Types of children's games in dhow according to fgos. Fgos do about play activities. The game "Everything that flies"

Under activity in pedagogy, it is customary to understand initiative in the implementation of certain actions aimed at realizing one's will, cognition of the world, comprehension of surrounding objects and phenomena, creative and contemplative perception. The main activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard are distinguished in connection with:

  • analysis of the most effective types of activity of preschoolers, necessary for planning educational educational work kindergarten;
  • planning the results of work for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education;
  • the development of a subject-spatial and developmental environment that meets the age and psychophysical needs of children;
  • the search for new forms and ways of organizing the leisure time of preschoolers.

Main activities in preschool educational institutions according to FGOS

Thanks to a properly organized developing subject-spatial environment, preschoolers systematically expand the horizons of knowledge, skills and abilities, and their activity, which manifests itself in different types of activity, consistently increases. Since the current legislation classifies five educational areas, which correspond to 5 types of activities according to the federal state educational standard in preschool educational institutions (cognitive, physical, speech, socio-communicative and artistic and aesthetic), in kindergartens, the development of pupils is organized according to these normative guidelines. The content of educational areas is determined in accordance with the program content and age characteristics of children, and therefore is realized not only through classes, but also through leisure forms of activity.

In the methodological literature and among teachers of preschool education, there is often a lack of knowledge of the main types of activities of children, provoked by the difference in classifications established by the federal standard (9 types of activities) and the number of educational areas (5 areas). A similar discrepancy arises since for a long time the activity of preschoolers corresponded to the fields of education, and according to the FGOS DO, design and manual labor, self-service and work, the perception of folklore and fiction. Thus, the age needs of preschool children correspond to 9 main types of activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which provide comprehensive development and familiarization with general cultural values.

Since among the existing classifications of activities in the most significant for implementation are determined by an approximate educational program and may differ in forms and content, the key ones should be discussed in more detail.

Play types of children's activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Play is not only one of the key forms of activity for preschoolers, but also a means of learning about the world. That is why play activity with a didactic component is of strategic importance for age-related development, since only in this way children learn to copy the behavior of adults, which ensures optimal psycho-emotional growth. Plots and complexity of the rules play activities depend on the age characteristics of children: the smallest predominantly repeat simple actions after adults (they talk on the phone, imitate gestures, the labor activity of representatives of different professions, the actions and sounds of animals), but in the process of growing up, kindergarten pupils move to game models with a more complex plot and rules, and in the older preschool age and will be able to independently create game plots, distribute roles in them among their peers (games to school or a store, daughters-mothers).

The paramount importance of play in kindergarten is dictated not only by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Convention on the Protection of Children's Rights, but also by the educational role of games that contribute to the emergence of comprehensively developed personalities. Game types activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard have a positive effect on the education of initiative, humanism, curiosity, tolerance and activity in preschool children. To achieve pedagogical teaching and educational goals, play activity must correspond to the age of the children.

Play activities in kindergarten are organized for different purposes, depending on the age groups of the pupils:

Age group Feature of gaming activity
First junior group Children learn to play without interfering with each other, using a single group space or playground. Educators at this stage of growing up help to enrich the emotional experience of children, expand the ideas of kids about the world around them, existing objects and phenomena, explain the possibilities of transferring functions by an object (for example, you can ride both a bear and a doll on the same machine, you can feed a bunny with one spoon, and boy). In junior childhood the prerequisites for a role-playing game are laid.
Second junior group The plot variety of games expands due to personal experience (kids play in a kindergarten, hospital or store), familiarization with collective forms of activity is practiced. Children at 3-4 years old should be able to choose roles according to their own preferences and interests, try to imitate the movements, sounds and behavior of animals and birds, literary and fairy-tale characters, practice the classification of objects and play equipment according to various principles (by color, shape, size) ...
Middle group At this age, kids are more active in playing functions within the framework of the established rules, available props and assigned roles. It is important for teachers to stimulate the activity of pupils by performing various tasks, training tactile skills, motor skills, mastering the rules of popular didactic and plot-based role-playing games.
Senior group Children practice group forms of play activity within the framework of an adequate competitive component: they discuss the rules of the game, coordinate actions, distribute roles, in case of disputable situations, they find compromises. Educator in senior group often consults and oversees, playing a secondary rather than a leading role in the game. It encourages children to show initiative, to creatively comprehend role-playing games, folklore and literary works.
Preparatory group Playful activity becomes more difficult, play equipment is used less often, which allows children to use creative thinking and fantasizing. The didactic component of leisure activities is gradually expanding; children, with the support of a teacher, become involved in labor and artistic activities when they make decorations and tools for games.

Demonstrating the boundless educational and developmental abilities of games, educators use intellectual, didactic, plot-role, sports, mobile, search, experimental, finger and other games. Theatrical games are a separate type of activity in a preschool educational institution, integrated with artistic and communicative, thereby ensuring the development of emotional intelligence, creative rethinking game plots and the surrounding reality, the expansion of sensory experience.

Cognitive and research activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Among all children's activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions, the innate curiosity of preschoolers is realized by research activity. It reflects the psychophysiological needs characteristic of preschoolers and the desire to cognize reality through the study of phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. As they grow up, children learn sensory abilities and basic mathematical representations, expand the understanding of the world, their activity becomes more productive. In this regard, cognitive and research activities in different groups are implemented in different ways:

  1. Younger preschoolers develop spatial thinking through transformation by an object (building constructions from a designer, playing with transforming robots, transforming machines), satisfy research interest, expanding ideas about natural phenomena, animals and plants, and geometric shapes. Carrying out cognitive and research activities, children develop the vocal apparatus, fine and gross motor skills.
  2. In the middle preschool age, it is important for educators to encourage in every possible way the research and search work of children, which is carried out through grouping, sorting and comparing various phenomena and objects, expanding mathematical skills and knowledge, and forming basic ideas about the history and culture of Russia.
  3. Starting from the senior preschool age, children join the planning of research activities, learn to draw conclusions, generalize and systematize information, bring the planned to the end, and distribute responsibilities between peers to complete the assigned tasks. In the process of work, pupils expand their vocabulary, learn the simplest mathematical operations (add and subtract, determine more and less).
  4. In the preparatory group of the kindergarten, in the process of conducting classes, preschoolers expand their knowledge about peoples and countries, the planet Earth, their homeland, animals and flora, consolidate the knowledge gained during preschool childhood. In addition, children are introduced to key events for the country and the history of the state, professions, do everything to develop skills that will be required by preschool graduates at school.

Classes-observations of natural phenomena, experiments, work with natural and visual materials, watching cartoons, videos and educational TV shows, modeling, collecting, search projects and other techniques have proved their effectiveness in the context of organizing cognitive and research work.

Communicative children's activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The level of their interaction with teachers and peers depends on the degree of formation of the speech skills of preschoolers. Since in the process of mastering the means of native speech, children face constant difficulties, communicative activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, integrated with other forms of activity, form the basis of the educational process. Speech competence of kindergarten pupils is developing everywhere in regime moments and direct educational activity, however, the child's initiative, his readiness to develop, to master new knowledge is also of fundamental importance, and therefore it is important for educators to stimulate the communicative activity of children. The latter in a kindergarten is realized through listening to fairy tales, memorizing poems, retelling literary works, playing theatrical performances and other forms.

The implementation of speech activity differs depending on the age category of children:

Age group Feature of speech activity
First junior group At this stage, the formation of a sound culture of speech in children, the development of a passive vocabulary, which will create the preconditions for communication with adults and peers without raising the voice, is of key importance. As a result, pupils of the preschool educational institution will be able to express their thoughts and emotions without screaming in a calm tone.
Second junior group In the course of collective play activity, preschoolers train their articulatory apparatus, expand their vocabulary and active sound scale. Children learn expressions that are new to themselves, including forms of addressing elders, teachers and household members.
Middle group An important task of this stage of childhood is the ability of children to listen, make coherent statements, express their own thoughts. In the process of teaching, children are taught self-control skills, and fine motor skills are developed.
Senior group The development of speech competencies is carried out in the course of dialogical and monologue speech. In the process, tolerance is formed, a benevolent attitude towards others, high moral and ethical and moral qualities... Speech activity is carried out in the context of national, civil and gender identity.
Preparatory group On the eve of entering school, children learn to build coherent statements on a given topic, expand their vocabulary by memorizing literary and folklore works, learning terms, antonyms and synonyms for words they know. At the same time, intonation training is carried out.

To develop the communicative activity of children, educators use listening to fairy tales, poems, tongue twisters, organize performances with elements of dialogic speech, outdoor games, quizzes, contests for poetry readers, tasks for reproducing various words and stories.

Productive activities in a preschool educational institution

The practice of using productive activities in kindergarten ensures the formation of perseverance, endurance, attentiveness, patience, analytical work skills, structural assessment of the possibilities of objects, a systematic approach to the surrounding reality in children. Such forms of activity lay the foundation for the successful creative self-realization of children. Productive activity is based on the reproduction of what was seen before with a creative component and the addition of unique elements.

Most often, productive activity in a kindergarten is realized through the design of: younger preschoolers create the simplest structures from cubes, highlighting individual parts of the building, completing or rebuilding them, equipping structures with free space inside. In the middle preschool age, pupils expand their ideas about the size, shape and texture of objects, and therefore learn to create buildings according to the teacher's verbal instructions, and not their own ideas and visual example. For the construction of structures, children use the simplest structures, for which they unite in groups to build even more voluminous figures. At the senior preschool age, children can implement tasks of any complexity, design the construction of a given topic or form, can implement productive activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard on their own according to instructions.

However, the range of productive activities in kindergarten is not limited to design, and therefore educators use other forms of children's activity, among which a special place is occupied by:

  1. Drawing (with crayons, paints, pencils or other visual means). Children develop abstract and creative thinking, and their hands prepare for writing if they systematically draw on a special board, paper, asphalt or canvas.
  2. Sculpting is the best method for working on fine motor skills. The use of plastic materials (clay, kinetic sand or plasticine) optimizes the coordination of children's movements, forms perseverance, awareness of the proportions and position of bodies in space, attention to detail, spatial thinking.
  3. Applications, crafts made from natural and scrap materials, fabrics contribute to the creative self-expression of children, rethinking individual events, phenomena and objects.

Thematic exhibitions of children's works, decoration of premises and events for the holidays with the results of the pupils' creativity opens up to children an awareness of the importance of artistic work, providing ample opportunities for self-realization. Unfortunately, in recent years, children are increasingly losing interest in traditional types of productive activity, and therefore educators need to find new, more modern forms of activity that should be included in the educational process. The practice of Russian and foreign kindergartens proves that children are enthusiastically involved in scrapbooking, original design techniques (embossing, contouring), create illustrations from magazine clippings with interest, learn the basics of weaving, which opens up endless opportunities for the implementation of practical activities in pedagogical process DOE.

Labor activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

So that children from a very young age can independently satisfy their basic physiological needs, treat their own and other people's work more respectfully, systematically improve their health, the practice of instilling work skills is important. That is why various types of labor activities are practiced in kindergartens, which have a positive effect on the development of a sense of responsibility and independence in the pupils of the preschool educational institution, a conscious approach to productive activity.

Children are introduced to elementary labor consistently, taking into account the age and physiological capabilities of preschoolers, and therefore:

  • in the first younger group, the work activity of preschoolers is the ability to dress and undress on their own, wash their hands after a walk and before eating, use a pot, use a spoon and fork;
  • in the second junior group, kindergarten pupils expand the range of available skills and abilities, learn to provide all possible assistance to educators and nannies;
  • in middle group preschoolers 4-5 years old learn to assess their abilities and the amount of work, to achieve their goals, bringing the work started to the end, which instills the ability to self-regulation (it is strategically important for educators to encourage the labor initiative of children, their desire to help);
  • older preschoolers should control the condition and location of personal belongings, toys, school supplies and other things;
  • in the preparatory group, preschoolers should easily take care of their clothes and shoes according to the instructions of the teacher.

In security moments, during walks, classes and events, shifts under the supervision of a teacher, children carry out basic types of work. To do this, teachers involve children in caring for flowers and plants on the site, collecting natural material and making decorative items from it, which are later used to decorate the group space, to create bird feeders, cleaning leaves or snow and other simple educational tasks.

Musical and artistic activities of children in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Preschoolers of all ages are actively introduced to the world of music, which contributes to the development of aesthetic perception of the world, the emotional sphere, performing skills, rhythm, and therefore creates opportunities for comprehensive development the personality of the child. Educators in the classroom and during walks, and music directors in music lessons actively introduce children to various musical works, which develops a sense of wonderful and musical taste in them.

