Mass Effect "Add-ons" Death from Heaven "and" Top Station "in Russian \ DLC" Bring Down The Sky "&" Pinnacle Station "RUS". Achievement guide Mass effect addition station summit

New downloadable mini-addon for Mass effect called Pinnaсle Station, came out a long time ago, however, oddly enough, there is no information regarding it on the Web. Even the Iksbit game department, famous for its responsiveness and reviewing the first mini-addon, Bring Down the Sky, almost on the day of his appearance, keeps a mysterious silence. As a result, I found out about the release of the long-awaited add-on, where we were promised "more drive" and "gladiator-type arena battles", almost by accident. I was surprised to find that, in contrast to the already mentioned Bring Down the Sky, a newbie is by no means free - in the European section EA Store they want 4.99 euros for it. Well, what can I do - the habit of legal products in recent months has grown in me completely, and, disdaining torrents, I uncovered the credit card. The exchange of a little over two hundred hard-earned rubles for a little over two hundred meters of traffic was successful, and I started to get acquainted with Pinnaсle Station.

As well Bring Down the Sky, new location available at any time of the passage, while Shepard has freedom of action (that is, after receiving the spectrum patches, but before landing on Wyrmire). The star system, in which the "Top" station awaits us, is carefully marked on the galactic map with the corresponding flag - again, like the asteroid X57 in Bring Down the Sky... But the motivation for flying there sounds rather strange.

Mass effect and so they scolded enough for the fact that the declared intensity of the plot did not correspond to the real gameplay. Well, that is, they wash our ears for a long time on the topic of the fact that Saren is, they say, ahead of us by many steps, that not a minute is to be lost and that the fate of the Galaxy depends on the speed of our actions, and then they are suddenly released on free bread, where they are allowed to fly along different planets and endlessly distracted by small side quests(and often these quests themselves are given out - they say, you, Shepard, are still running past here, do us a favor, figure it out). As a result, the writers strenuously pretend that the timer is ticking, but in no way motivate the player to hurry up. I am still ready to forgive the very asteroid X57 from the first mini-addon - there is really a critical situation, the whole planet is under threat, so you can forget about chasing Saren for a while and pull Shepard out. But here it is! "Hey Shepard, there is a station that hosts the tough fighter competition in virtual reality! Do you want to fly, test your skills? "Yeah, that's what they say. The fact that these same characters told me a little earlier about the ticking timer and the golakteko danger is so garbage. Wait, they say, your Saren.

Okay, to hell with them. He cheered up on the captain's bridge of the "Normandy" and barked to the Joker to fire the place. Station "Pointed turret" turned out to be a rather small room of two rooms, in which three characters hang out with normal dialogues, two with monosyllabic remarks and about five dumb extras. I endured right on the doorstep a hairpin from the humanophobe Vidinos of turian nationality. I went inside, talked with the human admiral Ahern, the commander of this computer-gaming club, about the fate of virtual reality in these difficult years for all of us. Finally I got to the local system administrator - a salarian with an abusive name Alud Ohren. As a result of a conversation with all three, I found out that there is absolutely nothing to do here, except to go through these very missions on a virtual simulator. I went to pass.

There are four types of missions - hunting (kill as many enemies as possible in a limited time), capture (take all control points in the minimum time), race against time (destroy all enemies in the minimum time) and survival (hold out as long as possible against infinitely respawning enemies). There are also four maps on which this disgrace occurs - mountains, jungle, cave and warehouse. Moreover, there are no new items and landscape details there - everything is the same as in other locations of the game. The mountains and the cave are pieces of the planet on which we are saving Liara, the jungle is the vicinity of Saren's base on Wyrmire, and the warehouse is quite typical, found in the game more than once. Whoever wanted new sensations flies by. Each mission takes place on three cards(in a cave, mountains and jungle, only a race against time - in a warehouse, in the mountains and jungle), in total we have twelve sadly monotonous tests that need to be overcome. Initially, however, only eight are available (two cards for each mission).

Overcoming, by the way, is not easy - you need to take first place in the table of records for each of the missions, and the scores of the local regulars are simply fantastic. At high levels of difficulty, you have to be a sharp Quaker, and for people of non-arcadian orientation, like me, the addon is basically impassable. I had to step on the throat of my own pride and reduce the difficulty of the game from insane to the easiest. Well, at least the number of approaches is not limited in any way - a lot of nerves and time are saved on the save load.

Further, it seemed, it went more interesting - after winning the first mission, the misanthropist Vidinos started a scripted dialogue with one of the human extras and declared him a cheater. Shepard, of course, stood up for the honor of the race and declared that without any cheats, in full view of the entire station, he would become the first in all competitions. It smelled of quest, intrigue and all that kind of stuff. But hopes were in vain - everything was limited to the fact that after I took the first lines in eight tables, Vidinos sprinkled ashes on his head and dropped the charges, and the acquitted person offered me any of his guns as a reward. After that, they recognized me as a powerful father and gave me access to four more missions - I mean, they added one card to each of the modes. Indignantly asking "Is that all ?! And where is the intrigue ?!", I trudged off to go through the newly discovered tasks. Having passed them, he was awarded another scripted dialogue - this time with the admiral. He discreetly praised me and offered to go through a custom mission, which this elderly modder in his free time sculpted on the engine of a state-owned virtual simulator. She recreates the operation in which the admiral took part in the years of his turbulent youth - to penetrate the enemy's camp, steal important data and, firing back from the oncoming adversaries, wait for the evacuation. Since I prudently left the difficulty level at a minimum, the passage did not constitute any difficulties. It took me about ten minutes, of which five was waiting for the evacuator ship.

This completes this addon. As a result, the touched admiral presented me with his dacha on the outskirts of the Universe and tearfully said goodbye. The dacha is a miserable semblance of houses from production games Bethesda and contains the following:
1. Dull desert interior in the spirit of the rest of the game, one piece.
2. Radio playing soundtrack melodies, one piece.
3. Dispenser with endless free grenades, one piece.
4. Dispenser with endless free honey gel, one piece.
5. Terminal for communication with the arms dealer, one piece.

