Call of duty modern warfare 3 end. We were taught that life is a fight

The most old-school gamers remember with nostalgia that at the dawn of computer games they had the opportunity to play Call of Duty - a masterpiece shooter of those times dedicated to the Second World War. Many years have passed since then, but the series still lives on - naturally, graphically it has become much more impressive, and in all other respects it has seriously advanced compared to what could be seen before. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the theme changed as a result - the first games in the series saw the peak of popularity of the theme of World War II in computer games, but gradually the interest became less, so the developers had to switch to more modern conflicts, as a result of which the Modern Conflict subseries appeared. It presents both real wars, military operations and conflicts, as well as fictional, sometimes even futuristic battles.

One of latest games series became Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the passage of which will be discussed in this article. Please note immediately that this game is a direct continuation of the previous project, even game process begins from the moment where the last part ended. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the passage will be action-packed, but at the same time you will be pleased with how exciting and addictive, as well as deeply thought out, the plot is.


As mentioned above, in the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the passage begins from the moment where the second part ended - Price is trying to get your hero to the doctor as soon as possible, since he is very seriously injured. This is exactly how it all ended before - Shepard was eliminated, but your character also suffered, and if you don’t hurry, everything could end in tears. However, the prologue serves to introduce you to the story - there is little you can do on your own. In fact, in the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the passage begins only when you take control of a new character - Sergeant Derek Westbrook with the call sign Frost. As in previous parts games, you will periodically play for different heroes, but Derek remains the main one.

Black Tuesday

In the case of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the passage of the game is divided into missions, each of which is not a direct continuation of the previous one, but is connected with it in the plot. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, the main character and, accordingly, the storyline will periodically change, but rest assured that in the end all the fates of the heroes will intertwine again and surprise you with an unexpected ending.

So, it all starts when the helicopter in which Derek and his group are flying crashes. You need to get out of it and go to the New York Stock Exchange building, fighting your way with fire. The path will be quite long, but if you do not try to be first everywhere, but try to act together with the team, then success is guaranteed to you. Once in the exchange lobby, you wait for the group and follow the same approach - here this is much more important, since in indoors Opponents can deal with a lone hero quite easily. You need to gradually make your way to the roof, preventing enemies from surrounding the group, so you definitely shouldn’t rush. Once on the roof, plant explosives on the jammer and detonate it - now you need to wait for the helicopter to evacuate. However, first an enemy helicopter will arrive, which you will need to shoot down, after which you will be able to board a friendly helicopter, sit behind a stationary machine gun and fire back from pursuit. In the end, you will still be shot down, and the end will be very close, but the pilot at the last moment will manage to level the flight and save Derek and the entire group. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, playing through the game will very often confront you with such extreme situations, so you need to be prepared to always act quickly and decisively.


In the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the passage of special operations can be extremely varied, even for the same character. In the previous mission as Derek, you had to clear a skyscraper and blow up a generator on the roof, and in this one you need to turn into a real Navy SEAL. You need to swim towards the enemy submarine, but be especially careful, as there are mines all around, and if you deviate slightly from the course or get separated from the group, then everything can end in disaster. Once near the submarine, attach the charges and swim away to blow it up. When the submarine surfaces, climb up and deal with your opponents, then go down. Here, act extremely carefully, since at any moment an enemy with a shotgun can jump out at you and take off half of your health with one shot. After clearing the submarine, follow the instructions and launch torpedoes, then evacuate. A boat is already waiting for you, which will quickly take you to the helicopter, and the mission will end. This is how the passage will continue to take place. Call games of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - special operations bring a lot of pleasure, since in other games you are unlikely to be able to participate in this.

Persona non grata

As mentioned earlier, the character for whom the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be played will periodically change. Survival will not greatly depend on this, since all the characters have the same characteristics, so you will not find any particular inconvenience in control.

So yours new character- Yuri, who with his group must activate a secret robot in India and, with its help, clear the city of enemies. To do this, you will need to first kill opponents in the building, and once you get out into the open, carefully monitor the windows and balconies, since a sniper may be waiting for you at any moment. When you break through to the garage you were directed to, activate the robot and use all the weapons it has to eliminate your opponents. If the robot's screen starts to interfere, take it to a safe place so it can recover. Eventually it will be deactivated and you will need to run to the extraction point, but the building next to you will explode and you will slide into the river. Swim to the shore, where help is already waiting for you. Naturally, this does not end the walkthrough of the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - part 1, which is called the act here, is still in full swing.


