Prospective planning of plot games in the older group. Prospective planning of role-playing games-situations (younger age). The benefits of forward planning

Educator of the first qualification category of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 201" in Orenburg

Play is the main type of child's activity. This fact has long been known and indisputable. However, it very often happens that children's play "let it go" consists of actions that are stereotyped, and interaction with toys is nothing more than manipulating an object. As a result, the game does not fully fulfill the developmental function that it carries, therefore, it is often possible to see games that are "identical" in content in children of younger and older preschool age. Just like teaching children to hold a spoon correctly, dress, do gymnastics, they must be taught and played. This is not about copying the adult's play actions, but about the interaction between the adult and the child in play.

1. gradual complication of game actions;

2. interaction between an adult and a child during the game (children are always willing to play with adults);

3. integration of various activities related to the topic (drawing, construction, viewing illustrations, etc.);

4.relationship with teaching children the rules road traffic.

A long-term plan for the development and management of a plot-role-playing game

Topic: "Drivers"

Informational part, acquaintance with the surrounding

Creation of a problem situation, enrichment gaming experience

Subject-play environment


1.Reading: History of the origin of the car

2. Examination of illustrations with the image of a passenger car

3. game "Name part of the whole" (garage, car)

4. Observing a passenger car while walking

5. Traffic rules - the history of the origin of traffic lights

Action: building a car (based on the personal experience of children)

Problem situation: puncture of a wheel

Role interactions: driver (adult) - passenger (child)

Game guidance: an adult monitors the correspondence between the role and role-playing behavior, the speech of children; participates in the creation and resolution of a problem situation; monitors the use of attributes for the game (to avoid manipulating objects)

Chairs, steering wheel, substitute items (wheels, pump)

Illustrations depicting a car


1. Reading: The History of the Origin of the Trolleybus

2. game "Car from geometric figures"

3. Drawing a car with colored pencils (using stencils)

4. Mobile game "Colored cars"

6. Traffic rules - game "Three traffic signals"

Action: building a car, complementing the image (steering wheel, pedals, wheels, signal)

Problem situation: a group (an adult and several children) wants to get to the river, how to do it if everyone cannot fit into a car (building a bus)

Role interactions: driver (child) - passengers (adult + children)

Game guidance: consolidating children's play experience, an adult monitors the correspondence between role and role behavior, children's speech, participates in the creation and resolution of a problem situation

Chairs, steering wheel, substitute items (pedals, wheels, signal).

Set of geometric shapes.

Stencils - "Transport", colored pencils, paper.

Set of multi-colored circles for children and adults.

Round tokens for children in red, yellow and green


1. Examination of illustrations: a car, a truck, an ambulance, a fire engine, a trolley bus, a police car, etc. (comparison)

2. Observing transport while walking

3. Riddles about different types of transport

4. game "Learn by description" (different types of transport)

5. Traffic rules - the game "What kind of signs did these adults come up with?"

Action: building a car (truck) using the personal and play experience of children

Problematic situation: construction is underway, building material needs to be delivered, which car is better to build (passenger, truck, etc.)

Role-based interactions: driver (child) - builders (adult + children)

Game guidance: an adult monitors the correspondence between the role and role behavior of children, consolidates children's play experience, encourages independence and initiative of children in the development of the plot, encourages the use of personal experience and knowledge by children

Chairs, substitute items, large building material.

Illustrations depicting different kind transport.

Road signs set.


1. Memorization - "My Street" S. Mikhalkov

2. The game "Car travel along the magic track" ( geometric figures)

3. game "What's extra?"

4. Games with a set of objects (combining 3-4 different small objects by a common plot)

5. Observing transport while walking

6. Traffic rules - actions of the traffic controller

Action: building a car (bus), actions of a traffic controller.

Role interaction: driver (child) - passengers (children) - traffic controller (adult)

Enriching the gaming experience: introducing tickets for travel, stopping the bus to show the Stop sign, obeying the actions of the traffic controller, traffic signals.

Game guidance: consolidating children's play experience, an adult monitors the correspondence between role and role behavior, children's speech

Chairs, substitute items, "tickets", a "Stop" sign, a traffic light, a police baton, a traffic police inspector's cap.

A set of different small items.


1.Reading - "Car" A. Merkulov

2. game "List as many ways to use the car"

3. game "The journey of the driver and the car along the magic path" (parts of the day)

4. Construction - garage for the car (from building material), car (made of snow)

5. Observing transport while walking

6. Traffic rules - the game "Forbidden - Allowed", memorizing the rhyme "Stop, car ..."

Action: designing the environment for the game "Drivers", designing the environment for the game "Family"

Role interaction: driver (child) - passengers (children + adult); mom (adult) - daughter or son (child or doll)

Enriching the gaming experience: the adult takes on an additional role (mother + passenger), builds his own game actions and speech depending on the role performed in this moment(passenger or mom)

Game guidance: monitors the correspondence of the role and behavior, speech of the playing children, and also creates conditions for children to take on additional roles as well, encouraging independence in the selection of the attributes necessary for the game

Attributes for the game "Drivers"; attributes for the game "Family".

"Magic path", pencils.

Construction material.

Shovels, molds for constructing from snow.


1. Memorization - "My car" Y. Pishumov

2. game “Who will be who? Who was who? "

3. Drawing - "Draw a fantastic car"

4. Coming up with a story (introducing a fairy-tale character)

5. Observing transport while walking

6. Traffic rules - riddles about road signs,

reading - poem by G. Ladonshchikov "Traffic Light"

Action: designing the environment for the game "Drivers", designing the environment for the game in the "Shop"

Role-based interaction: driver (child) - passengers (children + fairy-tale character, eg, Carlson); seller (child) - buyers (fairy-tale character + children), the telephone is used to build a role-based dialogue.

Enriching the play experience: an adult and children (under the guidance of an adult) take on additional roles (passengers + customers), the experience of building a role-based dialogue on behalf of the play character.