Since speech and music have a similar intonational nature, regular performance practice contributes to the development of communication skills, mastering the tempo, pitch, power of speech, and serves as the prevention of speech dysfunctions and disorders. Among 9 types of activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, music occupies one of the key positions, since this form of activity is integrated with other educational areas, including the study of folk art and artistic words. Children of all ages listen to fairy tales, poems, folklore works, participate in creative fantasy and dramatization. It is important for educators at this stage to contribute in every possible way to instilling love for the artistic word, folk and academic musical works, the concepts of morality and ethical standards, the basics of critical thinking.

The personal initiative and contribution of the educator largely determine the pedagogical work on the perception of artistic and musical creativity by children, since it is from the teacher and music director The preschool educational institution depends on whether children will be able to join the beautiful through acquaintance with music and literature, whether they will feel the need to continue studying the world of art. In this context, integrative types of creativity that combine various forms of activity, for example, theatrical and musical-didactic games, staging and improvisation, staging dance numbers or works of art with musical accompaniment, etc., acquire key importance.

Children's types of physical activity according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution

The need for movement is inherent in the physiology of children, however, due to the massive spread of modern technologies and changes in the principles of organizing family leisure time, the physical activity of preschoolers is not fully satisfied. That is why in kindergarten, educators and physical education instructors strive to fill the regime and leisure moments with various forms of activity as much as possible, which will improve the health of children, lay the foundations healthy way life and a conscious attitude to their health. Regular improvement of the physical abilities of preschoolers is the key to the harmonious development of the growing body.

The organization of motor activity is carried out taking into account the age of the pupils and their physiological capabilities:

  1. IN younger groups preschoolers need to master exercises with a ball (throwing and rolling), running continuously for 30 seconds, jumping in place, performing imitation exercises (for example, reindeer running or jumping with a grasshopper), outdoor games and the ability to climb the first slats of the wall bar.
  2. In the middle group of the kindergarten, pupils perform exercises for training balance, strength, coordination of movements, develop basic motor skills, running, jumping.
  3. Older preschoolers expand their range of motion and range of motor skills through a combination of different exercises. Hardening procedures are performed under the supervision of the educator, and competitive moments, sports games and relay races are used in leisure forms of activity.
  4. In the preparatory group, along with various types of educational activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, round dance and sports games are used, during which various muscle groups are developed, simple and complex forms of activity are practiced, dexterity, strength, endurance are trained.

Among all forms of physical activity, the most effective are drill and outdoor games, round dances, dance exercises, exercises, morning exercises, the basics of hiking, riding bicycles, sledges and scooters.

How to motivate children to implement various types of educational activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

IN preschool education the correct distribution of the educational burden on children is of key importance. The unstable attention of preschoolers, which is due to physiological and age factors, provokes regular difficulties in the process of implementing educational activities during the transition from one type of child's activity to another

Experienced teachers, who are not used to relying on factors that cannot be controlled, have developed a set of techniques that make it easy to motivate children to change the type of activity. Most often they use:

  1. Conversations are a method that makes it possible to actualize the attention of preschoolers, facilitating the transition to communicative, cognitive-research, labor or musical-artistic activities. Educators practice the creation of a card index of conversations, which can later be used in the course of the educational process with children of different ages.
  2. Riddles are a fascinating way of influencing pupils, which does not require significant time spent on classes, but introduces elements of an entertaining and competitive nature. Guessing provides a simple transition from creativity, work or productive activity to, for example, educational.
  3. Poems - serve as a stimulating factor in the transition to labor and physical activity, the implementation of simple assignments, the implementation of research, cognitive, visual and play activities.
  4. Fairy tales - help to motivate children for educational or work activity, explain the nature of things, the world and the peculiarities of the relationship in it in simple and accessible words. Fantasy fairy-tale plots are appropriate in the process of implementing almost all types of activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard.
  5. Visualization tools (pictures, posters, diagrams) set up preschoolers for productive, cognitive-research, communicative and musical-artistic activity.

The connecting link in the process of switching to another type of activity can be the game, which is most characteristic of the pupils of the preschool educational institution and meets their age-related needs. It is it that can be used as the main instrument of integration, if there is a need to provide comprehensive preparation of children for multicomponent educational work with maximum involvement.

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Integration of activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Key trend recent years in the field of preschool education, there has been an increase in the volume of educational load, which determines the importance of integrating the main types of activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Children from an early age are faced with the need to master a significant amount of information, and for most parents it seems to be an absolute norm to organize meaningful leisure of their beloved children in schools. early development, in foreign language courses, in dance and sports studios. As a result, a large number of pupils demonstrate a low concentration of attention, which significantly complicates the implementation of program content. Preschool pedagogical practice needs new organizational solutions, and in light of this, the integration of various types of activities of children becomes the optimal organizational solution.

A number of requirements are imposed on integrated educational activity, regardless of the form of its organization - in the form of classes or unregulated activity, which should include:

  1. Strict thoughtfulness, clarity of structure with laconic inclusion of each individual component. Integration provides for the need to somewhat reduce the volume of each of the types of children's activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard in order to ensure an overall indicator of the effectiveness of educational work.
  2. A clear, easily traceable relationship between the individual components, which is achieved only with careful study of the material.
  3. Significant information content, availability of information, the explanation of which is carried out within the established time.

The successful organization of integrated classes in kindergarten conditions the abandonment of traditional methods of interaction between the teacher and children in favor of conducting search, research, heuristic activities, sequential analysis, and finding answers to problematic questions. The task of the teacher is to teach kids to study all the characteristic features of a particular subject or phenomenon, which contributes to the consistent implementation of all types of activities provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, and the satisfaction of age-related psychophysical needs.

It is important to note that all types of children's activity are characterized by progressive development within the framework of five stages: free experimentation, the emergence of difficulty, working together with an adult (skill formation), activities together or next to peers (skill training), amateur performance with the inclusion of a creative element (consolidation skill and its subsequent expansion). Each of these stages is important, but it is the process of interaction between the child and the adult that remains the key, and the maximum amount of time is devoted to it within the framework of integrative activities. Practice shows that such a pedagogical model contributes to the rapid enrichment of the personal experience of preschoolers, and therefore its inclusion in the organization of the educational process is recognized as expedient.

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Card file for didactic games cognitive development in the middle group.

1. Didactic game "Find the mistake"


Game progress : The teacher shows the toy and names the deliberately wrong action that this animal allegedly produces. Children must answer whether this is correct or not, and then list those actions that this animal can actually perform. For example: “The dog is reading. Can a dog read? " Children answer: "No." What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are named.

2. Didactic game "Tell the word"

Goals: learn to pronounce polysyllabic words clearly loudly, develop auditory attention.

Game progress: The teacher pronounces the phrase, but does not finish the syllable in the last word. Children have to finish this word.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins….

Ry-ry-ry - the boy has a ...

Ro-ro-ro - we have a new led ...

Ru-ru-ru - we continue to play.

Re-re-re - there is a house on th ...

Ri-ri-ri - snow on the branches ...

Ar-ar-ar - our self is boiling ...

Ry-ry-ry - the go has a lot of children ...

3. Didactic game "It happens or not"

Goals: to learn to notice inconsistencies in judgments, to develop logical thinking.

Game progress : The teacher explains the rules of the game:

  • I will tell a story in which you must notice something that does not happen.

“In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the guys and I went for a walk. They made a snowman out of snow and started sledding. " "Spring has come. All the birds flew away to warm lands. The bear climbed into his den and decided to sleep through the whole spring ... "

4. Didactic game "What season?"

Goals: to teach to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain time of the year; develop auditory attention, quick thinking.

Game progress: Children are sitting on the bench. The teacher asks the question "When does this happen?" and reads a text or riddle about different seasons.

5. Didactic game "Where can I do what?"

Goals: activation in speech of verbs used in a certain situation.

Game progress: The teacher asks questions, the children answer them.

What can you do in the forest? (Walk; pick berries, mushrooms; hunt; listen to birdsong; rest).

What can you do on the river? What is the hospital doing?

6. Didactic game "What, what, what?"

Goals: teach to select definitions corresponding to a given example, a phenomenon; activate previously learned words.

Game progress: The teacher calls a word, and the players take turns calling as many signs as possible that correspond to a given subject. Squirrel - red, nimble, big, small, beautiful .....

Coat - warm, winter, new, old ... ..

Mom is kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

House - wooden, stone, new, panel ...

  1. Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

Goals: learn to supplement sentences with a word of the opposite meaning, develop attention.

Game progress : The teacher begins the sentence, and the children finish it, they only speak words with the opposite meaning.

Sugar is sweet. and pepper -…. (bitter).

In summer the leaves are green, and in autumn .... (yellow).

The road is wide and the path is .... (narrow).

  1. Didactic game "Find out whose sheet"

Goals: learn to recognize a plant by a leaf (name a plant by a leaf and find it in nature), develop attention.

Game progress : On a walk, collect fallen leaves from trees, bushes. Show the children, invite them to find out from which tree and find similarities with not fallen leaves.

9. Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant"

Goals: teach to describe the subject and recognize it by description, develop memory, attention.

Game progress : The teacher invites one child to describe a plant or make a riddle about it. Other children should guess what kind of plant it is.

10. Didactic game "Who am I?"

Goals: learn to name a plant, develop memory, attention.

Game progress : The teacher quickly points to the plant. The one who is the first to name the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant) gets a token.

11. Didactic game "Who has who"

Goals : to consolidate knowledge about animals, to develop attention, memory.

Game progress: The teacher names the animal, and the children name the baby in the singular and plural. The child who correctly names the cub receives a token.

12. Didactic game "Who (what) flies?"

Goals: consolidate knowledge about animals, insects, birds, develop attention, memory.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The selected child names some object or animal, and raises both hands up and says: "Flies."

When an object that flies is called, all children raise both hands up and say "Flies", if not, they do not raise their hands. If one of the children is mistaken, he leaves the game.

13 . Didactic game "What kind of insect?"

Goals : to clarify and expand ideas about the life of insects in the fall, to teach to describe insects by their characteristic features, to cultivate a caring attitude to all living things, to develop attention.

Game progress : Children are divided into 2 subgroups. One subgroup describes the insect, and the other has to guess who it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup asks their questions.

14. Didactic game "Hide and Seek"

Goals: to learn to find a tree by description, to consolidate the ability to use prepositions in speech: for, about, before, next to, because of, between, on; develop auditory attention.

Game progress: On the instructions of the teacher, some of the children are hiding behind trees and bushes. The leader, according to the instructions of the teacher, is looking for (find who is hiding behind a tall tree, low, thick, thin).

15. Didactic game "Who will name more actions?"

Goals: learn to select verbs denoting actions, develop memory, attention.

Game progress : The teacher asks questions, the children answer with verbs. Children receive a token for each correct answer.

  • What can you do with flowers? (tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant)
  • What does the janitor do? (sweeps, cleans, watering, cleans the paths from snow)

16. Didactic game "What happens?"

Goals: teach to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material, compare, contrast, select as many names as possible that fit this definition; develop attention.

Game progress: Tell us what happens:

Green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree….

Wide - river, road, ribbon, street ...

The one who names more words wins.

17. Didactic game "What kind of bird is this?"

Goals: clarify and expand ideas about the life of birds in the fall, teach to describe birds by their characteristic features; develop memory; foster a caring attitude towards birds.

Game progress: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe a bird, and the other must guess what kind of bird it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup asks their questions.

18. Didactic game "Guess, we will guess"

Goals: consolidate knowledge about garden and vegetable garden plants; the ability to name their signs, describe and find them by description, develop attention.

Game progress: Children describe any plant in the following order6 shape, color, taste. The driver must recognize the plant according to the description.

19. Didactic game "It happens - it does not happen" (with a ball)

Goals: develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

Game progress : The teacher pronounces phrases and throws the ball, and the children must respond quickly.

Snow in winter ... (happens) Frost in summer ... (does not happen)

Frost in summer ... (does not happen) drops in summer ... (does not happen)

20. Didactic game "The third extra" (plants)

Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the diversity of plants, to develop memory, speed of reaction.

Game progress: The teacher names 3 plants each (trees and shrubs), one of which is "superfluous". For example, maple, linden, lilac. Children have to determine which one is "extra" and clap their hands.

(Maple, linden - trees, lilac - shrub)

21. Didactic game "Game of riddles"

Goals: expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

Game progress: Children are sitting on the bench. The teacher makes riddles. The child who guessed it comes out and makes a riddle himself. For guessing the riddle, he receives one token. The one with the most chips wins.

22. Didactic game "Do you know ..."

Goals: enrich the vocabulary of children with the names of animals, consolidate knowledge of models, develop memory, attention.

Game progress: You need to prepare the chips in advance. The teacher lays out in the first row - images of animals, in the second - birds, in the third - fish, in the fourth - insects. The players alternately name the animals first, then the birds, and so on. And with the correct answer, they place the chip in a row. The player who has laid out more chips wins.

23. Didactic game "When does this happen?"

Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the day, to develop speech, memory.

