Who are the Daedra in Skyrim. Passage of tasks Daedric Princes The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Mad Mind - Sheogorath

princes(Lords, Princes) Daedra- powerful creatures, Gods, ruling in the Realm of Oblivion. Each Daedric Lord owns his own plane (abode) in Oblivion, and smaller planes, called "pocket".

Hermaeus Mora

Daedric Prince of Doom. Knower of the unknown. His sphere is Divination of the past and the future. Perhaps one of ancient gods and definitely the most hidden one. Unlike other Daedra, Hermaeus is depicted as a shapeless creature with tentacles, claws and a large eye surrounded by many eyes.

Hermaeus mora
~By lockinloadeadly

The plane of Hermaeus Mora in Oblivion is called "Apocrypha" - it is an endless labyrinth resembling a library that stores incredible knowledge that is inaccessible to ordinary mortals. Be careful reading uncovered Black Books, they say they drive you crazy...

Apocrypha is inhabited by junior Daedra called Seekers and Lurkers, who are also servants of the Prince of Fate.

The cherished artifact of Hermaeus Mora is the Book "Ogma Infinium", the author of which is Xarxes himself, the God of ancestors and secret Knowledge.

Hermaeus Mora's Summon Day is the fifth day of the Month of the First Seed


Queen of the Night Sky, Moon Shadow and Mother of Roses. Daedric Princess of Dusk and Dawn. Many Dunmer of Morrowind worship Azura and consider her a "good" Daedra.

It was she who turned the Chimer into the Dunmer: "their eyes turned to fire, and their skin to ashes."
The goddess is the forerunner of Sotha Sil. Her image is a beautiful girl in a dress under the floor - with the moon and a star in her hands. According to legend, Azura is considered the creator of various forms of Khajiit.

~By machiavellical

Azura's plane in Oblivion is Moonshadow. Described in the book as "a beautiful blooming paradise, shrouded in a light haze."

An artifact that the Goddess can bestow is Azura's Star. The rarest and most beautiful appearance reusable soul gem.

Ring "Moon and Star" - Artwork of the Dwemer for Nerevar and blessed by Azura. The ring gives the wearer incredible charm and the gift of eloquence.

Azura's Summoning Day is the twenty-first day of the Month of Primrose (Hogitum festival)


Precisely Boetha, not Boethiah, for the Prince takes on both the feminine and the masculine. His sphere is Deception, secret intrigues and conspiracies, murders and betrayals. Known as Daedra Avenger, Prince of Fields and Warriors, Queen of Shadows. Most often appears in the guise of a Warrior with a large ax or sword in his hands. It is Boeth that is considered the father of the great hero, king and god, Nerevar.

Boeta's Plan - Share of Retribution. It represents high towers and labyrinth gardens, probably where Boeta likes to chase his victims, the plan is constantly changing not only externally, but also the name, so, in the past, it was called the "Snake Saddle".

The hottest Daedric Prince
~By Velena-Gorosama

In the service of the Prince are the lesser Daedra, clanfear and the hungry. Feuds with the Daedric Prince Molag Bal.

Two powerful artifacts are associated with Boeta: Ebony chain mail, which protects against magic, and the "Golden Mark" - a legendary blade, they say it is completely made of pure gold and was forged by the (crossed out Dwemer) Dragons.

According to tradition, on the day of the call of Boethiah, the second day of the month of Sunset, fights take place between his followers and stop only after nine priests have died.


Daedric Princess of Nightmares and Ill Omens. She is the Spinner of magnificent garments. That is how she is portrayed: A woman in a chic robe with a staff in her hand.

~By Eldanaro

The Queen of Nightmares is known for her elaborate torture of mortals, mostly in dreams. Many people stay there forever. She deals with necromancy and vampirism.

Not surprisingly, Vermina's plane in Oblivion is the Realm of Nightmare, known as the Dreamwalker, the Quagworld, or the Bog.

Vermina's legendary artifact: the staff "Skull of Corruption", capable of materializing the most vile and terrible nightmares.

In the service of the Daedric Prince are Baynekins, Dremora, Observers, Scamps and unique Daedra - Omens and Nightmares.

Vaermina's Summon Day is the tenth of the month of High Sun. The Traders' Festival is also celebrated on this day.

Clavicus Vile

Daedric Prince of vanity and lucrative offers. Fulfills the wishes of mortals - but what will be the price for this? Be careful when making contact with him, who knows what goals he pursues.

Clavicus appears in the form of a man with horns and a large talking dog- Barbas, who himself is a particle of the Prince, part of his strength is contained in Barbas.

Clavicus Vile
~By RisingMonster

Gives mortals his Daedric artifact - a mask that endows the wearer with incredible charm and charisma, but can just as well take it back if he gets bored.

Clavicus' plan in Oblivion - the Fields of Regrets - looks like an ordinary serene village with the Prince's minions, some remain there forever.

In addition to the mask, the artifacts "Bitter Cup", "Ax of Sorrow" and, possibly, the sword "Umbra" are associated with it - a destructive blade that steals the souls of enemies fallen from it, the sword subjugates the will of its owner and soon the warrior, having forgotten his name, takes Umbra's name.

Clavicus Vile is summoned on the first day of the month of the Morning Star.


According to legend, there was Trinnimac - Et "Ada, absorbed by Boeta and transformed into the Daedric Lord Malacath, along with him, his people, the orcs, who now patronize Malacath, were transformed. However, according to the shamans of Orsinium, Trinnimac remained alive, and Malacath is a separate entity, whose goal was to leave the orcs outcast.Hence his nickname among the people - the Prince of the Outcasts, the Orc God.The old orcs call the perverted Trinnimac Mauloch, but Malacath is considered another god.

The sphere of Malacath - the patronage of the rejected and exiled, is depicted as a warrior with an orc or human face and a sword in his hands. In the service of the God of Curses, the lower Daedra are ogrims.

~By darthhell

The plane of the Daedric Prince Malacath is called the "Ashpit" and is described in the books as a world without sky, earth or air - completely filled with dust and ashes.

Famous artifacts associated with Malacath: Volendrang: a huge warhammer, but created by the Dwemer, not the Daedric Prince.

In addition to the hammer, legends mention the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw and the "Scourge" mace, created for ordinary mortals. Whether it is true that any Daedra who takes this mace will be thrown out of all parts of the world is unknown.

Malacath's summoning day is the eighth of the month of Frost.


Originally ~ Merid-Nunda ~ one of the Magne-Ge. According to legend, she was expelled from heaven for her close relationship with Magnus, the God of Light.

Meridia is the Daedric Princess of all things related to life, whose realm is unknown. Appears in the form of a beautiful woman, it is known that she is a clear opponent of necromancy and the undead, as evidenced by the sword created by the Princess - "Radiance of Dawn"; impregnated with the light of Meridia - it destroys any undead. Also, the artifact ring of Khajiit is associated with Meridia, although it is not known how it then got to the Daedric Lord Mephale, perhaps they were in contact.

~By DanaeNZ

Plan of Meridia - "Colored rooms". These are small islands in the sky with huge sliding lenses that soak everything around with the light of Magnus. Once upon a time, the Princess sheltered in her lair Umaril the Unfeathered, the mage-king who ruled the center of the Ayleid Empire during its Golden Age.

