Is it possible to play computer games. Computer games: a psychoanalyst's view. You will learn how to balance work and play.

Nowadays, when there is a computer in almost every family and in many schools, all parents are very concerned about the influence of the computer on the child. Is a computer safe for a growing body? How long can a child sit at the computer so that it does not affect his health? What causes harm to the computer for children? You will learn about this and much more from women's online magazine Charla.

Actually computer harm lies in the same thing as dignity - in its boundless fascination. Computer harm to children can only be caused by non-compliance simple rules that help maintain health. Therefore, when buying a computer for a child, parents should clearly understand: now they will have to keep track of how much the child sits at the computer, how much the child plays on the computer. In other words, it is the parents who are responsible for whether the computer is beneficial or harmful to their children.

Computer harm to children

People who work in an office and have to sit in front of a computer all day long know firsthand how the eyes suffer from this: a burning sensation appears, the eyelids hurt, and it is as if sand has been poured into the eyes. Therefore, it is very important that children do not spend a lot of time at the computer. Because children who are keen on computers do not notice eye fatigue and fatigue, they can overwhelm them greatly. All the more so if child playing computer rather than doing some kind of tutorial. Computer "toys" can captivate a child so much that he can sit at the computer all day without interruption. Therefore, in order to maintain good eyesight for your child, always monitor how much time he spends in front of the screen.

If a child sits at the computer uncontrollably, then this is fraught with the development of physical inactivity. After all, the human body, and even more so a growing organism, needs movement. Due to a prolonged immobility state, the child's well-being worsens, malfunctions occur in the body. When the child plays a lot of computer games, this is accompanied by emotional stress, which also does not go unnoticed. As a result, after sitting in front of the computer all day, the child comes to an excited and irritated state in the evening, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable, and does not sleep well at night. And the reason for this is that the parents followed the lead of their child and allowed him to play all day long.

In short, it's all about a sense of proportion. Computer harm to children due to excessive use of the computer. Therefore, the task of parents is to control the time that the child sits at the computer. To prevent the computer from harming the health of preschoolers, a child under six years old should not be allowed to spend more than twenty minutes at the computer. Children aged 8-9 years can play educational games for thirty to forty minutes. And from ten years old, you can be allowed to sit at the screen for no more than one and a half hours. Of course, parents sometimes want to take a break from a restless child, so they allow him to sit at the computer longer so that he does not interfere with doing household chores. But this is not the most the best option: try to keep your child busy with other things.

Since long-term presence in front of the computer is a great burden on vision, it is recommended to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor so that visual fatigue does not occur. On the "desktop" you can set some picture of calm tones, for example, a landscape. It is also advisable to teach the child to do special exercises for the eyes.

Influence of the computer on the primary school child

If your child is already eight years old, it is quite possible for him to buy his own computer. With a reasonable attitude towards the computer and your control over how long the child sits at the computer, its influence will be beneficial. So, psychologists note that computers are good helpers for schoolchildren, as they develop certain skills: attention, logic, abstract thinking. By playing educational computer games, the child educates himself, learns to make independent decisions, he develops Creative skills.

If your child sits at the computer for too long

If your child playing computer for hours on end and he cannot be taken away from the games, then you are most likely to blame for this, because you allowed your child to spend as much time in front of the screen as he pleases. Try to somehow switch the child's attention, distract him to some other activity, enroll him in the sports section, find a hobby for him. Talk to your child, simply and easily explaining to him why it is harmful to sit in front of the computer for a long time. But no need to tell scary stories, make, shout and press on him - he will appreciate your sincerity and honesty much more.

Don't be overly afraid of the negative. the influence of the computer on the child, because with a competent and reasonable approach, there is much more benefit from it. The sooner he gets acquainted with technology, begins to understand it and understand something, the more developed he will be. Indeed, in our age of technological progress, every person in one way or another must come into contact with technology. This smart car will help your child to improve his level of knowledge, he will become interested in the latest technical achievements, and this will undoubtedly be useful to him in the future.

Alisa Terentyeva

Reasons to help you look at computer games differently, as a tool that will help make you happier

Recent studies have shown that those adults who play video games have high levels of happiness and, in some cases, relaxation as a result of their games. This gives a hint that playing computer games is useful. but is it good to play computer games?

Complementing the scientific research behind video games and happiness, here are 10 reasons why it makes sense for adults who play computer games to be happier than those who don't.

1. They are more connected to their inner child

Few adults are really ready to play something after work. At the same time, establish family life and households, which makes it quite clear why so many adults are depressed and find life boring.

Unlike adults who do not play computer games, playing adults have a daily chance of arriving in a playful mood, much like many of us used to play when we were younger. This strong connection with your inner child can help you be happier and more fully enjoy life.

2. They are easier to get rid of stress

As we get older, we constantly face greater pressure. We now have loans to pay back, jobs to excel at, and bills to pay.

Playing computer games is a great way to get rid of the stress of everyday life and do something that is satisfying just for the sake of just enjoying it.

