Rhythm games. Musical and rhythmic games for preschool children. These are more sports games

Maria Hayrapetyan
Musical-rhythmic game as a way to develop rhythmic plasticity in older children before school age

Modern society pushes everything more requirements to the education of a preschool child, this leads to a decrease in the motor activity of children.

Instead of active walks on fresh air or playing sports, children increasingly spend time at a desk, watching TV, or with a tablet in their hands. Therefore, the urgent task of parents and teachers is, first of all, to preserve the health of children.

Children also have less and less time for games - the leading activity for a preschooler. It is in play that a child develops, he develops those personality qualities on which the success of his educational and work activities and the ability to interact with society will subsequently depend.

Musical play is an important means of child development.

The main goal of musical and rhythmic activity of preschoolers is: the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child, ensuring the strengthening of health through dance and play gymnastics, and the formation of healthy habits.

With the help of musical and rhythmic games, children learn:

Move rhythmically

Coordinate movements

Navigate in space

Respond emotionally to music, feel its character

Change movements according to the form of the piece of music

Interact with a group of peers

Improvise using original and varied movements

Musical rhythm games

Game "Rain-sun"

Target: Encourage children to play musical instruments rhythmically and develop reaction speed.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two groups, musical instruments are handed out: bells for one, tambourines for the other.

Presenter: Rain (children play bells)

Sunny (children playing tambourines)

Repeated 4 times.

Then the music plays, the children put their instruments on the floor and move freely around the hall. At this time, the presenter removes one musical instrument. When the music ends, children must take any musical instrument; the child who does not have enough is eliminated from the game.

Note: If time to play is limited or there are many children, you can remove 2-3 musical instruments at once.

Game "Track"

Target: teach preschoolers to convey a simple rhythmic pattern on a children's musical instrument.

Progress of the game: children choose musical instruments (tambourine, hammer, drum), sit in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader (teacher or child).

Presenter: I’m walking along the path (marching,

The children perform the rhythm of the verse on their instruments, emphasizing the downbeat.

And my legs are walking.

And then, and then (runs in place)

Everybody run, run, run.

Jump and jump through the puddles.

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping from foot to foot).

And now to the tubercle,

Stop (stomp)

I'm tired of standing

I’d rather dance (perform simple movements: foot on toe, on heel, picker, etc.).

Game "Let's take a walk"

Target: development of movements, movement and rearrangement in space in accordance with the rhythm and tempo of the music.

Progress of the game: children move around the hall for music lessons in different directions.

Host: Let's take a walk, let's take a walk

In my kindergarten.

Children: Let's take a walk, let's take a walk

And we'll find a friend. (They find a mate - a friend.)

Bye! (They step back two steps and wave their hand, saying goodbye.)

Clap clap! (They stop in front of each other and clap twice.)

Hello! (They approach each other again and greet each other.)

Bye! (Make two claps, step back two steps and wave goodbye.)

When repeating the game, the child finds a new friend. Can you suggest different variants games: walking in pairs, forming a circle (possibly changing according to the first letter of the name), etc.

Game "Create your own dance"

Target: Encourage children to freely improvise in dance, develop leadership qualities, and develop children’s ability to perform solo.

Progress of the game: One of the participants performs a solo, and the rest are spectators. The soloist arranges the rags on the floor the way he likes and chooses the music. After that, he dances, improvising with the scraps: jumping on them like bumps, or spinning around them. When the dance is completed, the soloist is applauded and passes the scraps to the next participant.

Important: If children who are spectators get tired, they can be invited to join the dance by clapping their hands.

Game "Dance with me, my friend"

Target: Encourage children to communicate through dance, improvise, and involve all children in the game.

Progress of the game: A musical piece of two-part form is played.

Part 1: A child comes out, dances freely, and at the end looks for a mate.

Part 2: Children spin in pairs and hug each other at the end.

Note: if there is an odd number of children, then an adult is paired with the last child.

Game "Walk"

Target: fixing note durations, developing a sense of rhythm.