Meridia is invoked on the thirteenth day of the month of the Morning Star.

Mehrunes Dagon

Prince of destruction, change and revolution. It is accompanied by natural disasters; floods, earthquakes, fires. Matching his nicknames, he has the appearance of a four-armed giant with a huge double-edged ax and shuko. He invaded Tamriel several times, bringing numerous deaths and destruction, due to his actions, one of the small Morrowind Houses - Soth was erased from the face of Nirn. He opened the gates to his kingdom throughout Cyrodiil at the time of the Oblivion Crisis (433). The cult "Mythic Dawn" was dedicated to him. As a result of her feud with Nocturnal, one of her plans in Oblivion was destroyed.

~By Evanyaj6

In the service of Mehrunes are lesser Daedra: vile Scamps, Clanfear, Dremora, Vermai, Xivilai, Morphoid Daedra and Herne.

Artifacts of the Prince: Mehrunes' Deadly Razor, able to kill anyone Living being with one hit.
The Daedric crescent moon used by Dagon's army in their capture of Battlespire.
The book "Mysterium Xarxes" written by Xarxes.

Mehrunes' plan - the Dead Lands - is famous for the dangers that are fraught with, one name already says that anyone who the Gods have awarded with brains should not meddle there. Fiery sky, gloomy towers, lava, local "inhabitants" and fauna - everything around strives to kill you.

The day of the summoning of Mehrunes Dagon is the twentieth day of the Month of Sunset. On this day, a holiday is held in his honor, which is called the "Festival of Warriors".


The Daedric Princess of Murder and Secrets, her realm is unknown to anyone, is an androgynous Deity and is depicted as a four-armed lady in a long dress and bouffant hair.

She is known as the Spider God, the Night Mother, and the Webspinner. Forerunner of Vivec, considered one of the founding ancestors of the Dunmer race. Mephala, according to some books - together with Boeta, founded the Assassins' guild - the Morag Tong, they also participated in the creation of the Great Houses of Morrowind and opened the path of Psijic (magic) to the dark elves.

~By mbrisa

The plane of the Daedric Princess Mephala is the Spiral Skein, which is several areas in Oblivion, interconnected by the ghostly threads of a magical web.

An artifact crafted by Mephala is an Ebony Blade that looks like the Akaviri style.

Call Day is the twelfth day of the month of Frost.

Molag Bal

Prince of Wrath and Father of Monsters - Molag Bal, Daedric Prince of Domination and enslavement of mortals. Considered the Father of vampires, their creator and patron. True to his dreadful names, the Prince looks truly intimidating: A huge hybrid of bull and reptile, with horns, tail and long, sharp claws. Considered by the Dunmer to be one of the "Evil" Daedra.

Coldharbour - the plan of Molag Bal in Oblivion, like a copy of Tamriel, but the deceased. The earth is covered with a thick layer of dirt, the sky is on fire, but the monstrous cold penetrates to the bones - this is how Seif-ij Hij describes the abode of the Father of Horror in his books.

The Mace of Molag Bal, known as the Mace of the Vampire created by the Prince, is capable of draining magic from an opponent and transferring energy to the wielder. With her help, more than one wizard was killed.

Molag Bal is summoned on the twentieth day of the Evening Star if there was no thunderstorm that night. If the ceremony is skipped, he may appear to the followers on another day, in the form of a mortal.


Daedric Goddess of Rot and Deformity, whose realm is Ancient Darkness. For mortals, her image is associated with various vile creatures: spiders, slugs and insects. Her followers can often be seen cannibalizing :3

~By bretwolfe33

Appears in the form of a woman with some kind of abomination at her feet, whether it be Demons or Imps.

The Scattering Void is the Daedric Princess's plan, of which nothing is known.

The goddess can reward the lucky one with her artifact - the Ring of Namira. The wearer can devour corpses and restore their health.

The day of Namira's summoning is the ninth day of the month of Seva.


Nocturnal Inscrutable, Mistress of the Night, Daughter of Twilight. Her sphere is Night and Darkness. The Empress of Shadows is depicted as a beautiful woman in a dark robe with ravens sitting on her outstretched arms. Nocturnal is especially revered in the Thieves Guild.

~By Erika-Xero

Dangerous Shadow - once Nocturnal's main home in Oblivion, was destroyed by Mehrunes Dagon, so the current abode is Evergloom. It is a night forest in which crows live.

Artifacts of the Goddess - The Skeleton Key, known throughout Tamriel as the Eternal Lockpick.
A Bow of Shadows that grants the wearer speed and the ability to turn invisible.

A gray hood that completely hides the wearer. The magic of the hood is so dangerous that it can make you completely invisible, after which even close relatives and friends will forget about your existence.

The Daedric Princess is summoned on the third of the Month of Fire.


Despite being depicted as a dragon, he is considered the weakest of the Daedric Princes. He is called the Plague Lord and the Prince of Pestilence, the Overseer. It is the cause of many illnesses and diseases in the mortal world.

TES: Daedric Prince Peryite
~By CircuitDruid

Peryite guards the lower layers of Oblivion, and his plane is called the Pits of Peryite, which is also unknown, since it is closed to mortals.

The Daedric Prince wields an artifact of Dwemer origin, the Spell Breaker, capable of repelling any magic and silencing the enemy.

Peryite's Summon Day is the ninth day of the month of Rain


The Daedric Prince of drunkenness and depravity, whose sphere is revelry and joy, as well as the desire for the dark sides of nature. Depicted as a horned demon with a mug in his hand, which is not surprising.

~By LinaSwalaf

An artifact is associated with the Prince - the Rose of Sanguine, a staff that calls for the help of a younger Daedra.

Sanguine's plan in Oblivion always changes its place, one of the famous ones is the Misty Grove, a fabulous abode, with brightly illuminated trees, a light fog floats in the air and calm music sounds, and a beautiful moon can be seen in the sky. They say that right on the edge there is a table where the minions of Sanguine feast and drink.

The day of the summoning of this Prince is the sixteenth day of the month of Sunrise.


His realm is the Great Hunt, the chase, the game. Known as Father of Beastmen, Hungry Cat, and Patron of the Hunt. Traditionally depicted as a man wearing a deer mask and holding a spear of Bitter Mercy, but this is only a generalized image that embodies the five aspects (totems) of Hircine: Bear, werewolf, wolf, deer and fox.

Hircine's Call
~By Isriana

Hircine brought animal diseases to the mortal world, which is why he is considered the creator of werewolves.
Luring mortals into his plan - the Hunting Grounds, Hircine makes them the object of hunting for local inhabitants, and if he survives until night, then the Prince himself is in possession with a personal retinue of werewolves. The plan itself is dense forest with rocky mountains, rivers and plains. In addition to Hircine's servants, hunting grounds lycanthropes of all kinds live, from herds of bulls and giant snakes, to tigers and mammoths.

Artifacts of Hircine: Spear of Bitter Mercy - used in the Daedric Rite" Wild Hunt", and the "Savior's Hide" breastplate that reflects magic.

The day of Hircine's summoning is the fifth day of the month of Midyear.