3. They are more susceptible to creativity and imagination.

Anyone who has ever played a video game can attest that while playing, you are more exposed to creativity.

Either realistic game such as Call of Duty or a rather fantastic game like World of Warcraft or even World of Tanks - they all give the opportunity to use your imagination to imagine yourself in the place of the hero of the game in their world - this greatly stimulates the brain and makes it do some kind of creative exercises.

4. They immediately have something that brings them closer to other people.

Have you ever been to a party in which you had nothing to do with the people around you? Well, this is one of those negative things that video games solve.

Over 81% of adults between 18 and 29 are gamers. In other words, one of these gamers must be at the same party with you. When you find him or her, you immediately have something in common.

5. They have a more balanced life perspective

Another reason adults who play games are happier is because they have a more balanced outlook on life.

Instead of being completely immersed in work and billing, they can devote some of their time to play for fun!

6. They have better coordination

It has been scientifically proven that people who play video games have better spatial coordination and motor skills than those who do not. Not only will this make you more coordinated in your daily life, but it can also help you be a better driver, strengthen your eyesight from fatigue, and make you more intellectually developed.

7. They can use their loved ones' private time to strengthen their relationship.

If your spouse or best friend one of those people who says, “I need time for myself,” you may be familiar with the feeling of boredom or loneliness that lies behind it.

However, if your spouse or friend's time is spent playing video games on Xbox or PS4, then you can also share their vacation time with them. Or at the very least, just watch. It can help strengthen your relationship by allowing your loved ones to do what they love.

8. They always have something to look forward to.

Another reason why games can make adults happier is because they always give them a reason to look forward to something.

Whether it's a desire to get through new level in Super Mario or waiting for the release of the next generation of game consoles. Gamers are always looking forward to something and raving about it. This makes their life more interesting and exciting, even if waiting for them is a trifle.

9. They can exercise while playing

Going to the gym is great, but it can also be a little monotonous in general.

Now there are many gaming devices such as WII or Kinect, which are specially made for body movements. Gamers now have the opportunity to stay fit and healthy during mentally stimulating play.

And if you think video games aren't enough for physical exercise, try playing Fruit Ninja and not sweating.

10. They can change a tedious situation into one of the exciting

Finally, those adults who play games are happier because they see in every situation a chance to get to another level.

They never bother sitting in an endless line to see a doctor if they have a Nintendo DS pocket game console or, at worst, a smartphone next to them. Instead of getting annoyed and upset with waiting, you can enjoy additional opportunity play and advance in the game.

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are used to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that only brings pleasure to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their families, chatting with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

To start with, I'll give you a study from the University of North Carolina that showed that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who don't recognize games.

Should we believe this study? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on the emotional background of a person. Of course, we've all heard of gamers who fainted from spending 24 hours playing games. But these are rather exceptions to the rule than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us after work do something interesting for ourselves. And the constant thoughts of work (especially unloved) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. By creating this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help reduce stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all these create stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And playing computer games can help you relax and take some time away from daily stress.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they put their imaginations to work, associate themselves with the main character, and follow the plot closely. Will it help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with rich imaginations.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but a lot of people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, inadvertently ask your other person about it. And if he loves to play, you have a good topic of conversation.

You will learn how to balance work and play.

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, then it's not that the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to distract yourself from problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a balance between fun and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. In this way, you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Spending time with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. It can strengthen your relationship and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

There is always a goal in games, whether it be reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your pastime more interesting and exciting.

Exercise can be turned into a game

Training in and out is great. But sometimes they get too monotonous and annoying. In such situations, gadgets like the Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Awful minutes of waiting in the past

Lines at banks, hospitals and other institutions are sometimes crazy. It is in such situations addicting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help you not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

Where do games play in your life? Do you consider them to be child's play, or is it still a good way to pass the time?

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are used to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that only brings pleasure to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their families, chatting with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

To start with, I'll give you a study from the University of North Carolina that showed that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who don't recognize games.

Should we believe this study? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on the emotional background of a person. Of course, we've all heard of gamers who fainted from spending 24 hours playing games. But these are rather exceptions to the rule than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us after work do something interesting for ourselves. And the constant thoughts of work (especially unloved) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. By creating this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help reduce stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all these create stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And playing computer games can help you relax and take some time away from daily stress.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they put their imaginations to work, associate themselves with the main character, and follow the plot closely. Will it help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with rich imaginations.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but a lot of people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, inadvertently ask your other person about it. And if he loves to play, you have a good topic of conversation.

You will learn how to balance work and play.

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, then it's not that the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to distract yourself from problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a balance between fun and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. In this way, you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Spending time with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. It can strengthen your relationship and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

There is always a goal in games, whether it be reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your pastime more interesting and exciting.

Exercise can be turned into a game

Training in and out is great. But sometimes they get too monotonous and annoying. In such situations, gadgets like the Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Awful minutes of waiting in the past

Lines at banks, hospitals and other institutions are sometimes crazy. It is in such situations that an exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help you not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

Where do games play in your life? Do you consider them to be child's play, or is it still a good way to pass the time?

