Princess Daedra. All artifacts Skyrim and Prince Daedra. Door that whispers - Mefla

Tamriel - "Beauty of Dawn" Translated from Aldmeris, or "Taazokaan" in the Dragon language - this is the continent on which all the events of the Games took place The Elder. Scrolls, it is a house of multiple races and many conflicts. Tamriel seemed a lot of travelers. You investigated it in my own way, but want to know more about his history? Well, to get to its essence, you should start from the very beginning ...

In order to fully understand what is happening on Tamriele, you should study the most important individuals of Tamriel. Those who affect the daily life of mortals.

As you know, Tamriel was not created by itself, he was created by Divine Bees. It was the aids that donated for the sake of creating both Tamriel and all the Mundus, they gave part of their power to become bones of Nirne. On the other hand, there are creatures that did not want to create mortal life. The elves gave them the name "Daera", which is translated as "not our ancestors."

In the affairs of people and measures always intervened, and it was Daedra. Daehedra is supernatural creatures that are in terms of being known as "Oblivion". Daedra is often harmful in terms of Mundus and cause all chaos on it.

Daera can be divided into two types. On the one hand there are lower daedras. These Daesters can be called upon by skillful magicians, or are sent by Daederic Princes themselves.

Daederic princes, on the other hand, the most powerful Daedra, and even worshiped by some in Tamriele as gods, especially among the dark elves, society, culture and even the type of which were created under the influence of these mysterious creatures.

Compliance with their mysteriousness, daederic princes do not have sex. Let them all be called "Princes", these creatures can change their shape at their own request, with the help of what they often drill their heads with mortals.

What makes measures and people so afraid of daederic princes - so this is the lack of the concepts of "good" and "evil." There are 17 daederic princes, known in Tamriele, and almost all of them, apparently see the fun in the fact that using mortals like their own toys. Those who dealt with Daera talk about the feeling of "supervision", as if someone turned a stone and watches the life of beetles living in the mud.

As far as Daederic Prince enjoy learning mortals, so they love to study them. Throughout the history of Tamriel, there were many those who came across these supernatural creatures, and those who, after managed to survive, remained with many stories and with many artifacts.

Azura - Queen of dawn and sunset, mother of roses and queen night sky. Azura appears in a female image. Her sphere is dusk and dawn, the magic hidden in the world of twilight.

Azuy Oblivion Plan is a moon shadow where she lives in a palace of roses. The legend says that the kingdom of Azura is dazzlingly beautiful and bright, where there are waterfalls, trees and a silver city. Azuru is often distinguished among Daedra, and all because it is one of the few princes, whose acts are called "good." It is said that with their acts, Azura showed her care against the well-being of mortals, while most of the princes see mortals like pawns.

Daederic artifact Given azury most faithful is a shower stone that never runs out. Azura Star can absorb countless shower, which makes it a very popular relic for different magicians and murderers.

Boethya - Prince of conspiracies, deceiver of the peoples, the queen of the shadows and the goddess of destruction. Boehya is depicted as a man and a woman. Its sphere is associated with deceptions, conspiracies, secret murders, assassinations, betrayals and overall power.

The Kingdom of Boetheati is the world of the Oblivion, which she herself also rules. This dark world is filled with a hornbeam, volcanic islands and lava seas.

Among the Boetei scientists are known as "evil", in a general sense. She often uses its minions for all sorts of fun. This daederic prince is a master in death and destruction, and a lot of mortals suffered precisely because of her trial. The dark elves also look at Boeathy, but will still be told. There is not one, but as many as three daederic artifacts associated with this daederic prince of deception. Ebonite armor, blow of fear and golden brand. Everyone in its own way, the artifact of Boehya comes across the mortal to the key points of history. As their owner, they crave for change.

Ceyner Vail - Daederic prince of strength, witchcraft, desires and suggestions. Class of the Vyle is depicted as a small funny guy With horns growing with his forehead, and his companion Barbas is always located near him - most often depicted as a dog.

The key plan that does not wear a name, looks like a calm countryside, inhabited by deadly yellowness Daedra. When he, the cell of the Vail, falls into the world of Mundus, is looking for those who wish to acquire something, or gives it to those who called. It can be assumed that he is a "good guy", nevertheless, he is awarded that he gave the calling, in advance giving them more than those asked. Daedem's mind is unrecognizable for mortals, and they can only assume why and for what reason it acts so and not otherwise. He is just one of those princes of Daedra who sees in mortal fun.

Wila's key mask is a helmet that makes the owner popular, wherever he is. But there is a catch. Like other artifacts, this is also under the control of the Prince, and it can take it back to Oblivion at any time.

Hermeus Mora - The keeper of the innermost and knowledgeable unknown. Hermeus Mora is a daederic prince whose sphere is tides and fate, past and future. Unlike other princes, Hermeus Mora does not accept a humanoid form. Instead, it appears in the form of a creature with tentacles, claws and all-seeing approx.

The infinite library of forbidden knowledge, the apocrypha is the Plan of the Oblivion of Hermeus Mora. Books that there are intertwined in black covers without names, and the library is filled with ghosts with damnities of knowledge that they will not be able to satisfy.

Black books are daederic artifacts created by Daederic Prince of Fate and Knowledge. Each book contains a part of the forbidden knowledge. After reading the Black Hermeus Book of the Book, you will leave your earth's body and move from Mundus to Apocrif. Most mortals went crazy from this process, but those who successfully overcome this path - rewarded with powerful knowledge.

Hirsin - Patron of hunting and father of people-monsters. Hirsin - Daedra, whose sphere is hunting, sports, great games, chase. It is usually depicted as a man with a spear in one hand and a beast head in another.

He is responsible for creating a disease that turns mortals into monsters. He is the father of all the iswolf, which is hunted at night and hide during the day. Those who visited Oblivion Hirsin, Hunting grounds, describe it as the kingdom of dense forest and open plains. If you heard Hircin's horns there, be careful. This means that Hirsin arrived there with his own werewolves.

Hirsina has several artifacts, but the most noteworthy is the skin of the Savior, which he grants only the greatest hunters.

Dzhiggalag - Daederic prince of order. He, by rumors, one of the most powerful Daedra princes, because he knows every detail of the world, and all the actions that ever had a place to be or will be. He also sees the concept of "individuality" - as an illusion.

And the time came when Jigglag became so powerful that other Daederic Prince began to be afraid of being extremely surprising. They poisoned Jiggaga brave from the ways. They turned it into illogical, insane, and incredibly crazy. Since then, Dzhaiglag is known as a daederic prince of madness - Shegorat.

Shegorat - His methods are irrelevant, the motives are unrecognizable. Daederic prince madness. His kingdom is trembling islands, as well as madhouse. This is the place of light and darkness, multicolored insects and sad landscapes. Those who along the coincidence fell here sooner or later become the same as Sheorat - insane.

And only the champion was able to learn to a friend of the Sheorata, which is thoroughly hidden. At the end of each era, Sheorat turns back to Jiggaga, and as Jigglag he restores the order in the kingdom of madness. But after, he still turns back to the Sheorata, which will again spread his madness. The champion finished this cycle by defeating Jiggaga Battle, thereby separating the prince of order from the Sheorat.

The most famous artifact of the Sheorath, who fell into the hands of mortals is a vabjack. The notorious staff, the Vabbagek can turn the creature into something completely different. It acts as the Shegorat - unpredictable.

Malacat - Keeper of oaths and bloody curses. Malacate is a daederic prince, whose sphere is the patronage of rejected and expelled. It is perceived barely, as not heretic, among other daederic princes. Its legendary weapon, whip, cursed and move any Daedra who will touch him back to Oblivion. The history of Malacata - Long, and forces scientists to argue. The opinion is widespread that the malacate was created when Boehya switched the spirit of trimitak - ancestor of altmers. The remains of the triferously turned into a daederic prince of Malacate. And this led to the birth of Orsimers, because of which the orcs worship Malacat to this day. Malacata is attributed to the "good" princes of Daedra, at least among the orcs, who are honored with honor.

Merus Dagon. Its sphere is the destruction, changes, revolution, energy and ambitions. Merus Dagon is the enemy of all mortal races, and he even tried to seize their place of residence, NIRN, several times. It differs from other daederic princes, the fact that believes that all Oblivion belongs to him.

His own plan is known as dead lands. And as the name says, there are solid swords, stuffed with the islands, as well as by the seas of Lava, as if this is a Boaatia plan.

During the event, known as the crisis of Oblivion, followers of Dagon, the mythical dawn, tried to unite the metro farmland and Tamriel in one world. And they would all come out of her hands, if the Hero Quat was not on their way. And, as before, Merus Dagon was again expelled back to Oblivion, Akatush personally.

Dagona attribute two artifacts in Mundus. The first artifact is the most powerful weapon, because it led to the events of the crisis of Oblivion. The book whose name is Mysterium Zaksa. The second artifact known as the Merune razor, the deadly dagger, capable of instantly destroy any creature.

