Thematic planning workshop of Santa Claus middle group. Design work "In the workshop of Santa Claus." Check out the theme week snippet

At the end of December, according to the program edited by Veraksa "From Birth to School", work continues to expand children's ideas about new year holiday. The teacher plans, proper nutrition, learning New Year's poems, musical and didactic games and exercises to relieve tension from the eye muscles. Detailed description cognitive activity, outdoor games and team building exercises, math games and more you will find in the annex to the plan " Theme week"Hello, Santa Claus!".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, the educator offers children s.r. games "Builders", "In the theater", split pictures " Road signs", viewing the album" Russian folk clothes ".

cognitive development

The teacher offers the children board games mathematical content, a tour of the territory kindergarten, exercise "Which picture is superfluous", which contributes to cognitive development.

Speech development

For speech development, the educator plans games and exercises for the formation of the ZKR "We ride a horse", "Blizzard". Work continues on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, reading New Year's fairy tales and stories.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The plan reflects activities aimed at artistic and aesthetic development: d.i. “Lay out the pattern”, “What does the oval look like”, “Come up with a dance”. Children make gifts for their parents for the New Year.

Physical development

The teacher talks to the children about the need to brush their teeth, offers games aimed at physical development children, learns counting rhymes and introduces other ways of choosing a leader.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive development Speech development Physical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "All the children gathered in a circle." Purpose: To promote team building.Conversation "How beautiful our city is during the holiday." Purpose: to expand ideas about people who care about the beauty of their native city.Logarithmic exercise "We ride a horse." Purpose: to form ZKR and speech breathing.Making Christmas gifts for parents. Purpose: to encourage the desire of children to please their parents.Fizminutka "New Year". Purpose: to develop coordination of speech and movement.
Clearing of snow and debris from the paths on the site. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, sociability, to teach to work together.Looking at bird tracks in the snow. Purpose: to expand knowledge about wintering birds, to find out by the trail which bird it belongs to.Exercise "Christmas toys". Purpose: to exercise in agreeing adjectives and nouns by gender.Split pictures " Musical instruments". Purpose: to consolidate the names of musical instruments.P.i. "Frost-red nose". Purpose: to satisfy the need of children to run. Exercise "Tram". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to move one after another.
2 p.d.Conversation "My cherished desire". Purpose: to teach children kindness and responsiveness.Cognitive-research activity "States of water". Purpose: to remind children that water can be in different states.Reading S. Bordner "Meeting the New Year." Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the fairy tale.Creative games in the theater corner. Purpose: to promote the development of creativity in dramatizations.Conversation "Queen Toothbrush". Purpose: to form the desire to brush your teeth.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Split pictures "Road signs". Purpose: to fix the names of road signs.Exercise "How many ...". Purpose: to form the ability to count to 5.Finger gymnastics "Yolochka" N. Nishcheva. Purpose: to develop fine motor skills. Song-staging "Fun" Zheleznov. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to play along with musical instruments.Exercise "Snow fight". Purpose: to continue to develop throwing skills.
Putting things in order on the site and the veranda. Purpose: to prepare the veranda for decoration.Di. "Put it in order." Purpose: to form the ability to focus on the size of the object.Di. "Happy Account" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form plural nouns.Independent drawing. Purpose: to form the ability to leave the workplace in order.P.i. "Giants are dwarfs." Purpose: to achieve the correct wide stride. P.i. "Frost-red nose". Purpose: to satisfy the need of children to run.

Monday 14.12.2015Theme of the week: "Workshop of Santa Claus".


Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Morning gymnastics.Conversation : How our city is preparing for the New Year. Target: Enrich children's ideas about the upcoming holiday, create a joyful mood. Speech development: I. Tokmakova"Live, Christmas tree!".

memorization Target: . (Roma, Dasha M.).

Desktop printed games.

Target: Encourage the desire of children to master the rules of the simplest desktop printed games, learn to obey the rules in the game.

Visual information for parents: Let's read the tale "How Forty Klesta judged"; "Let's play"; “Learning to observe changes in nature”; "Hardening groups"; "Reasons for the inefficiency of hardening effects."