The terminal is the most interesting of the above. It is somewhat reminiscent of the notorious one-legged boy Wirth from the notorious game. The bottom line is this: you pay money - you get a random item. There are contributions of 5,000, 75,000 and 220,000 credits available, the steepness of the item is proportional. The attraction is reusable, so you can, with patience and a tight wallet, stock up on at least a full set of the coolest game items.

The result, alas, is sad. The addition takes, of course, not an hour and a half, as Bring Down the Sky, but more, but exclusively because of endless replaying in a circle of the same missions in the hope of getting to prize place... There are no characters as such, there are no quests as such, there is no plot either, inhabited by robots. If we add to this the blatant inconsistency with the global plot and the colorless final prize, we get a simple conclusion - the addon has been merged. The station "Apotheosis" does not cost its five euros in any way, it is recommended to purchase only for the collection. It's a shame that such a great game as Mass effect supplied with such an empty and worthless makeweight that loses in everything Bring Down the Sky- and at the same time, unlike him, it is by no means free.

P. S. Someone there, I remember, was indignant with addons for Fallout 3? Yes in the background Pinnacle station they look like real game design masterpieces!

P.P.S. The only good thing in the addon is

The first addition is Death from heaven (Bring Down The Sky). It represents just one additional game mission. The plot of the add-on tells the story of a group of extremist aliens - batarians, preparing an unprecedented terrorist act in the Asgard system. Terrorists plan to unleash asteroid X57 on the human colony Terra Nova located in the system. Only the crew of the "Normandy" under the leadership of Shepard is able to save innocent people from mortal danger and prevent the end of the world on a single planet. The mission becomes available immediately after Commander Shepard receives Specter patches.

Key features:

  • V game world added new race: batarians;
  • A new one appears available for research Exodus sector, in which there is the Asgard system;
  • There is an opportunity to increase your game character development score by 50 points.

Second addition - Pinnacle Station... In it, you will get the opportunity to visit the secret Alliance station, where you can go through 12 combat scenarios to become the best of the best. The station will become available after Shepard becomes the Specter. After completing all 12 maps (three in each scenario) with maximum rating may open additional card(simulating one of the battles of the War of First Contact), in which you need to get intelligence and survive for five minutes under the incessant attacks of the turians. Breaking all records, he can get a new weapon. The Pinnacle space station was created to train the finest soldiers. Using virtual simulation, fighters train in four different patterns:

  • Survival - a team of three people is trying to repel the incessant enemy attacks;
  • Time trial - you need to kill a certain number of enemies in the allotted time;
  • Capture mode - capturing and holding points on the map;
  • Hunt mod - similar to the Time trial, only the time increases with each kill.

After passing all the cards, a restroom opens as a reward, which is located on the outermost planet - from the center of this system. There you can replenish grenades and panaceline ammunition, there is an audio system for background music and an extranet port. You can buy various goods through the port - from upgrades to armor.

Installation: We throw the folder from the archive DLC to the game directory C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Mass Effect or C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Mass Effect.

Attention: Both add-ons are not entirely in Russian, but only subtitles! 100% works on the Steam version of the game!

Mass effect

Brief information about the games in the series.

Original title: Mass Effect (1-2-3)
Release dates in Russia: part - 2008; 2nd part - 2010; 3rd part - 2012
Genre: Action, RPG
Developer: BioWare

Mass Effect - 1

Main plot

The game takes place in the XXII century. Captain Shepard - the main character games - goes on a mission, the purpose of which is to deliver an artifact of the ancient civilization Prothean, found by archaeologists on one of the human colonies. During the quest, the archaeological site is attacked by the Geth - an artificial race - who are also trying to capture the artifact. After preventing the destruction of the colony, Shepard finds the artifact. This artifact shows Shepard a vision of an apocalyptic nature, the meaning of which he has to unravel.

The Commander goes to the Citadel, as it turns out that one of the SPECTRA - agents of the Citadel Council - was involved in the attack on the colony - Saren Arterius... As a result, Shepard becomes the first person to be accepted into SPECTRUM and is tasked with neutralizing Saren. In the course of further investigation, Shepard finds out that Saren somehow managed to make an alliance with the Geth and with their help he wants to return an ancient race called the Reapers, which, as it turns out, periodically destroys intelligent life in the Galaxy. Shepard will have to prevent or at least delay their return.

Official additions

"Death from Heaven" is the first expansion pack for Mass Effect, expanding the universe of the game, and adding another episode to the adventures of Captain Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The add-on was announced on February 6, 2008. The Russian version of the add-on, which includes the 1.01a update, was released only on December 30, 2008.

The supplement is just one additional game mission, designed for a maximum of 90 minutes of gameplay. The plot of the add-on tells the story of a group of extremist aliens - batarians, preparing an unprecedented terrorist act in the Asgard system. Terrorists plan to unleash asteroid X57 on the human colony of Terra Nova located in the system. Only the crew of the "Normandy" under the leadership of Shepard is able to save innocent people from mortal danger and prevent the end of the world on a single planet. The mission becomes available immediately after Commander Shepard receives Specter status.

Key features
A new race has been added to the game world: Batarians
A new Exodus sector, available for research, appears, in which the Asgard system is located
There is an opportunity to increase your game character development score by 50 points

"Station" Top " is the second expansion pack for Mass Effect, adding a training space station... Supplement for Xbox live and PC was released on August 26, 2009 and, unlike Doom from Heaven, was distributed for $ 5 through EA's e-store. There is no Russian-language version of the add-on.

The Summit space station, under the command of Admiral Ahern, was created to train the finest soldiers in the Alliance. Shepard only received an invitation to this secret training base after becoming a Specter. While at the station, the player can hone their skills on a holographic simulator with 12 training scenarios. Breaking all records, he can get new weapons and private house on a new planet. According to the developers, it will take about 2-3 hours to complete the add-on.

Mass effect 2

Main plot

Mass Effect 2 is the second part of the Mass Effect trilogy, the events of the game unfold 2 years after the events of Mass Effect. A notable feature of the game is the ability to import game character from the first part, which allows you to continue the passage of the series, taking into account all plot decisions made earlier.

Main plot: Commander Shepard- the main character of Mass Effect - is engaged in the destruction of the residual pockets of resistance of the geth - the main opponents from the first game. During one of the raids, the ship of the commander "Normandy SR-1" is attacked by an unknown enemy, and after a short fight is destroyed, and Shepard is thrown into open space. While the commander is officially dead, the Cerberus organization, which received Shepard's body, is busy rebuilding and rehabilitating the commander.

