Voskobovich's game technology in dhow. Technology V.V. Voskobovich in preschool education as a condition for the intellectual development of preschoolers. The meaning of a fairy tale in games

Irina Alferova
The use of Voskobovich's gaming technology in the educational process kindergarten

Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game "is a model of developing education for children up to school age in play activities ... Play as a method of teaching, transferring the experience of older generations to younger people used since antiquity... Relevant using the game remains today. Many preschool educational organizations are puzzled technologization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

Implementation Voskobovich's game technology in the educational process of our kindergarten we consider it as a developmental incentive for updating in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard before the main content educational program... For the full implementation of tasks technologies, it is important that the teaching staff are familiar with its content. This is how we got a model use of technology by all educators... Educators use educational games and play benefits as in directly educational activities and in joint work with children, through the design of a developing subject-spatial environment, groups provide preschoolers with the opportunity to choose games for independent activity. Speech therapist teacher widely kits are used: Reading through the game ; "Significant constructors"; graphic simulator « Gameplayer» with applications both in individual work and when conducting frontal classes with children. Musical director uses play kit"Carpetographer "Casket"(to implement a visual method education... Educator for pictorial activities in creative assignments are applied "Miracle constructors" to create conceived images from game details(tracing and hatching)... Educator-psychologist are used almost all games, since they contribute to the development of mental processes of pupils.

During the application gaming technology we have our own system of methodological work, which covers all participants in the pedagogical process... So we already have certain traditions: must be one of the parent meetings in each group on the use of educational games; "Week of the game at the preschool educational institution" based on the developmental games of V.V. Voskobovich; annually - competition "Clever men and clever men" among all children (by sectors: junior and senior); annual reports of tutors and kindergarten-tyutorsky center in LLC "RIV"; publication of experience in collections of conference proceedings.

Currently, the relevance of the game is also increasing due to the oversaturation of the modern child with information. Television, video, radio, the Internet have significantly increased and diversified the flow of information received by children. But these sources are mainly material for passive perception. An important task of teaching preschoolers is the development of the skills of self-assessment and selection of the information received. A game that serves as an employee helps to develop this skill. a kind of practice of using knowledge received by children in the classroom and in free independent activity. It is no coincidence that the federal state educational preschool standard education one of the principles he defined the principle of "implementation of the Program in forms specific to children, primarily in the form of a game."

A game is a technique for organizing children's activities in class, or a set of techniques built in logic, both for studying a given program material and organizing interested cognitive activity of preschoolers. The essence of play as one of the main activities of a child lies in the fact that children reflect in it various aspects of life, peculiarities of human relationships, clarify and acquire knowledge about the surrounding reality. In the game, according to the authors-developers of the standard, the inherent value of the preschool childhood and the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. BUT the use of Voskobovich's educational games also implies a change in the way of organization children's activities: it is no longer an adult guide, but a collaborative (affiliate) activities of an adult and a child as the most natural and effective context of development in preschool childhood... Games or play exercises provide an interested perception of the studied material by children and involve them in mastering new knowledge. The game helps to focus the attention of children on the learning task, which is perceived in this case as a desired and personally significant goal, and not as "Obligation" imposed on a child by an adult. The game allows you to make more accessible challenging tasks learning and contributes to the formation of conscious cognitive motivation of preschoolers.

One of the advantages of playing is that it always requires the active action of each child. Therefore, with its help, in the classroom, the teacher can organize not only mental, but also motor activity of children, since the implementation gaming assignments in many cases are associated with different movements. Expedient the games or their elements included in the learning give the educational task a specific, relevant meaning, mobilize the mental, emotional and volitional forces of children, orient them towards solving the assigned tasks. The game activates the interaction of cognitive and emotional principles in the educational process... It not only inspires children to think and express their thoughts, but also provides purposefulness of actions, and, therefore, disciplines the child's mind.

Learning in the form of a game should be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining. Is it possible? Organize pedagogical process so for a child to play, develop and learn at the same time - the task is quite difficult. Technology"Fairy maze games" contains a clearly marked and step-by-step system gaming tasks for educational games. Educational games Voskobovich play the role of didactic material and easily fit into the content of any educational program... As they contribute to the development of children in all five educational fields... The best result in development and education of children gives the use of technology"Fairy maze games" in educational fields"Cognitive development" and "Speech development".

