An active game is a means of versatile development of children. Outdoor games as a means of all-round development of preschoolers. comprehensive development of the child's personality "

Outdoor games as a means

comprehensive development preschoolers

Outdoor games - the most affordable and effective method impact on the child with his active help. Modern children move little, play outdoor games less than before due to attachment to television and computer games... The number of open spaces for games is also decreasing.

As educators, we are increasingly concerned about how, where and when we can provide children with the opportunity to play actively and creatively. And in order to keep children interested in such games, they need to know them, and my task is to help them in this.

According to MN Zhukov, "outdoor play is a relatively independent activity of children, which satisfies the need for rest, entertainment, knowledge, and the development of spiritual and physical strength."

And VL Strakovskaya believes that "an outdoor game is a means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, valuable moral and volitional qualities."

Thus, outdoor play is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players.

Games used for physical education in kindergarten are very diverse. They can be divided into 2 large groups: active and athletic. Sports games are the highest stage in the development of outdoor games. They differ from the mobile ones by uniform rules that determine the composition of participants, the size and layout of the site, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory, etc., which makes it possible to hold competitions of various scales.

In the structure of an outdoor game, content, motor actions and rules are distinguished.

rules in an outdoor game, they are organizing in nature: they determine the course of the game, the sequence of actions, the relationship of the participants in the game, the behavior of each player. The rules show how all children should behave while playing. For example, in the game "Geese-Swans", the first rule requires that "geese" stay in the meadow until they are called by "mistress", and they can only run to the end of the words of the dialogue. The second rule prohibits the "wolf" from catching "geese" before they run home. In this case, the "wolf" has the right only to spot the "geese", and the "geese" must consider themselves caught if the "wolf" touches them.

Motor actions in outdoor games are very diverse. They can be, for example, imitative, imaginative-creative, rhythmic; performed in the form of motor tasks requiring the manifestation of dexterity, speed, strength and others physical qualities... All motor actions can be performed in a wide variety of combinations and combinations.

Outdoor games are games with rules. In kindergarten, mainly elementary outdoor games are used. Outdoor games are distinguished by their motor content, in other words, by the main movement dominating in each game (running games, jumping games, etc.).

According to the figurative content, outdoor games are divided into plot and plotless. For plot games, roles with corresponding motor actions are characteristic. The plot can be figurative ("Bear and Bees", "Hares and a Wolf", "Sparrows and a Cat") and conventional ("Traps", "Fifteen", "Dash").

In plotless games ("Find yourself a pair", "Whose link will build faster", "Think of a figure") all children perform the same movements.

Round dance games constitute a special group. They are accompanied by a song or poem, which gives a specific touch to the movements. By the nature of the game actions, games of a competitive type differ. They stimulate the active manifestation of physical qualities, most often speed.

According to the dynamic characteristics, games of low, medium and high mobility are distinguished.

Into the program kindergarten Along with outdoor games, game exercises are included, for example, "Knock down the pin", "Get into the circle", "Overtake the hoop", etc. They lack rules in the generally accepted sense. Attractive manipulations of objects are of interest to children at play. The smallest play exercises lead to games.

Outdoor and sports games are held in physical education classes, as well as for walks. 2-3 new games are planned for each month and 4-5 already familiar outdoor games will be repeated. Explanation new game children are given in the classroom, in their free time, and for a walk. The teacher must clearly explain the content and rules of the game, show where the players should be and how to act.

Explanation of the game should be short and clear, interesting and emotional. All means of expressiveness - voice intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and in plot games and imitation, should find a reasonable application in explanations in order to highlight the main thing, create an atmosphere of joy and give purposefulness to game actions. Thus, the explanation of the game is both an instruction and the moment of creating a game situation.

Explanation sequence : name the game and its intention, summarize the content as briefly as possible, emphasize the rules, remind the movement (if necessary), distribute roles, distribute attributes, place the players on the court, start game actions.

If there are words in the game, then you should not specifically learn them during the explanation, children will naturally remember them during the game.

If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember some important points with them. Otherwise, the scheme of the teacher's actions is preserved.

Games can be played outdoors at any time of the year. The duration of a game with children from 3 to 6 years old depends on its intensity and complexity of motor movements, the characteristics of the child's physical development, the state of his health, and on average it can be 10-20 minutes.

The load can be dosed by the following methods: by decreasing or increasing the number of players; the duration of the game in time; sizes playground; the number of repetitions; the severity of objects and the presence of rest breaks. Given that the child's movements are limited in winter, the load is reduced or increased by the breaks between repetitions of the game. The same is done in summer at high air temperatures.

Outdoor games - a school of movements. Therefore, as children accumulate motor experience, games need to be made more difficult. In addition, complication makes familiar games interesting for children.

By varying the game, you cannot change the concept and composition of the game, but you can:

Increase the dosage (repetition and total duration of the game);

Complicate motor content (sparrows do not run out of the house, but jump out);

Change the placement of the players on the court (the trap is not on the side, but in the middle of the court);

Change the signal (instead of verbal, sound or visual);

Play the game in non-standard conditions (it is more difficult to run on the sand; in the forest, running away from a trap, you can hang, clasping a tree trunk with your arms and legs);

Complicate the rules (in senior group caught can be rescued; increase the number of traps, etc.).

Play is one of the most important means of physical education for children. preschool age... It contributes to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. In addition, it is expediently selected, taking into account the age, the degree of physical fitness of children, outdoor games, especially games in the air, undoubtedly, contribute to health improvement, strengthening the child's body, increasing physical activity, hardening and thereby preventing diseases.

During games, preschoolers develop and improve a variety of skills in basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.). A quick change of scenery during the game teaches the child to use the movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation. All this has a positive effect on the improvement of motor skills.

The importance of outdoor games in the upbringing of physical qualities is also great: speed, dexterity, strength, endurance, flexibility.

Play is an extremely valuable way of engaging a child in motor activities. Based on positive emotions associated with an understandable, close plot, and the availability of movements, the child gradually develops a desire to participate not only in games, but also in exercises during classes and independent activities.

According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

The main feature that distinguishes most games is their deliberate nature. The player is always given a goal - the fulfillment of some final task of the game, that is, to obtain a result. The specificity of outdoor play is the child's lightning-fast, instant response to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" and etc.

The game is characterized by a special phenomenon peculiar only to it - growing tension, joy, strong feelings and a continuing interest in success. The excitement that a child experiences in play brings the entire body into an exceptional physiological state, which contributes to the fact that the child achieves results in movement that he would never have achieved in other conditions, outside of play. Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving the movements of children, strengthening and hardening the body. The value of outdoor games lies in the fact that they are based on various types of necessary movements, and in the fact that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions.

