Teenage games for girls. Games in Russian for girls. Mother's daughters and young cook courses

Adventure time: Charming nonsense. Game for girls and girls! Adventure Time: Charming Society is a multi-level, adventure game of agility, in Russian. In this game, girls, you have to go with Lady Radugurog in the flight along the lands of LLC. Lady Radugurog Girlfriend and Transport Princess Zhwamachka, as well as Jake's Girl. We warn you immediately: the flight will not be easy. You will need to hold a lady Radugorog turn cosmic hoops. Try not to miss a single hoop. The more you will be able to score points, the faster it will fall to another level. Occasionally, star rings will come across the path of RaduchiRog. Try to miss the lady of the RaduchiRog through them. It will accelerate its hit to another level. To control the game, you will need the arrow keys and your fast reaction. Good luck!

Adventure Time: Charming Ooodissa

Princess Elsa and Anna: Spring Barbecue Party. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa and Anna: Spring Barbecue Party - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, hello! Let's with the sisters Elza and Anna, together, you will delight the arrival of spring! In Erendel, wonderful, warm weather and in honor of the arrival of spring princesses decided to arrange for their friends Rapunzel and Ariel Spring Barbecue Party. As it turned out, for this, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the courtyard, repair and paint the fence and fountain, to put the window in order. Oh, yes there will still be finishing work for the house and, of course, work on the design of the yard. But here, girls, the magic wand will work for you. One movement with a stick and courtyard Princessess will be able to hit guests with its magnificence and comfort. Now you can boldly call the girlfriends. In the meantime, they will arrive, you need to add non-getting details for the party. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Princess Elsa and Anna: Spring Barbecue in

Skate hooligans and hooligans. Game for girls and girls! Skate hooligans and hooligans are the best game for girls from a series of games for agility about small hooligans on a skateboard, in Russian. Hooligans and hooligans on Skate are hyperactive kids who have to help in the game, saving them from the order of order. Manage them using the arrow keys and do not forget to assemble coins and other bonuses. They will provide your hooligan for some time an advantage. So, a bonus in the form police car will make your hooligan invulnerable to participants road. He will be able to drive under signs, jump on buses, easy to slip between the transport. And the earned coins will allow you to purchase another skate for hooligans and if you wish, even to change the hero, good luck to you!

Trollface quest - TV show. Game for girls and girls! Trollface Quest: TV show - a cool game about trolling and draws, in Russian. Remind about who are such trolls, there is no need. Over time, their cunning character and unusual logic do not change. Here, today, under the sight of arrogant trolls, a lot of heroes came from the familiar TV series about Dr. House, Sherlock Holmes, a family of Adams, gravity Falls, secret materials, and so on, so on ... This drawn little people are bored to troll alone, so girls, they invited you to arrange Together with them this is a fun TV show. In the course of the game, you have to find options to troll all or among the affiliates will be. Be prepared: in the game you will need to post all 100% and even more. To be able to think logically - it's cool - but in this game you will need to learn to do it without standard. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from a cartoon, fabulous patrol. "Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon fabulous patrol - a game for girls and girls, in Russian. Girls, first of all, we will remind you of the main characters of this patrol. This is Masha , Varya, Snezhana and Alenka. All of them are the magicians. And before they created by them, there is such a task: they must follow the behavior of fabulous characters, as well as stand guard of their town of Myshkina. These are the young, brave, purposeful. And to decide on For whom of these brave girls are you like, you have to answer a few questions. The game will analyze them and give you your resume. Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon, fabulous n

Test: How much do you like princess Starhealth. Game for girls and girls! Test: How much do you like the Princess Star - Test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the history of the princess sprocket from the class cartoon - Star Princess and the power of evil. The stars of Butterflay at the age of 14 received a magic wand into the inheritance. But she could not cope with her crushing strength and after almost destroyed his hometown, she was sent to another dimension, on the ground. At the land, settling in the family of relatives Diaz, she meets Marco. Inspired by an example of a scroll of an asterisk, Diaz becomes its faithful friend. They fight together with the forces of evil, traveling in different measurements and protect the magic wand from dangerous encroachments. These are the cases, girls. And now about the test. Answer the asked test questions. The game, as always, will analyze them and give you your resume. Play the mouse.

