Communication games for social circles. Communication games for preschoolers. The blind man and the guide

Commutative games

glue stick

Target: develop the ability to act together and exercise self- and mutual control over activities; learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, that together they can overcome any obstacles.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair.

2. Crawl under the table.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Make your way through the “dense forest”.

5. Hide from wild animals.

An indispensable condition for the guys: throughout the entire game they should not become detached from each other.

The blind man and the guide

Target: develop the ability to trust, help and support fellow communicators.

Children are divided into pairs: “blind” and “guide”. One closes his eyes, and the other leads him around the group, giving him the opportunity to touch various items, helps to avoid various collisions with other couples, gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given while standing behind you, at some distance. Then the participants change roles. Each child thus goes through a certain “school of trust.”

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to answer who felt reliable and confident, who had the desire to completely trust their friend. Why?

Magic algae

Target: removing bodily barriers, developing the ability to achieve goals using acceptable methods of communication.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate the circle formed by the children. Algae understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let them into the circle, or they may not let them in if they are asked badly.

Polite words

Target: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with a ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, saying polite words. Say only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to meet you); gratitude (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apology (sorry, pardon, sorry, sorry); farewells (goodbye, see you later, good night).

A gift for everyone

Target: develop the ability to make friends, make right choice, cooperate with peers, sense of team.

The children are given the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give to all of us now?” or “If you had Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, what wish would you make?” Each child makes one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower.

Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, you will.

Order to...

At the end, you can hold a competition for the most best wish for all.

Magic bouquet of flowers

Target: Learn to show attention to others, establish friendly relationships, notice the positive qualities of others and express this in words, give compliments.

Equipment: Green fabric or cardboard, cut out petals for each child.

Educator (points to a piece of fabric lying on the floor). This is a green meadow. What is your mood when you look at this clearing?

Children . Sad, sad, boring.

Educate l. What do you think is missing from it?

Children . Colors.

Educator . Not a fun life in such a clearing. This is how it is between people: life without respect and attention turns out gloomy, gray and sad. Would you like to please each other now? Let's play "Compliments".

Children take turns taking one petal at a time, complimenting anyone their age and laying it out in the clearing. Kind words should be said to every child.

Educator. Look guys, what beautiful flowers have grown from your words in this clearing. What's your mood now?

Children. Cheerful, happy.

The teacher thus leads to the idea that we need to be more attentive to each other and say good words.

Situation games

Target: develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are asked to role-play a number of situations

1. Two boys quarreled - reconcile them.

2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - take pity on it.

4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You came to a new group - meet the children and tell us about yourself.

6. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You come to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in.

8. The guys are playing interesting game- ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

10. The child is crying - calm him down.

11. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came from a walk hungry - what will you tell your mother or grandmother.

14. The children are having breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw it and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya grabbed his eye and screamed. – What can you say about Vitya’s behavior? How should you handle bread? Can we say that Vitya was joking?

Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace

Target: develop the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another person.

The game is played in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. The teacher gives tasks

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, introduce your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands;

stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor’s hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands;

your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make peace, your hands are making peace, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Rug of reconciliation

Target: Develop communication skills and conflict resolution skills.

Coming from a walk, the teacher tells the children that two boys had a fight on the street today. Invites opponents to sit opposite each other on the “Rug of Reconciliation” in order to find out the cause of the discord and find a way to peacefully resolve the problem. This game is also used when discussing “How to share a toy.”

Draw a proverb

Target: develop the ability to use nonverbal means of communication.

Children are invited to depict a proverb using gestures and facial expressions:

“The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it”

“Tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.”

“If you don’t have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care.”

“As it comes around, so it will respond”

Conversation through glass

Target: develop the skill of facial expressions and gestures.

Children stand opposite each other and perform the game exercise “Through the Glass”. They need to imagine that there is thick glass between them, it does not allow sound to pass through. One group of children will need to be shown (for example, “You forgot to put on your hat,” “I’m cold,” “I’m thirsty...”) and the other group will have to guess what they saw.

squiggle Goal: Develop respect in communication. Consider the interests of other children.