Play is a natural companion of a child's life, his leading activity and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself - his irrepressible need for movement. Sufficient saturation of children's free time with games contributes to their all-round development. In the play activity of children, two very important factors are objectively combined: on the one hand, children are involved in practical activities, develop physically, get used to acting independently; on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity, deepen their knowledge of their environment. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the individual as a whole.

Thus, play is one of the complex means of education: it is aimed at all-round physical fitness (through direct mastering of the basics of movement and complex actions in the changing conditions of collective activity), improving the functions of the body, character traits of the players.

Prepared by: 2nd year student,

Faculty of Education,

DP groups - 23,

Ryasnyansky Sergey.

Checked by: O. A. Ulyanova

Baranovichi, 2009

Outdoor games as a means of developing and improving motor skills, physical and personal qualities.

1. An outdoor game, its definition and specificity. 3

2. Outdoor play as a means and method of physical education. 7

3. The theory of outdoor games. eight

4. Classification of games. ten

5. Methodology for outdoor games. eleven

6. Conducting outdoor games in different age groups. 13

7. Education of expressive movements in outdoor games. 15

8. Literature 17

Outdoor play: its definition and specificity.

An active game is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

The specifics of the outdoor game consists in a lightning-fast, instantaneous response of the child to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" and etc.

An active game is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. In play, the child directs his attention to achieving the goal, and not to the way the movement is performed. He acts in accordance with the playing conditions, showing dexterity and thus improving movement. In the course of the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality traits.

The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural need for movement, the need to find a solution to a motor problem, is manifested, therefore, the preschooler realizes freedom of action in these games. While playing, the child not only learns the world but also transforms it.

Many scientists have been looking for ways of harmonious development of children. So, in the created by P.F. Lesgaft system of physical education, the fundamental was the principle of harmonious development, and the physical and spiritual forces of a person were considered as qualitatively different aspects of a single life process, allowing to form people of "ideal-normal type". According to P.F. Lesgaft, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically grounded system of physical education and upbringing, in which the principle of awareness prevails. Awareness of movements provides an opportunity to use them rationally and economically, to perform them with the least expenditure of energy and with the greatest effect, and also contribute to the spiritual development of a person.

Harmonious development occurs with a holistic, complex, balanced realization of all the potential capabilities of a person, and one-sided development is detrimental to the individual, often bordering on psychological or physical illness.

The preschooler realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child's all-round development. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. An active game can be called the most important educational institution that contributes to the development of physical and mental abilities, the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, and aesthetic values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and learns the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural need for movement is manifested, the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

Younger preschool children imitate everything they see in play. However, in the outdoor games of children, first of all, it is not communication with peers that is reflected, but the reflection of the life that adults or animals live (they fly like sparrows, flap their arms like butterflies with their wings, etc.). Striving for Spiritualization inanimate nature is explained by the child's desire to give the image depicted in the game a living character, and when he gets used to the image, the mechanisms of empathy are activated and, as a result, morally valuable personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, involvement. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age are of a plot nature.

At the 5th year of life, the nature of the play activity of children changes. They begin to be interested in the result of an active game, they strive to express their feelings, desire, to implement their plans, to creatively reflect the accumulated motor and social experience in their imagination and behavior. However, imitation and imitation continue to play an important role in older preschool age.

For outdoor games, the presence of moral content is characteristic. They foster goodwill, the desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, outdoor games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom.

Outdoor games of various content make it possible to trace a variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. Conventionally, several types of outdoor games can be distinguished, which in different ways contribute to the all-round development of preschoolers, carry different social orientations.

Games like "Catch" are creative in nature, based on excitement, motor experience and strict adherence to the rules. Running away, catching up, dodging, children maximally mobilize their mental and physical strength, while they independently choose methods that ensure the effectiveness of play actions, improving psychophysical qualities.

Games that require inventing movements or instantly stopping the action on a game signal encourage children to individual and collective creativity (coming up with combinations of movements, imitation of movements Vehicle, animals). Games like "Freeze", "Stop", "The sea is worried" and others require the players to stop moving at the appropriate signal, while maintaining facial expression and muscle tension in the body in the position in which they were caught by the game signal. Spirituality and expressiveness of movements in such games are extremely important.

That is why G. Gurdzheev widely used similar games in his school of harmonious development. He believed that exercises requiring a signal (command) to stop the movement, while maintaining facial expression, make it possible to feel your body in such positions that are unusual and unnatural for him, and thus expand the individual set of "stamp of movements and postures." He argued that the style of movement and posture different nations, classes, eras, is associated with the characteristic forms of thoughts and feelings, this connection is so close, "that a person can never change either the way of thinking or feeling, without changing the repertoire of his motor postures." Proving that the automatism of thoughts and feelings is rigidly connected with the automatism of movements. Gurjeev wrote: "We do not realize to what extent our intellectual, emotional and motor functions are interconnected, although in some cases we can observe how strongly our mood and emotional state depend on our postures." (52, 1989, no. 9). If a person deliberately takes a posture associated with feelings of sadness or despondency, then soon he will really feel sadness and despondency. Likewise, fear, indifference and disgust can be caused by artificially changing the posture. The started movement is terminated in the game by the command “stop!” The body becomes motionless and freezes in a position in which it has never been in ordinary life. In a new, unusual position for himself, a person becomes able to think in a new way, feel in a new way, know himself in a new way. The circle of old automatism is breaking down.

Stop - exercise is at the same time an exercise for will, attention, thought, feeling and movement. In these games, special attention is paid to the expressiveness of actions invented by children, which activate mental processes, carry out sensory corrections, role training, form the psychosomatic and emotional spheres, developing the mechanisms of empathy. They train mimic and large muscles, and this contributes to the release of enderfins (the hormone of joy), which improve the condition and vital activity of the body.

Ball games have a special role to play. The famous German teacher F. Frebel, noting the versatile effect of the ball on the psychophysical development of the child, emphasizes its role in the development of coordination of movements, the hand, and, consequently, in the improvement of the cerebral cortex. He believed that almost everything a child needs for his versatile development is given to him by a ball. Of particular importance are games in which the child's actions with the ball are accompanied by words and songs appropriate to the moment and mood. A large role is given to these games in the works of P.F. Lesgaft, V.V. Gorinevsky, E.A. Arkin, V.N. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross and others. These games develop the eye, motor coordination functions, improve the activity of the cerebral cortex. According to Lowen, hitting the ball improves mood, relieves aggression, helps to get rid of muscle tension, and causes pleasure. In his opinion, pleasure is freedom of movement from muscle armor, muscle tension.