9.00 -09.20



Cognitive development (FEMP). "Rectangle" (fixing). Target: Continue learning to make a rectangle from counting sticks, find and name rectangular objects in the environment, repeat temporary representations: yesterday, today, tomorrow. (V.N. Novikova No. 13 p. 39)

Games with a psychologist

Music according to the specialist's plan


10.10 – 12.15

Weather observation. Goals: Continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba seasonal phenomenon - black ice; develop observation.

"Movement development".

Goals: Strengthen the ability to run fast; develop agility and throwing power.(Mitya, Kostya).

Games on the playground at the request of the children. Target: Encourage the desire of children to organize a game with peers, learn to equip a place for a game, select attributes, and implement a game plan.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.



15.00 – 16.30

Speech development: S.Marshak"Winter".

(for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"Choose a word." Target: Develop ingenuity, the ability to select the right words within the meaning of.( Matvey Ch., Dasha M.).

Games in the corner of the theater (at the choice of children).Target: To evoke in children the need for emotional communication.


16.30 – 18.45

Labor activity: Clearing snow from paths, benches.Target: educate the desire to help adults in cleaning the area from snow.Outdoor games: "Ducklings". Target: Learn to jump into a circle and jump out on command, find your "houses". "Dog and sparrows". Goals: To consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds; learn to imitate their voices.

Planning of educational workTuesday 12/15/2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "Winter months". Target: To teach children to name the winter months, give them a brief description, make short stories from pictures.Speech development: V. Bianchi's tale:Sinichkin calendar December.

memorization poems and songs for the New Year's party.Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation. (Gleb, Natasha).

Independent play activity children, story games(selection of games by children according to their interests). Target: Expand the scope of independent actions of children in choosing a role. Learn to unite in the game with peers, lead role-playing dialogues, take the initiative and suggest new roles or activities.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -09.20


The development of speech. Teaching storytelling from the picture “This is a snowman!”. Target: To teach children to compose stories according to the picture without repetitions and omissions of essential information. Teach the ability to come up with a name for a picture.(V.V. Gerbova Lesson 3 p. 45)

Physical culture (street)



Observation of birch and mountain ash. Goals: To form knowledge about plant life in winter;develop respect for nature.

"Movement development".

Target: Train in running along a narrow path, with acceleration and deceleration of the pace.

(Amelia, Tasya).

Independent motor activity. Target: Teach children to organize games on their own, find activities of their own interests.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.15 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Teachneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 – 16. 30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.

Speech development: N. Nekrasov"Snowball".

Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"What shapes does the object consist of?".

Target: Teaches children to recreate the shape of an object from geometric shapes.(Dasha V., Mitya, Matvey G.).

Board games "Paired pictures", "Domino", "Puzzles".Target: Cultivate the ability to play together, obey the rules.


16. 30 – 1 8 .4 5

Labor activity: Cleaning up equipment after games.Target: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.Outdoor games: "Mice in the pantry." Target: Learn to crawl without touching the arc, while developing dexterity and dexterity."Black and white". Target: To consolidate the ability to catch up with those who run away on a signal in a given space.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning of educational workWednesday 12/16/2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation: "About New Year's toys and looking at a picture of a decorated Christmas tree." Target: create joyful mood. Speech development : Z. Alexandrova"Christmas tree".

memorization poems and songs for the New Year's party.Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation. (Roma, Amelia).

Construction Games

Target: To learn to analyze a model of a building (to highlight the main parts, to distinguish and correlate them in size and shape), to create buildings commensurate with the existing toys.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Parent meeting (group and general).

Direct educational activities

9.00 - 09.20


Physical Culture according to the specialist's plan

Cognitive development (FTsKM). New Year's Moscow. Target: A story-talk about the upcoming holiday: decoration of city streets, shop windows; learning poetry. ( N.S. Golitsyn forward planning Middle group page 15)



Watching wind.

Target: Learn to determine the presence and direction of the wind.

"Hit the snowball on the target."

Target: Develop the eye and the power of the throw.(Ulyana, Matvey G.).

Takeaway games: toys, spatulas.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.15 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Teachneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 16.30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.