Games and game aids Voskobovich, in our opinion, meet the requirements of modern legislation in the field of preschool education:

The game (developing) able to develop personality, using cognitive natural abilities of the child, as well as his psychological and physiological aspects;

Games and manuals V.V. Voskobovich find their application among professionals in the field of pedagogy and psychology, as well as among parents;

- are used in working with children from early to primary school age, including those with disabilities.

Use of gaming technology also attracts with its fabulousness. First, a developing subject-spatial environment is created, where all developing games and aids are concentrated, this is an intellectual and game the center of the Purple Forest with its fabulous areas. Secondly, all games are accompanied by a fairy-tale character, a fairy-tale plot, travel, overcoming difficulties, solving difficult situations, finding the right solution.

The developing subject-spatial environment of our kindergarten, thanks in large part to use of gaming technology, multifunctional, meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO Each age group is equipped with intelligent play center, where sets of developing games, corresponding to the age characteristics of pupils, are concentrated on a subgroup of children. The teachers, together with the parents, made schemes and models for the games, decorated the fabulous areas in accordance with the requirements technologies, handpicked game characters . "Purple Forest" has its own characteristics in each group: for babies, this is, first of all, "Sensory corner" introducing children to the standards of shape, color and size; in middle group the focus is on getting to know numbers and in their intellectual game a fabulous area appears in the center "Digital circus" with the heroes Magnolic and numbers - funny animals, the main the game here is"The Magic Eight"- a kind of number constructor; in older groups, children show an interest in reading, and this is where the fabulous area appears "The City of Talking Parrots" with his acrobatic jesters and games that teach children to read.

Inclusion in educational educational process developmental games provided an opportunity for creative activity and self-realization of the individual (both teachers and students, contributed to the active involvement of preschoolers and their parents in educational process and the achievement of high results in the intellectual development of children. Our teachers have repeatedly taken part in the scientific and practical conference with international participation "V.V. Voskobovich in working with children of preschool and primary school age ”, presented their experience of work and published practical developments in the collection based on the conference materials.

And, in conclusion, we note once again that the development of a preschooler is carried out in the game, and not in educational activity. The standard focuses on an individual approach to the child and play - the leading activity of a preschooler. The fact of increasing the role of the game and giving it a dominant place is undoubtedly positive, which is proved by our practice of using game technology in the educational process of kindergarten.


1. Voskobovich V... V., Kharko G.G., Balatskaya T.I. Technology intensive intellectual development preschool children 3-7 years old "Fairy maze games".- SPb .: Girikont, 2000

2. Voskobovich V... V., Kharko G.G. Game technology "Fairy maze games" Book 1 METHOD. - SPb .: 2003

3. Educational games Voskobovich: Collection teaching materials/ Ed. V.V. Voskobovich, L. S. Vakulenko. - M .: TC Sphere, 2015

4. Implementation of GEF by means technologies intellectual and creative development of preschool and primary school children "Fairy maze games"/ Voskobovich V... V., Korsak O. V., Emelyanova S. V. - SPb .: 2014

5. Kharko T. G., Voskobovich V... IN. Game technology intellectual and creative development of preschool children 3-7 years old "Fairy maze games"- SPb .: 2007


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Presentation on the topic: "THE USE OF THE DEVELOPING GAME SQUARE VV VOSKOBOVICH" Barsukova OV teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 51" Teremok "Engels

Everyone knows that for children, and especially for preschoolers, the best form of learning is learning through play. It is very important to provide the child with as many opportunities as possible for independent observation and research of the world around him, while using a wide variety of types of educational games for children. Games are very important for the formation and development of a child's personality, since they are not only tools for his self-expression, but also a way of knowing the world around him and adapting to it. The value of educational games for children lies in the fact that they quickly and effectively allow you to achieve the desired results without bothering the child.

Developing games are the integration of psychological and pedagogical technologies, which stimulates the development of the cognitive sphere and the development of certain skills and abilities. It is very important that with such a variety of tasks assigned to developmental games, they remain interesting, provide the child with an original opportunity for creativity, do not lose their attractiveness from game to game. And now, among the variety of creative approaches, games that are familiar to us from pedagogical didactics, a very special, original, creative very kind group of games appeared - Voskobovich's Developing Games.

The basic principles at the heart of these games - interest - cognition - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game addresses the child directly with the kind, funny and sad language of a fairy tale, a funny character or an invitation to adventure.

Objectives of lessons with Voskobovich's game materials: Development of a child's cognitive interest and research activities. Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity. Harmonious development of emotional-figurative and logical principles in children. Formation of basic ideas about the world around, mathematical concepts, sound-letter phenomena. The development of fine motor skills.

