What to do with a 7 year old child at the dacha. Fun outdoor games for kids for an outdoor summer party. Games in one place

Summer is a small life. And even more so in the summer with children. And we must live this life with dignity - cheerfully and creatively. In the countryside, at the dacha and at sea, ideas collected from all over the world will help you.

1. Musical wall.

All sorts of rattles and noisemakers. Old lids, pots, tin cans, spoons and any objects that can be used to make sounds will be used.

2. Water wall.

Using all kinds of containers and hoses, a wall is built along which water can be directed so that it passes through all obstacles.

3. Outdoor kitchen.

Many have probably already forgotten how in childhood they baked pies from the earth and crumbled salads from plantain. Make a small kitchen for your children, and they themselves will come up with what to treat you for lunch.

4. Homemade designer.

Small blocks will make a wonderful construction set.

5. "Twister" on the grass.

All you have to do is apply multi-colored circles on a stencil with spray paint and you can have fun.

6. Accuracy games.

You can use colorful balloons to make balls stuffed with lentils, beans or peas.

And then buy, for example, flower pallets and make targets with numbers. The further and smaller the plate, the more points for hitting.

7. Labyrinths.

Quite by accident we ended up with such a maze road, drawn with water from a watering can. Now my daughter is asking me to make this path for her so she can ride her bike along it or play tag. For very young children, you can make the path simpler and invite them to walk along it.

And this is a maze of stones that we have already seen.

8. Stone paths with patterns.

If there is an opportunity to lay a path on the site, then know: decorating it with a child is a separate pleasure.

9. Outdoor shower made of PVC pipes.

Perhaps not everyone can make this, but if they succeed, the craftsmen will receive a prize - happy and wet children.

You can build a whole car and bike wash!

10. Water bombs.

You can simply leave or play a game where the players gradually move away from each other, and the team or player who was able to catch the bomb from the farthest distance wins.

11. Piñata made from water balloons.

A piñata is a Mexican toy made of papier-mâché - quite large and filled with surprises (candies, nuts). According to tradition, a blindfolded child must break it with a stick.

12. Foam party.

For such a holiday you will need baby foam “without tears” or shaving cream.

13. Soap bubbles.

Invite children to make bubbles using various kitchen utensils - funnels, strainers, fly swatters.

And the solution itself can be made like this: for 100 ml of dishwashing detergent, take 300 ml of water and 50 ml of glycerin (it is sold at the pharmacy). Stir everything well and the solution is ready.

You can also draw with bubbles! You just need to add it to any soap solution paint or food coloring, bubble up more foam and place paper on top of it.

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The game is part of universal human culture; it develops, educates, socializes, and entertains. It can be considered as the first stage of knowledge of the world; Since it is designed to prepare children for adult life, its importance for the development of the child should not be underestimated.

A game is a special form of mastering real social reality by reproducing it.

At the age of 5-7 years, the child’s leading activity becomes role-playing game . That is, the reproduction of the actions and relationships of adults or heroes of any stories (real or fictional).

At the first stages of such a game, the child reproduces substantive actions, characteristic of a particular social role. The game “to the hospital” is manipulation with a conventional thermometer (pencil, stick, etc.), the game “to the store” is the manipulation of conventional products or other objects. The role of an adult in such games is born from the reproducible actions themselves, the logic of which does not always correspond to reality.

By the age of 6-7, moral principles are also included in the game - now a doctor is not just a doctor, but a person who sympathizes with the patient, trying to help him. That is, thanks to the game, children learn about the huge palette of human feelings and emotions and learn to express them.

The influence of the game on mental development

Thanks to the game, the child begins to navigate the sphere of human relations, understand the meaning and tasks of human activity. New ones are being formed social motives – the desire to engage in socially significant and valued activities.

Developing arbitrariness(conscious control) of behavior and mental processes - memory, attention, thinking. This is due to the fact that the child is guided by a model with which he compares his behavior (i.e., begins to control it) and by the very conditions of the game, in which the need for the development of mental processes arises.

The foundations are laid for the ability to analyze one’s own actions and actions and relate them to the moral standards of society.

Having experienced certain feelings in the game, it becomes easier for the child to experience them in real life.

Also, by playing, a child can relieve emotional stress and process overwhelming impressions.

By interacting in the game, children simultaneously learn to communicate and develop speech. By playing different roles, they learn about the presence of other points of view and coordinate them.

If all of the above are advantages of the game, then it’s easy to guess what the disadvantages will be.

The situation in current society as a whole is also a huge disadvantage. Modern parents are indifferent and often disapproving of children's games as a frivolous, useless activity. They strive to replace play with educational activities, not understanding the danger of such one-sided development.

Ideally, children draw stories for games from books, films and cartoons. But now children are read to much less; most games with other children have been replaced by “sitting” at the computer. But characters from computer games are most often cold, cruel and calculating. That is, it is precisely these patterns of behavior that the child will “absorb.”

If parents understand the importance of a full-fledged gaming process for a child, it is necessary to organize this process correctly.