Game material: musical instruments according to the number of players (mallets, drum, tambourine, xylophone, metallophone, bell, musical cymbals).

Progress of the game: Adult: “Now, guys, we will go for a walk with you, but it will be an unusual walk, we will walk, musical instruments will help us with this.

Here we are going down the stairs (slow hammer strikes on the table, and now we have gone out into the street.

The bright sun was shining, we were happy, we ran (frequent hits on the drum or maybe hammers on the table).

We were walking and having fun, but suddenly a cloud appeared, the wind blew, thunder struck, lightning flashed, and it began to rain. At first these were rare drops, and then a frequent heavy downpour began (the rhythm accelerates, children can knock on a drum, tambourine, hammer on a metallophone, hit cymbals, use a bell to convey rare drops of rain; all instruments are used to convey the state of the weather; rare drops of rain and Children convey heavy, frequent rainfall in a certain rhythm, as a result of which their knowledge of the durations of notes is consolidated."

Adult: “The guys got scared by this weather and ran home” (fast and rhythmic beats again).

The game gradually became more complex, the children, with the help of an adult, came up with new events that took place during the “walk”, and each time the rhythmic patterns became more varied and complex, children can change musical instruments, move during the game Musical and rhythmic activity, as a means of forming artistically creativity preschool children. “Most.

Musical and rhythmic movements as a means of unlocking the creative potential of children of senior preschool age Dance awakens creative abilities and makes it possible to realize these abilities through the harmony of movements. In the process of learning dance.

Presentation “Musical, rhythmic and dance activities as a means of developing the creative abilities of preschool children” music director Bart I.A.

Lesson summary

Pedagogy and didactics

Approved by the Department of Rhythm and Choreography This development reveals the meaning of the game and its role in the development of cognitive activity in the child, presents options for musical games and game situations conducted by students during trial rhythm lessons as well as extracurricular activities. Musical games are enjoyed by children with great love and cause a cheerful, cheerful mood because, along with musical and motor tasks, there is an element of entertainment in them and, not infrequently, competition as to who is faster, who is better, who is more...

Irkutsk State Pedagogical College No. 1

Methodological development

"Games and gaming techniques in rhythm lessons."

Irkutsk 2004.

Approved by the Department of Rhythmics and Choreography

This development reveals the meaning of the game and its role in the development of cognitive activity in the child, presents options for musical games and game situations conducted by students during trial rhythm lessons, as well as at extracurricular activities.

Explanatory note

Great importance There is a game in the rhythm lesson. Play is the closest form of activity for children; in it the child draws images for solving new life problems that arise in cognition, in work, in artistic creativity. Reliance on play is the most important way to include children in educational activities, a way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences and normal living conditions. The game immerses the child in self-exploration, teaches him to understand himself and cope with difficulties.

Studies of child development show that all mental processes develop more effectively in play than in other types of activities. The changes in the child’s psyche caused by play are so significant that in Soviet psychology (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, V.S. Mukhina) the view of play as the leading activity of children was established.

Children enjoy musical games with great love, they evoke a cheerful, cheerful mood, because in them, along with musical and motor tasks, there is an element of entertainment, and often competition - who is faster, who is better, who is more dexterous, brave, resourceful, who will perform this or that task more clearly.

The game provides an excellent opportunity to switch attention, relieve tension, and unite a team of children. The game reveals those character traits of children that are difficult to recognize during exercises and dances. Therefore, every teacher should have a large number of diverse, diverse games that can be used in the lesson depending on the situation. In rhythm lessons, the game can be of a different nature: to consolidate the material covered; to relaxation - switching attention, competitive games where dexterity and resourcefulness are demonstrated.

Purpose of development - assistance to students in the selection of musical games in the areas of musical and rhythmic education.