Test: How much do you like the princess star

Test: Episode from which cartoon about you. Game for girls and girls! Test: Episode from which cartoon about you is a test game for girls and girls, in Russian. It seems that this happens almost with each when browsing the episode of an interesting cartoon, suddenly you start thinking that these events are about you. In this game you will be offered several such fascinating episodes. Pass the test and disperse what of them about you. Good luck!

Test: Episode from which cartoon about you

Test: Who are you from a cartoon beast. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from a cartoon beast - a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, we will bring you briefly about the events of the new cartoon, a brutal ", which also has another name -, the path to glory." Somewhere on the endless online expanses there is an unusual dreamlandin which only beasts live. As it should be, there is a theater in the country. But its existence is under threat of closing. Koala Baster Moon theater owner, trying to save the theater, organized the singers contest for residents of this country. Muna's idea was perceived by many, but the best and most responsible heroes among them were: always engaged in family matters - Pig Rosita; Cheerful street musician Mouse Mike; Lover of rock wilderness ESH; Cute, modest Slonich Mina; The son of the criminal, who decided to devote himself to music - Gorilla Johnny. And now, girls, directly about the test. To find out who from the characters of the cartoon, a brutality "you remind you in nature, you just need to answer a few questions of the proposed test. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: What denotes your birthday at the week. Game for girls and girls! Test: What denotes your birthday at the week - a game for girls and girls in Russian. As soon as the game boots on the screen, taking advantage of the mouse, get to your birthday at the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Resurrection. Run, click on it. The game will immediately give you the characteristics of people born on this day of the week. Good luck!

Test: What does your day denotes

Test: Who are you from a cartoon little pet shop. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon Little pet shop - a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, remember the history of the Girl Blis, whose dad received an increase in service and moved with his family to the city. There they settled into the apartment located above the store Little pet shop. In the same store, Nursery was still located for pets. And later, it happened that Blyus discovered suddenly that she understood the language of animals and could talk to them. Among the cartoon characters there are heroes who, like Blys, adore animals, and also such as Sisters Whitney and Britney, who envy Blyus and do not like her. And, of course, among them there are a lot of any little animals: smart, kind, funny and not very ... So, girls, to find out who of them you remind in your character, you will need to answer a few questions. The answers will analyze and give you your resume. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon little zoom

Puzzles with Masha. Game for girls and girls! Puzzles with Masha - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, such an abundance of puzzles in one game you have never offered you. And play this game so. Seeing the game screen with the screen saver, click the left mouse button on Masha. The game will boot and the picture will appear again with Masha. And again, click the left mouse button on the Masha. You will open a lot of levels of game puzzles with plots from different games About Masha and Bear. By clicking on the first level, you will again see Masha, which will greet you and familiarize with the rules of the game. And then it remains only to wish you success. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Smileattl. Game for girls and girls! Smileattl is a cool, multi-level game for girls and girls in Russian, dexterity. Here you will need to throw packs with chips in characters on the screen. The character gets into the character will give him a smile. For each smiled character you will get points. To know how to do it successfully, check out the game rules. To manage the game, you will need a space key and arrow keys. Good luck!

Legends of the lost temple. Game for girls and girls! The legends of the lost temple is a fascinating, adventure game of the charity, dexterity and intelligence, in Russian, the events of which will mainly be on the way to the lost temple and in its walls. The heroes of this game are the older sister and her two younger brothers. The older sister is constantly asked to follow the brothers, but I would like to become a member of any adventures. In the end, the event of this game is developing in such a way that we have been able to get into history. She is heading to the lost temple and does not yet know that on this path it is waiting for many dangers. Girls, go for her and help her get out of this story. Good luck! To manage the game you need a mouse and arrow keys.

St.Patrick 's Day. Game for girls and girls! St. Patrick's Day - a game for girls and girls in Russian. St. Patrick's Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated on March 17. Holy Patrick is considered to be the heavenly patron of Ireland. In early 17th century was proclaimed by a Christian holiday. By tradition, festive parades and festivals are arranged on this day. Currently, the holiday has become popular in the limits of Ireland. Girls, Doggy Finxi invites you to celebrate this holiday with her. As it should be, for the sake of this holiday, Finge is going to decorate the room. But for this you will need to help her with the search for the necessary items (hidden objects). Make it necessary quickly, so from the very beginning try to be very attentive. Then, observing the best traditions of this holiday, you will need to do FINSI's outfits. And also: do not forget about a memorable photo. Good luck! Play mouse

Smeshariki, Finxi, puzzles. Game for girls and girls! Smeshariki, Finxi, puzzles - a fascinating, developing game for girls in Russian, for intelligence and attention. Girls, here you have to meet with the dog Finxi and the characters from Smesharikov - Ellet Shop, Bear Copatych, Penguin Pin. Losyash, Copatych, Pin - each at its level - will make you own puzzles, and you, thinking, will give answers to them. The dog Finsi will be in the role of the main judge. Each of your correct answer will be accompanied by a beautiful floral firework.