Game progress: The teacher lays out pictures depicting the life of children in kindergarten: morning exercises, breakfast, classes, etc. Children choose any picture for themselves, examine it. On the word "morning", all the children raise a picture associated with the morning, and explain their choice. Then day, evening, night. Children receive a token for each correct answer.

24. Didactic game "And then what?"

Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the day, about the activities of children at different times of the day; develop speech, memory.

Game progress: Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

  • Remember, we talked about what we do in kindergarten all day long? Now let's play and find out if you remember everything. We will talk about that in order. What we do in kindergarten in the morning. Whoever makes a mistake will sit on the last chair, and everyone else will move.

You can enter a playful moment: the teacher sings the song “I have a pebble. Whom to give? Whom to give? He will answer. "

The teacher begins: “We have come to kindergarten. Played on the site. And what happened then? " Gives a pebble to one of the players. He replies: "Did gymnastics" - "And then?" Passing a pebble to another child.

The game continues until the children say the last thing - going home.

Note. It is advisable to use a pebble or other object, since it is not the one who wants to answer, but the one who gets it. This forces all children to be attentive and ready to respond.

25. Didactic game "When do you do this?"

Target : to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills and knowledge of parts of the day, to develop attention, memory, speech.

Game progress: The teacher names one child. Then he depicts some action, for example, washing his hands, brushing his teeth, cleaning shoes, combing his hair and so on, and asks: "When are you doing this?" if the child answers that he brushes his teeth in the morning, the children correct: "In the morning and in the evening." One of the children can be the leader.

26. Didactic game "Highlight the word"

Goals : Teach children to pronounce polysyllabic words clearly loudly, develop auditory attention.

Game progress : The teacher pronounces the words and invites the children to clap their hands when they hear the words in which there is the sound "z" (the song of the mosquito). (Bunny, mouse, cat, castle, goat, car, book, call)

The teacher should pronounce the words slowly, after each word, pause so that the children can think.

27. Didactic game "Tree, bush, flower"

Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of plants, to expand the horizons of children, to develop speech, memory.

Game progress: The presenter says the words "Tree, bush, flower ..." and walks around the children. Stopping, he points to the child and counts to three, the child must quickly name what the presenter stopped at. If the child does not have time or has incorrectly named, he is out of the game. The game continues until one player remains.

28. Didactic game "Where does what grows?"

Goals: learn to understand the processes occurring in nature; to give an idea of ​​the purpose of plants; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover; develop speech.

Game progress: The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow with us. If children grow up clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement), if not, they are silent.

Apple tree, pear, raspberry, mimosa, spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, cherry, lemon, orange, linden, maple, baobab, tangerine.

If the children have done well, you can list the trees faster:

plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee. Rowan, sycamore. Oak, cypress \. Cherry plum, poplar, pine.

At the end of the game, it is summarized who knows the trees the most.

29. Didactic game "Who will be who (what)?"

Target : develop speech activity, thinking.

Game progress: Children answer an adult's question: "Who will be (or what will be) ... an egg, chicken, boy, acorn, seed, egg, caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, cloth, etc.?" If the children come up with several options, for example, from an egg - chicken, duck, chick, crocodile. Then they get extra forfeits.

Or the teacher asks: “Who was the chick (egg), bread (flour), machine (metal)?

30. Didactic game "Summer or Autumn"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of the signs of autumn, their differentiation from the signs of summer; develop memory, speech; education of dexterity.

Game progress : The teacher and the children stand in a circle. Educator. If the leaves turn yellow - this is ... (and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball and says, throwing it back to the teacher: "Autumn").

Educator. If the birds fly away - this is ... .. Etc.

31. Didactic game "Be attentive"

Target: differentiation of winter and summer clothing; develop auditory attention, speech hearing; increase in vocabulary.

Listen carefully to the clothing verses so that you can list all the names that appear in these verses. First name the summer one. And then the winter one.

32. Didactic game "Take - do not take"

Target : differentiation of forest and garden berries; increase in vocabulary on the topic "Berries"; develop auditory attention.

Game progress : Children stand in a circle. The teacher explains that he will pronounce the name of forest and garden berries. If children hear the name of a wild berry, they should sit down, and if they hear the name of a garden berry, stretch their arms up.

Strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, cranberries, red currants, strawberries, black currants, lingonberries, raspberries.

33. Didactic game "What is being planted in the garden?"

Target : teach to classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to the place of their growth, according to their application); develop quick thinking,
auditory attention.

Game progress: Children, do you know what is planted in the garden? Let's play this game: I will name different objects, and you listen carefully. If I name what is being planted in the garden, you will answer “Yes”, but if what is not growing in the garden, you will say “No”. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

  • Carrots (yes), cucumber (yes), plums (no), beets (yes), etc.

34. Didactic game "Who will most likely collect?"

Target: teach children to group vegetables and fruits; to educate the speed of reaction to the words of the educator, endurance and discipline.

Game progress : Children are divided into two teams: "Gardeners" and "Gardeners". On the ground lie dummies of vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the educator, the teams begin to collect vegetables and fruits, each in their own basket. Whoever collects first raises the basket and is the winner.

35. Didactic game "Who needs what?"

Target : exercise in the classification of objects, the ability to name things necessary for people of a certain profession; develop attention.

Educator: - Let's remember what people of different professions need to work. I will name the profession, and you will say what he needs to work.

The teacher names the profession, the children say what is needed for the job. And then in the second part of the game, the teacher names the object, and the children say for what profession it can be useful.

  1. Didactic game "Don't be mistaken"

Target: consolidate the knowledge of children about different sports, develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, attention; foster a desire to play sports.

Game progress : The teacher lays out cut pictures depicting various sports: football, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, rowing. In the middle of the picture is an athlete, you need to pick up everything he needs to play.

According to this principle, you can make a game in which children will select tools for various professions. For example, a builder: he needs tools - a shovel, a trowel, a paintbrush, a bucket; machines that facilitate the work of a builder - a crane, an excavator, a dump truck, etc. The pictures show people of those professions that children are introduced to throughout the year: a cook, a janitor, a postman, a salesman, a doctor, a teacher, a tractor driver, a locksmith, etc. they select images of the objects of their labor. The correctness of execution is controlled by the picture itself: from small pictures, a large, whole one should turn out.

37. Didactic game "Guess - ka!"

Target: to teach to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it, to recognize an object according to the description; develop memory, speech.

Game progress : At the signal of the teacher, the child who received the chip gets up and makes a description of any object from memory, and then passes the chip to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object, passes the chip to the next, etc.

38. Didactic game "Finish the sentence"


Game progress : The teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it, they only say words that are opposite in meaning.

39. Didactic game "Where is what lies?"

Target: learn to select words with a given sound from a group of words, from a speech stream; to consolidate the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words; develop attention.

Game progress: The teacher names the object and invites the children to answer where it can be put. For example:

- “Mom brought bread and put it in ... (bread bin).

  • Masha poured sugar ... Where? (Into the sugar bowl)
  • Vova washed his hands and put the soap ... Where? (Into the soap dish)

40. Didactic game "Catch your shadow"

Target: introduce the concept of light and shadow; develop speech.

Game progress : Educator: Who will guess the riddle?

I go - she goes

I stand - she stands

I will run - she is running. Shadow

On a sunny day, if you stand with your face, back or side to the sun, then a dark spot will appear on the ground, this is your reflection, it is called a shadow. The sun sends its rays to the earth, they spread in all directions. Standing in the light, you block the path of the sun's rays, they illuminate you, but your shadow falls on the ground. Where else is there a shadow? What does it look like? Catch up with the shadow. Dance with the shadow.

41. Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

Target : learn to supplement sentences with a word of the opposite meaning; develop memory, speech.

Game progress: The teacher begins the sentence, and the children finish it, they only say words that are opposite in meaning.

The sugar is sweet, and the pepper is…. (bitter)

In summer, the leaves are green, and in autumn - ... .. (yellow)

The road is wide, and the path is…. (narrow)

The ice is thin and the trunk is ... (thick)

42. Didactic game "Which color?"

Target: teach children to recognize colors, consolidate the ability to identify objects by color, develop speech, attention.

Game progress : The teacher shows, for example, a green square of paper. Children do not name a color, but an object of the same color: grass, sweater, hat, etc.

43. Didactic game "What subject"

Target: to teach to classify objects according to a certain criterion (size, color, shape), to consolidate the knowledge of children about the size of objects; develop quick thinking.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle. The teacher says:

  • Children, the objects that surround us, are of different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, tall, wide, narrow. We have seen many objects of different sizes in the classroom and on walks. Now I will name one word, and you will list what objects can be called with one word.

In the hands of the teacher is a pebble. He gives it to the child who should answer.

  • Long, - says the teacher and passes the pebble to a neighbor.
  • Dress, rope, day, fur coat, children recall.
  • Wide, - the educator suggests the next word.

Children call: road, street, river, tape, etc.

The game is also carried out in order to improve the ability of children to classify objects by color, shape. The teacher says:

  • Red.

Children take turns answering: a berry, a ball, a flag, an asterisk, a car, etc.

Round (ball, sun, apple, wheel, etc.)

44. Didactic game "What can animals do?"

Target: learn to create a wide variety of verbal combinations; expand the semantic content of the word in the mind; develop memory.

Game progress : Children turn into "animals". Everyone should tell what he knows how to do, what he eats, how he moves. The person who narrated correctly receives a picture of an animal.

  • I am a red squirrel. I jump from branch to branch. I make supplies for the winter: I collect nuts, dry mushrooms.
  • I am a dog, cat, bear, fish, etc.

45. Didactic game "Think of another word"

Target: Expand words knowledge; develop attention.

Game progress : The teacher says, “Think of one word for another, similar. You can say: a milk bottle, or you can say a milk bottle. " Cranberry jelly (cranberry jelly); vegetable soup (vegetable soup); mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes).

46. ​​Didactic game "Find similar words"

Target: teach children to clearly pronounce polysyllabic words loudly; develop attention memory.

Game progress : The teacher pronounces words that are similar in sound: a spoon is a cat, ears are guns. Then he says one word and invites the children to pick up others that are close in sound to him: a spoon (cat, leg, window), cannon (fly, drying, cuckoo), bunny (boy, finger), etc.

47. Didactic game "Who will remember more?"

Target: enrich the children's vocabulary with verbs denoting the actions of objects; develop memory, speech.

Game progress: Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell them what they are doing, what else they can do.

Blizzard - sweeps, blizzards, purges.

Rain - pouring, drizzling, dripping, dripping, starting, gushing, ...

The crow flies, croaks, sits, eats, sits down, drinks, drinks, etc.

48. Didactic game "What else do they talk about?"

Target: to consolidate and clarify the meaning of polysemantic words; to educate a sensitive attitude to the compatibility of words in meaning, to develop speech.

Game progress : Tell Carlson what else you can say so about:

It is raining: it is snowing, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Playing - a girl, a radio, ...

Bitter - pepper, medicine, ... etc.

49. Didactic game "Think it yourself"

Target : to teach to see in various subjects possible substitutes for other subjects suitable for a particular game; to form the ability to use the same object as a substitute for other objects and vice versa; develop speech, imagination.

Game progress : The teacher offers to choose one object for each child (a cube, a cone, a leaf, a pebble, a strip of paper, a lid) and dream up: "How can you play with these objects?" Each child names the object, what it looks like and how you can play with it.

50. Didactic game "Who hears what?"

Target: teach children to designate and name sounds with a word (rings, rustles, plays, cracks, etc.); educate auditory attention; develop ingenuity, endurance.

Game progress : On the teacher's table there are various subjects, under the action of which a sound is emitted: a bell rings; rustles a book that is being leafed; a pipe is playing, a piano, gusli, etc. sound, that is, everything that is sounding in the group can be used in the game.

One child is invited behind the screen, who plays there, for example, the pipe. Children, having heard the sound, guess, and the one who played comes out from behind the screen with a pipe in hand. The guys make sure that they are not mistaken. Another child, chosen by the first participant in the game, will play with a different instrument. For example, he leafs through a book. Children guess. If they find it difficult to answer right away, the teacher asks to repeat the action, and listen to all the players more attentively. "The book is leafing through, the leaves rustle" - the children guess. The player comes out from behind the screen and shows how he acted.

This game can also be played while walking. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the sounds: the tractor is working, the birds are singing, the car is honking, the leaves are rustling, etc.


Card file for didactic games speech development in the middle group

"Who talks how?"

Target: expansion of vocabulary, development of speed of reaction.

Stroke : the teacher alternately throws the ball to the children, naming the animals. Children, returning the ball, must answer how this or that animal gives a voice: Cow hums Tiger growls Snake hisses Mosquito squeaks Dog barks Wolf howls Duck quacks Pig grunts Option 2. Speech therapist throws the ball and asks: "Who growls?", "And who hums? "," Who barks? "," Who cuckoo? " etc.

"Who lives where?"

Target : consolidation of children's knowledge about the dwellings of animals, insects. Consolidation of the use in the speech of children of the grammatical form of the prepositional case with the preposition "v".