Voskobovich's games added math corner in a group

Voskobovich's square (Game square) or "Maple leaf", "Klondike", "Eternal origami" - these are 32 rigid triangles glued to a flexible base on both sides. The square can be easily transformed, allowing you to design planar and volumetric figures. Children master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the "house", come up with their own subject silhouettes.

Knowing about the "Examination of the square" - circle your finger, walk along the sides of the square, find the corners, go down the triangles from top to bottom, climb to the top, put the square in different directions color sides, bend a corner, etc.; "Play hide and seek" - find the hidden smaller squares, the smallest ones, circle them with your finger; "Fold the square" - in half in different ways. What figures do you recognize? Fold the square to make a big, small triangle, rectangle, square; "Travel in the square" - walk along the diagonal roads, get to know the center, travel from the center to the corners along different paths.

Familiarity with diagrams

It is important to explain to children the correct algorithm for folding two basic shapes: a triangle and a rectangle and then a "hedgehog" and "mouse", on the basis of which other shapes are obtained.

The square allows you to play, develop attention, memory, spatial imagination and fine motor skills, and also introduces the basics of geometry, spatial coordination, volume, is a counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity that has no age restrictions.


What you should pay attention to while studying Voskobovich's games with a child: 1. Before offering a game to a child, read the guidelines and the game itself. 2. Mostly children work with their hands and speak little. During the lesson, ask the child what he is doing, why he chose this particular figure, and not another, ask him to retell a fairy tale task or come up with his own plot. 3. When dealing with play materials, the child is most often in the same sitting position. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children and distract those who have played too much from the game in time. 4. To play with Voskobovich's manuals, perseverance is required, and this is not to every child's liking and ability.

Voskobovich's games are distinguished by their multi-stage, ability to solve problems in several stages with their complication. For example, the games "Geokont" and "Voskobovich's Square" are interesting for children of three, seven, and older. It should also be noted that each game has several goals. The child remembers colors and develops fine motor skills... Another advantage of Voskobovich's games is their unlimited creativity. From the same elements, you can create different shapes: animals, butterflies, ships, and more. Studies have shown that the technique is currently one of the most effective and progressive techniques.


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I see the main task in my work on the development of intellectual development by means of educational games ... to maintain interest in knowledge to apply the knowledge gained, abilities and skills to believe in oneself

In our preschool institution, a playful developmental environment has been created according to the technology of V.V. Voskobovich, which successfully allows us to diversify joint activities with children.

Purple forest is a sensory-motor corner with adventures of funny characters, entertaining questions, problematic tasks, exercises for modeling and transforming objects.

The technology of developing games is implemented by us both in joint and in independent activities of children. In them, on the one hand, the child imitates the adult, on the other hand, he shows his imagination and personal creativity.

The unique manual "Carpet" helps to acquaint children with spatial and quantitative relationships and facilitates the construction of geometric contours. During the game, the carpet-maker turns into a magic carpet meadow in the Purple Forest, where various miracles take place.

Using "Funny Numbers" children easily master quantitative and ordinal counting, and then come up with math problems themselves.

The Colored Squares manual helps to acquaint children with spatial and quantitative relationships and provides a huge scope for the creative activity of both children and teachers, and is suitable for individual and group lessons.

The boat "Splash-Splash" - helps us to form the simplest mathematical skills. In the process of playing with a boat, children develop fine motor skills, attention and visual perception.

With the game "Miracle Flower" children always go on a journey with interest with baby Geo, where they solve all the mathematical secrets.

Using the miracle constructor, children are happy to bring the most fantastic images to life.

Playing the game "Turtle", children consolidate their knowledge by performing tests for comparison, classification, patterns, and improve their modeling skills. Stimulation of independent speech activity.

With the "Game Square" children master the design algorithm and find hidden geometric shapes, come up with their own subject silhouettes.

With the help of the Igrovisor manual it is very convenient with children to perform graphic dictations, tests, master the spatial arrangement of objects and, finally, explore the paths of mysterious labyrinths.

Fascinating game "Cord-entertainer". On the playing field, with the help of multi-colored cords, the child "embroiders" various versions of the images. The game is aimed at developing children's ability to navigate in space, improving intelligence and fine motor skills of hands, at the formation and refinement of mathematical concepts.

Game-constructor "Geokont" - allows us to fix colors, size, as well as to develop in children the skills of modeling and construction, to develop fine motor skills.