Games with elements of competition require correct pedagogical guidance, which presupposes the observance of a number of conditions: each child participating in the game must have good motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which he competes.

Thus, playing and realizing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their bodies, invent, create, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

The value of outdoor games

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of the child's personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a healing effect on the child's body. In the game, he exercises a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activate respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

It is extremely important to consider the role of the growing tension, joy, intense feelings and continuing interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Child's passion for play not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an irreplaceable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing constrains the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to master spatial terminology, temporal orientations, consciously act in a changed game situation, in accordance with the rules and learn about the world around them.

Research by psychologists shows that thanks to play activity, a child practically masters space and object-related activity; at the same time, the mechanism of space perception itself is significantly improved. In play, the perception of space appears in its main forms: direct, cognitive-sensory (sensory-figurative) and mediated (logical thinking, concept). The ability to navigate in the environment is facilitated by the deliberate creation of obstacles on the way to the fulfillment of the game task ("Through the hoop to the flag", "The wolf in the moat", "Brave guys", etc.). This develops in children the ability to independently choose the best way of action, based on sufficiently developed eye estimates of distance and taking into account the time of performing actions.

In an active game, the child exercises in determining the proximity or remoteness of objects, a person, due to which he develops eye assessments, as well as spatial-auditory orientation ("Far - close", "Here and there", "Blind man's buff with a bell", etc. etc.).

Outdoor games form the simplest time orientations in children. They are expressed: in the awareness of the sequence of game actions - first, then, after that, before that, all at the same time, etc .; in the rapid implementation of game tasks on a signal, within the time limit specified for the children. In these games, the child exercises a quick assessment of spatial reference points, the sequence of actions and their time duration.

Orientation of the child among fast moving children is very important. It is the most difficult, due to the need for an instant reaction to the continuous change in the game situation. However, in the process of repetition of games, children of older groups successfully master this skill ("Sly fox", "Catch-up", etc.).

Great educational value lies in the rules. They determine the entire course of the game, regulate the motor activity of children, their behavior, relationships, and contribute to the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities. The rules create certain conditions in the game, within the framework of which the child, with appropriate guidance, cannot fail to show the qualities brought up in him. Requiring strict adherence to the rules helps to overcome selfish emotions and urges in achieving a goal. According to E.A. Arkina: “The rules are the first social stimulus that regulates and directs the child's behavior in accordance with the requirements of the collective. In games, for the first time, shoots of deep feelings, comradely friendship and love arise. " Under the guidance of the educator, the rules become an effective means of forming the best sides of the personality: honesty, justice, friendship, courage, self-control, perseverance, will. As noted by A.V. Zaporozhets: "These vital moral qualities, gradually assimilated by a child, turn into an internal property of a child's personality."

Games help the child to expand and deepen their ideas about the surrounding reality. Fulfilling various roles, depicting various actions, children practically use their knowledge of the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, vehicles, and modern technology. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and play ideas. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Great importance have outdoor games for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality.

In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

Outdoor play prepares the child for work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work activity.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. The fast and sometimes unexpected change of conditions forces us to look for more and more new ways of solving emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity.

Creativity is common in all outdoor games. Creative activity is peculiar only to man. It is always social in content and expresses the freedom of the individual. Play as a condition of social freedom leads to creative activity, shaping and developing it. The initial stage in the formation of creative activity in children is imitation, especially characteristic of outdoor games of children. younger age... During this period, the child imitates everything he sees. The educational value of imitation was noted by NK Krupskaya: “The imitativeness of a child is nothing more than a special form of creativity - the reincarnation of other people's thoughts and feelings. This is the period when the child's social instincts begin to develop very strongly, and human life and human relationships become the center of attention. " It is thanks to the developed ability to imitate that most of the outdoor games of young children are of a plot nature.

Outdoor play always requires creative activity from children: to find the most rational ways of action, to make the right decision on their own, to find a way out of the created game situation. She imposes certain responsibilities on children. Children play a variety of roles in the game, certain rules. They take their gaming tasks seriously.

Outdoor play is one of the sources of children's creativity. Any good outdoor game, even the simplest one in its content and rules, gives food to children's imagination, awakens thought. With the systematic conduct of games with rules that are interesting and close to children in terms of content, we meet with a new type of children's creativity - children themselves come up with options for games and even completely new games with rules.

The child, entering the role, creates and creates an image. The richer his knowledge and understanding of the game image, the more accurately the game image created by him. With the appropriate pedagogical guidance of mobile play, the teacher introduces the child's creativity into a certain channel, determined by its content and rules. The teacher, directing children's creativity, keeps children interested in the game.

Active play requires activity and creative initiative from the child, since it never consists of automatic activity. Thus, outdoor play is one of the main conditions for the formation of a child's creative thinking.

Developing, improving the creativity of children in play, we educate a socially active, intelligent, versatile person who treats any activity thoughtfully and creatively. Satisfying the need for movement, developing creativity in the process of motor activity, we form physical culture.

Thus, in pedagogical science outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child's all-round development. They are an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and understanding of the world around them, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, and dexterity. In it, not only physical and mental abilities are developed, but also valuable moral and volitional qualities are studied and general rules of behavior in a team are based, ethical values ​​in society are assimilated. Outdoor play develops fantasy, imagination, independence, creativity, initiative, activity, forms the spiritual wealth of a person. In the course of the game, there is not only an exercise in the existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

2 . Outdoor play as a means and method of physical education

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a health-improving effect on the child's body.

In the game, he exercises a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activate respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

It is extremely important to consider the role of the growing tension, joy, intense feelings and continuing interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Child's passion for play not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an irreplaceable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing constrains the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, consciously act in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the available motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and play ideas. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law and their conscious fulfillment forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality.

In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

Outdoor play prepares the child for work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve these motor skills necessary for future work activity.

Thus, outdoor play is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities complex use of a variety of methods aimed at shaping the personality of the child. In the process of playing, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

Outdoor game theory

The origins of outdoor games are rooted in antiquity. The history of the emergence of games allows us to understand their educational value. Many types of folklore confirm the assumption of scientists that the origins of outdoor games are laid in the primitive communal system, but there is almost no information about this. Data on the development and life of the child, his games at the early stages of the development of society are extremely poor. Virtually none of the ethnographers at all set themselves the task of such a study. It was only in the 30s of the XX century that special studies by Margaret Mead appeared, dedicated to the children of the tribe of New Guinea.