The teacher offers the children a magic felt-tip pen that turns simple squiggles into different objects, animals, plants. The first player takes a felt-tip pen and draws a small squiggle on the sheet. Then he offers this sheet to the next player, who will complete the squiggle so that it turns out to be some object, or animal, or plant. Then the second player draws a new squiggle for the next player, and so on. At the end the winner of the game is determined

Press conference

Target: develop the ability to politely answer questions from interlocutors, formulate answers briefly and correctly; develop speech skills.

All children in the group participate in a press conference on any topic (for example: “Your day off”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Friend’s birthday”, “At the circus”, etc.). One of the participants in the press conference, the “guest” (the one who will be asked all the questions), sits in the center and answers any questions from the children.

Understand me

Target: develop the ability to navigate people’s role positions and communication situations.

The child comes forward and comes up with a speech of 4-5 sentences. Children must guess who is speaking (tour guide, journalist, teacher, literary character) and in what situation such words are possible. For example, “And then everyone went to the starting line. 5,4,3,2,! – start! (The situation is a competition between athletes, says the sports commentator).

Without a mask

Target: develop the ability to share your feelings, experiences, and moods with friends.

Before the game starts, the teacher tells the children how important it is to be honest, open and frank towards their loved ones and comrades.

All participants sit in a circle. Children, without preparation, continue the statement started by the teacher. Here is the approximate content of unfinished sentences:

“What I really want is...”;

“I especially don’t like it when...”;

“Once I was very frightened by the fact that...”;

“I remember an incident when I felt unbearably ashamed. I.

Galina Morozova
Communication games for preschoolers

Block interactive games for cohesion, cooperation

Goals and main tasks:

Develop relationships built on equality or willingness (capabilities) solve problems related to your position constructively (status) in a group, help children feel unity with others.

Develop openness, the ability to express interest in each other and your attitude towards others.

Show children what mutual recognition and respect means.

Develop communicative skills and ability to resolve conflicts without violence.

Generate interest in a common goal.

Develop a willingness to contribute to the common cause.

Develop a willingness to meet each other halfway.

Learn to be patient with the shortcomings of others.

A game "Good Animal" (N. L. Kryazheva, 1997)

Target: contribute to the unity of the children's team, teach children to understand the feelings of others, provide support and empathy.

Move games. Presenter in a quiet mysterious voice speaks: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes. Now let's breathe together! When you inhale, take a step forward, when you exhale, take a step back. Now, when you inhale, take two steps forward, and when you exhale, take two steps back. So not only does the animal breathe, its big, kind heart also beats evenly and clearly, a knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves.”

A game "Locomotive"

Target: creation of a positive emotional background, group unity, development of voluntary control, the ability to obey the rules of others.

Move games. Children line up one after another, holding their shoulders. "Locomotive" lucky "trailer" overcoming various obstacles.

Outdoor game "The Dragon Bites Its Tail"

Target: group cohesion.

Move games. The players stand behind each other, holding the waist of the person in front. The first child is the head of the dragon, the last is the tip of the tail. To the music, the first player tries to grab the last one - "the Dragon" catches his "tail". The rest of the children cling tenaciously to each other. If the dragon doesn't catch its tail, then next time the role "dragon heads" another child is assigned.

A game "Bug"

Target: disclosure of group relations.

Move games. Children stand in a line behind the driver. The driver stands with his back to the group, sticking out from under his arms

your hand with an open palm. The driver must find out which of the children touched his hand, and leads

until he guesses correctly. The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme.

After three group lessons, based on observations, 5 spontaneous roles can be identified;

2. leader's comrade ( "henchman");

3. non-aligned oppositionist;

4. submissive conformist ( "ram");

5. "scapegoat".

A game "Embrace"

Target: Teach children to physically express their positive feelings, thereby promoting the development of group cohesion. The game can be played in the morning, when the children gather in a group, for its "warm-up". The teacher must show his desire to see in front of him a single cohesive group that unites all children, regardless of their level of sociability.