Training shooting Princess Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! The events of this game occur in those times when Rapunzel nailed in imprisonment from the insidious Mother Gotel and did not know Flynna yet. And even more so, I was not in love with him. And he, trying to hide from the chase, accidentally climbed into her tower. Girls by clicking the button, watch the video ", you can remind yourself this story. And in online game Then everything is developing in such a way that playing the princess Rapunzel, you have to learn to shoot onion to become the coolest archer in the kingdom. After reading the sections of the game, how to play ", management", and, account "- you can start achieving the goal. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Beautiful cake design on March 8. Game for girls and girls! Girls, have you already invented what you will treat our guests on March 8? If you decide that it will be a cake, then you did right! Because no one has eaten to grow a delicious portion of a delicious cake. And if you will hurry on our virtual cuisine, Cute doggy of Finsi will teach you to prepare an amazingly beautiful and delicious cake. Do not be late! You will not see such a design anywhere else!

Barboskina Lisa: Search stars. Game for girls and girls! All barboskins assembled, therefore soon jokes will begin in the family. And there is! Two brothers, friend and gene, their sister Rosa and even the baby puppy decided to joke over Liza, who did not once argued that in their family she owns the best detective abilities. That hour came when the family demanded significant evidence from Lisa. The friendly team of Barboskins scattered across the room almost invisible asterisks and gave Lisa on their search for only 3rd minutes. Lisa, of course, is ready to fight for the truth, but the asterisks are hidden so skillfully! Girls, help! To do this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Current to 10: in the meadow. Game for girls and girls! Current to 10: in the meadow is a cool, developing, educational game for the smallest. In this game, the kids will again go to the meadow to perform a task with numbers there. Figures, as before, must be connected in a certain sequence: in the order of their increase. The task will require attention from kids and perfection, because only the right characters will appear in the meadow in the meadow. To perform the task, you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Babies learn account up to 10: in the meadow. Game for girls and girls! Babies learn to account until 10: in the meadow - cool, developing, tutorial, counting game for kids. In this game, kids need to connect numbers in a specific sequence: in the order of their increase. The task will require attention from them and doctrity, because only the necessary characters will appear in the meadow in the meadow. For the game you need a mouse.

Babies learn to read: make up the word. Game for girls and girls! Babies learn to read: Make up the word is a cool, tutorial for kids, comprehending the ads of reading. In order for children to play more interesting, the authors came up with an entertaining plot for the game. Now you are driving on the train and go on a trip. On the way of his following, you will meet animals and syllables from which you will have to collect the right word. To do this, you need a mouse. If the word is drawn up correctly, it will appear on the screen. Along with him, a named animal will appear on the screen. Good luck! Play the mouse.

We train the memory of children: remember and find. Game for girls and girls! We train the memory of children: remember and find the best game for our smallest girlfriends. It seems that you do not need to convince someone how important it is to have a good memory. Meanwhile, memory can be improved. To do this, it should be training. For example, as advises to do it this game. And so, the playground will appear on the playing field. Girls, look at the bird carefully and remember it. Then click on the arrow and try to find it among the flocks of other birds. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Logic game for babies. Game for girls and girls! A logic game for kids is the best, developing game for preschoolers, younger schoolchildren and their parents who are ready to do with their children to teach account, reading, thinking. The games of such a reference pursue a double target. Playing the child is having fun and at the same time hesitates knowledge and skills that will be required to go to school.