Stroke : Throwing the ball alternately to each child, the teacher asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, answers. Option 1. teacher: - Children: Who lives in the hollow? - Squirrel. Who lives in the birdhouse? Who lives in the nest? -Birds. Who lives in the booth? -Dog. Who lives in the hive? -Bee Who lives in the burrow? -Fox. Who lives in the den? -Wolf. Who lives in a den? -Bear. Option 2. teacher: -Children: Where does the bear live? -In the den. Where does the wolf live? -In the den. Option 3. Work on the correct sentence construction. Children are invited to give a complete answer: "The bear lives in a den."

"Give me a word"

Target: development of thinking, speed of reaction.

Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball one by one to each child, asks: - The crow croaks, and the magpie? The child, returning the ball, must answer: - The magpie chirps. Examples of questions: - The owl flies, and the rabbit? - The cow eats hay, and the fox? - A mole digs minks, but a magpie? - The rooster crows, and the hen? - The frog croaks, and the horse? - A cow has a calf, and a sheep? - The bear cub has a mother, a bear, and a squirrel?

"Who moves how?"

Target: enrichment of the verb dictionary of children, the development of thinking, attention, imagination, dexterity.

Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to each child, names an animal, and the child, returning the ball, pronounces a verb that can be attributed to the named animal. teacher: -Children: The dog is standing, sitting, lying, walking, sleeping, barking, serving (cat, mouse ...)

"Hot Cold"

Target : consolidation in the child's representation and vocabulary of opposite signs of objects or antonymic words.

Stroke : the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, pronounces one adjective, and the child, returning the ball, calls another - with the opposite meaning. teacher: -Children: Hot-cold Good-bad Smart-stupid Cheerful-sad Sharp-dumb Smooth-rough

"What happens in nature?"

Purpose: consolidation of the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.

Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, must answer the question. It is advisable to play the game by topic. Example: Theme "Spring" teacher: -Children: The sun - what does it do? - Shines, warms. Brooks - what are they doing? -Run, murmur. Snow - what does it do? - It gets dark, it melts. Birds - what are they doing? - They arrive, build nests, sing songs. Dripping - what does it do? -Ring, dripping. The bear - what it does-Wakes up, gets out of the den.

"Who can do these things?"

Purpose: activation of the verb dictionary of children, the development of imagination, memory, dexterity. Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, names the verb, and the child, returning the ball, names a noun that matches the named verb. a person, a road ... A bird, a butterfly, a dragonfly, a fly, a beetle, an airplane is flying ... A fish, a whale, a dolphin, a boat, a ship, a man is swimming ...

"What is it made of?"

Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of the use of relative adjectives and the methods of their formation.

Course: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, says: "Leather boots", and the child, returning the ball, answers: "Leather." wool-woolen

"Put it on the shelves"

Purpose: orientation in space.

Move: Fyodor's character asks the guys to help her: put pots and pans on the lower shelf, plates, spoons, forks, knives on a higher shelf, and saucers and jugs on the uppermost shelf.

"Who was who?"

Purpose: development of thinking, expansion of the vocabulary, consolidation of case endings.

Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to one of the children, calls the object or animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was: Chicken - egg Bread - flour Horse - foal Cabinet - board Cow - calf Bicycle - iron Dud - acorn Shirt - cloth Fish - eggs Boots - skin Apple tree - seeds House - brick Frog - tadpole Strong - weak Butterfly - caterpillar Adult - child

"What vegetable?"

Purpose: development of tactile, visual and olfactory analyzers.

Course: the teacher cuts vegetables, the children smell and taste them. The teacher gives a sample: "The tomato is sweet, and the garlic is hot"

"What sounds like?"

Purpose: development of auditory attention and observation.

Move: the teacher behind the screen plays on various musical instruments(tambourine, bell, wooden spoons). Children have to guess what sounds.

"What happens in the fall?"

Purpose: to teach the seasons, their sequence and basic features.

Move: on the table there are mixed pictures of various seasonal phenomena (it is snowing, a flowering meadow, an autumn forest, people in raincoats and with umbrellas, etc.). The child chooses pictures where only autumn phenomena are depicted and names them.

"What's gone?"

Purpose: development of attention and observation.

Course: the teacher lays out 4 vegetables on the table: “Children, look carefully at what is on the table. These are onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Look carefully and remember. Now close your eyes. " Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes one vegetable. "What's gone?" Children remember and name the vegetable.

"Catch and drop - call the colors"

Purpose: the selection of nouns for the adjective denoting color. Consolidation of the names of the primary colors, the development of imagination in children.

Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, names the adjective denoting the color, and the child, returning the ball, names the noun that matches the given adjective. teacher: -Children: Red - poppy, fire, flag Orange - orange, carrot, dawn Yellow - chicken, sun, turnip Green - cucumber, grass, forest Blue - sky, ice, forget-me-nots Blue - bell, sea, sky Purple - plum , lilac, dusk

"Whose head?"

Purpose: expanding the vocabulary of children through the use of possessive adjectives. Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, says: "The crow has a head ...", and the child, throwing the ball back, finishes: "... the crow." For example: A lynx has a head - a lynx. Uryby - fish In a cat - feline In a magpie - a magpie In a horse - a horse In an eagle - an eagle In a camel - a camel

"The fourth extra"

Purpose: consolidating the ability of children to highlight a common feature in words, to develop the ability to generalize.

Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, names four words and asks to determine which word is superfluous. For example: blue, red, green, ripe. Zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, lemon. Cloudy, rainy, gloomy, clear.

"One - many"

Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of various types of endings of nouns.

Move: the teacher throws the ball to the children, calling the nouns in the singular. Children throw the ball back, nouncing plural nouns. Example: Table - tables chair - chairs Mountain - mountains leaf - leaves House - at home sock - socks Eye - eyes piece - pieces Day - days jump - jumping Sleep - dreams of goslings - goslings Forehead - foreheads tiger cubs - cubs

"Pick up the signs"

Purpose: activation of the verb dictionary.

Course: the teacher asks the question "What can squirrels do?" Children answer the question and find a picture for the question. Sample answers: Squirrels can jump from one bitch to another. Squirrels can make warm nests.

"Animals and their Cubs"

Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of the name of cubs of animals, consolidation of word formation skills, development of dexterity, attention, memory.

Move: throwing the ball to the child, the teacher calls an animal, and the child, returning the ball, calls the cub of this animal. Words are arranged in three groups according to the way they are formed. The third group requires memorizing the names of the cubs. Group 1. A tiger has a tiger cub, a lion has a lion cub, an elephant has a baby elephant, a deer has a fawn, an elk has a calf, and a fox has a fox. Group 2. A bear has a bear cub, a camel has a camel, a hare has a hare, a rabbit has a bunny, and a squirrel has a squirrel. Group 3. A cow has a calf, a horse has a foal, a pig has a pig, a sheep has a lamb, a chicken has a chicken, a dog has a puppy.

"What is round?"

Purpose: expanding the vocabulary of children at the expense of adjectives, developing imagination, memory, dexterity.

Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the children, asks a question, the child who caught the ball must answer it and return the ball. - what is round? (ball, ball, wheel, sun, moon, cherry, apple ...) - what is long? (road, river, rope, ribbon, cord, thread ...) - what is high? (mountain, tree, rock, man, pillar, house, wardrobe ...) - what is prickly? (hedgehog, rose, cactus, needles, tree, wire ...)

"Pick a word"

Purpose: development of word formation skills, selection of related words. For example, bee - bee, bee, bee, beekeeper, bees, etc.

« Generalizing concepts "

Purpose: expansion of vocabulary through the use of generalizing words, development of attention and memory, the ability to correlate generic and specific concepts.

Option 1. Move: the teacher names a generalizing concept and throws the ball one by one to each child. The child, returning the ball, must name the objects related to that generalizing concept. teacher: -Children: Vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, radish

Option 2. The teacher names specific concepts, and children - generalizing words. teacher: Children: Cucumber, tomato-Vegetables.

"Good bad"

Purpose: acquaintance of children with the contradictions of the world around them, the development of coherent speech, imagination.

Course: the teacher sets the topic for discussion. Children, passing the ball in a circle, tell what, in their opinion, is good or bad in the weather. Teacher: Rain. Children: Rain is good: it washes away dust from houses and trees, good for the land and future crops, but bad - it gets us wet, it can be cold. Teacher: City. Children: It's good that I live in the city: you can ride the subway, by bus, there are many good shops, it's bad - you won't see a live cow, a rooster, it's stuffy, dusty.

"Close, far away"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, hearing acuity.

Move: the teacher behind the screen produces a sound with a large or small toy. Children determine the size of the toy (large or small) by the strength of the sound.

"Name it affectionately"

Purpose: consolidation of the ability to form nouns using diminutive-affectionate suffixes, the development of dexterity, speed of reaction.

Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the first word (for example, a ball), and the child, returning the ball, calls the second word (ball). Words can be grouped by endings similarity. Table-table, key-key. Hat-cap, squirrel-squirrel. Book-booklet, spoon-spoon. Head-head, picture-picture. Soap-soap, mirror-mirror. Doll-doll, beet-beet. Braid-pigtail, water-water. Beetle bug, oak oak. Cherry cherry, turret tower. Dress-dress, armchair-chair.

"Happy account"

Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of the coordination of nouns with numerals.

Move: the teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces a combination of a noun with the numeral “one”, and the child, returning the ball, calls the same noun in response, but in combination with the numeral “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”. Example: One table - five tables One elephant - five elephants One crane - five cranes One swan - five swans One nut - five nuts One cone - five cones One gosling - five goslings One chicken - five chickens One hare - five hares One hat - five caps One can - five cans.

"Guess who called?"

Purpose: distinction by timbre of the most reduced sound complexes.

Move: the driver turns his back to the children and, by the "pee-pee" sound complex, determines who called him. The child that the teacher points to is calling the driver.


Card file of games for social and communicative development in the middle group.

"Name yourself"

Target : To form the ability to present oneself to a group of peers.

The child is asked to introduce himself, giving his name the way he likes, how he would like to be called in the group.

"Name it kindly."

Target: foster a benevolent attitude of children towards each other.

The child is offered to throw a ball or pass a toy to a beloved peer (optional) affectionately calling him by name.

"Magic Chair".

Target: to educate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in the speech of children.

One child sits down in the center on the "magic chair", and the rest say kind, affectionate words about him.

"Magic wand".

Target : continue to cultivate the ability to be affectionate.

Children stand in a circle. One child passes the stick to the one standing next to him and calls him affectionately.


Target: develop the ability to listen, develop organization.

The meaning of the game is in a simple command of the educator "Freeze", which can be heard in the moments of children's activity, in a variety of situations.


Target: develop the ability to act together and learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, about how you can overcome any obstacles. Children stand behind each other and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position, any obstacles are overcome.

Go around the lake, crawl under the table, etc.

"Magic wand".

Target: the formation of ideas about the capabilities of their own and their peers.

One names a fairy tale, another names its characters, etc.

"Shop of polite words"

Target: develop goodwill, the ability to establish contact with peers.

Educator: I have polite words on the shelf in my store: greetings (hello, good morning, good afternoon, etc.); affectionate treatment (dear mommy, dear mommy, etc.).

I will offer you different situations, and you buy the right words from me.

Situation. Mom brought apples from the store. You really want to, but Mom said you have to wait for dinner.

How do you ask her to give you an apple after all?


Target: continue to reinforce polite words.

Children sit around a table with a basket. The teacher turns to the child: "Here's a box for you, put a polite word in it."

"That's what a grandmother"

Purpose: to develop respect for elders, to consolidate affectionate words.

Each child in turn tells the name of the grandmother, how affectionately she can be called.

"Wonderful bag"

Target : expanding the volume of the dictionary, the development of tactile perception and ideas about the signs of objects.

Children alternately recognize the object by touch, name it and take it out of the bag.

"Kind words".

Target : develop the ability to use kind words in speech.

Children choose kind words. Show the children a picture of where the children work. How can you name the children who work? (Hardworking, active, kind, noble, etc.)

"Rug of Reconciliation".

Target: develop communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts.

Coming from a walk, the teacher informs the children that the two boys had a falling out over a toy. He invites you to sit down opposite each other on the "mat of reconciliation" to find out the cause of the discord and find a way of a peaceful solution to the problem. Discuss how to divide the toy.

"What to do, what to do?"

Target: to awaken initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness of children, willingness to look for the right solution.

Create a situation: there are no paints of individual colors, there is not enough plasticine for modeling. Children are looking for solutions on their own.


Target: expansion of the vocabulary, the development of coherent speech.

The child receives a package from Santa Claus and begins to describe his gift without naming or showing it. The item is presented after it has been guessed by the children.

"That's what Santa Claus"

Target: develop respect, reinforce affectionate words.

The child tells what gifts Santa Claus brought, how he thanked him, how he can be affectionately called.

"Without a mask"

Target: develop the ability to share your feelings, experiences, build incomplete sentences.

