Skyrim codes 5 backpack weight. Skyrim cheat codes - for armor, money, shouts, items, weapons, immortality. Skyrim cheats to enhance skills

Cheating, in particular the use of skill codes on Skyrim, is often criticized. At the same time, it is not considered shameful to turn gaming flaws to your advantage. Few players have never attacked the unrequited Ralof or Hadvor on their way from Helgen.

Probably, only a few did not take free shooting lessons from the trusting Fendal, and Talos himself ordered to practice fighting skills on Shadow Mane.

Fast pumping character with the help of codes, in principle, does not differ from the listed actions. This way of developing skills will take less time and save the keyboard and mouse from premature wear.

Skill boosting codes for Skyrim

The "player.setav" cheat is used to increase the real value of the skill, to which the base value is added, multiplied by the percentage specified by the player. Introduction formula:

player.setav [X] [Y]

Instead of "X", the English name of the skill is put, and "Y" means the number of percent by which the skill will increase. For example, you can increase the skill of using a two-handed weapon like this:

player.setav TwoHandedPowerMod 50

Shooting (MarksmanPowerMod), blocking (BlockPowerMod) and one-handed weapons (OneHandedPowerMod) are pumped in the same way.

All skill enhancement codes:

TwoHandedPowerMod Two-handed weapon
MarksmanPowerMod bows
BlockPowerMod shield
SmithingPowerMod blacksmith craft
HeavyArmorPowerMod heavy armor
LightArmorPowerMod light armor
PickPocketPowerMod pickpocketing
LockpickingPowerMod breaking
SneakPowerMod stealth
AlchemyPowerMod alchemy
SpeechcraftPowerMod eloquence

The main parameter of the character, showing his experience and strength. The level grows by increasing various skills (to get a new level - you need to go to the skills menu). For increasing the level, one point of abilities (perks) is given and the opportunity to increase health, magic or stamina by 10 units. Increasing the stamina also increases the maximum carrying capacity by 5.

In Skyrim, there is no direct relationship, for example, 10 skill increases = 1 level, and although the exact formula has not yet been found, the relationship is as follows:

  • The higher the level of the skill, the more it adds to the scale of level growth with increasing this skill.
  • The higher the level, the more increases in various skills are required.

For example, having a 70th level, an increase in underdeveloped skills will ate-ate move the level progress bar, while an increase in highly developed skills (for example, from 99 to 100) will significantly increase the progress of level growth.

Maximum level

Level restrictions are not embedded in the physics of the game (perhaps this was done in view of future additions, and possibly to avoid bugs).

But, having pumped all skills to 100, you will only get 81 level (and 80 ability points, respectively).

Is it possible, having level 81, to collect large fines for crimes, then go to jail, lower skills, and then pump them again, and raise the level - it is not known (but in the near future I will definitely try and write).

In any case, with various trainers and cheats, the level 100, 150 and 200 is taken easily.


The amount of health determines how much damage a character can suffer before dying. When health is at its maximum, it is not displayed on the screen. And only in the case when it is not equal to 100% - it is displayed at the bottom of the screen with a red stripe.

You can increase your health:

  • By enchanting (items: armor, shield, amulet, ring);
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (Ingredients: Bearded Moss, Blue Mountain Blossom, Bear Claws, Giant's Finger, Wheat, Glowing Mushroom);
  • With the help of Arkay's Blessing, + 25 units for 8 hours (gives the Shrine of Arkay);

Health regeneration

If health is below the maximum value, it regenerates in real time.

Out of combat, health regenerates at 3% per second of the maximum value.
During the battle, 0.49%.

You can increase health regeneration with a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: namira rot, moon moth wing, sea acorn, vampire dust, garlic, juniper berries).

There are no health regeneration enchanting properties.

Disable health regeneration

This is done using the console command (key "~"): player.modav healrate -0.7 *


Magic is spent on using spells, and its amount determines how long you can use spells in battle, without additional replenishment. The starting 100 units of magic are very lacking, especially for those who have chosen the path of magic, but at high levels of the game, its amount is easily replaced by enchanted items, giving a total of 100% reduction in the consumption of magic of a particular school (i.e., spells will be 0 magic each).

When the amount of magic is at its maximum, it is not displayed on the screen. When magic is less than the maximum value, its amount is displayed in a blue scale at the bottom left of the screen.