Calendar-perspective planning of V. Voskobovich's developing games for children 5-6 years old, group No. 4

Thus, V.V. Voskobovich create favorable conditions for the development of the child's intellectual and creative potential. Children play because they enjoy the process of the game itself. And due to the fact that developmental play is an active and meaningful activity for a child, in which he willingly and voluntarily joins, new experience acquired in it becomes his personal experience and property.


Voskobovich's technique is not just games. This is a flight of fantasy, fabulous stories and excellent preparation for school. Do it yourself using a plank ...

Most modern toys are disposable and useless, they quickly bore the child and turn out to be a waste of money. How different is Voskobovich's game! Created by a loving father for his own children, they are multifunctional, interesting for children of almost all ages, allow them to create and fantasize. Voskobovich's technique is very popular both among teachers of children's developmental institutions and among ordinary parents who are not indifferent to the development of children.

Of course, this does not mean that you can just buy games and wait for the baby to start developing before our eyes. To make them "work" you need to know their features and follow the recommendations of the author.

A few words about Voskobovich

Vyacheslav Vadimovich is a physicist by education. He was forced to plunge into pedagogy by the vital necessity and love for his own children. He raised them in the difficult times of "perestroika", when it was not affordable to buy high-quality educational toys, and there was still no assortment. Realizing that he had two paths - letting the development of children take its course or creating something on his own, he chose the second option. And, inspired by the works of Zaitsev and Nikitins, Vyacheslav Vadimovich developed his own set of games, which is able to provide not only leisure for children, but also their full development.

Three "whales" of gaming technology

Today Voskobovich's technique includes about 50 games. Each of them is a universal creative tool that makes learning a child fun and easy. This is achieved thanks to the fabulous focus of all games in which the main characters help children memorize numbers, figures and letters.

In addition, the games are quite multifunctional, aimed at all-round development personality. They make it easy to learn to read and count, while at the same time contributing to the development of logic, thinking, memory, and train fine motor skills.

Much attention is paid to Voskobovich's technology and development creativity child. Completing unusual assignments makes him use his imagination and be creative.

Thus, all games are developed on three important principles: interest - knowledge - creativity.

What is the secret of the popularity of games?

Creating his games, Voskobovich was primarily guided by the interests of the child himself, and only then he solved educational problems.

From fairy tale to fairy tale

Knowing how children love fairy tales, he used them in special teaching aids. Reading them together with their parents, the guys plunge into the extraordinary adventures of their favorite characters.


To cope with evil, children need to do various interesting tasks... So, imperceptibly for the guys, the games turn into learning, where the properties geometric shapes are studied with the Flailing Ice and the rubber webs of the Spider Yuka, and the fractions are comprehended with the Miracle Flower and Baby Geo.

Age is not a hindrance

Such games will captivate even adults, although they are designed for children from 2 to 7 years old. Depending on the age, the task simply becomes more complicated and the number of actions to solve it increases. The same game will be useful for several years.

Structural elements

The materials used for construction are not quite traditional for games: a dynamic elastic band in Geoconte, plastic elements glued to the fabric in Kvadrat.

Imagery and versatility

The game is intriguing and captivating for the baby. To achieve a result and get emotional satisfaction, he has to think, imagine, analyze, select options for solutions. And an adult, not as a leader, but as an equal partner, participates in the game, directing training in the right channel... The simplicity and originality of the exercises allows you to use Voskobovich's technology at home, in the classroom in kindergarten, and in the developmental circle.

It is surprising, but the method has no minuses, like negative reviews. It has been tested by many preschool institutions, and there is hardly a kid who is not carried away by them and did not benefit.

About the most famous

All Voskobovich's games can be conditionally divided into several types:

  • developing logical and mathematical abilities ("Geokont-constructor", "Voskobovich's Square", "Plyukh-Plyukh" boat, "Tsifrotsirk", etc.);
  • teaching reading ("Teremki Voskobovich", "Reading on balls", "Snowman", "Constructor of letters").


It is a plywood board with a grid and 33 plastic nails nailed. Also attached to the game are "cobwebs" - multi-colored rubber bands and an illustrated guide with multi-level tasks and extraordinary travels of the heroes.

This game is an excellent tool for training fine motor skills, and also helps to remember colors, shapes, forms the ability to model, navigate in the coordinate system, compare schemes, teaches to think outside the box.