Mefala - Walking cobweb, spider and embodied in Vivec. Mesphala is a daederic prince whose scope of mortals is unknown. Judging by her nicknames, Mesphala appears both in the male and in the female appearance, depending on whom she wants to lure. Mesphala sees mortal things as a web, pull in one thread and all out. Like other princes, she plays with great pleasure with Mundus for its own entertainment. Her world - still remains a mystery.

Artifact Mefalai, an ebonite blade is truly dark and deadly weapons, like his mistress. Each time an ebonite blade strikes the enemy, part of the damage is emphasized by the owner by force.

Mefalu also consider some way associated with Dark BrotherhoodBut it is a very long and separate story.

Meridium - Prince of Life, and Lady of Infinite Energy. Meridium is a daederic prince, about which we only know that it is associated with the energy of living beings. She also hates with all his chutter and will reward everyone who will exterminate it. Because of what most residents of Tamriel attribute it to the "good" daedera. If this is, again, in general it can be said about Daedra.

The artifact of Meridia, the ring of enthusiasm, became known when it turned out to be in the hands of the infamous robber, who used its power of invisibility in order to become the most successful robber in the history of Elsweira. That among each sounds very respectful.

Another artifact of Meria, is not just so called the radiance of dawn, the Beach of Negotia. The strength of the meridium feeds the blade, the release of energy explosions, burning any undead, which they will run.
MOLAG BAL. - King of violence and shower lane. MOLAG BALL - Daederic Prince, whose sphere is the domination and enslavement of mortals. Its main goal is to enslave the souls of mortals, and thus sow discord and enmity into their world. One legend claims that Molhag Ball created the first vampire when he raped a nice virgin, because of what he received the name "Vampire Father."

The plan of Mlarag Bala in Oblivion is a cool harbor. The book of the "Gate of Oblivion" states that his plan is a copy of Nirne in which there is even an imperial palace, but everything is destroyed there. Earth as il, heaven in fire, and frosty air.

Mahlag Bala Bulava - the embodiment of her owner. She sucks magic power from the victim and gives it to his owner. It is also sometimes called the "Vampire Mag."

Melag Ball tried to bring his plan to the kingdom of Mundus in the second era. Like Merube Dagon with his gates of Oblivion, Molhag Ball used his dark anchors, in order to unite Tamriel and Oblivion into one. Fortunately for living beings, he failed in his undertaking, but somehow he was not destroyed and still alive.

Normary - Daera Spirit, and Lady Ugly. Normary is a daederic prince whose sphere is an ancient darkness. It is associated with disgusting creatures - spiders, slugs, insects and even beggars. It is also worth saying that Namary is attributed to the fact that it relieves begging from different diseases and ailments. Artifact Namira is a tagged Namira ring, the owner of which is powered by the dead, is growing with each eaten corpse.

Nokturnal - Mistress of the night, laddy shadows. Unrecognizable, daughter Twilight, Ladyman Secrets and Holy suspicion. Nocturnal is known for many names, but she has only one sphere - night and darkness. West and employees of a knockturnal are mainly those who act in the night: thieves and spies. Although nocturnal has, perhaps, the largest number of followers among the Daendrian princes, there is still no organized cult. There are a couple of individuals who call themselves the priests of a knockturnal, but the owner of the shadows simply ignores them. It can be concluded that nocturnal is not very careful about who and how she worships.

Eternal is the mystical kingdom of a knockturnal, which is somehow connected with "luck", which thieves love so much. There is also a little known about the eternal, as well as about his hostess.

The mistress of the night has two famous death artifacts, improving the skills of the owner. The most infamous artifact is the enchanted hood, fully hiding the owner from the eye of mortals. The magic of the hood is so strong that the wearing becomes like the invisible. Close friends and even the family will not remember even the name of the owner.

The second artifact empowers the power of the opening of any door, both ordinary and magical. The skeletal key visited many hands, and his influence on the history of Tamriel is indisputable.
Periait - Many famous as a supervisioner. Its sphere is the guidance of order in the lower layers of Oblivion. It is rather strange that periate is depicted in the form of a dragon, because it is considered the weakest of the princes of Daedra. Although calling a daedrice prince "weak" is also strange. Indirectly, Periait, influenced in the lives of almost all the deaths of Nurne. He is also the lord of the plague, the cause of many diseases and diseases. It is listed for such princes as Merus Dagon and Molhag Ball, as a truly "evil" daedera.

The periate artifact is a shield, a spell destructor that has the ability to reflect or absorb magical attacks. \\
Sanguin - Sanguine, Daederic prince of debauchery. The inhabitants of Tamriel believe that he owns the darkness of mortals, such as lust, sin, gluttony, greed. Joker for his nature, Sanguine prefers to spoil the life of people by temptations and humiliations.

Sanguine Plan is thousands of worlds of the Oblivion, which he rules as it wishes. These worlds are filled with pleasure, but more about them is unknown. Usually, after performing a strange task of Sanguin, he gifts his champion artifact. Sanguine Rosa is the most powerful staffing staff capable of calling Dormora, which will help the owner in a fight. But, like attacks of passion, Rose is temporary. Each time a rose is used - it fills and loses its strength. And at this time, a new rose is growing somewhere in Oblivion and is waiting for a new owner.

Vermina - Daederic prince whose sphere is the kingdom of dreams and nightmares from which evil entities come to the world of mortals. It is often referred to as the "demonic" dahedron, and not just like that. The Verminina plan in Oblivion is called Quagmir, and those unfortunate, which he could glimpse, describe it as a sphere where nightmares are born, reality changes every few minutes, and becoming more and more terrifying.

"Skull Porki" is a vermic artifact. This is a damp magic, creating a mirror reflection of who is used to. This "image" then attacks the victim. But this is not the worst what he can do. The legend states that the staff has its mind, and feeds the memories of those around him.

Daederic princes strongly affect Tamriel, and aware of it or not, they influenced life and history, but where there is a night, there is a day where there is there, there is a light ...

In the singular, referred to as Daehotrom, which is the opposite of other mythical creatures named auches. Aerms (ancestral ancestor with elven) are considered to be creatures with a goodwill and calm character, Daedra in this sense, are the exact opposite. In Oblivion, Daedron penetrates Tamriel from the world of oblivion through multiple portals, which is a danger to everything alive that she will meet. In Morrowind, Dahedra is opposed to the player on the side of the sixth house. In the general sense, Daedra is creatures that are demonic creatures penetrating the world of people from their world.

However, some creatures can still coexist with people. So in Calder, during the action of Morrowind, you can talk and even rebuild with a scamp by the name of the slider. Many Daederic Princes can also talk to you, but most of the Daedra are represented by creatures with incomprehensible motivation seeking to just kill you.

Daehedra can be easily caused by spell scrolls, using, for example, the services of the magician guild can be for a small price to cause a bench or horror clan.

Despite the whole danger that Daedra is presented for the creatures of the world of people, they have to be honored on this side. Many cults and organizations secretly or openly worship the princes, or as they call them the deities, in fact, often following mercenary motives, such as the use of daera strength or the filing of powerful artifacts.

Prince Daedera

Princes Daedras are the lords of the world of Oblivion, each of them commands in his kingdom. Some of the princes are mentioned in the book Book of Dadra:

These are excerpts from a huge volume describing the nature of the Daera princes.

  • Azurawhose sphere of dawn and sunset, the magic of intermediaration of twilight, called the lunar shadow, mother of roses, and the queen of the night sky.
  • Boethyawhose sphere of deception and secret collusion, murder plans, attempted, betrayal, and overthrowing power.
  • Ceyner Vailwhose scope of taking strength and fulfillment of desires through rituals, requests and agreements.
  • Hermeus Morawhose sphere is the proven flow of fate, past and future, reading and stars, the Lord of the Treasure of Knowledge and Memory.
  • Hircinwhose sphere hunting, Sport Daedra, Great game, Jumps, known as the hunter and father of beasts
  • Malacatwhose sphere is the patronage of exiles and despised, the keeper of faithful oaths, and bloody curses.
  • Merus Dagonwhose sphere is destruction, changes, revolution, energy, and ambitions.
  • Mefalawhose scope of mortals is unknown; Known under the names of the spinner of networks, sparkle, and pachechah; It is only known that she interferes in mortals for their own entertainment.
  • Meridiumwhose scope of mortals is unknown; associated with the energies of living creatures.
  • MOLAG BAL. whose sphere domination over mortal and enslave them; Most of all he craves to reap the souls of mortals and lure them into their networks, the seed of seeds of disputes and contention in the kingdoms of mortals.
  • Normarywhose sphere of ancient darkness; Daera Spirit, the ruler of different spirits of darkness and shadows; Related to spiders, insects, larvae, and other repulsive creatures, inspired by a mortal irresistible disgust.
  • Nokturnalwhose sphere is night and darkness; Known as the Night Lady.
  • Periaitwhose sphere of the lower layers of Oblivion is known as the overseer.
  • Sanguinwhose scope of the joy of life and pirushka, as well as condescension to the dark ages.
  • Shegoratwhose sphere is madness, and whose motives are unknown.
  • Verminawhose sphere the kingdom of dreams and nightmares, and from whose kingdom evil omen proceed.
Princes usually have powerful artifacts, according to the playing plot of Oblivion in Quest Daera's blood, hero must get one of these artifacts. It may be a star of Azura, Molla Bala Maulava, Daera Dad, Kajit Ring, Molot McCanna and other artifacts.