You can increase magic:

  • When you get a new level by 10 units;
  • By enchanting
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: heather heart, jazby grapes, red mountain flower, cotton grass, void salts, histcarp, ectoplasm);
  • With the help of the guardian stone Atronach (+50 to magic, 50% absorption of spells, restoration of magic is slowed down by 50%);
  • With the Blessing of Julianos, + 25 points for 8 hours (gives the shrine of Julianos);

Regeneration of magic

If the magic is below the maximum value, it regenerates in real time.

Out of combat, magic regenerates 3% per second, from the maximum value.

During the battle, 0.99%.

You can increase the regeneration of magic:

  • With a potion for 60 seconds (Ingredients: Jazby Grape, Dwemer Oil, Moon Sugar, Fire Salts, Salt, Taproot, Garlic);
  • By enchanting (items: helmet, armor, ring);

Also, all magical robes have the ability to increase the regeneration of magic.

Disable magic regeneration.

It is done using the console command ("~" key): player.modav magickarate -100 *

Power reserve

The reserve of forces is an important tactical resource, which is spent on running (moving with Alt held down) and on power attacks. Increasing the reserve of strength with increasing level also increases the maximum carried weight by 5. But enchanting items for a bonus to endurance does not increase the carried weight.

When the reserve of forces is full, it is not displayed on the screen. Otherwise, the power reserve is displayed by a green bar, at the bottom right of the screen.

You can increase the reserve of strength:

  • When you get a new level by 10 units;
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (Ingredients: Large Horns, Killer Fish Caviar, Lavender, Firefly Thorax, Garlic, Corus Egg);
  • By enchanting (items: armor, boots, amulet, ring);
  • With the help of the Blessing of Kynareth, + 25 units for 8 hours (gives the sanctuary of Kynareth);

Regeneration of stamina

If the power reserve is below the maximum value, it regenerates in real time.

Outside of combat, the reserve of forces is regenerated at 5% per second of its maximum value.
During the battle, 1.75%.

You can increase the regeneration of the reserve of strength:

  • With the help of a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: tapinella pestilence, fly agaric, bee, scales);
  • By enchanting (items: gloves, boots, amulet);

The weight

Weight determines how much cargo your character can carry without penalties. The base value is 300. In case of exceeding the tolerated weight, you will not be able to run and make fast movements on the map.

A funny trick: if, having a load of 295/300, you can “hold in your hands” (point at an object and hold “E”), for example, an ax with a weight of 20, you can move freely without a penalty. And if you take it into your inventory, then there will be an overweight with corresponding penalties.

You can increase weight:

  • When you get a new level (by increasing the reserve of strength, you will also receive +5 to the maximum carried weight);
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: fighting fish, hawk beak, giant's finger, shroud of haze, creeping vine, scales);
  • By enchanting (items: boots);

Important: enchanting items with a bonus to stamina does not add to the carry weight.

Solving overweight problems

Almost all players are faced with the problem of overweight, when it seems that there is nothing superfluous, but still the weight is extremely lacking. Most go straight ahead - they are pumping the reserve of strength, but this path is not the best - nevertheless, pumping health or magic is more useful. So how do you get out of the situation with an advantage?

  • At first, the Horse Stone will help, which gives an increase of +100 to the weight;
  • Give heavy items to allies and partners;
  • Buy a house, and put unnecessary items in it (ingredients, potions - which at first glance do not weigh anything, in total they can give a significant load);
  • If you are wearing heavy armor, learn the "Stubborn training" ability (requires 70 skill), and the equipped armor will not weigh anything;
  • If you are wearing light armor, learn the ability “Second skin” (requires 50 skill), and the light armor equipped will not weigh anything;
  • Learn the ability "Patch Pockets" in the pickpockets tree (not expensively pumped from teachers), which will give a permanent +100 weight gain.

As a result, without investing a single point in the reserve of strength, you can have 400 transferred weight, and the armor you wear will not weigh anything.

Armor class

Armor class is the sum of the "Armor" indicators of all the armor that you are wearing. The armor class reduces the physical damage taken by the character.

  • By wearing light armor, you get a lower armor class, but you can move freely, run, and hide better.
  • Having put on heavy armor, you will receive a higher class of armor, but also a penalty to the speed of running, attack (penalties can be removed by learning the "Stubborn training" ability in the heavy armor branch). Heavy armor makes more noise during movement, which makes it harder to hide in them.