Speech development: S. Yesenin"Winter sings - calls out ...". Target: Encourage children to develop an interest in poetry.Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"Say the opposite." Target: Practice using antonyms in speech.(Dasha M., Ksyusha).

Desktop printed games. Target: Clarify children's understanding of the rules of familiar games, offer to tell the rules. To teach children to play in pairs, taking turns playing the role of an organizer, player, inspector.


16.30 18.45

Labor activity: Tidying up the site.Target: Teach meticulousness.Outdoor games: "Crow - sparrow." Goals: - listen carefully to the teacher and perform actions on command; exercise orientation in space; cultivate friendships."Shaggy dog". Target: Continue to learn to move around the site, following the instructions that are given in the form of a game.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning of educational workThursday 17.12.2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Morning gymnastics.Conversation: « Birds". Target: Continue to acquaint children with wintering birds, teach them to recognize and name them.Speech development: R. Kudasheva"Winter".

memorization poems and songs for the New Year's party.Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation. (Roma, Dasha V.).

Drawing in the ISO corner.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities

9.00 - 09.20


Drawing. "Our elegant Christmas tree." Target: To teach children to convey an image in a drawing Christmas tree. To form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extending downwards. Learn to use paints of different colors, gently apply one paint to another only after drying. Cause a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings. (T.S. Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten Middle group No. 39 p. 50)

Music according to the specialist's plan



Crow watching.

Goals: Continue to introduce the crow;to deepen knowledge about its habitat, appearance, nutrition, reproduction;to cultivate humane feelings for birds, the desire to take care of them.

"Movement development".

Target: Practice running with a “snake”, running around objects placed in a row.(Ulna, Tasya).

Games with portable material.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.20 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Teachneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 16.30

Gradual rise of children. Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.Speech development:

Reading at the choice of children.

Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

What does the toy say about itself? Target: To teach children to describe an object, highlighting its most characteristic features, to develop coherent speech.(Dasha M., Kostya).

Fairy tale dramatization "Hare hut".

Target: Development of the ability to interact

in a group game.


16.30 18.45

Labor activity: Sweeping the veranda.Target: Learn to use whisks correctly. Outdoor games: Ravens. Target: Learn to jump on two legs, run in different directions, pronounce the text clearly and correctly."Migratory birds". Goals: Learn to run all over the site, do not stand against the wall; climb into an empty seat, yielding to each other; get down to the end without jumping off.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning of educational workFriday 12/18/2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Morning gymnastics.

"Compiling a descriptive story from a picture and a proposed plan." Target: Formation of the ability to compose a descriptive story according to the picture and the proposed plan. Contribute to the development of coherent speech, clarify the dictionary on the topic “Soon New Year». Speech development:

R.N.S."Snow Maiden".

memorization poems and songs for the New Year's party.Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation. (Amelia, Kostya, Ksyusha).

Games in the play area.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -09.20


Application. "Beads on the tree". Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of round and oval shapes. Learn to cut the corners of rectangles and squares to get oval and round beads; alternate beads of different shapes; stick neatly, evenly, in the middle of the sheet.(T.S. Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten Middle group No. 38 p. 49)

Physical Culture according to the specialist's plan



Observation behind the wind.

Target: Continue to improve skills in determining the presence and direction of the wind.

"Movement development".

Target: Strengthen the skills of good repulsion and soft landing. (Tasya, Matvey G., Roma).

Labor activity

Territory cleaning.

Target: To accustom to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.15 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Teachneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 16.30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.

Speech development: Russian folktale"Frost".

Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"One is many."

Target: To consolidate the ability to form a plural form. number of pet names. (Ulyana, Matvey G.).

Finger games.

Target: Contribute to the creation of a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words, to the intonation of the voice. Continue to teach imitative play actions.


16.30 18.45

Labor activity: Buildings made of snow on the site.Goals: To teach to help the teacher in the construction of snow; cultivate friendships.Outdoor games: "Two frosts". Target: To instill the ability to perform characteristic movements according to the text. "The deer has a big house." Target: Strengthen the ability to correlate movement with text.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

asiyat tazheva
Calendar plan "Workshop of Santa Claus"

Calendar plan

Topic: « Workshop of Santa Claus» Final event: New Year's party.



