Water transport in Black Desert. Black Desert: Water transport (boat, raft and ferry) Lack of worthy competitors

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Water transport allows players to navigate rivers and oceans without the help of NPCs. Transport can be bought at auction or made in your own workshop. The larger the vehicle, the more materials and effort required to manufacture it. In this guide we will tell you about water transport in detail.


If you don't want to create a vehicle yourself, you can simply buy it at auction.

It is located in the Transport and Pets section.

1. How to make a raft?

Select the Shipyard item and click the Buy button. In this case, you will have to spend 5000 silver and several influence points.

Construction of the shipyard takes 2 hours.

Once construction is complete, you will need materials to create vehicles.

After collecting resources, return to the shipyard window. Control components are marked in the screenshot with colored frames:

  • Blue: Select transport type
  • Red: Selection of workers who will be involved in construction
  • Yellow: Materials processed
  • Pink: Time required to assemble

You can entrust construction to two or more workers.

Attention! If the process is cancelled, all materials will be lost!

Where can I get logs?

Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the mini-map with the left mouse button.

Click on the hoe icon to go to the tool merchant in Velia.

Take it in your hands and find a tree in the vicinity of Velia (see screenshot).

Press R to cut it down.

In addition to pure wood, you will receive several logs.

Black Stone Powder

First of all, go to the tool merchant and buy a pickaxe.

Find an ore deposit, get closer to it and pick up a pickaxe.

In the process of mining ore, you can get some rough stones.

How to build a Processing Shop?

Find this building in Velia and pay to build a processing plant (similar to a shipyard).

Click the Production Management button.

The workshop interface looks like this:

To obtain Black Stone Powder, you need two rough stones. Depending on the speed of the worker, the process of obtaining powder can take from 10 to 30 minutes.

If you don't know how to manage employees, read the relevant guide.

Now you have all the resources to create a raft. Before this, you need to put the materials in the storage facility, which is located on the pier.

High-rank shipyards are used to create large water transport. For example, on the island of Ilia there is a second rank shipyard where you can create fishing boats.

After completing construction, register the vehicle in storage. Put the boat in your inventory and talk to the manager.

Any vehicle has a reserve of health and strength. They appear as red and yellow bars at the bottom of the screen. At this time, water transport cannot be repaired. When the safety margin runs out, the transport is destroyed.

Ferries leave from Velia pier every 10 minutes. They take players to Ilia Island, but you can jump into the water at any time. Traveling by ferry is a great way to explore the islands and find good fishing spots. Try not to fall into the water on the open sea, because catching the return ferry will be very, very difficult.

There are third-rank workshops in Heidel, where you can create items to improve water transport. Not every boat can be improved with the help of this or that item, so when creating equipment, pay attention Special attention on its characteristics.

Ship prows increase movement speed, decorations add armor, and storage spaces increase the weight limit for transported cargo.

7. Useful information for crafting

Boards can be made using woodworking. Planks are needed to create a boat with oars. To get planks, find some logs, press L and select Woodworking.

Deposits of iron and copper are located in a coastal cave northwest of Velia. To melt ore, press L and select Heat.

Several logs tied with rope - that’s the whole simple structure. The advantage of this watercraft is that it is extremely easy to craft, so even a beginner can cope with this task. Not suitable for long sea voyages due to low speed, but perfect for fishing close to the shore. Has only 4 shelves for goods.


Compared to the previous craft, it is more maneuverable and fast. The game features several types of boats:

  • Calpheonskaya;
  • Media;
  • Valencian.

The difference between them is the number of luggage racks and speed. The fastest and most spacious boat from Valencia, which has 11 shelves and a speed of 115%. Such a vehicle moves by means of rowing traction, and the character using it has to row.

Since the speed of the boat is higher, the safety margin is greater, it can already be used for fishing at greater depths, going further out to sea. This type of transport is also suitable for exploring the islands in the northern part of the map to gain knowledge and increase the amount of energy on your account.

fishing boat

An “advanced” version, which is equipped with a small sail instead of oars. Unlike its predecessors, it has a significantly larger safety margin, so it can be used longer. Thanks to its features, it is ideal for both beginners and experienced users.

This is the only water vehicle in the game that can be fished not only with a fishing rod, but also with a harpoon. The latter fishing option is more difficult, however, the trophies in the process are also more expensive: for example, the maximum nominal value of gold-quality fish that can be caught with a fishing rod is 40 thousand silver (not counting coelacanth, which costs 250 thousand, but is rarely found). With a harpoon, if the player has the skills, you can catch fish worth up to 150 thousand silver.

In addition, due to its good performance, the fishing boat is widely used by whalers. The sea mammal is farmed in a group, so the boatman also gets his share of the spoils without even firing a single shot.

Brig and escort

Full-fledged transport presented in the game. Sailboats have 20 shelves for goods and are equipped with cannons: the brig has two, the escort has four. They are used mainly for imperial trade, namely the delivery of expensive trade packages from Eilat and their subsequent resale to an imperial merchant.

Unlike any boat, which simply will not go such a long way without being damaged, they have a huge margin of safety, so they are not afraid of sea monsters, pirates, or the Ghost Ship. These are ships with an unlimited lifespan: the energy supply is restored at the dock.

Can be used on sea monsters in a group: a party member gains access to onboard guns. Due to the small number of guns, farming is long and ineffective.


It’s a stretch to call this combat vessel a transport. The galley is equipped with eight cannons, so it is more suitable for farming sea monsters. Unlike previous ships, this ship does not belong to a specific player, but, therefore, it is parked in the appropriate dock, and only the head or one of the deputies can get it from there.

Just like an escort, it has a mast, climbing onto which makes it easier to survey the surroundings in search of monsters. Crafting a guild galley requires a lot of rare, valuable resources, so only rich guilds with a large number of members can afford to have one.

As with the escort, the ship has some useful skills - for example, ramming or acceleration, the use of which becomes available when leveling up the navigation skill.

Note! The white shark is a game animal, not a sea monster, so damage from onboard guns does not hit it. You can kill a shark, like other game, using a hunting rifle.

The scope of this vessel has expanded with the addition of the sea boss Vela, who appears once a week. Defeating the leviathan requires the effective and coordinated work of an entire flotilla.

Transport equipment

Most of the vehicles presented in the game have slots for equipment:

  • Horse and camel - horseshoes, stirrups, blinkers, saddle, armor;
  • Baby elephant - stirrup, blinkers, saddle, armor;
  • Boat - hold, gear.
  • Fishing boat - bow figure, gear, hold;
  • Brig, escort and galley - hull, sail, figurehead, guns.