Move games. The teacher invites the children to sit in one large circle.

Educator. Children, how many of you still remember what he did with his soft toys to express his attitude towards them? That's right, you took them in your arms. I want you all to treat each other well and be friends with each other. Of course, sometimes you can argue with each other, but when people are friendly, it is easier for them to endure grievances or disagreements. I want you to express your feelings of friendship towards the other children by hugging them. Perhaps there will be a day when one of you doesn't want to be hugged. Then let us know what you want, in the meantime you can just watch, but not participate in the game. Then everyone else will not touch this child. I'll start with a light little hug and hope you can help me turn this hug into a stronger and more friendly one. When the hug reaches you, either of you can add enthusiasm and friendliness to it. Children in a circle begin to hug each other, each time, if the neighbor does not object, intensifying the hug. After games asking questions:

Did you like the game?

Why is it good to hug other children?

How do you feel when another child hugs you?

Do they pick you up at home? Does this happen often?

A game "Applause in a circle"

Target: building group cohesion.

Progress of the game.

Educator. Guys, how many of you can imagine how an artist feels after a concert or performance?

Standing in front of your audience and listening to thunderous applause? Perhaps he feels this applause not only with his ears. Perhaps he perceives the ovation with his whole body and soul. We have a good group, and each of you deserves applause. I want to play a game with you in which the applause sounds quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger. Stand in the general circle, I'm starting.

The teacher approaches one of the children. She looks him in the eyes and gives her applause, clapping her hands with all her might. Then, together with this child, the teacher chooses the next one, who also receives his share of applause, then the trio chooses the next candidate for applause. Each time the one who was applauded chooses the next one, the game continues until the last participant games did not receive applause from the entire group.

A block of games to teach effective ways of communication

A game "Ask for a toy"

Target: development communication skills.

Move games. A group of children is divided into pairs, one of the pair members (with a blue identification mark) (flower) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. Another (№ 2) must ask for this item. Instructions to participant no. 1 : “You are holding in your hands a toy that you really need, but your friend also needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy and give it away only if you really want to do it.” Instruction to participant No. 2 : "Picking up the right words“, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you.” Then the participants change roles.

A game "Good friend"

Target: develop the skill of establishing friendly relationships.

Move games. For games will need paper, pencil, markers for each child. The teacher invites the children to talk about their good friend and clarifies that this could be a real person or you can just imagine him. The following are then discussed questions: “What do you think about this person? What do you like to do together? What does your friend look like? What do you like most about it? What are you doing to make your friendship stronger? The teacher suggests drawing the answers to these questions on paper. Further discussion:

How does a person find a friend?

Why are good friends so important in life?

Do you have a friend in the group?

A game "I like you"

Target: development communicative skills and good relationships between children. Move games. For games You will need a ball of colored wool. At the request of the teacher, children sit in a common circle.

Educator. Guys, let's all put together one big colorful web that connects us to each other. When we weave it, each of us can express our kind thoughts and feelings that we feel towards our peers. So, wrap the free end of the woolen thread around your palm twice and roll the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying your movement words: “Lena (Dima, Masha! I like you because. (it's very fun to play different games with you games) ».

Lena, having listened to the words addressed to her, wraps her palm with thread so that "web" was more or less tense. After this, Lena must think and decide who to give the ball to next. Passing it on to Dima, she also says kind words: "Dima! I like you because you found my bow that I lost yesterday.” And so the game continues until all the children are entangled "spider". The last child who received the ball begins to wind it in the opposite direction, while each child winds his part of the thread onto the ball and says the words spoken to him and the name of the one who said it, giving him the ball back. Further discussion:

Is it easy to say nice things to other children?

Who told you anything nice before this games?

Are the children in the group friendly?

Why is every child worthy of love?

Did anything surprise you about this game?

Anna Kalacheva
Communication games to develop children's communication skills preschool age


Target: cultivate the partner’s interest in communication.