Due to the attack on the station, Shepard is forced to prematurely leave the space station where he was recovering. The Commander meets with the Ghost, the leader of Cerberus, who offers him cooperation in which Shepard will have to investigate the disappearances of the population of small human colonies. During the investigation, it turns out that collectors are behind the abductions - a little-studied race that practically does not come into contact with anyone. The Ghost invites Shepard to take over the formation and training of the team, while Cerberus has to gather information. Also "Cerberus" provides Shepard with a new ship, named "Normandy SR-2" and to some extent is an improved version of "Normandy SR-1"

After completing the key missions, the location of the collectors' base becomes known and it becomes possible to complete the final mission. Losses in the last mission largely depend on the degree of preparedness of the crew and the ship, on the preparation of which the attention of the game is mainly focused. It is noteworthy that with insufficient preparation, Shepard can also die in the final mission.

Official additions:

Zayed - The Price of Revenge- adds a quest, according to the results of which it will be possible to accept a new character in the team - Zayed Massani - a former military Alliance and a former bounty hunter. This is the first announced DLC for the game. It became available immediately after the release of Mass Effect 2.
The wreck of the "Normandy"- After reconnaissance, the Systems Alliance identified the crash site of the first Normandy. Shepard is invited to conduct a more detailed exploration of the area, as well as install a memorial sign.
Lord of the Flame Mission Pack and Hammer Assault Rover- contains 5 new missions directly related to the use of the new vehicle Hammer, which is also part of this additional content.
Alternative set of clothes- a pack that adds additional clothing for Jack, Thane and Garrus. It became the first paid DLC. Available for download starting March 23, 2010 for $ 2.
Kasumi - Stolen Memory- adds a quest to recruit a new character, the famous human thief - Kasumi Goto. She appears in the game with the third announced DLC.
Equalizer set- a pack that adds a Capacitive helmet, an Archon visor and an Inferno armor to the game.
Lord is an add-on released in June 2010. In it, the player will have to fight a hostile artificial intelligence, which arose as a result of the failed experiment of "Cerberus".
Set "Aegis"- a pack that adds the Fang Sniper Rifle and a full set of Kestrel armor to the game.
Firepower set- a pack that adds a Phalanx large-caliber pistol, a Geth plasma shotgun and a Hoe assault rifle to the game.
Lair of the Shadow Broker- The first story DLC linking the events of ME 2 and ME 3 (It is possible to complete the DLC before the game itself is completed. But the phrases in the dialogues will be slightly changed) Shepard, along with Liara T'Soni, will confront the Shadow Broker, who is the most influential broker in the secret market information. It is also possible to have a romantic relationship with Liara (only if the save is transferred from the first part of the game, where the player also started an affair with Liara).
Alternative set of clothes # 2- a pack that adds additional clothes for Miranda, Grunt and Tali.
Arrival- The DLC was released on March 29, 2011. One of the main roles in it is assigned to Admiral Hackett, as well as Dr. Amanda Kenson, who has information about the Reaper invasion. "Arrival" is story DLC for Mass Effect 2, it links the events of the second part with Mass Effect 3.
Start- DLC, released on May 21, 2011, an interactive comic strip containing the backstory of 2 parts of the game, in which the player can make a number of decisions that affect the further plot. Relevant for PS3 players, as well as PC players who have not played the first part of Mass Effect. The declared duration of the prologue to Mass Effect 2 is 15 minutes. Inception is the last DLC for Mass Effect 2.

Mass effect 3

Main plot:

The game begins in one of the largest cities on Earth - Vancouver. Captain Shepard, the hero of previous games in the series, is on Earth as a suspect due to
cooperation with "Cerberus" and the destruction of the repeater. In connection with the approach of the Reapers to Earth, Shepard is summoned to the Council of the Alliance, where he must present his vision of the situation and propose measures to combat the Reapers. At the same moment, the expansion of the Reapers into the Solar System and the invasion of Earth begins. Shepard has to urgently leave the planet to go for help.

The first stop is Mars, where the Normandy team finds Liara T'Soni and blueprints for some Prothean weapon (the so-called "Horn"), created by the Protheans to destroy the Reapers. Here Shepard first encounters "Cerberus", who has his own understanding of how to fight the Reapers.

Throughout the game, Shepard will have to enlist the support of other races of the galaxy, resolving long-standing conflicts between them, help allies in difficult situations, and also find the necessary resources to build the "Forge".

Towards the end of the game, Shepard learns the location of the secret base "Cerberus", where he will have to get the information necessary to complete the "Horn". Shepard manages to find Prothean data, from which it becomes clear that for the full functioning of the Forge, a Catalyst is needed, which is the Citadel. At the same time, it is revealed that the Ghost informed the Reapers about Project Horn, which caused the Citadel to be directed into Earth orbit, where most of the Reaper forces are located.

At the same time, in London, the Reapers built a special device for transporting the dead bodies of people to the Citadel. The Alliance and all allies gathered by Shepard attack the Reapers to gain access to this device. At the cost of huge losses, Shepard and Admiral Anderson still manage to get to the Citadel.
Here they meet the Ghost, fully controlled by the Reapers, and stop him, thereby ensuring the successful docking of the Forge with the Citadel, which, however, does not activate it. Shepard loses consciousness.
Upon awakening, he discovers a certain mind that calls itself "Catalyst". It is revealed that it was the "Catalyst" that created the Reapers and the cycles of destruction. Catalyst explains to Shepard that "Creation will always rebel against its creator, creating chaos." According to "Catalyst", if you allow civilization to develop further, then in the end it will create artificial intelligence, able to enslave them themselves, and thus destroy all organic life in the universe. To avoid this, cycles of destruction were created, when the most advanced races of the galaxy were destroyed by the Reapers, after which new Reapers were created from them. Also, "Catalyst" informs Shepard that this solution no longer works and that it is he who needs to make a choice that will determine the further fate of the galaxy.

There are 3 endings available in the game, and only the fate of the Earth essentially depends on the degree of readiness.