The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children must finish.

What I really want is ………….

I especially like it when …………………………

Once I was very scared that ……………… ..

"Day Night"

Target: develop the ability to cooperate, to achieve the desired result.

After the words “The day is coming, everything comes to life” The participants of the game move chaotically, jump. When the teacher says: "Night comes, everything freezes," the children freeze in bizarre poses.

"Listen outside the window, outside the door"

Target: develop auditory attention.

On the instructions of the teacher, all children focus their attention on the sounds and rustles of the corridor. Then they take turns listing and explaining what they heard.

"Who will praise better"

Target: be able to name the signs of animals on the model of an adult, develop attention, the ability to describe.

The teacher takes a bear, and gives the child a bunny.

And he begins: "I have a bear." Child: "And I have a hare." etc.

"Who am I talking about"

Target: develop observation, the ability to focus on the main features of the described object.

The teacher describes the child sitting in front of him, naming his details of clothing and appearance... For example: “This is a girl, she is wearing a skirt and a blouse, her hair is light, the bow is red. She loves to play with the doll Tanya. "

"That's the kind of dad."

Target : develop respect for dad, reinforce affectionate words.

The child tells his father's name, how he plays with him, as he affectionately calls him.

"Describe a friend."

Target: develop attentiveness and the ability to describe what he saw.

Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing their partner's hairstyle, clothes, and face. Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child was.

"That's the kind of mom."

Target: develop love for mom, consolidate affectionate words.

Each child in turn tells the name of his mother, how she takes care of him, how she can be affectionately called.

"What changed?".

Target: attentiveness and observation necessary for effective communication.

The driver leaves the group. During his absence, several changes are made in the group (in the children's hairstyle, in clothes, you can change to another place,), but no more than two or three changes.

"Gift for everyone"

Target: develop a sense of the team, the ability to make friends, do right choice collaborate with peers.

Children are given the task: "If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?"

"Why Much".

Target : develop the ability to be friends, be polite.

For example, if a girl is offended, she will cry.

If you accidentally pushed, then ………… ...

You were given a toy, then ……………

"Play the transformation"

Target : to cultivate trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for the other.

The teacher passes the object (ball, cube) in a circle, calling them by conventional names. Children act with them as if they were objects named by an adult. For example, they pass a ball in a circle. The host calls it "Apple" - children "wash", "eat", "sniff", etc.

"Animated toys".

Target: to form a culture of communication in children.

Educator. You have probably been told or read fairy tales about how toys come to life at night. Please close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what she, waking up, does at night. Have you presented? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy. And we will try to guess which toy you portrayed.

"Edible - inedible"

Target : development of auditory attention, development of the ability to highlight the essential features of an object (edibility, animation).

The presenter says a word and throws a ball to one of the children and names the object. If edible, the player catches the ball, and if inedible, dodges the ball.

"Magic wand".

Target: the formation of ideas about the capabilities of their own and their peers, to consolidate the signs of spring.

Children pass the wand and name the signs of spring.

Let's say hello.

Target: create a psychologically relaxed atmosphere in the group.

The teacher and children talk about different ways of greeting, real and comic. Children are encouraged to greet with shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek and come up with their own way of greeting.

"What can happen?".

Target: develop imagination, consolidate the ability to complete a sentence, the ability to listen to each other.

What can happen if ……….

"All fairy-tale heroes will come to life."

"It will rain without stopping."


Card file of games for physical development in the middle group.

"We are brave guys"

Improve the skills of crawling on all fours between objects - in a forward direction, on the board, on an inclined board.
Develop the ability to coordinate movements with words, crawl one after another without pushing.
Formation of skills of safe behavior in outdoor games.
Develop orientation in space, visual perception of landmarks.

Equipment: cubes, bricks, boards, cords.

Description. The teacher reads a poem, and the children crawl and walk, pretending to be scouts.

We are brave guys
Dexterous, skillful.
Let's crawl here and there - on the roads (in a forward direction)
Over the bridges (over the board)
Let's climb the mountain high (on an inclined board)
We can see it far away.
And then we'll find a path
And we will walk along it a little bit (walking along the winding "path" marked with cords).


Target. Foster a desire to help.
Exercise in climbing a gymnastic wall, climbing from one span to another, be careful, do not drown yourself, act on a signal.
Formation of skills of safe behavior on the gymnastic wall.
To form a visual perception of objects of the surrounding reality.

Equipment: gymnastic wall, dog toy.

A puppy climbed the fence,
But he could not go down himself.
We are not afraid of heights
And we strive to help him.
The teacher invites the children to help the Puppy down, but for this you need to climb the gymnastic wall. Children take turns getting in and touching the Puppy, thus saving him.


Target. To cultivate the ability to obey the rules of the game.
To develop responsiveness, dexterity, speed, attention.
Develop rhythmic, expressive speech and coordination of movements.

Description. The teacher chooses one child with a counting rule, who will play the role of the Wolf. The rest of the children are Hares. The children go to the Wolf's lair, saying:
We. Brave hares
We are not afraid of the wolf.
The toothy gray wolf sleeps
Under a tall tree. (the wolf wakes up and tries to catch the rabbits)
We bunnies are not simple:
We scattered under the bushes. (children run for chairs)


To develop the ability to crawl between objects, to crawl under obstacles (height - 50 cm.), Without touching objects.
To develop orientation in space, visual perception of objects of the surrounding reality.

Description. Children are built in a column and imitate a trickle and pronounce the words:

The brook flows, murmuring,
Bends around stones
So the water of the key
It gets into the river.

"Shepherd and Roofs"

Target. To cultivate endurance and discipline.
Improve your crawling skills on all fours.
Develop spatial orientation.

Description. The teacher is a Shepherd, the children are cows. Children on all fours crawl to the Shepherd, who at this time says:

Lovely cows
White heads!
The evil sorcerer has been here
And he bewitched the cows.
In the green in the meadow
I will help the cows.
There will be all the cows
Cheerful, healthy.
Children portray cows, moo. They approach the Shepherd. He touches them with his hand, disenchanting, after which the children dance.


Target. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the participants in the game.
Develop your running skills at an average pace.
Practice the pronunciation of the sound - "ts".
Develop spatial orientation.

Description: Children run around the playground, imitating horses.

Clink, clink, clink -
Hooves clatter.
Horses are running
They used to drink water.
Top, top, top -
They went into a gallop.
They quickly ran to the river,
Have fun laughing!

"Sharp arrows"

Target. To cultivate endurance and discipline.
Improve your skills in throwing the ball at a vertical target.

Description. Children are given balls. The teacher together with the children says:

Strong hands, eye marks.
It is difficult for an army without us.
We throw balls at the target -
We get exactly.


Target. Foster independence.
Exercise children in tossing the ball from the bottom up and the ability to catch it with both hands.
To develop oculomotor functions, gaze fixation.

Equipment: balls according to the number of children.

Description. Children are given balls of different colors. The teacher together with the children says:
These are not crackers:
Cannons fired.
People dance and sing.
There is a festive fireworks in the sky!


Target. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the participants in the game.
Develop the ability to crawl into a hoop, climb an inclined ladder, act in accordance with the words of the text.

Equipment: rope, hoop, ladder.

Description. Children are doing exercises.

Lived in the Nile Valley
Three large crocodiles.
They called them like this:
Mick, Mock, Mac.
Mick loved to crawl, like any crocodile

Curious Mock
I climbed wherever I could

A nimble Mac
I wandered in the mountains
Such a daredevil
This one was a crocodile.

"Smart Fox"

Target. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the participants in the game.
Exercise climbing a gymnastic wall.
Strengthen the ability to coordinate movements with words.
Formation of caution and discretion on the gymnastic wall.

Equipment: gymnastic wall, hats of chickens and foxes.

Description. Children perform movements while pronouncing the words:

In the garden, in the yard
Chickens were walking.
The grains were pecking
They were looking for the worm. (children walk, imitating the movements of chickens)

Suddenly out of nowhere
A sly fox appeared.
Chickens roost fast!
Otherwise he will eat you all! (children run and climb the gymnastic wall).


Target. To cultivate endurance and discipline.
Exercise in throwing the ball at a horizontal target with the left and right hands.
To develop an eye, oculomotor functions, gaze fixation.

Equipment: baskets, small balls in two colors.

Description. There are baskets at a distance of 2 m from the children, and small balls of two colors lie next to the children. The teacher explains to the children that they are hares, and the balls are vegetables that need to be collected in baskets.

They will collect the bunnies deftly
Juicy carrots from the beds
And crispy cabbage.
The garden will be empty.

In turn, children throw the balls "vegetables" into the basket: with the left hand - "carrots", and the right - "cabbage".

"Hunters and Ducks"

Target. To bring up organization, attention, the ability to control their movements.
Exercise children in throwing the ball at a moving target.
To develop an eye, oculomotor functions, gaze fixation.

Description. Players of one team "hunters" are behind the circle line _ (around the lake), and players of the other team "duck", are located in a circle (on the lake). Hunters shoot at "ducks" (throw small balls). Ducks move within the circle. The padded duck leaves the lake. The game continues until all the ducks are hit. After that the teams switch roles.

"Find your color"

Description: The teacher divides the children into 4 groups and gives them flags of different colors: yellow, red, blue and green. Each group leaves for its own specially designated place. Then the teacher sets one flag of the same colors as the children in opposite corners.

The signal "go for a walk" is given, after which the children disperse around the room and walk. As soon as they hear the command “find your color”, they immediately run up to their own flag, which matches the color of the flag in their hand. At this time, the teacher carefully observes which group is the fastest to gather near the corresponding flag. The very first ones are the winners.

The duration of the game should be no more than 5 minutes.

"Birds and chicks"

Description: Before the start of the game, the teacher draws circles on the floor. These will be "nests" for chicks. One "socket" for one group only. Children are divided into 3-4 groups and go to their "nests". In each group a “mother bird” is selected. The teacher gives the command "fly". "Chicks" come out of their houses and "fly" (waving their hands, imitating wings, and walk). "Birds - mothers" also "fly out" from their nests, but stay away from other children. They represent the search for food, that is, worms. The home signal sounds. Mother birds return to their nests and call their chicks. Those again sit in the "nests" and the mother bird begins to feed her children. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

"Colored cars"

Description: Children sit along the wall on high chairs. They are appointed "cars". Each one is given flags of different colors. The teacher stands in front of the children and holds in his hand one flag of the same colors as the children. The teacher raises up any flag, for example, a red one. This is a signal for "cars" that it is time to leave their "garages". Children with a red flag get up and walk around the room, while honking, depicting a car. The teacher lowers the flag. The "cars" stop immediately and do not move. The command "it's time to go home" sounds. "Cars" are dispersed each to its place. The teacher raises the flag again, but in a different color and the game continues - other "cars" drive out. This game can be played for no more than 6 minutes!


Description: Children stand along the wall in pairs in one column and hold hands. With free hands (one child with his left hand, another child with his right), hold on to the rope, the ends of which are tied. The result is a "tram". The teacher moves away from the children and picks up three flags of red, green and yellow colors. The teacher raises the green flag and the "tram" rides. Children run and watch the flags of the teacher. As soon as the green flag is lowered, and a yellow or red “tram” rises instead of it, it stops and waits for a signal for a new movement, that is, until the green flag rises.

"Sparrows and a cat"

Description: Children - "sparrows", educator - "cat". "Sparrows" sit on the "roof" (on chairs or on a bench). The command "sparrows flew" is given. "Sparrows" jump off the "roof" and begin to "fly", that is, they run and flap their arms like wings. While the children are running, the "cat" is asleep. Then she suddenly wakes up and meows "Meow, meow." This is a signal that the cat is out hunting. "Sparrows" immediately scatter to their places on the "roof", and the "cat" catches them and takes them to their "house".

"Catch the mosquito"

Description: The teacher stands in the center of the circle formed by the children and holds a twig with a cord at the end in his hands. A toy mosquito is tied to the cord. The teacher circles the mosquito over the children's heads, and they jump on both legs and try to catch it. Whoever manages to catch a mosquito yells "I caught". Then the game continues again until 5 minutes have elapsed.

"Mice in the pantry"

Description: Children are "mice". The teacher seats the children on a bench that stands along the wall of the room. The bench plays the role of a "mink". On the opposite side from the children, a rope is stretched so that the children can crawl under it. The space behind the rope is a "pantry" for the mice. Not far from the mice, the "cat" sleeps, that is, the educator. While the cat is sleeping, the mice run out of their burrows and run into the pantry. There they depict as if they are gnawing something, for example, a crouton. Suddenly, the cat wakes up and starts catching mice. The mice, frightened, scatter in their burrows. Without catching anyone, the cat returns to its place and falls asleep again. The mice again run to the "closet". This action game can be played no more than 5 times!