It is easy to make it with your own hands using any board and pushpins.

It is also called "Game Square", "Maple Leaf", "Eternal Origami". It is a flexible field on which 32 plastic triangles of two or four colors are glued (depending on the difficulty of the game).

The unique design allows you to transform the square into great amount flat and volumetric figures with various patterns. Two-year-olds can easily assemble a house or a hedgehog, and older children work according to the schemes proposed in the application or invent their own images.

Together with his mother Trapezium and a whole family of geometric shapes, the child learns to design, model, think abstractly and navigate in space.

The boat "Splash-Splash"

Made in the form of a model of a five-mast ship, "Splash-Splash" will please children 2 years old. Instead of sails, he has colored flags that can be strung on wooden yards. Such an alternative to the pyramid will teach you how to count, and distinguish colors, and will "figure it out" with fine motor skills.

He also has a brother "Splash-Splash" - the idea is the same, only in this case the boat is glued to the carpet and the sails with Velcro.


For kids 2-3 years old, it will become an excellent trainer for lacing, for older kids it will help to form words. By the way, you can think of up to 200 of them! Here is such a simple but entertaining game.

"Letter constructor"

It is one of the best tools for successfully memorizing letters. Consists of a plywood base and rubber bands that hold the elements of the letters. A fun way to take a fresh look at learning the alphabet.


Another great reading simulator. The set includes cubes representing vowels and chambers with consonants. To get a syllable, you need to put a vowel in the house. And if you connect the chambers, you can add a word.

For a faster memorization of letters, Vadim Vyacheslavovich created each his own unique image. For example, vowels are indicated by fairy-tale characters - jesters.

Learning to read takes place in three stages: memorizing letters - folding syllables - composing words.

Voskobovich's technique is not just games. This is a flight of fantasy, fabulous stories and excellent preparation for school. Together with your child, come up with new adventures of the heroes, and let the development bring you only joy.

“Play is a huge, light, tender, through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around is poured into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. " V. A. Sukhomlinsky

More than 20 years ago, in kindergartens (and in ours, as well), Vyacheslav Voskobovich's unusual games for the development of children's intelligence appeared - the most famous of them are: "geocont", "play square", "Warehouses", "Color clock", etc. ...

It all started with the fact that Vyacheslav Vladislavovich Voskobovich, the author of games, an engineer-physicist by education, during the Perestroika period (we read - bare shelves in toy stores) conceived to create interesting educational games for his own children.

The result exceeded expectations and turned over time into a game technology for the intellectual and creative development of children 3-7 years old "Fairy mazes of the game", which is successfully used in preschool educational organizations.

In this academic year, we decided to thoroughly engage in the implementation of the game technology "Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game" by V.V. Voskobovich in the educational process at preschool educational institutions.

I invite the blog readers to get acquainted with our experience on this path, perhaps the information provided will be useful to teachers and parents of preschoolers.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues from the MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Center - kindergarten №115" - teacher Morozova Tatyana Mikhailovna, deputy head for VMR Tatyana Vasilyevna Sikovich. It was in this institution that, within the framework of the round table "Organization of cultural practices as a means of developing children's individuality and independence" in May this year, the tutor Tatyana Mikhailovna Morozova presented V.Voskobovich's game technology in full. The present teachers and methodologists got acquainted with a wide range of games, and Tatyana Mikhailovna suggested that we “turn into children” and held a master class with V. Voskobovich's games with us.

Features of Voskobovich's educational games

A wide age range of participants in the games.

Children as young as three and seven, and sometimes high school students, can play the same game. This is possible because a system of constantly growing complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks is added to simple physical manipulation.

Multifunctionality of Voskobovich's educational games.

With the help of games, you can solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby learns numbers and letters, recognizes or remembers a color or shape, learns to count, navigate in space, trains fine motor skills of hands, improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

Variability of game tasks and exercises.

A large number of different game tasks and exercises have been developed for each game, aimed at solving one educational problem. This variability is determined by the construction of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.

The creativity of every game.

Educational games make it possible for both children and adults to come up with and translate their plans into reality. The combination of variability and creativity makes games interesting for the child for a long period of time, transforming game process into "long-lasting delight" (T.G. Kharko)

Methodological aids

We have purchased the necessary methodological literature for working with children of all age groups. I give the title and short announcements.

1. Kharko T.V., Voskobovich V.V. "Fabulous labyrinths of the game" - game technology for the intellectual and creative development of children 3-7 years old.