The equipment of the horse and camel is replaceable, that is, suitable for both types of transport. Other types of transport require the use of your own equipment. Like many game items, it has several grades of quality gradation - gray, green or blue.

In addition, packs are available in the game store that change appearance transport and slightly improving its characteristics. Currently, you can purchase a set for a horse (leading in assortment), fishing boat, cart and camel.

Even the most interesting and exciting game sooner or later you might get bored. You can stop playing MMORPGs for various reasons: new activities and hobbies, being too busy, or simply losing interest. Often players move on to newer, more promising and promising projects.

However, it often happens that a person returns to a familiar virtual world after a long break in order to plunge into gaming life with renewed vigor.

Return to Black Desert possible (and even necessary) for several reasons.

Special channels Olivia-1, Olivia-2 and Olivia-3 with an excellent bonus to the experience gained

Anyone who has disappeared from the gaming world of BDO for at least a month knows that upon returning they will receive an extremely generous gift from the developers - the opportunity to play on Olivia’s “bonus” channels for 30 days.

A special feature of Olivia's game channels is that any character of level 30+ receives twice as much experience for killing monsters, i.e. EXP = 200%.

During some events and game events This bonus is cumulative with others, so leveling up your character can speed up several times! Also when pumping Black characters Desert on Olivia, you can use various scrolls / event beer / craft cooking and other “boosters” to increase the amount of experience gained.

However, it should be remembered that Olivia’s experience bonus will be valid until the character reaches 99.9% of experience at level 59, and after passing this “checkpoint” the EXP growth rate becomes standard, i.e. 100%.

30 days of “admission” to Black Desert bonus channels begin to count from the moment you first enter the game after a long absence; they “drip” regardless of whether the player logs into Black Desert in subsequent days. That is, if a character appears online for a day, and then disappears for 20 days, the pass to Olivia will only be valid for the remaining 10 days. However, if the player is absent from BDO again for more than a month, the pass will be renewed, and the “lost” will have another month of bonus experience at his disposal.

This system works unlimited amount times, so if you haven’t logged into the game for, say, 3 weeks, it makes sense to wait another week before returning (of course, if you are interested in a more than pleasant bonus to the experience gained).

Nice gifts for both beginners and experienced adventurers

The gratitude of the creators of MMORPG Black Desert for returning to the game is not limited to just access to Olivia’s channels. Everyone who enters the game world after a break of more than a month is greeted with great amount various other (and very useful!) in-game “goodies”.

First of all, this is an Event calendar codenamed “experienced”.

The essence of this activity is that a player who returns to Black Desert will receive certain gifts every day when logging into the game. Gifts are issued in order one after another, so if any day is missed, the gift for that day will be received the next time you log in (gifts in the calendar are NOT skipped, but you may not have time to get them all if you are rarely online).

The current Event Calendar for those returning will be available until March 29, 2018. It consists of 20 positions; interesting things: “Comfort” and “Premium” sets, “Ellian’s Blessing”, Shakatu’s seals, a unique pet.

In addition, the permanent companion of all Black Desert game characters – the Black Spirit – has prepared a lot of “tasty” things for those who have regained interest in the game. In the form of playful quests, or even “just like that,” a character who returns to the game receives unique armor and jewelry, gold bars, a certificate for a rank 5 horse (filly) and other “goodies.” Very tempting.

Easier leveling, easier obtaining of top game items

Did you quit playing Black Desert because you couldn’t catch up with your friend who reached level 60? Or because of the damned greedy Karanda, who did not want to give you her weapon, although you came to beat her 1000 times? Rejoice - now for fast pumping in BDO and getting top gear/weapons will require much less effort.

Leveling up

Besides nice bonuses to experience for returning to the game and various buffs, at the end of December a new unique mechanic called “Black Spirit Training” appeared in Black Desert. This topic deserves a separate article (which will definitely appear soon), but in general terms this innovation can be called auto-leveling. That is, now you can download Black Desert without the participation of the player.

This “lazy” type of download is available only for those game characters, who raised their level to 50; those who have not yet reached such heights will have to level up the old fashioned way (fortunately, thanks to various bonuses and gifts, this process takes no more than a few hours).

To start Black Spirit Training in BDO, you need to find a special NPC, which is found in any large settlements - Jamie Tricker. He always stands not far from the training stuffed animals.

It is from this brutal man that you can buy special scrolls for auto leveling, and then leave your charmer to beat the unfortunate scarecrow for 1, 3, 5 or 10 hours - as long as you have enough money and time. It is advisable to leave the character to “train” overnight.

As for the cost of this pleasure, it is, surprisingly, quite adequate (that is, it does not seem abnormal) for an ordinary player who does not pour real money into the game:

It's obvious that leveling up in Black Desert has become much easier than it was a few months ago.

Obtaining valuable equipment

Becoming the owner of the treasured Kzarka, Karanda or top-end (already sharpened!) jewelry has also become much easier. Even if you cannot get the coveted ammunition in the standard way (that is, knock it out of the world boss or buy it at an in-game auction (and this is really not easy)) - you now have a very, very simple way to do it. Some time ago, BDO introduced an interesting “currency” - Shakatu Seals. Small coins are truly priceless - after all, a certain amount of them can be exchanged for chests with top guns, excellent jewelry, and rare riding horses.

How to get Shakatu's seals in Black Desert? Perhaps they take a painfully long time to farm from mobs, or do they have a drop rate of 0.000001 when collecting the skin? Not at all. Precious seals at BDO... are given out for nothing! Yes Yes. You just need to log into the game every day.

Absolutely any player who regularly visits the world of Black Desert will, after a while, be able to afford the best equipment in the game - completely free and without effort. Isn't this a reason to return to BDO and try to become the most successful adventurer?

A sea of ​​new unique content

Constant updates to Black Desert, the addition of original events, quests, mechanics, locations - all this shows that the developers do not give a damn about the game, it lives, develops, and even seasoned players will find it interesting and not boring.

Black Desert Marine Content

The word “sea” in the title is not accidental: the “water” content in Black Desert is one of the most diverse and interesting in the history of MMORPGs. This includes travel, fishing, hunting, as well as battles with pirates and other amazing inhabitants of the deep sea! And the bewitchingly beautiful views that open to the eyes of the navigator player will shock anyone with their beauty and scale.

In the “Lords of the Seas” update, which was installed on the game servers at the end of 2017, new continents/cities, seas and even a real ocean were added to Black Desert, while populating the game waters with amazing creatures. Many quest chains have been updated and added.