Problem situation: Carlson has run out of jam, he calls the store, asks if they have jam on sale. Then he goes to the store by car (bus) - the role of a passenger. Buying jam - the role of the buyer (role-playing behavior and speech should correspond to the role being performed at the moment). Initially, the role of the playable character is assumed by an adult, gradually involving children in the use of other fairy-tale characters in the games.

Game guidance: an adult monitors the correspondence between the chosen role and game actions, speech; uses a telephone (or a substitute object) when constructing role-based dialogues; builds role dialogue on behalf of the game character; attracts children to use other characters in the game; encourages independence and initiative of children in the development of the plot of the game

Attributes for the game "Drivers"; attributes for playing the "Shop"; telephone (substitute items); fairytale character (e.g. Carlson)

Paper, colored pencils

Set of road signs


1. game "Good - bad"

2. Cut pictures - different types of transport

3. game "On the contrary"

5. games with a set of items (combining 4-5 small items with a common plot)

6. SDA - "Cut road signs»

Action: designing a game environment for the game "Drivers", designing a game environment for the game "Hospital"

Role interaction: driver (child) - passengers (children); doctor (child) - patients (adult + children); when building a role-based dialogue, a telephone is used (or an object - a substitute)

Enriching the play experience: the child, relying on the existing play experience, takes on additional roles - the driver-patient. The adult (patient) "calls" the driver, talks to him, as he talks, leads the child to visit the doctor (ie, the child combines two roles - the driver and the patient, while his behavior and speech should correspond to the role, currently running).

Game management: encouraging the independent creation of a game space, the selection of attributes for games, the development of the plot; consolidating the experience of using items - substitutes; an adult monitors the correspondence between the role and role actions of children

Attributes for the game "Drivers"; attributes for the game "Hospital"; telephone (or items - substitutes).

Cut pictures depicting different types of transport.

Set of cut road signs.


1. Reading - the poem "If only ..." O. Bedarev

2. game "Come up with a new car"

3. game "How are they similar? What is the difference?"

4. Observing transport while walking

5. Traffic rules - the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"

Action: design of a play environment for the game "Drivers", design of a play environment for the game "Hairdresser", design of a play environment for the game "Family"

Role interaction: driver (child) - passengers (children); mom (adult) - dad (child) - daughter (child or doll); hairdresser (child) - client (child); when building a role-based dialogue, a telephone is used (substitute object)

Enrichment of the game experience: complication of the game plot - the child, relying on the existing game experience, takes on additional roles - driver-dad-client of the hairdresser. An adult playing the role of a mother “calls” the driver (dad) and tells him to pick her up and her daughter and take them to the hairdresser's (beauty salon). As the plot develops, the adult offers a haircut to “dad” (ie, the child combines three roles - driver, dad, hairdresser's client, while his behavior and speech should correspond to the role being played at the moment).

Game guidance: using children's play experience; an adult monitors the correspondence between the role and play actions, the speech of children; expanding children's play experience

(the ability to combine several roles and perform appropriate game actions, building role-based dialogues)

Attributes for the game "Drivers"; attributes for the game "Family"; attributes for the game "Hairdresser"; telephone (or items - substitutes)

1. game "Changeling"

2. game "Contradictions"

3. System operator - machine

4. Observing transport while walking

5. Traffic rules - quiz

Action: design of a play environment for the game "Drivers", design of a play environment for the game "Family", design of a play environment for the game "Shop"

Role interaction: driver (child) - passengers (children); mom (adult) - dad (child) - daughter (child or doll); seller (child) - buyer (child); when building a role-based dialogue, a telephone is used (substitute object)

Enriching the game experience: complicating the game plot - the child, relying on the existing game experience, takes on additional roles - driver-dad-buyer. An adult who plays the role of a mom “calls” the driver (dad) and tells him to stop by the store after work and buy something for his daughter (eg, a toy, fruit, etc.)

Game guidance: an adult monitors the correspondence between the role and play actions, the speech of children; consolidation of children's play experience (the ability to combine several roles, use in the game game characters)

Attributes for the game "Drivers"; attributes for the game "Family"; attributes

for the game "Shop"

In the development of games such as "Name a part of the whole", "Car travel along a magic path", "Good - bad", "Contradictions", elements of TRIZ were used (and this is always interesting, unusual, creative).

The structure of the long-term development plan and management of the role-playing game "Drivers" can be applied to other games.

School preparatory group

Program tasks for the development and education of children in the game.

1. Give an idea that the Earth is our common home. To give elementary representation about the structure of the solar system, about the universe. Introduce children to the map starry sky, constellations. Give an idea of ​​the profession of an astronaut. To consolidate the knowledge of children about pilots - astronauts, traits and qualities of character necessary for this profession.

2. To cultivate a cognitive interest in the surrounding world, in the study of outer space. To educate in children the qualities associated with the peculiarities of this profession: to be hardy, physically developed, dexterous, courageous.

3. Improve and expand children's play ideas and skills. To form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners.

4. Enrich vocabulary with words: Solar system, planets, comet, general designer, space science center, sports simulators.

Familiarization with the environment in the vigorous activity of children Educational games Subject-play environment Enhancing communication with children during the game
1. Conversation with children with examination of illustrations, pictures depicting space, the encyclopedia "Space and the Solar System";

Purpose: to study the knowledge of children on the topic and their idea of ​​the social significance of the cosmonaut profession

2. OD "This mysterious space"

Purpose: the formation in older preschool children of ideas about outer space, space exploration by people.

3. Reading fiction A. Andreev "Star", A. Dietrich "Who chewed the month?", "Once upon a time there was an astrologer.", V. Stepanov "Yuri Gagarin", R. Sef "Blue meteorite"

Purpose: to induce in children a desire to listen to works of art, to encourage them to turn to adults with questions and judgments.