The game has been a human companion since time immemorial. In it, the cultures of different peoples demonstrate similarities and enormous diversity. Many of the games were of great originality, depending on the properties and lifestyle of the people.

According to NS Volovik, the purpose of ancient games is not entertainment, but practical. Through the actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to secure their future success in the upcoming works. Ancient game there is a magic ritual in which the desired is portrayed as real, the present is projected onto the future. Since man depended on nature, the animal and plant world became the main subject of depiction in play songs.

In the earliest historical periods of the life of society, children lived a common life with adults. The upbringing function was not yet distinguished as a special social function, and all members of society, raising children, sought to make them participants in socially productive labor, to pass on the experience of this labor to them, gradually including children in the forms of activity available to them.

The employment of mothers and the early inclusion of children in the work of adults led to the fact that in primitive society there was no sharp line between adults and children, and children very early became really independent. Almost all researchers emphasize this. With the complication of the means and methods of labor and with its redistribution, there was a natural change in the participation of children in various types of labor. Children have ceased to be directly involved in difficult and inaccessible forms of labor activity. The younger children were left with only some areas of household labor and the simplest forms of production activity.

In relation to the most important, but inaccessible to children, areas of work, they are faced with the task of mastering the complex tools of such labor as early as possible. There are reduced tools of labor, specially adapted to children's capabilities, with which children practice in conditions that are close to the conditions of real activity of adults, but not identical with them. Children, of course, cannot independently discover ways of using these tools, so adults teach them this. Exercises with reduced weapons are some of the elements of the game situation. First, it is a certain convention of the situation in which the exercise takes place. Secondly, carrying out an action with reduced tools of labor, the child performs an action similar to that performed by an adult, and, therefore, there is reason to assume that he is comparing, and maybe even identifying himself with an adult. Thus, these exercises can implicitly contain elements of the game.

Consideration should also be given to PF Kapterev's thoughts on the emergence of outdoor play: first of all, one must remember that play is a very broad phenomenon; not only children play, but also adults; not only people play, but also animals. PF Kapterev believes that all human activity stems from the sources of two kinds: natural-organic and socio-cultural. Children live much more by natural and organic needs than by socio-cultural ones. They are taught to the latter through education. Left to themselves, they willingly throw off their cultural shell and become closer to nature. Children have a lot of free strength and energy, which is not spent on labor to satisfy needs. These forces and energy require an outlet, induce activity, and induce a variety of exercises. This child's activity has the character of a game, that is, a directly enjoyable activity.

In the pedagogical history of many peoples, great importance was attached to outdoor games. They were considered as the basis of physical education, as an activity that meets the age-related needs of the child.

According to the theory developed by K. Gross, outdoor games serve as a means of exercising various physical and mental strengths. Childhood lasts until we are completely ready to fight for existence on our own, and if this preparation, this development of all physical and mental forces is carried out with the help of games, then games belong not only very important, but also central a place.

The outstanding Russian teacher P.F. Lesgaft developed an original system of physical education. An important place in it is given to an outdoor game. Play is defined by Lesgaft as an exercise by which a child prepares for life. It is an independent activity in which the child's own initiative develops and his moral qualities are brought up. He considered outdoor games to be the most valuable means of comprehensive education of the child's personality, the development of his moral qualities: honesty, truthfulness, endurance, discipline, camaraderie. One of the first PF Lesgaft proposed the use of outdoor games in raising children. Known for his words: "We must use games to teach them (children) to control themselves." In the game it is necessary to "teach them to restrain their divergent feelings and teach them, thus, to subordinate their actions to consciousness."

The ideas of P.F.Lesgaft were successfully implemented by his followers and students (V.V. Gorinevsky, E.A. Arkin).

V.V. Gorinevsky considered outdoor games to be the main type of motor activity and a means of all-round education of preschool children. He considered active play as a means of forming a child's personality, since in the process of playing, children develop moral and volitional qualities. Joy, fun V.V. Gorinevsky considered it a prerequisite for playing activity, without them the game loses its meaning. He attached great importance to positive emotions in the game, since they heal the child's body.

E.A. Arkin considered outdoor play an indispensable means of child development, the main lever preschool education... He saw the advantages of play in its emotional richness, attractiveness, mobilizing strength of the child, giving him joy and satisfaction. Outdoor games, according to Arkin, help to strengthen the body through the development and improvement of the locomotor apparatus. Games teach children to discipline, focus, and orderly action.

The most important place in the life of a preschooler is played by folk outdoor games. The enormous educational value of these games was pointed out by everyone who, in one way or another, encountered them in their scientific and pedagogical activities.

Popular outdoor games originate from the depths of folk pedagogy. Children early age were brought up in families on jokes, nursery rhymes, fun games associated with the initial movements of the baby himself. In the life of the older ones, there were folk games with a variety of motor content, including tempting beginnings for children, singing, counting rhymes. All this still retains its artistic charm, educational value and constitutes the most valuable play folklore.

The study, selection of a variety of folk outdoor games is necessary and appropriate in the upbringing and educational work with children. Acquaintance of children with samples of national, original game folklore and the introduction of some samples of folk games into the life of children will strengthen a good aesthetic attitude towards the original creativity of peoples and thereby towards its representatives.

First of all, it is necessary to turn to the works of E. A. Pokrovsky. This outstanding scientist noted that in the life of the people of various kinds games and games have occupied a prominent place since ancient times. He was one of the few who drew attention to such a feature of folk games as the reflection of the history of a particular nation in them. E.A. Pokrovsky emphasized that outdoor games are of great educational value, since they require "the most extensive participation of all spiritual and bodily forces."

Based on the analysis of national games, he came to the conclusion that the character of the people, undoubtedly, leaves its noticeable imprint on many manifestations of public and private life of people. This character also affects children's games, reflected in them the sharper and more distinctly, the more enthusiasm and ease the children play, and therefore with more freedom to manifest their national character.

Outdoor games E.A. Pokrovsky considered it the most natural form of physical exercise for children, corresponding to their anatomical and psychological characteristics. Children's outdoor games, taken from the treasury of folk games, correspond to national characteristics, fulfill the task of national education. They act not only as a factor in physical development and upbringing, but also as a means of spiritual formation of the personality.

The need to pay attention to folk games in the upbringing of children was pointed out by the teacher E.N.Vodovozova. She recommended borrowing games from her people and diversifying them in accordance with the life of this people. An active game should teach quick-wittedness and resourcefulness. The main condition for these games is to develop the child's imagination so that later he himself, without the help of a teacher, can invent such games.