Sheogorath and Jyggalag

The Prince of Madness, Daedric Prince Sheogorath is a Sneaky Cat whose motives are never known, most likely just having fun. The people believe that when a madman speaks, he turns to this prince, and he tells him what he cannot know. Appears in the form of a bearded man with a cane in his left hand and expensive silks.

Sheogorath was descended from the most powerful Daedra - Jyggalag. According to legend, other Daedra, fearing the power of Jyggalag, cursed him with madness, and he became Sheogorath, but not completely. Sheogorath once every thousand years becomes Jyggalag again and destroys his kingdom (puts things in order). What do you know about insanity?

Sheogorath's plane - the Shivering Isles, divided into "Mania" and "Dementia". Mania appears as a colorful part of the Islands, picturesque and with vibrant vegetation.

Arrogant people who love luxury found shelter there. You can often meet musicians, artists and other creative people, crazy, really. As for Dementia, on the contrary, unfriendly and gloomy, one gets the feeling that all the inhabitants of Dementia suffer from a severe form of paranoia.

Sheogorath The Madgod & Jyggalag- Prince of Order
~By The-Mattness & Rono22

The most famous artifacts of the Prince of Madness - the staff of Wabbajack, popularly simply "Wabba", is able to change any creature into another creature ..

Staff of the Eternal Scamp - is more of a curse, a malicious joke. As soon as the victim reads the runes on the hilt of the staff, four Skamps will appear before the owner, forever chasing him. Getting rid of the Scamps, as well as the staff itself, is not so easy. You will have to find someone who will accept this gift voluntarily, or take the artifact to the Sanctuary of Sheogorath in the Black Phantom cave.

Two other artifacts associated with the Prince are very rare: the Itchy Fork, a useless dagger; and Gumballpaddy's enchanted gloves.

Sheogorath is called on the second of the month of Dawn, or on any day during a thunderstorm. If there is no thunderstorm on the day of the call, in no case should he be called.


Skyrim had the same effect as all games The series Elder Scrolls- dismissed from work and expelled from families the majority of the population of the earth. We will not write about the passage, cheats, codes and other handkerchiefs to wipe the snot of Skyrim players. Today we will reveal to you in detail and beautifully the topic - Daedra princes. Who are they, what do they do, description and of course everything Skyrim artifacts, all the Daedric Princes.

Daedric Princes are sometimes portrayed as demons in Skyrim, but it's infinitely disrespectful to refer to them in that manner. For they are honored by the characters of the games The Elder Scrolls and the players themselves as deities. The total number of senior Daedra is 16 sometimes 17. Do not confuse with the Eidra, since the Daedric Princes are immortal, it is impossible to kill them. Although sometimes you really want to.

Who are the Daedric Princes - demon-like entities that live in Oblivion (Oblivion). Often a parallel is drawn between them with the Jewish demons. Mostly malicious and insidious, but often beneficent. The Daedric Princes created the Daedra, lesser demons.

Book of Daedra

It is worth noting that each Daedric Prince has his own part of Oblivion, as well as his own habitat, each is unique. All Daedric Princes play an important role in all games in The Elder Scrolls series. But the most important thing is that each prince is associated with one or another artifact, unique in its capabilities.

Description of the Daedric Princes:

1. Boethiah(Boethiah). This Daedric Prince will be described first. Boethiah is a master of martial arts, the prince of the fields and the prince of intrigue. If you love to deceive, avenge, betray, and plot to kill, Boethiah is for you. There is a legend that Boethiah is neither a man nor a woman, but whatever he wants.

Boethiah and the Khajiit (Boethiah).

Champion of Boethiah

In Skyrim, the artifact of Boethiah is "Ebony Mail". The class of heavy armor, but wearing it you move much quieter than in ordinary heavy armor, also any enemy who thinks to get too close to you is poisoned and incurs every second damage. Boethiah's quest is filled with senseless murder, slaughter and betrayal.

Statue of Boethiah Skyrim

Artifact of Boethiah

2. Azura(Azura). Two-faced Azura is the Prince of Dusk and Dawn, Queen of the Dawn, Mother of the Rose, and Queen of the Night Sky. If a mortal somehow ends up in her realm, Azura welcomes them. Azura's main enemy is Sheograth. The mysterious and damn smart Dwemer were afraid of this Daedric prince. When one Dwemer proved that Azura was not omniscient, the curse was terrible. Output? Less need to dress up in front of a woman endowed with power!

Statue of Azura.

But Azura is revered as well as the creator of the Dunmer and is worshiped by the Khajiit/Hajiit. The smart-assed race of Khajiit consider Azura to be the kitten of the third litter of Fadomai. They believe that Azura received from her mother the greatest gift possible - the three secrets.

The Khajiit never doubt for a moment that it was this Daedric Prince who created their race. Instilling intelligence and wisdom into the minds of the Khajiit, as well as stuffing their mouths with moon sugar (drug).

Azura Skyrim

Azura's quest in Skyrim is very unusual. The reward for completing which can be the Star of Azura or the Black Star, to choose from. Of course, the Star of Azura is more profitable, because it absorbs the souls of everyone indiscriminately, and the Black Star of Azura only NPCs (friendly characters), I would certainly like to take the second award, but there are few friends, and I want to kill as many as possible. It is not profitable, in general, to be bad - there is little meat ... sadness.

Artifact of Azura

3. Jyggalag(Jyggalag). He is considered to be the 17th Daedric Prince. Prince of order who fought with Sheograth. Furiously wants Jyggalag to seize and appropriate the realm of Sheograth. Probably not all is well in the kingdom of Sheograth, although logically for Jyggalag everything is not all right everywhere. This is probably the reason for his patronage of the Princes of Order.


But it's no secret to die-hard fans of The Elder Scrolls series that Sheograt and Jyggalag are the same Daedric Prince with two entities that oppose each other from time to time. Jyggalag himself claims that the curse of the Daedric princes is to blame, who gave the form of his opposite, calling her Sheograth. Double-mindedness is common to all of us, so this Daedra prince is close to mere mortals who, with their blind desire to fix "something because" put things in order, not the devil. Jyggalag is ranked 9th in the list of all Daedric Princes.

Skyrim put an orc bolt on Jyggalag a bit. Probably the reason for the absence of this Daedric Prince in Skyrim is the fact that Jyggalag appeared relatively recently and Tamriel has not yet had time to learn about him. There is no Jyggalag in Skyrim. And in general, it should be noted that the Daedra princes in Skyrim are pushed into the background by dragons, and this is another reason to clean their faces ... beaks ... what do dragons have there?

Skyrim Dragon Hunt

4. Vermina(Vaermina) the second version of Vernima (Vaernima). The Daedra Princes dislike Vernima due to her ability to have nightmares and torture. Gross, but damn interesting! Vernima is the Prince of Omens and of course Dreams. Rules over Vermina's realm of nightmares called "The Swamp". This Daedric Prince's realm does not have a fixed form, it changes. But main point any illusions of this world where Vermina rules are nightmares.


It seems like vampirism and necromancy are the work of Vermina. To receive the blessing of this Daedra prince, you need to imprison the innocent soul of a rational being in a black soul stone. Necromancers adore Vermina, portrayed as a woman in a luxurious dress.

Vermina (Vaermina).