4.OD Plot drawing

on the theme "Starry sky"

Purpose: to depict the starry sky.

Choose a color scheme for the stars on your own.

1. Didactic game

"Stars on the sky"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about cosmic bodies, planets,

develop the ability to correlate the named objects with their

location, enrich vocabulary.

2. Outdoor play

"Moon and Stars"

Purpose: development of interest in a previously studied topic (planets, moon)

3. Games with the phone

"Call the comet and find out how she's doing."

Purpose: development of vocabulary, the ability to conduct a dialogue and a monologue.

- thick paper hoops on the head (by a teacher or with the help of parents) with the moon and stars (the moon and stars can be made by children)

Encyclopedias, books on the topic "Space" "Solar system"

Illustrations depicting planets, stars

Making a model of the solar system

Planets can be made from papier-mâché by children, model assembly by educators group

Game plots

1. "Star laboratory"

2. "Travel to the planetarium"

3. "I study the starry sky"

Methodical techniques

1. Influence on the choice of topic

Suggest a plot of the game

2. Introducing toys, creating a play environment before the start of the game

3. Remember the events that are more suitable for the game, establish their sequence.

4. Enriching the social experience of children through all types of activities (observation, excursions, reading fiction, watching children's television programs, conversations).

1. Viewing the starry sky during an evening walk.

2. Watching the cartoon "The Mystery of the Third Planet"

Objective: to continue to develop interest in the topic

3. Conversation "Cosmonauts in Space".

Purpose: to develop an understanding of the profession of an astronaut

4. Listening to music

"Lullaby of the Bear" E. Krylatov - Y. Yakovlev

"Milky Way" A. Rybnikov - I. Kokhanovsky

"Song of the Stars" A. Rybnikov - Yu. Kim

1. Outdoor game

"We are astronauts" "Fly among the meteorites", "Shoot down the meteorites"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about astronauts, traits and qualities of character necessary for people of this profession.

2. A game of invention

"Write a story about an unknown planet."

Purpose: to continue to improve the ability of children to compose a story about an unknown planet based on a mnemonic table. Develop cognitive activity, imagination and fantasy.

3. Round dance games:

"Star Round Dance", "Guess the Constellation"

Purpose: to develop speech and motor activity of children.

- large building material,

Plans, maps, a diagram of the starry sky,

Astronaut helmets, tube products for space flight,

Camera, first aid kit.

"Space flight."

Related plots:

"Service station"

Roles: mechanic, refueller.

Methodical techniques.

1. Improve and expand children's play ideas and skills.

2. Creation of a problematic game situation: - with the help of game equipment (attributes, decorations, items of clothing, toys)

3. Involvement of children in the manufacture of attributes and design of the playing fields.

1. Theatrical performance "Tales of the Astrologer"

Purpose: To instill in children a sense of pride in their homeland, interest and respect for the work of people whose work is related to space exploration; continue to develop children's knowledge of space.

2. OD drawing

"This Mysterious World"; "Spacesuit for an astronaut."

Purpose: To improve the ability of children in drawings to reflect the impression of the performance of the "Astrologer's Tales", to continue acquaintance with space, to develop artistic creativity, aesthetic perception.

1. Sports theatrical - the game "Flight into space"

Purpose: To improve the technique of motor actions fulfillment, speed and dexterity.

2. Didactic games:

"Do you want to become an astronaut?"

"Big and Small"

"Guess by the description"

Purpose: development of horizons, the ability to compose verbal descriptions and guess from them.

Production of a logbook, star charts and other attributes for role-playing games

Plot line

Preparation of a detachment of cosmonauts, honey. inspection;

Rocket launch;

Spacewalk, work in orbit;

Methodical techniques.

1. Plan the course of the game, the sequence of actions.

2. Help in solving game problems, maintaining cognitive interest in the game.

3. Observation of the play of children, an adult monitors the correspondence between the role and role behavior, the speech of children; participates in the creation and resolution of a problem situation; monitors the use of attributes for the game (to avoid manipulating objects)

1. Acquaintance with fiction:

G. Shalaeva "Why do not the planets collide?", "What is a comet?", "Why does a comet have a tail?" V. Borozdin "The First in Space"; Y. Yakovlev "Three in Space", A. Leonov "Steps over the Planet"; N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"; V. Medvedev "Astrologer Brunka", V. Dragunsky "Amazing Day".

2. OD application

"Space travel (all kinds of technology in space)

Purpose: to improve the applique technique: to independently choose and combine silhouette (symmetrical, ribbon and cut-off applications to obtain a beautiful image.

1. Outdoor games:

"One, two - a rocket flies", "Tightrope walkers", "On one leg along the path."

2. Subject-didactic games:

"Flight into Space", "Space Explorers"

3. Plastic studies: "Soar in space"

Purpose: development of theatrical skills, plasticity of movement.

hats - suits, helmets, technical equipment (walkie-talkies, computers), space food in tubes and bags, a map of the starry sky, dummies of planets, large building materials for creating a cosmodrome and a rocket.

1. Meeting with aliens.

2. Doctors examine aliens

3. Study and decoding

alien language

Methodical techniques.

1. Providing guidance for the game

2. Distribution of roles.

3. Using multi-character plots.

1. Construction of planets of the solar system from snow during a walk (snowballs, in the center the largest ball is the Sun, around it small snowballs - other planets).

2. OD application

"Spaceship, astronaut in open space." Origami

Purpose: development of the child's artistic and creative skills in working with paper.

3. Experimental research activities.

Experience “How clouds interfere with astronomical observations. That the sun or clouds are closer to us?

Purpose: the development of the cognitive activity of the preschooler.

1. Finger gymnastics: "Cosmonauts", "Rocket", "Lunokhod".

Objective: To develop cognitive interests and fine motor skills hands of children.