A.P. Usova attached great importance to the use of folk outdoor games. She noted that, first of all, games serve as an undeniable proof of the talent of the people and an instructive example that a good child's play is an example of high pedagogical skill; it is not only this or that particular game that is striking, but also how folk pedagogy perfectly determined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood.

Folk games are imaginative, so they mainly attract preschool children. Games contain an element of struggle, competition, and, therefore, evoke emotions of joy, fear and encourage caution, and this enthralls children.

An analysis of the history of the creation of the theory of outdoor games and the theories of leading teachers and psychologists dedicated to outdoor games allows us to conclude that play is a means of physical, mental and moral education.

Classification of games.

Outdoor games are classified according to different parameters:

According to the age;

According to the degree of the child's mobility in the game (games with low, medium, high mobility);

By types of movements (games with running, throwing, etc.);

In the theory and methodology of physical education, the following classification has been adopted.

Outdoor games with rules: plot, non-plot, fun games, attractions and sports games (volleyball, basketball, badminton, towns, rounders, table tennis, football, hockey).

Narrative outdoor games reflect in a conventional form a life or fairy tale episode. The child is carried away by playful images. He is creatively embodied in them, depicting a cat, a sparrow, a car, a wolf, etc.

Non-plot outdoor games contain motor play tasks that are interesting for children, leading to the achievement of the goal. These games are divided into games such as: runs, traps; games with elements of competition (“Who will most likely run to his flag?”, etc.); relay games (“Who is the most likely to pass the ball?”); games with objects (balls, hoops, bowls, pins, etc.).

Fun games - used for small children ("okay", "horned goat", etc.).

Sport games, according to M.P. Goloschekina, E.I. Adashkevichene and others, are used in senior and preparatory school groups.

Play is a dominant factor in preschool age. Preschool age is a period of mastering the social space of human relations through communication with a close adult and through play relationships with a peer.



The urgency of the problem is due to the fact that the alarming situation is developing with the health of children. Per last years the proportion of physiologically immature children born has increased almost fivefold, and 11% of children are born with severe pathology. For a child to grow and develop correctly, it is necessary to begin physical education from a very early age. Physical education of preschool children provides for the protection and strengthening of health, improvement of the functions of the child's body, his full physical development. It is aimed at the timely formation in children:

  • motor skills, abilities and physical qualities (strength, endurance, agility, speed);
  • development of interest in various types of motor activity available to the child;
  • developing a habit of daily exercise;
  • the formation of positive moral, moral and volitional personality traits.

In modern society, characterized by socio-economic instability, deterioration of the ecological situation, an increase in psycho-emotional tension, the requirements for the physical condition, especially, of the able-bodied population, are significantly increasing. With age, the physical condition, physical qualities and motor skills of a person change significantly. Significant changes also take place in the coordination of movements: the accuracy of their fulfillment decreases, the pace, mobility slows down, the speed of reaction decreases, the speed of mastering new motor actions decreases. It becomes the most important for a child to have developed coordination-motor abilities, in the future this will allow to add to their creative activity and longevity, counteract subsequent age-related involutional changes and increase the physiological reserves of the body. This requires the use of special techniques in the process of physical education of a child.

The main theoretical and methodological approaches to the problems of childhood are defined in the studies of E.V. Bondarevskaya, L.S. Vygotsky, V.T. Kudryavtseva, A.N. Leonieva, V.S. Mukhina. S.V. Peterina and others, in which attention is paid to the peculiarities of the subculture of childhood as the space and time for the accumulation of value potential by the child. This period is determined by the motor experience, which is fundamental in the development of the child's personality (A.V. Keneman, N.A.Notkina, T.I. Osokina, E.Ya. Stepanenkova, etc.). At the same time, the questions about the importance of the period of childhood in the development of the value potential of physical culture remain insufficiently illuminated, despite the fact that in a number of works these problems have been investigated.

Outdoor play, its definition and specificity

The leading type of activity in preschool age is role-playing game. The role-playing game is deeply and comprehensively studied in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, F.I. Fradkina and others.

Play is a special form of mastering real social reality through its reproduction. It is a type of symbolic-modeling activity. Play as a model contains the "cultural code" of child development

Play is an emotionally intense activity, it captures the child entirely. The motive of the game lies in the very gameplay; the formula for motivating the game is not to win, but to play.

Play is the leading factor in the socialization of a person in preschool age. In this age period, on a personal level, a person becomes more independent and independent. Along with activities under the direct control and participation of an adult, activities performed on their own initiative become available to him. Thus, autonomization from the adult continues. But at the same time, ties with adults are enriched, becoming more diverse. This is due to an increase in the number of social functions that become feasible for a preschooler. Preschool age is a period of mastering the social space of human relations through communication with close adults and through play relationships with peers. The preschooler, mastering the world of permanent things, mastering the use of an increasing number of objects according to their functional purpose and experiencing a value attitude towards the surrounding objective world, discovers the constancy of the functional purpose of things and the relativity of this constancy.

In preschool age, the interests of the child move from the world of objects to the world of adults. For the first time, a child psychologically goes beyond the family, beyond the environment of close people. An adult begins to appear not only as a specific person, but as an image. Socialization in preschool childhood "child - adult (generalized, social)". The generalized adult is the bearer of social functions, i.e. driver, policeman, salesman, educator, mother in general.

The classic psychological situation that develops at the end of early childhood is the “I myself” phenomenon. Outwardly, this is expressed in the confrontation between the "want" of the child and the "no" of the adult. The child seeks to act independently, to behave "like an adult." but modern world is too complicated, and the direct, direct participation of the child in most types of labor, taking into account the real level of his development, is impossible.

The contradiction is resolved in a special type of preschooler's activity - in play. The game action is free from obligatory methods of action, it is symbolic in nature.

Founder of the Russian physical education system. F. Lesgaft allotted to the game great place... Defining play as an exercise with which the child prepares for life: "Outdoor play is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are obligatory for all players."

According to PF Lesgaft, "outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life."

According to MN Zhukov, "outdoor play is a relatively independent activity of children, which satisfies the need for rest, entertainment, knowledge, and the development of spiritual and physical strength."

V.L. Strakovskaya believes that "outdoor play is a means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, valuable moral and volitional qualities."

The games used for physical education are very diverse. They can be divided into 2 large groups: active and athletic. Sports games are the highest stage in the development of outdoor games. They differ from the mobile ones by uniform rules that determine the composition of participants, the size and layout of the site, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory, etc., which makes it possible to hold competitions of various scales. Competitions in sports games are in the nature of sports wrestling and require a lot of physical exertion and volitional efforts from the participants.