In addition, sailing the virtual seas has become even more interesting, because navigation in BDO is now officially recognized as a skill and is listed on the “P” panel as a separate craft. Upgrading shipping in Black Desert is quite a difficult task, but useful, because... This skill helps to significantly improve your “relationship” with the ship.

When talking about BDO's naval content, we can't help but mention Vella, the new world boss from the depths who appeared in game world(Russian server) at the end of January 2018. The battle with Vell is an extremely interesting PVE game activity, since its unusual location (far out in the ocean, where compasses do not work) literally forces players to communicate and cooperate with each other - and this is extremely valuable for any role-playing game. Anyone who has ever played Black Desert should definitely look at this unique boss with their own eyes and try to get valuable loot.

"Ground" content of Black Desert

BDO developers do not forget about “land” content. Zones on the world map of Black Desert, previously covered in thick gray fog, are slowly “coming to light”, showing their amazing beauty to amazed players.

Of course, we are talking about Kamasylva - a beautiful territory southwest of Calpheon. Compared to the deserts that players are pretty tired of, Kamasilva is the patrimony of the elves, breathing freshness and coolness.

The long-awaited update gave players a huge amount of new high-level content. Interesting quests and colorful characters, amazing animals, dangerous monsters, scary bosses and unrealistically beautiful locations/nodes - all this awaits travelers in Kamasilva. However, be sure to remember that it is dangerous for game characters below level 60 (as well as for spells with low defense values) to meddle in the territory of the elves - the mobs there are very strong and hit hard.

New classes in Black Desert

Gamers often stop playing role-playing game, because they couldn’t find “their” class and, as a result, their playing style. If you liked the created character at first, but then disappointed you, it will hardly be pleasant to continue the game.

That is why the Black Desert developers are constantly improving the “set” gaming classes- on this moment There are 15 of them in the game:

  1. Barbarian.
  2. Warrior.
  3. Mystic.
  4. Witch.
  5. Archer.
  6. Valkyrie.
  7. Wizard.
  8. Enchantress.
  9. Maeva.
  10. Sword master.
  11. The Dark Knight.
  12. Ninja.
  13. Kunoichi.
  14. Striker.
  15. Fury.

Each class has its own unique set of characteristics, one might even say its own character. A truly rich selection will help everyone find a “game embodiment” to their liking: if you like classic sword attacks, choose a Warrior; if you want to control dark magic, choose a Sorceress. And even if you like both - the creators of Black Desert took care of this - create the Dark Knight.

It is also impossible not to note the gorgeous animation and amazing elaboration of the actions/attacks of all game Black classes Desert.

The introduction of a new class is always a long-awaited event for fans of the game, causing real excitement. The recently added Striker and Fury to the game are proof of this. Excellent characters with a lot of interesting and complex skills and combos, unique awakened weapons, excellent dynamics and animation - a real find for those who think they have seen everything in Black Desert.

Lack of worthy competitors

And finally, the last reason to return to Black Desert: the lack of MMORPGs on the market that could compete with it today.

Of course, there were, are, and probably still will be worthy MMORPGs, but it is inappropriate to argue with the facts: Black Desert Online today is the most successful and most interesting project, which is undoubtedly worth the attention of every fan of games in this genre. Excellent graphics, interesting combat, constantly updated content, a huge number of activities and crafts, constant and high online - this is far from full list that one who loves to conquer virtual worlds can be found in this role-playing game.

Another important aspect that sets BDO apart from its competitors is the complete absence of mandatory cash injections. No monthly subscriptions, no mandatory account renewals, etc. Of course, the game store and premium server (for real money) are present in the game, but this is a purely voluntary matter. Playing Black Desert without donating is quite easy, and this will not make the character inferior compared to those who can afford to invest an N amount into the game. And if you really want a pet or a costume (they are sold only for real money), then with due diligence and luck you can buy them at an in-game auction.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve played Black Desert before, or heard about this game for the first time – give this truly outstanding project a chance to show itself. Go into the game and look at this amazing world, full of adventure and surprises, answer the question with your own eyes and yourself - is it worth playing Black Desert Online?

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This guide contains all the necessary information for the fastest and most comfortable leveling in Black Desert.

How to level up in BDO faster? Grind or quests?

Of course, grinding is considered the fastest way to level up in Black Desert Online, but if you are leveling up your first character, we strongly recommend that you go through the story chains (up to about level 56) to get to know the game properly. At first, BDO seems very difficult, so accelerated leveling is recommended only for those who are confident in their abilities. It should also be noted that some quests (for example, from the Black Spirit) are mandatory for each character. As a reward for them you can get additional slots in bags, knowledge points, energy and influence. If you miss important quests, you will still have to return to them later. That is why we advise you to take your time and level up at least one character on quests.

Leveling up in BDO with the help of friends

If your assistant has a high attack rate and you have all the experience buffs, leveling up to level 56 takes only 2 hours. And again, if you are leveling up your first and main character, this method will not suit you, because this way you will not earn the required number of skill points and will not be able to obtain talents. In other words, this method of leveling up should only be used if your friends are eager to help you further. Otherwise, you will be left without money and skill points.

It is also necessary to remember that if the assistant’s level exceeds your own by 10 or more units, you will not receive loot.


After creating a character, the game will offer you training and visit different locations for beginners. If this is not your first time playing, you can skip the tutorial. Training takes a lot of time and gives practically nothing (except, perhaps, for moving skills).

If you're not in a hurry, you can buy yourself a wagon or complete the wagon quest in Velia. You can store potions and loot in the cart so you can easily grind without having to return to town too often.

In addition, we recommend purchasing 2-3 pets from the in-game store. Pets will collect loot automatically and save you a lot of time. In fact, a pet is a prerequisite for successful grinding. If you don't have extra real money, try to buy a pet at auction.

All points for leveling up indicated in this guide have been repeatedly tested on European, North American and Russian servers. The characters were leveled up without enchantments on their equipment and without any special bonuses, so any other player can safely follow our recommendations. Equipment was obtained as you leveled up, that is, it dropped from killed monsters.

We also want to remind you that some classes (for example, Valkyrie) level up more slowly than others, so it would be wiser to find a group for them.

  • Use maximum experience buffs:
    • +200% look for a channel with an activated bell
    • +100% weekend bonus
    • +50% volume of war
    • +30% bonus from premium set
    • +10% costume
    • +200% for 1 hour or +100% for 2 hours - daily achievement buff
    • Some pets give +5% experience
    • Events in the game, mainly related to holidays.
    • Various consumables (candy, bouquets, tea, beer). Basically, all this is taken at auction.
    • Experience increases at night
  • If this is your first character, then be sure to try to get a vehicle as quickly as possible. It can be bought at an auction or received as a reward for one of the Starter Quests.