Vermina in Skyrim appears during the passage of the quest "A Walking Nightmare", it is given by Erandur in the "Peak of the Winds" tavern. Vermina has cursed the whole city and you need to save people from the eternal nightmare. But not everything is so simple in that quest. If you are loyal to the Daedric Prince, you will receive the "Skull of the Night", if not, you will also receive ...

Vermina Slyrim

Artifact Vermin

5. Hircine(Hircine). A Daedric Prince identified with the hunt. Chief Hunter of the Daedric Princes and rightfully considered the father of the Beastmen. Lives in the Hunting Grounds, has absolute power over werewolves. The Khajiit (Khajiit) revere him as the kitten of Fadomai's second litter and describe Hircine as a perpetually hungry kitten.

Hircine. Daedra Prince.

In Skyrim, Hircine rewards the player with the Skin of the Savior or the Ring of Hircine. But first you will need to complete the quest "Call of the Moon". The ring gives a unique opportunity to turn into a werewolf, once a day.

The skin of the Savior and the ring "Call of the Moon", artifacts of Hircine Skyrim.

6. Clavicus Vile(Clavicus Vile). There is a clue in the name itself, vile in translation from English means “wicked”, “mean”. Clavicus Vile - creates contracts, bestows powers, fulfills your desires. But the trick is that Clavicus Vile loves to deceive and patronizes perjurers. This Daedric Prince's realm resembles an ideal village, filled with serenity and tranquility, and understandably the village is full of Westerners.

Clavicus Vile

Asshole Clavicus Vile distinguished himself by helping vampires adapt to human society. Clavicus is depicted as a horned dwarf with Barbas (a demonic beast) walking next to him. It is easy to draw a parallel between this Daedric Prince's gift "Mask of Clavicus Vile" and the work "Tiny Tsakhes" because the Mask of Clavius ​​bestowed "beauty" on the wearer. That is, in the eyes of the beholder, the person was unrealistically beautiful. But it was just an illusion.

Statue of Clavicus Vile Skyrim

In Skyrim, Clavicus is no longer a dwarf and gives you a quest to bring back his dog Barbas. The Daedric Prince calls his partner nothing more than "mongrels". By the way, the dog can talk. The psychedelic mind of this Daedra prince offers you the following: take the valuable weapon by killing the dog or return it to the owner.

Artifacts Skyrim Mask Clavicus Vile

7. Meridia(Meridia). It is only known that she hates the undead and necromancy. Her kingdom is the Colored Rooms. For a while, everyone was sure that this was Jyggal, until the main designer of a group of perverts called Bethesda denied these rumors.

Meridia (Meridia) statue in Skyrim.

All artifacts in Skyrim Daedric Princes are diverse and unique. In Skyrim, Meridia gives those who passed her quest - a sword that fucks up the undead like yellow-bellied chickens. And the extra damage to the undead will be very useful in one of the final quests, storyline.

"Glow of Dawn" artifact of Meridia

8. Malacath(Malacath). The sweetest of the Daedra princes. Malacath God of Orcs - God of Curses! All who are exiled and despised find shelter at Malacath. Also, of all the Daedra princes, Malacath is the ardent keeper of oaths and terrible curses. The kingdom of Malacath is overflowing with smoke and dust, corrosive smoke replaces the air and it is impossible to breathe there without the help of magic. It is said that Boethiah herself turned Malacath into a Daedric Prince.

Malacath God of orcs. Skyrim statues.

The Dunmer consider Malacath to be a "bad Daedra". Actually, the orcs are "bad" for everyone, but it's not clear why it's bad to cut enemies to the right and left. Orcs fall into an all-devouring rage. And no one likes that huge, merciless creatures have their own faith, their own principles, for which they are ready to lay down their lives. In any case, the worship of Malacath is forbidden.

Malacath in Skyrim gives an artifact that has passed his quest - Volendrang. An excellent two-handed weapon that takes out 50 damage with one hit. the enemy's reserves. The quest is given in the village inhabited by orcs "Largashbur". We need to kill the giants, but we are always ready to kill.

Volendrang Skyrim artifacts.

9. Mephala(Mephala). Vile Spider God. Web Spinner. Mephala - Black Hands. Hermaphrodite, Spider. In general, it is still happiness for the faint of heart. But there is also positive sides- Mephala is a bisexual deity who is in charge of all secrets, secret murders, art and most importantly - sex! So if no one gives, pray to Mephale.

Mephala (Mephala).

The oldest and one of the most influential assassin guilds, the Morag Tong, worshiped Mephala. Oddly enough, this Daedric Prince is considered good. Based on the story, she took Vivek out of the womb, reunited with him and taught the baby all the secrets, then, like a decent Daedra, she returned him back to the womb.

Mephala created the Morag Tong. Guild members killing for the glory of Mephala make her stronger. To glorify Mephala, you need to kill NOT because of gain, but because of hatred. Well, something, but this mercenary from the Morag Tong guild does not occupy, because they are all "offended by society." Also, only known personalities should be killed, because there are few unknown characters in Mephale.

In Skyrim, Mephala gives the artifact "Ebony Blade" tempered in the blood of betrayal.

Ebony Blade of Mephala. Skyrim Artifacts.

10. Mehrunes Dagon(Mehrunes Dagon). Dagon is a Daedra prince in charge of destruction. Players often refer to him as Lord Dagon. Cruel and merciless pepper! Dagon enjoys: destruction, revolution, change, ambition and power. A kind of Zhirinovsky in the universe of The Elder Scrolls.

Mehrunes Dagon A Daedric Prince.

Dagon lives in Dead Lands. Seas of red-hot lava with small islands on which black citadels have grown, glaring at the sky. The sky in the Dead Lands is crimson, belching thunder and lightning. From the vegetation - bloody grass and predatory flowers giving birth to poisonous fumes. Dagon is ranked 10th in the list of Daedric Princes. Epic and harsh uncle.

Dagon, Skyrim statues

All forest fires, floods, earthquakes and Timati concerts are the fault of Dagon. A vile four-armed fighter who destroys everything in his path with a double-bladed ax.

In Skyrim, Dagon gives the dagger "Razor of Mehrunes" for doing his will. A terrible weapon in capable hands. The main property of this artifact is a one-hit kill. This terrible murder weapon was once owned by the Dark Brotherhood, but has caused many deaths among guild members.

Artifact of Dagon. Skyrim artifacts.

11. Namira(Namira). All spirits of shadows and darkness are subject to the Daedric Prince Namir. Also, all creatures that cause disgust in mortals belong to Namir. The Daedric Prince lives in the Abyss of Namir. This is a woman with a faithful demon at her feet. She enjoys all possible deformities.

Namira. Skyrim statues.

The Khajiit revere her as a descendant of Anur and Fadomai, and according to Khajiit legend, the Great Darkness was named Namir. In short, scary and mysterious.

All artifacts in Skyrim swear by Namira's ring, which allows the player to eat the corpses of slain enemies. You can get Namira's ring near Markat, in front of the entrance to the mysterious Hall of the Dead!

Ring of Namira. All Skyrim Artifacts.