26.12 Morning exercises

Topic: "Childhood" p. 324)

Labor assignments:

Table setting;

Duty in a corner of nature, in the dining room, in the classroom.

Duty in a corner of nature - wipe the dust from the shelves of cabinets.

Target: to cultivate industriousness.

Conversation: “How our city is preparing for the New Year”.

Target: Enrich children's ideas about the upcoming holiday, create a joyful mood

IZO studio

By specialist's plan.

Weather observation.

Goals: Continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba seasonal phenomenon - black ice; develop observation.

Outdoor games: "Ducklings".

Target: Learn to jump into a circle and jump out on command, find your "houses".

"Dog and Sparrows".

Goals: To consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds; learn to imitate their voices.

Games on the playground at the request of the children.

Target: Encourage the desire of children to organize a game with peers, learn to equip a place for a game, select attributes, and implement a game plan. Desktop printed games.

Target: Encourage children to learn the rules of the simplest printed board games, learn to obey the rules in the game.

Games in the corner of the theater (at the choice of children).

Target: Arouse in children the need for emotional communication.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Job "Choose a Word".

Target: Develop ingenuity, the ability to select the right words according to the meaning (Sonya P. and Lisa)

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate the ability to navigate in the kindergarten area, to find an object according to the description.

Roma G. and Maxim.

Target (Andrey and Leo)

Calendar plan educational activities in preparatory group from 26.12 – 30.12

Topic: « Workshop of Santa Claus» final event: New Year's party.

Target: Activating the interest of children and parents in joint productive activities.

Day of the week Morning Walk Evening

27.12 Morning exercises

Topic: “If you went out with a friend…”(Working program according to the program "Childhood" p. 324)

Conversation "Winter months".

Target: To teach children to name the winter months, give them a brief description, make short stories from pictures.

Speech development: V. Bianchi fairy tale: Sinichkin December calendar» .

Observation of birch and mountain ash.

Goals: To form knowledge about plant life in winter; develop respect for nature.

P / s "Throw the snow"- to teach children to swing and throw, throw a snowball at a distance, develop coordination of movements, mobility of the joints of the hands, an eye.


Goals: learn to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.

labor in nature: snow removal from buildings. Invite the children to look around and say where snow is needed, and where it interferes and needs to be removed.

Independent motor activity.

Target: To teach children to organize games on their own, to find activities of interest.

Independent play activities of children, story games (selection of games by children according to interests).

Target: Expand the scope of independent actions of children in choosing a role. To learn to unite in the game with peers, to conduct role-playing dialogues, to take the initiative and to propose new roles or actions.

Board games "Paired Pictures", "Domino", "Puzzles".

Target: Cultivate the ability to play together, obey the rules.

DI "I will start and you continue"

Target: to teach children to retell the read work (Maxim and Ilyusha)

Memorizing poems and songs for the New Year's party.

Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation. Luda and Makar

Calendar plan educational activities in the preparatory group from 26.12 - 30.12

Topic: « Workshop of Santa Claus» Final event: New Year's party.

Target: Activating the interest of children and parents in joint productive activities.

Day of the week morning GCD Walk Evening

28.12 Morning exercises

Topic: “If you went out with a friend…”(Working program according to the program "Childhood" p. 324)

Duty in a corner of nature - offer to wipe the dust on large leaves of plants.

Target: to cultivate the ability and desire to care for flowers.

Conversation: "About New Year's toys and looking at a picture of a decorated Christmas tree".

Target: Create a joyful mood.

Speech development: Z. Aleksandrova "Christmas tree".

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Music lesson

"New Year's Eve" Wind observation.

Target: Learn to determine the presence and direction of the wind.

"Hit the snowball on the target".

Target: Develop eye and throw strength. Remote games material: toys, spatulas.

labor activity: Tidying up the area.

Target: To teach to be careful.

Outdoor games: "Crow - Sparrow".

Goals: - listen carefully to the teacher and perform actions on command; exercise orientation in space; cultivate friendships.

"Shaggy Dog".

Target: Continue to learn to move around the court, following the instructions that are given in the form of a game.

Remind children to dry their clothes after a walk.