We play and develop: Piglets Wilhelm and his princess. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, cool developing, adventure game on the logic about the piglet Wilhelm and the Princess, which in the end - ends will be his beloved lead. Wilhelm has to free the princess from imprisonment. But for this, he will need to overcome several traps (tasks) and you, girls, will help him. And so, on the way to his princess, Wilhelm will need to move from the letter to the letter. This is where he will fall into traps. It will happen to transform into different animals. And only you, girls, you can help the pig of them get out. To do this, you will have to click the mouse along the animal, the name of which begins with the next letter in road Map piglet. If you still do not know letters, guess animals by their signs: trotting, horns, tail and other characteristic features. Having worked with letters, the piglets will lose the balance and then the fairy's magician will remember that you can get into the lock just with the help of a red button. A code for its opening will serve as a word that needs to be made up of the same letters. Let's notify you in secret - this is a frying pan. " The code will give an access to the subject with the help of which he will finally be able to free his favorite princess. Good luck!

Play and develop: Piggy Wilhelm

Learning to reflect with sovushki. Game for girls and girls! Learning to reflect with sovuchuki - a cool game for children, playing in which they are not only having fun, but also develop, and learn to reason, thereby training their ability to logical thinking. And so, girls, in front of you game. On her screen you will see cells, everything, except for one filled with sovushki. Your task: Select one schuke from those depicted at the bottom of the screen to fill it up an empty cage. Be careful and then in each task you will easily find a pattern, according to which the ranks of the sovuchuki are filled: be something on the usual direct or diagonal. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Monster High: Photobudka under voltage. Game for girls and girls! Monster High: Stress photobid - Best Monster High Girls game in Russian. ATTENTION! The format of this game is such that it is necessary to play it on the whole screen! The game begins with the creation of a photo with elements of a mulctural film, Monster High: Under the voltage. " For this, girls, you will have to upload your photo or photo from the Monsters collection. For the decoration of the photo you can use different frames, cool accessories, bright animated pictures. The deeper you will dive into the mysterious world of tension, the more features you will appear in the game. But you can open all the photos of monsters only if you play a mini game with Ba Bach, which loves to connect to a single chain several of his friends of the same color. Watch the tips to not get confused in the game. If you have difficulty, press the button in the form of a mug with a question mark inside, located in the upper left corner of the game screen. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: age as the state of the soul. Game for girls and girls! Test: Your age, as the state of the soul - the game test for girls in Russian. Girls, in this game, as it should be, age will be indicated for years (figures). But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that these numbers will correspond to the condition of the soul. Because of this, your age may differ from your real age. Yes, you yourself happened to observe people whose faces are young, and souls, seds, "like an old, insensible stump. And, on the contrary, when in their real 60-70-80 years old, people are striking by their mind, and energy and energy. And so , Girls, mouse in hand! We pass, test: your age, like the state of the soul. " Good luck! "

Ordinary bears: escape from the box. Game for girls and girls! In this game puzzle, you, girls, will deal with 3 brothers bear: ordinary, panda and grizzly. Each of the bears has its own set of abilities. So a simple bear can climb on wooden columns. Panda is able to manage different devices. Including elevators. Grizzly can carry gravity. Including boxes. By using the various abilities of the bears, you will need to go with them all levels. Do not forget to follow the prompts. To manage the game you will need: 1) the arrow keys - for movement; 2) Key X-for inclusion of bears abilities; 3) C key - for jumping; Figures 1, 2, 3 - to switch bears. Good luck!

Super crumbs: Make comic. Game for girls and girls! Super crumbs: Make comic - Game for girls in Russian. For you, Girls, a new game with the participation of the heroes from the famous animated series about super crumbs: Bubble, flowers, pestle. This time you will have the opportunity to make the creation of your own comics with their participation. With the help of meker, you can choose backgrounds, characters of tiny superheroid, proposed stickers. If you wish the task of creativity, you can change a little. Pofantazing, some comic details you can draw and paint yourself. Good luck!

Long path with a cottage gamball. Game for girls and girls! A long way with a cottage gamball is a game for girls and girls in Russian. Hello everyone! In this game, girls, you are waiting for a meeting with old friends - Kitten Gambol and his younger brother Darwin. Kittens will have fun playing rugby. And so, the helmets and the ball were found, the roles are coordinated. Darwin in the game serves a gamball ball. And you, girls, playing for Gammbola, try to catch the ball, overcoming barriers on his way and move on with it rapidly forward. Most obstacles can be overcome a single or double jump. Do this you will use the arrow key aimed up. One press is an ordinary jump. Double pressing - double jump. Wooden obstacles occurring on the path of Gambol can be broken down with overclocking. To hit off the acceleration, you will need a key with an arrow directed to the right. So you should help the gamball overcome as long as possible way. Good luck!

