two battles in Lionel Castle, which will most likely happen between Reis' humanization and the subsequent return to Goug - on the way, after all. In the first, at the gate of the castle, you will be confronted by Aliste - another upstart in Genji equipment that cannot be stolen (armor, however, remains as a trophy after the battle). Inside the castle, there is a battle with the priest Bremont, who is assisted by samurai and ninja. Please note: one of the girls has a Masamune, a unique samurai sword, and this fight is your only chance to steal it. The girls will disappear after Bremont's death, and he himself will turn into a dark dragon, which has about 3000 HP and an insignificant Faith - that is, he is completely immune to magic. And then a difficult fight will become even more difficult.

Sidequest Agrias

Two new scenes and one battle - this is what greets the gallant protector of the princess The war of the lions... The first scene can happen at any time in chapter 4, if Agrias, Mustadio, Alicia and Lavian are alive and in the team, and you have 50 thousand gil in your treasury. To get a sketch, you need to go to any city on the 1st of the month Cancer (immediately after the 32nd day of the month Gemini) - Agrias's birthday. Fifty thousand will be spent on a gift for the girl (by a lucky coincidence, a very useful accessory).

The second scene takes place in Zeltennia Castle at the very end of Chapter 4. After her in Gariland, a fourth rumor will appear in the tavern, "Disorder in the Order". After listening to it, look into Brigands ’Den - and do not forget to capture the thief, since the enemies in this battle have rare things!

Cooperative mode

Multiplayer in The War of the Lions is remarkable in that nothing is lost in it - only acquired. V cooperative mode after winning the mission, both participants will be asked to choose from 1 to 5 chests, which contain arbitrary treasures. The number of chests is determined by the rating received for the mission: if few characters participated in the battle, and they dealt with opponents quickly, there is every chance of getting more prizes in the final.

1st chapter

Chocobo Defense. Quite a simple mission; the main thing is that, carried away by killing numerous opponents, do not forget about the health of two chocobos, because the death of any of them means failure.

2nd chapter

Chicken Race. Battle in the swamp with the undead. Chemists are invaluable here - after all, from a simple Phoenix Down, evil spirits instantly perish.

Treasure Hunt. This mission can be quickly completed by simply taking the treasure from the chest (with the help of teleportation, with proper luck, it can be reached in two turns; if you use Quick magic, then in one). For this, however, you should not expect big rewards - so do not be too lazy to destroy all enemies.

Teioh. The black chocobo of the same name is rich in HP - over 3500 at level 99! Deal with his brothers first - you won't be able to quickly kill this boss.

Lost Heirloom. For this task, each player can nominate only two characters - and the enemy will put up a dozen against them, including a trinity of archers who have dug in on the roof of the house. They should be your first target.

3rd chapter

The Fete. A very easy battle, especially compared to the previous one. The main thing is to deal with knights and monks - bards and dancers are incapacitated.

Desert Minefield. The task here is to protect an incapacitated guest-chemist against whom numerous bombs are going. The best defense- attack; start with black enemies, since their attacks are the most dangerous, and make sure that the blows finish off the monsters, and do not provoke them to commit suicide with sad consequences for you.

Littering. Ten ninjas are no joke. Try to deal with them while they are throwing objects, since their paired moves are deadly.

4th chapter

Shades of the Past. Try to deal with the archers first: they will not spare your wounded. Milyuda will resurrect one day thanks to excellent equipment (which cannot be stolen or destroyed) - be careful.

The Knights Templar. Four consecutive battles without the right to enter the menu or receive medical treatment. Two Templars in the last battle about 900 HP, and Falmarv is the most dangerous due to its extremely high strength.

All Star Melee. Nine unique characters, including Ramza and Orlando, against six of yours. Very difficult. It makes sense to take two of your Orlandos and first finish off their evil counterpart - he, whatever one may say, is a cut above everyone else.

Fully Completed Game

Quests become available after killing the final boss; Of course, you don't need to overwrite your save at the point of no return.

The Guarded Temple. Move limit, 7000 HP for both prototype robots. Magic is absolutely useless. Your only advantage is high speed; use it.

Nightmares. Yes, it's a nightmare. All Zodiac monsters (except for Ultima), together with 5 demons, will be very generous if they allow the team, which has easily passed the entire game, at least live up to their turn. Protection from negative statuses is simply necessary here; considerable HP and all kinds of gains for "friends" - too. Long pumping cannot be avoided. HP of bosses is about 2000-3000.

Brave Story. Ten battles in a row. Unique characters, rare monsters, common people and Zodiac Monsters are mixed, pumping all the juices from the team. Yes, the bosses only have 1000 HP in the last fight, but in what state will you get to them? After all, the dead characters are not carried over to subsequent battles.

An Ill Wind. Ten death knights (1000 HP per brother) suck the lives of your heroes and infect them with vampirism. There is only one salvation - a combination of Ribbon / Barette and Cursed Ring (which can be found in Midlight's Deep on the floor of The Palings). This means that only one character will succeed in a battle. Can you prepare him for the toughest solo challenge of his career?