12. Molag Bal(Molag Bal). Father of Beasts, Prince of Wrath and current King of Violence and Intrigue. Molag Bal is rightfully considered the Lord of Troubles. That is, in general, everything that is bad is one way or another because of Molag happened. The place where this Daedra prince lives is ominous. The sky there is constantly on fire, but the air is so cold that even experienced Nords find it difficult to breathe. The name of this place is "Cold Harbor" and it is covered with blood, mud and sewage. It also has many pens for slaves and crypts. Beauty, in general, is indescribable. Bal's main enemy is Boethiah!

Molag Bal. Worst Daedric Prince.

Some also claim that Molag Bal personally created the vampires. In one of the series games The Elder Scrolls "Morrowind" says that Bal created the very first vampire from the corpse of his enemy or Lord Daedra. Although, the most vicious fans of the game series vying with each other shout that the first vampire Bal created from .... animal.

It should be noted that in one of the books that we could read while playing the fourth part of "Oblivion", it is said that the first vampire was a girl named Lami Beolfeg, who was brutally and pervertedly raped by Molag Bal himself. Two weeks later, Lamy died, but was resurrected after her death in the form of a vampire.

But that's not all. Molag Bal is said to be Vivec's lover, and from their twisted connection, a race of monsters emerged that lived in Vvardenfell. Also, this pervert watched the conception of Boethiah, whose mother had intercourse with 99 lovers.

Molag Bal and Vivec.

All Skyrim artifacts have one drawback, they are not as practical as Molag Bal's gift. For completing a brutal quest, this Daedric Prince will give you the Mace of Molag Bal. Which sucks not only strength, but also mana, which means it will come in handy in the fight against any enemy. By the way, the prince himself absolutely does not care who will own it. The main thing is that every soul she kills goes to Molag Bal!

Mace of Molag Bal. Skyrim Artifacts.

13. Nocturnal(Nocturnal) or Nocturnal. Absolute Mistress of the Night. In her power is darkness and night. Nocturnal-Incomprehensible is one of the most important aspects of the original Void. Dwells in the Dangerous Citadel and is served by the lower daedra, whom the seducers call.

Statue Nocturnal. Mistress of the Night.

In Skyrim, the patroness of the Thieves Guild, Nocturnal, generously gifts her followers. What is the eternal master key that never breaks. So do not rush to invest skill points in the "hacking" skill. This Skyrim artifact has mystical description, which reads "this key opens not only the doors, but also the barriers of your consciousness." What does this mean - hell knows! But it sounds nice.

Skeleton Key

14. Sanguine(Sanguine). A very Orthodox Daedra prince who leads all the drinking and fun. But he also pushes all living beings to the dark sides of his nature. The Khajiit call him the Cat of Blood, confident that it is he who controls the call of blood.

Sanguine Prince of Revelry.

Sanguine is interestingly connected to the bloody and dark organization of the Morag Tong. This was revealed when the players found out that the guild artifacts are called "Threads of Sanguine" (20 items).

In Skyrim, you can go through his quest and get the Sanguine Rose artifact as a reward, with its help very good tricky things are called.

Rose Sanguine. Skyrim Artifacts

15. Peryite(Peryite). A kind of overseer, likes to restore order in the lower layers of Oblivion, small dad. However, Peryite is considered a destructive Daedra. His favorite and main element is an epidemic. Players will never encounter him, but knowledge of him comes from other Daedra princes.


Outwardly, Peryite is similar to Akatosh. Absolutely all Skyrim artifacts are diverse, but the Spellbreaker shield will be very useful for you, which gives protection against magic up to 50 units. and since most of the strongest opponents in Skyrim wield magic, the Spellbreaker shield is very important. The quest to get it can be opened for yourself after level 10, the refugee will point you to a place called the "sanctuary of Peryite" (northeast of Markat).

Best Shield in Skyrim.

16. Sheogorath(sheogorat). Beautiful Madness God! The logic in Sheogorath's madness is so subtle and beautiful that any philosopher nervously smokes into bamboo on the sidelines. The Mad Lord's motives are unknown, but always lead to deeper meaning. Many consider the appearance of Sheogorath to be a hole in the shape of the universe. If you worship this Daedric Prince, there is no good or evil for you; neither real nor unreal; no lie, no truth. Does not matter! At the same time, complete chaos leading to purity of mind. A subtle nod to the Joker? maybe.


The inhabitants of Skyrim and the entire universe of The Elder Scrolls are sure that when a madman says something, he turns to the Daedra prince Sheogorath, and he gladly tells the unfortunate about what he cannot know.

Sweet Sheogorath's favorite pastime is to test the Dunmer for weakness of spirit. There are many legends where the Dunmer call on Sheogorath to help them fight other Dunmer. Half the legends assure that Sheogorath did not betray those who summoned him...

Sheograth Skyrim

Sheogorath hates Azura, constantly fighting with her. He lives in the Shivering Isles. The Khajiit perceive him as a Cat in Heat, from the second litter of Fadomaya.

The asshole Sheogorath deceived the moon from the inscribed path through all Oblivion, she foolishly collapsed on the city of Vivec. Moreover, it was personally installed by Vivek, the god-poet. And nefig here!

If Skyrim artifacts have clear characteristics, then the staff that Sheogorath grants is one of the most "unstable". For using it, you do not know what will happen. This Daedric Prince's gift is called Wabbajack! Wabbajack can easily turn any kind of living creature into any other creature. The trick is that no one knows which one!

Wabbajack. Artifacts of Scarim.

All Daedric princes cannot boast the same popularity as Sheogorath, for he is most often mentioned in books. Golden saints and dark seducers serve Sheogorath

Finding Sheogorath in Skyrim is pretty easy if you like to talk to everyone. In Solitude, talk to the beggar (approximately near the College of Bards). He will complain about his master. It should be noted that Sheogorath's quest is very interesting. As a reward, you will receive a Wabbajack. You can play enough of them to obscene!

Video Wabbajack in action!

17. Hermaeus Mora(hermaeus mora). Shapeless but revered Daedric Prince. Lord of Knowledge. Some call Hermaeus Mora - Man of the Forest. Knows how to predict fate, reads the sky, lord of the treasures of knowledge and lord of memory. There are sclerotics among readers? you to him!

Hermeus Mora. Skyrim Daedric Princes.

Hermaeus Mora lives in a place called Apocrypha, which contains the Forbidden Knowledge. This is a kind of library full of volumes covered in black covers and without any titles. And only ghosts can read these volumes, which is what these wise souls do. Forbidden Knowledge, which is stored in a monastery called Apocrypha, is deadly for ordinary beings.

Hermaeus Mora

Related to the Morag Tong and revered by the Khajiit as the Tide. There is a phrase "Who can predict whether the moon heralds the tide or the ebb heralds the moon?" In general, everything is complicated and at the same time very beautiful. Those who seek knowledge revere Hermaeus More.

In Skyrim, you will receive the coolest artifact after completing the quest of this Daedra prince. This book is called "Oghma Infinium" (Oghma Infinium). Which will give you such an increase in skills that you will download! You can get it by completing the quest of the mad scientist Septimius Segonius, who lives in the ice, in the Black Limit region.

"Oghma Infinium" (Oghma Infinium). Best Artifact Skyrim.