You can upgrade your armor class:

  • Wearing higher quality armor;
  • By improving the armor on the anvil (read more: blacksmithing);
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients for light armor: moon moth wing, honeycomb, hawk feathers, bee's nest, malevolent tail; ingredients for heavy armor: whitefish, thistle branch, ice ghost teeth, saber tooth, killer fish scales);
  • By enchanting (items: armor, gloves, amulet, ring);
  • With the help of abilities ( light armor: "Dexterity in defense" - 5 levels with a 20% increase in armor and "Full set" giving a 25% increase when wearing a full set of light armor; heavy armor: "Juggernaut" - 5 levels with a 20% increase and "Full set" giving a 25% increase when wearing a full set of heavy armor).


The damage parameter affects how much damage you inflict on the enemy with a weapon strike. The higher the value, the more damage you do. But the damage is not equal to the damage dealt. V this moment we do not know the formulas by which the final damage to the enemy is calculated.

The minimum damage is for daggers, and the maximum is for two-handed hammers.

Damage is divided into 3 types:

  • One-handed weapon damage
  • Two-handed weapon damage
  • Shooting Damage

Damage of one type or another is influenced by various properties, skills and abilities. Let's consider them in more detail.

The damage of one-handed weapons can be increased:

  • By increasing the skill one-handed weapon;
  • Due to the ability "Strong hand" (5 levels, the sum of which gives a 100% increase in damage);
  • By enchanting
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: bearded moss, small pearl, bear claws, hawk feathers, dog root, origma egg);

The damage of two-handed weapons can be increased:

  • By increasing the skill two-handed weapon;
  • Due to the ability "Barbarian" (5 levels, the sum of which gives a 100% increase in damage);
  • By enchanting (items: gloves, boots, amulet, ring);
  • Using a potion for 60 seconds (ingredients: troll fat, fly agaric, dragon tongue);

Shooting damage can be increased:

For now, the game only has bows, but there will probably be new types of ranged weapons in the future.

  • By increasing the skill of shooting;
  • Due to the ability "Excessive tension" (5 levels, the sum of which gives a 100% increase in damage);
  • By enchanting (items: helmet, gloves, amulet, ring);
  • With a potion for 60 seconds (Ingredients: Spider Egg, Dog Root, Elven Ear, Juniper Berries).


* Commands for disabling health and magic regeneration work correctly only at the first level. When used at other levels, the regeneration, although slowing down, may remain.

Spell damage and elemental resistances will be discussed separately.

If you have something to add to the page, or you know any formulas on the topic - write in the comments.

The elder Scrolls... How many emotions and associations this name of one of the most popular series evokes role-playing games of all time from Bethesda Softworks. Huge game worlds with a unique atmosphere, endless possibilities of action, many races from which you can choose and create your own character by customizing his appearance, an unusual pumping system that has many branches of perks and skills ... all this and much more is provided to us by a series of games The Elder Scrolls .

V Skyrim all this has become even more. To pump all skills, see all the spells and talents, weapons, locations and a bunch of everything else that the developers have crammed into Skyrim, it will take a long time. For the most curious players who want to get a glimpse of almost everything in the game, we have prepared a selection of codes for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. How to use them is up to you, but we strongly do not recommend using them for passing.
We remove squares when entering cheat codes in Skyrim as follows: go to the game folder (SkyrimDataInterface), find the fontconfig.txt file and replace the line “map“ $ ConsoleFont ”=“ Arial ”Normal” in it with “map“ $ ConsoleFont ”=“ FuturaTCYLigCon ”Normal”, save the changes ...

If the file is not saved or prompts you to save a copy of the file, do the following: uncheck the "Read only" checkbox in the properties of the fontconfig.txt file, click "Apply", then make changes to the file again, save it and check the box back.

to install English in the game console go to C: Documents and Settings User My Documents My Games Skyrim, open the Skyrim.ini file and find the line:

sLanguage = RUSSIAN

After it, add the command:

sConsole = ENGLISH

If, after these actions, the language in Skyrim consoles remained the same or you cannot find the Skyrim.ini file, then remove the sConsole = ENGLISH line (if added) and set the default English language in the operating system: Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options. The "Languages" tab, the "Details" button and in the drop-down menu select English, which, after these actions, will always be the default when the system boots.