Used material from Wikipedia on the Mass Effect series.
My assessment of the game, despite many controversies - 9 out of 10

Mass Effect is an action / RPG game and therefore is more time-consuming than any action game due to its emphasis on history. Achievements are not particularly difficult if you play smart, but the game will still take a lot of your time. If during the first playthrough you pay attention only to the story, then you can go through it in 17 hours. The other two playthroughs should take less time if you skip dialogues with the X button. Just do not overdo it with the speed of pressing, otherwise you will accidentally choose the answer before you have time read.


I got some feedback on the estimated travel times. It took me 32 hours to get 1050 points in this game, so I thought it was okay. Apparently not. As I said, I went through the game for the first time at 17 hours, but this is taking into account the fact that I just rather wanted to end it, and therefore did not study different planets, did not carry out missions to collect minerals. If you do any of this, you can safely at least double the travel time. If you just run the game like I did, then everything should be over quickly.

Step 1: character creation

Step 2: Normal Difficulty

The first step is to get the Apprentice achievement on the Citadel. Only one entry can be missed - about the Proteans. You can learn about them from Captain Anderson, who is standing near your ship. Talk to him about everything in a row until you get the record. During the first playthrough, I would advise you to get the achievement "Ally of Azari" (Liara), and also take the Soldier (Ashley) into the team to balance the squad, since Liara is pure biotic. See the guide to find out how quickly you can get Liara on the team. Try not to complete any tasks until you find it, then follow the further instructions for obtaining the achievement. If you do everything right, you will get the achievement for Ashley at about the same time as the "Runner", and the achievement for Liara - after the completion of Feros and Noveria, but before Vermire. During this playthrough, collect Paragon Points. When you finish the game on normal complexity, will open Hardcore.

Step 3: Hardcore Difficulty

You can start new game and use the transfer of the character from the first playthrough to this. Enemies will be balanced to your level, which will make the game a little more difficult. Levels 51-60 will also become available, so you can keep going up. This time I took Kaiden and Garrus to the team. Follow the Allied Achievement Guide, though this time it will be easier. Collect Renegade points on this playthrough. When you complete this walkthrough, the Insane Difficulty will unlock.

Step 4: Insane Difficulty

Continue playing with the same character and choose the last two allies (if you followed the guide, it is now Tali and Rex). The bosses are much more difficult this time around, so be careful.

Step 5: finishing touches

You, as a soldier, will not have any special abilities, so you will have to create new characters, Adept and Engineer. Play until you've unlocked all of their abilities, then use each one 75 times on the Citadel Express. Hacking AI is the only achievement that will have to be knocked out of real enemies, but this can be done almost at the very beginning, on the turrets, when you meet Fist. Save before this point, then load the save as soon as you crack both of them. If you still haven't earned one or more achievements for weapons, start a new game on below normal difficulty with your “big” character (from steps 2-5) and finish them off.

Medal of Honor - 100

Complete Mass walkthrough Effect once on any difficulty.

Complete the main story. I would recommend starting with simple difficulty. No, normal is not hardcore, and veteran is not insane. Just play for fun, figure out what's what. Save up money for the next playthrough. Be sure to always bring the same allies with you. Do everything with them side quests... Don't worry, they will open later in the game, sometimes at different stages.

Medal of Heroism - 25

Complete Feros.

Feros is a planet with colonists and there is no snow there. You need to talk to the leader, kill the geth, and then - this is important - talk to him again and reach out to the people in charge of food, water and electricity. You need to complete their side quests! After that, move further along the air highway, visit the Exo-Geni scientists, find Elizabeth, return to the colony. Now either load the grenades with anti-Torian gas or kill them all. Please note that if you kill them and have not completed their tasks before this, then you will NEVER be able to do them.

Distinguished Service Medal - 25 points

Complete Eden Prime.

This is the very first mission. Important: if you want to get achievements for insane or hardcore difficulty, then set the corresponding difficulty in the pause menu, but BEFORE you land on Eden Prime! This has been confirmed on the Bioware forums. Just kill all the Geth, then deactivate the bombs by going up to them and holding A. After that, go to the lighthouse and the mission will end.

Council Legion of Merit - 25

Complete Wyrmire.

Wyrmire is a planet whose coordinates you will receive from the Council. First, when you land, you will need to destroy the enemy air defenses, and then go to the salarians base. You can make peace with Rex, who wants to save the cure from the "genophage". Don't worry if you don't have enough Paragon or Renegade points, you will have the option to do so later in the game. Now choose who will go with the salarians, Kaidan or Ashley. Then, during the battle, you will need to choose who to save. If the character with whom you are building a romantic relationship dies, then they will end there.

Honorarium of Corporate Service / Fee for corporate service - 25

Complete Noveria.

Noveria is a snow-covered planet. And there you will meet Lady Benezia. To get into the garage, you need to help Lorik. Go to the garage, kill the geth and go. In the complex itself, it will be necessary to activate the VI core. Either complete the Tower of Hanoi style puzzle or spend 100 Omni Gel on it. Then you need to activate the reactor and land lines. In the tram, kill the rahni, but first take the elevator down to the survivors and get a pass to the hot laboratories. Activate the purification system and run from there. Return to survivors, ( spoiler) kill them. Go to the end and into the tunnels. Find Benezia. To kill her, you MUST first kill the Geth and Azari Special Forces. DO NOT FIGHT HER. After the start of the battle, kill the Azari Special Forces attacking you, then run to the right and kill the Geth and Special Forces. After talking with Benezia, she will attack you again. Kill ALL enemies, then kill her.

Long Service Medal - 25

Complete Mass Effect twice on any difficulty.

After completing the game on simple difficulty, or any other, start a new game with the transfer of an existing character. Make sure you change the difficulty setting in the main menu to Hardcore.

ATTENTION: When you start the game, on Normandy once again make sure that you have Hardcore difficulty in order to kill two birds with one stone! If you land on Eden Prime and the difficulty was not Hardcore, you will not receive the corresponding achievement.

Distinguished Combat Medal - 25

Complete Mass Effect once on Hardcore difficulty without changing the difficulty level.

ALL organic enemies will have resistances. They will shoot very accurately and will tear you to pieces. Use cover often, but watch out for missiles. Use the equipment of the Spectrum Master and many biotic abilities. All enemies have the same level as you.