Much has been written about the outdoor game. There is an extensive domestic literature of both theoretical and methodological nature, which examines the role of play, its distribution, methodological features, etc. Major teachers, scientists, progressive public figures considered play very useful for physical education. On the basis of their works and taking into account foreign publications, outdoor play is considered as a meaningful activity aimed at achieving specific motor tasks in rapidly changing conditions. It manifests the player's creative initiative, expressed in a variety of actions, consistent with collective actions.

In the play activity of children, two very important factors are objectively combined: on the one hand, children are involved in practical activities, develop physically, get used to acting independently; on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity, deepen their knowledge of their environment. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the individual as a whole. Thus, play is one of the complex means of education: it is aimed at all-round physical fitness (through direct mastering of the basics of movement and complex actions in the changing conditions of collective activity), improving the functions of the body, character traits of the players.

The main feature that distinguishes most games is their deliberate nature. A goal is always set for the player - the fulfillment of some final task of the game, that is, obtaining a result, albeit within the framework of certain methods of achieving it, but such that allow the players themselves to choose paths, to find, in accordance with their capabilities, new solutions depending on constantly changing situation.

The concept of "play" includes many different forms of play folklore, each of which, ultimately, contributes to the all-round development of children: physical, mental, mental. An active game is that kind of game folklore, the predominant orientation of which is to activate motor activity.

Initially, the game displayed only labor or everyday activities. Later, this concept expanded and a broader content was put into it.

Games imitative labor actions, apparently, very early began to represent objectively existing means of physical education. With the development of society, the need arose to carry out these actions in a more emotional form - in the form of games and dances, which simultaneously delivered aesthetic satisfaction. According to Professor V.K. Nikolsky, already at the earliest stage in the development of human culture "play takes on the character of embryonic physical education, preparing a person for his functions as a member of a team" imitative actions in play have not yet been separated from the labor process. Children choose the game in accordance with the experience of their peers or adults, but this does not exclude, but presupposes that the creativity of the players themselves, their small but still definite life experience, is constantly brought into it. At the same time, there is a gradual abstraction, partially associated with the competitive nature, the desire to show superiority in certain motor actions, in physical qualities, etc. That is why the competitive nature of outdoor games contributed to the fact that a certain part of them formed the basis for the formation sports games... It should be noted that the developing sport also influenced outdoor games (some of them began to include individual elements of sports, in a number of games sports equipment began to be used).

Born on the basis of various labor operations and displaying them, using approximate copies of labor tools as inventory, games contribute to the formation of actions that are necessary for the independent production of game equipment. In fact, every boy took pride in his ability to make a bat, or a bow, or a siskin such as the others did not have. Already this satisfaction from what he had created served as an incentive to play, since in it he did not want to show himself worse than in the skill of making objects. But for success it was necessary to master such labor skills that were not encountered in the game. Therefore, in outdoor games with the use of objects, the relationship between application and labor education is most clearly manifested.

Since outdoor games are considered from the point of view of physical education, then, naturally, the evolution of changes in their character and content in the age aspect is also interesting. For example, we can cite the games "Jump over your legs", "Ball school", "Jumping" and others, in which the actions gradually become more complicated depending on the preparedness of the players and their age characteristics.

The presence of a competitive element in natural types of movements allows the use of outdoor games to prepare for sports games. Correct selection and management of games are of decisive importance in educating students: a sense of collectivism, activity, initiative, conscious discipline; persistence in achieving the set goal, courage.

The breadth of the educational impact of outdoor games, naturally, makes certain methodological requirements for their implementation. The most common of them are: the correspondence of games to the way of life of people, their mental makeup, the level of culture, traditions; correspondence of the complexity of the plot and content to the level of development, the level of knowledge, abilities, skills and physical qualities of those involved, their age; compliance with the tasks of upbringing, education, development and, finally, the conditions that meet the successful implementation of the pedagogical process.

The flexible application of the well-known principles of classification provides teachers with the widest opportunities for the preferential development of physical qualities or the formation and improvement of coordinated and economical movements, the formation of the ability to quickly enter the required rhythm and pace of physical activity, deftly, quickly and expediently perform various motor tasks that in a certain way meet the requirements that presents vital practical activity. A variety of motional actions in outdoor games contributes to the normal physical development, strengthening of the health of the trainees.

The content of the game is what the child identifies as the main moment in the activities and relationships of adults; what exactly the actions and relationships of people are reproduced by them in a playful way. The relationship "person - person" can be recreated in the child's own activity in different ways, depending on how deeply he understands the essence of a particular activity of adults. The content side of the game develops and deepens throughout preschool childhood.

In the younger preschool age, the external side of the activity is reflected in the game. Children reproduce objective actions characteristic of a particular role. The game "to the hospital" is "therapeutic" manipulations with a conventional thermometer, syringe, etc. The role of an adult (in this case, a doctor) is born from the actually performed actions, the logic of which does not always correspond to the real one and is easily violated.

Further, external social relations (most often professional) and social hierarchy become the content of the game. These are the role-based relationships of the driver and passengers, commander and subordinates, seller and buyer, doctor and patient - "who is in charge?", "Who should do what?"

The highest level of development of role play in senior preschool age is associated with the isolation of the inner, semantic essence of human activity. In this case, the subject of orientation becomes motives, moral and ethical foundations, the social meaning of human activity. The role of the doctor is now being rethought as the personalization of such qualities as kindness, compassion, the embodiment of the desire to help another, up to self-sacrifice.

The role of an adult assumed by the child and the actions associated with it constitutes the basic unit of play (DB Elkonin), “a constituent moment in play” (AN Leont'ev). The role contains the rules of conduct. Play actions are ways of performing a role. They are of a general nature. This is always a reproduction of the general, typical, most often the social function of adults: "doctor in general", "commander in general." Animal games are no exception in this case. An evil wolf, a cunning fox, a brave hare act as carriers of generalized human properties and functions, with the help of these roles, quite realistic human relations are recreated.

The role as the leading component of the game is formed gradually. Above, we talked about this as a prerequisite for the emergence of role play at an early age. Game items replace others, meaning is transferred from one object to another. An imaginary (imaginary) situation arises.

In play, imagination is born and formed. Imagination is an action in a semantic field, which is the forerunner of symbolic thinking.

The relationship of children in a situation of outdoor games is of a different nature. These are relationships in the plot and the role - play; and the relationship of children as partners in a common cause is real. By interacting in the game, children learn to communicate, coordinate their points of view.

The history of the formation of coordination of game interactions during early and preschool childhood includes several stages. Among them: playing alone; observation game; parallel play - play side by side, but not together; associative game, game-cooperation; joint, collective game.