To open the console, press the ~ (tilde) key and enter the following cheat codes:

Basic codes (cheats) for Skyrim

Immortality in Skyrim

Walk through walls

Open the whole world map
tmm 1

Kill all friends / enemies in sight

Learn all spells, dragon shouts and talents

Quick exit from the game

To increase level

Free flight mode

Steal without consequences

Disable / Enable artificial intelligence

Game time management in Skyrim(if you change the value from 0 to 10000, then the daily cycle games will take place in a few seconds)
set timescale to 0

Change gender (face does not change)

Launch character editor

Invisibility (can be disabled by changing the value from 1 to 0)
player.setav invisibility 1

Increase Maximum Carrying Weight
player.modav carryweight X

Change travel speed
player.setav speedmult X

Change the height of your character (value 1 - 100%, 2 - 200%, and so on)
player.setscale X

Jump height (default 100%)
setgs fJumpHeightMin 100

Set the maximum number of life units (instead of X, write the desired number)
player.setav Health X

Set the maximum number of magic units (instead of X, write the desired number)
player.setav Magicka X

Set the maximum number of units of the reserve of forces (instead of X we write the desired number)
player.setav Stamina X

Increase weapon damage (write the desired number instead of X)
player.setav attackdamagemult X

Increase the attack speed with the weapon in the left hand (instead of X, write the desired number)
player.setav leftweaponspeedmult X

Increase the attack speed with a weapon in the right hand (instead of X, write the desired number)
player.setav weaponspeedmult X

Load the weapon in your left hand (instead of X, write the desired number of charges)
player.setav LeftitemCharge X

Load the weapon in your right hand (instead of X, write the desired number of charges)
player.setav RightitemCharge X

Gold code (instead of X, write the desired number of coins)
player.additem 0000000F X

Code for lockpicks (instead of X, write the desired number of lockpicks)
player.additem 0000000A X

Summon Spectral Horse (works even indoors)
player.placeatme 0010BF90

Cancel the bounty on your head
player.setcrimegold 0

Code for the skill Lycanthropy - transformation into a werewolf (appears in the "Talents" section)
player.addspell 00092C48

Cure Vampirism (only works once)
setstage 000EAFD5 10

Teleport to the specified object (instead of the X ID of the object to which you want to move)
player.moveto X

Move to test location
coc qasmoke

Exit the test area (move to Riverwood)
coc riverwood

Remove all items from inventory

Codes (cheats) on Skyrim for selected objects

To activate the codes listed below, you need to go right up to the front of the animal, character or the desired object and, opening the console, click on it with the mouse. After that, the message "" (object_id) should appear in the console. The following codes can now be entered:

Abort the fight with the specified friendly character (before entering this command, activate the code player.setcrimegold 0)

Kill the selected character or animal

Resurrect selected character or animal
resurrect 1

Erase the memory of the selected NPC

Open the inventory of the selected character (you can exchange items)
openactorcontainer 1

Clear the inventory of the selected character

View the contents of the inventory of the selected object

Copy and paste all items from the selected NPC's inventory to your inventory
duplicateallitems player

Dress the selected character in the default outfit

Make the selected item a property

Open any lock

Hide specified object

Show object that was hidden with disable cheat

Codes (cheats) for enhancing skills in Skyrim

The codes below are intended to enhance any skills. If, for example, your skill with a one-handed weapon is 15 and you entered the code OneHandedPowerMod 100, then the value of your skill with a sword for one hand will increase by 100%. To undo the change, enter the required code with a value of 0.

Increase skill with one-handed weapons

Improve the ability to wield two-handed weapons

Improve bow skill

Improve the ability to wield a shield

Improve the skill of wielding a blacksmith's hammer

Improve the skill of using heavy armor

Improve the ability to use light armor

Improve pickpocketing skill

Improve the skill of picking locks with a master key

Improve stealth skill

Increase Alchemy Skill

Increase the skill of eloquence

Increase witchcraft skill

Increase the skill of destruction

Improve the skill of creating illusion

Increase the skill of restoration

Increase enchanting skill

If you know of any other cheat code for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, then write about it through the form to the author of the article.

How to enter codes (cheats) on consoles?