Medal of Valor - 50

Complete Mass Effect once on Insane difficulty without changing the difficulty level.

Cm. " Lifetime Service Medal" and " Medal for outstanding battles».

Note: ALL organic enemies will have resistances. They will shoot very accurately and will tear you to pieces. Use cover often, but watch out for missiles. Use the equipment of the Spectrum Master and many biotic abilities. Well, so that life does not seem like raspberries, all enemies will have a level higher than yours.

Pistol Expert - 10

Get 150 Pistol kills.

The pistol is available to all classes, and the easiest way to get this achievement is if you start using the pistol right away. Regardless of the class, pump the Pistol so that the Sharp shooter skill opens - it will greatly help you in obtaining the achievement. When you get the skill, use it as often as possible, so the pistol is much more effective. Even if you are not playing a soldier or a class with specialized weapons training, this achievement can still be obtained. The main thing is to attach as many accuracy improvements as possible to weapons that you do not know how to use, and all stabilizers to a sniper rifle. It's certainly not as comfortable as playing with a specialized class, but better than nothing at all. Also, teammate kills do not count.

Note: Sentinels are not trained to use pistols, but they gain pistol bonuses from their class skills.

The stats for each weapon carry over between playthroughs and careers. Even if you fail to get 150 kills in one playthrough, what you have already achieved will be carried over to another playthrough.

Shotgun Expert - 15

Get 150 kills with the Shotgun.

Cm. " Pistol Expert»For details.

Shotgun training is only available to Soldiers and Guardians, but the achievement can be done by anyone. Try to get as close to the enemies as possible. It is most convenient to fight the Huskies and Thorian Crawlers, as they themselves run up close.

Assault Rifle Expert - 15

Get 150 kills with the Assault Rifle.

Cm. " Pistol Expert»For details.

Only Soldiers can be trained to use Assault Rifles, but the very best can in principle be used by any class. But any other class will have to focus on improving accuracy and also overheating. Assault rifles overheat very quickly if you do not watch it.

Sniper Expert - 15

Get 150 sniper rifle kills.

Cm. " Pistol Expert»For details.

Soldiers and Infiltrators are the only classes that can be trained to use sniper rifles, but with enough enhancements, other classes can use them in one way or another. Regardless of the class, focus on improving stability so that the scope does not wobble too much. Chances are that even with upgrades, he will still stagger, so you may need to learn how to aim like this. It is difficult but doable.

Lift Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's "Raise" ability 75 times.

Create a character of the Adept class, as they know how to use all biotic abilities. Travel to the Citadel and target the Citadel Express. Use Lift, Throw, Warp, Singularity, Stasis and Barrier (although you can simply turn it on when you run). Then wait for the abilities to recover and repeat the process until you get the achievements. The adrenaline rush will ease the situation, as it immediately restores all abilities.

Note: Allied abilities do not count towards this achievement.

Throw Mastery - 15

Use the Throw biotic 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting mastery»For details.

Warp Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's Warp ability 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting mastery»For details.

Singularity Mastery - 15

Use the Biotic Singularity 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting mastery»For details.

Barrier Mastery - 15

Use the biotic "Barrier" ability 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting mastery»For details.

Stasis Mastery - 15

Use the Stasis biotic 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting mastery»For details.

Damping Specialist - 15

Use the overwhelming field 75 times.

In order to get this achievement, you need to play an Engineer. To use, press and select the desired ability, press. You can assign an ability a button by pressing, then you only need to press to activate the ability. But this is only if you are in this moment working with this ability.

Use your adrenaline rush to restore your abilities faster.

Allied abilities do not count.

AI Hacking Specialist - 15

Use the AI ​​Hack 75 times.

You must play as an engineer.

The only achievement in the game that you MUST make sure to do on the enemies. First, level up to level 10 and spend all the points on the AI ​​Hacking ability. Then you can hack any enemies you come across. You will understand that the hack was successful when the enemy starts attacking their own people, and the energy bar will indicate that it is hacked.

Just find yourself a turret. Use the ability, hide, wait for recovery and repeat. People recommend skirmish with Fist as a very convenient moment, since he has two turrets in his office. Save before this battle, hack both turrets and load the save. Hacks will be counted, even if you do not save after each operation performed.

Overload Specialist - 15

Use Shield Overload 75 times.

Cm. " Suppression Specialist».

Sabotage Specialist - 15

Use Sabotage 75 times.

Cm. " Suppression Specialist».

First Aid Specialist - 15

Use copper gel 150 times.

For this achievement you just need to press a button. Make sure you are damaged, otherwise the game will prevent you from using copper gel. What has been achieved is carried over to other passages. Most likely, you will receive the achievement after completing the Hardcore.

Neural Shock Specialist - 15

Use Neural Shock 75 times.

Cm. " Suppression Specialist»

(Does not work on the Citadel Express. Land on any planet and use the ability on Mako).

Scholar / Student - 25

Find all important alien races: Consular races, Extinct races, Non-consular races in the Codex description.

This achievement can be missed, but can be done early in the game, so you can always come back to it. To obtain this achievement, you need to find the Codex entries for each race in the game. To find all the records, you will also need to select "Inquire" during the conversation with the characters, this dialogue option is always on the left. Some records can be obtained in several ways, some only in one single way, which is why this achievement can be missed. To retrieve each entry, follow the directions below:

Aliens: Council Races

Azari: Automatically unlocked after the first meeting with the Citadel Council regarding Saren; Talk to Safiria. It can be found at the reception at the embassies.

Salarians: Automatically unlocked after first meeting with the Citadel Council regarding Saren.
The Turians: Automatically opens after the first conversation with Captain Andersen and Nihlus.

Aliens: Extinct Races

Proteans (Entry may be missed): During the first conversation with Captain Andersen and Nihlus, "find out" when possible, Proteans should be one of the options for the question; After becoming a Specter, you will have to talk to Ambassador Udina and Captain Andersen. After Udina leaves, ask Anderson more about Noveria.

Rachni: At the Citadel Presidium, go to the Avina terminal next to the huge Krogan statue. Talk to her, "investigate" and ask about Rahni; On Noveria, this record can be obtained from two characters: Khan Olar, a volus scientist and Yaroslav Tartakovsky - the last person with whom you will have to talk to on Noveria.