Brave: Mischievous triples. Game for girls and girls! , Brave heart: mischievous triples "- a cool game for girls from a series of games about Princess Merida, in Russian. In this game, girls, you will have to help triples, growing brothers Princess Merida, get to their favorite delicacies. So that the delicacies fell into the substituted Troyashki basket, you, girls, you will need to cut the ropes, shoot from slingshot, throw different items. And do not forget to collect asterisks. To be in the castle of Merida and her little brothers, you will need to perform the following steps. Click on the game screen - you will appear before you Screensaver with the name of the game:, brave in heart: mischievous triples. " Then click on the arrow - the button with a triangle inside appears before you. Click on this button - you will have 10 levels of the game, brave with heart: mischievous triples. "Now, clicking on the figure 1, you can proceed to the first level of the game. Good luck! Play the mouse.

An ideal date of Super Barbie. Game for girls and girls! An ideal date of Super Barbie is a game for girls and girls in Russian. Our super beauty Barbie received three invitations on dates that should take place in different places: in the most famous city restaurant, on the beach and on a picnic in the park. Ken perfectly disassembled in fashion and Barbie to conquer his heart, for each date it is necessary to choose suitable outfits. You, girls, should help her. So in the restaurant she is best to wear a beautiful evening dress. It will be necessary to choose a bright swimsuit and a nice pario. The picnic would be nice to appear in a stylish dress, convenient for the event in nature. Girls, no doubt. You are excellent stylists and a date, as Barbie wishes, will definitely be perfect. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Preparing magic potion. Game for girls and girls! Girls, switch the game into Russian. Now you will go on a visit to the sorcerer to make a preparation of magical potion, with which you will try to turn the old cargra into an excellent princess. To do this, you will have to throw a 3-ingredient in the magic boiler, mix them and see how successful your occupation will be. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Preparing magic potion

Snowboard: Non-avalanche. Game for girls and girls! Snowboard: Non-avalanche - cool game to agility about winter extreme view Sport Snowboarding, in Russian. And in the game, girls, such events will occur. In the snow-covered mountains, the helicopter will reset the athlete of extremal before avalanche. Risching life, it will rush from the mountain, collecting a space with the key and with the use of the arrow keys, bonuses and showing the incredible complexity of the trick, and you, girls, will help him. With each level, the helicopter will raise extremal above and above. Consequently, each new level The games will be even more difficult, and the game is still more interesting and cooler. Good luck!

Creativity: Betsy creates paintings with sand. Game for girls and girls! Girls, switch the game into Russian, now, together with the Girl of Betsy you will have to do unusual creativity - creating pictures with sand. The case is new and difficult! But you, girls, do not worry. You will succeed! Just from the very beginning of the game carefully follow the instructions of Betsy. To make it easier for you to navigate in her prompts, we offer you their translation: 1) Choose The Glue - Choose Clay; 2) Clich The Sand Bucket and Choose Yor Brushstroke - Sand, Cliché, Bucket, Paggers; 3) Click FND HOLD TO SPRINKE SANDROT THE PICTURE - Press and hold for the distribution of sand around the picture; 4) to Cyange The Color Use a SCRAPER - To remove unnecessary color, use the scraper; 5) to Cancel Click The Undo Button - To cancel, click the Cancel button; 6) Want to make a Prottier Picture? Use More Color! - Want to make a more beautiful picture? Use more color! 7) Now You know What to do Have fun Painting - Now you know how such paintings are made. Play the mouse. Good luck!

Scooter kitten - Pizza lover. Game for girls and girls! For you, Girls, fascinating game In Russian about the kitten - a lover of pizza and scooters. In this game you will have to help a tiny kitten ride on your wheel scooter so that the baby does not fall anywhere. Otherwise, his check-in will have to start again. In this cool game You will meet costumes of different Multshah Heroes. You can put them on the kitten. But to do this, you first need to figure out how to get to them. Girls so that the game is more interesting, the authors of the game did so that at each level of the game, your ward will fall into the world of new heroes. How to manage this game? Pay attention to the control panel in the form of a circle located in the lower left corner of the game screen. The panels are the buttons with which you, girls, you will manage the actions of the kitten. So clicking on a laser pointer, you will give a kitten instructions, for what lane to drive him. Be careful because you should allow you to make a mistake in the arrival, and you will have to come back to the start. If you manage to overcome the desired path, you will open new opportunities - different items and new costumes. Do not forget to enjoy accessible things. Use the left mouse button when you need to give the command to change clothes. Do not forget to collect pizza. Good luck!