Like other creatures of Daedra, the princes can also be called. Some accept a challenge on a certain day, some appear subject to certain features. For example, the neck can appear at any time when the storm goes.


During the action of Oblivion, Daederic Prince Merube Dagon calls Horde Daedra to invade Tamriel, these will were called Dormora. Dormor has its hierarchy and class difference, some of them are combined into independent groups.

Princes (Lords, Princes) Daedra - Mighty creatures, gods ruling in the kingdom of Oblivion. Each Daederic Lord has its own plan (abode) in Oblivion, and smaller plans called "pocket".

Hermeus Mora

Daederic Prince of Fate. Knowing unknown. His sphere is the progress of the past and the future. Perhaps one of ancient Gods, and unambiguously, the most hidden. Unlike other Daedra - Hermeus is depicted as a shapeless creature with tentacles, claws and a large ocom surrounded by a set of eyes.

Hermaeus Mora.
~ By LockinLoadeadly

The Hermeus Morah plan in Oblivion is called "apocrypha" - this is an endless labyrinth that resembles a library, storing incredible knowledge, inaccessible with ordinary mortals. Be careful, reading black books without cover, they say, they are driven crazy ...

Inhabit the apocryphal younger Daedra, called seekers and Lurkers, they are the servants of the Prince of Fate.

The cherished artifact of Hermeus Mora is the book "Fuegra Infinium", the author of which is Ksarkhas himself, the God of ancestors and secret knowledge.

Call Day Hermeus Mora - fifth month of first grain


Queen of the night sky, lunar shadow and mother of roses. Daederic princess of sunset and dawn. Many Dunmers Morrowind are worshiped by Azure and consider it a "good" daedera.

It was she who turned the cymers in Dunmer: "They turned their eyes into the fire, and the skin in ashes."
The goddess is a pretext of a hundred power. Her image is a beautiful girl in a dress under the floor - with the moon and a star in her hands. According to legends, Azura is considered the creator of different forms of kajitov.

~ By MachiaVellical.

Azura plan in Oblivion - Moon shadow. Describes in the book as "Beautiful blooming paradise shrouded in a light haze."

Artifact, which can give the goddess - Star Azura. Rare and beautiful on appearance Reusable stone shower.

The ring "Moon-and-Star" - the work of the dwells for Nerevara and a blessed azury. The ring gives the owner an incredible charm and a gift of eloquence.

Azura call day - twenty-first day of primrose (Holiday Hythem)


It is Boeth, not Boethiature, because the prince takes both female and male beginnings. His sphere is a hoax, secret intrigues and collusion, murder and betrayal. Known as a daedera-avenger, prince of fields and warriors, Queen of Shadows. Most often appears in the origin of a warrior with a large sequila or sword in his hands. It is Boetea that is considered the father of the great hero, King and God, Nerevara.

Boaeta plan is the share of reward. It is a high towers and labyrinth gardens, probably, there Baeta loves to drive his victims, the plan constantly changes not only outwardly, but the name changes, so, in the past, he was named "Snake Sadlovina".

The Hottest Daedric Prince
~ By Velena-Gorosama

In the service of the Prince - the younger Daedra, Clanfira and the accuracy. Enjoy the MOLAG ball with a daederic prince.

Two powerful artifacts are connected with Boeth: the ebonite chain, protecting against magic, and the "Golden Mark" - the legendary blade, they say, it is fully made of pure gold and added it to himself (tweemen stricken) dragons.

By tradition, on the day of the Calling of Boetei, the second day of the month of the sunset, there are battles between his followers and stop only after nine priests perish.


Daederic princess nightmares and bad omen. She is a spinner of lush clothes. That is how it is depicted: a woman in a gorgeous mantle with a straw in hand.

~ By Eldanaro.

Queen of nightmares is known for his sophisticated torture over mortals, mainly in sleep. Many remain there forever. It deals with necromanceria and vampirism.

It is not surprising that the plan of the Vermina in Oblivion is the kingdom of nightmares, known as the "Single", "Quagmir" or "Bog".

Legendary artifact Vermina: Skull Porki Staff, capable of materializing the most frozen and terrible nightmares.

The service of a daederic prince is Banekins, Dormora, observers, bemps and unique Daedras - Omamen and nightmares.

Call Day Vermina - the tenth of the month of the high sun. On this day, the festival of merchants is also celebrated.

Ceyner Vail

Daederic prince vanity and advantageous offers. Perfects mortal desires - but what will be the price for this? Be careful, entering into contact with him, who knows what goals he pursues.

The keykite is in the image of a man with horns and a large speaking dog - Barbas, who himself is a particle of the prince, a part of his power is enclosed in Barbas.

Clavicus Vile.
~ By risingmonster.

Gives a mortal daederic artifact - a mask that gives the carrier with an incredible charm and charisma, but with the same success can take it back, if she bones.

The key plan in Oblivion is the regions in the view, the usual serene village with the prince's servants, some remain there forever.

In addition to the mask, the Artifacts of the Gorky Bowl, the "Sorrow" ax "are connected with it, and perhaps the sword" Ubra "- a destructive blade that the souls of the enemies fallen from him, the sword subordinates the will of his owner and soon a warrior, forgetting his name - takes The name Umbra.

During the day of calling the Vial key, the first day of the morning of the morning star is considered.


According to the legend, he was trinimet - at the "hell, absorbed by Boeota and transformed into the Daedend Lord of Malacata, and his people were transformed with him - the orcs now patronecting Malacat. However, according to Shamans Orsinium, Trinimak remained alive, and Malacate - a separate entity, The goal of which was to leave the orc from the nickname. From here, he walks his nickname in the people - Prince of Roguev, Orocy God. Old Orcs are called the perverted trinimet of small, but Malacata is considered a different God.

The Malacate sphere is the patronage of rejected and expelled, depicted by the warrior with the ordeal or a human face and a sword in his hands. In the service of the god curses the lower Daera - Ogrims.

~ By darthhell

Prince Daedron Malacata is called "ash-" and is described in books as a world without heaven, earth and air - completely filled with rush and ashes.

Famous artifacts associated with Malacate: Volentrang: a huge combat hammer, but created by the dummers, not a daederic prince.

In addition to the hammer, the legends are mentioned by the Helmet of the Bear Claw and the Beach Bulava, created for ordinary mortals. Is it true that any Daedra who took this bud will be thrown out of all parts of the world - unknown.

The day of the call of Malacata is the eighth day of the mall.


Initially ~ Merid Nunda ~ One of Magne-GE. According to the legend - expelled from heaven for a close connection with Magnus, the God of Light.

Meridium is a daederic princess of all that is associated with life whose sphere is unknown. Is in the image of a beautiful woman, it is known that she is an obvious opponent of necromance and undead, as evidenced by the sword created by the princess - "radiance of dawn"; Impregnated with the light of Meria - he exterminates any undead. Also, the Artefactory ring of Kajit is connected with the meridium, it is also unknown, as it then fell to Daederic Lord Mephala, maybe they were contacted.

~ By Danaenz.

Meria Plan - "Colored Rooms". These are small islands in the sky with huge sliding lenses, which are soaked with the light of Magnus everything around. Once the princess sheltered in his lair Under the inefficious, King Maga, who ruled the center of the Isleid Empire during her golden century.

Meridia call on the thirteenth day of the morning of the morning star.

Merus Dagon

Prince of destruction, changes and revolutions. He is accompanied by natural disasters; Pops, earthquakes, fires. Stand your nicknames, has a cube of a quadro, a giant with a huge two-season secrete and suco. Several times they invaded Tamriel, carrying numerous deaths and destruction, because of his actions from the face of Nirna, one of the small houses of Morrowvind was erased - honeycomb. He opened the gates into his kingdom across the Syrodial at the time of the crisis of Oblivion (433 years). He was dedicated to the cult "Mythical Dawn". As a result, hostility with nocturnal destroyed one of its plans in Oblivion.

~ By Evanyaj6.

In the service of Mehrune, younger Daedras: nasty bemps, clanfira, derera, vermea, Zivilai, Morphoid Daendre and Hern.