Firstly, of course, we need a team in which children can play together. But don’t rush to introduce your baby there by bursting in and interrupting game process. The children will feel unpleasant or uncomfortable and will direct all negative emotions towards the new person.

If you see that a child does not get the main, leadership roles in the team, do not rush to interfere, let him try to find his niche in the company.

If a conflict arises between children, for example, they did not share a toy, you should also not intervene immediately - any difficulties that children encounter in the game prepare them for their future life, teach them to establish contacts, and seek compromises.

Sometimes it happens that there are no children at the dacha and the child has no one to play with. In such a situation, we should not forget that any child plays quite successfully alone, plus there are always parents who, at least sometimes, must find time to play together with their child.

Now let's turn to the direct participation of parents in games.

During walks, pay your baby's attention to the world, talk about some simple professions, explain what, for example, a salesman, a policeman, a driver does. Playing sport games, be sure to take into account the child’s physical capabilities.

By playing together, you will become closer, establish contact, and understand each other better.

Nowadays a very pressing problem is how to keep a child occupied in the summer at the dacha. As for spending time together between a child and a parent, here we can offer several experiments that will be both educational and entertaining for the child.

Experiments with air

1. Tell your child about air. For example, have a little competition - ask him to cover his nose and mouth and not breathe. Who will last longer? This way the child will get the idea that we need to breathe, we cannot not breathe. Talk about the smell of the air - let your child smell different smells in sequence, for example, orange, perfume and toothpaste. Explain that air itself has no odor, but it can transmit the smells of different things.

2. Air can also heat up and cool down. Place the open plastic bottle in the refrigerator, when it is cool enough, put it on the neck balloon and place it in a bowl of hot water. You will see the balloon begin to inflate on its own. This happens because air expands when heated. If you put the bottle back in the refrigerator, the ball will drop because... the air will cool and compress.

3. Your child probably already knows that if you puncture a balloon, it will burst. If not, sacrifice one marble to demonstrate it. And then show off the trick! Place a piece of tape on both sides of the ball. Now you can safely pierce him without any harm to him!

4. Tell your child that air can be strong. To convince him, organize a small competition. Take as many plastic cups (from yogurt, sour cream, etc.) as there are participants. Place the glasses on the edge of the table. On command, start blowing on the cups so that they move towards the opposite edge. Well, who was faster?

Experiments with water

1. No less interesting than air is water. Explain that water itself also has no smell, taste or color. Illustrate examples by adding various substances (salt, sugar, dyes) to water.

2. Boil water and pour it into a glass or any other vessel, preferably transparent; Cover the vessel with a lid. Show how the steam condenses and turns back into droplets and falls down.

3. If you take a glass of fresh sparkling water and put a grape in it, it will immediately sink, but then air bubbles will accumulate on it and lift it to the top, where the bubbles will burst and the grape will sink again. The process will be repeated until the soda “dissipates.” Explain that fish rise and fall in water in the same way. They have a special swim bladder - when it needs to rise, the fish relaxes its muscles, the bubble expands, and it goes up; if it needs to sink to the bottom, the bubble contracts.

4. Ask your child if it is possible to make water out of nothing? He will probably say no or wonder how this is possible. Place a completely dry glass in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take it out and put it on the table. Suddenly the glass will begin to transform. At first it will fog up, and after a few minutes small droplets of water will appear on its walls.

5. If it is winter or early spring, cut a few branches of some flowering tree from the tree and place them in water. Explain that one of the most important properties of water is to give life. After some time, the branches will come to life and may even bloom.

6. Another trick - put a coin on the bottom of the plate and fill it with water. How can you pull it out without getting your hands wet? Crumple up a small piece of newspaper, set it on fire and throw it on the water, then immediately cover it with a half-liter jar. The fire will go out, the heated air will come out of the can, and thanks to the difference atmospheric pressure, the water will be drawn into the jar. Now you can take a coin without getting your hands wet.

7. Cut out flowers with long petals and use colored paper. Curl the petals towards the center using a pencil. Place the flowers, for example, in a bowl of water. After a few seconds, the flowers will begin to bloom right before the child’s eyes. This can be explained by the fact that the paper got wet, became heavy, and this caused the petals to open.

8. Trick with matches. You will need 5 matches. They need to be broken in the middle, bent at a right angle and placed on a saucer in a circle with the corners inward. Drop a few drops of water onto the folds and you will see how, right before your eyes, the matches begin to straighten out and form a star.

9. For the next experiment you will need three liter jar, baking sheet (cutting board or any other flat surface) and several ice cubes. Pour hot water into the jar about 2.5 centimeters, place a baking sheet on top, and put ice on it. The rising steam will cool, condense, and form a cloud. This experience is a model of the process of cloud formation. Tell your child that drops heat up on the ground and rise up. There they become cold, and they huddle together, forming a cloud. When they meet together, they increase in size, become heavy and fall to the ground as rain.