Disney Princess: Royal Finds. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this multi-level game you have to search for items for the Disney princess - the royal heiress you know. The necessary objects may be under any tiled gaming field. To find them, first of all, you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules of their search, the benefit of the game they are set out in Russian. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Disney Princess: Royal Finds

There is no first decade, as weak, but very proud, the floor got to the Internet, and if there is a demand - there will be a sentence! Beautiful I. good games For girls are designed specifically taking into account tastes and preferences beautiful half mankind. Games for girls are not only graphically adapted versions of classic fun, but often - absolutely new concepts. All good, kittens and flowers: noble ladies will be removed to go out on the net!

Live and learn!

Our tastes and needs are almost completely formed by the environment in which we are rotating. Progress does not stand still, and the technical revolution breaks into all spheres of our life! Another about fifteen years ago, the rare mother of the family could understand how to click on the button to turn on the terrible chait machine; And today some progressive young women can already reinstall themselves operating system. And already the skill "In any working environment, find the browser button to enter the Internet and climb on the favorite forum" every inhabitant of the average office is hampered to the maximum!

And now men can not say that a woman does not need a computer. The first imposing changes noticed, as always, marketers, and they, in turn, forced them to notice them and developers. The mass yield of women on the Internet was marked by a real explosion in the field of concrete production, because new consumers demanded new design and stylistic solutions. The first games for girls did not differ in originality: if instead of the harsh mario in the game world, fluffy kitten wandered, it was already a riding adaptation under the tastes of the user!

But no one, of course, did not stop. The more women on the Internet, the more diversity they must offer their consumers various games For girls and girls. After all, although they differ in their tastes from men, just as different from each other. And even in the female Gamedeva, the number of pink and comfortable faces should vary in fairly wide limits so that each could find something for himself.

Mother's daughters and young cook courses

The game is, first of all, an attempt to meet the needs that remain dissatisfied in ordinary life. If the boys want to feel strong and clever, they chase clocks on virtual cars and shoot drawn rifles; But what to do girls? The main values \u200b\u200bin the life of a woman are family, children and their own appearance. It is these basic needs that offer to satisfy numerous games for girls - it remains only to choose what you want to do it now!

Nurse of virtual babies or exercise in creating extraordinary hairstyles - whatever your sphere of your interests, games for girls will provide you with the possibility of virtual self-realization! Even if women's happiness is for you - it is to boil with saucepans and in a clean front to wait from the work of your loved one, you can find it in the world online: for example, in toys with a virtual chef. Many of the online fun for girls contain an educational component in themselves, and therefore you can not only have fun, but also with benefit to spend your free time!

I wonder what computer games For adult girls not so much different from those in which they played in childhood. Only once beloved dolls were changed to cartoon characters in Sims ... After all, each of us retains a little girl who love caramel and cute little animals in his soul. And good games for adult girls will allow you to return to the golden childhood for a while, where everything was clear and easy!

Do not know what to entertain yourself or looking for, what to play a girl who is over 18? In this article we collected the most popular Games For girls on PC! Read more and choose the best.

List of best games for girls on PC

There are no all quests, where Nancy Drew is looking for objects. You will not need to help the Dash-Pourneyfield and the shoe to find a banana. And also we deliver you from children's platforms, where you need to create a fairy or make a cake.

Our interesting games For girls on PCs are distributed. In some, you can laugh, in others, cry, and in the third, check your smell. All games are located in random order and are described by simple language.


The unsurpassed game has thousands of fan throughout the world and to this day is one of the best in its genre. The adventures of Siberia fascinate and transferred to a beautiful natural corner.

Name: Syberia.