Prince Artifacts: Deadly Razor Merness, able to kill any creature from one blow.
Daederic crescent, used by the Army of Dagon when capturing Batlspira.
The book "Misterium Zaksa", written by Ksarkhas.

Merune's plan - dead lands - are famous for the dangers that make themselves in themselves, one name already suggests that there is no one to see there anyone who the gods awarded the brains. Fire Sky, Gloomy Towers, Lava, Local "Residents" and Fauna - all the circle relieves you to kill.

Day call Merune Dagon is the twentieth number of day of sunset. On this day, a holiday is held in his honor, which is called the "Warriors Festival".


Daederic princess of murders and secrets, its sphere is unknown to anyone, is a two-way deity and is depicted as a four-way lady in a long dress and a lush hairstyle.

She is known as god-spider, mother's mother and spinner of networks. Forerunner Viveka, is considered one of the ancestors of the race of Dunmer. Mesphala, if you believe in some books, together with Boeota, founded the murderers' guild - Morag Tong, they also participated in the creation of the great houses by Morrowuvind and opened the Dark Elves the path of Psidzhik (Magic).

~ By Mrisa.

The Daederic Princess Plan of Mespals is a spiral motility, which is several areas in Oblivion, interconnected by the ghostly threads of the magical cobweb.

Artifact created by Mefalo - Ebonite blade, externally resembling Akavir style.

Call Day - the twelfth number of frost.


Prince of Wrath and Father Monsters - Molhag Ball, a daedridric prince of domination and enslavement of mortals. It is considered the father of vampires, their creator and patron. Corresponding to your terrible names - the prince looks really frightening: a huge hybrid of bull and reptile, with horns, tail and long sharp claws. Dunmer is considered one of the "evil" Daedra.

Colding harbor - Mella Bala's plan in Oblivion, as if a copy of Tamriel, but the deceased. The ground is covered with a thick layer of dirt, the sky in the fire, but the monstrous cold penetrates to the bones, "so describes the abode of the father of horror Safie-Idj Hidzh in his books.

Bulava Molhag Bala, known as the Vampire Bulaw, created by the Prince, is able to suck magic from the enemy and transmit energy to the owner. With its help, not one wizard was killed.

Moleg Bala is called on the twentieth day of the evening of the evening star, if there were no thunderstorms in the night. If the ceremony is missing, it can appear to followers and on another day, in the mortal guise.


Daederic goddess rot and deformity, whose sphere is ancient darkness. At mortal, its image is associated with various vile creatures: spiders, slugs and insects. Her followers can often be removed in cannibalism: 3

~ By Bretwolfe33

It appears in the image of a woman with some abomination of his feet, whether besides or implications.

The scattering emptiness is a plan of a daederic princess, which is not known about.

The goddess can award lucky with his artifact - a ring of Namira. Wearing it can devour the corpses and restore his health.

The day of challenge Namir is the ninth number of the month of Seva.


Nocturnal incomprehensible, Mistress night, daughter Twilight. Her sphere is the night and darkness. Empress of shadows depict a beautiful woman in a dark mantle with clodes sitting on diluted hands. Nocturnal is particularly revered in the thieves guild.

~ By Erika-Xero

Dangerous shadow - once the main head of a knockturin in Oblivion, was destroyed by the Merune Dagon, so the current abode is perpetlen. It is a night forest in which crows live.

The artifacts of the goddess are a skeletal key, famous for all Tamriele as an eternal lock.
The shadows bow, giving the owner the speed and opportunity to become invisible.

Gray hood, fully hiding owner. The magic of the hood is so dangerous that he can make a complete invisibility from you, after which even close relatives and friends will forget about your existence.

Princess Daedra is called on the third day of the fire.


Despite the fact that it is depicted in the dragon appearance - it is considered the weakest of the Daedra princes. He is called a plague lord and prince of epidemics, the overseener. Is the cause of many diseases and diseases in the world of mortals.

TES: Daedric Prince Peryite
~ By Circuitdruid.

Periaite protects the lower layers of the Oblivion, and its plan is called the pile of periate, which is also unknown, as it is closed for mortals.

The Daederic Prince owns the artifact of dwelling - the destroyer of spells capable of reflecting any magic and make the enemy silence.

Day Call Periata - ninth number of rain


Daederic prince of drunkenness and debauchery, whose sphere - feasts and joy, as well as the desire for the dark sides of nature. Depicted by a horned demon with a mug in hand, which is not surprising.

~ By Linaswalaf.

The prince is associated with the artifact - Rosa Sanguine, the staff calling for the help of the younger Daera.

The Sanguine plan in Oblivion always changes its place, one of the famous - Misty Grove, a fabulous abode, with brightly backlighted trees, swimming light fog in the air and sounds calm music, and a beautiful moon can be seen in the sky. They say, right on the edge there is a table where Sanguine's servants are shed and drink.

Call the day of this prince - sixteenth day of the day of sunrise.


His sphere is a great hunt, chase, game. Known as a father of beasts, a hungry cat and a patron of hunting. Traditionally, a man in a deer mask and a spear of bitter grace in hand, but this is only a generalized image that personifies five aspects (totems) Hirsina: Bear, Werewolf, Wolf, Deer and Fox.

Hircine "s Call
~ By Isriana.

Hirsin brought mortal diseases to the world, which is why it is considered the creator of a weaken.
Locking mortals into their plan - hunting grounds, Hirsin makes them the object of hunting of local inhabitants, and if he lives to night, then the prince itself is in possession of a personal footrest. The plan itself is dense forest with rocky mountains, rivers and plains. In addition to the servants of Hirsin, the lycutrices of all species live in hunting grounds, from the herd of bulls and giant snakes, to tigers and mammoths.

Hircin's artifacts: a spear of bitter grace - used in the daederic rite "wild hunting", and the Kirass "Savior's skin" reflecting magic.

Day of challenge Hirsina is the fifth day of the middle of the year.

Sheorat and Jigglag

Prince Madness, Daederic Prince Sheorath - a birthday cat, whose motifs are never unknown, most likely he is just having fun. The people believe that when madman says, he turns to this prince, and he tells him what he cannot know. It is in the image of a bearded man with a cane in the left hand and expensive silks.

Sheorat came from the most powerful Daera - Dzhiggalaga. If you believe legend, Other Daedra, afraid of the Force of Jiggaga - cursed him madness, and he became a sixhrite, but not finally. Sheoraty times in a thousand years again becomes jigglag and destroys his kingdom (in order). What do you know about madness?

The plan of the Sheorath is the trembling islands, divided into "mania" and "dementia". Mania appears as a colorful part of the islands, picturesque and with bright vegetation.

There they found a shelter arrivals, loving luxury. Often you can meet musicians, artists and other creative personalities, insane, truth. As for the dementia, on the contrary, unfriendly and burst disintegration, it seems that all residents of Dementia suffer from the heavy form of paranoia.

Sheogorath The Madgod & Jyggalag- Prince Of Orter
~ By The-Mattness & Rono22

The most famous artifacts of the prince of madness - the collapse of the Vabbagek, the people just "Vabba", is able to change any creature to another creature ..

The staff of the eternal SPEM - is rather a curse, a malicious joke. As soon as the victim reads the runes on the handling of the staff - the owner will appear four beams, forever haunting it. Get rid of scams, as from the most proud - so simply impossible. You will have to find someone who will accept this gift voluntarily, or attribute the artifact in the sanctuary of the Sheorata in the cave of black phantom.

Two more artifact associated with the prince occur very rarely: ticking plug is a useless dagger; And enchanted Gambagaddy Gloves.

Sheoratus is called on the second number of the month of sunrise, or any day during a thunderstorm. If there are no thunderstorms on the day of call, it should not call it in any case.


The tramp of Dervelin from Solitude asks to help him return the owner from vacation. According to him, the owner can be found in the Forbidden Wing of the Blue Palace, where the mad king of Pelagii had previously dwell. Having received a pelvic bone from Dervatinin (useless, but you can sell), we go to the palace.

You can get into a blue wing, asking about him with a fool of fire or cleaning lady. The wing has long been abandoned and tightened by the web, but the journey in it will soon intervene, and you will find yourself in a strange place where the Lord of Daera Sheorat holds "Vacation" along with the late pelagia.

Sheorath agrees to interrupt rest, provided that you will choose Pelagia's mind. You do not have any weapons nor spells - only issued by the staff of the Vabbagek. You need to go through three arches through three arches and perform three simple actions:

  • At the first left arch, where atronahs are fighting in the arena, it is necessary to apply the Vabbagek to the audience, who follows the grip.
  • Over the next - shoot "night fears". Each next fear is caused by the use of Vabbageca on young Pelagia.
  • For the third arch, it will be necessary to increase confidence of pelagias in the amount of confidence and reduce its enemies.

It is done! Our reward - Vabbagek, Magical Staff, which, with each use, fits a random spell.

Returning to reality, do not forget to choke the room for values.