An important line in the genesis of play is associated with the problem of the child's mastery of his own behavior. In outdoor games, a process of subordination of the child to certain rules arises. L.S. Vygotsky pointed out that play is a school of arbitrariness, will, morality, and physical capabilities.

Imitative-procedural games are characterized by the fact that in them the playing role and the imaginary situation are open, and the rule is hidden. Outdoor games are undergoing transformation throughout preschool age; there are such varieties of it: role-playing game, director's game, dramatization game. However, every role-playing game contains certain rules that follow from the role the child has taken on (for example, how a mother should behave, or robbers, or shipwrecked).

A game with rules is a game with a hidden imaginary situation, hidden play role and open rules. In a game with fixed rules, a task is internally concluded (for example, in a game of "classics" you need to achieve the goal, observing a number of conditions that are specially agreed upon). The game with the rules thus prepares the appearance of the teaching didactic game as a transitional milestone on the path to conscious learning.

The value of the game for mental development a child of preschool age is great. D.B. Elkonin emphasized that the meaning of play "is determined by the fact that it affects the most essential aspects of the mental development of the child's personality as a whole, the development of his consciousness."

Considering the enormous importance of children's play, the fact that play is in a state of crisis in modern society cannot but cause alarm. Can be called whole line the reasons for this phenomenon. Modern parents are indifferent and often disapproving of children's play as a frivolous, unhelpful occupation. In an effort to speed up child development, to intensify it, there is a displacement of free games of children by educational activities. The very conditions for the existence of play in the children's community are also problematic. One-child family, restriction of walks by communication with parents creates obstacles for the development of the game as a joint activity of children. And the strict age stratification of children in kindergartens and schools, in the courtyards (groups of three, four, etc.) leads to a violation of the traditions of transferring gaming experience.

Throughout the preschool age, the content of the game changes qualitatively: if for the younger preschooler the main content of the game is the reproduction of other people's actions on the basis of imitation, then the older preschooler is already included in the role, playing the relationships of people, interpreting them in accordance with their own understanding of the situation.

The independence of children in outdoor games is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will begin to reveal roles, where the action is developed, etc. Each child is free to choose the means of embodying the image. And since the basic needs of the preschooler are expressed in play, the most important thing is realized in it - the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing out. The creative nature of the role-playing game is determined by the presence of a plan in it, the implementation of which is associated with the active work of the imagination, with the development of the child's ability to reflect his impressions of the world around him. Like any creative activity, role-playing game is emotionally saturated and gives every child joy and pleasure by its very process.

Outdoor play as a means of physical education

Outdoor games have health-improving, educational and educational value and are easily accessible for family physical education. They have been proven to improve the physical development of children, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthen health. In addition, this is a very emotional sports activity that can create a very large physical load on the child, which must be taken into account when organizing classes and games with the baby.

Almost every game features running, jumping, throwing, balance exercises, etc. In games, the basic physical qualities of a child are brought up, such as strength, speed, endurance, and a variety of motor skills and abilities are improved.

Play is one of the most important means of physical education for preschool children. It contributes to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. Various movements and actions of children during the game, with skillful guidance by them, effectively affect the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, contribute to strengthening nervous system, the motor apparatus, improving the general metabolism, increasing the activity of all organs and systems of the human body, stimulate appetite and promote sound sleep. With the help of outdoor games, the all-round physical development of the child is ensured.

During games, preschoolers develop and improve a variety of skills in basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.) A quick change of environment during the game teaches the child to use the movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation. All this has a positive effect on the improvement of motor skills.

Play is the first activity that plays a large role in the formation of the personality. In games, children reflect the accumulated experience, deepen, consolidate their understanding of the events depicted, about life. A child, like an adult, learns the world in the process of activity. Playing games enrich the participants with new sensations, ideas and concepts. Games expand the range of ideas, develop observation, ingenuity, the ability to analyze, compare and generalize what was seen, on the basis of which to draw conclusions from the observed phenomena in environment... In outdoor games, the ability to correctly assess spatial and temporal relationships is developed, to quickly and correctly respond to the current situation in a frequently changing game environment. Of great educational value are outdoor games held on the ground in summer and winter conditions: in pioneer camps, at recreation centers, on hikes and excursions. Games on the ground contribute to the formation of the skills necessary for the tourist, scout, and pathfinder.

The importance of outdoor games in the upbringing of physical qualities is also great: speed, dexterity, strength, endurance, flexibility. Games foster in children a sense of solidarity, camaraderie, and responsibility for each other's actions. The rules of the game contribute to the upbringing of conscious discipline, honesty, endurance, the ability to “pull oneself together” after strong excitement, to restrain one's selfish impulses.

Games can be played outdoors at any time of the year. The duration of a game with children from 3 to 6 years old depends on its intensity and complexity of motor movements, the characteristics of the child's physical development, the state of his health, and on average it can be 10-20 minutes.

The load can be dosed by the following methods: by decreasing or increasing the number of players; the duration of the game in time; the size of the playground; the number of repetitions; the severity of objects and the presence of rest breaks. At the end of the game, it is necessary to encourage the baby, noting his dexterity, strength, initiative.

Exercises in the form of games bring special joy to kids. It is quite possible for parents to conduct such games at home, in the yard, in the country or on a walk, during which children acquire vital skills and develop physically. Over time, physical exercise becomes a favorite game for children, in which everything is interesting: new achievements, and the competitiveness of games, and the participation of parents. Any load begins to be perceived easily and with curiosity, even cold load, without which hardening is impossible.

It is important for educators to be creative in the conduct of physical education for children and, if necessary, independently compose play tasks containing such types of movements that the child especially needs at the moment.

In cool weather, it is advisable to carry out games of medium and high mobility, since the child's movements are limited due to warm clothes. In the autumn-winter period, the most accessible for younger preschoolers games during which they run, jump, throw and roll balls ("Horses", "Roll the ball", etc.).

In the summer, games that involve running and jumping are best done during a morning walk or in the afternoon when the temperature drops. Before bedtime, games of great mobility are not carried out in order to avoid overexcitation of children.

In the fresh air, you can play games of any mobility with running in different directions, with throwing the ball at a distance and at the target, with jumping.

To better master the game, it is recommended to explain the most difficult moments by showing some movements. A detailed explanation of the rules is only justified when the game is played for the first time. When it is repeated, only the main content is reminded. In the event that a game known to the child is complicated, they explain to him additional rules and ways of doing it.

Children are also interested in an imaginary situation presented to them in a vivid figurative form and associated with the unusual conditions in which they must act. For example, adventures while "traveling" along the river. These conditions encourage children to find new characteristics of movements for them. Any game needs to be played lively and interestingly. Only then will it be an effective means of physical education.