Talk to children about safe behavior walk:

dress according to the weather, do not take snow in your mouth, do not touch metal objects with your tongue.

Topic: "St. Petersburg - New Year's City"

Target: A story-talk about the coming holiday: decoration of city streets, shop windows; learning verses.

Desktop printed games.

Target: Clarify children's understanding of the rules of familiar games, offer to tell the rules. To teach children to play in pairs, taking turns playing the role of an organizer, a player, a checker

Memorizing poems and songs for the New Year's party.

Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation.

(Maxim and Sonya). Skiing.

Goals: exercise in walking on the track; develop agility, endurance (Masha and Sophia). "Say the opposite".

Target: Practice using antonyms in speech.

Vika and Sophia.

Calendar plan educational activities in the preparatory group from 26.12 - 30.12

Topic: « Workshop of Santa Claus» Final event: New Year's party.

Target: Activating the interest of children and parents in joint productive activities.

Day of the week Morning GCD Walk Evening

29.12 Morning exercises

Topic: How do animals prepare for winter?


Examining the illustrations Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Target: develop children's cognitive interest

IZO studio

By specialist's plan. Watching the wind

Goals: expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature;

generate interest in natural phenomena.

Labor activity

Hill building.

Target: bring up friendly attitude to each other.

Outdoor games "Who is the most accurate?".

Goals: exercise in throwing objects;

develop an eye. "Draw a Tree".

Target: to consolidate the ability to draw a variety of trees in the snow.

Drawing. "Our elegant Christmas tree". Target: To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in a drawing. To form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extending downwards. Learn to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Cause a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings. (T. S. Komarova)

Didactic game "Guess what the patterns on the windows look like"

Target: strengthening the ability to compose a story using descriptive adjectives, find similarities and differences, develop attention, imagination, speech.

"Hit the target".

Target: to develop an eye and the strength of the throw.

Misha and Makar.

Memorizing poems and songs for the New Year's party.

Target: Learn to emotionally recite a poem by heart, conveying stimulating and exclamatory intonation.

Luda and Sasha.

Calendar plan educational activities in the preparatory group from 26.12 - 30.12

Topic: « Workshop of Santa Claus» Final event: New Year's celebration

Target: Activating the interest of children and parents in joint productive activities.

Day of the week Morning Walk Evening

30.12 Morning exercises

Topic: How do animals prepare for winter?

(L. A. Sokolova complexes of plot morning exercises p. 75).

Labor assignments:

Duty in a corner of nature.

Conversations: "Why Grandpa freezing only comes in winter

Target: to develop coherent speech of children, curiosity.

A game "Grandfather The frost is gone»

Target: develop a sense of rhythm, interest in what is happening, coordination of movements, speech, memory, attention.

Observation "winter sunset"

Target: to teach children to convey their thoughts in speech, to correctly build statements.

"Movement of snowflakes and wind"

Target: develop observation, learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

mobile game "Two frost»

Target: to teach children to organize the game on their own "

Sports game bandy.

To consolidate the ability of children to hold the stick so that it touches the surface of the site, dribble the ball in a certain direction, teach them to pass to a partner. Journey game "Visiting Winter".

Target: be able to represent different signs,

phenomena of winter and depict them.

Theatrical activities: “How forest animals prepare for a meeting with Grandfather frost»

Target: to maintain interest in theatrical activities by actively involving children in game actions. Learn to convey the characteristic images of animals, come up with congratulations.

The exercise "Let's collect beads for the Christmas tree Santa Claus»

Goals: develop fine motor skills of the fingers; consolidate the perception of shape, color. (Lisa and Maxim). Throwing snowballs into the distance and at the target.

Target: develop coordination of movements

Alice and Roma P.

Learning tongue twisters "Christmas tree in sparkles"

Target: to develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Plan of work "Holidays with Santa Claus"

1 day 01/09/2017. snowflake day

Game Library Center:

Jumping game "Catch the snowflake"

Playing with words and movements "Snow Woman"

Science Center:

Printing snowflakes on the snow using stencils - in different weather

Experiments with snow "It melts - it doesn't melt"

Looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass

book center:

Reading poems about snowflakes, about snowfall

Construction Center:

Making snowflakes out of sticks

Center for Mathematics:

The exercise "Count the snowflakes"

Today we will have a "Snowflake Day", which means we sculpt, draw, sing songs about a snowflake, learn poems, walk and catch snowflakes in our hands.