2. Physical education "Ball in a circle"

Purpose: passing the ball in a circle, while calling any constellation (planet, astronaut)

3. Role-playing creative game "Journey to the Moon"

Purpose: development of the outlook, active speech of the child

large building material, rudders, plans, maps, starry sky diagram, astronaut helmets

1. Landing on the moon

2. Building a base on the moon

3. Getting in touch with the land.

Methodical techniques:

1. Monitor the correspondence of the role and behavior, speech of the playing children,

2. Creates conditions so that children can also, by example, take on additional roles

3. Encouragement of independence in the selection of the attributes necessary for the game.

1. OD "First in space-Yuri Gagarin"

Purpose: to broaden horizons, to give an idea of ​​the history of space exploration, to inspire pride in their country.

2. Exhibition of children's works

"Cosmic beauty"

Purpose: to continue developing interest in the topic, developing the ability to apply non-traditional drawing techniques. (drawing on raw)

1. Didactic game

"Choose the right clothes for the astronaut"

The goal is to select the appropriate clothing for the astronaut, to justify your choice)

2. Musical and didactic games

"Space Associations"

Purpose: when listening to music, everyone expresses their own impressions and associations.


Drawn options

clothing for astronauts

(created by children)

Subjects - substitutes

walkie-talkie, telephones, overalls for service personnel of the control center.

Creation of a flight control center on the site of a kindergarten made of snow (parents, children)

Missile breakage;

State of emergency on the ship;

Docking of ships;

Methodical techniques:

1. Inclusion of the teacher in the game, taking on a role (main or secondary) - not often, out of necessity (showing a speech pattern, collective discussion of the role behavior of the players after the game).

2. Organization of the playing space:

construction of a "Cosmodrome" from Lego bricks,

Decorating with balls - planets and building a rocket from a large constructor.

1. OD "Women - astronauts"

Purpose: to arouse respect for the work of an astronaut, to develop horizons, to introduce Russian cosmonauts to women, to develop pride in their history.

2. OD paper construction

"Flowers for an astronaut"

Purpose: to continue developing the ability to compose a plot composition, develop fine motor skills of hands, cultivate patience and perseverance.

1. Didactic game

"The Mystery of Space"

Objective: to collect planets from parts.

2. Game - invention

"Grow a flower for an astronaut"

Purpose: to come up with conditions for the delivery of flowers on board the rocket.

3. Imitation game

"Space Song"

Purpose: to create an image of a cosmic body.

"Observation devices", counters, "flight control panel" and "docking", "radio", "simulators".

The attributes are made of junk materials by the children of the group.

Rocket Party

The control center congratulates on Women's Day.

Methodical techniques:

1. Formation of social orientation towards a peer.

2. Formation of the ability to build a role-based dialogue, change position during the game.

3. Exercise in the use of various means of expression when performing the role.

1. Fun for children

Cosmonautics Day

Purpose: To cultivate respect for the heroes of space, the desire to be like them, to develop the cognitive interests of children Consolidation of knowledge on the topic. To cultivate moral qualities.

2. Watching the film "Other Worlds" from the documentary series "Planets" BBC, 2005

Purpose: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge on the topic.

3. Viewing the electronic presentation "How man mastered space".

4.Quiz on the topic


Purpose: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge

1. Didactic game

"Find the superfluous"

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, the ability to carry out classification, to combine objects according to any essential feature; develop memory.

2. Sports story game


Purpose: To introduce children to military-patriotic training; improve physical fitness; to consolidate the ability to independently develop the plot of the game. Foster friendships between children.

3. Subject-didactic games

“Who will be who? Who was who? "

Posters, flowers for the meeting, postcards,

Festive dishes made from salted dough.

Attributes are made by children.

Cut pictures depicting different types of cosmic bodies.


Landing (joyful meeting of astronauts (concert, medical examination;)

Conference with astronauts

Meeting with relatives.

Methodical techniques

The direction of the intention and actions of children (advice, hint, question, changing the playing environment)

Creation of problematic situations (flexible influence on the concept of the game, development of the plot, complication of the ways of displaying reality,

Create a game situation,

Individual work (the child does not know how to play, you can use the experience of well-playing children.

Game actions for each role:

The captain of the ship is recruiting the crew, giving orders on board, keeping in touch with the flight instructor, communicating with reporters;

Astronauts - fly into space, follow the orders of the ship's captain, get in touch with the Earth, participate in the conference;

Flight instructor - supervises the flight from the cosmodrome;

Aliens - observe the actions of the cosmonauts, get in touch with them, negotiate in an incomprehensible language, one or more aliens fly to the cosmodrome with the cosmonauts;

Reporters - reporting, communicating with astronauts, participating in conferences;

Honey. staff - carry out honey. survey of the ship's crew and aliens;

Relatives - see off and meet the astronauts, organize a concert, participate in reports.

The flight engineer closely monitors the readings of the flight control panel and the docking station.

Dispatcher — receives information from space and transmits it to the ship.

Chef - prepares and dries products, packs in bags, packs in tubes.

Vocabulary minimum

Conclusion: by the age of 6-7 years, children are able to independently organize a role-playing game - choose a topic, create conditions, perform appropriate game actions and rules of behavior. The teacher uses mostly indirect methods of guiding the game.