With children of three to four years old, games are carried out on material that is understandable and close to them. Preschoolers are mainly attracted by the process of movement itself: they are interested in running, catching up, throwing objects, looking for them. For them, games with one or two basic movements are selected. It is also important to take into account the fact that at this age the child has poor control of movements: he often loses balance, falls, makes significant efforts during exercise. Games for younger preschoolers are selected simple, with the obligatory alternation of movements and rest. Their content is made up of feasible and interesting tasks("Catch the ball", "Run to me", etc.). The main movements in these games are short running and walking followed by rest. Walking, running, light jumping are the most accessible movements for babies. The duration of the game of medium and high mobility for children of three to four years should not exceed 6-8 minutes.

Children of five years old show great interest in games with dynamic movements (running, jumping, climbing exercises, balance, etc.). They like to catch up with each other, to run away from the driver. Gradually, they begin to take an interest in the results of their actions: to hit the target with the ball, easily jump over the "trickle". However, it is not recommended to conduct games with complex types of movements (jumping, climbing) until preschoolers master them. First, they are taught to perform the movement correctly, and then they play a game where this movement is leading. The total duration of outdoor games for children of this age group is no more than 8-10 minutes. At this age, children need to gradually learn the rules of such sports games as badminton, beach volleyball, basketball, mini-football. Children, as a rule, enthusiastically play these games with their parents, acquiring certain skills, and get acquainted with the simplified rules of these games, which will be useful for them when communicating with teenagers in the yard and at school.

Higher physical readiness of six-year-old children makes it possible to use a variety of movements in games more widely (throwing and catching the ball in the game "Toss and Catch", throwing rings in the game "Serso", jumping in the game "Catch the Moth", etc.). For children of this age, games with a ball, rope, hoop, flags are of great importance.

In the system of physical education of seven-year-old children, outdoor games play a significant role. A characteristic feature of the behavior of children of this age in the game is their great independence. They themselves determine the elementary rules, they can change them at will. The content of games is often associated with the use of a variety of equipment, which encourages children to take certain actions: a jump rope - to jump, a ball - to throw at a target, toss or roll. The total duration of the game is 12-15 minutes. Physical activity is regulated by the size of the distance that children run, by reducing or increasing the number of obstacles to overcome, complicating the rules, introducing short breaks for rest or analyzing errors.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

In the first years of life, the child learns a lot, begins to talk, ask questions, observes the world around him and tries to imitate. At an early and junior preschool age, most of the time, the child is engaged in object-oriented activity, but with pleasure he participates in outdoor games and game exercises of a motor nature. While playing, the child exercises various actions, and with the help of an adult, he masters new and more complex ways of performing them. An outdoor play like game form physical activity has a certain specificity.

Outdoor games conditioned by the plot and rules contribute to the conscious achievement of the goal of the conditional design, in addition, such games require the child to accurately follow the rules, a quick reaction to signals and to a change in the game situation. But games do not have to be challenging and appropriate to the capabilities of young children. After all, children of this age do not play together, but side by side. The main thing is to involve children in joint active activities that bring them joy and cause emotional uplift. Outdoor games, as a rule, are collective and children learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players. Play and physical activity are a prerequisite for the full and harmonious development of a child. Children become stronger, smarter, more confident and independent. Repeated repetition of game actions requires attention, volitional and physical efforts, coordination of movements. Outdoor play is an important source of children's creativity, which contributes to the development of imagination, awakens the child's initiative. It is included in the general structure of the daily regimen as an independent part of motor and other types of children's activity in conditions preschool institutions... Such games must be repeated in different conditions: in the playroom, in the hall, on the playground, in natural conditions, with and without aids. junior group folk games and amusements, games for orientation in space are introduced.

At the stage of early and early age, games should be specially organized by the teacher as a process that includes the formulation of game tasks of an educational and upbringing nature.

The active, interested participation of the teacher in the game gives the kids great joy, creates a good emotional atmosphere, promotes the involvement of all children in the game, activates them and their actions. Thus, outdoor play creates an additional opportunity for an adult to communicate with children.

The most effective outdoor games. This has a beneficial effect on the overall health of children. On the basis of the sequential expansion of game actions, individual motor experience is enriched, consolidation and improvement of basic movements, different in structure and character, take place. Movements such as walking, running, bouncing, crawling, etc. are used by children in independent activities and are an integral part of the content of organized outdoor games. Changing game situations and rules force a small child to move at a higher speed, overcome obstacles faster and form useful motor qualities: agility, quickness, coordination.

Outdoor games in content and organization should be varied. They can be: plot, plotless, fun games, folk games, using sports equipment and in the form of game exercises.

Outdoor games are carried out every day and are included in the general structure of children's life as an independent type of physical activity and as an obligatory part of physical education. Such games can be held at different times before breakfast, during morning exercises, physical education and a walk in the morning and afternoon. It is advisable to repeat new games for two or three days in a row. Games should be fun, accessible and age appropriate for young and young children.

When choosing an outdoor game, it is necessary to remember that the pedagogical effect largely depends on the implementation of the main educational and educational tasks. With the help of various game tasks, the teacher must ensure the strengthening and improvement of the children's body, the formation of the necessary movement skills, the creation of conditions for the manifestation of joyful emotional experiences, the fostering of friendly relations and elementary discipline, the ability to act in a team of peers, the development of speech and the enrichment of the child's vocabulary.
The mastery of play actions and the development of play activity largely depend on how the teacher will be able to attract children to play, to interest them. At the stage of early and junior preschool age, the teacher must use a variety of methods of pedagogical guidance of the play activity of children: direct participation, explanation, demonstration, verbal story, explanations, instructions, play images.

The teacher should strive to create conditions for the kids to play outdoor games on their own. With an individual approach to each child at the beginning of the year, children gradually gain strength, get used to collective games enhance motor experience. It is also necessary to take into account the interests of children so that they are sufficiently emotional and proactive. In individual work, the main thing is to involve children in active and collective activity, which allows them to exercise them in performing a game task. Only after long individual work will it be possible to attract the child to play together.

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a health-improving effect on the child's body.

In the game, he exercises a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activate respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors. It is extremely important to consider the role of the growing tension, joy, intense feelings and continuing interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Child's passion for play not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an irreplaceable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing constrains the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free. The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, consciously act in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the available motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and play ideas. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children. Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality. In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the World is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

Outdoor play prepares the child for work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work activity. Thus, outdoor play is an irreplaceable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When carrying out an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. In the process of playing, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.