In plot-figurative exercises and music games the basic principle of rhythm is preserved: all movements must be organically connected with the music, that is, correspond to its character and means of musical expression. The themes and content of games usually reflect understandable phenomena of the surrounding reality that are close to children and reveal familiar images. The availability of game images, interest in the game, the emotional story of the teacher, expressive performance of music allows children to give their own individual shades when performing the game. The coincidence of figurative words, music and movement develops children's imagination, the child more accurately conveys character game character, movements become free, stiffness disappears, confidence appears

One of the main features of the game is its voluntary nature, which brings pleasure. The second sign can be called its uncertainty, unpredictability, improvisation, where the child shows resourcefulness, quick wits, and creativity.

This development can be used both for trial lessons and for extracurricular activities, and for physical education minutes. Recommended literature will help the student find additional, exciting and interesting material.

"Musical Snake"

Goal: To consolidate previously learned dance movements, develop coordination and ear for music.

Preparing for the game: all players are divided into 3-4 groups. Teams line up in parallel columns one after another and are called “snakes”. Each snake remembers some kind of musical melody. (For example, 1 polka, 2 waltz, 3 march).

The accompanist plays all the melodies several times so that the players learn their melody. A player who knows the dance step well is placed in front of the team.

Rules of the game:

1. Players can only move to their own melody.

2. At the snake’s signal, all snakes must stand in their original place, the players on their team stand in random order.

Description of the game: As soon as one of the melodies sounds, the snake, according to its movement, must move in a different direction, passing by other snakes. Then the melody changes, and the snake that was moving stops in the main stance, and the next snake moves to its own melody, and so on.

At the teacher’s signal, the snake must quickly take its original place. The snake that takes its place first is considered the winner.


Didactic task: to develop attention, memory, fantasy, imagination, coordination.

Game actions: Music sounds, everyone playing moves in a circle, for a special introduction everyone does 2 clapping hands, 2 stamps (repeat 2 times), after that a pipe sounds, under this sound you need to come up with some kind of movement and sustain it until the pipe sounds. The melody is repeated once again, everyone moves in a circle, and to the sound of the pipe they repeat the movement that they have already performed. The next participant standing in the circle comes up with a new movement and also maintains it to the sound of the pipe.

Rules of the game: 1. While the pipe sounds, keep performing the movement

  • Execute and repeat the movement correctly.
  • Movements should not be repeated several times and should be original and interesting.

" Do it in this way "

Purpose of the game: Use facial expressions, gestures, plasticity and sound to depict what is written on the card. The game develops imagination, creativity, and mastery of expressive means - facial expressions, plasticity and gestures.

Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle, the teacher gives them cards that say what the student must depict without preparation. Everyone else must guess what the student showed; if they guessed, then the person showing coped with the task correctly. Assignments should be selected according to the age of the children and correspond to the general theme of the lesson.


  • anxious cat;
  • sad penguin;
  • enthusiastic rabbit;
  • frowning eagle;
  • a person who has had a good lunch;
  • boots are tight;
  • the man who kicked a brick unsuccessfully;
  • a person who has an acute attack of radiculitis;
  • hot iron;
  • alarm; and other options, depending on the age of the children.


Goal: Consolidating the execution of movements and connecting the yoke to the tempo of the music.

Rules of the game: children stand in a checkerboard pattern or in a line. At the command “get in the car,” children follow the command , pretending with their hands that they are holding the steering wheel. At the command “start the engines,” children make sounds imitating the sound of a motor. On the command “let’s go”, children move freely around the hall, without knocking each other down to the tempo of the music. The teacher raises the traffic light cards, where the task of performing the movements is written: red gallop;

yellow jump;

green running with legs tucked.

At the command “cars in the garage,” children must stand in their original places on 3 counts, and whoever does not have time to put the car in is eliminated from the game. Anyone who encounters and gets into an “accident” during the game is also eliminated from the game.

"Children and the Bear"

Rules of the game: cheerful music sounds, all children move freely around the hall, the music stops, and the children freeze in various positions. A “bear” - the driver - comes out of the den (a designated place in the hall). The guys can move, but if the driver sees, he takes the offending child to his den.

Music sounds - the “bear” runs away, and the children perform dance moves to the music (polka, waltz, Russian melody, etc.). When summing up the results, not only children who have never fallen into the “paws of a bear” are noted, but also those who performed dance movements well and beautifully.