Long-term plan role-playing games in the preparatory group October September Date Name Purpose 1 week. "School" 2 weeks "Ecologists" 3 weeks "Pirates" 4 weeks "Birthday" 1 week "Family" 2 weeks "Journey along the river" Develop the ability to independently assign roles and act according to the assumed role. Understand an imaginary situation and act accordingly. Expand the scope of the child's social activity and his / her understanding of school life, providing an opportunity to take different positions of adults and children (teacher-student). Create conditions and encourage social creativity, the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot. Form the skills of speech etiquette. Expand children's ideas about the humane focus of the work of environmentalists. To form children's knowledge about the importance of the work of ecologists for the conservation of nature, its social significance. To form the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with game plot and at the end of a given game action again unite into a single team. Contribute to the creation of the necessary buildings, use substitute items, understand the game situation and act in accordance with it. Display in the game impressions of the literature read, watched cartoons, films. Develop creative imagination, activate the speech of children. To form joint activities aimed at the quality of the performance of roles. To cultivate sensitivity, attention to "guests" and "birthday boy". Promote the consolidation of knowledge of etiquette, cultural skills. Display the phenomena of social life in the game. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in the game. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. Promote the consolidation and development of valuable moral qualities: humanity, love, sympathy, etc. Develop children's knowledge of the value of family relationships. Promote the consolidation of the ability of children to implement and develop the plot of the game. To form and clarify the ideas of children about the types of river transport. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the importance of the work of adult workers of the river port for cities and villages. Continue November 3 weeks City trip 4 weeks "Mail" 5 weeks "Travel to the world of transport" 1 week. "GIBDD" 2 weeks "Studio. House of mod "3 weeks. "Theater" to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Strengthen the ability to act with imaginary objects, use substitute objects. Promote the development of the ability to act according to speech instructions. Develop imagination, memory, speech; to form interest in the environment, joint games... To consolidate the idea of ​​the city, its difference from the village; foster respect for people of different professions. Promote the development of children's ability to use substitute objects in play, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. Continue familiarization with the work of communication workers, the formation of a respectful attitude towards postal workers. To consolidate the ability to reflect the work of adults in the game, to convey relationships between people. To develop the ability to act with and without objects, the practical application of knowledge about quantity and counting, talk about the actions performed. To form the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot, to distribute roles and act in accordance with the assumed role. Promote the development of the ability to model role dialogue, enrich the speech of children, and develop a sense of rhythm. Consolidate knowledge about modes of transport, their features. Foster a desire to participate in joint games. Develop a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to distribute roles and act in accordance with the assumed role. To foster respect for the work of employees of the traffic safety inspection, to consolidate the idea of ​​their importance for the life of the city, working conditions and the "inspector-driver", "inspector-pedestrian" relationship. Develop the dialogical speech of children. To form in children the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, reunite into a single team. To foster respect for the work of a seamstress, fashion designer, cutter, to expand the idea that their work is collective, that the quality of the work of another depends on the conscientious work of one person. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game. Develop the dialogical speech of children. Facilitate the teaching of children to act in accordance with the assumed role, December January 4 weeks. "Circus" 1 week "Researchers" 2 weeks. "Zoo" 3 weeks "Rescue Service" 4 weeks "Family" 3 weeks "Museum" to form friendly relations between children. To consolidate ideas about cultural institutions, their social significance. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the theater, about the theater troupe, theater workers. Show the collective nature of work in the theater, develop expressiveness of speech. Promote the development of the ability to assign roles and act in accordance with the assumed role. Foster a friendly attitude towards each other. Strengthen children's ideas about cultural institutions, rules of conduct in in public places... Consolidate knowledge and the circus and its workers. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about scientific workers, about their interesting and difficult work, specific working conditions. Promote the development of the ability to distribute roles and act according to the assumed role. To form the ability to simulate a game dialogue. To cultivate respect for people of different professions. Teach children to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, reunite into a single team. To expand the understanding of the humane focus of the work of zoo workers. To clarify the knowledge of children about the main professions: the director of the zoo, workers, doctor, guide, etc. to expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the basic processes of servicing animals. Create conditions and encourage social creativity. Continue to develop the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plan and, at the end of the plot, reunite into a single team. Expand children's ideas about the humane focus of the rescue service, its necessity, mobility in emergency situations. Develop the speech of children. Create conditions for creative reproduction of family life in the game. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. Promote the consolidation and development of valuable moral qualities: humanity, love, sympathy, etc. Develop and refine children's knowledge of the value of family relationships. Develop the ability of children to independently assign roles and act in accordance with them. Display in the game events and norms of social life, behavior in cultural February March 4 weeks. "Pharmacy" 5 weeks "Library" 1 week. "Design Studio" 2 weeks "Hospital" 3 weeks "Border guards" 4 weeks "Sailors" 1 week "Daughters-mothers" places. Strengthen the ability to be attentive, friendly to each other. Develop the speech of children, enrich vocabulary. Improve the ability to choose a role and act in accordance with it, develop cooperation skills. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game. Establish rules of conduct in public places. Form the skills of speech etiquette. Develop the ability to coordinate your own game plan with the plan of your peers, change roles during the game. Display knowledge about the surrounding life , show the social value of libraries. Expand and clarify knowledge about library workers, develop memory, speech of children. Establish rules of conduct in public places. To develop the ability to independently distribute roles, to form the skill of speech etiquette. Create conditions for inclusion in group work and independently find attractive moments in it. Continue to acquaint with the employees of the design studio. To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the life around them. Strengthen the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot of the game and, at the end of a given game action, reunite into a single team. Display knowledge of the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of medicine. To foster respect for the work of medical workers. Establish rules of conduct in public places. To promote the development of military-patriotic training of preschoolers. Continue to develop the ability to distribute roles and act in accordance with the assumed role, reflect the relationship between the players. Develop the dialogical speech of children. Cultivate courage, develop endurance. To develop the ability to independently distribute roles, to perform actions corresponding to them. Create conditions for the independent execution of the necessary buildings. Display children's knowledge of the surrounding life in the game. To form the skill of positive communication of children and friendly relations in the group. To consolidate the ability to display the phenomena of social reality in the game. Improve the ability to independently create an environment for playing around for a conceived plot. Raise respectful April 2 weeks. "Theater" 3 weeks "Travel to the world of toys" 4 weeks. Fashion House "Fashionista" 1 week "Ecologists" 2 weeks. "Space Explorers" have a relationship with mom's housework, caring for family members, and so on. Develop the ability to coordinate your own game plan with the plan of your peers, change roles during the game. To promote the development of the ability to act in accordance with the assumed role, to form a benevolent attitude between children. Strengthen children's ideas about cultural institutions, their social significance. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the theater, about the theater troupe, theater workers. Develop expressiveness of speech. Exercise children in the ability to carry out game actions according to speech instructions. To contribute to the development of the ability to simulate game dialogue, to determine the characters of the heroes, to evaluate their actions. Develop imagination, speech, speech expressiveness. To form an interest in joint games, to cultivate friendly relations. Develop the ability to assign roles and act according to the assumed role. To form the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, reunite into a single team. Promote the development of the ability to create the necessary play space, use substitute objects, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of the house of models, specialists working in it, to develop creative imagination. Create conditions and encourage social creativity, the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game concept. To expand children's ideas about the humane focus of the work of ecologists, its need for nature conservation, social significance. Continue to develop speech etiquette skills. Develop the ability to display social events in the game. Promote the development of the ability to independently assign roles, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. To consolidate the knowledge of children about space explorers, and the specific working conditions of researchers. Develop creative imagination, coherent speech of children. To develop the ability to simulate game dialogue, use various constructors, building materials, substitute items. May 3 weeks. "Drivers" 4 weeks "Construction" 1 week "Supermarket" 2 weeks "Family" 3 weeks "Television" 4 weeks "Polyclinic" Strengthen the ability to independently assign roles and act in accordance with the assumed role. Reflect in the game the relationship between the players, consolidate the knowledge of the rules of the road. Foster interest and respect for the work of transport workers, encourage the desire to work conscientiously, responsibly, taking care of the safety of equipment. Develop memory, speech of children. Continue to develop the ability of children to act in accordance with the chosen role. Strengthen the ability to use attributes in accordance with the plot, designers, building materials. Display knowledge of the surrounding life in the game, resolve disputes fairly, act in accordance with the game plan. Develop creative imagination, expressiveness of children's speech. To contribute to the development of the ability to coordinate one's own game plan with the plans of peers, to change roles during the game. Encourage children to use knowledge of the surrounding life more widely in games. Improve the dialogic speech of children. Show in the game the social importance of trade workers. To improve the ability of children to creatively reproduce family life in the game. Display in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, about the way of life and the foundations of the family. Improve the ability of children to independently distribute roles, act in accordance with the chosen role, independently create the necessary buildings, consolidate the skill of a benevolent attitude of children. To develop memory, dialogical speech of children. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the role-playing actions of television workers, to show in the game that their work is collective, the result of the whole team depends on the quality of the work of one. Strengthen children's ideas about the media, about the role of television in people's lives. Develop interest in the environment, joint games of children. Improve the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Improve the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game plan, reunite into a single team. Display knowledge of the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of medicine. To foster respect for the work of health care workers. Establish rules of conduct in public places. 5 weeks A game of choice for children. Improve the ability to independently choose a game, determine the plot. Contribute to the consolidation of the ability to independently select the necessary attributes, substitute items, to create the necessary buildings to play out a particular plot. Develop and improve the communication skills of children. Improve the ability to understand an imaginary game situation and act in accordance with it.