Material: "wishing stick"

Move: Guys, look what I have in my hands! This is no ordinary stick. This is a wish stick. When do you and I say wishes to each other? Now let's wish each other something! Masha, take your wand and say some wish. What do you want to wish? Well done! Now pass the wand to someone else (pass the stick around). Guys, was it difficult for you to say wishes to each other? Well done, you all did it, and I wish you to always be cheerful, beautiful, smiling. Let's give each other radiant smiles!

"Draw on the back"

Target: develop skin sensitivity and the ability to distinguish tactile images.

Move: Guys, please tell me, what can you use to make drawings? What do you think it is possible to draw on the back? What to draw with? Let's check! Let's split into pairs. One child gets up first, the other follows. The one standing behind draws with his index finger on the partner’s back. The partner must guess what is drawn on his back (children in pairs try to draw on each other’s backs). Vasya, what did Sasha draw on your back? Sasha, did Vasya guess right? Well done! Now switch places. Guys, was it difficult for you? What is more difficult to draw or guess? Now let's shake hands.

“We say hello without words”

Target: develop ability to use gesture, posture in communication.

Move: Guys, when you came to the group today, what was the first thing you did? That's right, we said hello. How did you say hello? You all said something. Let’s imagine that our mouth is stuck shut and won’t open, and you need to say hello. How can I do that? Let's divide into pairs, each pair comes up with their own way to say hello, then everyone will show their way of greeting. Which couple wants to say hello to us first? Masha and Petya are the first to show their greetings (each couple takes turns showing their greeting). Guys, was it difficult for you? What exactly did you find difficult? Let's now say hello to each other in the chain in the way that everyone liked the most!

"Hold the item"

Target: develop ability to coordinate actions with a partner.

Material: sheets of paper, audio recording of cheerful music.

Move: Guys, look what I have in my hands? (showing sheets of paper) What do you think can be done with them? Let's have a competition now! Let's split into pairs. Each pair gets a piece of paper. You need to hold the piece of paper between your foreheads and walk around the group to the music. The couple who holds the item the longest wins (children are divided into pairs, each pair is given a piece of paper). We can’t help ourselves with our hands! (cheerful music starts) Well done boys! The couple that held their paper the longest was Anya and Sasha. Let's give this couple a round of applause. Well done!

"Question answer"

Target: develop in children the ability to ask and answer questions from a partner.

Material: ball

Move: Guys, let's play today new game, it is called "Question answer". For this games we need a ball. I throw the ball to one of you and ask a question, and the one who caught the ball must answer it (throw the ball, ask a question).Masha, what is your mood today? Now Masha throws the ball to another and asks her question (the children take turns throwing the ball to each other and asking their question, if the child has difficulty with the question, I help with its formulation). Well done boys! Let's give each other a bright, warm and affectionate smile!


Target: develop skills group interaction.

Move: Guys, guess who publishes these sounds: sh-sh-sh? That's right, it's a snake. Let's do everything together snake: we stand behind each other and hold on tightly to each other. "Head" snake makes a sound "sh-sh-sh" and tries to catch his "tail", A "tail" dodges it if "tail" caught then that child stands in the middle. Let's try. "Head" catches "tail"! And now "tail" catches "head"! "Head" caught - Seryozha stand in the middle (repeat several times). Did you guys like the game? Shall we play it next time? Now let's all hug together!

"Say a compliment"

Target: develop the ability to provide positive attention to peers.

Material: ball.

Move: Guys, today is such a beautiful day! Look, the sun is shining brightly outside! Let's smile at each other brightly too! Now let's stand in a circle and tell each other some compliment. Look, I have a ball in my hands, I pass it to Masha and make compliment: Masha, what an excellent braid you have today! Take the ball, and now you say who you want to compliment and pass the ball (children pass the ball one after another and say a compliment, if the child finds it difficult to give a compliment, I help with its wording). Well done boys! Let's give each other smiles once again!