That's all the Daedric Princes. We also described all the Daedric artifacts of Skyrim, we hope without destroying the buzz in the passage of this epic toy. We just tried to warm up your interest in the game even more, and for those who have already passed - to think and dive into the huge world of Skyrim again, in search of this or that artifact. And remember, reality is much more interesting and complex than any computer game! All the Skyrim artifacts and all the Daedra princes are not worth taking a walk in the park with your loved one.

God, what am I...

Daedric princes, women. Salty Humor Skyrim.

In the singular, it is referred to as Daedroth, which are the opposite of other mythical creatures called Aedra. Aedra (progenitor from Elvish) are beings with good will and calm character, Daedra in this sense are the exact opposite. In Oblivion, the Daedra enters Tamriel from the world of Oblivion through multiple portals, posing a danger to all life that it meets. In Morrowind, Daedric forces confront the player on the side of the Sixth House. In a general sense, Daedra are creatures that are demonic creatures that penetrate the world of people from their world.

However, some creatures can still coexist with people. So in the Caldera, during the course of Morrowind, you can talk and even trade with Skamp named Crawler. Many Daedric Princes can also speak to you, but most of the Daedra are creatures with an incomprehensible motivation, seeking to simply kill you.

Daedra can be easily summoned using spell scrolls, for example, using the services of the Mages Guild, you can summon Skamp or Clan Horror for a small price.

Despite all the danger that the Daedra pose to the creatures of the human world, they have respect on this side as well. Many cults and organizations secretly or openly worship the Princes, or whatever they call their deities, in reality often for selfish motives such as harnessing the power of the Daedra or acquiring powerful artifacts.

Daedric Princes

The Daedric Princes are the rulers of the world of Oblivion, each of them commands in his own realm. Some of the princes are mentioned in the Book of Daedra:

These are excerpts from a huge tome describing the character of the Daedric Princes.

  • Azura, whose realm is dawn and dusk, the magic of the interregnum of twilight, called Moon Shadow, Mother of the Rose, and Queen of the Night Sky.
  • Boethiah, whose sphere is deceit and conspiracies, plans for assassinations, assassination attempts, betrayal, and overthrow of power.
  • Clavicus Vile, whose sphere is the granting of powers and the fulfillment of desires through rituals, requests and agreements.
  • Hermaeus Mora, whose sphere is the divination of the flows of Fate, past and future, reading and stars, the lord of the treasures of knowledge and memory.
  • Hircine, whose realm is Hunting, Sports Daedra, Great Game, Horse Racing, known as the Hunter and Father of the Beastmen
  • Malacath, whose realm is the protection of the outcasts and the despised, the keeper of the True Oaths, and the Blood Curses.
  • Mehrunes Dagon, whose sphere is Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energies, and Ambition.
  • Mephala, whose realm is unknown to mortals; known by the names of the Spinner of Webs, the Spinner, and the Spider; it is only known that she interferes in the affairs of mortals for her own amusement.
  • Meridia, whose realm is unknown to mortals; associated with the energies of living creatures.
  • Molag Bal whose sphere is dominion over mortals and their enslavement; above all, he longs to reap the souls of mortals and lure them into his nets, sowing the seeds of strife and strife in the mortal realms.
  • Namira, whose realm is Ancient Darkness; Spirit Daedra, the ruler of various spirits of darkness and shadows; associated with spiders, insects, larvae, and other repulsive creatures that inspire mortals with an irresistible disgust.
  • Nocturnal whose sphere is night and darkness; known as the Lady of the Night.
  • Peryite, whose sphere is the lower layers of Oblivion, is known as the Overseer.
  • sanguine, whose sphere is the joy of life and revelry, as well as indulgence for dark natures.
  • Sheogorath, whose realm is Madness, and whose motives are unknown.
  • Vermina, whose realm is the realm of dreams and nightmares, and from whose realm evil omens come.
Princes usually have powerful artifacts, but game plot Oblivion in the quest Blood of the Daedra, the hero needs to get one of these artifacts. It can be Azura's Star, Molag Bal's Mace, Daedra's Bane, Khajiit's Ring, McCann's Hammer and other artifacts.

Like other Daedric creatures, Princes can also be summoned. Some accept the challenge on a certain day, some appear subject to certain conditions. For example, Sheogorath can appear at any time when there is a storm.


During Oblivion, the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon summons hordes of Daedra to invade Tamriel, these troops are called Dremora. Dremora has its own hierarchy and class distinction, some of them are united in independent groups.

Tramp Dervenin from Solitude asks you to help him get his owner back from vacation. According to him, the owner can be found in the forbidden wing of the Blue Palace, where the mad King Pelagius used to live. Having received the royal pelvic bone from Dervenin (useless, but can be sold), we go to the palace.

You can get to the Blue Wing by asking Fulk Firebeard or Una the cleaning lady about it. The wing has long been abandoned and covered with cobwebs, but the journey along it will soon be interrupted, and you will find yourself in a strange place where the Daedra lord Sheogorath spends his “vacation” along with the late Pelagius the Third.

Sheogorath will agree to interrupt the rest on the condition that you get out of the mind of Pelagius. You don't have any weapons or spells, just the Wabbajack staff you've been given. You need to go through three arches in turn and perform three simple steps:

  • Behind the first arch on the left, where the atronachs are fighting in the arena, you need to apply Wabbajack to the spectators watching the grip.
  • For the next - to shoot "night fears". Each subsequent fear is caused by the use of Wabbajack on young Pelagia.
  • After the third arch, you will have to use the same staff to increase Pelagius' Confidence in size and reduce her enemies.

It is done! Our reward is the Wabbajack, a magical staff that fires a random spell each time it is used.

Returning to reality, do not forget to search the room for valuables.

Taste of Death (Namira)

In the city of Markarth, there are strange rumors about a local tomb. Learn about them from the bartender at the Silver Blood, or head straight to Understone Keep, where you'll find the Hall of the Dead and Brother Verelius. He will explain that someone is eating the dead and ask us to investigate this case.

If you do not agree with this formulation of the question and do not want to become a cannibal, kill Eola.

If not, help clear the Cliff Cave from the undead - from the beginning to the very altar of Namira. After that, Eola will ask you to bring brother Verelius to the cave. Do it or tell him about Namira's sinister plans.

Convince Verelius to come with you and bring him to the altar, where Namira's servants, invited to the meal, are already waiting. After that, do whatever you want - either obediently kill Verelius and start eating him, or save him at any moment and kill the cannibals.

The reward will be Namira's ring - it gives the opportunity to improve health by eating corpses. And the hero will have an unpleasant smell from the mouth, about which everyone will begin to report to him.

Door that whispers (Mephala)

Door that whispers (Mephala)

The owner of the Prancing Mare tavern in Whiterun will tell you that something strange is happening to Jarl Balgruuf's children.

The jarl himself will not deny the problems and will offer to talk with his son Nelkir (thereby asking everyone if they are also going to lick the jarl's boots). Nelkir will send us to a certain Whisperer in the basement.

The whispering door in the basement will introduce itself as Mephala. She will ask the hero to open the door and send him back to Nelkir for advice. The boy will tell you that the Jarl or the archmage of Farengar has the key. The easiest way to rob a mage.

Behind the door in the basement lies an ebony sword and a book warning that the artifact is dangerous. Quest done! The sword is the reward. It absorbs the health of enemies, and you can increase the effect if you kill several friends or companions with it.

