Games for children 4 years old transport. Bus games. Fun adventure behind the wheel of the bus in games from Quicksave

Tatiana Balashova
Synopsis of a role-playing game for children 3-4 years old "Travel by bus"

Educational area:

Social and communicative development.


1. Teach children to be polite, to help each other.

2. Form elementary representations about what is good and what is bad, to form an attentive caring attitude towards each other.

3. Develop the ability to navigate the group room.

4. Foster children's friendships in the process play activities.

5. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct on the bus.

5. Raising children's respect for the work of the driver and controller.

Integration of educational areas:

-Speech development tie

Develop auditory perception, spoken language, encourage answering the question with a full sentence.

-Physical development e:

Encourage children to participate in outdoor games, activating the motor activity of children, to perform actions on a signal.

-Cognitive development tie

Acquaintance with the surrounding social world, broadening the horizons of children, the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Dictionary activation:

Passenger, conductor, driver.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations on the topic "Road safety"

2. Observation of traffic, transport operation;

3. Examination of road signs;

4. Making riddles about transport;

5. Didactic game"Forbidden-permitted."


Highchairs for children (bus, game simulator-wheel and pedals, “tickets”, “money”, game set “Cashier”, tape recorder, audio recordings “We go, eat ...”, “Bus”, “Let's go through raspberries to the garden”, toys -dolls, cars.

Educate eh: Everyone hurry here soon

And call your friends with you.

We won't get bored here

We will all play together.

Guys, today I suggest you play travelers. And on what we will go on a journey with you today, you will have to guess:

What a miracle a long house

There are many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And eats gasoline?

De ty: Bus.

Educate spruce:Right. Today we will go on a bus trip. Who is driving the bus?

De ty: Driver.

Educate eh: And what does the conductor do?

Children:[ / i] Sells tickets, keeps order.

Educator: [ / i] Guys, what are the people who ride the bus called?

Children:[ / i] Passengers.

Educate eh: That's right, passengers. What are the rules of conduct for passengers on the bus?

Children read poetry:

Passengers need to remember

Everyone cannot ride for free.

Those over seven years old

Must buy a ticket.

If you enter transport -

Whether on a bus, or on a tram,

So as not to push with others,

Don't get stuck in the doorway

Don't wander around the cabin

Don't jump or rush.

Stay calm, don't push

And hold on to the handrails.

For a moment's crash

Enough. Remember friends

Distract from management

You can't have a driver.

Educate eh: Well done, guys. You are very well mannered. Everyone knows the rules of conduct in public transport. Well, now it's time for us to hit the road on our bus, but for it to go we need a driver. And the driver will be ... the name of the child). Get the driver behind the wheel and take the kids. And I will conductor. Who will you be?

Children: Passengers.

Educate l: Dear passengers, I ask you to get on the bus and take their places. Tell. please, what should each passenger have?

De ty: Tickets

Educator (conductor p): I distribute tickets, I call everyone on the road. Comrade chauffeur, start the engine, let's go faster.

The song "We eat, we eat."

Educator (conductor p): Stop "Stadium". Children, and what they do at stadium?

De ty: Go in for sports.

Educate eh: And why do you need to go in for sports?

De ty: To be strong and healthy.

Educate eh: Do you want to be like that?

De ty: Yes.

Educate eh: Then repeat after me:

We are funny guys

We are preschool children (walking in place)

We go in for sports, we don't know about diseases!

One-two, one-two I have a lot of strength (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend over now (bend down,

Admire us!

One, two, don't yawn! Squat with us (squat)

One jump and two jump! Jump up quickly buddy (jumping in place,

Take a deep breath with your nose, "shhhh" let's say everything later (inhaling through your nose without raising your shoulders ,.

Educate eh: What good fellows you are, but it's time for us to move on. Comrade chauffeur, start the engine, let's go faster.

The song "Bus" sounds (Children perform actions according to the text of the song ).

Educate eh: The next stop is "Orchard". Tell me, what grows in the orchard?

De ty: Fruits, berries.

Educate eh: What kind of berries do you know?

De tee: Strawberries, blackberries, currants ...

Educate eh: And today we will go to the garden for raspberries.

Children lead a round dance to the song “Go to the garden by raspberries m ".

Educate spruce: We have collected raspberries, but it's time for us to move on. Stop "Detsky Mir". Guys, what is "Detsky Mir"?