Instead of an epilogue

“A distraught Chinese gamer was sentenced to death for killing a friend who sold a virtual sword that they wielded in a multiplayer role-playing game without his consent. Legend games of Mir3 ".

“20-year-old American shot himself in the forehead with a 22-gauge rifle over the loss of virtual artifacts in the popular online game EverQuest "

"In Great Britain, a 17-year-old boy, drugged by the game of Manhunt, lured his friend into a city park and stabbed him to death."

“In Tuapse, a teenager, because his parents took away his computer keyboard so that he could not play his favorite game“ Gothic ”at night, killed his sleeping father by hitting him six times on the head with a hammer, and then called his mother and under fear of death forced her to return the selected keyboard, after which he calmly went to finish the game. "

"In St. Petersburg, a young gamer during the game received an order from the virtual space to kill his own father: he stabbed his father several times with a knife, one of which turned out to be fatal."

"A Ufa student stabbed his father with a knife because he pulled the wires out of the computer late at night, preventing him from playing an episode in World of Warcraft, and then threw himself out of the window and crashed to death."

"In Udmurtia, a teenager killed his father because of a computer game" ...

You can go on and on ... People plunge headlong into the virtual space, but leaving the real world does not leave a trace for the mental health of a person. And the crazier and more aggressive the game, the more noticeable the blows to the psyche. Not everyone can withstand such a crazy load and break down. The consequences of such withdrawal are dire. This is not only about the brutal murders and suicides committed by gamers deprived of the virtual drug. Tragic cases were widely publicized when a Russian boy died during hours of a computer game from a stroke, and a Chinese girl died from exhaustion after playing for many hours. World of warcraft, moreover, in the virtual space the gamer girl arranged a "cool" virtual funeral ... The emotional sphere of a person is tightly connected with his physiology, and therefore a painful addiction to computer games can lead to serious somatic diseases. Scientists and doctors are already talking about this. For some, two or three years can be decisive. constant play, for some months.

Gambling addiction, or gambling addiction, today is not in vain compared to drug addiction. This problem, which is very difficult to cope with. Some psychiatrists, for example, argue that special approaches to its treatment are required, different from the approaches used for the treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug addicts.

The number of obsessions is growing, an example of this is the relatively “new” obsession with computer games, which thousands, tens of thousands have become addicted to and continue to be addicted. Naturally, the number of games is only increasing in this regard. Computer toys, like drugs, bring huge profits to their manufacturers, which completely overshadow their conscience. And this puts the producers of computer games on a par with the drug lords. For those and for others, human life is nothing, but money is everything. Their god is a golden calf, they worship him, they serve him, sacrificing to their idol not their health and not their life, but the lives and destinies of young people.

Computer addiction as a problem of improper parenting

People of different castes and countries
They dance in an endless circle
Surrounding the pedestal
Surrounding the pedestal!
Satan rules the ball there,
The ball reigns there!
Satan rules the ball there,
The ball reigns there!

From the aria of Mephistopheles in Charles Gounod's opera Faust

A person cannot stand still, it is natural for him to develop, and this internal development, of course, leaves an imprint on the entire sphere of his activity. That is, a person also develops everything around him. This is a natural process that is the cause of progress: scientific, cultural, economic, social ... Without progress, it is impossible to move forward, which means that a full life is impossible (Life is movement). However, progress should be controlled and as much controllable as possible, because otherwise, it can launch new or accompany and support existing undesirable, harmful, destructive processes for humans and society. Unfortunately, this is often the case. Perhaps that is why they say that Satan represents progress. Indeed, many achievements of science and culture open up bright prospects for mankind, however, these same achievements often begin to be used for far inhumane purposes. There are a lot of examples of this. The most striking example is the remarkable discoveries in physics, which, on the one hand, benefited mankind, on the other hand, were adopted by the military industry. Cinema, theater, literature, of course, bring people "reasonable, kind, eternal", teach people to love. At the same time, today they are associated with low-quality, vulgar entertainment, often vicious, corrupting and destroying human souls.

Today, of course, such a soulful entertainment is computer games, being side effect intensive computerization. Thanks to computerization, work and training of people is greatly facilitated, the efficiency of their work is increased many times, information of any level becomes more accessible for specialists, further computerization portends the development and implementation of dizzying projects. But it is also becoming a major problem today. Cyber ​​addiction is not an easy new word, it is a diagnosis that doctors today can make to a huge number of our compatriots, mainly children and adolescents. In this case, we are talking about computer games as well.

They flooded everything around. Not only is it possible to play them freely in any computer club, Internet cafe, but also the counters of many even non-specialized stores are filled with discs with games, discs are easy to buy in the subway, crossings, on the street. Any computer games can finally be downloaded on the Internet. And since today there are computers in almost every family, then any schoolchild can afford to find companions on the network and play "online". Interest in computer games has grown into gambling addiction, which, like a real epidemic, has grown today to unprecedented levels, affecting almost all sectors of society. Today, both young and old are playing computer games, computers in editorial offices, design institutes, commercial organizations, food depots, shops, garages, etc. are "charged" with games. time and effort not for work, but for passing endless levels and destroying monsters ...