10. The next trick is very easy to do. Prepare three bowls of water - one with cold water, one with room temperature and one with hot water. Ask your child to put one hand in cold water and the other in hot water. After a couple of minutes, have both hands immersed in water at room temperature. Ask, is the water hot or cold? He will definitely say that the water seems warm to one hand and cold to the other.

11. You can also show your child how a plastic bottle can bend on its own. Take a bottle, pour hot water into it, after 10-15 seconds, pour out the water and close the bottle with a lid. After a few minutes the bottle will shrink.

Experiments with shadow

1. Cut a circle out of thick cardboard, make a hole in the center of the circle and insert a pencil into it with the sharpened end down. This will be your sundial dial. Place it in the sun in a place where it will not be shaded.

Let the child draw lines on the dial along the shadow of the pencil with a felt-tip pen or pencil, and you write the time next to the line on a real clock. It is best to do this starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The next day you can use the watch for hours.

2. You can also draw your portrait using shadows. Attach a piece of old wallpaper to the wall. Position the light and position the child so that his shadow falls directly on the paper. Now your job is just to outline the shadow, and let the child finish drawing the face, hair, and clothes.

Experiments with mirrors

1. Place two mirrors at an angle greater than 90°, and place one apple in the corner. How many apples does a child see? There are three of them! If you gradually decrease the angle between the mirrors, the number of apples will begin to increase.

2. Your child will be incredibly happy if you make a rainbow especially for him! Just place the mirror in the water at a slight angle. Catch a ray of sunlight with a mirror and direct it to the wall. If there is no rainbow, rotate the mirror and change the angle slightly. The rainbow will definitely appear!

Experiments with electricity

1. Blow up a small balloon and rub it on wool, fur or your hair. You will immediately see how the ball began to stick to all objects - the closet, the wall, and most importantly - to the child. Tell your baby that all objects have a certain electrical charge. As a result of contact between two various materials a separation of electrical charges occurs, and charges with a minus and plus sign begin to attract. That's why the ball sticks.

There is a similar option with a comb. You need to tear a few small pieces of paper, run a comb through your hair and bring it to the pieces of paper - they will be attracted to it.

2. The child will be delighted with another trick related to the properties of electricity. Cut aluminum foil into thin narrow strips (you can use chocolate or candy foil). Run a comb through your hair, and then bring it close to the strips and see what happens.

Cognitive experiments

1. Give your child a clean sheet, a thin brush and a little milk, lemon juice or vinegar. Let him make some inscription or drawing on paper. If your baby can't write yet, do it yourself. Then heat a piece of paper. It is better if it is a device without an open flame, but a candle and a stove will do. The improvised ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter can be read. Such a trick can be framed with some mysterious story.

2. Tell your child that all rivers flow into the sea. When a river flows into the sea, all the particles dissolved in the water settle to the bottom not only because the river flows and the water stands in the sea, but also because of the salt dissolved in the sea water. And this can be proven very easily. Pour the same amount of earth into 2 glasses, add water and mix well. But first add a couple of teaspoons of salt to one of the glasses. Let the water settle. The water in the glass with salt will become clear much faster.

3. Has your child ever wondered why you put most of your food in the refrigerator? In any case, he will be interested to know why this happens. To do this, you can conduct a small visual experiment. Take 2 glasses with a small amount of milk, leave one on the kitchen table, and put the other in the refrigerator. After 3 days, compare the contents of the glasses. You will see that the milk from the table has turned into curdled milk and began to smell sour, but the milk from the refrigerator remains fresh. Explain to your child that this is due to the fact that a large number of microbes and bacteria live in milk, when they find themselves in suitable conditions (warmth) they begin to multiply. But it’s cold in the refrigerator and they can’t reproduce so quickly that the milk spoils in 3 days. This is why many foods are put in the refrigerator.

4. Does your baby know about echo? If not, be sure to tell him! It is better to do this while walking in the forest or in the mountains. An echo is the same as the reflection of something in a mirror, only it is not objects that are reflected, but sounds. They seem to bounce off trees and stones and repeat themselves many times.

5. Show your child soap bubbles. Ready-made ones are now sold in many shopping centers, but you can make your own. To do this, mix 200g of water, 200g of detergent and 1 teaspoon of sugar. It is advisable to cool this liquid first. If you inflate them outside, warm, sunny weather is most suitable. In the cold, the bubbles will burst quickly.

These experiments may seem silly and obvious to you, but remember that your child's life experiences are not comparable to yours. And many things around him, although familiar to him, are not always clear. Any of the listed experiences can be used as an interesting educational game, during which you and your baby can better understand each other.

It may also turn out that there are children, but they do not know each other and there is no company as such. In such a situation, an adult must take upon himself the responsibility of organizing the game, introduce the children, offer the game, tell the rules, and participate himself at first until the children get the hang of it.

Calm games which are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use

"Not really". The driver thinks of a word, the other players take turns asking leading questions (for example, “Is this a tree?”, “Is this a house?”, “Is this alive?”, “Is this a person?”, “Is this a profession?”), to which only answers follow : "Yes or no". The last one to say the word wins.