PROSPECTIVE PLAN role-playing game

v senior group


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario

"A family"

Diagnostics of children's play skills and abilities.

Consideration of illustrations with regime processes.

Designing a play corner for the game "Family" together with the tutor.

Conversation: "How we play with dolls"

Reading of V. Oseeva's story "The Magic Word", "Lullaby" by Y. Gorey; "It's time to sleep" P. Voronko. Drawing up stories by children on the topic "How I live at home." Conversation on the topic "How I help adults."

Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, doll bedding, substitute items.

"Morning in the family"; "Lunch in the family"; "Evening in the family"; "A day off in the family"; "A child fell ill in the family"; "Helping mom wash clothes"; "Big house cleaning"; "Family came to visit family"


Teach children to distribute roles, perform game actions in accordance with the taken role, not leave the taken role until the end of the game; teach to conduct role-based dialogues.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Observing the work of the teacher, nanny and other kindergarten workers.

Conversation: "Who and how works in our garden."

D / game "Mode of the day".

Reading stories and poems about kindergarten:

"About myself and about the guys",

"The alarm clock rang" G. Ladonshchikov;

“How Anton Loved Going to Kindergarten” V. Zernov.

"At Lunch" S. Baruzdin.

Drawing on the theme: "Kindergarten".

Dolls, toy dishes, Doctor's set, telephone, musical instruments, sports equipment, telephone, items - substitutes.

"Admission of children to a group"; "Traveling by bus to kindergarten and admitting children to a group"; "Charging in kindergarten";" Babysitting in the morning - breakfast ";" Babysitting - cleaning the group ";" Chef work in kindergarten ";" Work in the kindergarten laundry ";" The teacher conducts a lesson in the kindergarten ";" Musical director conducts a lesson in kindergarten ", etc.


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario

"Polyclinic" + "Pharmacy"

To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game; to reveal the meaning of the activities of medical personnel; to acquaint with the role of a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, their duties, labor actions, observe the sequence of game actions; to teach the message role-based dialogues, to consolidate the rules of behavior for patients in the doctor's office.

Conversation with children: "How my mother and I visited the clinic."

Excursion to the medical office, where the nurse introduces children to medical instruments.

Excursion to the pharmacy.

Reading works:

"I'm flying a doll" P. Obraztsov;

"Doctor" I. Drag

Making attributes for the game.

Game set"Puppet doctor": thermometers, syringe, stethoscope, pipette, cotton wool, bandage, substitute items, etc.

Cashier, money, recipes.

White coats for doctor, nurse and pharmacist, computer.

"Visiting a doctor and a nurse"; "The work of the registrar in the registry of the polyclinic"; "The work of specialist doctors: pediatrician, ENT, ophthalmologist" (all the acquaintance is carried out at the most accessible level); "Mom calls the doctor at home"; "Calling an ambulance"; "An ambulance goes to Katya"; "An ambulance takes Katya to the hospital"; "The doll Katya has recovered and is being discharged from the hospital"; "Pharmacy and Pharmacist"; "Visiting a doctor at a polyclinic and buying prescription drugs at a pharmacy."