I absolutely agree with the assertion of specialists (for example, neurologists) that some computer "toys" are the best way to promote the development of reactions in patients suffering from various diseases, to some extent they are able to train the cardiovascular, nervous, and muscular systems. In particular, for this purpose, modern medicine with great success uses the biofeedback method, which is based on the use of special computer programs. But along with this, many computer games have come into use, which are intended solely for entertainment and do not carry any benefit.

Not all games are unequivocally harmful. There are, for example, special educational games that are even recommended by psychologists and educators. However, I am sure that all such "assignments" are not a panacea, moreover, they are most likely to be useless if only developing games are used to achieve the goal, abandoning an integrated approach. Because true development takes place in the knowledge of the real, not artificial, virtual world, and an electronic toy, no matter how perfect it is, cannot serve as a tool for cognition. There are other mechanisms for this purpose. And if you pay too much attention to the so-called developmental games, then you can greatly miscalculate. For example, Hieromonk Adrian (Pashin), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, confidently declares that “even the so-called“ smart ”games do not so much develop the intellect as enslave it. They develop only those aspects of the intellect that turn out to be useless in life, since these games always place a person in a highly simplified world governed by several clearly formulated rules, while the real world around us cannot be squeezed into any finite set of rules. These games do not develop creative intuition» ().

This is the opinion of a priest and a scholar. And here is the opinion of Anatoly Grigorievich Mazur, head of the department of the Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, which he expressed in an interview with the famous Russian psychologist Tatyana Lvovna Shishova: “A computer distorts a child's thinking, teaches us to think not creatively, but technologically. There is a task, a result and a set of means with which you can solve this problem. Everything! Thus, the child's thinking is programmed, creativity is not developed. There is a robotization of thinking, emotions, compassion, humanity disappear - that which was always inherent in children before. Therefore, in my opinion, a computer is harmful for a developing child. The later a boy or a girl sits down for him, the better. " (). " Computer games destroy the intellect, - confirms a member of the board of the Society of Orthodox Doctors of St. Petersburg, doctor of the highest category Nikolai Fedorovich Zharkov, - A child learns to live and act according to instructions.

But even relatively not dangerous games can cause significant harm if you really "get hooked" on them. And tightly sits on the "toy", according to various sources, from 10 to 15 percent of those who are fond of computer games! And everything starts small - just with interest and first experience. And it's not about age. A parishioner of our church told me that one evening after work he decided to play a strategic "toy" on his son's computer and ... started playing. At four o'clock in the morning, the awakened wife actually drove him away from the computer by force, because, according to him, he was ready to play until morning. Since then, he has forbidden himself to even touch any computer games.

This only confirms the opinion of doctors that even adults with a seemingly already formed psyche can become computer gamblers, the so-called gamers. A few years ago, a doctor admitted to me that he is a gamer. During the day he still holds, and all night long he plays. It takes two or three hours to sleep, then he hurries to work to treat people (half asleep!). In the evening he sleeps in order to once again plunge into the virtual world at night ... When I asked him if he felt a desire to "tie", this man just shrugged his shoulders. He has no wife, no children, he lives alone, and the game brings pleasure, albeit doubtful, of course ... He understands that this is an addiction, but he is not going to fight it yet (!).

According to Irina Anatolyevna Oleinikova, a psychotherapist for gambling addiction from Novosibirsk, “like any other addictions, gambling addiction to computer games (especially role-playing ones!) Is formed gradually, gradually, and now a person notes that he has a clear rhythm: play after work, play after school, play at lunchtime, etc. And then the period of struggle between the natural and the dependent way of life begins and, in case of defeat, the complete dominance of the dependent behavior occurs. Whether a person will be able to overcome the passion for the game that flares up in him depends on his upbringing, emotional state, lifestyle, and his moral and ethical guidelines. If a person is initially emotionally depressed, dissatisfied with himself, he has communication disorders, then the likelihood that he will sit tightly on the game increases several times. “In the end, computer games become a lifestyle for such people, its main goal, they supplant real communication,” the doctor emphasizes.

It is very difficult to get out of this state on your own. Psychotherapist Irina Oleinikova says that there are examples when the selfless addiction of children and adolescents to computer games passed, and on this basis a serious professional interest in the computer grew, they became successful programmers, system administrators ... But, I think that this is rather an exception from rules. And they certainly did not lose interest in toys on their own, but someone helped them a lot to understand the problem and suggested what to do, in which direction to move. Usually, if the game is really sucked in, it is not easy to break out of its embrace. But I agree with the doctor: it is extremely important not to miss the line between a simple hobby and illness.