“The manual contains conceptual provisions of the technology, a description of the necessary pedagogical conditions for organizing children's play activities, tables“ solving educational problems in games ”. The book contains notes, scenarios, logic and mathematical games for each age group. The technology is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary grades schools, tutors, psychologists. Parents ".

For each preschool age, starting with the youngest, 1 outline of the game situation is presented per month.

Tables are given to help the teacher to create a developing environment - "Set of play equipment for a subgroup of children"

2. T.G. Kharko "Methods of cognitive and creative development of preschoolers" Tales of the violet forest "( early and young age)

In this methodical manual and subsequent ones, 4 outlines of game situations are presented for each month.

"The educational content of the methodology" Tales of the violet forest is built on the principle of complication, gradual and constant, as if in a spiral. The content is built at a fairly high level of difficulty. This helps to effectively implement cognitive ability children of preschool age, because, as psychologists note, the absence of obstacles in front of the child that must be overcome makes development weak and sluggish.

The technique "Tales of the Purple Forest" is the interaction of children and adults through the implementation of the plot of the tales of the Purple Forest. In game situations there is a plot, roles and actions, but there is no imaginary situation due to the fact that the main emphasis is placed on the development of developmental games and cognitive processes by children "(TG Kharko).

Than harder game, the more schematic is the plot and vice versa.

3. T.G. Kharko "Methods of cognitive and creative development of preschoolers" Tales of the Purple Forest "( middle preschool age)

"The methodology is developed in such a way that the integration of various directions of the educational process takes place. In game situations, against the background of the prevailing logical - mathematical development questions of cognition of the world of objects and nature are partially solved. Children are given the opportunity to do physical exercises, participate in experimentation, draw an invented object, imagine themselves as a character and tell on his behalf, show how he acts "(TG Kharko).

4. T.G. Kharko "Methods of cognitive and creative development of preschoolers" Tales of the Purple Forest "(for children 5-7 years old)

" The content of game situations contributes to the formation of processes of attention, memory, the ability to analyze, compare objects, geometric shapes, their signs and properties, find similarities and differences, see different images in familiar objects.

Entertaining problematic - game plot, in which are organically woven logical tasks and search questions, helps children to overcome themselves and achieve results against the background of a sense of joy and satisfaction. As a result, this integration of methods and techniques effectively develops volitional regulation.

The methodology implements an activity-based approach to the development of children 5-7 years old. They, mastering various content - mathematical, speech, about the world around them, manipulate with various subjects and get the result from actions with them: an assembled figure, a built tower, an "embroidered" outline, etc. This not only motivates children, but also contributes to the development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, coordination of actions "eye - hand".

5. "On the seas, on the waves with Voskobovich's developing games" Kuzmina OV, Mikhalina AV, Parnyak SA

A small guide - a guide - the experience of teachers of the tutoring center on the basis of the GBOU kindergarten №62 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The authors developed examples based on the marine theme technological maps for children from 2 to 7 years old.

as well as a card index of games in various areas of development. All this material is a kind of "constructor" for building lessons with preschoolers, lessons - for primary school students.

6. "VV Voskobovich's educational games in working with children of preschool and primary school age" - Materials of the I (II and III) All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, St. Petersburg, 2013, 2015

Creation of conditions for implementation

game technology "Fairy maze games"

For the effective solution of educational tasks using the technology "Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game" the author methodological developments Tatyana Grigorievna Kharko recommends equipping the group with at least one set of games and playing aids. The composition of the kit depends on the age of the child and the stage of work, is designed for 8-10 children and is suitable for subgroup lessons.

All games and tutorials are concentrated in one place - "intellectually - play center"One of the design options is the volumetric or flat" Violet Forest ", inhabited by characters from fairy tales-methods for Voskobovich's educational games.

Unfortunately, there is no room for volumetric modeling in our institution, and at this stage we have so far purchased one small set of the "Purple Forest" manual for one of the groups.

A similar manual (working on the principle of a flannelegraph well known to preschoolers), if desired, can be made on your own, especially now there is a huge selection of materials for creativity, the size to be chosen in accordance with the capabilities of the group room. I saw photos on the Internet, when a plain carpet was used for the basis - the background, and then it was a matter of creativity: to cut out trees, a clearing, Lake Ice, characters from colored felt. (For reference - the cost of the small allowance "Purple Forest" - 7900 rubles.)