"Words". A long word is taken and the task of each player is to create as many independent words as possible from the existing letters; each letter in the derived word can be used as many times as it appears in the original. (for example: mole - mouth, cat, current)

"Alphabet". Each player draws a table, the graphs correspond to certain concepts, for example (female name, male name, river, city, cartoon, country, object, tree, bird, etc., preferably no more than 7-8). A letter is selected at random from the alphabet and everyone simultaneously fills out a line in the table so that the name or proper name begins with the specified letter. Whoever fills in the line first says “stop” and the scoring begins. If the name is chosen to be unique, then 10 points are assigned per word; if the names of the players are the same, then 5 points each; if the table is not completely filled, then empty columns are not scored.

"Fairy tale". The players, each on their own sheet, draw a pre-agreed hero in parts, the drawn part is folded, sheets are exchanged, then a continuation is drawn, in several steps. Then, with a fair amount of amusement, we look at the result. It is best to divide the drawing into 3 parts: head, torso (with arms), legs.

Another option is with words, you can compose a story in this way, taking turns writing a sentence on a given topic. If there are more than 2 players, the result is a hodgepodge, like a broken radio.

Option "blind man's buff" players scatter various objects on the floor, remember where everything is, and try to collect eyes closed add as many items as possible to your basket, you can play in pairs, in this case, each “sighted” person controls the actions of his partner. You can make the task more difficult - each team must collect objects of its own color (for example, cubes)

"Pyramid". Players take turns placing cubes on top of each other, and the one after which the pyramid collapses loses.

"15". 15 pebbles are laid out (pencils, sticks, buttons, etc.), each in turn takes no more than 3 pieces, and the last one loses.

Outdoor games

"Dodgeball"- The playing field is ~ 8-10 meters long, outlined on both sides by lines, behind which there are bouncers (drivers). Their task is to knock players off the field with the ball. The ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another. There are plenty of options for players:

a) the “knocked out” or newly arrived player becomes the bouncer;

b) the players are divided into teams and the eliminated players leave the field until all the players on the team are eliminated, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer, which means either the opportunity to remain in the circle, or the return of one of the eliminated players to the field;

c) if the previous options are widely known, then I encountered this only once - in a pioneer camp. There should be quite a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. Each team has one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (I) on the field as follows:

¦ ¦ ¦ В1¦ И2 ¦ И1 ¦В2 ¦ ¦ ¦

Each team takes turns in possession of the ball and kicks out the opposing players (I1-I2). Knocked out players from the players category go into the bouncers category, that is, they go beyond the boundaries of the field into the sector (B1-B2, respectively); only the player who caught the “candle” can take possession of someone else’s ball (a ball caught from the ground as a “candle” is not considered a player , whoever catches such a ball goes to the bouncers). The team that still has players left wins, and they start the next game.

"Steps"(Option 1): A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, into which all participants are placed. The driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs further from the circle. The one of the players who managed to catch the ball shouts “stop” and assigns the number of steps to the driver (the steps can be very diverse and in different numbers, for example, 2 “giants” and “5 midgets”), if after completing the assigned steps manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can imagine yourself: “Giant” - big steps in a jump, “liliputians” - a half-foot step, “thread” - from toe to toe, “ducklings” - squatting, “umbrellas” - jump with a flip , “bunny” - jump legs together.

"Edible-inedible"- The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, naming various objects. If an “edible” word sounds, the player must catch the ball, an “inedible” word must be missed or discarded; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the next step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.

"I know 5 names": - they hit the ground with a ball (palm), with each strike pronouncing another word: “I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, “Sonya” - four, Ira - five", "I know 5..." If the player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball goes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game is for of this player resumes from the place where it was interrupted (as is done in the “classics”), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be named. This game is useful even without a ball, at home.

"Dog"- the players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, the “dog”’s task is to take possession of the ball, the one who lost the ball himself becomes a “dog”.

This is a limited list of ball games, it can be expanded classic games football, basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball.

“The sea is agitated once...” The water stands with its back to the players, who make all kinds of passes, depicting various figures in motion, and says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure freezes in place,” then turns around, the one who before he has time to freeze or move, the first one becomes the driver.

“You’re driving more slowly...”- one of the options " sea ​​figures", the driver stands on one side playing field, the players are at the other end of it, the water turns away and says: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further, one, two, three, stop” and turns around. The players who are running towards the driver at this moment must freeze; the one who did not manage to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the water, becomes water himself. The whole interesting thing is that the phrase can be cut off in any way (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be “stop”, only after it can the water turn around.

"Houses" circles-houses are drawn on the field, exactly one less than the number of players, the water goes around the houses, collecting the players in a chain, and takes them away, while telling them where it is leading them, after the command “go home” everyone rushes back and the player to whom didn’t get a house, he becomes a driver. Variant of the saying: “The gnomes went for a walk, left their houses: gnome Misha (for example), gnome Sasha (etc., listing all the players), they went into the forest, but got lost, walked for a long, long time, (further to taste) “followed by an unexpected command “go home” anywhere in the story - develops attention and reaction.