In the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, survival is one of the most difficult, in fact, as are special missions that do not relate to the storyline. However, this article discusses precisely the campaign in which you again have a change of characters - now you will act as Andrei Kharkov, a Russian FSB agent. This mission begins on board the President's plane, where an important meeting is taking place mid-flight. However, suddenly the sound of gunfire cuts the air, and it becomes clear that the president’s daughter has been captured by terrorists. Together with another fighter, clear the plane - there are very few opponents, but you need to react to them very quickly.

After freeing the president's daughter, you realize that the plane is crashing. The President has disappeared, and you need to go in search of him. There are now many more opponents, so break through in battle - your allies will help you with this. Having found the President, wait for the evacuation helicopter. When you open the door, you will be immediately shot, and the president will be taken hostage and taken away. As you can see, a campaign can bring incredible surprises, and that’s what’s great about it. scene mode games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Completing special operations, survival and others additional modes- these are just bonus amenities, and story line- this is the main dish of this project.

Back in the game

Now you can see for yourself how fun the passage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 can be. Mission 1 was already extremely interesting, and it was from there that the whole storyline began. However, with each new mission the game becomes more and more interesting - and in this mission you again gain control of Yuri, who, together with his group, finds himself in Africa, where you need to pick up important cargo from a village occupied by local terrorists. First, you will need to make your way secretly, eliminating as few opponents as possible quietly and unnoticed, until you reach the plant. Here you will need to climb onto the roof and eliminate the sniper in order to cover your two partners who will get inside. There's no one there, so keep moving.

There is a car with a machine gun near the factory, get inside and shoot back at the enemies until a mortar shot blows up your car. But this is not the time to lie back and relax - you need to continue moving towards the church - first find a mortar and use it against the targets that will be indicated to you. In the church you will be met by opponents with dogs, one of which will grab you - the weapon will fall out of your hand, but you still have a gun. Shoot back from your opponents, shoot the dog and watch your helicopter fly away. This is how the walkthrough happens in the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Part 1 is already nearing its end, but many adventures are still ahead.

Do not lean

However, again, this is not the time to relax, you need to continue playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The finale of the first act is already quite close, but pay attention to the fact that you take control of a completely new character named Marcus Burns, he serves in the British special forces. First you need to check the area with a drone, after which you and your group can move towards the docks. It will not be difficult to deal with your opponents, since your partners are very strong. Storm the docks, but nothing will be found there. After this, you will need to give a chase in a truck until you get into an accident. After this there will be a sad video scene from which it will be clear that innocent people suffered because of this accident. But this does not end the passage of the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - the finale occurs only at the first act, and there are two more to come.

Act 2

The second act prepares a lot of interesting and exciting missions for you. First, you have to, in the person of Derek, save the vice president at the German summit. Then you will again have the opportunity to control Yuri - this time your task will be to rescue an important person in Somalia. To do this, you will have to try, since there will be many opponents, as well as battles, and they will all be varied - from single shootouts to massive helicopter attacks. Moreover, all events are accompanied by a sandstorm, so visibility will be extremely poor. Then you will again need to take on the role of Derek, this time in Paris you will need to capture a particularly important cargo, but paralytic gas is swirling on the streets, so you will have to act in gas masks, so visibility will be limited here too. After this there will be a mission in which, as Derek, you will have to fly a fighter, destroying various targets using different weapons. In this case, you will need to get into the fighter twice, and between that you will have to fight a little on the ground. You will need to complete the last two missions as Yuri, both of which will take place in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. First, you will need to move through the sewers under the city to a certain point, from where the operation will begin. Here you need to get to the church, but there will be a lot of opponents. It would seem that this could cause difficulties, but here it is very important to follow the instructions of your partner in order to complete the task without any problems. The last mission of the second act will be very intense. You need to take a sniper position, but you won’t be able to shoot, since explosions occur at the position of both your partner and you. The third partner comes running to you, and you take turns changing - one carries the wounded, the other protects. As a result, the wounded man dies, saying that Yuri knows the main villain. As a result, the surviving partner beats you and asks you what this could mean. The story is told in the form of flashbacks, from which it becomes known about the acquaintance of Yuri and Makarov.

Act 3

The third act will begin in the same Prague, and you still play as Yuri, who now acts with only one partner. But this does not change anything - you need to listen to him very carefully, and then everything will be fine. Break through with battle, blow up walls where indicated. Once on the bridge, blow it up to get rid of persecution and hide. After this, control passes to Derek, who in Berlin is trying to free the president's daughter taken hostage. Here you will even have to fight one-on-one with a tank, but if you use the RPG correctly, you will be able to cope without any problems. Once in the building, prepare for an assault that will not happen - you will not be able to save the president's daughter. After this, you again begin to control Yuri, who, together with two united special forces, is preparing to storm the mine where the president is being held hostage. Your elevator will be shot down, so you will end up very deep, where you need to use your night vision device. During the rescue operation, something will go wrong, and some people will be left in the mine to certain death, which will infuriate your boss.