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Communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts and feelings so that they are correctly understood by other people. A child, entering this world, from the very early age begins to communicate with adults and children, expressing himself in one way or another. And in order for this communication to take place in the most favorable conditions, it is important to teach the child to communicate correctly. The easiest and most effective way to teach children is through play.

Communicative play for children involves joint activities, self-expression and mutual cooperation, development of communication skills and the formation of friendly relationships. During these games, the child experiences genuine joy with other children, which later turns into cheerfulness, optimism, the ability to get along with other people, the ability to overcome life’s difficulties and achieve goals.

Lack of communication skills leads to delays mental development child, and in the future – to the formation of a negative life position.

With these games, children:

  • Body clamps are removed;
  • There is an emotional release;
  • Imagination, facial expressions and gestures develop;
  • Attention is activated;
  • Skills of rules of conduct are demonstrated;
  • Self-esteem increases.

Communication games for young children

Communication with peers for children aged 2-3 years becomes a necessary need and acquires great importance in the formation of personality. It is from this age, when direct interest in another child begins to show, there is a desire to attract the attention of a peer, to interest him in himself, it is necessary to teach children to communicate with each other.

Communication games for young children will provide an invaluable service in this regard. These games teach to be kind to each other, to show love and respect for others, to express empathy, care and compassion.

Let's look at several games aimed at developing communication skills in children:

  • Game "Tender Name". Children stand in a circle, in the center of which each of them comes out in turn. The rest of the children, with the help of the teacher, name variations of the affectionate name of the child in the center of the circle;
  • The game “Who came to visit us?” contributes to the formation of self-esteem in children, the development friendly attitude to other children. An adult agrees with two or three children about what animals they will portray, then they take turns entering the circle, the rest of the children must guess which animal has come to visit them;
  • “The Little Dragon Catches Its Tail” is an excellent communicative game for children. It promotes group cohesion. Children become a “train”, holding onto the belt of the person in front. To the sound of music, the first participant (the head of the dragon) tries to catch the last one (the tail of the dragon), the rest hold on tightly to each other;
  • The game “The Bird’s Wing Hurts” develops in children a love for others. One child pretends to be a sick bird, he is sad, lies down on the rug, the other children, following the example of the teacher, take turns trying to console her and support her with affectionate words;
  • The game “Who Wake Up Better” promotes the expression of your feelings. One child portrays a sleeping cat, the other children try to wake her up with various kind and gentle words and touches. At the end of the game, the children decide whose way to wake up the cat was the best;
  • The communicative game for children “Animal Piano” develops the ability to cooperate. Children squat down in a row, an adult hands out cards with images of various animals and, then touching each child’s head, pretends to play the piano. Children reproduce the voices of the animals depicted on the cards.

Communication games for preschool children

Preschool age is considered to be the age from 3 to 7 years. At this stage, the child develops a desire for independence, initiative, and self-esteem develops. Perception becomes focused, meaningful, and the information received is analyzed.

At this age, the child needs more and more interaction with his peers. Communication is an important condition for the mental development of a preschooler. It has a direct impact on all the most important activities in the future: study, work, social orientation, etc. And in order for the preschooler to be better adapted to life in the social sphere, to be able to realize himself, to always make friends and find mutual language with any person, it is necessary to develop him communication skills through special training.

Development of constructive communication skills, the ability to clearly and correctly formulate one’s thoughts and feelings, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, the ability to resolve conflict situations - all this a child can gain in the process of communicative games for preschool children.

Below are some of the games that develop communication skills:

Thus, we can conclude that communicative games for children have a powerful educational and training effect. They allow children to get closer, teach them to show care, empathy and attention to their peers, form children’s positive attitude towards themselves and other children, and increase self-confidence.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Games to develop communication skills.

To develop communication skills, we can recommend next games. These games are aimed at developing constructive communication skills, the ability to derive joy from communication, the ability to listen and hear another person, and the formation of collective activity skills.

Round dance game"Aw!"

Target. Develop an attentive attitude towards each other, help overcome the barrier in communication.