To level up 1-60 as quickly as possible, use the items highlighted in green.

Level 1 – 15

Level 1 – 9: Training

Once created, the character appears in a village called Olivia. If this is your first character, be sure to complete the introductory quests for them. To enable autorun, press the T key and select a point on the map. Sooner or later you will come running to the right place and be able to start training. Some players don't understand what to do in the tutorial quests. In fact, everything is simple - you need to approach the mannequin and follow the instructions that are written at the top of the screen, that is, press the necessary keys.

After this, the Black Spirit will give you another quest and send you to kill beetles. Open the Black Spirit menu by pressing the "/" key. By this time you should have reached level 5.

Reset the quest and run to the Western Guard Camp, killing all the monsters on your way. This way you will reach level 9. If you don't know where the Western Guard Camp is, look at the map:

Level 9 – 13: Hermit's Grove

  • Monsters: Weak Treant (melee), Adult Treant (ranged), Young Treant (melee)
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • Production:
    • Tree Spirit Branch

These monsters pose no threat and are easy to kill. The ancients live mostly on the hills. Tree spirit branches can be sold to the merchant who stands at the left entrance to the guard camp. Right-click on an item in your inventory to see the merchant's location on the map.

After reaching level 13, return to the Western Guard Camp and take the quest from Jareth Domongart, who is standing in the tent. Complete the quest - it will allow you to awaken the Black Spirit and improve items.

Level 13 – 15: Heidel Mine

  • Monsters: Imp Miner (melee), Lesser Imp Miner (ranged)
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Production:
    • Rough Pick
    • Valuable amber [Crit. hit]
    • Garnet Ain [Damage]

These are also very simple opponents. They stand comfortably and are easy to kill. Beware of small imps, as they have ranged attacks. The packs also contain elite imps that apply a periodic damage effect. They usually appear at the bottom of the hill. The density of monsters in the mine is quite high, so you can kill them without interruption. Here you can farm an impressive amount of silver, so if you need money, you can stay in the mine for a couple of extra levels.

Level 15 – 24

Level 15 – 18: Moretti Plantation

  • Monsters: Scarecrow (melee), Field Guardian (melee)
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Field Watcher's Necklace
    • Scarecrow stick

Be careful when engaging these monsters. They deal heavy damage and pose a threat to poorly dressed characters. The packs also contain elite scarecrows from which you can get Adjeri Gloves. On different fields, monsters appear at different speeds. Change several points to choose the best option for you.

Level 18 – 24: Castle Ruins

  • Monsters: Rebel Al Rundi, Sorcerer Al Rundi, Archer Al Rundi (ranged), Warrior Al Rundi, Ranger Al Rundi, Escort Soldier, Bodyguard
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Piece of Legguard
    • Rusty helmet
    • Adjeri Helmet
    • Bronze dagger
    • Long sword Ain
    • Valuable Beast Garnet [Damage]

This is a good place to grind, but you'll have to take a long detour to get there. There are a large number of monsters in the castle and beyond, from which you can get Rusty Helmets and Ain Swords, as well as Bronze Daggers and Adjeri Helmets. Bronze daggers are suitable for archers. If you manage to get such a dagger, wear it without taking it off. We recommend killing monsters in the castle, since that is where there are the most of them. Their loot list also includes armor scraps, crystals, and some decent starting weapons. All this can be sold and make good money.

Level 21 – 24: Glish Swamp

  • Monsters: Swamp Naga Marauder, Swamp Naga Warrior and Swamp Naga Scout
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Gill Naga
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Valuable Beast Garnet [Damage]
    • Hesos earrings
    • Ax Seles
    • Black Stone (armor)

This place is suitable for those who do not want to run far. It is located on the way from Platnation Moretti to the Bloody Monastery. If you are leveling up your first character, we recommend that you still look into the castle and go to the swamps only if there are too many players in the castle. Nagas drop good items and even black stones. All monsters attack in close combat and stand quite tightly, so you can beat them by running in a circle. These packs also contain elite monsters that drop black stones, but you will have to try hard to kill them.

Level 24 – 35

Level 24 – 29/30: Bloody Monastery

  • Monsters: Cultist Sorcerer (ranged), Cultist Giant, Cultist Warrior
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Old bandage
    • Old ax
    • Amulet of Helric
    • Ajeri armor

The monsters in the Bloody Monastery are located mainly in the courtyard. Killing them is not difficult, especially if you don't grab too many at once. There is also an elite monster in the courtyard, but it can be killed by AoE along with the others. We recommend leveling up in the monastery until level 29, and then going to the bandit camp. In principle, you can go to the bandits at level 28, or you can level up in the monastery to level 32 and go to the Khiruto caves. If there are too many people in the monastery, you can kill monsters outside the courtyard - the effectiveness of such pumping, of course, will be slightly lower, but at least you will not have to steal monsters from other players.

Level 29 – 34: Bandit Camp

  • Monsters: Rogue Warrior, Giant Rogue, Rogue Archer
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Yuria's Necklace
    • Bracers of Health
    • Garnet Ain [Damage]
    • Gloves of Power

Try to lead the monsters to the Chests with Loot or go inside the fortress. All monsters, with the exception of archers, attack in melee. Bring the packs to the archers - this will make it easier for you to use AoE abilities. Try not to step into traps - there are plenty of them in the bandits' camp. Traps do a little damage, but they also make grinding very difficult.

Level 28 – 34: Orc Camp

  • Monsters: Saizek Veteran, Saizek Berserker, Saizek Warrior, Saizek Scout, Saizek, Young Saizek, Saizek Shaman (ranged), Saizek Officer
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Sharp fang of a saizhek
    • Saijek Fang
    • Valuable amber [Crit. hit]
    • Adjeri shoes

This point did not seem very good to us, so if you have the opportunity, head straight to the Khiruto caves or Biraghi's lair. There are few Saijacks here, and most of them attack at range. However, you can get black stones for weapons from them, so you shouldn’t completely write off this point. If you still decide to swing in the sidekick camp, use AoE spells more actively.

Level 30 – 35: Delpe Knights Castle

  • Monsters: Harpy, Harpy Snatcher
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Shiny feather
    • Malachite I [Jump]

This point is well suited for leveling up a sorceress, archer, wizard or sorceress, as they have abilities that allow them to shoot down harpies on the fly. If you're playing any other class, go elsewhere. Harpies fly fast and hit hard, but they aren't too difficult to kill. Keep an eye on your health and everything will be fine. The most profitable packs are located on the top floor, where you can walk from wall to wall, constantly killing harpies. If you run out of potions, visit the merchant on the first floor.