Ambulance + Hospital + Pharmacy

To form the ability of children to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the plot; to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, to show the social significance of medicine.

Conversations "Personal Hygiene", "Microbes", "Health and Disease".

Reading the work "A man got sick" by I. Turchinin

"Our Doctor" A. Kardashov

"The boy is going, in a hurry" M. Korshunov

Conversation about the activities of honey. staff, to show the interaction of all services to help sick people: polyclinic - pharmacy, ambulance - hospital (pharmacy) - sanatorium.

Dressing gowns, doctors' hats, patient cards, prescriptions, a suitcase for an ambulance doctor, sets of "Little Doctor", "medicines", telephone.

"Mom calls the doctor at home"; "Calling an ambulance"; "An ambulance goes to treat Katya"; "An ambulance takes Katya to the hospital"; "The doll Katya has recovered and is being discharged from the hospital"; "Pharmacy and Pharmacist"; "Visiting a doctor at a polyclinic and buying prescription drugs at a pharmacy."


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario

"Hairdresser" + "Family"

Continue to teach children to distribute roles, act in accordance with the role, observe the sequence of role-playing actions, their consistency; to teach to simulate a role-based dialogue, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other; display the phenomena of social life in the game.

Children visit a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did in the hairdresser. Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Examining an album of hairstyles. Didactic game "We comb the doll beautifully" Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with children with the involvement of parents

Dressing table with mirror, washbasin, towel, hairdryer, drape, hairdresser's robe, hairdresser's set, albums with hairstyles, magazines, substitute items, etc.

"Opening of a hairdressing salon";

“Mom is taking her daughter to the hairdresser's”;

“Dad is taking his son to the hairdresser's”;

“The whole family goes to the hairdresser's”;

"A hairdresser in a kindergarten makes hairstyles for children (dolls) before a concert for mothers and grandmothers."


Teach children to coordinate their own game plan with those of their peers, encourage children to use knowledge about the life around them more widely in games, and develop dialogical speech.

Excursion to the store.

Conversation on the topic: "How my mother and I went to the supermarket."


"Ninochka's purchases" Yu.D. Vladimirov,B. Voronko "The Tale of Unusual Shopping" and others. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.

Making attributes for the game: price tags, checks, money, etc.

Checkout, food sets, overalls for the seller, checks, bags, wallets, money, price tags, packaging, items - substitutes.

“In a vegetable store”, departments: “Clothes”, “Products”, “Fabrics”, “Souvenirs”, “Cookery”, “Books”, “Sports goods”.


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario


Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game; to continue acquaintance with the work of communication workers, to teach to reflect the work of adults in the game, to transfer relations between people.

Lesson on the subject world: "Acquaintance with postal accessories."

Excursion to the post office, conversation with post workers, observation of their work.

Consideration and reading of the book: S.Ya. Marshak "Mail",

Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Making New Year's cards for applications.

Making attributes for the game: envelopes, stamps, mailbox, money, etc.

Postman's bag, envelopes, postcards, newspapers, magazines, parcels, computer, seals, stamps, mailbox, money, wallets, phones.

Distribution of roles: sorter, postman, operator for receiving parcels and parcels, postmaster, driver, visitors.

Post office decoration with different departments; delivery department work; work of the department of postal parcels, parcels.


Teach children to assign roles and act according to the accepted role; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, to teach how to navigate by road signs; to acquaint with the new role - traffic controller, traffic police inspector.

Classes on the topics: "City street", "Road signs".

Reading the work of M. Ilyin, E. Segal "Cars on our street",

N.A. Knushevitskaya "Chauffeur";

B. Zhitkov "Traffic Light".

Construction of a bus, bridges.

Production of attributes: road signs, signboards.

Children are invited to choose traffic police officers so that they keep order on the roads of the city, and the rest of the children are motorists. Assign the roles of petrol station workers as desired. During the game, children try not to break the rules of the road



Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario

"Library" Display knowledge of the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of libraries; to expand the understanding of the library workers, to consolidate the rules of conduct in a public place; to acquaint with the rules of using the book; to awaken interest and love for books, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards them.

Excursion to the library followed by a conversation. Reading the work of S. Zhupanin "I am a librarian", the opening of the "Book workshop" for the repair of books. Making pockets in books and forms. Exhibition of drawings based on the works read.

Forms, books, file cabinet, computer.

Readers' forms design. Acceptance of applications by the librarian. Working with a filing cabinet. Issuing books. Reading room.

Cafe "Slastena" + "Family" + "Taxi"

Learn to independently assign roles and act in accordance with the role, develop skills friendly attitude children; encourage children to use knowledge of the surrounding life more widely in games.


the objective world "Dishes"

application "Tea set"


"Lunch!" N. Sakonskaya

Making, together with children, attributes for the game:

signboard of a cafe, creating a menu, notebooks for waiters, drawing and sculpting (from dough) products.

Aprons, crockery sets, trays, menus, napkins, food sets, substitute items.

Opening of the cafe "Slastena"; the family came or arrived by minibus or taxi to a cafe; choosing a table, getting to know the menu, accepting an order; food intake; working with the director if necessary (complaints, gratitude); payment for the order; cleaning a table, washing dishes.


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario

"Border guards"

Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the assumed role, use attributes in accordance with the plot; expand the vocabulary of children: "border", "post", "violation", "alarm", "border guard", "dog breeder", etc.

Lessons: "Pilot" (origami)

Conversations on the topic: "How do border guards guard the border?"

Reading poetry and stories about border guards:

"At the outpost" A. Barto,

"Border guard" S. Marshak.

Learning songs about the border guard.

Making attributes for the game.