"Ring"- players sit on a bench and hold their palms folded in a boat in front of them, the water clamps a ring (or a coin) in its “boat” and passes through all the players in turn (more than once), putting its palms into the palms of the players, imperceptibly transferring to one of them “ ring,” then says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the task of the player who received the ring is to get up and go out, becoming the driver, the task of the others is to hold him, if, of course, they have time to figure out who got this ring, it’s interesting to play consisting of at least 4-5 people.

"Traffic light" the field is limited on 4 sides (moderately, depending on the number of players), it’s something like a pedestrian droshky, you can’t run outside of it. So, the driver in the center of the playing field, turning away, assigns a color, those players who have this color on their clothes calmly cross, the rest - “violators” - must run across the “road”, the greasy “violator” becomes water.

"Arrow Squirrels" or “Cossack Robbers” The players are divided into two teams, the “shooters” are given time to hide and then the chase begins, the search is carried out along the arrow tracks placed by the “shooter” players at turns, and maybe more often. As soon as the last “arrow” is found and caught, the teams change roles.

"Leapfrog"- jumping over each other in a chain.

"Stream"- a well-known game, children stand in pairs, holding hands, arms raised up. The player who does not have a pair runs through the formed “tunnel” and grabs the hand of the participant he likes. The one who is left alone also goes in search of a mate for himself.

"Higher than your feet off the ground" players run up in a row and position themselves so that their feet do not touch the ground (sit down, hang on trees, etc.) The driver’s task is to insult the one who could not resist and touched the ground; another interesting thing is that players at a respectful distance can change your location.

"Confusion"- the players clasp their hands in a circle and get confused, climbing over each other as soon as possible while the driver turns away. Then he must unravel this tangle without breaking the circle.

"Boyars". Two teams, holding hands, first walk towards each other, then back, and so on in turn. And they say:

Boyars, we came to you, dear ones, and we came to you.

Boyars, why did they come, dear ones, why did they come.

Boyars, we need a bride, dear ones, we need a bride.

Boyars, what is dear to you, dear ones, what is dear to you.

Boyars, this is dear to us (pointing to one of the players), dear, this is dear to us.

Boyars, she is a fool among us, dears, she is a fool among us.

Boyars, and we use her whip...

Boyars, she is afraid of the whip...

Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread...

Boyars, her teeth hurt...

Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor...

Boyars, she is afraid of the doctor...

Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever.

The “bride” runs up and tries to break the chain from the hands of the opposite team; if she doesn’t break through, she remains on the team; if she breaks through, she takes one player and goes to her team.

"Pike" - a variant of tags (tags), the one who has been saluted clings to the water and together they salute the next one, the last player who has been saluted becomes the driver.

"Wizards"- those who have been salvaged freeze in place, with their arms open, they can be re-enchanted if the driver allows other players to approach them, the last one who has been salvaged becomes the driver.

"Third wheel"- players stand in a circle in twos (one after another), the driver runs after one of the free players around the outer circle without crossing it, a player can stand in front of one of the pairs and then the one who is third and stands with his back to the border of the circle will have to run away . The salty one becomes the driver.

"Crocodile", "Pantomime" or "Charades". Two teams, the opposite team thinks of a word, some of the players try to portray it in pantomime, the other part tries to guess. If they guess right, they switch roles.

"Shackles"(a shortened version of the game “Boyars”), this game differs only in the dialogue of the playing teams: - Shackles. - Shackled. - Unwind. - By whom? - My friend. - Which one? Next, a player is selected who breaks someone else's chain.

"Cold-hot." The water hides an object that players must find according to its instructions: cold, colder, warmer, hot, very hot, etc., depending on the players' temperament. (can be played at home)

"Gates". A variant of blind man's buff, where two people lead with their eyes closed - “guards”, between whom the rest of the players must pass; those caught change places with the guards.

"Broken phone". Unfortunately, I remember the rules vaguely. The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue moves, and the last player becomes the first - water.

"Secrets"(loved by girls) - a hole is torn off in the ground, a candy wrapper (preferably shiny) is placed on the bottom, something like a herbarium is placed on it and the whole thing is covered with a piece of glass, then covered with earth. Then, in secret, the girls show their treasures to each other.

"Hide and seek." Is it worth explaining the rules to everyone? famous game? Let us remind you just in case. The water stands up to the wall and counts to a number that the players agree on in advance. While he is counting, everyone else should have time to hide. The countdown always ends with the words “I’m going to look.” Having found the player, the water must get ahead of him and be the first to touch the “pan”, the place at which he was counting. Also, players do not have to wait until they are found, but in the meantime it is safe to run out of cover and touch the “pan”. The new driver will be determined from among those found using, for example, a counting rhyme.

"Kiss-Meow." Very similar to the game of forfeits. The players line up. 2 drivers are selected. They stand with their backs to each other, but one faces the players, and the other, respectively, vice versa. The one who is facing randomly points at the players and asks the second one “Kitty?”, He can answer either “Shoot!” or “Meow!” If “Race”, the first one continues to ask “Kitty?” If “Meow!”, then the one to whom the first water pointed must fulfill some of his wishes or complete a task.