De ty: This is a store that sells toys.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the person who sells these toys to you?

De ty: Salesman.

Educate eh: That's right, and the seller will be with us today ... the name of the child) And what do we need to buy toys?

De ty: Money.

The teacher distributes "Money and".

Educate eh: Now we'll see if you are a polite customer. Tell me, what needs to be done after you have chosen a toy, and what words should we not forget to say to the seller?

De ty: Get in line. Say thanks".

Educate eh: Guys, our journey is coming to an end, and it's time for us to go to Return trip... I hope. that you all really enjoyed our trip. Tell. please, what stops did we do with you and what did you like the most?

Answers children her.

Educate eh: Our journey has come to an end. Stop "Kindergarten".

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Buses are real city helpers

They really are everywhere. Everyone, young and old, drove them at least once - just in the city or in the summer out of town to the dacha, and maybe even traveled to neighboring regions to the village of their grandmother. Of course, everyone would like to try for themselves what it is like to be the driver of such a large car, because it is not at all the same as driving a car. Over the past few years, bus games have revolutionized the game with the move from flash to unity 3D engine, resulting in vastly improved graphics in arcades.

During the game, you will be in the driver's seat. You are required to deliver passengers along a specific route, park in the designated places, or even arrange real races. In some games, you can drive a real yellow school transport or, for example, take tourists on a city tour on a huge double-decker bus.

Turn the key and fly

In order to play bus games you will need a keyboard. Control your vehicle using arrows: turn left or right, apply the gas or slow down at a turn. Inside Online Games you can change the design of your vehicle, choosing the colors that you like best.

For very little kids there are bus games with their favorite characters. Let your kids take a ride around town Spongebob or the wizard boy Harry Potter. In addition, there are also coloring games and puzzles - you will definitely find something to keep your child busy. Funny toys with a bright and colorful design will not let your kid get bored, and at the same time teach the rules road traffic.

What is so interesting to offer the buses of the game? We know that this is an urban form of transport transporting people who do not have their own car. In the West, every school has a bus that takes children to school and home, and only some of our domestic schools can boast of this service. But on the other hand, minibuses work with us on routes along with city ones. There are also some that operate on long-haul flights. They are equipped with TVs and waitresses serve drinks and sandwiches. This is where the destination of the buses ends, but not during the bus game. If in life these machines can only dream of heroic deeds, then the virtual world has taken care to create conditions where they do not have even a minute of rest.

True, the ideas are borrowed from the cinema, but this is such a trifle.

  • Imagine a situation when a heavy bus accelerates along the highway, and the driver realizes that his brakes have failed! After a while, contacts are closed, and a fire breaks out in the cabin, passengers panic, but there is a daredevil who takes over the salvation of the situation.
  • Or another story, when a terrorist contacts the driver, informing that a bomb is planted in the bus, and it will explode if he stops. On the way, traffic lights signal red, gasoline is running out, and there is no way out.

What to do, how to proceed? Supermen save people from such situations only on the pages of comics, and in real life they are of no use. However, there is a hero who is able to maintain a cool-headed mind even in emergency situations.

Try your hand at Bus games

Free bus games can give you no less drive than the cinematic versions. But if from the TV screens you can only watch the events taking place, now you have a real chance to sit down to control this colossus yourself. More than once you will have to overcome obstacles on the way to logically complete the high-speed race. Some cars are equipped with turbo engines and allow you to develop space speed. Landscapes fly by, merging into a motley ribbon, tire rubber melts, gravel scatters deadly fragments, the engine roars at full power. Ahead on the track there are other cars, pedestrians, sometimes gape animals jump out, and birds envy your speed. The slightest roll, and you will fly upside down, and the game is over. You have to be not a driver, but a reckless pilot to pass the track with dignity and prove that the bus is worthy of respect and can compete with racing cars.

Developing the theme comprehensively, we propose to play buses of the game, where the plot develops in several directions. You can deliver the kids from school to home, but if you want to add a fabulous element to the process, then you have a place in the town of Bikini Bottom. Sponge has already seated himself at the wheel and is ready to start his flight, picking up passengers at the parking lots and dropping them off at the next one. It is not speed that is important here, but punctuality and the number of persons transported, which may appear in any areas and you need not to miss them, stop and pick them up. If you passed by, turn it back, because you need to treat passengers with courtesy. Another bus simulator games offer you to learn how to park it in different places. It is not always possible to find a free parking lot, especially in a crowded city. And if you manage to notice one, you must hurry to take it first, and also maneuver the car so that it fits into the space without hitting neighboring cars. Other situations will allow you to relax, crushing cars that come across with the help of massive technique.