Goal: To develop an ear for timbre in children, to begin and introduce movement into music, to respond to changes in musical parts and phrases.

Description of the game: children stand in a tight circle, in the center with eyes closed- presenter.

1 4 measures (introduction) diverging with an energetic step, the children expand the circle.

5 8 bars holding hands, the children gallop around the driver.

9-12 bars, the children slowly squat, and the driver, with his arms stretched forward, approaches the children and takes any child by the hand.

13-16 measures - everyone rises slowly, the driver takes the child to the middle of the circle. The child calls the name of the driver, who must find out who called him. The driver opens his eyes and they dance together as a couple. At the same time, all children gallop or clap their hands in a circle.

Music sounds, the guys again gather in a tight circle, a new driver is in the center, the game continues.

"Whose circle is faster"

Description of the game: Children form 4 circles, in the middle of which the driver stands, holding a handkerchief (or toy) in his hands. Round dance music plays, children dance in a round dance, and the leader performs movements of a Russian character. The nature of the music changes to dance, fast, children dance freely, performing fast movements (running). The music stops, the children sit down and close their eyes. The driver changes his place and raises the handkerchief. When the music starts, the children open their eyes and run to their leader and stand in a circle around him. The winner is the circle that gathers together the fastest and joins hands.

"Remember the Tune"

Purpose of the game: Determine the melody and consolidate the dance movements in the nature of the music being performed.

Description of the game: The players stand in 2 3 columns of 5-6 people. There is a chair in front of each column. A melody sounds (polka, waltz, round dance, gallop) and the participant must walk to the chair with dance movements, the melody that sounds. Participants who perform the movement correctly earn the team a point.

Find your match"

Preparing for the game: The players stand in two circles (inner and outer) and join hands. Moreover, in the outer circle there is one more person than in the inner circle.

Description of the game: Music sounds, the players begin to move (jumping, running with legs tucked, etc.). One circle moves clockwise, the other in the opposite direction. At the teacher’s signal, the music stops, the participants in the game are randomly divided into pairs, and try to do this as quickly as possible. The teacher asks the participant who is left without a partner to dance or tell a tongue twister, guess a riddle, etc. After this, everyone stands in two circles and the game is repeated.

"Wind-up toys."

Purpose of the game: Reflect the character of the music through movement. Start the movement after the introduction, end exactly with the end of the music.

Game description: Movements are conveyed in the nature of the music.

Bunnies - jump on 2 legs with a slight movement forward, sit down on the last chord (I. Strauss “shelf”)

The bear cubs are spinning, stepping heavily, and stop at the end of the music (P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Bear’s Exit and Song”)

Horses jump straight in a circle (D. Rossini “Overture”)


The "trap" stands facing the wall, with his back to the guys who are standing against the other wall. When the music starts, children approach the “trap” with dance movements and dance around it. As soon as the music stops, the “trap” turns and catches the children and whoever it catches becomes the “trap”.

"We walk in circles"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the learned movements.

Description of the game: Participants in the game, holding hands, form a circle. The driver stands inside the circle. Moving in a circle with a dance step, the players sing a song to which the name of the leader is mentioned.

We walk in circles, one after another

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Everything that (Kolya) shows us

Let's do it together.

The circle stops and the driver shows some movements. All the guys repeat these movements. The driver chooses one of the guys and bows. The one chosen becomes the driver, the game continues.

"Listen to the clapping"

Description of the game: All children move in a circle, the leader (or teacher) claps his hands,

1 time children stop and take a heron pose,

2 clap frog pose,

3 claps the movement resumes.

"Wooden and rag dolls"

Purpose of the game: Show the differences between a wooden doll and a rag doll. Development creative imagination and muscle image, sensations.

Description of the game: Wooden doll children strain the muscles of their legs and torso and their arms lowered along the body. To the music, the body turns to the right and left on small, not high half-toes.

Image rag doll- children stand without unnecessary tension in the shoulders and body, arms hang passively, legs are slightly free and relaxed. To the music, children perform turns to the right and left, with their arms loosely wrapped around the body, like a rag doll, and their legs firmly planted on the floor.