Illness! .. Speaking about illness, doctors mean by no means only a pathological passion for computer games. Here is what Yulia Eduardovna Maksimova, Director of the Novosibirsk Mental Health Center LLC, told about it: “Cyberadication ( computer addiction) refers to non-chemical addictive (dependent) disorders. But if you have enough experience with computer addiction, as with any other, along with the symptoms of mental addiction, signs appear physical addictions such as decreased mood, anxiety, sleep disturbance, lack of rest after sleep, headaches, decreased appetite, decreased libido. Over time, a cyberadict develops social maladjustment - the loss of a job, family, narrowing of the range of interests, a feeling of hopelessness. All this often leads to the development of clinically significant depression. In such cases, along with the psychotherapeutic effect, it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist. "

Computer games, or rather deep immersion in them, harm both adults and children. But first of all, children, because they are in the developmental stage and any destructive interference in this process is fraught with serious deviations that can affect the future, regardless of whether the child continues to play or stops. Doctors know that the negative consequences of certain functional disorders or somatic diseases make themselves felt after years, and the same thing happens with computer addiction. The most dangerous age, in which children are especially often "addicted" to the game - 12-15 years.

It should be noted that the degree of damage to the psyche of a child who is overly addicted to computer games largely depends not only on his initial mental state, but also on what kind of game he is playing. "Calm" games have a lesser effect on the mental state of children, active, often aggressive ones - to a greater extent. The fact that hard role-playing "toys" with chase, shooting and blood develop aggressiveness in children is a fact proven by psychologists and physiologists. Abroad, they began to conduct such studies earlier, they have accumulated relevant experience, the results obtained are reliable, they show that the level of aggressiveness among schoolchildren playing "cool" role-playing games significantly exceeds the level of aggressiveness of their peers who are not fond of such "toys".

Ruslan Marselyevich Gusmanov, a psychiatrist at the Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, says: “Almost all teenage role-playing computer games are built on aggression and murder. But the role-playing game is not just fun. In such games, behaviors are quickly learned. Therefore, in a number of countries, children under 18 are prohibited from playing some particularly aggressive computer games, since they can encourage an immature, undeveloped personality to implement aggressive impulses not in play, but in life. " What this can lead to is even scary to imagine.

Doctor Nikolai Fedorovich Zharkov, board member of the Society of Orthodox Doctors of St. Petersburg, states: “The virtual reality of a computer game is becoming closer to a child than real life; reality becomes alien, dangerous and unknowable compared to the small and familiar world of your favorite game. One gaming teenager describes alienation from the outside world and flight into virtual reality: “When I get up from the computer and go out into the street, I miss the weapons that I have in the game. Without him, I feel defenseless ... "( ).

We know the attitude of the late Patriarch Alexy to computer games, which, in his words, "promote the cult of violence, convince us that human life is worthless." “Computer games,” he said, “are so popular among children, from an early age they teach them that murder is a common thing. And when we hear that adolescents, even girls, brutally deal with their peers, we are terrified, we cannot understand where this cruelty comes from ”.

IN recent times more and more often we have to hear about completely senseless bloody murders committed by teenagers. ... A seventeen-year-old teenager from the American state of Ohio opened fire from his father's pistol at his parents for taking away from him the disc with the Halo 3 game, in which gamers have to fight aliens. The boy stole from his father the keys to the safe, where the disc with the game lay, as well as a nine-millimeter pistol. He took the weapon, went into his parents' room and shot them point-blank. The teen's mother died, his father was severely wounded in the head, but survived. The teenager put the gun in his father's hand to justify himself, and he himself fled from the crime scene, taking with him only the most expensive - a disc with a game.

A fourteen-year-old American boy shot his peers at school - he killed three, wounded five. Later, two young men, 17 and 18 years old, also Americans, blew up several mines at the school, and then began to shoot the fleeing students with hunting rifles. They killed twenty people, and when the police arrived, they shot themselves. During a search, the police found in their house tough battle games with the participation of monsters, aliens and other evil spirits. In addition, as it turned out, they were all regulars of famous porn sites, the regular viewing of which mercilessly shakes the fragile psyche of young people.

And here is the most "harmless" case: a first grader stole a car from his father and drove along a busy highway, while trying to actively maneuver. Then it turned out that the child, it turns out, was a big fan of virtual rallies.

Now let's get back to the evil spirits. Recently, games have appeared in which demonic characters with the main character, Satan, are involved. At the same time, the player himself, at his will, can take the side of both those fighting with demons and the demons themselves. But regardless of who the player chooses - demons or "good angels", he comes into contact with, albeit with a virtual, nevertheless demonic world. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov said that if we even involuntarily turn our attention to devilish things, this will somehow touch our souls. I recall the words of Doctor of Medical Sciences, neurologist, Professor Hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov), ​​who recently warned that demonic computer games prepare a teenager to perceive Satanism and Kabbalism as a normal reality of life. " I just want to add: "... real life, which young gamers are not afraid of!" The warning of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov that, being created with the power and properties of Angels, demons possess unimaginable power for man and for all earthly things, are not adequately perceived by adolescents. After all, they have already met with demons on the virtual battlefield more than once and are used to the idea that they can be dealt with or, at least, sneaked out. In one of the articles on Satanic computer games, I read that such games instill in adolescents a familiar attitude towards Satanism. And it's hard to disagree with this statement. Needless to say, how serious a danger this poses to the soul of a teenager?