Progress of the game.A child stands in a circle, blindfolded, lost in the forest. Children lead a round dance, pronouncing the words “Petya (Masha), you are now in the forest, we are singing you AU! Come on, open your eyes quickly, find out who called you quickly. One of the children shouts to him: “Ay!” - and the “lost” person must guess who called him.

Outdoor game “Take a toy”

Target. Develop communication skills and the ability to ask.

Progress of the game.Children stand in a circle and place toys in the center. The presenter says “Please take... (car, dolls, pyramid, etc.).” Those who haven’t found the necessary toy drive.

Didactic game"Finish the sentence"

Target.Develop self-confidence and self-confidence.

Progress of the game.The child must complete each of the phrases you suggest: “I can...”, “I want...”, “I can...”, “I will achieve...”. Show for non-speaking children.

Didactic game “Polite words”

Target.Developing respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

Progress of the game.The game is played with a ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, saying polite words. Say only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, we are glad to see you, we are glad to meet you); gratitude (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apology (sorry, pardon, sorry, sorry); farewells (goodbye, see you later, good night).

Creative play"Mittens"

Target. Develop the ability to interact with each other.

Move.To play you need mittens cut out of paper. The number of pairs must correspond to the number of pairs of children. Place mittens with the same (but not painted) patterns in different places in the room. Children must find their pair and use three pencils of different colors to color the same mittens. Observe how couples organize their work together, how they share pencils, and how they negotiate with each other. The winners are congratulated.

Dramatization game “Gift for everyone”

Target.Develop the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers, and sense of teamwork.

Progress of the game.The children are given the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give to all of us now?” or “If you had Tsvetik - Seven-Tsvetik, what wish would you make?” Each child makes one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower. Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, Through the north, through the south, come back, having made a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, I think you were led. Order to...

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

Dramatization game “What is good and what is bad”

Target.To form in children an idea of ​​good and bad deeds, behavior, and the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and others.

Progress of the game.The teacher reads a poem or story to the children on a given topic, the children depict situations using pictures on the table or flannelgraph.

Outdoor game “Don’t get your feet wet”

Target. Learn to show mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Progress of the game.Children sit on chairs on one side of the room. A swamp is separated by a white line on the floor. Children are given two tablets. Both need to cross these planks - bridges to the other side.

Exercise game “Please”

Target.Develop the skill of using “Magic Words”.

Progress of the game.Everyone stands in a circle. The teacher shows different movements, and the players must repeat them only if he adds the word “please”. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Dramatization game “Turnip”

Target.To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance, to develop their expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, and movements.

Progress of the game.The teacher tells a fairy tale, the children-artists join in the game as the tale progresses. At the end of the game, you can invite the children to dance in a circle and arrange a harvest festival.

Didactic game “We didn’t share the toy”

Target.Teach children how to safely get out of conflict situations and find a compromise solution.

Progress of the game. The teacher reports that Karslon flew to them today and left a lot of toys. The teacher takes out new toys from the bag, they are all different. The teacher invites the children to take them apart, while he watches them from the side. If a conflict situation arises in the group over toys, the teacher calms the children and invites everyone to figure out the current situation together.

Outdoor game “Dancers and Musicians”

Target.Teach children to use common things, give in to each other, express sympathy for another child.

Progress of the game.The game is played under musical accompaniment. Taking the doll, the teacher shows how you can dance with it. Then, he calls 3-4 children and invites each one to choose a doll. Children with dolls stand around the teacher and perform dance movements with him. During the performance of the “dancers,” the rest of the participants sing along and act as musicians (playing their fists like pipes, or pretending to play the harmonica). After the dance, they hand over their dolls to those who have not yet danced, expressing their sympathy for a certain child.

Creative game “Country of Politeness”

Target. It is appropriate to teach children, depending on the situation and the recipient, to use polite words of greeting. Teach a common culture of behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards each other.

Progress of the game.The teacher offers to go to the land of Politeness. First you need to remember polite words. Next, the teacher reads the verse. V. Soloukhin “Hello”, children answer the questions posed in the poem.

Creative game “Who is who here?”