Aliens: Non-Council Races

Batarians: After you officially become a Specter, ask Captain Andersen of the Normandy about his past assignment. You can ask him about this at any other time when you return to the Citadel. He will be in Udina's office at the embassies in the Presidium; If, when creating a character, you choose an Astronaut or a Colonist, you will receive the corresponding personal quests. For any of these quests, you will also receive an entry.

Elkors: At the embassies in the Citadel Presidium, talk to Kalin and ask him about the Elkloras; Talk to Petozy on Noveria. He's one of the few Elkors on Noveria, so it's not hard to find him.

Geta: "Inquire" from Ashley Williams when you first meet her at Eden Prime; After completing the mission on Eden Prime, upon returning to Normandy, ask Captain Anderson about it.

Hanar: At the Citadel Trade Center in the Presidium, talk to the Hanar trader named Delan. Ask him about his manner of speaking. On the other side of the Presidium, talk to Hanar, who is preaching to the Flamers.

The Guardians: The elevator in the Presidium that leads to the Council has the Avin terminal and the Guardian nearby. Ask Avina about the Guardians; Speak with Shorban the Salarian and accept his mission. It scans the Guardian, right on your way to the Council, very hard to miss.

Krogan: Follow the plot. The record will open when you get Rex on the team.

Quarians: Follow the plot. The record will open when you get Tali to the team.

Volus: In the Embassies in the Presidium of the Citadel, in the same place as Ambassador Elkor. Talk to a Volus named Dean Korlak and ask about his race; Talk to Avin's terminal at the exit from the Embassies, ask her about the Voluses.

Completionist - 25

Play most of the game.

Most of the game is understood as some indefinite amount of accomplished and achieved in the game. I recommend taking two allies and going with them to the very end. Try not to start a quest without the characters you need. There are about 70 side quests in the game, including the main ones. So be sure to do about 60 to Il. If you didn't get the achievement even then, then you need to explore the galaxy and complete more quests. Do not forget to talk with your allies in order to get quests from them too.

Note! Completing the expansion will greatly improve your chances of getting this achievement. And you will most likely receive all the achievements related to the allies before you go to Il if you go through the expansions.

Below is a list of missions in the game:


  • Prologue: Find the Lighthouse
  • The Citadel: Saren's Exposure
  • Citadel: Garrus
  • Citadel: Rex
  • Feros: Save the Colony
  • Noveria: Matriarch Benezia
  • Noveria: Loric Kinn
  • Noveria: Summit 15
  • Noveria: Reactor Repair
  • Noveria: Repair of communication lines
  • Noveria: Contagion
  • Noveria: Hot Labs
  • Noveria: Cleft Station
  • Find Liara T'Soni
  • Il: Find Channel
  • Race against time


  • Citadel: Scan the Guardians
  • Citadel: Prophet of the Presidency
  • Citadel: Reporter's Request
  • Citadel: Fan
  • Citadel: Rita's Sister
  • Citadel: Strange Signal
  • Citadel: Jalid and Shorban
  • Citadel: The Way Home
  • Citadel: Public Press
  • Citadel: Family Affair
  • The Citadel: The Asari Companion
  • Citadel: Old Friends
  • Citadel: Zoltan is smart
  • Citadel: Place a bug
  • Citadel: Shells and its information
  • Citadel: Negotiator's Request
  • Galactic Missions: The Missing Personnel
  • Galactic Missions: Frenzied VI
  • Galactic missions: Hostage
  • Galactic Missions: Major Kyle
  • Galactic Missions: Disaster Signal
  • Galactic Missions: The Lost Marines
  • Galactic missions: Privateers
  • Galactic missions: Hostile takeover
  • Galactic Missions: Notes of the Matriarchs
  • Galactic Missions: Dead Scientists
  • Galactic Missions: Emblems of the Turians
  • Galactic missions: Minerals [Rare earth: 20, I collected 23. Gas: 6, I collected 10. Heavy metals: 20, I collected 25. Light metals: 20, I collected 22]
  • Galactic Missions: Traces of War [ID Tokens: 3, I collected 4]
  • Galactic Missions: Talks
  • Galactic Missions: Cerberus [NOTE: There is another Cerberus-related side quest in Styx Theta Cluster, it does NOT appear in the journal, look for an abandoned ship].
  • Galactic Missions: Prothean Discs
  • Galactic Missions: The Lost Freighter
  • Galactic Missions: Spy Probe
  • Galactic missions: Hounds of Hades
  • Galactic Missions: The Lost Module
  • Galactic Missions: Geth Invasion
  • Galactic Missions: Exo-Geni Complex
  • Galactic missions: Colonists
  • Galactic Missions: Abandoned Ship
  • Galactic Missions: Post Alpha
  • Galactic Missions: Post Theta
  • Galactic missions: Sigma 23
  • Wyrmire: Rex
  • Wyrmire: Team Kirahi

NOTE: Complete all missions on Feros before heading out on the Aero Highway !!!

  • Feros: Extract Data
  • Feros: Batteries
  • Feros: Varren Meat
  • Feros: Getae in the Tunnels
  • Feros: Water Supply
  • Noveria: Espionage
  • Azari Diplomacy


  • Garrus: Doctor Saleon
  • Rex: Family Armor
  • Tali's pilgrimage

Tactician - 25

Finish a Mass Effect with more shield damage than health damage.

Just beat the game and get more damage on shields than on health. Use shelter often. This is easiest to do as a soldier, as he can wear heavy armor. Find as early as possible good armor with 4 strips of shields, and get the achievement without any problems. It is also better to get this achievement during the first playthrough, because on "Hardcore" and "Madness" you will receive significantly more damage.

Medal of Exploration - 50

Land on an unexplored planet.

A very easy achievement, especially if you are going to do any of the achievements needed to complete most of the game. Most of the side quests in the game are on unexplored planets, so you should get this achievement very quickly. Once you land on an unexplored planet, the achievement will unlock. You don't even have to do anything, just land in Mako.

Note: Terum, the planet where you find Liara, does not count towards this achievement. The planet you land on must be optional for passing and has nothing to do with the plot.

Rich - 25

Accumulate over 1,000,000 Credits.