The final

You will have to go through the final mission as Captain Price. In the Juggernaut costume, you will need to avenge your best friend and destroy a bunch of enemies. Moreover, you can even shoot down a helicopter, but it will fly straight at you, so you will have to move on without a suit. Yuri is extremely seriously injured, so you will have to leave him behind. Jump into Makarov's plane and throw the pilot and the main villain down, but you won't be able to maintain control, so follow them. There you need to crawl to the gun, but Makarov will get ahead of you, but a second before death you see Yuri shooting at Makarov, which is why he receives several bullets - now he is definitely dead. Rather, wrap the neck of the wounded Makarov with wire and kill him, saving humanity from the main terrorist threat. Now you can safely smoke a cigar.

The stuffy insanity in which the Call of Duty series finds itself today, for me personally, reached its apogee in the second mission. During deep sabotage, a submarine with evil Russians floats above a detachment of fearless Marines. The squad leader hisses into the radio: “Don’t move!” Out of spite (and out of boredom), I still decide to swim a little... and then I find out that I can’t move - the controls are turned off for the duration of the scene.

Call of Duty came out of the school of the good old scripted shooters that quickly became fashionable after Half-Life. Of course, the authors were guided by the most noble motives - to make it beautiful for the players and tell a juicy, coherent story, and even about the war. Over the years, this desire has not weakened at all, but the methods, the set of which have not changed even once in nine years, ultimately brought the series to the point of absurdity and idiotic scenes like the one described just above. Our task today is to try to figure out how this happened and what to do next.

We have been waging war for seventy years

What Modern Warfare 3 sold in huge quantities - not surprising. Firstly, at Infinity Ward there is a multiplayer that is firmly on its feet, and secondly, there are still enough people in the world between the ages of seven and seventy who have not played enough of the war. But in this review we would like to turn not to them (they made their choice, you can’t convince them), but to those who, like us, have seen more than one or two Call of Duty games throughout the century, to those who have witnessed the whole recent history series and completely mastered the simple rules by which it works. Modern Warfare 3 is a tough test for all of us.

The philosophy of shootings in the game has finally slipped into the phrase “war in Crimea, everything is in smoke.” Often you don’t even have to think about what to do next, but simply shoot at the opposite corner of the screen.

In fact, it's not that Infinity Ward succeeded bad game. It's just that Modern Warfare 3 is, by and large, not a game at all. Games involve interactivity, some kind of dialogue with the user and the ability of the latter to influence the world created by the developers. In Modern Warfare 3, you have four options: you can run or not run, and you can shoot or not shoot.

The game does everything else itself. She herself releases new extras onto the field, she herself arranges fights between them, she herself blows up houses and breaks furniture... You only need to run in the right places in time, activating the scripts. I once conducted an experiment: during a hot firefight, I sat down in the corner, just so as not to stand completely in the line of fire, after which I got up from behind the computer and left the room for about fifteen minutes. Naturally, by the time I returned, not only had I not been killed, it was as if I had never left the room at all, the firefight continued at the same pace and, it seems (you can’t say for sure, the enemies look alike), in the same composition. Heroes of Modern Warfare 3 even refuse to die if there is no player nearby.

We were taught that life is a fight

Of course, all this has happened in Modern Warfare before (we repeat, the series works on the same mechanisms as in 2003). But before, no one was especially loudly indignant - well, the genre is so, well, traditional, but spectacular and epic! So, now it’s not nearly as spectacular. Vague doubts about the competence of Infinity Ward tormented us two years ago, when its founders left the studio and gradually began to lure away the most valuable employees from there.

Those who remain have serious problems with imagination. If earlier in Modern Warfare they showed a nuclear explosion with a view from space and, without hesitation, put a bullet in the player’s face in the very first mission, now the main attractions of the series are of a purely geographical nature - to make some noise in London, slightly protect New York, and shake the Eiffel Tower. ..

Inside are the most routine attractions: targeting a drone, genocide with a machine gun, sniper missions and stuff like that. The only thing that sticks in my memory a little is the liberation of the plane from the hostages, and even the final mission, where there are exoskeletons and an Arab casino.

According to new intelligence data

The rest of the exploits of the special forces fly by without lingering in memory; the brain filters out all these landscapes and situations as having been studied up and down many times, and therefore not worth attention. But due to the lack of wow moments, the main characters of the trilogy begin to get noticed - and they turn out to be rather boring types who are worthless if nuclear bombs don’t explode around them and don’t shoot tourists at the airport.

An interesting fact: the difficulty of the game can be lowered at any time, but it cannot be increased.