Target.Teach the means of gestures and facial expressions, convey the most characteristic features of a fairy tale character

Progress of the game.The teacher invites the children to perform short performances based on famous fairy tales, portraying the characters using facial expressions and gestures.

Dramatization game “A good word heals, but a bad word cripples”

Target.Give children the idea that words can influence people’s feelings and behavior.

Progress of the game.The teacher asks the children if they know that with the help of words you can create miracles. A word can offend, upset, and make a person laugh. When a person is upset or offended, it is very difficult for him to cope with a bad mood, but a kind word can console him. The teacher reads a poem, and then shows it with gestures and facial expressions; the children repeat after the teachers.

Games - situations

target.Develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Progress of the game.Children are asked to role-play a number of situations

1. Two girls quarreled - their.

2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him.

3. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

4. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

5. The child is crying - calm him down.

6. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.

Game - dramatization “My day”

Target.Develop the ability to see and understand yourself and others, the external and internal world.

Progress of the game.Reading poetry. "My day". Conversation about what you read. Invite children to tell how they behave, what they can do on their own, you can select the necessary pictures or draw them.

Role-playing game"Pinocchio and Children"

Target.Teach children to evaluate their behavior and the behavior of others, to use polite words when communicating.

Progress of the game.The group includes Buratino. They say hello. They say that they would like to see how the guys live. The children show their play corners, toys, etc. Pinocchio invites everyone to play together and asks if the children know how to play together. Pinocchio asks the children riddles. Children guess. Repeat the rules of polite communication.

Simulation game "Monkey"

Target.Develop the ability to imitate facial expressions and gestures.

Progress of the game.The teacher invites one of the children to become a monkey, and the other children to repeat all his movements: the monkey walks - everyone walks, the monkey raises their hand - and the children too.

Role-playing game "Little Helpers"

Target. Encourage children to help with housework, teach joint activities and communication.

Progress of the game. The teacher reads a poem. At the right time, at his signal, each of the children shows how he knows how to do his job.

"A toy shop"

Target. The game teaches children to describe an object, find its essential features, recognize an object by description, and strengthens communication skills in public places.

Didactic material- toys.

Progress of the game. Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with toys. The teacher, addressing them, says:

Our store has opened! Look how many beautiful toys it contains! You can buy them, but to buy a toy, you need to fulfill one condition: do not name it, but describe it, and you cannot look at the toy. Based on your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you.

A seller is chosen with a short counting count. The teacher buys the toy first, showing how to follow the rules of the game:

Hello! I want to buy a toy from you. She is round, rubber, can jump, and children love to play with her.

The seller hands the ball to the buyer.

Thank you, what a beautiful ball! - says the teacher and sits down on a chair, holding a ball in his hands. The seller names the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy that he has chosen for purchase: Please sell me this toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes. The seller hands over a toy fox. The buyer thanks and sits down. The game continues until all children have bought toys. The role of the seller can be performed by several guys in turn.


Target. Develop communication skills and activate children.

The game is played in a circle. Participants choose a driver - he takes his chair out of the circle. It turns out that there are one fewer chairs than there are players. Then the presenter says: “Those who have ... (blonde hair, watches, etc.) change places.” After this, those with the named sign quickly get up and change places, and the driver tries to take an empty seat. The participant in the game who is left without a chair becomes the driver.

"Bridge of Friendship"

The instructor asks the children to form pairs, come up with and show some kind of bridge (using their arms, legs, torso). For example, touching heads or palms. Then he asks which of the children would like to build a bridge with three, four, etc., as long as there are willing ones. The exercise ends with everyone joining hands and raising them up, depicting the “Bridge of Friendship.”

"Pass the ball"

Target. Reduce excessive physical activity.

In a circle, sitting on chairs or standing, the players try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw or pass the ball as quickly as possible, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with their eyes closed or with several balls at the same time.

"Listen to the command"

Target. Develop attention and voluntary behavior.