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is one of the most popular RPGs around. She has very large sales, and most of them come from game consoles - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox one, PS 4 and, more recently, Nintendo Switch.

Thus, a significant number of players are asking questions: how to enter the above cheat codes in the console version of the game? How to open the console on game console to enter codes?

In spite of great amount such and similar requests, no console version of Skyrim has the ability to enter codes. The reason is extremely commonplace: these versions of the game simply do not have a console opening function. And if there is nowhere to enter cheats, then you will not be able to use them.

Here you need to make one remark, because this practice of rejecting cheat codes is not so common. For example, in Grand Theft Auto 5 and many other games Rockstar games cheats are activated by special combinations of pressing the buttons of the gamepad. Alas, there is no such thing in TES 5: Skyrim.

The fact is that Skyrim codes are not exactly cheats from the point of view of the developers themselves. The game console is primarily used as a game debugging tool. With it, you can do almost everything: change the graphics parameters, create characters, edit any objects, disable and enable scripts, as well as many other technical elements of the game.

Those codes that are given in this article are just a drop in the ocean. console commands The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. In fact, there are many, many more. True, no good for game character most of them do not, therefore, we did not mention them here.

A similar situation with special teams was in Half-Life 2. In the PC version of the game, the user had access to the console. With its help, you could twirl the game, as you like, make many changes.

And yes, some teams could be considered as conditional "cheats" (getting all weapons, flying through walls, and so on), because they really helped in the passage of difficult moments. However, in console versions There was no Half-Life 2 console, as well as access to all this rich functionality.

With the help of these cheat codes for Skyrim, you can quickly pump all the skills and get all the perks. For this we need the following cheats:

advskill N X- raise the skill N by X experience units. The main team for pumping all skills and perks.

player.setav N X- set X skill level N. This cheat does not add "ability points", but is necessary when your skill level reaches 100.

player.setlevel N- set character level N (1-255). Can be used to lower the character level after using the advskill cheat.

List of all skill names for advskill and player.setav

Usage example:

advskill Destruction 100- raise "Destruction" by 100 experience (not levels)

player.setav Block 50- set 50 skill level "Block"

  1. Alchemy - alchemy
  2. Alteration - change
  3. Conjuration - witchcraft
  4. Destruction - destruction
  5. Enchanting - enchanting
  6. Illusion - Illusion
  7. Restoration - restoration
  8. Marksman - shooting
  9. Block - block
  10. HeavyArmor - heavy armor
  11. LightArmor - light armor
  12. Lockpicking - hack
  13. Onehanded - one-handed weapon
  14. Twohanded - two-handed weapon
  15. Pickpocket - pickpocketing
  16. Smithing is a blacksmithing business.
  17. Sneak - stealth
  18. Speechcraft - eloquence

To pump all the perks of all skills, do the following:

Using the advskill cheat (description above), we raise any skill to level 100.

Then we apply the code player.setav [skill name] 0 (without brackets) - set the level of the specified skill to 0.

Repeat points 1 and 2 until you have pumped all the perks.

If after that you still do not understand how to add "ability points" for pumping perks, then enter this several times (in turn):

advskill Destruction 999999

player.setav Destruction 0

After these manipulations, you will receive the required amount of "ability points" and can spend them on pumping all the perks available in Skyrim.

Fast pumping of all perks in Skyrim and raising all skills to 100

place the contents of the archive (2 text files) in the main folder with the game (not Data)

start the game

open consoles

  1. enter bat allskills- upgrade all skills to 100
  2. enter bat allperks- unlock all perks in Skyrim

Attention! When you enter bat allskills, then further pumping of your GG will become unavailable, which will affect gameplay! I recommend entering bat allperks, and allskills at the end or at the end of the game (if you are not going to swing further)

To level up your main character, enter:

player.setlevel 50- set level 50 of the main character.

Instead of 50, you can enter any number.

To change the amount of magic, lives and stamina, use the following cheats:

  1. player.setav Health X- set max. number of lives in X units
  2. player.setav Magicka X- set max. amount of magic in X units
  3. player.setav Stamina X- set max. stock quantity in X units.