The movement of the dolls is repeated alternately so that children can feel the difference between tense and relaxed muscles.


Description of the game: The leader is selected, the players stand in a circle. Behind the circle, the leader performs a polka step or jump, touches one standing in the circle, and continues moving. The one who was hit begins to move in the same movement, but in the opposite direction. When they meet, they greet each other loudly, and whoever reaches the chosen player’s place first stands in a circle, and the remaining child becomes the leader.

Game situation


Purpose of the lesson: Reinforcement of 1st grade dances learned, development of imagination.

Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest, but it will be in our imagination. The road will be difficult with obstacles, so you need to be very careful and careful. Well, let's go. (Yes). The warm-up begins with the image of jumping from bump to bump, walking on high half-toes along a narrow path.

Well, we came to a clearing, and there were a lot of flowers and butterflies. Guys, let's imagine that we are also flowers and butterflies and dance the "Flowers and Butterflies" dance. Oh, guys, look who’s running across the field towards the potatoes with a spoon.

Here I am running to the potatoes

To work, so to speak,

I would really ask you

For me to dance.

They perform the Antoshka dance. Goodbye guys, I'll go to work. Goodbye, Antoshka. Let's sit down by the fire (they sit on the floor and use their hands to imitate the burning of a fire and flame, and pretend to eat potatoes). Let's guys listen to the birds singing in silence. (Music with the voices of birds sounds, and the children try to guess whose voice it is). We've rested, now we're heading back.

Oh, guys, look at the small lake on our way, and there are ducklings swimming (dance “Ducklings”). And the mother duck is doing the laundry, let’s help her (dance “washing”).

It's getting dark, we're tired,

We sat by the fire,

We danced, relaxed, and now it’s time to go home

Bow and march out of the classroom.


Purpose: To consolidate the correct and rhythmic execution of the polka step, round dance step, and easy running; distinguishing between moderate (polka), slow (round dance step) and fast (easy running) tempos of music.

Description of the game: The presenter is a bun, the rest of the children are the heroes of the fairy tale (selected by role). The driver squats in the center, the rest perform the appropriate movements to the music. With the end of the music, one of the participants turns to the kolobok, conveying the intonations of his character: “Kolobok, kolobok, I will eat you!”, and tries to catch up with him with a certain movement of the tempo of the music (in the outer circle). If he didn’t catch up with the kolobok, he says sadly, “I didn’t catch up!”, and in the opposite situation, he happily says, “Oh, I caught it!” The caught bun stands in a circle and plays the role of the one who caught up with him.

Another piece of music plays and the game continues.

"Find a toy"

Purpose of the game: To reinforce the difference between loud and quiet music.

Game description: Students sit freely in the room. One of them hides a toy (hands behind his back). The driver, focusing on the change in the dynamics of the sound of the music, tries to find a toy: quiet music is going in the wrong direction, loud music is moving correctly, there is no music - the toy is hidden from this student.


All participants in the game are divided into threes, each three has a coachman and two horses. The driver gives various commands during the game: trotting hopping; walking step with high knees raised; gallop straight gallop; turns right and left, etc. At the same time, the coachman controls and monitors the correct execution of movements by the horses.

In response to the leader’s words “Horses in different directions,” the coachman lets go of the rope, and the horses quickly run away.

To the words “Find your coachman,” the horses run up to their coachman as quickly as possible. When the game is repeated in each trio, the coachman changes.

Rules : Horses must execute all commands correctly and musically;

The coachman whose horses make a mistake receives a fine and a colored ribbon is tied to his ribbon. After the game, the whole trio dances something.

At the end of the game, you can give a new task “Coachman find your horses.”

"Clap, Clap and Stomp"

The guys stand in a circle, facing the leader, who stands in the center of the circle. The guys repeat the movements of the leader moving in the opposite direction. The presenter chooses the best child performing the movements, approaches him and makes two claps and a stomp, in time with the melody being performed. The selected child must respond in kind and come out in a circle. All the other kids clap their hands while the chosen child steps into the circle. The game is repeated, the leader can perform any movements.