Curious facts about snowflakes:

It turns out that snowflakes necessarily have six rays, there are no pentagonal or heptagonal snowflakes.

When it snows, it is easy to breathe, this is due to the fact that snowflakes purify the air from dust and burning.

Snowflakes are absolutely transparent, we perceive them as white because of the refraction of light at the edges of the crystals.

Snowflakes are formed from water vapor, not water! If a snowflake has melted, then it is impossible to restore its shape!

Conversation: Where do snowflakes come from? Did Santa Claus bring them?

Reading book "Acquaintance with the nature of Russia" N.A. Guryeva, the story "Snow".

“In a snowfall, in calm calm weather, snowflakes fall from the clouds to the ground, like small parachutes. It used to be thought that snow is frozen droplets of water and it comes from the same clouds as rain. But then scientists proved that snow is never born from water droplets. Water vapor is always in the air. In spring, summer and autumn, steam turns into raindrops, and in winter - into snowflakes. It turns out that water vapor rises very high above the ground, where it is very cold, and tiny crystals form from them. The crystal grows because other tiny crystals join it. Having grown heavy, this crystal begins to sink to the ground. Falling, it continues to grow and turns into a beautiful star - a snowflake. Substituting a mitten, you can catch a snowflake and admire its pattern. It seems that each snowflake is not like the others, but scientists have been able to identify several basic shapes of snowflakes. They were even given names: a star, a plate, a column, a needle, a hedgehog.

snowflake watching: The shape of the snowflakes depends on the weather.

Labor activity: Snow removal on the site.

Goals: collect snow in a bucket and bring water to the group for watering plants; instruct to clear the paths.

Outdoor games:"Snowflakes", "Who will run to the flag sooner?".

Purpose: to develop accuracy, dexterity, speed, ingenuity (complication - include overcoming obstacles).

Individual work:“Who will jump higher?” Purpose: to teach high jump, develop strength, dexterity.

Advice for parents: "The composition of the children's first aid kit" To acquaint parents with the necessary composition of the children's first aid kit.

Day 2 01/10/2017. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

Role-playing center games:

Acting out the situation: new year for toys

Science Center:

Experiments with water:

"Colored Water"

"Ice toys for the Christmas tree on the street"

book center:

Exhibition of books about the Christmas tree

Concert for puppets: reading poems about the Christmas tree

art center:

Drawing with cotton buds "Decorate the Christmas tree with balls"

Modeling "Christmas balls"

Center for Mathematics:

The exercise "Friendly family"- laying out Christmas trees in height

Observation: Examination of windows d / s, decorated for the new year, Christmas trees.

spruce watching

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of spruce.

Labor activity

Collective work on the site for snow removal.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use a wooden spatula.

Outdoor games

"Traps", "From Bank to Bank".

Purpose: to exercise in loose running, jumping over the cord.

Individual work

“Jump to the flag”, “Into the gates”.

Purpose: to exercise in jumping on two legs with advancement, in crawling.

Motor: P \ n .: "Christmas tree",", p \ and "I'm not afraid of frost ...", p \ and " Balloon".

Working with parents: Folder shift "Winter and winter signs" Expand the understanding of children and parents about the season "Winter"

Day 3 11.01.2017.- Our friend Santa Claus

art center:

Application "Mitten for Santa Claus"

Game center:

running game "I will freeze"

Puzzle games "Collect a picture - you will see Santa Claus"

Science Center:

Experiments with paper "Let's show Santa Claus the magic balls"- rolling lumps from different types paper

book center:

Entertainment: "Santa Claus makes riddles"

Goals and objectives:

Purpose: - To introduce children to the history of the origin of Santa Claus.

History of Santa Clauses from other countries. Acquaintance with the folklore of our distant ancestors.

The development of the motor sphere in combination with music and words.

Generate interest in the environment.

To expand knowledge about the birthday of Santa Claus.