This achievement really only sounds so difficult, and there is plenty of money in the game. Search all corners, pick up whatever you can and how much you can, and sell whatever you don't use. Also, money is given for completing side quests, so do them as much as possible.

When you get this achievement, you will be given access to weapons for the Specters in the C-Sec shop. it best weapon in the game, so buy everything there is.

Dog of War - 25

Get 150 organic kills.

Add the Explosive Ammo upgrade to your weapons and those of your allies. Kill everything except Geth and metal enemies. In the end, you will receive the achievement. Yes, it carries over to the next playthrough. Complete side quests. There are especially many mercenaries in the Cerberus quest.

Geth Hunter - 25

Get 250 Synthetic Enemy Kills.

Equip your weapon with the Tungsten Cartridge upgrade. Synthetic enemies are Getae, or Turrets, or any other mechanical enemies. If you didn't get the achievement for Wyrmire, don't worry. In the last task there will be a lot of such enemies. Complete side quests, there are always Geth ambushes at the lighthouses.

Soldier Ally - 20

Play most of the game with the Alliance Soldier as your party partner.

Cm. " Tunneller»To find out more. This achievement is given for Ashley.

Do a lot of side quests. Don't worry if you first get an achievement for one, and later for another ally. You can only get two in one playthrough. These achievements can be obtained even before El, if you complete all possible side quests and main missions. The Death from Heaven add-on will help you to get these achievements.

Preparing for Achievements:

  • Complete Eden Prime
  • Go to the Citadel, talk to the Council
  • Find Harkin (Cora's Lair), Garrus (Med Bay), and Rex (SBC).
  • Deal with Fist (But don't pick up his tablet!)
  • Save Tali
  • Talk to the Council, get the rank of Specter
  • Travel to Terum and save Liara

You now have all your allies. From now on, select two and use both on EACH mission. If you do not have an ally who knows how to hack, and you need him to get the task, switch to him, get the task, and immediately switch back.

How to deal with two allies:

  • Complete any mission on the Citadel.
  • Complete any side quest
  • Complete the "Death from Heaven" expansion (cost - 400MSP)
  • Complete Noveria (complete all missions before leaving)
  • Complete Feros (complete all missions before leaving)
  • Return back to the Citadel and complete any quest you started on Noveria / Feros
  • Clear Wyrmire (Don't kill Rex!)
  • Return to the Citadel again

By this point, you should already have achievements, but if not, go to Il and finish the game. Many people got achievements (mainly for Liara) in the very last mission.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TASKS FOR THIS ACHIEVEMENT! “These missions are incredibly long, and while they count as well, they are 100% unnecessary for these achievements, even for Liara.

Sentinel Ally - 20

Complete most of the game with the Guardian of the Alliance as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is awarded for Kaidan.

Krogan Ally - 20

Play most of the game with Krogan as your party mate.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is awarded for Rex.

Turian Ally - 20

Play most of the game with the Turian as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is awarded for Garrus.

Quarian Ally - 20

Play most of the game with Quorian as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is given for Tali.

Asari Ally - 20

Play most of the game with Azari as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is awarded for Liara.

Power Gamer / Strong player - 20

Reach level 50 with one character.

Complete many side quests. If you do all of them, then by the end of the first passage, most likely, you will be in the region of the 40th level. There is also a glitch for which you will be given 300 experience points: Find Liara while she is still imprisoned in a blue field! Kill enemies, save, load save. Congratulations, you get 300 experience points! It is recommended to do this only at early levels. Also, when you are in battle on the Mako, it is better to get out of it and fight as usual. This gives more experience.

Extreme Power Gamer / Very strong player - 50

Reach level 60 with one character.

You must complete the game at least once to access levels 51-60. In total, you will need 862,100 experience points to reach level 60. Complete all side quests, and, most likely, by the second or third playthrough, you will receive a level and an achievement. Also, when you are in battle on the Mako, it is better to get out of it and fight as usual. This gives more experience.

Renegade / Renegade - 15

Earn 75% of the Renegade's points.

Cm. " Paragon».

Paragon / Paragon - 15

Collect 75% of Paragon Points.

On Noveria, agree to complete the task of Lorik Quinn, in which you will need to catch the Salarian (Anoleis, the administrator, with his personal office). He will open the closed elevator, go there and find evidence. At the exit you will be met by Gianna (the lady from the reception), talk to her and agree to meet at the bar / hotel. She will ask you to convince Lorik to surrender Anoleis, agree and go talk to Lorik. In your conversation, do the following:

Step 1:

  • Replica top right
  • Replica top left (Paragon)
  • Bottom left cue (Renegade)

Step 2:

  • Talk to him again
  • (Left) Matriarch Benezia
  • (Bottom right) Another question
  • * Repeat Step 1 *

Repeat these two steps for any focus until you get the achievement, then switch to the other focus. Just remember that first you need to pump the direction that you do not want for your hero, so that when you pump the second direction, you end up with exactly the one you want.

Note: In order for you to have the lines of Paragon or the Apostate, you must have a sufficient number of Charm or Intimidation points in the corresponding skills on the character screen.

Paramour / Lover - 10

Complete any romantic line.

Throughout the game, you can talk with all team members and get to know them better. With certain characters, if you talk to them often, you can start a romantic relationship. The characters with whom you can start a love line depend on your gender, but in general, the options are:

Male Shepard: Ashley Williams, Liara T'Soni

Shepard-Woman: Kaidan Alenko, Liara T'Soni

When choosing a character you want to start a romance with, be sure to talk to him after each assignment, and always choose heroic or neutral answers so as not to break the love line. But even when he shows interest, nothing happens almost until the very end of the game. When you finally go to Ailos, the chosen character will come up to you, keep up the romance, and you will have the opportunity to invite him to spend the night. When the video ends, you will receive the achievement.

Specter Inductee - 15

Become a Spectrum.

This is a story-driven achievement and cannot be missed. After Eden Prime, you will go to the Citadel, where you will have to start a case against Saren. Move along the plot and in the end you will be told about a certain person who has information that exposes the traitor. When you find an informant and meet with the Council, you will officially become a Specter and the achievement will unlock.

Charismatic - 10

Use Charm or Intimidation to resolve an intractable situation.