“The most dangerous thing is that computer games kill spirituality in children and subsequently encourage them to engage in occult pursuits,” says Hieromonk Adrian (Pashin). Satanic role-playing computer games oblige the player to take on the role of a computer character, i.e. demon. And if even ordinary, non-role computer toys, when abused, can cause psychological dependence, then role-playing games, which require the players to try on various guises, especially demonic ones, are all the more dangerous for the psyche. According to one of the players who played a massive (note, non-demonic) online role-playing game for three weeks, he - I quote: “degraded in all respects - some kind of dullness comes when you return to the real world. Sometimes I read that you become so attached to your fictional character that you begin to associate yourself with him. I don't think I had it, but something like that has already started happening. " Feeling that something was wrong, this man, according to his own statement, stopped playing. But many could not find the strength to deny themselves this dubious pleasure. Doctor-psychotherapist of the Irkutsk psychotherapeutic center Alexander Mantahaev in an interview with a local newspaper correspondent reports: “There are many ways to escape from reality - from alcohol, drugs to hobby slot machines and computer games. Computer games, hanging on the Internet and live action role-playing games (the so-called field games) are nothing more than entertainment for some. But people with an unstable psyche can get into gambling addiction, and in the case of role players (in this case, we mean all the same field role-playing games), they can also get stuck in some kind of image. For example, the girl who played the queen may constantly position herself as the highest person. And a person who once entered the image of a vampire may have a real desire to drink blood ”( But the same solid entry into the image can occur in a computer role-player. Dr. Mantakhaev argues that if you do not pay attention to what is happening and think that the situation will resolve itself, gambling addiction will lead to a complete rejection of the real world, and getting stuck in the image can drag on for many years. In addition, after sitting at the computer all day (although it is known that they play without looking up from the screen for a day or more), a player with a dimmed consciousness can transfer the virtual battlefield to the courtyard, to the neighboring street, and then his opponents will not be terrible monsters or demons, and passers-by ...

Anatoly Grigorievich Mazur, head of the department at the Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, spoke about an eighteen-year-old patient who, "hanging" on some kind of military strategic game, fell into a psychotic state. “I had to treat him like a real patient,” Anatoly Mazur admitted. According to him, the problem of computer addiction in Last year became distinctly expressed. The pathology is clearly increasing. The department headed by this doctor has sixty beds. More than a third of these patients are victims of computer games. These are maladapted children, completely "kicked out" of life, they have no other interests left except for the game. She became for them like a drug for a drug addict, the doctor said.

Specialist of the St. Petersburg Psychological and Pedagogical Medical and Social Center "Development" Alla Panfilova confirms that the scale of computer addiction among adolescents will grow, also because computers are becoming more accessible. Computer addiction is not very different from drug or alcohol addiction. The main difference, according to the St. Petersburg psychologist, is a more "positive" image of addiction to computer games. There is a lot of talk about drug addiction and alcoholism, adolescents, as a rule, are aware of their unpleasant consequences. At the same time, computer addiction has a "halo of creativity", its consequences are not obvious, and socially it is not condemned. However, according to Panfilova, it is this type of adolescent addiction that may prevail in the future.

A recent study from an American university found that young people who often play violent video games are prone to drug and alcohol use. In particular, there was a clear relationship between more hours spent playing video games and more frequent use of alcohol and drugs. Here is how the St. Petersburg priest, candidate of pedagogical sciences Alexy Moroz commented on it. “If a person can still be somehow pulled out of alcohol or drug addiction,” he said, “with time, one can bring him to a normal perception of the existing reality, then a global change in the inner structure of the human soul takes place in the game addiction. He does not just run away from the world into virtual reality, he begins to live according to its laws and principles. Here, such terrible qualities as pride, selfishness, egocentrism, inner self-immersion, indifference to other people's pain and other people's suffering develop. " “Computer gambling addiction is the most terrible and difficult type of dependence, "the priest emphasized. (

Why is the computer so attracted to children, why do children become addicted to computer games? One of my acquaintances who asked this question recalled his childhood: “We played for hours at Indians and 'pale-faced dogs', changed roles, climbed construction sites and an old house, jumped from roofs, made bows, arrowheads, slingshots and wooden guns, shooting with metal bullets, sometimes it came to injuries. However, they did not lose their minds! " But the fact of the matter is that all yard games take place in real world, boys need to rely on their own strengths, learn to correctly assess the situation, not imaginary, but what is actually happening, to adequately respond to life, and not programmed by someone, circumstances. They need to learn to live, not play. In a virtual game, everything is not so, everything is pretend, but the problem is that, having plunged headlong into the virtual world, they start to perceive this pretend over time as a real event.