House of Horrors (Molag Bal)

In Markarth, near the Silver Blood tavern (slightly up the street), Turan, the sentinel of Stendarr, roams. He will ask you to help him explore an abandoned house where, according to rumors, the Daedra are worshiped.

Alas, the house will turn out to be Molag Bal's trap and you will have to kill Turan.

Go down to the basement, to the altar of the Daedra Lord. There, touching the rusty mace and having been in the cage, you will receive the task - to bring to Molag Bal the priest of Boethia, named Logrolf, who ruined the mace.

The priest was captured by the Outcasts and kept in one of their camps (in which one - the random number generator decides). Leave the house, go to the indicated place and, after clearing it, take out Logrolf. Under any pretext, bring him to Molag Bal and, when the priest gets into the cage, knock on him with the mace issued by Molag Bal - and then, when the daedra lord orders, kill the priest.

The reward will be the pretty mace of Molag Bal, which takes away strength with magic and captures souls.

The only cure (Peryite)

The only cure (Peryite)

It is not easy to take on this assignment. Having reached the tenth level, you can wait a long time for a meeting with a sick refugee who will tell us where the sanctuary of Peryite and its guardian Kesh the Pure are located. But you can try to find this place in the mountains northeast of Markarth and northwest of the settlement of Karthwasten, south of Druadah Hold and southeast of the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz.

It's worth going there already with a kit that Khajiit Kesh will ask for. We need a Flawless Ruby, a Silver Bar, a Poison Bell, and Vampire Ashes. Silver ingots are the easiest to find - they are sold by blacksmiths, and you can steal an ingot in the same Kartvasten, where there is a silver mine. The poison bell grows in many places - especially in the northwestern swamps. Of course, it is easy to find it in alchemists. Vampire Ashes can be obtained from vampires or bought from an apothecary. Flawless Rubies are rare, but begin to come across from merchants at higher levels.

Having received the necessary ingredients, Cash will brew a potion, and we, inhaling green smoke, will be able to talk with Peryite. He needs to kill the traitor Orkendor and his Taken in the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz, which is a stone's throw to the northwest. The dungeon is very large, and you can wander there for a long time. But there are no puzzles there, except for a couple of levers that need to be pulled to open a passage or set a trap next to an unsuspecting enemy. Mechanical spiders, spheres and a lone centurion live in the dungeon. Mage Orkendor - at the very end of the dungeon. Take the books and the key from him, take the elevator to the surface and return to Peryite.

To talk to him again, inhale the green smoke. The reward is the Spell Breaker shield, which in the "combat" position creates a ward spell.

Beyond the Ordinary (Hermaeus Mora)

We receive this task according to the plot, meeting with the scientist Septimius Segonius on his small island north of the College of Winterhold. But you can take the task just like that, if you visit him in the shelter and ask. For information on how to get to the Black Limit and what to do there, read the description story quest"Ancient Knowledge" Solving the puzzle in the Mzark tower, we will get Elder Scroll and along the way we will fill the cube with knowledge.

When we return to the scientist and give him the filled cube, he will ask you to bring blood samples from an orc, dark elf, bosmer, high elf and Falmer (you can get all samples in Blackreach or in any other places). To get out of the cave of Septimius, you will have to talk with disgusting abyss, that is, with the lord of the Daedra himself.

Returning to the scientist, give him the blood. The path to the book of books will open - Ogma Infinium. She raises six skills at once by five points to choose from - magic, thieves or military. To learn, open the book and press the action key.

On the way back, talk to Hermaeus Mora.

Call of Boethiah (Boethiah)

The quest is activated only after the hero hits the thirtieth level. It can start with an unexpected attack, reading a book about Boethiah, or when the hero comes across a sanctuary (east of the Windhelm stables, on the very edge of the map), where Daedra worshipers fight in an impromptu arena.

Boethiah will offer to sacrifice a companion. If you don't mind (and if the companion isn't particularly dear to you), order him to approach the glowing pillar and perform the sacrifice.

The last task is to visit the bandit camp on the opposite side of Skyrim. Clear the cave and "demote" the former warrior of Boethiah. Put on his ebony chain mail and listen to the last instruction of the Daedric Lord.

The reward is the same ebonite mail. She makes her steps quieter, poisons enemies that get close to the hero, and looks very pretty, especially in stealth mode.

Call of the Moon (Hirsin)

The quest starts in Falkreath, if you talk to the inconsolable Mathieus - he can be found in the cemetery (a scene plays there) or in the tavern. He will tell us that his daughter was torn apart by the werewolf Sinding, who was caught and put away in the barracks. Look there (the quest can be started there as well).

Sinding admits that he is a werewolf, but states that the random and unpredictable transformations into a beast are a curse that Hircine, the patron saint of hunters, placed on the enchanted ring. He will offer us to settle things with Hircine ourselves and advise us to first kill the white deer in order to summon the Daedra Lord. After giving the ring, Sinding will turn into a beast and jump out of the barracks through the roof.

The deer grazes near the city - it is easy to find and shoot it.

Indeed, after the deer falls, Hircine will appear and say that he is very angry with Sinding for stealing the ring. The task is to find a sassy werewolf in the Drowned Grotto, kill and skin him.

Inside the cave we will find a slightly beaten group of hunters, the last of which will die after he tells in general terms what happened ("Sacrifice stronger than the hunter. Kill him in the name of Hircine!"). But Sinding, sitting on a cliff a little further away, will offer a counter plan - to hunt hunters with him. If we still decide to kill Sinding, first he will arrange the slaughter of hunters - you can join the battle right away, kill the werewolf, remove the skin and accept the light Skin of the Savior (resistance to magic and poisons) as a reward from the ghostly Hircine.

If we take his side, the hunters will be stronger, and as a reward at the exit from the cave, we will receive Hircine's ring cleansed of the curse. It gives an additional transformation into a beast per day and is useless for non-werewolves.

A night to remember (Sanguine)

This quest differs from others in that it is not so easy to find it. The key character - Sam Geven - can appear in any tavern in Skyrim. But the task is simplified if you remember: Sam appears in the tavern that is closest to the hero when he reaches the fourteenth level - and he does not leave this tavern anywhere. Remember what you did at that “age”. If you still have old saves, look in them where your hero was at the moment when he "hit" 14.

A friendly booze with Sam (you guessed who it is?) will suddenly stop, and we will find ourselves in the Markarth temple of Dibella, where they will tell us about the wedding and the goat and offer to clean up the remnants of yesterday's debauchery. Cleaning can be avoided by persuasion or money.

Our next stop is Rorikstead. Farmer Ennis accuses us of kidnapping his goat Gleda, which has now gone to a giant named Grock. The goat must be returned - the giant, of course, will be against it.

The next clue is Whiterun and a certain Isolde, demanding to return wedding ring from Witchmist Grove. You can avoid finding the ring by connecting money or persuasion. But it’s easier to go to the “bride”, the fortuneteller Moira, and take the ring from her by force. When the ring is returned to Iseult, we will receive the last tip - to the fortress of Morvunskar. There, a crowd of evil sorcerers and Sanguine himself are waiting for us.