Taste of death (Namira)

Marcart walks strange rumors about the local tomb. Learn about them from the bartender from "Silver Blood" or go straight into a subchanging fortress, where you will find the hall of the Dead and Brother Verilia. He will explain that someone eats the dead, and asks us to investigate this business.

If you do not agree with such a formulation of the question and do not want to become cannibal, kill Eolu.

If not, help clean up the rock cave from non-love - from the beginning to the very altar of Namira. After that, Ea will ask you to bring the brother of the Verilia in the cave. Do this or tell him about the sinister plans of Namira.

Be sure to go with you and bring it to the altar, where the ruins invited to the meadow are already waiting for a meal. After that, do what you want - either obediently kill the Verilia and start to eat it, or save him at any time and the crossing of cannibals.

The reward will be the Ring of Namira - it makes it possible to correct health by entering the corpses. And the hero will have an unpleasant smell of mouth, which he will start to communicate everything.

Door that whispers (Mefhala)

Door that whispers (Mefhala)

The owner of the tavern "Garceing Mare" in Waitran will tell that with the children of the Yarla of Balgruf, there is something strange.

The Yarl himself will not deny the problems and will suggest to talk to the son of Nichkir (thus, that everyone asks if they are not going to lick the naval boots). Nelchir will send us to some whisper in the basement.

The whispering door in the basement will be introduced by Mefalo. She will ask the hero to open the door and send for advice back to Nichkur. The boy will tell me that the key has the key or the Supreme Maga Fahrengar. The easiest way to beat the magician.

Behind the door in the basement lies an Ebonite sword and a book warning about the fact that the artifact is dangerous. Quest made! Sword and there is a reward. It absorbs the health of enemies, and you can strengthen the effect, if you kill them several friends or satellites.

Horror House (Mella Bal)

In Marcart near the tavern "Silver Blood" (just above the street), Turan wanders, Vozoor Standarra. He will ask to help him explore an abandoned house, where, by rumors, worship Daedm.

Alas, the house will be trapped Molla Bala, and you will have to kill Turan.

Go down to the basement, to the altar of the Lord of Daedron. There, touched to Rusty Bulava and having been in a crate, you will get a task - to lead to Mollar the Ball of the Priest Boehy, named Logrolyf, who spoiled the mace.

The priests grabbed the outcasts and kept in one of their camps (in which it is exactly the generator of random numbers). Exit home, go to the specified place and, reading it, output Logrolyf. Under any pretext, bring it to Molhag Ball and, when the priest falls into the crate, let me let MOLAG MOLAG Ball Malaga - and then, when the Lord of Daedron orders, kill the priest.

A reward will be a pretty Mella Bala Bula, take-off with magic and breathtaking souls.

Single Medicine (Periate)

Single Medicine (Periate)

Go to this task is not easy. Having reached the tenth level, you can wait a long time to meet with a sick refugee who will tell us where the sanctuary of Periaita and his keeper Kesh is clean. But you can try to find this place in the mountains to the northeast of Marcard and northwester from the settlement of Cartwasten, south of the Oklota Drudes and southeast of Gnomaging Razvalin Bartamz.

Go there stands already with a set that will ask for a cache. We need impeccable ruby, silver ingot, poisonous bell and vampire dust. Silver ingot Find the easiest whole - they are selling for blacksmiths, and you can drag the ingot in the same carpeture, where there is a silver mine. A poison bell grows in many places - especially in northwestern swamps. Of course, it is easy to find alchemists. The vampire dust can be mined from vampires or buy from a pharmacist. Flawless rubies It is rare, but begin to come across merchants at levels higher.

Having received the desired ingredients, the cache shook the potion, and we, having hung over a green smoke, we can talk to the periate. He needs to kill the traitor of Orchendor and his obsessed in the gnome ruins of the Bartamz, which is two steps in the north-west. The dungeon is very large, and you can wander there for a long time. But there are no puzzles there, if you do not count the pairs of the levers you need to pull to open the pass or run the trap next to the unsuspecting enemy. Mechanical spiders, spheres and lone centurion live in the dungeon. Mag Orchendor - at the very end of the dungeon. Take his books and the key, climb the elevator to the surface and return to the periate.

To talk to him again, breathe green smoke. The reward is the shield of spells, which in the "combat" position creates a charm spell.

Beyond the trund (Hermeus Mora)

We get this task according to the plot, meeting with the scientists of Septimia Segonia on his little island north of the College Winterhold. But you can take the task and simply so if you visit it to the shelter and ask. About how to get to a black limit and what to do there, read in the description scene Quest "Ancient knowledge." Solving a challenge in the Tower of Mzarkk, we will achieve an ancient scroll and pass through the knowledge of the cube.

When we return to the scientist and give him a filled cube, he will ask to bring blood samples of an orc, a dark elf, the BOSMER, high elf and Falmer (get all samples in the black limit or in any other places). To exit the septimia cave, you have to talk to Disgusting abyss, that is, with the Lord of Daera.

Returning to the scientist, give him blood. The path to the book of books is OGMA Infinium. She raises at once five points six skills to choose from - magic, thieves or military. To learn, open the book and press the action key.

On the back path Talk to Hermet Mora.

Call of Boethology (Boehya)

The quest is activated only after the hero has a thirtieth level. He can begin with an unexpected attack reading a book about Boehya or when the hero hurts on the sanctuary (east of the Windhelm brains, on the very edge of the card), where Daedrapoclones are fighting on the improvised arena.

Boehytia will offer to sacrifice satellite. If you do not mind (and if the satellite is not very expensive), order him to approach the luminous pillar and make a sacrifice.

The last task is to visit the bandits camp on the opposite edge of Skyrima. Clean the cave and "detonate" the former warrior of Boethya. Put his ebonite mail and listen to the last instruction of the Daedra Lady.

The award is the same ebonite ring. She takes the steps quieter, poisoning the enemies, which came to the hero close, and looks very pretty, especially in stealth mode.

Call Moon (Hirsin)

The task in Falkrite begins, if you talk to a loyal Mathies - it can be found in the cemetery (the scene is played there) or in the tavern. He will tell us that his daughter ruined the Vervolph Sinding, who was caught and stubborn in the barracks. Look there (the quest can be started there).

Sinding recognizes that he is Vervolph, but declares that random and unpredictable transformations in the beast - a curse that the patron of Hercin hunters imposed on the enchanted ring. He will offer us to settle things with Hirsin himself and advise to begin to kill a white deer to call Lord Daedra. Giving a ring, Sinding will appeal to the beast and populate out of the barracks through the roof.

Deer graze near the city - it is easy to find and shoot it.

And indeed, after the deer fell, the hirsin will appear and say that he is very angry with Sinding for stolen the ring. The task is to find the incoming Wervolf in a drowned grotto, kill and construct the skin from it.

Inside the cave, we will find a slightly broken group of hunters, the last of which will die after talking in general terms what happened ("Sacrifice stronger than hunter. Kill him in the name of Hirsin! "). But Sinding, sitting on the cliff slightly gone, will offer a counter plan - along with him hunt for hunters. If we still decide to kill Sinding, first he will make a slaughter of hunters - you can join the battle immediately, kill Vervolf, take off the skin and take a light ski of the Savior (resistance to magic and to poison) as a reward from Ghostly Hirsina).

If we get up on his side, the hunters will be stronger, and as a reward at the exit from the cave we will get the ring chircin cleaned from the curse. It gives additional transformation into the beast per day and for non-Vervolphs is useless.

Unforgettable Noah (Sanguine)

This quest is different from other things that it is not so easy to find it. The key character is Sam Hevin - may appear in any tavern Skyrima. But the task is simplified, if you remember: Sam appears in the tavern, which is closest to the hero when he is fulfilled by the fourteenth level, and he does not go away from this tavern. Remember what you did in this "age." If you have oldest conservation, look at them, where your hero was at the moment when he "knocks out" 14.

Friendly break with Sam (you guessed, who is it?) Suddenly interrupted, and we will be in the Marcart Church of Dibella, where we will tell us about the wedding and goat and offer to remove the remnants of yesterday's debach. You can avoid cleaning with the belief or money.

Our next stop is Rorixted. Ennis Farmer accuses us in the abduction of his goat GLALS, which now went to the giant named Gro. Goat must be returned - the Giant, of course, will be against.

The next hook - Waitran and some isold, requested to return wedding ring From the grove witch fog. You can avoid searching the ring by connecting money or belief. But it's easier to go to the "bride", the vigorous Moyra, and to take the ring from her. When the ring will be returned to Isolde, we will get the last tip - to the fortress of Morvunskar. There we will find a crowd of evil sorcerers and Sanguine himself.

Award for Quest - Rosa Sangvina, staff calling for us to help Dormor.