Simple (and yet the most humane of all), like the character in pulp books about special forces, Captain Price, the operetta villain Makarov (most of all he likes to appear and disappear spectacularly, as well as suddenly shoot at people), an inexpressive bully nicknamed Soap... It's not that we were ever mistaken about them - Call of Duty heroes have always looked like characters from Soviet perestroika action films. It’s just that before they were a completely harmonious part of the general madhouse, and now, when their pompous speeches are not supported by scenes of mass atrocities and disasters, they look like boring, flabby guys playing at Cossack robbers.

The specificity of single-player Call of Duty is that each next part should be louder and more powerful than the previous one. If this does not happen, then you get Modern Warfare 3, in which all, absolutely all the shortcomings of the series come out like tumors on the body of an old dog. “It turned out” that there is no Call of Duty artificial intelligence that the graphics, upon closer inspection, are quite poor, and the plot is written with the security guards of village vegetable stalls in mind. In fact, everything is much simpler: the entire inevitable charm of Call of Duty has always depended on how daringly the developers blow up the Earth in their games. This time - somehow not so much.

We were at war with ourselves

A year ago Treyarch proved that you can breathe into Call of Duty new life with the help of a healthy dose of absurdity and one Gary Oldman. Example Black Ops Once again it convinces us that it’s not about genres and their conventions, but about how talented and diligent people work on the game.

Infinity Ward seems to have no shortage of the latter, but there are very few of the former left. Therefore, as an action movie, Modern Warfare 3 still looks decent, especially if you remember that there are studios like CITY Interactive, who have been making much more acidic products for years, and nothing is done to them for it. But Modern Warfare 3 still remains an old-fashioned and very narrow-minded game, a pale imitation of itself four years ago.

The series is often compared to a roller coaster, and in this sense, Modern Warfare 3 is a roller coaster from which all the zigzags and loops have been removed, and a solid straight line has been left with strobe flashes along the entire route.

For the multimillion-dollar fans of Tom Clancy and similar products, all these are insignificant arguments; these people will swallow Call of Duty until their ears bleed. Professional politicians (see MP Seleznev and Labor member Keith Woz) will continue to use the game as an excuse for self-PR. Activision will invest millions to ensure that everything continues in the same spirit for as long as possible. In a word, everything is going on and will continue to go on as before, everything will be fine. But for those for whom games are not just an opportunity to shoot with an M-16 and virtually desecrate monuments of world culture, there is nothing more to do at this celebration of life.


Cool story:


Easy to learn:


Sound and music:

Interface and control:

Did you wait?

Devoid of bright shocking moments, Modern Warfare 3 turned into a fast and noisy, but very banal and cramped action movie.

"Above average"


If everything is more than clear with the single-player campaign of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, then with multiplayer everything is much more complicated. It’s stupid to directly compare it with online battles in Battlefield 3. There - team game, leisurely tactical maneuvers and long periods of lying in the bushes with a sniper rifle at the ready, trying to pick out a target somewhere half a kilometer ahead. In Call of Duty, on the contrary, there are very dynamic battles in rather cramped arenas, where everything is decided by individual skill, your reaction and knowledge of the map.

So, in an amicable way, both shooters can be played alternately, depending on the current mood. However, here’s the catch: if the Battlefield series, while maintaining its original mechanics, offers something new with each new part, then Call of Duty multiplayer has been marking time since the first Modern Warfare. However, even in such conditions, the third part managed to take a step back.

The police shield, which was cut from Black Ops, has returned to the game, but due to the microlags traditional for the series, it is still extremely difficult to use, and killing its bearer is still very easy.

First of all, it puts an end to Treyarch’s attempts last year to somehow refresh the leveling system. Instead of earning virtual money along with experience, which could be used to buy new perks, weapons and improvements for them, MW3 returns to its roots: all equipment is given out for free, but only after reaching a certain level. Not to say that this was very bad - Treyarch's inventions did not always lead to good results. But at least they tried. This year, not even a single new perk has appeared.

Imagination was only enough for two new modes. The first is a variation of the usual Team Deathmatch, in which to get points it is not enough to simply kill your opponent, but you need to rip an army token off his cold body. The second is guarding the flag, which one of the players must constantly carry with him. During this time, your team receives twice as many points for killing opponents. In general, the modes turned out no worse than others, although they cannot be compared with the crazy “money games” from Black Ops. And they are precisely not present in public matches for lack of cash.

Due to the indecently cramped maps, a shotgun can kill normally on most of them. Unlike Black Ops, where the hard drive was completely useless in all but one arena.