Level 30 – 35: Khiruto's Cave

  • Monsters: Khiruto Shaman, Khiruto Fighter, Khiruto Scout, Khiruto Warrior, Khiruto Marauder
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Ax Callis
    • Earrings Tallis
    • Amulet Juber
    • Talisman Callis
    • Lanyard Oros

This place is great for grinding. The cave is full of monsters, but you can grind outside as well. In the absence of competitors, you will level up very quickly, combining leveling up with earnings. Best packs They stand in the center of the cave, where you can swing without interruptions. Collect as many monsters as possible and bring them to the shamans so that they do not have time to hit you with spells from afar. In addition, there is an elite monster on the stairs. He hits very hard, be careful with him.

Level 35 – 42

Level 35 – 40: Caphras Cave

  • Monsters: Shadow Archer, Possessed Giant, Dark Warrior, Dark Bandit, Possessed Mage
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 2/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Armor Taritas
    • Amulet Juber
    • Talisman Callis
    • Piece of sculpture
    • Dust of Darkness

The entrance to the cave is located east of the village of Florin, in the Bree Forest Forest. There are more monsters in the depths of the cave than at the entrance. Wizards and archers deal heavy damage, but can be quickly killed with AoE spells along with the rest. In general, the cave is not very convenient for grinding, and we recommend visiting it only if all other places are already occupied.

Level 35 – 40: Abandoned Mine

  • Monsters: Infected
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Shard
    • Brand
    • Valuable Garnet [Attack Power]
    • Taritas shoes
    • Taritas Gloves

This mine is home to numerous monsters that can be killed with AoE spells. Remember that there is an elite monster in the center. He moves slowly, but hits very hard. There are also pylons located in the mine that attack players from range. If other players have chosen the cave, go north, you can also swing there. Don't forget to hand over the mined junk to merchants to earn some money.

Level 38 – 40: Marnie's Abandoned Farm

  • Monsters: Ruin Monsters
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Tallis Helmet
    • Belt Tallis
    • Rough Dark Crystal
    • Dust of attraction

This is another optional point. It is not as good as the above options, but its competitors are quite rare. The abandoned farm is home to numerous monsters on which you can level up and earn money. These monsters move slowly, but they have a lot of health, and for some classes this causes significant difficulties.

Level 38 – 42: Bree Forest Reserve

  • Monsters: Ancient Tree, Round Ruin Tree, Face Tree, Small Tree, Large Tree, Triangular Ruin Tree
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 2/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Cursed crystal
    • Piece of sculpture
    • Dobart's armor

This place cannot be called successful. There are few monsters here, and they are far from each other. These monsters are fat, and from the point of view of prey, everything is also not very good. We advise you to keep this place as a backup option.

Level 42 – 50

Level 40 – 45: Evi Pass

  • Monsters: Petrified Gnome, Petrified Miner, Petrified Mad Miner, Petrified Sapper, Petrified Worker
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Silver Ore
    • Rough Emerald
    • Rough Diamond
    • Malachite [Fortitude]

Head to the center of the location, there are the most big packs. Don't go into the mines themselves - there is no one there. Beware of saws, they cause heavy damage and often block your path at the most inopportune moments.

Level 40 – 45: Marnie's Passage

  • Monsters: Chimera, Horned Chimera
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Pares Necklace
    • Tallis Necklace
    • Valuable amber [Crit. hit]
    • Valuable Garnet [Attack Power]
    • Death Powder

This is a great point for leveling, especially if you know where the biggest packs are. However, this place is very popular, so be prepared for competition. The optimal route looks like this: kill the pack in the ravine, climb the mountain, killing everyone on your way, and then go down into the ravine again.

Level 42 – 45: Sonilov Base

  • Monsters: Lizard, Elite Sonil, Warrior Sonil, Private Sonil, Archer Sonil, Elder Sonil
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Ax Seles
    • Steel dagger
    • Luk Pares
    • Tallis Armor
    • Piece of armor

This is a great place to upgrade and earn money. Monsters can drop relics, which can be auctioned off for around 500,000 silver. If you don't really need money, relics can be turned into scrolls by placing them in the form + in your inventory. Run around the camp, collect monsters and use AoE spells. Try not to stray too far from the magicians. In the depths of the camp there is an elite monster. Be careful, he hits very hard.

Level 44 – 45: Giants' Camp

  • Monsters: Giant Fighter, Giant Berserker, Giant Warrior, Giant Brawler, Spotted Hyena
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Tallis boots
    • Ancient spear
    • Ax of Pares
    • Tallis Necklace
    • Ajeri armor

Numerous monsters live in this camp, but you will have to look for a place convenient for grinding. It seemed to us that it was worth going deeper into the camp. Monsters can drop relics, which can be auctioned off for around 500,000 silver. If you don't really need money, relics can be turned into scrolls by placing them in the form + in your inventory.

Level 44 – 50: Manche Forest

  • Monsters: Spearman, Warrior, Brown bear, Trap
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Faded Crystal
    • Jerez Shoes
    • Garnet Ain [Damage]
    • Battle Powder
    • Axion Shield
    • Helmet of Rourke's Loss
    • Ring of Hearing Ents
    • Ogre Necklace
    • Tarnished Necklace
    • Old Necklace

This is one of the last points when leveling up to level 50. The monsters here come in packs of 6, and they are easy to kill with AoE spells. Pay special attention to the northern part of the location. Beware of the big ogres - at least until you reach level 50. Later, you can farm them for the best amulets in the game. In addition, scrolls for summoning a goblin boss are obtained from monsters in the Manche forest, as well as relics that can be sold at auction for an average of 500,000 silver. If you don't really need money, relics can be turned into scrolls by placing them in the form + in your inventory.

Level 50 – 56

Level 45 – 52: Merman Camp

  • Monsters: Merman, Elite Merman Fisherman, Merman Fighter, Fisherman Merman, Fat Merman
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Armor of Fortune
    • Mystery bag
    • Pink salmon
    • Silver lob
    • Boots of Rourke's Loss
    • Taritas Helm, Tallis Helm, Adjeri Helm
    • Whisper Ent Earrings
    • Belt Parem
    • Pares Necklace
    • Piece of Crystal from Ancient Ruins
    • Garnet Ain
    • Scroll of Summon Geass

The mermen camp is the best place for leveling up to level 50. A quest is also done here, which gives out the Black Spirit at level 50. From the mermen living in the camp you can get black stones for sharpening armor and weapons, as well as other useful items. Monsters appear very quickly and move in large groups, which increases the efficiency of grinding. Here you can level up to level 52 and even further, especially if you need money.