Description: Circles are drawn with chalk on one side of the room. They will be "rabbit cages". Chairs with hoops tied in an upright position are placed in front of the circles. Instead of hoops, you can simply stretch the rope. A chair is set up against the opposite wall - the "house for the watchman". A teacher who plays the role of a "watchman" sits on a chair. The interval between the "cages" and the "watchman's house" is designated by the "meadow".

After all the preparations, the teacher divides the children into small groups of 3-4 people and seats each group of rabbits in their own "cages". At the command "rabbits in a cage" children squat down. Then the "watchman" releases the "rabbits" from the cage (children, climbing through the hoop, leave the outlined circle and begin to run and jump around the room). The command "rabbits home" is given and the children run back to their "cages", again crawling through the hoops. After a while, the game starts over.

"Bring the ball"

Description: Players sit on chairs along the wall. Not far from them, at a distance of 3-4 steps, a line is drawn with chalk. 5-6 children stand behind this line and turn their backs to the sitting children. A teacher with a box of small balls stands up near the standing children. The number of balls should be the same as those behind the line of children. The teacher says "one, two, three - run!" and with these words throws all the balls out of the box. The children that were standing run after the balls and try to catch them, and when they catch them, they bring them back to the teacher and sit on the chairs. The game continues until all the children have brought their balls. Then the group changes. Who stood to sit down, and who was sitting - gets up.

"What's hidden?"

Description: Children sit on high chairs or on the floor. The teacher lays out several objects in front of them and asks the children to try to remember them. Then the children get up and turn away to face the wall. While no one sees, the teacher hides an object and allows the children to turn around. Players should remember what is missing, but they don't talk about their guess out loud. The teacher approaches everyone and they tell them in their ear what is missing. When most of the children answer correctly, the teacher speaks loudly about the loss and the game resumes.

"Get in the circle"

Description: Children stand in a circle in the center of which a circle with a diameter of no more than 2 meters is outlined in chalk. Each player is given a sandbag. Task: on the command "throw", you need to throw your bag into the drawn circle. When everyone is thrown, the command "take the bag" is given. Children collect each of their bags and again fall into place.

"Take what you want"

Description: Children sit on high chairs or bench. The caregiver calls several children and places them close to the outlined line on the floor or ground. Each player is given his own bag of a certain color, for example, one is a blue bag, and the other is a red one. At the signal to "drop" the children throw the bags into the distance. And at the signal "collect the bags" they run after their bags and bring them to the teacher. The teacher pays attention to who threw his bag next. Then the children change. Those who threw sit on a bench, and others take their place. The game only ends when all the children have dropped their bags.

"Chanterelle in the hut"

Description: On one side of the platform, in front of the drawn line, benches are placed (20 - 25 cm high). This is a hut. On the opposite side of the site, a mink for a chanterelle is marked. The middle of the site is a courtyard. Among the children they choose the "chanterelle", the rest of the children - "chickens". They walk around the yard, pretend to be looking for something to eat. To a certain signal from the teacher "fox!" chickens run away into the hen house, hide from the fox and take off (stand on a bench). The fox catches the chickens. The game ends when the fox catches one or two chickens (by agreement). When repeating the game, choose another fox.

"Through the brook"

Description: In the length of the site, two tapes are laid at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from one another - this is a "trickle". In four places of the brook, square boards are laid at a distance of 15 - 25 cm from one another. These are "pebbles". Children marked by the teacher (3 - 4) come up to the stream and each stand in front of the pebble. At the signal of the teacher: "Cross the trickle," the children jump from the board to the board. The rest of the children sit on chairs and watch. Whoever stumbled and "got his feet wet" goes to his place "dries". After all the children have crossed the stream, the game ends. The winner is the one who has never caught a foot in a stream.

"Who should we roll the ball to?"

Description: Children are divided into four groups. A certain color is chosen for each group: red, green, blue, yellow. In the middle of the platform there is a line on which there are two balls for each child. At a distance of one meter from this line, a second, parallel line is drawn on which the cubes stand (at a distance of 10 - 20 cm from one another). On a flag raised by the teacher, for example, red, the children, who were determined by the teacher to be red, take the balls in their right hand and stand in front of their cubes. On the teacher's signal "one" the children roll the balls in the direction of the cubes, on the signal "two" they roll them with their left hand. The teacher marks the children, they hit the cube. Children collect balls and put them on the line, then sit down in their places. On the raised flag of a different color, for example, green, children who have green come out, and the game continues. The game ends when all groups of children have rolled the balls to the cubes. The teacher marks the group of children who had more hits and knocked down dice.

"The small ball catches up with the big one"

Description: Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands next to them and gives a large ball to the child, who stands on the right side. Children pass the ball in a circle. When the ball is at about the fifth child, the teacher gives the children a ball, but this time is small. Children also pass it in a circle. The game ends only when the teacher has both balls. The teacher marks the children who passed the ball correctly and quickly. When the game is repeated, the teacher gives the balls on the left side.

"Two balls"

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length from one another. The teacher gives two balls to the children who are standing side by side. On the “one” command, the children begin to pass the balls, one on the right side of them, and the other on the left. When the balls meet at the children who are standing next to them, these children go to the middle of the circle, throw the ball up 2 - 3 times, catch it, and then come up to the children who are standing in the circle next to them, and give them the ball, while they stand on their own places. The game continues. The teacher marks children whose ball has never fallen when passing to another.

"Hit the object"

Description: Children sit along the room. A circle is drawn in the center of the room (with a diameter (1.5 - 2 m). In the middle of the circle, put a box (40 cm high). In the box, put two balls or two bags (filled with a squeak) for each child. The teacher takes 4 - 5 children who come to the box, take two balls and stand on the line of the circle at a distance of 1 m from the box and at a certain distance from one another.
At the signal "one" children all together throw balls with their right hand into the box (target). On signal "two" - they throw balls with their left hand. The game ends when the children have thrown two balls each.

"Get into the hoop"

Description: Divide the children into columns and place them at opposite ends along the room. Set two goals (vertical) in the middle of the room. Before each target, place two bags (weighing 150 g) on ​​the line. The distance from the target to the line is 1.5 - 2 m. Children from two columns come out to the line, take the bags in their right hand and, at a certain signal from the teacher "once", throw the bags at the target. Then they take the bags in the left hand and, for the repeated signal "one", throw the bags at the target with the left hand. Then the bags are collected and put on the line, sit in their places. The teacher notes which of the children got into the hoop. Then the rest of the children go to throw from both columns, etc. The game ends when all the children throw the balls at the target.
Outdoor games for children in the middle group, where climbing prevails

"Take and play"

Description: Not far from the chairs where the children are sitting, a rope is stretched (at a height of 60 - 40 cm). Behind the rope (at a distance of 2 - 3 m) lie 2 - 3 toys (ball, doll, car or bear). Invite 3 - 4 children to stand near the stretched rope, crawl under the rope at the signal "once", choose their favorite toy and play with it. The game ends when all the children have played with toys.

"Do not call"

Description: Children sit on high chairs. At some distance, a rope is stretched (at a height of 60 - 40 cm), to which the bells are tied. Behind the rope (at a distance of 2 - 3 m) different toys are placed, one per child. Children of 3-4 people come up to the rope and climb under it so as not to hit the bells, everyone chooses a toy to play with it later.

"A train"

Description: Children stand in a column according to their height. The first child in the column is a "locomotive", the rest are "trailers". The locomotive, after the teacher's signal, hums: "y - y - y", at this time the children bend their arms at the elbows. After the whistle of the locomotive, the children stretch their arms forward and say: "Chu", with their hands they depict the movement of the wheels. They repeat this 3-4 times. On the words of the teacher: "The wheels are knocking," the children take a step in place, on the signal "let's go" - they go, gradually accelerating the step, then - on the run. On the words of the teacher: "bridge", "tunnel" or "downhill" the train goes slowly, and "downhill" - goes faster again. When the teacher raises the red flag, the train stops; when green - moves on. The train approaches the station slowly and stops. The locomotive releases steam: "psh - w ...".

"Find yourself a mate"!

Description: Children become in pairs, who wants with whom. In response to a certain signal from the teacher (for example, striking a tambourine), the children disperse or scatter across the entire playground. On another signal - two hits to the tambourine or the words: "Find yourself a pair!" again in a hurry to pair up with the one with whom they stood before. To those who are looking for a couple for a long time, the children say: "Galya, Galya (they call the child's name), hurry up, quickly choose a couple!" The game repeats itself.

"To walk"

Description: Children are divided into two identical groups. Each group sits on chairs that are placed at opposite ends of the site in front of the drawn lines. The teacher first approaches one group of children and says: "Well, guys, get ready for a walk as soon as possible!" The children get up and follow the teacher one by one. The teacher, together with the children of the first group, approaches the second group, and all together with the same words invite them for a walk. Children of the second group get up behind the children of the first group and walk together. The teacher takes them as far away from their places as possible.
Suddenly, the teacher says: "To their places!", And the children run to their places. Whose group completes the task faster is the winner.

"Whose column will gather faster"

Description: Children stand in two columns opposite the teacher. On a certain signal, the children walk in columns one after the other, or in their own column they rearrange themselves into pairs and walk in pairs. Then they scatter across the entire site. To the teacher's word: "Stop!" everyone stops and closes their eyes. The teacher changes his place and says: "One, two, three, quickly line up in columns near me!" The teacher notes whose column will gather faster.
Then the game is repeated.


Description: Children - pilots stand behind a line drawn on the ground. In response to the teacher's words: "The planes flew," the children move their arms to the sides and run in different directions. On the words: "The planes have crouched," the children squat down, their hands are lowered. On the words "Planes to the place!" children go back behind the line and stand straight. The winner is the one who first ran to his place.


Description: Children - "butterflies" stand on the edge of the playground wherever they want. To the music or to the words of the teacher: "butterflies, butterflies flew into the garden," children move their hands to the sides, run in different directions, running around each other.
The teacher continues: "Everyone quietly sat down on the little white flower." Children squat near the flowers of the named color.
To the teacher's signal: "oo-oo-oo", which means howling the wind, storms, butterflies run away from the garden to the edge of the site. The game is repeated with the words: "butterflies, butterflies, they flew into the field." The teacher constantly notes the children who ran and squatted easily and quietly.

"Change the cube"

Description: Children, divided into 2 equal groups, sit on chairs, at opposite ends of the playground, facing the center. At a distance of a meter from the chairs, draw lines and put the cubes on one side of the platform, and the hoops on the other. The teacher chooses a group of children (4-5) from one side of the playground, they stand in front of the cubes. On the signal of the teacher "one" they bend down and take the cubes, and on "two" they run with them to the opposite end of the site, there they exchange the cubes for hoops and return to their places, raise them up. The teacher checks whether all the children changed the cubes correctly, and praises those who were not mistaken and were the first to return to their place.
The second group does the same, while the first one observes and rests at this time.

"Bear and Children"

Description: Children stand behind a line on one side of the playground. A bear is chosen among the children. The bear sits in its den on the playground, away from the children. To the words of the educator, "children walk in the forest", children scatter around the playground, run, jump. To the teacher's words "bear!", The children suddenly freeze in one place. The bear comes up to the one who has moved and takes him away. The game is repeated with another bear.

"Swan geese"

Description: On one side of the site, a place is determined for the goose, where geese live, and on the opposite, a field where they graze. Between the field and the goose-yard, the place for the wolf is the wolf's rookery.
One child is chosen as a wolf. The wolf is in the rookery, and the geese are in the gosper. The teacher begins the game with the words: "Geese - swans, on the field!" Geese fly out, flapping their wings. After a while, the teacher calls the geese: "Geese - geese, goslings!" or "Geese - swans, home, gray wolf under the mountain!". Children stop and together ask: "What is he doing there?" - "The geese stings", the teacher answers. - "Which ones?", The children ask again. - "Little gray ones. Run home quickly!" Geese run to their gosper (behind the line), and the wolf runs out and catches them. The caught are taken to the lair. After 2 outings of geese in the field, a new wolf is selected. The game repeats itself.

"Cat and Mice"

Description: From the children you need to choose a "cat" and put him on the side of the playground. The rest of the children - "mice", sit in burrows (on chairs set in a semicircle). Each mink contains 3-5 mice (per number of chairs). When the playground is quiet, there is no cat, the mice come out of their holes, run, gather in a circle, dance.
On the words of the teacher "cat", the mice rush to their burrows. The cat catches them. The teacher marks the most dexterous. When the game is repeated, a new cat is selected.

"Who quickly"

Description: Children sit on high chairs facing the middle. The chairs are placed in a circle, one step apart from each other. The teacher calls two children who are sitting side by side. The named children go outside the circle and stand by their chairs, backs to one another. The rest of the children, together with the teacher, loudly say "one, two, three, run!" The couple behind the chairs are running: one child in one direction, the other in the other. The child who reaches his highchair earlier wins.