Fragments of the former glory (Merus Dagon)

The quest begins with a leaflet that the courier will be in the twentieth level. The owner of the Destrail Museum of the Mythical Dawn of Forces Wevol wants to collect a razor of Merune - the legendary dagger of the past.

The razor is divided into three parts and stored in three different characters:

  • Yorgen from the morocca can be "persuasion" to convince to give the key from home. Handle lies in the chest.
  • The razor of Dagon holds a burggey of Draska in a large rogue camp (we will find the wall with the word of strength).
  • At the orc Gunzul in the orcs of the fortress, a cracked talent, we take the key from the repository and, descending there, grab the fragments of the razor (take care of the traps).

Having received three parts and attaching scabs to them, the forces will offer to meet at Dagon's sanctuary. Rose there better with the northern slopes of the rock.

Merness will offer us to kill the strength to become his hero and get a razor (dagger, which gives a chance to instantly kill the enemy when hit), and the power wishes to get out of the ravis and hide the razor under the museum glass. The choice is yours. In any case, there will be a battle. Do not forget to take the key with the dormra and clean the sanctuary.

Damned tribe (malacate)

Quest is available from the ninth level. We can hear rumors about rumors about the rumors of the fortress or head straight there.

Lagashbourg Fortress is located southwest of Ryptene, at the foot of the mountains, a little further by the Tower of Svetla. Help orcs get rid of the Giant. They will tell that the tribe is damned, and will be asked for the ritual of the call of Malacate two ingredients: the toll fat and the heart of Daedra. Fat get easily (from the same trolls, for example), but hearts are the rarest ingredient, and they fall with Dormar, who are found very infrequently. To get a heart, make Quest Merness Dagon or enter the Winterholdold College - there they can be found in the assortment of the enthir.

After the ritual, Malacate will say that the tribe suffers for the cowardice of the leader of Jamarza, and will order a cave from the giants with his sanctuary. We need a place - the cave yellow stone, northeast of Rophietn. Yamarz will go there on foot, but it is better to go there on his own.

In the cave, the behavior of the Order of the Chief will become quite comic. Yamarz will scary and persuade us to make all the dirty work instead of it. If they do not kill him, then the sanctuary of Malacata will attack us to get rid of the witness of his cowardice.

Take a giant hammer from the body and return it to the tribe, watering to the altar. Now he is called Volgarang and absorbs the reserves. This is our reward.

Dawn Zarya (Meridium)

The quest begins when we get into the hands of a strange type of ball - a traveling star of Meridia. But he meets by chance, and it is possible to look for it for a long time, so it's safer to visit the statue itself. It rises above the road leading to Solitudud (south of the cave Wolf Skull, where they called for Fotom).

Meridium will indicate us where to look for a guide star. Find it and, returning to the rock, put on the altar and get instruction from the Ladyard. We need to go to the kilkrit dungeon (entrance directly under the statue) and kill Malkran's necromancer.

The dungeon is simple, but interesting, in the spirit of "Indiana Jones". We need to activate the chain of pedestals, to change the ray sent to the Meridy through all the catacombs, opening the door outside the door. The battle with Malkran will be about two stages - first with him himself, then with his shadow.

The award is the shine of dawn, the sword with a very unusual, although not very convenient effect: he does not just kill the enemy from time to time, but turns it into the ashes, and with the death of undead gives damage along the area, which dismisses the remaining undead.

Dog is a friend of Daedra (the cell of the Vail)

In Folkriti there are rumors that the blacksmith Lod is looking for a kind of dog. Go to the loop and get meat to lick the PSA. We will find it, but suddenly it turns out that it is Barbas, the satellite of the Lord of Daeter Keychasa Vial. Barbas escaped from him.

Barbas wants me to go to the cave of Heimar and found the sanctuary of the former owner. Inside the cave - a lot of vampires, so if you are not very confident in your abilities, skip the dog forward. The keykite, in turn, will need to return to him the skin of the sorrow, which is in a frosty cave. This is a small cave, and its only inhabitants - a magician and his fiery atron.

When we refund the ax, the carton Vyle will offer us to leave an ax to yourself with one condition - we must kill Barbas. If we agree, we get an ax, damaging forces. If we refuse, Barbas will join the owner on the pedestal, and we will draw a very useful mask of the Vial key, improving prices and eloquence.

Awakening nightmare (Vermina)

Something strange is happening in Dunstara - the same nightmares are filmed to all residents at night. What's happening? It knows the priest Mary, the Dark Elf Erandur. He will tell that heavy dreams are a sign of danger: their memories abducts the princess Daeter of Vermina. To save Danstar from trouble, he will lead us to the Temple of the Night Uniforms, from where evil comes.

In the temple everywhere lie body. But they are not dead, but sleep. Vermina's priests, not wanting to give up to the orc-invaders, released witchcraft miasms and soared themselves with them. To stop the dream and stop the nightmares of Dancer, you need to destroy the skull of damage. Where does Erandur know it? He used to be the priest of the Vermina, but at the last moment ran out of the tower.

Getting to the skull damage interferes with an impassable barrier. In the library you will find the book "Single", from which learn about the potion "Apathy Verminaya", allowing you to go into dreams and in such a way to move in space. Go in search of potions. Along the way, eliminate the wreaking inhabitants of the tower - they are all a little wrong in the spirit.

Drinking the potion, you can return to someone else's past, perform the task (pull for the chain and release miasms) and go back. You will find yourself from the opposite side of the barrier. Remove the shower stone from the pedestal to remove the barrier and skip Erandura.

It only remains to participate in the battle with his former colleagues and make the final choice - to give Erandura to destroy the skull of damage or kill the priests on the head of the Vermina.

Staff Skull Porki - an interesting artifact (guard, at least scares), but its effect is the usual damage. Damage increases, if you recharge the skull next to sleeping people.

Black Star (Azura)

The sanctuary of Azura, the only sanctuary with a statue of a normal size, is arranged high in the snow-covered mountains south of Winterhold. Rumors about him go throughout Skyrim, so it will quickly appear on the map.

In the sanctuary itself, Arania's progress immediately departs us to Winterhold, in search of a high elf of Nalacar. Elf dwells in the "frozen hearth" tavern. He will tell that his master Maulin Waren conducts sinister experiments with Divine Artifact, Azura's star, trying to achieve immortality. It turned out or not, but the artifact must be returned from the dungeon of the depth of ornalta.

Through through the hordes of necromancers, take the azura star from the mailing corpse. Only one question remained - who will return it? If we return the Azure artifact, we will get a regular reusable shower container under any size. If we return nonlakar, we will get a black star - an artifact under the soul of reasonable creatures. Since all reasonable souls are great, the second is clearly more profitable.

However, before using the star, you will have to withstand a very difficult battle with Mailin's hidden in it and its dormors. Dundora - guys are very dangerous, especially in the early levels, and you will not be satellites inside the artifact, so they are armed to the teeth, go to the "first aid kits" and protection against fire.

Skyrim game produced the same effect as all games the series Elder scrolls. - fired from work and kicked out of families the majority of the population of the Earth. We will not write about passing, cheats, codes and other handballs for rubbing Skyrim player snot. Today we are detailed to you and beautifully reveal the topic - Princes Daedra. Who are they doing, description and of course all Skyrim artifacts, all the Daedra princes.

Princes Daedra are sometimes served in Skyrim as demons, but it is infinitely disrespectfully magnifying them into such a manner. For they read their characters of the game The Elder Scrolls and the players themselves as a deity. The total number of senior Daedras - 16 Sometimes 17. Do not confuse from Eyra, since the Daedra Princes are immortal, they are impossible to kill them. Although sometimes I really want.

Who are Princes Daedra - similar to demons of the essence living in oblivion (Oblivion). Often between them are carried out with a parallel with Jewish demons. Mostly malicious and insidious, but often and benefactor. Princes Daedra created Dade, younger demons.

Daehedra book

It is worth noting that each Daedra Prince has its own part of the Oblivion, as well as its own habitat, each unique. All Princes Daedra play an important role in all the games of The Elder Scrolls. But the most important thing is that one or another artifact is connected with each prince, unique with its capabilities.

Description of Daedra's princes:

1. Boehya (Boethiah). This Prince Dahedra we describe the first. Boehya is a master of military affairs, prince of fields and prince intrigue. If you like to deceive, revenge, betray and build plans for murder, boaathy your option. There is a legend that Boethia is not a man and not a woman, but what he wants.

Boethia and Hajiti (Boethiah).

Champion of Boethology

In Skyrim, the artifact of Boehya - "Ebonite Kolchug". The class of heavy armor, but the clothes you are moving much quieter than in the usual heavy armor, also any opponent who thought about you to come too closely poisoned with poison and carries every second damage. The Boetei Quest is filled with senseless murders, rubber and betrayals.