Level 50 – 55: Tugu Clan Settlement

  • Monsters: Tugu Clan Leader, Tugu Clan Hunter, Tugu Clan Fighter
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Many types of weapons and armor
    • Sekarra's Necklace
    • Eye of Assula Earrings
    • Ring of the Eye of Asulla
    • Seal of the Ancient Guardians
    • Worker's Potion
    • Tugu Clan Jewelry Fragment
    • Eternal ban

These are quite complex monsters, so the Tugu Clan Camp is only suitable for those who have already managed to collect good equipment (about 90 attack). In addition, in this location there is an elite monster that deals strong ranged damage. In general, the point is well suited for pumping. You can go down into the mines, but without good equipment, killing the monsters in them will take too much time.

Level 51 – 55: Ellic Temple

  • Monsters: Ellik Spellcaster, Ellik Cultist Mage, Ellik Follower, Infested Swamp, Ellik Zealot
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Zealot Proof
    • Stones for Inlay
    • Kreia's weapons
    • Armor of Strength
    • Derek's Leather Boots
    • Belt of the Eye of Asulla
    • Ring of the Outcast
    • Old books
    • Eternal Ban

Monsters in the temple appear in packs of 4-6 pieces. They have a high chance of dropping black stones, items from the Grunil set, and Kreia weapons, which can be used to make good money. Most monsters attack in melee, but priests use spells and can cause a lot of trouble. You can grind in the temple itself or in the mountains south of it. We recommend going to the mountains, as you can find packs of 10 or more monsters there.

Level 53 – 55 (90+ attacks): Poison Forest

  • Monsters: Cloud Mushroom, Snow Mushroom, Tall Poisonous Mushroom, Floating Bubble Mushroom
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Lemoria's shoes
    • Voodoo doll Mansharu
    • Breath of the Forest
    • Stone of Life
    • The purest black stone

Leveling up Polly in the forest precedes awakening, that is, it is designed for levels 53-55. The complexity of the location is approximately equal to the Lair of Wandering Thieves and the Lair of the Mane Tribe.

Poisonous mushrooms grow in the forest, which deal 10 damage every 3 seconds. You'll likely need to use potions heavily, especially if you're not very quick at killing monsters. The loot from mushrooms weighs little, so you will only have to return or send a maid for potions. When heading to Polly's Forest, be sure to take along some tools to gather resources. Best items, which can be obtained from mushrooms, are equipment from the Lemoria set and Mansharu Voodoo Doll. Dolls are needed to create scrolls (similar to relics).

Level 52 – 58: Fort Saosh (100+ attacks)

  • Monsters: Rebel Spearman, Rebel Gun Warrior, Rebel Thief Warrior
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Kreia's weapons
    • Parts of the set Zdraviya and Grunil
    • Schulz's Gladiator Belt
    • Schultz's Gladiator Necklace
    • Inlay Stones
    • Red Nose Summon Scroll
    • Eternal Ban

The Water Fort is one of the best places to level up to 54 levels and above. Here you can level up to level 56-57, while collecting equipment for more difficult locations. If you haven't gotten dressed yet, look for a group. Remember that the monsters from the fort deal heavy damage and can knock back opponents. From them you can get items from the health and Grunil set, Kreia weapons, as well as black stones. Nearby are the Spider Village and Sarma's Fortification, where you can buy potions and sell junk. Alternatively, you can rent a house nearby and use it as a warehouse.

Level 55 – 57 (100+ attacks): Ingan Fort

  • Monsters: Ingan Warrior, Ingan Infantry, Ingan Archer, Ingan Sorcerer
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Ingan Armor Fragment
    • Protective stone
    • Helm of Lemoria
    • Lemoria Gloves
    • Voodoo doll Mansharu
    • The purest black stone
    • Fury of the Forest

The Ingan Fort is a zone for leveling up from level 55 to 57. It looks like a Water Fort.

The monsters in the fort have a small amount of health and die quickly. We recommend running between the rocks, however it is worth remembering that this place is very popular. There is a camp nearby where you can buy potions or repair equipment. The best items that can be obtained from Ingans are the equipment from the Lemoria set, Fury of the Forest and Mansharu Voodoo Doll. Dolls are needed to create scrolls (similar to relics).

Level 55 – 58: Pirate Island

  • Monsters: Drunken Treasure Hunter, Deck Fighter, Elite Fighter, Elite Gladiator Pirate
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Red coral ring
    • Blue coral ring
    • Red coral earrings
    • Blue coral earrings

Pirates appear on two islands, the most convenient point for grinding is located on the northern island. The location is intended for leveling up in a group of 5 players. This is perhaps the best place to level up to level 60. If you haven't already dressed well, be careful not to grab packs that are too big. If you're dressed well, you can grind alone or with a partner in the east or west. To get to the island, you need a ship and a horse to transport the loot. Instead of a fishing boat, you can use the Epheria Escort, as it has more capacity. In the port on the island there are merchants from whom you can buy potions, repair equipment and exchange currency.

Level 56 and above

Level 56 and above (100+ Attack): Basim Clan Camp

  • Monsters: Calla Pikeman, Calla Commander, Calla Veteran, Kurd Spearman, Ohonsei, Ohonsei Mage
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Weapon Rozhar
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Asula's Ring of Lost Charms

This location is located inside the canyon. There are a lot of monsters in it, but there are hardly enough of them for a group. The Basim clan area is not in the desert, so you won't need purified water or star anise tea. Monsters in this location do not drop unique items, but you can easily swing there if your equipment leaves much to be desired. Loot includes items from the Roshar set, as well as black and gems, on which you can make money. If you want to farm pure silver, we advise you to head to the Water Fort.

Level 56 and above (110+ attacks): Desert Castle

  • Monsters: Desert Naga Guardian, Desert Naga Commander, Desert Naga Priest, Desert Naga Warrior
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
  • Rojav's Gloves
  • Black Stone (armor)
  • Black Stone (weapon)
  • Serap Necklace
  • Scrolls with text in an ancient language
  • Asula's Lost Charm Earrings
  • Traveler's Card

The desert area is located near the Eastern Bazaar, in the desert, meaning you will need purified water and star anise tea. The horse can be left with the node manager. The Desert Region is home to numerous monsters that are easy to defeat. As loot you can get black stones, Serap Necklace and Scrolls with text in an ancient language.