Hello, these settings will help you to slightly increase the performance in the game Skyrim or even remove jams. The instructions were taken from various resources, and I am very glad to those authors who made these instructions to improve the game, but I can only thank aLaaa and y for some of the information they shared with us

What's new in version 1.3:
- Added many parameters
- Some parameters have been changed
- Some parameters have been removed

In detail:
The first thing you should do is open the folder C: \ Users \ "Username" \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim (or MyDocuments \ My Games \ Skyrim, depending on Operating System) and open Skyrim.ini in notepad.

1. Add to section lines:

iNumThreads = 8 (if you have 8 cores) or 5 (if you have less than 8 cores)
fMaxTime = 0.0333 (for 30fps), performance on slow computers can help
fMaxTime = 0.0166 (for 60fps)
fMaxTime = 0.0157 (for + 60fps)
fMaxTime = 0.0133 (for 75fps)
fMaxTime = 0.0111 (for 90fps)
fMaxTime = 0.0083 (for 120fps)
fMaxTime = 0.0069 (for 144fps)


This will solve the problem with flickering shadows.

fSunShadowUpdateTime = 0
fSunUpdateThreshold = 2.0

3. Add to lines:

Prevents crashes when loading large locations.

iLargeIntRefCount = 999999

Fixes suddenly appearing lights.

fFlickeringLightDistance = 8192

uExterior Cell Buffer = 0 or remove this parameter (bet at your own risk) (they say that due to this parameter there are crashes, since the game unloads many areas at once)

bPreCullActors = 1

(if you have 8 cores)

bBorderRegionsEnabled = 0 (removes the invisible barrier around Skyrim "a)

bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1

bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 1

bMultiThreadMovement = 1

bUseThreadedMorpher = 1

uGridsToLoad = 7 (many recommend this value to avoid crashes) (you can put only odd numbers, the more the FPS is less, but the detail is higher)

bForceFullLOD = 1 (full detail level)

bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0 (I advise you to set 0), but if 1 then the game will automatically clear memory cells that it thinks are no longer needed)

4. Add to :

Memory cells will be cleared during fast travel.

bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 1

bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1

bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1

bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1

bBackgroundCellLoads = 1

bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1

bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 1

5. Add to :
Aim fix:

fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult = 0.0
fMagnetismLookingMult = 0.0
f1PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.2
f3PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.5
f1PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.2
f3PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.5


bAllowLoadGrass = 0
bAllowCreateGrass = 1
bDrawShaderGrass = 1
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 6 (if you have a powerful PC, you can bet 10 or more) (type of grass)

iMinGrassSize = 70 )

bDecalMultithreaded = 1 (for those with multi-core processors)

8. In the section: :

Removes blur during combat and thus improves performance (only during combat)

bDoRadialBlur = 0

9 . Makes scripts run smoother and better (or to avoid CTD)

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 2000000000 (if you have 4 GB of RAM)

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 3000000000 (if you have 6 GB of RAM)

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 4000000000 (if you have 8 GB of RAM)

fUpdateBudgetMS = 1.2 (if large scripts, then I advise you to set to 1.6, (2.0 maximum)

fExtraTaskletBudgetMS = 1.2 (match with parameter above)

fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 500.0 (you can put 750, 1000, 2000 or more, depending on how many mods you have, the more, the more I advise you to set the parameter more)

iMinMemoryPageSize = 128

iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 76800

bEnableLogging = 0

bLoadDebugInformation = 0

bEnableProfiling = 0


bMultiThreadBoneUpdate = 1

Save and close Skyrim.ini.

Note: If some sections are missing in .ini, then you should add them yourself to the end of the file.

Open SkyrimPrefs.ini in notepad.


(for those with multi-core processors)

bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 1

bUseThreadedBlood = 1

bUseThreadedMorpher = 1

bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1

bUseThreadedTextures = 1

bUseThreadedMeshes = 1

bUseThreadedLOD = 1

bUseThreadedAI = 1

bUseThreadedMorpher = 1

bRunHighLevelProcess = 1 ( High a priority Skyrim " a )

bUseHardDriveCache = 1

bEnableStoryManagerLogging = 0

2 .

bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1

bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1

bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1

bBackgroundCellLoads = 1

bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1

3. [ Imagespace] (Removes blur during combat and thus improves performance(only during combat) )

iRadialBlurLevel = 0

4. In the section [ Controls] :

Turns off mouse acceleration, which is causing problems for many players.