Transfer: Siberia

Adjacent games: Syberia (2002), Syberia 2 (2004), Syberia 3 (2017)

Genre: Quest

In his account, Siberia has several prestigious awards. computer world. Great game on PC, where the main character - The girl named Kate Walker fights with evil. This is a game for you if you want:

  • wander through snow locations;
  • ride the train with the breeze;
  • see beautiful corners of snow-covered Siberia;
  • talk S. huge number characters;
  • run around the tunnels;
  • investigate puzzle;
  • disclose secrets and guess riddles;
  • board the sea;
  • fight with a giant octopus.

Then boldly swing this game! Any part but Syberia 3. very cool!


The best horror without the use of weapons scares and incredibly tightens into his virtual Mir. You are looking for a light in a panic that can highlight your way for further passage.

Name: Amnesia.

Transfer: Amnesia

Adjacent games: Amnesia: The Dark. Descent (2010), Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (2013)

Genre: horror

This game is for those who want to rinse their nerves and who needs a dose of adrenaline for a full existence. Choose this game if you want:

  • be on the medieval castle without weapons;
  • convulsively look for oil and matches to somehow illuminate yourself;
  • want to admire the beautiful interiors of the estate;
  • do not be afraid to meet with a monstrel face to face;
  • want to wander through the dark basement of the castle;
  • love to solve puzzles and look for loyal solutions.

Both parts are gorgeous, if you like, then go immediately two and solve the mystery of the old estate! In order to fully plunge into the atmosphere, it is recommended to play in complete darkness in the headphones. More can be found here.

The Sims.

The best simulator of all time and peoples. With each part The Sims. Filled with new paints. Build at home, create sims, teach them skills, love cats and start children.

Name: The Sims.

Transfer: Sims

Adjacent games: The Sims (2004), The Sims 2 (2004), The Sims Medieval (2011), The Sims 3 (2014), The Sims 4 (2015).

Genre: Simulator of Life

The Sims is the best PC game on girls who love:

  • to build houses;
  • create interior, fill it with furniture and accessories;
  • create sims that are similar to you and on your guy;
  • observe how the hearts and asterisks are twisted in a hurricane under the action of "WooHoo";
  • care for pets;
  • build your business;
  • live beautiful and luxuriously;
  • sell \u200b\u200ba window to buy pizza;
  • drowning former in the pool;
  • decorate new Year tree and sculpt snowmen;
  • plant plants and collect harvest;
  • being a gray cardinal and lead the lives of people.

Opinions are divided. Someone still plays in The Sims 3, someone moved to The Sims 4 and builds his business. Each season, creators are trying to produce new additions to animals, children, by season, with the possibility of creating their own restaurant and so on. However, about Sims you know much more than we. Let Motherlode in your life!

Life Is Strange.

Life is such a strange thing, one incorrect action can lead to disastrous events. And what if everything should have been initially?

Name: Life Is Strange.

Transfer: This strange life

Adjacent games: In 2018 it is planned to enter the sequel

Genre: Interactive cinema with a choice of actions

How do we want to change everything and clear the time ago when some of the life occur in our life emergencies. But Max has such an opportunity, it can return to the past for a few seconds. Can she change the course of the whole story? Everything depends on you. This is the best PC game, where the main character is a girl.

You will like the game if you can:

  • rewind
  • make the right decisions in the past;
  • find mutual language with adolescents and adults;
  • understand people;
  • at night to climb into a dark school;
  • well to be off and do not love school;
  • smooth and solve any conflicts;
  • make serious decisions.

Do not even think, swing! The game leaves behind a strange aftertaste and makes it possible to think about our lives. It has only 5 episodes that fly pretty quickly. Remember that the all the fate of the main character will change from your chosen action. And not only her ... We especially want to mention the magic soundtracks to Life Is Strange.

Portal 2.

All this reality is realities and a copy of copies. Puzzle, which makes all brain cells act. How to get out of strange test rooms?

Name: Portal 2.

Transfer: Portal

Adjacent games: Portal (2007), Portall: Still Alive (2009), Portal 2 (2011).

Genre: puzzle

Imagine, you find yourself on some incomprehensible location with closed doors and walls a few meters in height. And in your hands you only have a gun that makes holes (portals) in the walls. What will you do? Of course, play. Portal suits you if you:

  • love puzzles;
  • look for a way out in difficult situations;
  • see the light at the end of the tunnel, when everyone around is worn in a panic;
  • able to cope with a dozen complex levels;
  • do not be afraid to be a laser turret;
  • love to take a guns to the guns and wind them from side to side;
  • not scared if a strange computer voice is talking to you;
  • do not be afraid of difficulties.