For several kills in a row, you are rewarded with “killstreaks”, allowing you, for example, to bomb a selected point on the map or spit missiles from an aircraft circling over the battlefield. Moreover, this time they came up with a wild number of “killstreaks”, dividing them into three groups. But quantity does not equal quality - most of the awards are almost useless.

There is nothing new at all in the battle mechanics. There is no damage, and all trunks within their class differ little from each other. As usual, after a few hours the ideal gun is found: in Modern Warfare 3, this honorable role was given to the UMP45 submachine gun, available from the very beginning of the game. All other weapons (assault and sniper rifles, machine guns, shotguns) is used only out of boredom.

And, frankly speaking, it becomes boring after just a few hours of play. The reason for this is not even the lack of innovations as such, but simply maps that are draining in all respects - extremely simple, almost one-story, very small, cramped and somehow faceless (in Black Ops, either a rocket took off, or a train passed, or a nuclear test was carried out. least some movement).

They cannot be compared with the maps from Modern Warfare 2 and even from Black Ops, where this was also not all right. So if you like Call of Duty multiplayer (and there's nothing wrong with that, it's really good), then it's better to continue playing the previous two parts of this game. The buzz is the same, but the money is safer.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Alternative opinion

Svetlana Pomerantseva

The Western press loves to compare Call series of Duty with Metal Slug. The analogies are often humorous: they say that the primitiveness of the methods and techniques with which Infinity Ward and Treyarch entertain players is akin to the five-kopeck mechanics of any run-and-gun. The only differences are in the third dimension and the lack of a sense of humor among Activision students.

For me, the analogy of foreign colleagues was never a reason to laugh: I always played Call of Duty as a bright, absolutely crazy arcade game, in which the plot and characters are so secondary that if it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t even notice it . All these complex moral choices, discussions about the sublime and attempts to awaken patriotic feelings in the player - not for our country, alas, are just unnecessary garbage, a funny attempt to fill the pause between shootouts. No more.

Like Metal Slug, I like to run and gun in Call of Duty; the rest is a nice but optional addition. I like the sound and feel of the weapon, I like the way opponents fall when hit by a bullet, I just enjoy the fact that at the right moment I catch the next enemy in my sights and pull the trigger. Because technically everything is done in a way like no other game.

Metal Slug developed according to a sinusoid - the series had both very successful titles and passable ones. But if you show the uninitiated any two games in the series, he will not find even a dozen significant differences in them. Simply because they don't exist. The mechanics turned out to be so successful that the developers can afford to keep it unchanged for almost sixteen years. And the higher or lower quality of each Metal Slug is determined by how healthy and unusual its bosses are.

In Modern Warfare 3, there are fewer of these very “bosses” - excellently choreographed, forever etched in the memory of events - than in Black Ops and MW2. But even in the previous parts, these wow moments in total barely took up 5% of the entire game. The mechanics of the military shooter - the meat that you have to deal with 95% of the time - are still excellent in Modern Warfare 3. Here it is still physically pleasant to shoot at enemies, hide behind covers, and “juggle” during battle different types weapons and entertain yourself with casual stealth indoors.

Attention! This material contains SPOILERS.

Act I

During the cut-scene we see Price, who is trying with all his might to get us to a local doctor as soon as possible. We are wounded and very seriously. This is how Modern Warfare 2 ended, with the elimination of Shepard, and now new adventures await us.

Black Tuesday.
August 17, 10:18.

Delta Squad.
Manhattan, New York.

We play as Derek "Frost". We get out of the downed helicopter and set off through the streets of New York to the stock exchange. We use the full power of our weapons, both primary and secondary. We hide behind cover, especially when an armored personnel carrier appears. We kill the enemy behind the machine gun and meet our allies at the crossroads. We turn right and move forward. There will be a passage to the building on the right, right next to the red torch, so you shouldn’t linger on the street because there will be an infinite number of enemies. The main weapon has a dual sight. So by pressing button “3” we get a distant view, respectively for accurate shots. Having penetrated the building, we go upstairs and make our way to another part, destroying the enemies we encounter. We go down the stairs and wait for our partners. One of them will open the door, and we will have to throw a flash grenade "Q". It is much easier to kill blinded opponents; the main thing is not to get caught in the light, so we take cover behind the wall. We get to the balcony and shoot everyone below. It is not necessary to go down, as we are more vulnerable there. We go outside and continue to make our way to the exchange. We gather with the squad in the lobby of the stock exchange. We go upstairs and wait for the squad. It’s very easy to get disoriented here, so we don’t push forward, especially at high difficulty levels. We climb up the scaffolding and then climb out onto the roof using the stairs. We neutralize the enemies one by one, they can surround us and take us by surprise. We attach a charge to the jammer, retreat and detonate. While we're waiting for the helicopter, let's play around with the Predator. We launch it with the “4” button and launch it directly at the targets circled in red. We also use the Predator to shoot down a helicopter; to do this, just move the view lower to see it. Let's climb aboard the arriving "Black Hawk" and leave this area.