Statue of Boethya Skyrim

Artifact Boehya

2. Azura (AZURA). Two-mounted Azura is a prince of sunset and dawn, the queen of dawn, the mother of roses and the queen of the night sky. If the mortal somehow falls into her kingdom, Azura takes it welcome. The main enemy of Azura - Schograp. Mysterious and before Hreno, the intelligent dwells were afraid of this Prince Daedra. When one dwemer proved that Azura is not ovifying - the curse was terrible. Output? Less to be released before the woman endowed with the authorities!

Azura Statue (Azura).

But Azura is revered as well as the creator of Danmer and the kazhiti / Hajiti are persecuted. Hitroremaya Rassa Hajitov consider Azuru Kottenka of the third litter of Fadomai. They are confident that Azura received the greatest possible gift from the mother - three secrets.

Hazhites have no doubt for a second that this particular Prince Dahedron created their race. Instilling the mind and wisdom in the minds, as well as the stuffing of their mouths with lunar sugar (drugs).

Azura Skyrim

Quest Azura in Skyrim is very unusual. Award for the passage of which there may be a star of azura or a black star, to choose from. Of course, the Azura star is more profitable, because absorbs the souls of everyone without disaster, and the Black Star of Azura is only NPC (friendly characters), I would certainly want to take the second award, but there are few friends, and you want to kill as much as possible. Not profitable, in general, be bad - the meat is not enough ... sadness.

Azura artifact

3. Jigglag (Jyggalag). It is considered to be 17 prince Daedra. Prince of order fought with the stem. Dzhigglag wishes frantically and assign the kingdom of the Schograp. Probably in the kingdom of the sixth is not all right, although everything is not in order for the logic for Jighanda. This is probably the cause of his patronage of princes of order.


But for the Yarykh fans of the series of games The Elder Scrolls, it's not a secret for a long time that the shell and jigglag is the same Prince of Daera with two entities, which from time to time oppose each other. Jiggag himself argues that the curse of the princes of Daendre, who gave the form of his opposite to calling her the stems. Two-sided with all of us, so this Daedra Prince is close to a simple mortal who in their blind desire to correct "something because" not order but devils that. Jigglag takes the 9th place in the list of all the Daedra princes.

Skyrim Game a little laid Oter Bolt on Jiggaga. Probably the reason for the lack of this Prince Dahedron in Skyrim is the fact that Jigglag appeared relatively recently and in Tammaniele did not have time to learn about him. In Skyrim, Dzhiggalaga is not. And in general, it should be noted that the princes of Daedra in Skyrim are pushed into the second plan of the dragons, and this is another reason to start them face ... Wheels ... What's the dragons?

Dragon Hunt Skyrim

4. Vermina (Vaermina) The second version of the version (Vaernima). Princes Daedra dislike the right because she owns nightmares and torture. Violated, but damn it is interesting! Rimimony - prince of signs and of course dreams. Rules of Vermina Kingdom of nightmares called "Zagox". The kingdom of this Prince Dahedron has no constant shape, it changes. But the main essence of any illusion of this world, where the rules of Vermina are the nightmares.


It seems like vampirism and necromancy - the work of the Vermina. To get the blessing of this Prince Daedra need to be sharpened in a black stone shower, an innocent soul of a reasonable creature. Necromancers adore the Vermina depicting a woman in a luxurious dress.

Vermina (Vaermina).

Vermina in Skyrim occurs during the passage of the quest "walking nightmare", he gives Erandur in the tavern of the "peak of winds". Vermina cursed the whole city and you need to save people from the eternal nightmare. But not everything is so simple in that quest. If you are faithful to Prince Daedras - get a "skull of the night", if not - also get ...

Vermina Slyrim.

Artifact Vermina

5. Girqing (Hircine). Prince Dahedra identified with hunting. The main hunter of Princes Daedra and is considered to be the father of beasts. It dwells in hunting grounds, it has absolute power over the twisted. Hajiti (Caudzhita) worship him by a second litter of Fadomai and describe Girqing as an eternally hungry kitten.

Girqing. Prince Dahedron.

In Skyrim, Girqin awards the player by the Savior or Ring of Girqing. But first, you will need to pass the quest "Call of the Moon." The ring gives a unique opportunity to turn into a werewolf, once a day.

The skins of the Savior and the ring "Call of the Moon", the artifacts of Skyrim Girqin.

6. Class of Vail (Clavicus Vile). In the very name, the random is lung, Vile translated from English - "wicked", "sneaky". CHKUKUS WILE - Creates contracts, gives forces, fulfills your desires. But the chip is that the cell of the Vyle loves to deceive and patronize the oaths. The kingdom of this Prince Daedra resembles the perfect village, filled with serenity and tranquility and the clear case of the village is full of Westernists.

Ceyner Vail

Scratch Clause Vial distinguished himself that he helped adapt vampires in human society. A carton is depicted in the form of horned dwarf with a barbas (demonic beast). You can easily carry out the parallel between the gift of this prince Daedra "Vial Template" and the product of the Trochka Trojes ", because the keyboard mask gave it to her" beauty ". That is, in the eyes of watching man was unrealistic. But it was just an illusion.

Skyrim Wille Skyrim Statue

In Skyrim, the keykite stopped being dwarf and gives you a quest to return His Psa Barbas. Prince Daedron calls his partner is not different as "boiling". By the way, the dog knows how to speak. The psychedelic mind of this Prince Daedra offers you following: pick up a valuable weapon killing the dog or returned the owner.

Artifacts Skyrim Mask Class Vail

7. Meridium (Meridia). It is known only that she hates the undead and necromance. The kingdom of her - colored rooms. For a while, everyone was sure that this was Dzhiggal, while the main designer of the surveillance group called Bethesda was not denied these rumors.

Meridia (Meridia) Statue in Skyrim.

All artifacts in Skyrim Daedra princes are diverse and unique. In Skyrim, Meridiya gives her quest - a sword, which hurts the undead as chickens-zholtopopiki. And the additional damage is undead, it will be very useful in one of the final quests, scene line.

"Lighting of dawn" artifact Meria

8. Malacate (Malacath). Miley from the Daedra princes. Malacate God Orkov - God of Curses! All who are expelled and despise - find shelter from Malacata. Also, from all the Daedra princes, Malacat is the Yarym Keeper of the oaths and terrible curses. The kingdom of the malacata is filled with smoke and rush, corrosive smoke replaces the air and breathe there without the help of magic - it is impossible. It is rumored that Boethythia has turned Malacata in Prince Daedra.

Malacate God Orcs. Statues of Skyrim.

Danmers believe that Malacate "Bad Daera". Actually, the orcs for all "bad", but the bad to chop enemies right and left - it is not clear. Orcs fall into a permanent rage. And I do not like anyone that huge, merciless creatures have their faith, their principles for which the heads are willing. In any case, the worship of Malacat is prohibited.

Malacate in Skyrim gives an artifact that has passed his quest - Volentrang. Excellent two-handed weapon that demoloses 50 units. The reserve of the enemy forces. The quest is given in the village of Largashbourg village. You need to kill giants, and we are always ready to kill.

Volentrang Skyrim Artifacts.

9. Mesphala (MEPHALA). Nasty god spider. Spinner networks. Mesphala is black hands. Hermaphrodder, Patchyha. In general, even happiness for the faint of heart. But there is I. positive sides - Mesphala two-fallen deity that heads all secrets, secret murders, art and most important - sex! So if no one does not give - pour mefhala.


The oldest and one of the most influential migratory guilds Morag Tong, persecuted Mespal. Oddly enough, this prince Dahedron is considered good. Based on the history, she took out of the womb of Vivek reunited with him and taught the baby to all secrets, then as a decent Daera - he returned him back into his mother's womb.

Mesphala created Morag Tong. The participants of the guild killing mefals to glory - they make it stronger. To glorify Mefalu, you need to kill not because of the priest, but because of hate. There is something that, and this mercenaries from the Guild Morag Tong do not occupy, because they are all "offended by society." Also, only known personalities should be killed, for unknown characters Mespal have few.

In Skyrim, Mesphala gives an artifact "Ebonite blade" hardened in the blood of betrayal.

Ebonite blade Mefalai. Artifacts Skyrim.

10. Mehrune Dagon (Mehrunes Dagon). Dagon Prince Daedra is responsible for destruction. Players are often named His Lord Dagon. Cruel and not knowing the pepper! Dagon enjoys: destruction, revolutions, changes, ambitions and power. Edaki Zhirinovsky in the Universe The Elder Scrolls.

Mehrune Dagon (Mehrunes Dagon) Prince Daedra.

Dagon B. Dead lands. The seas of the hot lava with small islands on which they grew, pushing into the sky, black citadel. The sky in the dead grounds of the crimson color, extinguishing thunder and lightning. From vegetation - bloody grass and predatory flowers boring poisonous evaporation. Dagon takes 10 place in the list of Daedra's princes. Epic and severe uncle.

Dagon, statues Skyrim

All forest fires, floods, earthquakes and concerts of Timati - Dagon Wine. A nasty four-time fighter crashing everything on its secretion path with two blades.