bMouseAcceleration = 0

5. In the section :

To fix shadow "lags" during cyclic transitions:

sD3DDevice ="here the name of your video card will be"
fSunShadowUpdateTime = 0.0025
fSunUpdateThreshold = 0.0025

Fixing "blocky" shadows on objects: (Reduces FPS)

fShadowBiasScale = 0.1500
fInteriorShadowDistance = 2500.0000
fShadowDistance = 2500.0000
iBlurDeferredShadowMask = 3
iShadowMaskQuarter = 4
iShadowFilter = 4
fShadowLODStartFade = 500.0000
iShadowMode = 4
bTreesReceiveShadows = 1
bDrawShadows = 1
bShadowMaskZPrepass = 0

iShadowMapResolutionSecondary = 4096
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 4096
iShadowMapResolution = 4096(if this line is not there, you will need to add it)

Enabling it causes a bug with shadows on the terrain. Leave the value "0". If you are using one of the ENB-mods, you can put the value "1".

bDrawLandShadows =0

Responsible for the distance to draw shadows. Have great importance on performance. The lower the value, the more FPS, but the graphic component can suffer greatly: the shadow from the character becomes shorter, shadows from objects will be drawn directly near the character (personally, I have a value of 3000 in both cases). At a value of 0, the shadows will disappear.

fInteriorShadowDistance =
fShadowDistance =

From flickering in the mountains: (Reduces FPS)

fMeshLODFadePercentDefault = 1.2000
fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault = 256.0000
fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance = 3072.0000
fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance = 4096.0000
fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist = 10000000.0000
fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist = 10000000.0000


bShadowsOnGrass = 1

iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 6 (if you have a powerful PC, you can bet 10 or more) (kind of grass)

bAllowLoadGrass = 0

bAllowCreateGrass = 1

bDrawShaderGrass = 1

iMinGrassSize = 70 (Responsible for the density of the grass. It has a very strong effect on performance. Basic values: 20, 40, 60, 80. The higher the value, the less frequent the grass and the higher the performance. The graphics component may be severely affected (mostly in the tundra and around Whiterun, almost invisible in the woodlands) )

7. In the section

fCloudLevel2Distance = 262144.0000
fCloudLevel1Distance = 32768.0000
fCloudLevel0Distance = 16384.0000
fCloudNearFadeDistance = 9000.0000

8. In the section

fTreeLoadDistance = 125000.0000
fBlockMaximumDistance = 80000.0000
fBlockLevel1Distance = 80000.0000
fBlockLevel0Distance = 80000.0000
fSplitDistanceMult = 4.5000

9. [ Decals]

bDecalMultithreaded = 1

10. In the section: :

Responsible for the saturation of particles (mostly fire and fire spells). Slightly lowering them will not affect the graphics in any way, but will add a few FPS.

iMaxDesired = 1750

11. In the section: :

Responsible for the drawing range of trees. As in the first case, a slight decrease will be imperceptible, but the game will become easier to "breathe".

fTreeLoadDistance =
fBlockMaximumDistance =
fBlockLevel1Distance =
fBlockLevel0Distance =

12. In the section: [ MAIN] :

Responsible for the fog that envelops the peaks of the mountains on the horizon. Lowering this value can add a couple of FPS, but it will hardly affect the graphics component.

fSkyCellRefFadeDistance =

13. [ SaveGame] (Disables Autosave, helps to avoid crashes)

bDisableAutoSave = 1

14. [ Trees]

bAllowLoadTree = 0 (reduces the likelihood of seeing floating trees)

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1

bRenderSkinnedTrees = 1

uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender = 40 (display range of trees swaying in the wind)

15. [ Navmesh]

bUseThreadedMeshes = 1

Save and close SkyrimPrefs.ini.

Other: (Parameters that should be in my opinion)

1. SKSE.ini

iTintTextureResolution = 2048

ClearInvalidRegistrations = 1

EnableDiagnostics = 1

DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB = 1024 (if you have a lot of mods, you can put 1024, the maximum value is 1280) (Default: 768)

ScrapHeapSizeMB = 256

EnableContainerCategorization = 1

WriteMinidumps = 0

2. Enblocal. ini (some recommend setting it like this)

ExpandSystemMemoryX64 = false

ReduceSystemMemoryUsage = true

ATTENTION: If some parameter is missing, then add it manually!