Expand the information space; enrich vocabulary; to systematize children's ideas about the seasons, the signs of winter, the names of the months; increasing the speech activity of children.

Develop creative thinking, general, fine, articulatory motor skills, directed air jet; improve the ability to coordinate speech with movement; activate vocabulary; expand children's ideas about the images of Santa Claus

Activate attention, memory of children.

To educate children's interest in joint activities with adults and peers, in changes in nature that occur in winter.

Work with children:

Observing changes in nature.

Reading fiction about winter, Santa Claus, Using an artistic word (memorizing poems to clearly pronounce words, guessing riddles).

Drawing portraits of Santa Claus, designing the residence of Santa Claus in Ustyug.

Working with parents (making greeting cards for Santa Claus)

Reading fairy tales with children.

A conversation about the seasons. Birthday of Santa Claus.

Presentation Birthday of the Russian Santa Claus (slides)

Lesson on the development of coherent speech (Compiling a story from a picture)

To give children the opportunity to feel like the keepers of the national culture and traditions of Russia

Labor activity: Building a snow slide.

Purpose: to teach to collect snow in a pile and compact it with shovels.

mobile game: "The dog and the sparrows." Goals:

Individual work: Movement development.

Objectives: - to learn to navigate the site; - find a hidden object according to a verbal description.

Day 4 01/12/2017.- On a visit to the bunny

Game center:

mobile game "White Bunny sits"

art center: Bunny Coloring Page

modeling "Let's treat the bunny with a carrot"

Science Center:

Experiments with water "Let's ride a bunny on a boat"- testing different materials

book center:

Fairy tale tabletop theater show "Zayushkina's hut"

Construction Center:

Let's build a bunny house (path, fence)- playing around the building

Reading the story of E. Charushin "Hares"

P.S. "Bunny without a house"

P \ and "Bunnies" (imitation action). Purpose: development of motor skills.

Conversation "Wild animals"

Watching the wind

Purpose: to continue to improve skills in determining the presence and direction of the wind.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow in a specific place for buildings. Goals:

learn to do the job well;

develop a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor games

Traps, Crows and Nests.

Purpose: to teach to run around the site, quickly responding to the teacher's signal.

Conversation with parents on the topic “Snow buildings” Involve parents in the construction of snow buildings in the area for children to play educators

Day 5 01/13/2017 - Matryoshka gatherings

book center:

Acquaintance with the matryoshka through guessing riddles about it

Role-playing center games:

Situation "Let's drink matryoshka with tea"

art center: Application: "Merry nesting doll"

Finger painting “Decorate a sundress for a nesting doll with flowers”

Science Center:

Experiments with wooden toys to identify their properties

Center for Mathematics:

The exercise: “Pick up handkerchiefs of the same color as the sundress of the matryoshka”

Plot. roll. games: "Family", "On a visit to Mana and Vanya", based on the fairy tales "Turnip". "Teremok"

Game situations: “We sing nursery rhymes and play a little”, “Birthday” (Russian Nar. Tradition - “Loaf”)

"Bayu - bayushki, bayu, bayu my Masha" (singing lullabies)

Did. Games:

"Learn by description"

“Let's dress the Dunyasha doll” (Russian national costume);

"Let's dress the Dunyasha doll for a walk" (sheepskin coat, shawl, mittens, felt boots)

"Wonderful chest"

"Dinner for Matryoshka"

“Know by taste”, “Cubs and adult animals”, “Who screams like”

Game - gatherings"Ladushki visiting grandma"

Game - entertainment"Cat Vaska", "We walked around the room"

Game - round dance: "We are nesting dolls"

The game is the situation: "Music Box"

Formation of a positive attitude towards the history and culture of the Russian people

Watching the weather Goals:

Continue to expand and deepen our understanding of the sun in winter conditions;

To form an interest in inanimate objects of nature.

Labor activity: Building a snow slide.

Target: learn to collect snow in a pile and compact it with shovels.

mobile game: "The dog and the sparrows." Goals:

consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds;

Individual work: Development of movements.

Goals:- learn to navigate the site; - find a hidden object according to a verbal description.

Working with parents: Consultation: “We grow an assistant” Give recommendations to parents at what age is it best to start accustoming educators to work