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Dozens of different buses can be seen on the roads of our country in a very short time. These are impressive international Hyundai, modest Gazelles, Ikarus, PAZ-iki, LIAZ and others - older or completely new. But how many brands of buses have you never seen and will not see ?! - For the simple reason that they do not move on our streets, for example, such as yellow American school buses or red double-decker English buses.

You can get acquainted with many brands of these cars if you play bus games online. Until the near future, you could listen to music or read a newspaper in public transport, that's all the entertainment. virtual reality while driving a bus, feel the intoxication of speed, complete missions and fight enemies and rivals.

Maybe you wanted to become a driver, then be sure to try your hand at this, using a simulator of this process, of which there is a great abundance on our website. Here you can realistically learn how to drive a bus, take a test to get a driver's license, you can create your own bus or participate in bus races. The gameplay in each of the games develops in a different environment, of course, in a big city. You will be able to drive on it public transport.

These games are not only colorful and interesting, but also educational. Both boys and girls will like them. There are some for little ones and for older ones, while you can play for free. The collection contains games related to all aspects of bus transport: parking, driving, racing and more. In some games, cars are driven by animated characters or characters from films, it will be funny for the smallest, as they can play themselves in their role.

Bus driver in the city or at the airport

The use of buses for public transport dates back to the 19th century. It is currently vehicle is very popular. It’s just impossible to imagine our daily life without it: most of us take buses to school or work every day. But this does not mean that we know everything about them or that we are able to drive a bus. Therefore, if you want to learn more about this type of transport, ride a double-decker bus around London or demonstrate your abilities in driving a heavy car, play any of the games provided on our website in the selection about buses. We have enough of them!

The typical hero of bus games is cars of various models and different purposes. Most often, it is a cute one that can accommodate dozens of passengers. But virtually you can be behind the wheel of all buses existing in the world, in addition to this, and such models that exist only offline, being the creation of the imagination of the game developers.

Play the free bus games provided on the site, for example, ride the streets of cities around the world behind the wheel of a sightseeing double-decker bus. As you drive slowly through the streets of the game city, show its attractions and features. Follow the traffic rules, be attentive and let pedestrians pass on zebras. The crash will take you back to the start of the level. Try to drive a bulky car in a big city during rush hour or to embark and disembark the passengers of a two-story monster.

In some of the games, you may find yourself as a city transport driver in another country where the road rules are different from ours, it may be difficult to rebuild, but you will soon get used to it and cope perfectly. Driving a virtual car on the streets of a foreign city, you will learn the features of the rules of driving cars in this country.

It doesn't matter where you go: the cool bus will withstand any traffic jam and will take you to the right place on time. Imagine that you are a bus driver taking passengers to and from the terminals. It is not always safe to travel on the runway, because airliners move there. The bus is long, it is difficult to maneuver when cornering, you have to use the brakes often, and the free path is often narrow. You can check your capabilities and speed of reaction by playing online exciting games as a bus driver at the airport.

Parking Wizard

After driving along the city noisy streets, you decide to make a stop. Parking a large car in a big city is not an easy thing! - Here you need skill, quickness of thought and accuracy of actions. These qualities can be improved using the bus parking simulators presented on the site. Some of them are designed in 3D format, have many levels with varying difficulty, often they also contain tips that will help you to park on time. Do not think that everything is quite simple, you will have to sweat while installing the colossus in the parking space!

There is no need to rush, just carefully and carefully park the bus without hitting other cars, buildings or fences, without hitting or even scratching your or your other vehicle. In some games, the time allotted for performing parking maneuvers is limited, that is, you need to get into a parking space in a certain time. After a little workout, this is not a problem. Driving mastery is achieved with experience, after a certain amount of exercise. Therefore, parking games will be useful for drivers who do not feel completely confident about themselves when driving into a parking lot. The games have created an environment that allows you to immerse yourself entirely in the process of performing the necessary maneuvers.