"Crucian carp and pike"

Description: At opposite ends of the site, two "inflows" are drawn with lines, where the crucian carp live. The distance between the inflows is approximately 10-12 steps. Among the children, a "pike" is chosen, which stands in the middle of the site - the river. All children of the "crucian", stand in a line at one end of the site. To the teacher's words "one, two, three!" all crucian carp swim to opposite bank, to another inflow. The pike catches them. When repeating, choose another child "pike".

"Who will run to the flag faster"

Description: On one side of the playground, children sit on high chairs in front of a drawn line. 3 - 4 children go to the line and stand in front of the chairs. There are flags at the other end of the site.
To the teacher's signal "one!" or "run!" children run to the flags, pick them up and lift them up, then put them in place. The educator notes who first raised the flags. Then all the children who took part go and sit down in their places. The next three or four children enter the line. The game ends when all the children raise their flags. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.


Description: Children rise from their seats and turn to the wall, close their eyes. The teacher on the other side of the site places the flags so that they are not visible. At the agreed signal, children open their eyes and go to look for flags. The one who found it sits on his chair with the flag found.
When all the flags are found, the children stand up and, to the teacher's song, walk with them around the playground. The first in the column is the one who found the flag first. Children go around the playground once and sit down in their places. The game repeats itself.

Description: Children are sitting in a circle. One child stands or sits in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher, without naming the child's name, points with his hand to one of the children who are sitting behind their backs. The one who is pointed stands up and loudly calls the name of the child who is sitting in the middle of the circle. If the child guessed who called him, he opens his eyes, and they change places with the one who called his name. If the teacher has not guessed, he invites him not to open his eyes, but once again listen to who calls his name. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Pass the hoops"

Description: Children stand in a circle, facing the center. The teacher takes the hoops and the word "time!" gives the hoop to the child on the right, and on - "two" - to the child on the left. Children take the hoops by the empty spaces and, turning the body, transfer the hoops to outstretched arms forward, to the other side, pass it on. The child, who has two hoops, goes to the middle and performs different movements with the hoops. To the words of the teacher: "Tolya, get up in the circle, pass the hoops!" Tolya gets up wherever he wants and on the agreed signal "once" sends one hoop to the right side, to the signal "two" he transfers the hoop to the left side. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

"Raise your hands"

Description: Children are standing in a circle. The teacher warns children that when he calls the birds, then you need to raise your hands up, and when he calls something else, then do not raise your hands. Whoever makes a mistake has lost.

"Fox in the chicken coop"

Purpose: To develop, attention, dexterity, execution of movements on a signal. Exercise while running.

Description: A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. On the opposite side is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a courtyard. One of the players is appointed as a fox, the other chickens are chickens. At the signal of the teacher, the chickens walk and run around the yard, pecking grains, flapping their wings. At the signal of the teacher "Fox!" - the chickens run away into the hen house, and the fox tries to drag the hen, which did not have time to escape, into the hole. The duration of the game is 4 - 5 times.

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in throwing into the distance with the right and left hand, in running, in color recognition. Description: Children sit along the walls or on the sides of the playground. Several children, named by the caregiver, stand in one line in front of the rope laid on the floor. Children receive bags of 3 - 4 different colors. At the signal of the educator, “drop” the children throw the bag into the distance. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the one whose bag fell further, and says: "Lift the bags." Children run after their bags, pick them up and sit down. The teacher names other children. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

"Hares and the wolf"

Purpose: To develop in children coordination, movement, orientation in space. Exercise in running and jumping. Description: One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children represent hares. On one site, the hares are in their houses, the wolf is at the other end of the site. The teacher says: Bunnies jump, gallop, gallop, gallop,

To the green to the meadow,

They pinch the weed, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Isn't there a wolf.

Hares jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They then jump, then sit down and look around. When the teacher says the last word, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them. The hares run away. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. The duration of the game is 5 - 6 times.

"Flight of the birds"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, the ability to move on a signal. Exercise in running, climbing.

Game description: children are scattered at one end of the playground - "birds". At the other end there is a climbing tower or a gymnastic wall with several spans. At the signal “birds fly away,” birds fly, spreading their wings. At the signal "storm" the birds fly to the tower - they hide from the storm. At the signal "the storm has stopped", the birds fly. Duration 5-7 minutes

"Burn, burn clearly"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, orientation in space. Exercise in a brisk run.

Game description: the players are in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. The "catcher" stands on this line. Everybody says:

Burn, burn clearly, Whatever goes out.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word "run", the children in the last pair run along the column (one to the left, the other to the right), trying to grab the arms in front of the catching one, who is trying to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join their hands. If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the rest is the catcher.

"Two frosts"

Purpose: to develop in children inhibition, observation, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise while running

Game description: the players are located on two sides of the site, two drivers stand in the middle (Frost - Red nose and Frost - Blue nose) and say:

We are two young brothers

Two frosts are daring:

I am frost - Red nose

I am Frost - Blue nose,

Which one of you will decide

On the way - to start the path?

All the players in chorus answer:

We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word "frost", all the players run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and the frosts try to "freeze" them (touch with their hand). The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes

"Frogs and Heron"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to act on a signal, dexterity. Exercise standing high jump

Game description: a square is outlined - "swamp" where "frogs" live. Pegs are driven in the corners or cubes are placed. Height 10 - 15 cm. A rope is stretched along the sides of the square. Outside the square is the heron's nest. At the signal from the heron, she lifts her legs, goes to the swamp and steps over the rope. Frogs jump out of the swamp, jumping over a rope, pushing off with two legs. Having stepped over the rope, the heron catches frogs. Duration 5-7 minutes

"The wolf in the moat"

Purpose: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in long jump with a running start.

Description of the game: two parallel straight lines are held on the court at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a "moat". A "house of goats" is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one who plays the "wolf", the rest - "goats". All goats sit on one side of the court. The wolf is getting into the moat. At the signal of the educator, the "wolf in the ditch" goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The caught are taken to the corner of the ditch. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes

"Homeless hare"

Purpose: to develop children's orientation in space. Exercise in a brisk run

Game description: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the playing - hares draw circles for themselves - "their house". The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare. If the hunter catches, they switch roles. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes

"Firefighters on the training"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise climbing and column formation.

Game description: children are built facing the gymnastic wall at a distance of 5 - 6 steps in 3 - 4 columns. A bell is hung against each column at the same height. At the signal "1, 2, 3 - run" children, standing first, run to the wall, climb in and ring the bell. Then they go down and stand at the end of their column. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

"Fishermen and Fish"

Purpose: to develop in children agility, quick wit, the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in a fast dodge run and catch.

Game description: playground - "pond". A fisherman walks along the site, and his assistant is on the opposite side. In the hands of the senior fisherman "net" (rope), at the end - a bag of sand. The senior fisherman says to the assistant: "Catch!", And throws him the end of the rope with a load, then the fishermen surround the fish with the rope, which did not have time to swim into a deep place (a marked place on the site). on the signal “fish, swim”, the fish swim out of a deep place again. The duration of the game is 6 - 8 minutes.

"Lame Fox"

The number of children involved can be as large as you like. Gathered in a spacious yard or in a large room, they choose one of the participants, who is given the nickname lame fox.

In the place chosen for the game, a circle of rather large sizes is drawn, which includes all the children, except for the lame fox. At this signal, the children rush in a run in a circle, while the lame fox jumps on one leg at this time and tries at all costs to stain one of the running people, that is, to touch him with his hand.

As soon as she succeeded, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the running comrades, while the victim takes on the role of a lame fox.

Children play until everyone is in the role of a lame fox; the game, however, can be stopped earlier, at the first appearance of signs of fatigue.

For the correct conduct of the game, the following conditions must be observed: children entering the circle must run only in it and not go beyond the outlined line, in addition, the participant, chosen by a lame fox, must run only on one leg. The main elements of this game are running and jumping.


Children gather, up to 16 or more, in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room and throw lots among themselves. The one chosen by lot represents the hawk. The rest of the children join hands and become pairs, forming several rows.

Ahead of all is a hawk, which can only look ahead and does not dare to look back. On this signal, the couples suddenly separate from each other and run in different directions, at which time the hawk catches up with them, trying to catch someone.
The victim, that is, one who finds himself in the claws of a hawk, changes roles with him.

While running, children tend to throw a handkerchief or a rolled-up tourniquet at the hawk - if they fall into it, he is considered killed and another is chosen from among the children in his place.


Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, squat, hands on their sides and vying, overtaking each other, trying to jump to the opposite end of the place designated for the game.

Which of the children is the first to reach the designated place in this way is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the road is punished by excluding him from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.

"Gorodets patterns"

Target: Strengthen the ability of children to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of the painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, the ability to use the knowledge gained to compose a composition.

"Write a handkerchief for mom"


"Arts and crafts"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect the Gzhel rose"

Target:Strengthen the ability of children to compose a Gzhel rose using the application method based on the Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in the Gzhel craft.

"Collect Matryoshka"


"Draw the pattern"


Game progress:

"Find friends among the colors"


Game progress:silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find among the objects "friends" of yellow, green, blue, red colors. Children find objects that correspond to a certain color, paint them.

"Make up a still life"


Game progress:

"Finish the picture"

Target:find the level of formation of perception and definition of an object for its parts, be able to draw it; develop fantasy, imagination.

Game progress:in the pictures are partially drawn objects (bunny, tree.). You need to find out the subject, finish the parts that are missing, and paint.

"Let's prepare the table for the holiday"

Target:develop the ability to match shades to the main colors, make up a beautiful color scheme.

Game progress:before the children there are cut out paper tablecloths of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green) and 4 - 5 shades of paper tableware items of each color. The task is to match its shades to the main color. Select crockery so that the color is in harmony with the tablecloth.

Board game "Domino"

Target:To consolidate the knowledge of children about arts and crafts - a toy; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the characteristics of each. To cultivate a love of beauty.

"Write a handkerchief for mom"

Target:Consolidate children's knowledge of the art of Russian shawls. To develop an aesthetic taste in children, to teach them how to compose the simplest patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), the ability to select the color scheme of the pattern.

"Arts and crafts"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect the Gzhel rose"

Target: To strengthen the ability of children to compose a Gzhel rose using the application method based on the Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in the Gzhel craft.

"Collect Matryoshka"

Target:To consolidate the knowledge of children about the national toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a matryoshka doll from parts according to the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. Foster respect and love for folk art.

"Draw the pattern"

Target:the game is aimed at developing children's attention and memory, developing a sense of symmetry, followed by painting.

Game progress:the beginning of the pattern is drawn on a sheet of paper. Children need to extend the pattern further and color.

"Find friends among the colors"

Target:discover the level of knowledge of children in the choice of paint that matches the color of the object; make a drawing in color

Game progress:silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find among the objects "friends" yellow, green, blue, red colors. Children find objects that correspond to a certain color, paint them.

"Make up a still life"

Target:improve compositional skills, the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (still life), highlight the main thing, establish a connection, placing the image in space.

Game progress:the envelope contains images of various vegetables, fruits, as well as various vases, plates, dishes, baskets. Children need to choose objects and create their own still life.

Anna Brul
Business game for preschool educators on the topic "GEF"

Target: to identify the level of familiarization of teachers with GEF DO.


1. Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on GEF DO.

2. To promote the development of a pedagogical outlook on this topic.

Organizing time:

At the entrance to the hall educators it is proposed to choose one smiley from two colors, according to the same principle as the tables on the tables, thus, 2 teams are obtained educators.

What regulatory documents have become the starting point of changes in our system?

Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ);

Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Content and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Organizations (DOO) (SanPiN No 26 dated 05/15/2013

The order of the organization and implementation of educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education No. 1014 of 30.08.2013;

Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (dated 17.10.2013 No. 1155)

All these documents require high professionalism from preschool teachers.

Modern educator it is necessary to learn adequately, to respond to the ongoing changes in education, to be able to work in a team of like-minded people - all participants in the educational process, to work competently and efficiently with children and parents in modern conditions, to select the content of education yourself and adapt it to the age group of your children, checking with requirements GEF DO.

And now I offer you a warm-up that will defuse the situation and serve as an occasion for a more serious conversation. I invite the participants to introduce themselves, how they would like to be called today.

And now you have to complete tasks that will help to reveal your knowledge about FSES Preschool education. To do this, we will split into two teams. Upon entering the hall, you took emoticons of a certain color. Now I will put colored plates on the tables, and ask you to change seats so that the color of the plate matches the color of the smiley. And so, we got two teams. There is a bell on the table, whoever is ready to answer must ring it. Points are awarded for the correct answer.

1. Name the educational areas by GEF DO?

Social and communicative;



Artistic and aesthetic;


2. Name the correct ratio of the mandatory part of the Program and the Part formed by the participants process:

(60% vs. 40%)

3. What educational area does the formation of positive attitudes towards different types labor and creativity?

(social and communicative development)

4. To what educational area does the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy belong?

(speech development)

5. To what educational area does the formation of elementary ideas about the arts belong?

artistic and aesthetic development;

6. The specific content of the educational areas specified in the Standard depends on ...

Age and individual characteristics of children.