The reward for the quest is Sanguine Rose, a staff that summons a Dremora to help us.

Shards of Past Glory (Mehrunes Dagon)

The quest begins with a leaflet that the courier will give us at the twentieth level. The owner of the Dawnstar Mythic Dawn Museum, Sil Vesul, wants to collect the Razor of Mehrunes, the legendary dagger of the past.

The razor is divided into three parts and is kept by three different characters:

  • Jorgen of Morthal can be "persuaded" to give up the key to the house. The handle is in the chest.
  • The head of Dagon's Razor is kept by the wiser Draskua in the large Forsworn camp (there we will also find a wall with the Word of Power).
  • We take the key to the vault from the orc Gunzul in the orc fortress Cracked Tusk and, having gone down there, grab the fragments of the Razor (beware of traps).

After receiving the three parts and attaching the scabbard to them, Sil will offer to meet at the sanctuary of Dagon. It is better to climb there from the northern slopes of the cliff.

Mehrunes will offer us to kill Sil in order to become his hero and get the Razor (a dagger that gives a chance to instantly kill the enemy on impact), and Sil wants to get out and hide the Razor under museum glass. The choice is yours. Either way, there will be a fight. Do not forget to take the key from the Dremora and loot the sanctuary.

Cursed Tribe (Malacath)

The quest is available from the ninth level. We can either hear rumors of an orc stronghold in Riften or head straight for it.

The fortress of Lagashbur is located southwest of Riften, at the foot of the mountains, a little further than the Tower of Darkness. Help the orcs get rid of the giant. They will tell you that the tribe is cursed, and they will ask for two ingredients for the summoning ritual of Malacath: troll fat and Daedra heart. Fat is easy to get (from the same trolls, for example), but hearts are the rarest ingredient, and they fall from Dremora, which are very rare. To get a heart, do the Mehrunes Dagon quest or enter the College of Winterhold - there they can be found in Enthir's assortment.

After the ritual, Malacath will say that the tribe is suffering for the cowardice of the leader Yamarz, and will order to clear the cave with his sanctuary from the giants. The place we need is the Yellow Stone Cave, northeast of Riften. Yamarz will go there on foot, but it is better to go there on your own.

In the cave, the behavior of the orc leader will become quite comical. Yamarz will be terribly cowardly and persuade us to do all the dirty work for him. If the giants do not kill him, then at the sanctuary of Malacath he himself will attack us in order to get rid of the witness of his cowardice.

Take the hammer from the giant's body and return it to the tribe by placing it on the altar. It is now called Volengrang and absorbs the stamina. This is our reward.

Dawn Dawn (Meridia)

The quest begins when a strange-looking ball falls into our hands - the guiding star of Meridia. But he meets by chance, and you can look for him for a long time, so it’s more reliable to visit the statue itself. It rises above the road leading to Solitude (south of Wolfskull Cave, where Potema was summoned).

Meridia will show us where to look for the guiding star. Find it and, returning to the rock, put it on the altar and receive instructions from the Daedra mistress. We need to go to the Kilkreath dungeon (the entrance is right under the statue) and kill the necromancer Malkoran.

The dungeon is simple, but interesting, in the spirit of Indiana Jones. We need, by activating the pedestals with a chain, to send the beam sent by Meridia through all the catacombs, while opening the door behind the door. The battle with Malkoran will be about two stages - first with himself, then with his shadow.

Reward - Radiance of Dawn, a sword with a very unusual, although not very convenient effect: from time to time it not only kills the enemy, but turns him into ashes, and when the undead die, it gives area damage, which scares away the remaining undead.

The dog is a friend of the Daedra (Clavicus Vile)

There are rumors in Falkreath that the blacksmith Lod is looking for a certain dog. Go to Lod and get meat from him to lure the dog. We will find him, but suddenly it turns out that this is Barbas, the companion of the Daedra lord Clavicus Vile. Barbas ran away from him.

Barbas wants us to go to Heimar's cave and find the sanctuary of the former owner. There are many vampires inside the cave, so if you are not very confident in your abilities, let the dog go ahead. Clavicus, in turn, will demand that the Ax of Sorrow be returned to him in the Frost Cave. It's a small cave, and its only inhabitants are the mage and his fire atronach.

When we return the ax, Clavicus Vile will offer us to keep the ax for ourselves on one condition - we must kill Barbas. If we agree, we get an ax that damages the stamina. If we refuse, Barbas will join the owner on the pedestal, and we will grab a very useful Clavicus Vile mask that improves prices and eloquence.

Waking Nightmare (Vermina)

Something strange is happening in Dawnstar - all the inhabitants have the same nightmares at night. What's happening? The priest of Mara, the dark elf Erandur, knows this. He will tell you that heavy dreams are a sign of danger: their memories are being stolen by the Daedra princess Vermina. To save Dawnstar from trouble, he will lead us to the temple of the Nightcallers, from where evil comes.

There are bodies all over the temple. But they are not dead, but sleeping. The priests of Vaermina, unwilling to surrender to the invading orcs, released their magical miasma and put themselves to sleep along with them. To stop the dream and end Dawnstar's nightmares, the Skull of Corruption must be destroyed. How does Erandur know this? He used to be a priest of Vaermina, but escaped from the tower at the last moment.

An impenetrable barrier prevents you from reaching the Skull of Corruption. In the Library you will find the book "Dreamwalking", from which you will learn about the potion "Vermina's Apathy", which allows you to go into dreams and in this way move in space. Go find a potion. Along the way, eliminate the awakening inhabitants of the tower - they are all a little out of sorts while awake.

After drinking the potion, you can return to someone else's past, complete the task (pull the chain and release the miasma) and go back. You will find yourself on the opposite side of the barrier. Remove the soul stone from the pedestal to remove the barrier and let Erandur through.

It remains only to take part in the battle with his former colleagues and make the final choice - let Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption or kill the priest at Vermina's instigation.

Staff Skull of Corruption is an interesting artifact (at least it scares the guards), but its effect is normal damage. The damage is increased if you recharge the Skull next to sleeping people.

Black Star (Azura)

Shrine of Azura, the only shrine with a normal-sized statue, is set high in the snowy mountains south of Winterhold. Rumors about him go around Skyrim, so it will quickly appear on the map.

In the sanctuary itself, the priestess Arania will immediately send us to Winterhold, in search of the high elf Nelakar. The elf lives in the Frozen Hearth tavern. He will tell you that his master Meilin Varen is conducting sinister experiments with the divine artifact, Azura's Star, trying to achieve immortality. Whether he succeeded or not, the artifact must be returned from the Ilinalta Depths dungeon.

After making your way through the hordes of necromancers, take the Star of Azura from the cold corpse of Meilin. There was only one question left - to whom to return it? If we return the artifact to Azura, we will be rewarded with a regular reusable container of souls for any size. If we return Nelakara, we will get the Black Star - an artifact for the souls of sentient beings. Since all intelligent souls are Great, the second is clearly more profitable.

However, before you can use the Star, you will have to endure a very difficult battle with Meilin and his Dremora hiding in it. Dremora are very dangerous guys, especially at early levels, and you won’t have any companions inside the artifact, so arm yourself to the teeth, stock up on “first aid kits” and fire protection.