"Rubber band." To play you need 3-4 participants (or more) and an elastic band 3-4 meters long. A child can play alone, but then the rubber band will have to be stretched, for example, between trees. But even with a large number of participants, it is not necessary for someone to stand “in a rubber band.”

They play against each other or in teams. The essence of the game is to jump at all levels of the rubber band, performing certain exercises, and not make a mistake.

If a player makes a mistake, the next one starts jumping.

Rubber band game levels:

The first - when the elastic band is at the level of the holding ankles;

The second is an elastic band at knee level;

Still others - elastic at hip level;

Fourth - elastic at waist level;

Fifth - elastic band at chest level;

Sixth - elastic band at neck level;

Seventh - the elastic band is kept at ear level.

The exercises themselves are very difficult to describe on paper, but most likely in your yard there is an older generation of children who are already well versed in all the intricacies of this game. They can teach the youngest.

"Classics". Most likely, almost every adult remembers what this game is. But in case something happens, here short description.

A figure with squares (from 1 to 10) is drawn on the asphalt. There should be a semicircle on top. It is called "Cauldron" or "Fire".

You also need a small pebble or something like that (bat). His children will move while jumping.

The essence of the game: children throw a bat at the square with the corresponding “class” and then perform tasks in turn (“classes”):

The first one is ordinary. They jump or walk as they wish, and throw the bat to the next square with each step (jump).

The second is to throw the bat at the number “2” with your eyes closed. Then they jump and walk as they please, the main thing is to reach the 10th square.

The third is “poker”. Jump on the right foot, always moving the bat to the left to the next square. “Recess” (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 5th square.

The fourth is on the left leg. The bat is moved all the time to the right. “Recess” (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 6th square.

Fifth - they jump and move the bat with both feet at the same time.

Sixth - they jump and throw the bat across one cell (1-3-5-7-9).

Seventh - you can't laugh. Everyone around at this time is trying to make you laugh.

Eighth - you can throw a bat from the fifth class (square).

Ninth - they throw the bat at “9” and jump with their eyes closed.

"Snail". A huge snail (large spiral) is drawn on the asphalt. “Houses” are drawn on it - transverse lines along the entire spiral (as in the classics). The essence of the game is to jump the entire “Snail” on one leg from the beginning to the center of the circle. Players agree in advance whether they can change legs and rest, and on what square this will happen. Everyone who has overcome the “snail” selects any cell on the field and draws some picture (the main thing is to make it clear that this is, as it were, a “sign” of this particular player). With each hand, the game becomes more complicated in that players, while jumping on cells, cannot step on the “houses” of their opponents. As a result, there are so many “houses” that it is no longer possible to jump over them. The one with the most “houses” on the field wins. You cannot stand on both feet, step on the lines or go beyond the “snail”. If this happens, the player is deprived of the right to assign the “house” to himself.


1. Zubkova N.M. A cart and a small cart of miracles. Experiments and experiments for children from 3 to 7 years old. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007.

2. Zubkova N.M. Five thousand - where, seven thousand - how, one hundred thousand - why. Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008.

3. Monina G.B., Gurin Yu.V. from three to seven years. – St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2008.

Shapovalenko I.V. Age-related psychology. – M.: Gardariki, 2007.

Games and activities at the dacha for children

Summer is a good opportunity to spend more time with your child outdoors.

Remember your childhood and your favorite outdoor games, use your imagination by coming up with activities for children at the dacha, use tips on how to keep your child occupied at the dacha and make your leisure time useful and exciting. If you minimize the computer and TV, you can see so many interesting and new things around. The proposed options for children's games and activities in the country can be supplemented and improved, making them more varied and more interesting every day!

1. Own “home”

Let your child feel a little grown-up and give him his own secluded corner in the country. There he can play alone or with friends and take a break from adults. You can build a tent, as in the photo, by stretching a rope between two trees and throwing a thin blanket on top. You can install a purchased children's tent or awning or make a wooden house.

source www.welke.nl

2. Toy track

Both boys and many girls love to play with cars. Another way to diversify your child’s leisure time at home is to have your own road! You can do it, for example, using regular electrical tape, which can be easily removed after the game. Add garages and houses made of cardboard boxes, bridges and arches made of wooden construction sets, trees made of branches and lakes made of foil and you will have a whole city!

source www.wickedlocal.com

3. “Kitchen” in the fresh air

Set up a kitchen for your child too - a stool can become a dining table, a drawer can become a stove, and a basin can become a sink. A sieve, jars, dishes, a towel - everything is like in a real kitchen. Sand, grass, pebbles, water, earth - games with these natural materials develop well fine motor skills, A role-playing games- children's imagination.

source www.pinterest.com

4. Waterfall on the wall

The dacha is simply created for large-scale water games for children, which cannot be carried out in an apartment. A water wall can be built, for example, on a fence or wooden board. Nail pipes, hoses, watering cans, cut plastic bottles to it in such a way that water flows from one container to another. Children love to play with water, and they will definitely enjoy this kind of entertainment at the dacha!