Using a stationary machine gun, we shoot the remaining enemies on the roof and begin to eliminate the helicopters attacking us. Just when it seems that everything is over, another one suddenly appears. Having destroyed it, we are hit and are about to fall, but the pilot levels the helicopter and saves us all.

August 17, 16:32.
Sergeant Derek "Frost" Westbrook.
Delta Squad.
New York port.

We play for the same Derek “Frost”. We are sailing for the allies to the Russian submarine. Moving forward is done with the “W” button, while viewing is done with the mouse. Having gone out into the open space, we follow exactly behind our partners, so that God forbid we run into mines. Having passed through the last mines located in a row, we wait for the boat to sail forward. Then we quickly follow it and attach mines in the marked contour. It is not necessary to get close, a distance of 7–8 meters is enough to fix the charge.

The boat floats up and we follow it. We climb right onto it and neutralize the enemies trying to get to the surface. Next, together with Sandman, we penetrate inside the submarine. We clear it carefully; an enemy can come out from around any corner and kill us with two shots from a shotgun. We get to the door and, having blown it up in slow-mo mode, deal with the Russians. We carry out Sandman's commands to launch rockets.

We go up the stairs and jump onto the boat. We swim behind the allied boat in front. Let's get ready to attack the enemies, but this will only be once. You just need to shoot at the mines on board. The rest of the time we just rush forward and at the end we fly into a rescue helicopter.

Persona non grata.
August 17, 09:51.
Detachment "Task 141".
Himahal Pradesh, India.

New character Yuri, for whom we will play. When the enemies burst in, we go to the balcony on the right and destroy them from there. Soon Nikolai will call us to help Soap. We give him an injection and go out into the courtyard. Having completed the cleanup, we move on. Nikolai reports about a certain hiding place in which the robot is located. Let's deal with a few Russians who are killing civilians. We move along the street, carefully watching for enemies on balconies and windows. It is advisable to penetrate into the right building and conduct suppressive fire, at the same time killing the machine gunner located in the central building. Turning into an alley, we see through the bars dozens of enemies preparing to tear us to pieces. Let's look for a workaround to the cache and find it. The robot is located in the basement of a small garage. Price takes it out of the box and we use the remote control.

Well, let's get started. We shred all enemies with a multi-barreled machine gun and a grenade launcher (G). There really are a lot of enemies, and that’s how they take advantage. If you notice distortions on the screen, you should move to a safe place and wait a little for the robot to recover. The connected helicopters also need to be destroyed. Further, according to the plan, the robot is disabled, and we quickly run forward to the rescue helicopter while we are being fired at from the sky. The ground disappears from under our feet, we slide down. We dodge the approaching house to the left and end up sliding into the river. We swim ashore and are rescued.

October 3, 18:30.
Andrey Kharkov.
Russian FSB agent.

We are on board the presidential plane. We follow the head of state to the room where the meeting is taking place. The peaceful conversation is interrupted by the sound of gunfire. The president's daughter, Alena, was captured by terrorists. Something needs to be done immediately. In the company of an experienced fighter, we move forward. There are not many enemies, the main thing is to notice them in time. Even when we are in free flight, we continue to kill opponents. We go down one level and suppress the enemy forces. We free Alena and after a few seconds we crash, with the plane breaking into two parts. Due to such consequences, it is necessary to find the missing president.

We follow the commander along the wreckage. A new skirmish with enemies, this time there are many more of them, but our allies are also actively taking part in the firefight. We move forward until we find the president. All that remains is to evacuate it. We open the helicopter door and... Makarov. He kills us and captures the president.

Back in the game.
October 5, 18:27.
Detachment "Task 141".
Seriously Lyon, Africa.

We follow Price and the recovered Soap. Having noticed the patrol, we sit down and wait. Soap neutralizes an approaching enemy. We go further and see two more. We quickly kill them when they are as close to each other as possible to make it easier. We move through the burnt shacks. We save the poor guy who was about to be burned alive using an AK-47 with a silencer. We will not save other hostages, as we might be discovered. We walk along the road and lie down when we see enemies. We get to the hut and wait again. We kill two on the bridge. Next, let's let Price go ahead so that he can effectively deal with the enemy.

There is a factory ahead: we will climb up and cover our partners. Having climbed the stairs, we sneak up behind the sentry and neutralize him. We deal with the enemies with a sniper gun, who are preventing Price and Soap from moving forward. There is no one at the factory, so we jump down and join the allies. Together we destroy the enemies and climb the stairs. We quickly deal with the machine gunner in the car, who is about to arrive. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the enemies. Price will tell you which direction they are most likely to come from.