7. What is the purpose of the DO Standard?

targets for preschool education.

8. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?

A game

9.What type of child activity does the development of work skills in children begin with?

self-service and basic household labor

10. What are the stages of preschool childhood

infant, early, preschool

11. What requirements are determined GEF DO?

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP DO

12. Who is the family in system preschool education standards?

Participant in the educational process and partner.

II. One representative from the team (young teacher)

1. Decipher the abbreviation GEF DO

2. Decipher the acronym OOP DO

3. Decipher the abbreviation RPPS

4. Define the concept "standard" (norm, standard, sample, requirements)

III. (job in an envelope)

1. Subject of regulation of the Federal Law "On education in the Russian Federation" - This:

a) realization of the right to education;

b) public relations arising in the field of education in connection with the realization of the right to education, the provision of state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education.

2. Education is:

a) a single purposeful process education and training, which is a socially significant good and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests;

b) activities aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society and state;

c) a purposeful process of organizing students 'activities to master knowledge, skills, skills and competence, gain experience, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in everyday life and form students' motivation to receive education throughout their lives.

3. Participants in educational relations - This:

a) a set of public relations for the realization of the right of citizens to education, the purpose of which is the development of the content of educational programs by students (educational relations, and public relations that are related to educational relations and the purpose of which is to create conditions for the realization of the rights of citizens to education;

b) students, parents (legal representatives) minor students, teaching staff and their representatives, organizations engaged in educational activities;

c) participants in educational relations and federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, employers and their associations;

4. What right is guaranteed to every person in the Russian Federation, according to the Law on Education in RF:

a) the right to a family;

b) the right to education;

c) the right to a name.

5. What regulatory documents laid down the basic principles FSES preschool education?

a) Preschool concept education;

b) National Education Initiative "Our New School";

c) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

d) Priority national project "Education";

e) Convention on the Rights of the Child;

f) Charter of a preschool educational organization.

6. At what age can preschool education begin in educational organizations:

a) when children reach the age of two months;

b) from the age of three;

c) at the request of the parents (legal representatives).

7. Amplification is: (section I., point 1.4)

A) Enrichment of the child's development, the maximum realization of his age-related capabilities;

B) All-round acceleration of the child's mental and physical development;

C) Slowdown, lag in the mental and physical development of the child.

8. Corrective work and / or inclusive education should be directed towards on the: (section II., clause 2.11.2)

BUT) Child education;

C) Ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering the Program;

D) The development of the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.

Teachers are given the task to compose a phrase, previously cut into separate words, phrases (the phrase is cut one, two, three words at a time)... The time for completing the task is 3 minutes.

1. The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. This federal state educational standard of preschool education (hereinafter - Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

Teams are invited to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when reading the document GEF DO.

(FSES, standard, targets, subject-spatial developmental environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Summing up the game.

REFLECTION: teachers are invited to share their impressions of the event, tell what happened, what did not, express wishes for the future.


Take care of your mental health, colleagues.

Do not bring the level of mental stress to critical values.

Do not forget that not only your wards, but you yourself need help, care and attention to protect and preserve your psychological health.

Business game for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior educator, Kindergarten Kolokolchik, r. Dukhovnitskoe, Saratov region.
My publication will be of interest to senior educators, methodologists, deputy heads of preschool educational institutions, all those who are involved in the organization of educational and methodological work
Target: clarification and systematization of the knowledge of teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. Leading:
It's good when in the morning
The game begins!
Laughter, fun, running around,
When the guys are playing.
You will envy the kids:
Both girls and boys.
But today is a special day
We got together for a reason.
And today, adults,
The game begins!
Delve into the rules of the game,
Remember what for what!

WARM UP. "Brain attack"

The first question.

For 1 team: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation?
For team 2: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Saratov Region?

Second question. (presentation slides)

Who is this? (photo to both teams)

(don't forget about the bell and the right of first answer)

Task 1 "Crossword FGOSovets"
(lead time 5 minutes)

1. One of the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment?
2. One of the types of children's activities
3. What is a standard in one word?
4. What type of activity does labor education begin with at an early age?
5. Stages of childhood according to the Federal State Educational Standard (one of the ages)?
6. Who closely interacts with the pedagogical team and are partners in the FSES?

ROUND 3. "Puss in a poke"

You "pull" a card with a question out of the bag, I read it out. If the team is ready to answer, rings the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

1. Name the educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.
* social and communicative development;
* cognitive development;
* speech development;

*physical development.
2. In which educational area are productive activities included?
* artistic and aesthetic development;
3. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?
*a game
4. What type of children's activity does the development of work skills in children begin with?
* self-service and elementary household labor;
5. What are the stages of preschool childhood?
* infant, early, preschool;
6. What are the requirements determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO?
- Requirements for the structure of OOP DO
- Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO
- Requirements for the results of mastering OOP DO

7. What are targets?
* Socio-normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completion of preschool education;
8. What are the types of children's activities in preschool age (communicative, construction from different materials, motor, perception of fiction and folklore, play, cognitive research, visual, musical, self-service and elementary household work)
9. What requirements (principles) for the developing subject-spatial environment should be taken into account when implementing the Program?
* RPPS should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe
10. Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose is it carried out?
* Can be carried out by a teacher to individualize education (including supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development and to create individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children.

ROUND 4. "You to me, I to you"

Teams ask each other questions. Both the completeness and "tricky" question, and the completeness and correctness of the answers are assessed.

*** To what age (early or preschool) the following targets apply:
- the child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them;
- owns active speech, included in communication; can handle questions and requests, understands the speech of adults?

*** Determine which educational area the following tasks relate to:
- assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;
- the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of labor and creativity;
- the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.
(Social and communicative development)

ROUND 5. "Educational puzzles"

Teachers are given a task to compose a phrase, previously cut into separate words, phrases (the phrase is cut one, two, three words at a time). The time for completing the task is 5 minutes.

Suggested statements:

*** According to SanPiN 2013, 3-4 hours a day should be a walk for preschool children.
*** What should a teacher know when going on an excursion with children? Exact number of children, route.

ROUND 6. "Auction of pedagogical ideas"

Teams are invited to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when reading the FSES DO document.

(Federal State Educational Standard, standard, targets, subject-spatial developmental environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Within 5 minutes, the teams must come up with a name for the event - a super event within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, determine its purpose, and develop a small plan for its holding.

The jury sums up the results

"Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard" are announced

A few more interesting questions about the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, which you can enter into the game if you wish.

** Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose is it carried out?
(It can be carried out by a teacher to individualize education (including supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the peculiarities of his development and to create individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children).

Extract from the Federal State Educational Standard:
3.2.3. The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively for solving the following educational tasks:
1) individualization of education (including support for a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
If necessary, psychological diagnostics of the development of children is used (identification and study of the individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (educational psychologists, psychologists).
The participation of a child in psychological diagnostics is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).
The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve problems of psychological support and to carry out a qualified correction of the development of children.

** When solving which management tasks, the targets cannot serve as an immediate basis?
-certification of teaching staff;
-evaluation of the quality of education;
-evaluation of the level of development of children;
-evaluation of the implementation of the municipal
(state) assignments by including them in the performance indicators of the assignment;
-distribution of the stimulating wage fund for preschool workers.

** What is the specificity of preschool childhood?
Flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, a wide range of options for his development, his spontaneity and involuntariness.

** Highlight the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, which includes the Standard?
- psychological and pedagogical conditions
- personnel conditions
- educational and material conditions
- material and technical conditions
- medical and social conditions
- financial conditions
- developing subject-spatial environment
- informational and methodological conditions.

** What are the systemic features of preschool education?
The optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the inability to impute any responsibility to the child for the result of mastering the Program.

** What is OOP DO? Expand the concept.
The main educational program of preschool education.
A program developed, approved and implemented in a preschool educational institution (group) on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education.

** Who is the family in the preschool education system by standards?
Participant in the educational process and partner.


The study of the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education makes it necessary for teachers to analyze a large amount of theoretical and legal literature.

For teaching purposes, the most successful form of methodological work with the teaching staff is trainings and business games, because it is in the course of such work, according to Ya.M. Belchikov, that "there is not a mechanical accumulation of information, but an activity-based de-objectification of a certain sphere of human reality."

Target: activation of the mental activity of teachers in the knowledge of the basic provisions and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO; creating conditions conducive to the development of creative and creative thinking.

Materials: projector, music with the sound of the sea, the sound of the wind

Dear Colleagues! Once we set off on a sea voyage. Suddenly the ship crashed - and we found ourselves on a desert island. The senior educator only managed to grab a suitcase with a federal state standard.

We had to sit on the island, around only sand and palm trees. We decided to warm up a little.

Introductory stage

1. Exercise "Ordinal counting »

Everyone is sitting in a circle, one person says “one” and look at any participant in the game, the one he looked at says “two”, etc.

2. Exercise "You and I are alike"

The participant throwing the ball to another must name the psychological quality that unites him with the person to whom he throws the ball. At the same time, he begins his phrase with the words: “I think you and I unite ...”, and calls this quality, for example: “You and I are equally sociable”; "I think we both can be a little straightforward." The person who receives the ball answers: “I agree” if he really agrees, or: “I will think about it” if he does not agree. The one to whom the ball hit continues the exercise, passing the ball to someone else, and so on until everyone receives the ball.

Leading.“Suddenly a storm hit the island, the sand was like a wall - you can't see anything! (The facilitator lifts the participants, blindfolds them, untwists them.) Educators walk around, they can not say anything - so that dust does not get into the mouth ( the rule not to speak is introduced). That's bad! They began groping their way, looking for a comrade ( thus, the leader pushes the participants and forms teams).

And so on our island two tribes were formed - one on one side of the island, the second on the other. Suddenly, out of nowhere, negroes come running, look so plaintively and say: "Educators, teach us, educate us!" What to do - such is our recognition!

They began to settle down, to establish each of their kindergartens.

The host distributes materials: two Jungian sandboxes, pebbles, natural materials, animal figurines, etc.

Assignment to participants: give a name to your tribe - kindergarten, structure the space on the tray, etc. Next, the teams present their creativity.

Leading. You have constructed the building and the territory. But, perhaps, they managed to run wild on the island during this time. Teams will now compete in professional excellence. For each correct answer in the quiz, the team receives additional building materials that we will need later.

Quiz game

You must choose the correct answer.

1. At the younger preschool age, the role-playing game is characterized by:

  • the implementation of game actions (to drive the car, feed the doll);
  • Plot phase: children can create, combine and develop the plot of the game based on personal experience;
  • object actions (knocking with a spoon, opening the lids).

2. Leading activities of children from 1 to 7 years old:

  • role-playing game;
  • personal communication with an adult;
  • educational activities;
  • there is no right answer.

3. The parent asks for advice on the game for the development of the child's volition (will). Choose the correct option:

  • Joint role-playing game of an adult and a child;
  • Individual role-playing game (one child with toys);
  • Joint role-playing game with peers;
  • The game does not affect the development of randomness.

4. Name the direction of development and education of children that is missing according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

a) social and communicative development;

b) speech development;

c) artistic and aesthetic development;

d) physical development.

Answer: cognitive development

5. What is the purpose of the DO Standard?

a) the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills;

b) the formation of integrative personality traits;

c) targets for preschool education;

6. What are preschool education targets?

a) these are the social and psychological characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education;

b) this is the knowledge and skills that the pupil must master, such as: the skill of writing, counting, reading;

c) these are the achievements of the teacher, assessed as certificates, prizes, victories in competitions.

7. Eliminate unnecessary

Educational environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  1. guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils;
  2. provides emotional and moral well-being of pupils;
  3. contributes to the professional development of teaching staff;
  4. creates conditions for developing variable preschool education;
  5. assessed by diagnosing specific achievements of pupils;
  6. ensures his openness and motivation.

8. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the parent:

  1. becomes an active participant in the educational process;
  2. excluded from the educational process;
  3. there is no right answer.

Leading. We see that they have not lost their professional skills. You have built a kindergarten, now it's time to organize a subject-spatial developmental environment.

Game "Educational environment"

The task: equip the kindergarten premises in such a way that the developing subject-spatial environment meets the Standard


The host distributes the material at hand (natural materials, various construction material, small toys, etc.).

Educators are provided with visual material as a support (see appendix 1), which provides a list of requirements for the subject-spatial environment. The task of the teacher is to structure and present the created environment in accordance with the requirements.

Leading. Now you don't have to worry about the educational process of children, because there are real professionals next to them! On this, dear colleagues, our unusual adventure ends. Let's stand in a circle and share our impressions of today's event: what did you like about group work, what was difficult, what was interesting.


  1. Methodical work at the preschool educational institution. Effective forms and methods: method. Manual / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova. - M .: Airis-press, 2008 .-- 192s. (c - 4-8, 21, 24-26, 29, 30, 34-36, 47-51).
  2. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.
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