A brief overview of V. Voskobovich's games (there are more than 50 of them) is presented in the presentation at the link:

In search of the best price, we came to the conclusion that the cheapest way is to purchase games directly from Voskobovich's Developing Games LLC (St. Petersburg). It was very easy to work with this organization - we agreed on all the documents, sent the scans by e-mail, the originals - by registered mail, and after 4 days we received the ordered games.

In the space of fairy tales and games

In November - December, our teachers prepared and conducted demonstration entertainment, classes on the intellectual and creative development of children of younger, middle and senior preschool age.

As a basis, the educators took the notes from the above manuals, supplemented and creatively reworked in accordance with their tasks.

For blog readers - a short photo report.

Game situation "We are going on an expedition to marine life", senior group, educator Albina Rafikovna Nasrulaeva.

"Igrovizor" - drawing on the points of the kitten

Lesson "Journey to the Purple Forest", preparatory group for school, educator Tatyana Petrovna Trigub.
The storyline of the educational situation in game form was presented in the form of a presentation with images of the fabulous Purple Forest, its inhabitants characters - baby Geo, his friend Lopushka, the spider Yuka, animation, inserts - diagrams, visual gymnastics, a reference slide for reflection at the end of the lesson. (watching the presentation in the speaker mode with text , you can follow the course of the lesson)

Lesson "Walk in the Purple Forest", junior group, educator Maya Alekseevna Raikova.

Using the development environment "Violet Forest" in the lesson, the issues of the formation of sensory standards in children of primary preschool age were solved.

In my opinion, the educators managed to captivate the children, and the teachers liked working with the "Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game" technology by T.G. Kharko, V.V. Voskobovich. It is clear that the complete recruitment of groups with Voskobovich's games is a matter of time and finances, while if the teacher is passionate, many of the games can be made with their own hands and with the help of parents.

The process of modernization of the entire education system makes high demands on the organization of preschool education, intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to the process of education of preschool children.
The separation of the preschool education system into an independent educational level and the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO is an important stage in the modernization of the entire educational system, ensuring the continuity of the kindergarten and school. After analyzing these regulatory documents, I came to the conclusion that the professional pedagogical community makes rather high demands on the graduate of the kindergarten. Consequently, the child's success in the future school life will largely depend on how effective the development, upbringing and education of kindergarten pupils will be.
The preschool education system at the present stage is looking for ways to achieve high and stable results in working with children. Reacting to all changes in social conditions and requirements, preschool pedagogy searches for and creates more and more new approaches to the upbringing and teaching of preschool children. When organizing educational activities, teachers primarily pay attention to the choice of methods, techniques and technologies, and also rely on their effectiveness in practice.
The socio-cultural situation in society and the processes of reorganization of the educational system pushes teachers to realize the impossibility of working in the old way, using stereotyped techniques and a single form of organizing children's activities. There is a need to use modern pedagogical technologies of education, in the light of a new perception of the realities of today.
Innovative (modern) technologies are a system of methods, methods, techniques of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in personal development child in modern socio-cultural conditions. Pedagogical innovations can either change the processes of education and training, or improve. Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and traditional ones that have proven their effectiveness in the process of teaching.
There are several types of technologies:
1. Pedagogical technologies based on the activity approach.
2. Game pedagogical technologies.
One of such technologies is B.P. Nikitin.
The following:
· Technology of intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game” Authors: V.V. Voskobovich, T.G. Kharko, T.I. Balatskaya.
· Pedagogical technology "Blocks of Dienes"
· Pedagogical technology "Cuisener's sticks"
· Pedagogical training technology.
3. Pedagogical technologies of teaching and development.
These technologies include:
· Pedagogical technology of environmental education of preschool children.
· Pedagogical technology based on TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving).
· Pedagogical technology for the formation of the foundations of safe life.
Having studied these technologies, she stopped her choice on the game pedagogical technology, namely on the Technology of intensive development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game” V.V. Voskobovich.
I was attracted by the fact that the main idea of ​​the technology is laid in the basis of games and becomes as effective as possible, since the game addresses the child directly with the kind, original, funny and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. Its peculiarity is that in this game almost the entire learning process of the child is actually built and it has a wide age range of participants in the game from 2-3 years old to high school.
Technology of intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children "Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game"
(V.V. Voskobovich and others)
The author's technique of Voskobovich is distinguished by high efficiency and availability. It is easily and quickly mastered by both teachers and parents of preschoolers. During the game, a special, trusting atmosphere is created between the child and the adult, which has a beneficial effect on the harmonious development of the baby.
VV Voskobovich's first games appeared in the early 90s. Now more than 40 game manuals have been developed. The advantage of these educational games is a wide age range of game participants and their multifunctionality. Children as young as three and seven, and sometimes high school students, can play the same game. This is possible because a system of constantly growing complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks is added to simple physical manipulation.
With the help of games, you can solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby learns numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color or shape; learn to count, navigate in space; trains fine motor skills of the hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination. A large number of different game tasks and exercises have been developed for each game, aimed at solving one educational problem. This variability is determined by the construction of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.
Educational games make it possible for both children and adults to come up with and translate their plans into reality. The combination of variability and creativity makes games interesting for the child for a long period of time, making the gameplay a "long-lasting delight".
The goals and objectives of V.V. Voskobovich's gaming technology:
1. Development of the child's cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.
2. Development of observation, a research approach to the phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.
3. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking (the ability to think flexibly, in an original way, to see an ordinary object from a new angle of view).
4. Harmonious, balanced development of emotional-figurative and logical principles in children.
5. Formation of basic ideas (about the world around, mathematical), speech skills.
6. Development of fine motor skills and all mental processes.