In Skyrim, Dagon gives for the fulfillment of his will dagger "Razor Merness". Scary weapon in skillful hands. The main property of this artifact is murder from one blow. Once this terrible murder gun belonged to the dark fraternity, but it was the cause of many deaths of the guild members.

Artifact Dagon. Skyrim artifacts.

11. Normary (Namira). All the perfume of the shadows and darkness are subject to Prince Daeter Namir. Also, all creatures that are caused in mortal disgust belong to Namir. Prince Dahedron lives in the abyss of Namir. This is a woman with a faithful demon at the feet. She is pleasant to all possible ugliness.

Namira (Namira). Statues of Skyrim.

Kazhiti worship her as a descendant of Anura and Fadowa, as well according to the legend of Hajitov, the Great Darkness gained the name of Namir. In short, scary and mysterious.

All artifacts in Skyrim disagree in the operability in front of the possibilities of the rings of Namira, because it allows the player to eat the corpses of the dead enemies. You can get the ring Namira near the Markat, before the entrance to the mysterious hall of the dead!

Ring Namira. All artifacts Skyrim.

12. MOLAG BALL(Molag Bal). Father monsters, prince of anger as well as a valid king of violence and intrigue. Molhag Ball is rightfully considered the lord of trouble. That is, in general, everything is bad, there is somehow different because of Mollah happened. The place in which this Prince Dahedron dwells. The sky there is constantly embraced by fire, but the air is so cold that even experienced nordam is hard to breathe. The name of this place is "Cold Harbor" and she is covered with blood, mud and unclean. Also in it a lot of pens for slaves and crypts. Beauty, in general, indescribable. Chief Enemy Bala - Boehya!

MOLAG BAL. The worst prince of Daedra.

Also, some argue that Molhag Ball personally created vampires. In one of the series games them Elder Scrolls "Morrowind" says that the very first vampire ball created from the corpse of his enemy or Lord Daider. Although, the most evil fans of the series of games are shouting that the first vampire ball created from .... Animal.

It should be noted that in one of the books that we could read playing the fourth part of Oblivion, it is said that the first vampire was the girl named Lami Beolfeg, which is brutally and in the perverted form raped Molhag Ball himself. Two weeks later, Lii died, but he resurrected after his death in the appearance of the vampire.

But that's not all. Molhag Ball is considered to be a lover of Viveka and from their perverted communication appeared Race Monsters who lived in Wirefelle. Also, this pervert observed the conception of Boehya, whose mother was resting with 99 lovers.

Molhag Ball and Vivek.

All artifacts Skyrim have one minus, they are not so practical as a gift Molhag Bala. For the passage of a cruel quest, this Prince Daera gives you Mella Bala Maulant. Which sucks not only forces, but also manna, which means it will come in handy in the fight against any enemy. By the way, the Prince itself absolutely do not care who will own it. The main thing is that every soul killed by it gets Molhag Ball!

Bulava Molhag Bala. Artifacts Skyrim.

13. Nokturnal (Nocturnal) or Nokturnal. Absolute mistress of the night. In her power in the darkness and night. Nocturnal-incomprehensible is one of the main aspects of the void initial. It dwells in a dangerous citadel and serving her the lower Didea, for whom the seductors are.

Statue of nocturnal. Night Lady.

In Skyrim, the patroner of the thieves guild, nocturnal, generously gifts his followers. What is just an eternal lock, which never breaks. So do not rush to put the points of skills in the skill "hacking". This artifact Skyrim has mystical descriptionThat says "this key opens not only the doors, but also the obstacles of your consciousness." What does it mean - hell knows! But sounds beautiful.

Skeleton Key.

14. Sangvin (Sanguine). Very even Orthodox Prince Daedron, who manages all the boys and fun. But he also pushes to the dark sides of his nature, all living things. Hajiti call him a blood cat is confident that it is he who controls the call of blood.

Sanguine prince ragwood.

Sanguine is interestingly connected to the bloody and gloomy organization Morag Tong. It turned out when players learned that the guild artifacts are called "Sanguine Nights" (20 items).

In Skyrim, you can go through his quest and get in the award of the Artifact "Rosa Sanguine", with its help are caused by very good shrimp.

Rosa Sanguine. Artifacts Skyrim.

15. Periait(Peryite). A kind of supervisor, loves to guide orders in the lower layers of oblivion, small dad. However, the periaite is destructive Didea. His favorite and main element is an epidemic. Players do not meet with him, but knowledge about him came from other Daedra princes.


Externally, the periate is similar to Akatosh. Absolutely all Skyrim artifacts are diverse, but it will be very useful for you will be the shield "Spell Destroyer", which gives protection from magic to 50 units. And since most of the most powerful opponents in Skyrim own magic - the shield "Spell Destroyer" is very important. The quest on its receipt can be discovered for myself after level 10, the refugee will indicate you a place called the "Sanctuary of Periata" (Northeast T Markata).

The best shield in Skyrim.

16. Shegorat (Sheogorat). Beautiful God madness! The logic in the madness of the Sheoratoma is so thin and beautiful that any philosopher nervously smokes in the bamboo on the sidelines. The motives of the insane Lord are unknown, but always lead to a deep meaning. Many consider the appearance of the Sheorata - I breathe in the form of the Universe. If you worship this Prince Daedra - there is neither good nor evil for you; neither real nor unreal; Neither lies nor truth. Does not matter! At the same time, the complete chaos leading to the purity of the mind. Thin hint of Joker? possibly.


The inhabitants of Skyrim and the entire Universe The Elder Scrolls are confident that when the madman says something, he turns to the prince of Daedra Sheorat, and he will gladly tell the unfortunate about what he cannot know.

Favorite classes of cutie of the Sheorata - to check the danger on the weakness of the Spirit. There are many legends where Danmer call on the Sheorat to help in combating other Dermers. Half legends assures that the Sheorat betrayed those who caused him ...

Skyrim Skyrim.

Hatched Shaorat Azuru, constantly fighting with her. He lives in the trembling islands. Hajiti perceive him as a cat in the flow, from the second litter of Fadomaya.

Scratch Sheorat deceived the Moon from the stacked path through all oblivion, she collapsed on the city of Vivec. And I installed it personally Vivek, God-poet. And Nefig here!

If Skyrim's artifacts have clear characteristics, the staff that gives the sheorat one of the most "unstable". For using it, you do not know what will happen. It is called this gift Prince Dahedron - Vabbagek! Vabba (Wabbajack) can easily turn any kind of living creature into any other creature. The trick is that no one knows what exactly!

Vabbajack (Wabbajack). Skarim artifacts.

All princes of Daedra do not boast the same popularity as the Shegorat, for it is more often mentioned in the books. Moving the neck of golden saints and dark seductors

Find the neck in Skyrim is pretty easy if you like to talk with everything in a row. In Solitude, talk with the beggar (approximately near the Bard College). He will complain about his owner. It should be noted, the Kesta of the Sheorata is very interesting. In a reward, you will receive Vabbajack (Wabbajack). You can play yourself before indecent!

Vabjad video in action!

17. Hermet Mora (Hermaeus Mora). Non-shaped, but revered prince Daedra. Vladyka Knowledge. Some call Hermeus Mora - a forest man. Able to predict fate, reads the sky, Mr. Treasure of Knowledge and Memory Lord. Is there sclerotics among readers? To you!

Hermeus Mora. Prince Dahedron Skyrim.

Hermes Morah lives in a place called Apocrif, who keeps the Forbidden Knowledge. This is a kind of library in which full volumes covered with black covers and have no names. And only ghosts can read these volumes than and do these wise souls. Forbidden knowledge that is kept in the abode called apocrypha - deadly for ordinary creatures.

Hermeus Mora

Related to Morag Tong and read the kajitov as a tide. There is a phrase "Who can predict, the moon foreshadows a tide or a sampling foreshadows the moon?" In general, everything is difficult and at the same time very beautiful. Hermet Mora's sirming worship.

In Skyrim, you will receive the coolest artifact after passing the quest of this Prince Daedra. This little thing is the book "OGMA Infinium" (oghma infinium). Which will give you such an increase to the skills that get up! You can get it by passing the quest of the insane scientist Septimia Segonia, which lives in ice in the Black Limit.

OGMA Infinium (Oghma Infinium). Best Artifact. Skyrim.

That's all the princes of Daedra. We also described all Skyrim Daederic Artifacts, we hope without the destruction of the buzz in the passage of this epic toy. We just tried to warm up your interest in the game, but those who have already passed - to think and again dive into the huge world of Skyrim, in search of one or another artifact. And remember the reality is much more interesting and difficult than any computer game! All Skyrim's artifacts and all Princes Daedra are not worth walking with a beloved person in the park.

God, that I carry ...

Prince Daedra, women. Skyrim salty humor.