source www.aliveprograms.wordpress.com

5. Personal flowerbed

Give your child a garden bed or a separate flower bed and explain that now he can take care of it himself. Choose and plant flowers or other plants together, tell them why they need to be watered and what will soon grow. Explain that there are cultivated plants and weeds. Such an interesting activity for children at the dacha will help instill in them responsibility and respect for the work of others.

source www.craftster.org

6. Music wall

By analogy with a waterfall, you can make a music stand on the wall in your country house. Anything from which sound can be extracted can be used - iron lids and utensils, tin cans and grates, wooden and metal spoons. Rattle, knock, ring, make noise - everything is allowed at the dacha! What could be more fun for a child of any age?

source www.living.msn.com

7. Memory of summer

Keep the memories of summer and at the same time prepare materials for crafts with your children. Collect meadow flowers, herbs, leaves of different shapes and make a herbarium. Pebbles, bark, sticks and cones are useful for crafts. You can dry the herbarium in a special press or in a book. When the plants are dry, use them for paintings - stick on the leaves, and add the flower and twigs. Good idea make a herbarium album with the names of plants and dates of collection.

source www.pinterest.com

8. Understanding the world

Buy a magnifying glass with a comfortable handle and invite your child to look at familiar things with different eyes. Look together at bugs on a tree, a bird feather, strawberries on a branch, flowers in a garden bed, and your own fingers. Such an activity will undoubtedly captivate the child, and he himself will come up with what else he would like to look at through a magnifying glass.

source www.natuwitek.de

9. Country “finds”

This children's game in the country should be prepared in advance and a magnifying glass can also come in handy. Draw or print pictures of what you can find at your dacha and go to little trip. Use an egg tray to collect small “finds” - flowers, plants, moss, soil, bark, sand. Or mark on the sheet the large objects you found - a ladder, a bucket, a ladybug, and so on.

source www.bambino-spensierato.blogspot.com

Part one.

1. Music wall.

Musical wall with all sorts of rattles and noisemakers. Old lids, pots, tin cans, spoons and any objects that can be used to make sounds will be used.

Wooden xylophone

2. Wall with water.

Using all kinds of containers and hoses, a wall is built along which water can be directed so that it passes through all obstacles.

3. Children's kitchen. Toy.
Many have probably already forgotten how in childhood they baked pies from the ground and made salads from leaves and flowers. Make a small kitchen in the yard for your children in the village/dacha, and they themselves will figure out what to treat you for lunch

4. Natural play.

Always on playground pieces of wood, saw cuts, stumps and all sorts of sticks will be useful. With all this you can create a city with bridges, a table with chairs and many, many, many other things.

5. Wooden construction set!

Cut down small trees will make a wonderful construction set!

6. Natural twister)))

Twister on the grass. Circles are painted over the stencil with spray paint.

7. Accuracy games. With balls made from marbles and peas!

You can use colorful balloons to make balls filled with lentils, beans or peas.

They are thrown at specially made “targets”

But it’s much easier to buy, for example, flower pallets and make targets from them. The further and smaller the plate, the more points per hit

8. Playing petanque.

The goal of the game is to throw your ball as close as possible to the small wooden cochonette ball. Everything is quite simple, but this makes it no less exciting and exciting.
Children are delighted because their results sometimes exceed those of adults)

9. A labyrinth for a little racer.

Quite by accident, we ended up with such a labyrinth road, drawn with water from a watering can!) My daughter asks me to make this path for her so she can ride a bike along it or play tag. For very young children, you can make the path simpler and invite them to just walk along it.

A labyrinth can also be built from stones!

10. Path made of original stones.

If there is an opportunity to put pebbles on the site for paths, then they can be made very interesting.

11. Shower.

Outdoor shower made of PVC pipes.

You can build a car and bicycle wash!!!

You can make children's chairs!

12. Water balloons. Kapitoshki)))

Water bombs.
You can simply leave or play a game where the players gradually move away from each other, and the team or player who was able to catch the bomb from the farthest distance wins.

13. Pinata made from water balloons.

14. Sponge ball)))

Sponge ball.

15. Foam party.

You can take tear-free baby foam or shaving cream.

16. Bubbles party)))

Don't forget about soap bubbles! But suggest making them using various kitchen utensils - funnels, strainers, fly swatters)))

And the solution itself can be made like this:
For 100 gr. Take 300 ml dishwashing detergent. boiled water and 50 ml. glycerin (sold at the pharmacy). Stir everything well and the solution is ready.

To get a lot of small soap bubbles, you need to blow them out of several straws

You can also draw with bubbles!
You just need to add paint or food coloring to any soap-foaming solution, bubble up more foam and place paper on top of it.

From such paper you can make postcards, envelopes, and if you only draw blue and then draw the fish, you get an ocean.

17. Call of the Jungle.

In any country house or village you can create a real jungle. You can plant soft toys of tigers, panthers, monkeys on the branches of apple, plum and cherry trees, and zebras and giraffes can graze in currant bushes.