Geokont - popularly called this game "a plank with carnations". But for the guys, this is not just a board, but the fairy tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" (the word "geometry" is encrypted in the name of the tale), in which plastic nails fixed on plywood (playing field) are called "silver ". On the playing field "Geokonta" a coordinate grid is applied. On the "silver" carnations, "cobwebs" (multi-colored rubber bands) are stretched, and the contours of geometric shapes and object silhouettes are obtained. Kids create them according to the example of an adult or according to their own design, and older children - according to a sample scheme and a verbal model.
Voskobovich square ("Game square")
This game has many "folk" names - "Maple Leaf", "Klondike", "Eternal Origami". All of this is essentially true. The "game square" consists of 32 rigid triangles glued to a flexible base on both sides. Thanks to this design, the square is easily transformed, allowing you to design both planar and volumetric figures. In the fairy tale "The Mystery of the Crow of the Meter" the square comes to life and turns into images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a shoe, an airplane and a kitten. Two-year-olds, with the help of an adult, fold a house with a red or green roof, candy. Older children master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the "house", and come up with their own subject silhouettes. The square can be cut in a certain way. For example, a cross cut gives unusual three-dimensional figures. Manipulations of its elements are possible - a kind of finger theater. Games with "Voskobovich's Square" develop fine motor skills of hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, and the ability to design.
An indispensable condition for the development of children's intelligence is an enriched subject-spatial environment, this technique pays great attention to this issue.

The Purple Forest is a methodical, developing environment in the form of fairy tales. Tales of the Purple Forest contain stories with wonderful transformations, adventures of funny characters and at the same time entertaining questions, problematic tasks, exercises for modeling and transforming objects. In fact, the Violet Forest is a sensorimotor corner in which a child acts independently: plays, constructs, training those skills that he acquired in joint activities with an adult; is engaged in research, experimentation.

Enriching the educational environment junior group kindergarten with Voskobovich's games leads to the solution of several problems in organizing the teacher's activities:

1. The object space of the group room is enriched, while it becomes developing;

2. The process of motivating pupils is optimized in the process of organizing the educational activities of children, both independently and together with a teacher;

3. Systematic, step-by-step use of game technology invariably gives a stable positive result in the development of preschoolers.

Three-year-olds do not confuse colors. They call yellow yellow, and red is red, not to be confused with orange. By the end of the year, children distinguish orange from yellow, blue is not confused with green or purple, blue is distinguished from blue and gray. Children have almost no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to navigate on a plane.

Indeed, it is not bad when children, one might say before our eyes, develop intelligence and form a fairly high level of cognitive development, since the full development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is always relevant. It is known that integrated development intellectual sphere in preschool age increases the success of the education of children and plays an important role in the education of an adult.

Preschoolers with developed mental operations, processes and functions memorize material faster, are more confident in their own abilities, and more easily adapt to a new environment. Play, as the leading type of child's activity in preschool childhood, helps to turn learning into an exciting process, which means that it allows the necessary natural development to be carried out in the most attractive form of activity for preschoolers.

An important advantage of play is the intrinsic nature of its motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself.

Developing game technologies make learning an interesting activity for a child, relieve motivational problems, generate interest in the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, which means they help in realizing the main goal of any teacher's educational activity - creating conditions for the full development of a pupil.