The music is calm, but not too slow. Children walk in a column one after another. Suddenly the music stops. Everyone stops, listens to the leader’s whispered command (for example: “Put your right hand on your neighbor’s shoulder”) and immediately carries it out. Then the music starts again and everyone continues walking. Commands are given only to perform calm movements. The game continues until the group is able to both listen well and complete the task. The game will help the teacher change the rhythm of the actions of the naughty children, and the children will calm down and easily switch to another, calmer type of activity.

"Movement prohibited"

Target. Teach games with clear rules that organize, discipline, unite, develop speed of reaction and cause emotional uplift. Children stand facing the leader. To the music, at the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements shown by the presenter. Then a movement is selected that cannot be performed. Anyone who violates this prohibition leaves the game. Instead of showing the movement, you can say the numbers out loud. The participants in the game repeat all the numbers in chorus, except for one that is forbidden, for example the number 5. When the children hear it, they will have to clap their hands (or spin around in place).

"Listen to the clapping"

Target. Train attention and control of motor activity. Everyone walks in a circle or moves around the room in a free direction. When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the stork pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides) or some other pose. If the leader claps twice, the players should take the frog position (squat, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between the feet on the floor). After three claps, the players resume walking.

"Let's say hello"

Target. Relieve muscle tension, develop the ability to switch attention.

Children, at the leader’s signal, begin to move chaotically around the room and say hello to everyone who meets on their way (perhaps one of the children will want to say hello to someone who usually does not pay attention to him). You need to greet in a certain way: one clap - we shake hands; two – we shake shoulders; three claps - we shake our backs. The variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will allow the child to feel his body and relieve muscle tension. Changing playing partners helps get rid of the feeling of alienation. To ensure complete tactile sensations, it is advisable to introduce a ban on talking during this game.


Children sit in a circle. Each participant says to the neighbor on the right (or left) a phrase that begins with the words: “I like about you...”. The exercise helps the child see his positive sides and feel that he is accepted by other children.


The group members stand one after another, holding the waist of the person in front. At the instructor’s command, the “centipede” begins to move forward, then crouches, jumps on one leg, crawls between obstacles, etc. The main task of the participants is not to break the chain and preserve the “centipede”.


Children are divided into pairs and, at the instructor’s command, quickly greet each other in different parts bodies: right hand with right hand, nose with nose, heel with heel, back with back, ear with ear, etc. Children can change several partners.

"Palm to palm"

Children are divided into pairs, press their palms against each other and thus move around the room, in which various obstacles can be installed. Each pair must overcome them without separating their palms.

"Magic wand"

The game is played standing in a circle. The presenter asks to name the days of the week in order. The child is given a stick and the task: “Name it, starting from Wednesday.”

"Say the word"

Target. Clarify what different parts of the body are needed for.

The presenter begins the sentence, the children finish.

“What are we doing with our heads? (We think!)

What are we doing with our ears? (Listen!)

Eyes..., nose..., mouth..., hands...,

Fingers..., legs...", etc.

"One is many"

Target. Strengthen children's ability to name body parts in the plural.

Presenter: “I have one, you have (many)

I have a hand, you have (hands),

I have a leg, you have (legs),

I have a shoulder, you have (shoulders),

I have a nose, you have (noses),

I have hair, you have (hair),

I have a finger, you have (fingers)”, etc.

"Find yourself a mate"

Target. The game develops reaction speed, attention, the ability to retain information in memory and perform tasks correctly. The players stand in pairs in a circle, the leader is in the middle. At the command of the leader “face to face”, the players in each pair turn to face each other. On the command “back to back” - they stand with their backs to each other. At the command “change in pairs” - everyone looks for another partner. At this time, the presenter tries to pair up with someone. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.

“So we built a circle,

Let's turn around at once.

How about we say: “Skok, skok, skok!”

One child speaks, after which the driver opens his eyes and guesses who said the words. If he guesses, then the one who spoke becomes the driver.

"Guess the word"

The game is played with a ball that is passed around to each other. The presenter calls the first syllable, the child must continue: “Ka (-empty), kar

(-tofel), garlic (-nok).”