Level 56 and above (110+ attacks): Titum Valley

  • Monsters: Desert Fogan Guardian, Desert Fogan Warrior, Desert Fogan Tumbleweed, Desert Fogan Diviner, Desert Fogan Sentinel
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
  • Serap Necklace
  • Rojava shoes
  • Black Stone (armor)
  • Black Stone (weapon)
  • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
  • Compass Detail
  • Ring of Asulla's Lost Enchantment
  • Grenade III Accuracy

The Valley of Tituma is deep in the desert and difficult to find without a compass. When going there, stock up on purified water and star anise tea. The horse can be left in the valley. There are many monsters in the Titum Valley, but they do not pose much of a threat. Despite the fact that grinding in Tituma Valley is very profitable, few players go there - apparently, they are intimidated by the need to travel through the desert.

Level 56 and above (145+ attacks): Forgotten Ruins

  • Monsters: Commander of the Forgotten Ruins, Guardian of the Forgotten Ruins, Kadri the Gladiator, Kadri the Sorcerer, Kadri the Warrior
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Weapon Roshar
    • Serap Necklace
    • Ring of the Ruin Defender
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Belt of Asulla's Lost Spells
    • Garnet III Crit. Hit

The Forgotten Ruins are not the most convenient place to grind, but you can get some rare items there. The ruins are located in the west of Valencia, not in the desert, near the Oriental Bazaar. There are plenty of monsters in the ruins, but they are all very strong, so characters with poor equipment have a hard time. Loot: black stones, Roshar weapons, Scrolls with text in an ancient language. In addition, here you can get hold of the Ring of the Ruin Defender. The ring is assembled from several parts. The Serap Necklace only drops from monsters.

Level 56 and above (130+): Bandit's Pass

  • Monsters: Sand Marauder, Sand Assassin, Sand Elite, Sand Gunner
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Weapon Roshar
    • Serap Necklace
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Black Spirit Claw Fragment
    • Asula's Lost Charm Earrings
    • Amethyst III Barrier

Robbers' Gulch is located near Shakatu, not in the desert. Optimal requirements: 175 attack /220 defense. One of the best spots for leveling up. The only downside is a lot of competition.

Level 56 and above (150+ attacks): Crescent Temple

  • Monsters: Crescent Sentinel, Crescent Cultist Sonil, Crescent Guardian Sonil, Guardian Lizard
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Ring of the Temple Defender
    • Serap Necklace
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • rusty ring
    • Asula's Belt of Lost Spells
    • Malachite III durability

The Crescent Temple is located in the desert, so you will need a compass. When going there, stock up on purified water and star anise tea to get rid of desert debuffs. There are a lot of monsters in the temple and they are very strong, so this point is intended for characters with good equipment. Even if you're grinding in a group, don't forget to monitor your health levels. Temple monsters are immune to knockback and this is very annoying. Optimal requirements 175AP/220-230DP. This place is very popular as you can get rare loot here - black stones, Serap Necklace and Scrolls with text in an ancient language, as well as the Ring of the Temple Protector. The ring may come out "clean" or as a rusty ring that needs to be cleaned.

Level 57 and above (180+ attacks): Valley of the Serpents

  • Monsters: Hidden Basilisk, Guardian Basilisk, Basilisk Puppeteer
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Armor of Rojav
    • Basilisk Belt
    • Basilisk Belt Parts
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Asula's Belt of Lost Spells

Valley of the Serpents is located in the west of Valencia, near Altinova, where you can repair equipment and sell junk. Basilisk Gorge is infested with challenging monsters. If you are not dressed well, carefully monitor your health level. Optimal requirements: 185AP/230DP. The gorge is very popular because you can get rare loot here - black stones, Scrolls with text in an ancient language, items from the Rokhav set, gems and the Basilisk Belt, which is also assembled from parts.

Level 57 and above (170+ attacks): Tafthar Plain

  • Monsters: Centaur Ax Warrior, Centaur Hunter, Centaur
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Helm of Rojav
    • Centaur Belt
    • Old belt
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Necklace of Asula's Lost Charm
    • Amethyst III Spd. skills

The Taftar Plain is located in the west of Valencia, near the Oriental Bazaar. There are not very many monsters on it, they walk in groups of 6-7, quite far from each other. Centaurs are immune to knockdowns, so fighting them cannot be called easy. Optimal requirements: 190AP/230DP. The Tafthar Plain is not particularly popular among players, since leveling there is not particularly effective. As loot you can get black stones, Helm of Rojav, Centaur Belt and gems.

Level 58 and above

Level 58 and above (190+ attacks): Navan Meadow

  • Monsters: Griffin, Peris Riding, Royal Griffin, Black Panther
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Stone of Mayhem
    • Stone of Life
    • Griffin Helmet
    • Voodoo doll Mansharu
    • Breath of the Forest
    • The purest black stone

Navan Meadow is intended for characters level 58 and above. Unlike other locations from the first part of Kamasylvia, the meadow grind does not require the best equipment, and therefore this place is very popular. To grind effectively, find a group and stock up on food and potions. In terms of experience, Navan Meadow can be compared to the Thicket of Ancient Sages. If you only need money, look at other locations.

There are a variety of monsters in the meadow, and we recommend studying their abilities in advance. The best grind items are Feathered Wolves (provided you don't need the Griffon's Claws for the potion of the same name). Feathered wolves appear in large groups and are able to push back opponents. Be carefull! Fnils, black panthers, elephants and peris can also be found in the meadow. Try not to catch extra monsters if you are not confident in your abilities. Regular and royal griffins drop the Griffin Helmet.

Level 58 and above (190+ attacks): Sulfur Mine

  • Monsters: Lava Predator, Lava Paparun, Lava Tuka, Lava Bloodhound, Lava Paorun, Lava Taorun
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Necklace Sichil
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Fragment of an unknown map
    • Detl Compass
    • Traveler's Card
    • Black Spirit Claw Fragment
    • Sichil's Dirty Necklace
    • Blue Sulfur
    • Amethyst III Barrier

The sulfur workshops are located in the northeast of Valencia. You can get there from the capital by leaving a camel or horse at the entrance. The workshops are not considered a desert, but they are inhabited by dangerous monsters. Go there with a group. If there is no group, kill the monsters outside. Loot: Black stones, Scrolls with text in an ancient language and spare parts for a compass. You can also get the Sichil Necklace (rusted or ready-made, as is the case with the ring from the Crescent Temple).

Level 58 and above (200+ attacks): Pillap Prison

  • Monsters: Caphras Adept, Iron-Armed Jailer, Vicious Executioner, Crazed Hooligan
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Necklace Sichil
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Fragment of an unknown map
    • Detl Compass
    • Traveler's Card
    • Black Spirit Claw Fragment
    • Sichil's Dirty Necklace
    • Malachite III Speed
    • The missing part of the Forbidden Book

Pillap prison is located in the southeast of Valencia, near the criminal city of Muicun. If you are an outlaw, getting to prison is not difficult. Otherwise, you will have a long and tiring journey ahead. The prison is not considered a desert, there are a lot of monsters in them, the location itself is simply huge, so you can grind in it without stopping. The only difficulty is that the monsters have a large supply of health and impressive attack power.