There are two "impossible" situations in the game, each requiring a very high level of Charm or Intimidation. Concentrate on leveling only one skill, there is no point in spending points on both at once. If your level is not high enough, you will not be able to resolve the situation. Both of these situations occur in the second half of the game, and further spoilers are provided for those who haven't made it that far yet.

The first situation will happen on Wyrmire, this concerns Rex. When you find out that Saren is using the complex on this planet to find a cure for the genophage, and decide to destroy the laboratory, Rex will show extreme displeasure with your decision. You must talk to him and try to explain why the laboratory needs to be destroyed. If you have more than 8 points in any of the skills, you will be able to reach him, and he will agree to fight further, and you will receive an achievement.

The second situation takes place at the end of the game, on the Citadel. When you reach the top of the tower and enter the council chambers, you will meet with Saren. After talking with him, you must convince him that his will is under the control of the Reaper and there is only one way to solve this. You must have a very high skill level for this line to be available. If you can convince him to commit suicide, you will receive an achievement.

Search and Rescue - 10

Find Doctor Liara T'Soni in the Artemis Tau Cluster.

One of three possible locations you can go after meeting the Council while already a Specter. Here you must find Liara T'Soni, one of the recruited team members. Unlike other tasks, you are not told on which planet you should look for it. It is only known that she is in the Artemis Tau Cluster. She is also located on the planet Therum in the Knossos system. At the beginning of the mission you will be on Mako, but after several checkpoints you will walk on foot, where you will meet the Walking Tank of the Geth. After the battle, all that remains is to free Liara and save her. To do this, you will have to fight a mini-boss - Krogan.

Death from Heaven Supplement

Price: 400 MSP Achievements: 1 Glasses: 50

Colonial Savior - 50

Complete the mission "Death from Heaven".

You must have Normandy at your disposal and Galactic map... Travel to the Asgrad system in the Exodus Cluster and land on Asteroid X57. There are three quests that will bring you closer to obtaining the achievements of your allies and the tunneller.

  • Death from Heaven
  • Don't die in a minefield
  • The missing engineers.

Top Station add-on

Price: 400 MSP Achievements: 3 Glasses: 150

Undisputed - 50

Complete Ahern's survival mission.

After you break records in 12 combat scenarios, Admiral Ahern will invite you to participate in the final scenario. Accept his offer to get started. At the very beginning, head to the center of the location and get data from the large object. Then return to the stairs where you started and activate the turret. Now you will need to hold out for 5 minutes. Use your partners and biotic abilities - they will help you a lot. When 5 minutes have passed, you will receive an achievement.

New Sheriff in Town / New sheriff in the city - 50

Finish in first place in any Combat Scenario at Summit Station.

Cm. " The best of the best».

Best of the Best - 50

Finish in first place in 12 Combat Scenarios at Summit Station.

There are 12 combat scenarios in which you can take part, each with different tasks. As soon as you take the first places in the original 8 missions, an additional 4 will open.

There are 4 types of missions in total: Timed, Capture, Survival, Hunting. Each type has its own requirements for the first place. The requirements for the first places are as follows:

  • Timed (Warehouse) - 01:24:67
  • Timed (Tropics) - 01:20:94
  • Timed (Near the volcano) - 01:54:61
  • Capture (Near the volcano) - 02:00:53
  • Capture (Tropics) - 01:58:67
  • Capture (Underground) - 01:29:47
  • Survival (Near the volcano) - 01:31:83
  • Survival (In the Tropics) - 01:46:43
  • Survival (Underground) - 02:20:57
  • Hunting (Underground) - 35
  • Hunting (Near the volcano) - 43
  • Hunting (In the tropics) - 50

In Timed mode, you must kill all enemies within a certain time. Capture is similar to this mode, but instead of killing in the allotted time, you have to stand at each point and capture them in a certain time. In survival, you need to hold out for a certain time, the test ends when you die. In the hunt, you must kill a certain number of enemies in a certain time.

All missions (not individual challenges) count towards the Progressor and Allies achievements.

Death from heaven

"Death from Heaven"(eng. "Bring Down the Sky") is the first expansion pack for Mass Effect, expanding the universe of the game, and adding another episode to the adventures of Captain Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The add-on was announced on February 6, 2008. Overseas, the Xbox 360 version was released on March 10, and the PC version was released on July 29, 2008. The Russian version of the add-on, which includes the 1.01a update, was released only on December 30, 2008.

The supplement is just one additional game mission, designed for a maximum of 90 minutes of gameplay. The plot of the add-on tells the story of a group of extremist aliens - batarians, preparing an unprecedented terrorist act in the Asgard system. Terrorists plan to unleash asteroid X57 on the human colony of Terra Nova located in the system. Only the crew of the "Normandy" under the leadership of Shepard is able to save innocent people from mortal danger and prevent the end of the world on a single planet. The mission becomes available immediately after Commander Shepard receives Specter patches.

Key features

  • A new race has been added to the game world: Batarians
  • A new Exodus sector, available for research, appears, in which the Asgard system is located
  • There is an opportunity to increase your game character development score by 50 points
  • 30-90 minutes of gameplay
Station "Top

"Station" Top ""(eng. Pinnacle Station) is the second expansion pack for Mass Effect, adding a training space station to the game. The add-on for Xbox Live and PC was released on August 26, 2009. This supplement has not been officially translated into Russian.

Space Station Pinnacle, under the command of Admiral Ahern, was created to train the finest soldiers in the Alliance. Shepard only received an invitation to this secret training base after becoming a Specter. While at the station, the player can hone their skills on a holographic simulator with 12 training scenarios. Breaking all records, he can get new weapons and a personal home on a new planet. According to the developers, it will take about 2-3 hours to complete the add-on.

There are four different patterns available for training:

  • Survival- a team of three people is trying to repel the incessant enemy attacks;
  • Time trial- you need to kill a certain number of enemies in the allotted time;
  • Capture mode- capturing and holding points on the map;
  • Hunt mode- the mode differs from the "time trial" only in that the time is given much less and it increases only with each murder.
After completing all 12 maps (three in each scenario) with the maximum rating, an additional map is opened (simulating one of the battles of the War of First Contact), on which you need to get intelligence and survive for five minutes under the incessant attacks of the turians.