Description of the game

Stunning tactical role-playing game on Android and iOS, which are lacking there. Excellent graphic style of the game and pleasant music + effects, well-developed gameplay and plot. And most importantly, charismatic the main character, which brings a lot of humor into the story (!)

Together with his friends, whom he will meet according to the plot of the game (as befits in a similar genre), he must seal the magical seals that threaten the collapse of the whole world. Also confront the dark organization World Reformation Council, which has enslaved quite a lot of different personalities and occupies a special place in the plot.

From this undoubtedly "juicy" varied selection of characters, others you will have to get to match mobile games way. Joining is carried out if you recruit a certain number of gene fragments of a specific hero, but this does not negate the fact that after that a scene justified by the plot will follow and the hero will join you. There are also secret characters, for some you earn ancient coins - to make your purchase in the store, and to get the rest, much more difficult actions are required. Gene fragments are also needed to increase the level of the heroes' abilities, so if you think to relax, as soon as you have finally gained the desired number of genes, then in vain. Since the characters need to be constantly reincarnated, increasing in their professionalism and constantly being spent on pumping skills, each hero has only four individual abilities. Basically, the former are a weak single attack; the second average in strength and a good radius of attack with some useful effect, such as stunning or sudden death; still others have, as a rule, a large radius and power of damage, but often with damage to themselves, in the form of slowing down or simply damage to health; the fourth are passive skills that act during the battle - they mainly increase the indicators after killing the enemy (after pumping the skill, it shows a pretty good result and benefit).

Our random companions are led by their lord - the Lord, whom I named the main character above. Interestingly, he does not participate in the battle, but he helps. Being directly an outside participant (like you), he grows in levels (you), developing passive abilities, during the battle acts as a summoner. Having accumulated a scale, you use these abilities (massive attack, healing, increase in attack / defense, etc.), and as you level up, you increase their strength, and in the course of the story you get new techniques. It's simple.

The equipment system is also interesting. You can equip the hero in all forms of his reincarnation, which will make the hero much stronger! The players will also be pleased with the entertaining sets of "sets", having put on the whole set you will get good bonuses. You can pump any armor up to level 10, but this can be colossal. In addition to gold, for transformation it is necessary to collect multi-colored screws, and for a real transformation that increases the importance of an object - cones.

Fan-staff, also serving as the next increase in characteristics, are "costumes". Beautiful, funny, whimsical and even sexy shmeks you will find among them. Some developers delight players in the form of a free presentation, while others cost a fair amount of crystals. But in fact, it will not be difficult to accumulate them, they are given for daily tasks constantly.

Of the side quest continents, there are other interesting places to visit:

This is, first of all,Lab - laboratory daily giving the player free experience, energy, money, mana, and also transforms unknown genes. The recharge occurs daily at 12 and 18 hours Moscow time, and genes can be transformed only once an hour;

it Expedition - expeditions across previously explored continents, the traveler gains experience, money, mana stones andancient coins that can be exchanged for genes in the store. By pumping the corresponding skills of the Lord, as well as placing Mercenaries in the companions, you can increase the likelihood of increasing the volume of rewards;

it Battle of honor - the local arena, 4x4 battles of yours and the heroes of other players. There are several types of battle arenas to choose from, with their own landscape. Upon successful completion of the battle, you will be awarded three medals, losing one. They can be spent on the genes of some new characters, costumes, diamonds;

it Dimensional Breakthrough - colorful dungeon, with a dozen eye-catching levels where you cangood to get hold of gold. But from level to level, the level of opponents also grows, and you can use in this intermittent battle almost all fighters, pumped and not;

it Nephthys Dungeon - daily dungeon: experience, coins, screws, etc. at your disposal. Some of these dungeons will only be available for three visits per day, and some will only open on Sunday;

it Dark fortress- join the guild and check in on it every day, only in its halls you will be able to go through the daily chain of various levels - where your proven squad of warriors will have to fight bosses on auto-battle in order to get soul stones, pieces of the soul mechanism, mana stones and of money;

it Tower of dawn- a tower of 111 floors (1-55 on normal difficulty and 56-111 on hard), at the end of which you will find the most varied and pleasant rewards. On every tenth floor, you will have to fight with a boss, who will be given out whole set sets;

If you were missing real turn-based tactical battles in the spirit of Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, then Fantasy War Tactics is the game for you! Take control of more than 50 unique characters with incredible capabilities and various pumping options and fight against the whole world in an exciting story mode, and then organize a battle against another player and measure the skill of the commander! In the game you have to go through over 180 locations in 12 different parts game world- get ready to discover tons of new things throughout the game! But the most important thing is battles. They are executed in full 3D in the game and in them you have to not just click on your heroes, but also move them around the location, choose the right attacks with the desired hitting distance, impose debuffs on enemies and heal your own - and all this during one exciting battle , of which there are a great many in the game! Your tactics will also depend on different locations - somewhere you can hide from your opponent behind landscape elevations, and somewhere you have to get out of the environment. There are a lot of options! And each fight can be fought in many ways. Can you assemble the best squad and become the best commander for it? Be sure to try and play Fantasy War Tactics on PC and Mac!