A mortar shot blows up the car we were in. This is not the time to relax, we are running away from periodic shots. At some point, we fall down from the roof, and without hesitation, we quickly kill the African walking towards us with a machete. Finally, we go upstairs and use the mortar against the marked targets.

We are heading towards the church, from where we are supposed to pick up the cargo. We move through the streets, killing enemies. We get into the church - watch out for dogs! From the church we storm the door to the courtyard. The dog grabs us, but the gun remains in our hand. We use it to kill a couple of militiamen and shoot the dog. The helicopter flies away

Do not lean against the doors.
October 6, 04:11.
Sergeant Marcus Burns.
22 SAS Unit.
Canary Orff, London.

We observe the earth from a drone. Soon it will come under our control, and we will be able to move along the alley. In principle, we don’t need to do anything, we just follow the squad, they can do all the work for us. We penetrate the building and go upstairs. We carefully go around the corners and neutralize the guards. When they notice us, we jump down through the window and storm the docks. The partners are quite experienced and therefore deal with enemies “one or two”.

We open the truck door and find nothing. Opponents will attack again, this time there are many more of them. But a helicopter comes to our aid. We’re not particularly eager to move forward, as we might be overwhelmed by numbers. Thus, we kill the enemies and move forward to the metro. Having reached it, we get into the car and follow the metro train. We pursue him, while dealing with the terrorists inside. The main thing is to be careful and not hit civilians on the platform, otherwise the mission will fail.

Having suffered an accident, we get out of the truck and, together with Walcroft, go to Westminster station. We clear it from intrusive opponents. Very soon we will meet with our allies and climb up. The road is blocked and the truck is detained.

We watch a small scene of someone filming his wife and daughter. Everything is going great until the ill-fated truck appears and explodes. Nothing is known about further consequences.

Act II.
An important person.
October 6, 13:01.
Sergeant Derek "Frost" Westbrook.
Delta Squad.
Hamburg, Germany.

We fly by helicopter to the landing zone. We run forward behind the squad in small dashes, using the stones as cover. Next, we begin clearing the road so that the tanks can pass safely. We move along the right flank, carefully looking around, since there is quite an open space here and they can surround us at any moment. Only then can you move to the left flank, it is safer there.

We take possession of the tank's machine gun and shoot everyone. We get out into the underground parking lot and also continue destroying our enemies. We will be crushed by a car that will fall from above. We get out of the transport and follow Sandman. We make our way outside and move along the street. Our target is a column, but it turns out to be empty.

We enter the building and go upstairs. We storm the room in which the terrorists have taken refuge and hold the hostage. Of course, first of all we kill the one who is about to deal with the vice president. Our partners take him to the evacuation site.

Returned to sender.
October 8, 09:30.
Detachment "Task 141".
Busaso, Somalia.

We're driving in the car with Price and Soap. Having broken into the enemy base, we begin to destroy the terrorists. Soon it will be possible to control a combat helicopter, just press the “4” button. We shoot targets, concentrating on those on the roof and under open air. Next, we continue moving forward. Don’t forget that we can use the helicopter again and again, Nikolai will warn you when this is possible. We enter the mansion opposite and go up to the second floor. We get to Varabe's office and begin the assault. Having blown up the door, we turn our attention to the enemy on the right; we need to kill him quickly before he does the same to us. So, we torture him with gas, which quickly spreads throughout the room. Having learned the location of a particularly important terrorist, Price kills the unfortunate man.

We run to the landing zone and already see an approaching helicopter. Without approaching him, we monitor the actions of the terrorists who set up the ambush. We repel the attack and head to the new evacuation zone. Time is limited, so we don’t stand in one place for a long time. We constantly move forward, through nooks and crannies, outflanking enemies. The landing zone is a building. We go inside and break through to the top. Nikolai cannot land due to heavy fire. We use the turret on the helicopter (4) and destroy the terrorists. It will not be possible to kill everyone, since we are being knocked out. We quickly jump down using a cable. A storm is starting...

Visibility is almost zero, we follow Price. We will take advantage of the fact that the enemies cannot see us, so we can launch the attack first from a convenient position. We must get to Nikolai before our enemies do. There is no reason to move quickly, the main thing is to reach him and escort him to the evacuation point.