You can hang homemade vines, streamers, or just strips of light translucent green fabric.

You can turn into some kind of animal or become a brave explorer.

18. Tent in the garden.
Be sure to make a tent or marquee.

19. Board games in the tent.

Hiding in a tent, you can play board games, and in the evening warm up by a homemade fire and tell scary stories)

20. Hunting for...

Kids can be invited to collect lizards (or anything else) that have scattered across the lawn especially for this occasion.

And another fascinating and educational activity is a kind of natural “sorter”. It can be made in the form of a container where you need to collect the items shown in the pictures.

21. Fairy houses.

From any available material you can make fairy houses, for example, for fairies.

And then make furniture and household items for these houses. It is more interesting that these are not purchased items, but homemade ones.

And for larger fairies you can build a chair)))

22. Flower fairies.

Flower fairies.
Draw sketchy figures on a piece of paper, and then glue various petals and leaves to them. You can not only make fairies, but also houses, animals and everything that your imagination allows.

23. Herbarium for older children.

And, of course, the herbarium! Show your child how diverse vegetable world. You can choose a piece of the garden and see how many different plants there are in such a small space.

24. Flower press.

By the way, you can dry flowers and leaves not only under a stack of heavy books, but also simply by placing them between cardboard boxes and tightening them with rubber bands.

And from already dried flowers you can make paintings, bookmarks, postcards, inscriptions, and even decorate some objects using the decoupage technique.

25. Heliography.

Heliography - solar drawing. This is done using special photosensitive paper. I don’t know where to get one like this, to be honest)

26. Bouquets of flowers on paper, fabric...

Ask the children to draw a colorful bouquet, but without the help of paints and brushes, but with a hammer! They will be very surprised)

But it was with a hammer that we “drew” these bouquets. To do this, you need to put some flower or leaf on watercolor paper, cover it with a paper towel and tap firmly over the entire surface. Many plants contain enough of their own dye to create vibrant prints!

Pansies print very beautifully. You can also make some kind of fairies out of them.

You can also make such prints on fabric.

27. Handmade paper.

You can try making homemade paper. It's not difficult at all and very exciting.

The master class can be found easily, just google it a little.

28, 29 -For older children - you can do origami(folding paper figures) and kirigami(cut from folded paper).

30. Butterfly exhibition.

You can arrange a small exhibition of live butterflies. To do this you will need 2 disposable plates and a net. You can read more here.

31. Draw with chalk!

We recently discovered that it turns out very beautifully if you draw with wet crayons, it’s better to hold them flat and layer the colors on top of each other. For example, blue + pink, yellow + green + orange, etc.

In nature one of the simplest, most accessible and entertaining games- This badminton. You can play in the yard, on the beach, and in the clearing.

Very exciting playing with a plastic plate (Frisbee). Any number of people can play it. For example, ten players stand in a circle at a distance of 4 steps from each other. Children throw the plate to each other in any direction, but not to those standing next to each other.

You can also play a game using a plastic plate Sniper: at a distance of 8 meters from the starting line, various objects are placed on the ground - a cube, a pin, a box, etc. Children try to knock them down with a plate. Each player in turn approaches the starting line and throws the plate 3 times, trying to hit the target. The most accurate participant in the game wins, knocking out three objects in three attempts.

Also interesting ball games. You can come up with many types of competitions that will be interesting to everyone. Try to see who can do it better, faster and without errors. For example:

  • throw the ball as high as possible (whoever has the highest wins);
  • hit the ball at the target (draw a target on the wall or fence). Distance 3-5 meters. Kicks are performed with the right or left feet from a place and a run;
  • draw a circle on the asphalt with chalk or mark it on the ground, throw the ball from a distance of 3-5 meters, trying to hit the center;
  • Place a chair or stool at a distance of 2-3 meters. Everyone must roll the ball so that it rolls between the legs of the chair.

You can also play games that develop the child’s mental activity, train concentration. For example, game "On the contrary".

Children stand in a circle. The driver throws the ball to someone and says: “It’s light”; the person who catches it must say the word in reverse, i.e. opposite in meaning. The player answers: “It’s dark” and returns the ball to the leader, who continues the game (wide-narrow, hot-cold, etc.). You can pronounce different parts of speech: nouns, verbs, and adjectives. A player who does not answer or hesitates for more than 10 seconds leaves the game.

Game "Hurry up to take your place".

The children form a circle, and the driver counts them in numerical order. The driver stands in the center of the circle. The presenter loudly calls out two numbers. The numbers called must be swapped. The driver's task is to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The one left without a seat goes to the driver’s place. The numbers that were assigned to players at the beginning of the game should not change, even when one or another of them becomes a temporary driver.

It will be great if parents worry about a sports ground at the dacha where they can spend football or volleyball tournaments.

Summer holidays spent in the fresh air will bring much more more benefits for the child's body than sitting at a computer or monotonously watching TV shows.

We wish you a fun, interesting and exciting summer holiday!