Military caps, garrison caps, machine guns, shoulder straps, sanitary bags, bandage, cotton wool, flask, telephone, walkie-talkie, binoculars, border dog, border post, etc.

Children depict life at the frontier post - on duty at the headquarters, drill, running with obstacles, mastering the methods of camouflage, transfer of the wounded, and movement on their bellies.

Competitions between the two border posts: "Who will quickly detect and detain the border violator" "Deliver an urgent package", "Decipher the urgent report" (rebus), etc.

"Transport" - traffic police

Continue teaching children to assign roles and act according to the accepted role; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, to teach how to navigate by road signs.

Conversations on the topic: "Know and follow the traffic rules"

"Why do we need road signs"


"Car inspector", "Driver" N.A. Knushevitskaya.

Steering wheels, portly signs, traffic lights, baton, whistle, flags for a traffic controller, various documents (driving license, technical passports of cars).

Children are invited to choose traffic police officers so that they keep order on the roads of the city, and the rest of the children are motorists. If desired, assign the roles of petrol station and auto repair workers. During the game, children try not to violate traffic rules.


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario


Consolidation and enrichment of knowledge about animals, about their appearance and about habits; the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game; cultivate kindness to animals

Reading the poem by S.Ya. Marshak "Children in a cage", "Where did the sparrow dine?"

Making the album "Zoo".

Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Construction of cages for animals, depending on their size (from the designer and boxes).

Did. game "Who is being taken to the zoo?"

Modeling animals.

Making attributes for the game: tickets, a sign "Zoo".

Building material, boxes (cages), tickets, ticket office, toys are animals.

"Building cages for animals", "Excursion to the zoo", "We are going by bus to the zoo", "We are sailing on a ship to the zoo", "Where did the sparrow have dinner? (Game-dramatization based on the poem by S. Marshak)," We remove cages for animals "," We feed the animals ", etc.


Consolidation and enrichment of knowledge about animals, about their appearance and habits; the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game; foster a good attitude towards animals, foster respect for agricultural work.

Conversation about professions using illustrations, viewing plot pictures, reading proverbs:

Every house is kept by the owner.

From the master's eye and the horse is kinder.

No farm without a cow.

The pig has fat in the trough.

What a shepherd is, so is the flock.

As you feed, so you milk.

To acquaint with the professions of a farmer, livestock breeder, poultry woman, milkmaid, shepherd, carpenter.

Building material, agricultural tools, buckets, kerchiefs, carpenter's tools, toys - animals.

“We build cattle pens, fences”, “We go by bus to the farm”, “We clean up the pens”, “Feed the animals”, “The veterinarian examines the animals, prescribes medications”, etc.


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario


Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the assumed role, use attributes in accordance with the plot, resolve disputes fairly, act in accordance with the game plan; reflect in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, develop creative imagination.


Application: "Building a house"

Drawing: "Different houses are built in the city."

Examination of illustrations on the topic.


"Bricklayer", "Painter", "Carpenter" S. Baruzdin,

"Builders" G. Lyantsin

"Builder" N.A. Knushevitskaya.

Building material, building plans, tools, construction machinery, design magazines.

The teacher invites the children to split into teams and assigns a certain area of ​​work to each team.

Selection of a construction object; the choice of building material, the method of its delivery to the construction site; construction, delivery of the object.

As the game progresses, the educator (foreman) advises the bricklayers how best to lay the walls, tells the drivers what material to bring, helps the loaders organize loading and unloading using cranes, etc.

"Veterinary clinic"

Continue to teach how to assign roles, negotiate a plot.

Acquaintance with a new role - a veterinarian, to teach how to perform game actions, to follow their sequence.

Reading the work of KI Chukovsky "Aibolit" and examining the illustrations.

Conversation with children on the topic:

Making attributes for the game: the sign of the hospital.

Toys - animals, gowns, doctors' hats, a set of "Little Doctor", "medicines", a telephone.

Opening of a veterinary clinic: a sign is posted, attributes are being prepared.

The arrival of patients, examination by a veterinarian, appointment of procedures and their implementation by a nurse, the doctor makes notes on the card, appoints the next appointment, can write a prescription.


Name of the game


Preliminary work

Game material

Game scenario

"Sewing Studio"

To form ideas of preschoolers about what an atelier is and what it is for; teach to develop a plot; to acquaint with new roles (customer, receptionist, cutter, dressmaker, head of the atelier) and role-playing actions; develop dialogical speech.

Excursion to the castellan's office.

Reading works: S. Mikhalkov "Hare tailor", Viktorov "I sewed a dress for my mother", Greenberg "Olin's apron". Examination of tissue samples. Production of an album "Samples of fabrics". Examining fashion magazines. Application "Doll in a beautiful dress".Examination of illustrations on the topic.

Production, together with the educator, of attributes for the game.

Sewing machines, fashion magazine, sewing tools (centimeter, thread, fabric samples, etc.); patterns, order forms, etc.

Choice of the model by the customer according to the fashion magazine; the cutter takes measurements, makes a pattern, the receptionist places an order, determines the deadline; the dressmaker fulfills the order, the head of the atelier monitors the execution of the order, resolves conflict situations when they arise; the cashier receives money for the completed order.

"Photo studio"

Continue to form the skills to creatively develop the plot of the game, independently distribute roles, agree on the content of the game, expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about working in a photo studio, foster a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite appeal to elders and to each other,

to acquaint with a new role - a photographer.

Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Examining an album with sample photos. Acquaintance with the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Examining family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

Computer, children's cameras, mirror, hairbrush, sample photos, photo frames, photo albums, money, receipts, cash register, sample photos.

The client greets, makes an order, pays, takes off his outerwear, tidies himself up, takes pictures, thanks for the service. The photographer takes pictures, takes photographs. In a photo studio, you can take a picture, take photos (including for documents), enlarge, restore photos, buy a photo album, photographic film.