At first it may seem that the trophy is difficult, although it is really not easy, it will take longer for two people to get it, since money is given for killings, although the third player can be on the back-up to heal you, I played alone. And so we need to collect 50,000 money, and we need this fifty ruble to be visible to you, if you spend money, it doesn’t count, the money is written in the lower left corner. I got a large area on the Village map and I can easily run from enemies, closer to wave 20 I just ran into calling special forces with shields and ammo. And so use the weapons of enemies if you don’t shoot them in abundance, and use those weapons that will no longer be available, we kill enemies with MP 5 with a shotgun, with an AK 47 we kill with MP 5, etc. you will also have revival and armor, in the first 3 waves you can collect about 10-12 thousand, we take headshots and quickly kill enemies, in the lower left corner on the money there are two scales, rage, headshots and they change to a series of kills, murder knife, etc., first 500 money, then 1000, 1500, etc., in a new wave the counter is reset, the larger the wave, the stronger the enemy and more money they give, for the first 100, after 18-20 waves 225. And if you quickly kill one after another, then the money is multiplied, let’s say you quickly killed two for the first 100 and for the third you get 200, and let’s say the same if you get a bonus for rage of 1000 and If you immediately kill an enemy, you will receive 2000. And if the special forces kill you, you also receive money and bonuses, and if you kill almost at the same time, then the money will also increase. It’s good to kill quickly with a machine gun, but the shotgun fires a little slowly and it’s not always possible to kill quickly. Can be obtained on the DOME card, very convenient map, and you don’t have to spend money at all, for 16 waves I received 50,000 thousand and a half, from wave 17 there were already armored enemies with FAD machine guns, but in the first wave with a new type of enemy, there are not many enemies, about 11, and you will get no bonuses 2500, and it is advisable that you maintain your revival, and then if you don’t have enough, you can spend 5000 on calling special forces, for a wave you will recapture this money and he will help you after. waves. The tactics are the same, we don’t stand still, we go to the building where there is a box with an arsenal of air support, it is very well made and there are a lot of circular places to go around, so to speak, so that the juggernauts are always kept at a distance. We collect the enemies in a chain so that they don’t suddenly appear from behind, we don’t stand, it’s very convenient to collect the enemy, run around the corner and wait for him, and you can see on the map where he is, and when the crowd is nearby, we go out and send a burst from the machine gun at the enemies, preferably Aims for the body-head and there will be a lot of quick kills and multiplications and a rage bonus. We destroy the helicopters ourselves with a machine gun, first we kill the Jagers without a shield, until the Jaeger with a shield shoots at a distance, when the Jagers arrive you can run all over the map, it’s good to shoot down helicopters from the window next to the aviation box. The main thing is not to slow down and do everything quickly; if the enemy is still behind you, we run in the direction where there are fewer enemies on the map, preferably shooting while running from the hip. You can go through the first 5 waves even with a knife, and the next 5, after 10 it will be more difficult. I calmly scored 50 thousand although I received this prize and it seemed easier to me on this map, and map It’s more convenient and there are simply more enemies, when there is a wave with Jaegers or a helicopter, there are also ordinary enemies, and therefore more money. And I didn't spend a penny. You can also try as an option on the Bootleg map, sit on a white truck on the roof, or rather lie there, only having blown it up before that, buy a sniper, there just may not be enough cartridges to shoot, but the sniper is powerful, I took the last one from her large magazine, and enemies in the distance it’s good to kill and get bonuses for heads. But there will immediately be enemies with MP 5 and a helicopter will fly with the Jagers, you won’t be able to sit on the roof anymore, the alternative is to spend money on a Predator missile and flash drives, kill the enemies by running around the area under the roofs, if you encounter Jagers, we’ll blind you with a flash drive, and when only Jaegers remain, although the main thing is to kill the dogs, they are the largest, then run away from the enemies and shoot the traitor at the helicopter and back onto the roof. I sat on the roof for 17 waves. Here are three options for you, but I recommend the second option with the DOME card.

If you have a second joystick or a partner, then this prize will be easy, consider you are playing with immortality, we play on the Bootleg map, we blow up a white truck by firing a couple of clips from a pistol and then we climb onto the roof with both of us and lie down, the enemy hits more when you play one doesn’t hit correctly, but there’s nothing to worry about, we buy a sniper of your choice, it’s easier to take out enemies from afar, they just hit more, enemies who are closer to you don’t see and don’t hit, if there are more enemies on the right, then we lie to the left and vice versa, if front and back. The second we use a selected machine gun, first the MP 5, then the AK 47, and you can spend money on a sight, don’t run too much on the roof; I had an enemy climb in and the jager climbed, but only onto the hood. The helicopter will not be a problem, it fires a burst and flies away, in one burst it can only kill one person, and you will have time to heal it. The method works 100%, I tried it myself, in 14 waves I collected 52,000 money + spent 2000 on a sniper gun and three times on 2250 cartridges, for a total of 56,250 money.