With practice, you will do everything right and without creating an emergency, you will move on to more difficult levels of the game, which becomes more and more addictive. Be careful, one wrong move may get the player back to the start. It will be a shame if all game process will be lost Bus games related to parking are created according to a variety of scenarios. They will appeal to those who like quiet games that require attention and accuracy, those who are tired of or do not like dizzying circuit races. There is no need to cut your opponent and put pressure on the gas!

Bus Race Simulator

When someone starts claiming that buses can't race, remind them of the street races that minibuses have on our streets, and big buses keep up with them. real life there is no racing discipline for bus drivers, this is no reason to refuse to enjoy games in which anything is possible.

Outwardly, the leaders of passenger transportation look huge and clumsy, but once they are on the race track, these powerful cars will show what they are capable of. We are not even aware of their capabilities! If you are a fan of racing and do not like small cars, then this is the place for you. Bus racing will immerse the player in a world of a completely different scale, be cooler and car drivers will only have to sigh after an impressive rival.

Passenger cars are in no way superior to cool buses, both in speed and in handling. Bus games prove this, you can check it by playing for free online. Maneuvering in the stream of public transport, switch gears on time and strive to the finish line. When driving, remember that you are driving a long bus that does not fit into any turn, all maneuvers must be performed very carefully, only then you will come to it first!

If you start bus games, which are realistic simulations, you can feel how difficult it is to move on an icy road or to board passengers from stops. You can (nothing that is online) learn how to start a bus, please note that in such applications real physical laws operate, that is, everything is almost like in life. - Do not miss to slow down before turns to avoid collisions with another bus or tree.

Observing the events taking place on the track is usually carried out from behind, maneuvering between cars, observing the virtual space in such a way as if you are in the cockpit. If the simulator is three-dimensional, the sensations are even more lively and the adrenaline rises, like in real races. The graphics and sound effects of the games provided complement the feeling of reality of what is happening on the monitor screen. There are options for simulators and with a third-person view.

In addition to increasing adrenaline in the blood, the launch of the bus racing simulator allows you to enjoy many landscapes in a short time and even visit different countries. To prove that the bus is a serious contender on the track, you will have to behave like real race car pilots.

Sometimes by game scenario you have to flee from horrible monsters or zombies. Evil characters included in the gameplay are trying to destroy your car along with the passengers! You will have to hit the gas and, in order to win, get to the finish line as quickly as possible. Here, victory is needed at any cost!

Relax with bus games

If you don't like races or are tired of them, or maybe you are not at all interested in driving any cars, especially parking them, you can just start assembling and painting buses by launching the appropriate game. This activity will give you the opportunity to put your thoughts in order, calm down and take a break from a busy day. Using your imagination, you can create an extraordinary, different from all others, bus. Girls will love it too! They can also play funny game with a car wash, which will thoroughly wash the school bus.

The day was difficult, my nerves are strained to the limit, I want to vent my anger on something, start a game like “victory at any cost”. Here, sitting behind the wheel of a huge bus, you can press on the gas to the bottom and sweep away everything in the way. After playing for half an hour online, you may be able to regain your good mood.

Hero without leaving home

In real life, the purpose of buses is limited to transporting passengers, but when playing with buses, that's not all. V virtual world each bus with its driver can become a super hero. Most often the plots of the games are borrowed from the movies, but this is a detail. After all, it is not uncommon when watching a film about heroic adventures, you catch yourself wanting to be in the hero's shoes and take part in saving a life or in preventing a catastrophe.

Now it is possible, just launch the corresponding application on the site and enjoy your heroism. The plots borrowed from the movies in the games make it possible to take part in the events, sitting behind the wheel of a colossus and test their ability to react quickly and adequately.

Here is one of the situations: a huge bus accelerates along the highway, the driver determines that the brakes do not work, and after a while a fire breaks out in the cabin. A brave driver must rescue passengers. In another story, a bomb is planted in the passenger compartment of the bus, which, according to the terrorist, will explode when stopped. At the same time, gasoline is running out, red traffic lights are on and there seems to be no way out.

On the pages of comics, supermen are involved, although they are only useful on paper. In the virtual world, your hero will keep his cool in emergency situations and find a way out! You will be able to participate in the situation developing according to the plot and feel its extremeness and joy from the successful completion of the mission.

So, having familiarized yourself with the general situation, it's time to move on to real action. Choose a game according to your taste from those selected on the site (believe me, we have tried to collect the best of the Internet) and enjoy. Success!