Level 59 and above (210+ attacks): Mansharu Forest

  • Monsters: Mansharu Fighter, Mansharu Hunter, Mansharu Warrior, Mansharu Priest
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Fury of the Forest
    • Protective stone
    • Voodoo doll Mansharu
    • Particle of earth
    • The purest black stone
    • Lemoria Gloves and Shoes
    • Necklace of Karnak

Mansharu Forest is a location intended for high-level characters (59+). Very dangerous monsters live here, and to defeat them it is highly advisable to have a Kutum weapon.

Most likely, you will need a group, but not of five, but of three players, since monsters only drop three Treasures. Keep a close eye on priests and hunters - they deal the most damage and should be killed first.

Level 59 and above (220+ attacks): Alv Forest

  • Monsters: Warrior Lonaros, Scout Lonaros, Archer Lonaros
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5
  • Monster density: 4/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Fury of the Forest
    • Ring of Lonaros
    • Protective stone
    • Voodoo doll Mansharu
    • Breath of the Forest
    • Ring of Lonaros
    • Lemoria Gloves
    • Earth particle

Lonaros is a location intended for players level 59 and above. It's similar to Pillap Prison and requires a group to successfully grind.

Lonaros is not very popular among players because it is difficult to grind there, and many people prefer griffins. In this location you can get the Ring of Lonaros, but it is considered to be inferior to the Ring of the Temple Protector.

Level 60 and above (230+ attacks): Temple of Anacreon / Ruins of Histria

  • Monsters: Anacreon Guardian, Anacreon Guardian, Anacreon Executioner, Anacreon Constructor, Anacreon Ancient Guardian
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Black Stone (weapon)
    • Scroll with Text in Ancient Language
    • Detail of a Good Compass
    • Secret Organization Sign
    • Black Ancient Shard
    • Compass Detail
    • Traveler's Card
    • Inlay Stones
    • Tunra Necklace

These locations can only be reached through a portal that randomly appears in the desert. Both are particularly challenging and designed for groups. It is believed that the Temple of Anacreon is easier than the Ruins of Hystria, but it is not suitable for solo playthrough. Passing these locations does not give you too much experience or money, but you can get rare materials for creating Tunra Earrings, as well as black stones, spare parts for a compass, and Scrolls with texts in an ancient language. To get to the Temple of Anacreon or the Ruins of Histria, you need to level up to level 59-60, collect good equipment and find yourself a group.

Level 60 and above (230+ attacks): Mirumog Forest Ruins

  • Monsters: Corrupted Watcher Tree, Corrupted Guardian Tree, Mirumog, Ghost Ent
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5
  • Monster density: 3/5
  • Production:
    • Young Ent's Bark
    • The purest black stone
    • Breath of the Forest
    • Helmet and Armor of Lemoria
    • Velthar's Belt of Radiance
    • Voodoo doll Mansharu
    • Fury of the Forest
    • Breath of the Forest
    • Wind Particle

Mirumog Forest Ruins is intended for characters level 60 and above. They are similar in difficulty to the Ruins of Hystria, meaning a group will be required to complete them.

Observer Poplars and Old Poplars deserve special attention. They deal heavy damage, and observers also explode before dying, inflicting a negative effect on players.

Level 60 and above (240+ attacks): Gaifinrasia Temple

  • Monsters: Ancient Arcane Weapon, Ancient Detection Weapon, Ancient War Weapon
  • Experience: 5/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5
  • Monster density: 5/5
  • Production:
    • Black Stone (armor)
    • Stone of Mayhem
    • Fury of the Forest
    • Parts of the Lemoria set
    • Moonlight Stone
    • Tunra Belt
    • Wind Particle

The Temple of Gaifinrasia is intended for characters level 60 and above. It is similar in difficulty to the Temple of Histria, meaning it is one of the most difficult locations in the game. Optimal requirements: 220+AP, 280+DP, Kutum's weapon.

There are towers located throughout the location that must be destroyed first. Monsters appear in packs of 3 and have a large supply of health, so we recommend gathering a group for the trip. The Temple of Gaifinrasia is considered top content for well-dressed characters; here you can get a lot of experience and silver.

In addition, temple monsters drop the best belt in the game, the Tunra Belt, as well as Fury of the Forest, which is used to craft new gems.

To control a ship comfortably, it is worth upgrading your navigation skill. But this is not so easy to do, because you need to constantly be at sea. Unlike the desert, the auto route does not work at sea, so you will have to control game process. Let's figure out how to upgrade BDO shipping.

In order to gain experience points and develop your navigation skill, you must go to sea. But an ordinary boat or raft will not work; a ship is required. While steering a brig or other ship, the skill will gradually develop. But there are several secrets that will allow you to get points faster. You don't have to swim for hours on the Lagri Sea and expect a miracle.

How to upgrade shipping in BDO

There are several ways to gain this skill. You can go to Velia, where there is a quest that also gives you a “disposable” brig to meet the new boss Vell. As soon as you board the ship, your shipping experience points will begin to increase. You can take the task from the mayor of Velia, and you can do this almost every day.

But there is another way that can significantly save time. Added after the update new quest for navigation DB. It is daily and allows you to increase the level of shipping in a short time. Here are instructions on how to get the quest:

Travel to the port city of Eilat.
If you do not want to spend a lot of time and sail there by brig, you can take a ferry that departs from Lema Island to the city of Eilat.
As soon as you arrive in the city, you should find an NPC named Shikhulan. He gives a daily quest to increase shipping experience.
The NPC has 4 different quests. Their essence is the same: swim to a certain place and talk to another NPC.
If you want to get the most experience, you should take the last quest, which states that you need to get to the port of Nekkado.
The trick is that it is not at all necessary to swim to the specified place. You can get to the land where you usually park your ship and ride your horse to the desired location. If you took a ferry, you should get to Serendia and ride a horse to the desired NPS.

If you complete this task every day, you will very quickly receive the rank of student. Further development of the skill accelerates, so a shipping professional is not far off. Completing these quests gives you a large amount of experience.

It is worth remembering that certain things can speed up the development of this skill. A set of Manos clothing allows you to increase your navigation skill. But at the start, it is enough to complete daily quests to get the desired result. This is the fastest way to develop this skill.