Here is what Yuri Stepanovich Shevchenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, President of the Fund for Social and Mental Assistance to Family and Children, Yuri Stepanovich Shevchenko says: “First of all, he (the computer) gives everything those emotions that can, but not always give the child life. This is the widest spectrum - from positive to negative emotions: delight, pleasure, enthusiasm, annoyance, anger, irritation. And all this can be experienced without moving from the spot! There is another important aspect: the child gains power over the world in play. A computer mouse is like an analogue of a magic wand, thanks to which, with practically no effort, you become the ruler of the world. The child creates the illusion of mastering this world. Having lost, he can replay, go back, redo something, relive a failed piece of life anew. This especially sucks in children who painfully feel their failure, children who, for one reason or another, fail to follow the path of, so to speak, “joyful growing up” in life. http: //www..htm

Next, I would like to cite a fragment of an interview with Orthodox psychologist and publicist Irina Yakovlevna Medvedeva with Abbot N. He said: “A mistake in a game (computer game) will not lead to an abrasion on the knee or a broken nose. Shooting the enemy on the screen, you can feel quite comfortable and protected. Pity and compassion do not arise, on the contrary - they are completely suppressed by the feeling of their importance, their power, the feeling of being almost a superman! It is important to note that although all these sensations are illusory, they are extremely impressive, increase the emotional level, and therefore are firmly imprinted in the mind of the child. ... A computer game affects the emotional sphere of a child in the strongest way, forms a personality powerfully and almost irreversibly, that is, it actually zombies a person, introducing rigid stereotypes of behavior into his consciousness ... Whom do these games bring up? I will answer: an unprincipled egocentric, apathetic, thoughtless and asocial person who only wants to enjoy, and does not understand: why you need to work, have a family and be responsible for it, why defend your country, your people. Such characters are becoming a mass phenomenon among the youth today. " And further: “It is impossible not to notice that a computer game, in contrast to an active or intellectual game with peers, allows you to free yourself from all moral norms. Only the result is important, the points are important. Everything else is secondary and unimportant. Moral principles turn into unnecessary anachronism ”().

By the way, according to psychologist Tatyana Lvovna Shishova, there is a Center for Communication Research in Moscow, whose employees are engaged in the study of computer games. So they came to the conclusion that modern games deliberately model deviant, destructive behavior.

“You don’t need to have seven spans in your forehead to say with confidence that we are talking about purposeful and thoughtful mechanisms of personality suppression with the aim of the most effective management (manipulation), - says the psychologist of the Novosibirsk State Technical University Lyceum Tatiana Eduardovna Tverie. - Who needs it? A question that other specialists are competent to solve ”...

“Psychologists of all stripes and ranks,” says Tatiana Tverie, “have repeatedly emphasized the self-destructiveness of addictive behavior that makes a person a slave, and then a hostage, of another reality. The scheme is very simple: if, in pursuit of pleasures and crazy goals, a person completely delegates all of himself to something fictional, virtual, then this inevitably means rejection of himself in parts and, as a result, loss of integrity and death. Perhaps surrogate behavior is a subconscious desire for self-destruction, a departure from real life and, ultimately, some kind of anti-life. From a psychological point of view, a lack of emotions, a fanatical preoccupation with one thing - all that psychologists call “social dementia” lead to anti-life behaviors. " According to Tverje, we are now experiencing an epidemic of "social dementia" and are witnessing all the negative phenomena associated with it.

“Relatively speaking,” explains Tverie, “through a monstrous spiritual mutation, a reasonable person turns into a dependent person. “He who is defeated by whom is also a slave” (2 Pet. 2:19), - the Apostle Peter testifies. This is an unshakable rule. The freedom of a spiritually mature person is determined by her own attitude to the events taking place, and the freedom of a spiritually weak person depends on the “length of his chain” - the chain on which he, voluntarily or involuntarily, has planted himself ”.

The fundamental factor of gambling addiction, according to the Novosibirsk psychotherapist Irina Anatolyevna Oleinikova, is character traits plus upbringing. Subject to addiction (and not only gambling) those who have not formed a system of values, do not have the habit of controlling their emotions. Prevention for children and adolescents begins, first of all, in family, notes Irina Oleinikova. Parents should show a genuine interest in the life, interests, problems of the child. Help to determine the inclinations according to interests, to organize high employment for him in sports, music, and other matters. No matter how trite, but idleness creates problems, the doctor is sure.

Priest Alexy Moroz says that computer addiction is most often observed in families where there is no spiritual atmosphere, where there is no inner peace, but there is a lack of attention and a lack of love. “If a child is not noticed in the family, they have little contact with him, then he escapes into virtual reality and there he receives compensation, satisfaction, and recognition. Therefore, in order to heal from this, changes within the family are necessary. We need to change the spiritual atmosphere, learn to treat each other with attention and love. Only under these conditions is it possible to achieve some changes, ”Father Alexy is sure.