The PC game is very stipulated and very interesting, it can be played for a girl. We advise her download, if not yet played.


In this game, you can feel like a real detective, which is investigating the unusually disappearance of a little boy. Where will the evidence lead?


Transfer: The disappearance of Itan Carter

Adjacent games: not

Genre: Quest

We believe it is one of the best PC games for girls from 18 years old. We advise better look at the game if you:

  • love games with beautiful graphics;
  • want to admire the wonderful landscapes;
  • tell me to explore the terrain and find minor details;
  • amateur detectives;
  • expect something unusual from the game;
  • love to join all the links in the chain of events.

Indescribable beautiful game It has an original story and an unexpected ending. She clearly deserves your attention.

Unusual games for girls on PC are presented to your attention.

Tomb Raider.

Where without adventures of your beloved Lara Croft? Wait, if you do not like the subject of tombs and pharaohs, do not postpone the game in a long box. It is really an exciting Adventor, who amazes the abundance of secrets and mysteries. Such games for PC girls are designed for adventure crawls.

Name:Tomb Raider.

Transfer: tomb Raider

Adjacent games: Tomb Raider: Legend (2006), Tomb Raider: Anniversary (2007), Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008), Rise of the Tomb. Raider (2015).

Genre: Action-Adventure

In fact, the games about the magnificent and brave Lara croft is much larger. But the specified parts are most interesting. Swing the game if:

  • love crawl through 100 meter rocks and walls;
  • you like to throw a hook-cat and fly on it to another wall;
  • you adore riddles, secrets and puzzles;
  • bold and brave;
  • well ride on a motorcycle;
  • you can overcome a bunch of enemies;
  • adore Egypt, Asia and the Ancient East.

Tomb Raider is a game where the main character is a girl. Watch her one pleasure. If you have the same strength of the Spirit, like in Lara Croft, then this is exactly your option!

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Who could have thought that the game about war could be so mental and penetrating? The creators of Valient Hearts managed to reach the heart itself.

Name: Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Transfer: Brave hearts: Great War

Adjacent games: not

Genre: Quest puzzle

The story told in the game touches to the depths of the soul. We strongly advise you to pay attention to it. You can choose it if you:

  • possess mercy;
  • love to play for several characters;
  • adjust to dive in scene line with head;
  • love quests and puzzles;
  • do not be afraid to go through all the tests that fell on the shoulders of the main characters;
  • love cartoon games.

Self best games For girls on PCs - these are those who won't climb and have not been released for a long time. Valiant Hearts: The Great War is this.

Similar games for girls on PC will not leave anyone indifferent.

The Cave.

It is impossible to list the characters for which you can play in this game. Knight, village, traveler in time, twins, scientist, seeker adventure, monk ... and can the main character - is it a cave?!

Name: The Cave.

Transfer: Cave

Adjacent games: not

Genre: Adventures

All ingenious simply. In this game you need to just explore the cave. But what's there inside? This is more interesting. Boldly download the game if:

  • love branches in the plot;
  • always dig up until the bottom;
  • adjust to play for different heroes;
  • you are attracted to the diverseness of the ending;
  • in the game you see hidden meanings;
  • want to overcome your sins.

Great game for girls on PC with interesting plot And with a mass of the ending. As a result, a simple cave makes it possible to understand many vital values. So who is the main hero The. Cave?

Cities: SkyLines.

Feel like the mayor of the city, which builds his brainchild from scratch. The best city-beader for girls will reply to your attention.

Name: Cities: SkyLines.

Transfer: Cities

Adjacent games: not

Genre: town planner

Something games for girls on PC will help to feel gray cardinal. This wonderful game you will enjoy if you have the following skills:

  • love development strategies;
  • want to increase tax for the rich;
  • would you like to build a city of your dreams;
  • know how to properly distribute residential and commercial premises;
  • want to legalize substances in your city;
  • adore for the night city in flickering lights;
  • raise production on legs;
  • want to feel the main thing.

A fascinating urban planner has many features and quests that are offered by the player. Build the city of your dreams!

We presented you the best and interesting games for girls on PC. We hope that some of them will be able to please you and reach the heart itself.

Do not miss our other selections of games:

Thank you for your spent time.