In most cases, computer, Internet or gaming addictions arise against the background of hidden or obvious dissatisfaction with the surrounding world and the impossibility of self-expression, with the fear of being misunderstood. These states are often the result of an incompletely developed, (in a spiritual sense) or spiritually undeveloped, unchaste personality. "The virtue of chastity, preached by the Church, is the basis of the inner unity of the human person, which must be in a state of harmony of mental and physical strength" - so written down in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. One should turn to the origins, when a mature personality began to form in the family, I will specify - in a patriarchal family, in which deep traditions have been preserved, based, first of all, on the faith of the fathers, on the Orthodox faith, on the culture-forming faith, as the dominant of upbringing. “The family as a home church is a single organism, whose members live and build their relationships on the basis of the law of love,” says the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. - The experience of family communication teaches a person to overcome sinful selfishness and lays the foundation for a healthy citizenship. It is in the family, as in the school of piety, that the correct attitude to neighbors is formed and strengthened, and therefore to one's own people, to society as a whole. The living continuity of generations, starting in the family, finds its continuation in love for ancestors and fatherland, in a sense of belonging to history. That's why it's so dangerous destruction traditional ties between parents and children, which, unfortunately, is largely promoted by the way of life of modern society. " And computer games that lead to addiction are beginning to play an important role in this.

Unfortunately, almost all specialists admit that today it is impossible to protect our children from cybermania in any other way, except as a correct, holistic upbringing, primarily within the family. It is in the family that the very same spiritual immunity, which most fully protects the child from modern trends harmful to the soul, turns away from empty and sinful activities. The trouble is that a modern family brought up on television programs cannot give a child such education. And if he can, then as soon as the child goes out into the street, he finds himself in the grip of completely different phenomena, alien to his moral state, but imposed on society and accepted by this society. The authority of the parents can be unshakable, however, when faced with a completely different life, in which, it turns out that everything is possible! the child begins to live according to the principle "both ours and yours." And here the school has to say its word. Education should take place both in educational institutions and in families. WITH new and again! we are talking about the need to teach cultural studies in schools - I emphasize! - the culturological subject of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, the study of which not only helps in education, but also constitutes man, returns him to his origins, strengthens his spiritual foundation, increases his moral potential.

"We have to combine education with upbringing and upbringing worthy citizens of our country who would love their homeland, know their history, be patriots, ”said Patriarch Alexy to the late, speaking at one of the annual meetings of the Russian Academy of Education, of which he was a member. According to him, education and upbringing are "two wings that make a person a person with a capital letter."

I appeal to parents whose children play virtual toys: before it's too late, pay the most serious attention to them. dangerous hobby. See exactly what games they are playing! And if it turns out to be some kind of "horror stories", "shooters", take action immediately. I appeal to teachers, psychologists, doctors: tell children about the negative consequences of playing on computers, give more examples of the destruction of the psyche of adolescents as a result of excessive hobby virtual world... I appeal to all people who are not indifferent to the mental health of our children: protect the younger generation from aggressive computer games. If necessary, create a special commission that would conduct research on the computer games market to identify the most dangerous and destructive of them. And if for some reason it is not possible to prohibit some of them, then at least demand that the disc label be warned about the possible danger that comes from such "toys".

It is absolutely clear that we cannot solve this problem without the help of the state. Our government must provide full and comprehensive support in the upbringing and education of the younger generation. This support is not only about financing social and curricula, but also in the rigid protection of the population, especially young people from the harmful trends of modern life - prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction. However, this does not happen. Hands do not reach? Moreover, against the background of these deeply perverse phenomena, more sophisticated things are happening: in front of the very same state are implanted

  • tolerance, which, in particular, offers to legitimize sexual perversion and give all rights to totalitarian sects;
  • juvenile justice, in fact, dismissing parents and trying on their role in raising children;
  • sex education, designed to actually corrupt children, as well as the promotion of abortion and "literate" (what a word!) contraception among young people;
  • a glamorous lifestyle so that children have something to strive for;
  • advertising of beer, condoms;
  • low-quality entertainment television programs, lowering the cultural level of the population, corrupting the people;
  • occultism (astrology, meditation, yoga, demonic computer games, satanic books like "Harry Potter", etc.) in order to generate in people an unhealthy interest in otherworldly, that is, demonic forces.

The government has many important issues, many of which must be resolved as soon as possible. The financial and economic position of the state will depend on the speed of making the right decisions. But isn't the spiritual and moral state of the people inhabiting this country the most important, the most urgent task, to the solution of which all forces should FIRST be thrown? It is necessary to understand that without full-fledged state support, one item of the defense industry complex will not radically change the situation. Just as the upbringing in the family will not change the situation, because, as I have already said, the adults themselves have lost sight of moral guidelines. It is necessary that the government correctly assess what is happening, correctly prioritize and start jointly with the Russian Orthodox Church, which has a vast experience of spiritual education, a large-scale attack on both the lack of spirituality and immorality that reign in our society. We simply have no other way.