Description of the game: Children dance to cheerful dance music, choosing movements arbitrarily or as instructed by the teacher. When the music stops, they freeze in different positions, the driver tries to make them laugh. The one who moves leaves with the driver. The game continues until one student remains, who will be the driver. The rules may change. The driver chooses a beautiful image of the figure, and this child becomes the driver.

"Say Your Name"

Rules of the game: All children stand in a circle, one child has a ball in his hands, he throws the ball to any child he likes, and says the first syllable of his name (Ale the child who caught the ball says the second syllable of his name (na). The game continues.


Description of the game: draw a circle (playpen) with chalk. The teacher plays the role of the Ringmaster, who announces the start of the game, introduces the parade to the alley, and announces the first number. The guys take turns going out to the arena and pretending to be circus performers: walking on a tightrope, dancing like trained horses, jumping through a hoop like predators, etc. The program ends with a general parade

"Music Box"

Purpose of the game: Development of creative imagination, fantasy, observation, enrichment of expressive means of communication - facial expressions, plasticity, gesture. Children listen to music and show what they presented to this piece of music.

"Find your soul mate and invite you to dance"

To conduct the competition, you need to take several art postcards and cut them in half. Then you should mix the halves of the cards and distribute them to the participants in the game. To the sounds of a lyrical melody, each player looks for his partner, picking up the missing half of the postcard. Having found the postcard and bowed to his partner, he begins to dance, improvising movements.

The game host chooses the best dancers.

"Dance like me, dance better"

The competition participants stand in a circle. When the music starts, one of the children comes out into the circle and dances. Then, without stopping the movement, he approaches the child standing in the circle and, bowing, passes him the turn, inviting him to continue the dance. The game lasts until everyone has spoken. The winner is the one whose movements you like the most.

"You roll, funny ball"

Children stand in a circle and say the text together:

You roll, funny ball,

Quickly, quickly hand over hand,

Who has a funny ball?

Gopaka dances for us.

The guys pass the ball to each other. Whoever has the ball when he says “hopak we dance for us” goes to the center of the circle and dances. Everyone claps together.

"Tie a bow"

Two jump ropes are pulled onto chairs. Each has 3-4 ribbons attached to it. Two competitors dance to the music. When the music ends, they rush to tie bows. Ribbons can be attached to one jump rope, and according to the rules of the game, the winner is the one who tied the most bows.

(available in the college library and laboratory room 223)

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Birch Carousel: Russian folk children's games and round dances / Collected and retold by G. Naumenko; Rice. A. Matrosova, - M.: Det. Lit., 1980. -63 pp., ill.

2. Vakulenko M.M., Milovanova M.A., Rykova E.B. School mosaic festivals, holidays, - St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogics. mastery, 1997 100p.

3. Gazman O.S. Kharitonova N.E. To school - with a game: Book for teachers. M.: Education, 1991. 96 p.: ill.

4. Dailidene I.P. Let's play, baby! Book for preschool workers. institutions and parents. M.: Education 1992. 112 p. ill.

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  6. Konstantinova I.V. Game training. Toolkit on the development of creative abilities and mental plasticity in children of preschool and school age. St. Petersburg 1996. -34 p.
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The games we offer help develop children's sense of rhythm.

"Friendly guys"

The children pronounce the words: “Me and my friends” all together, accompanying them with movements and claps.
When hearing the word “I,” children press their hands to their chests and pronounce it drawlingly. For the words “my” and “friends”, perform two claps on the knees, shorter ones. The result is a rhythmic pattern consisting of a long sound - “I” and two short sounds “my friends”.
When the rhythm is mastered, the children clap “my friends” on the knees of the neighbors sitting on both sides. If the rhythm performed by children sounds confident, then you can decorate the actions by playing a polka or dance melody on the piano, metallophone, or add any percussion instrument.

"Clap - stomp"

A piece of music with a clear rhythmic pulsation (four quarter time) is selected.
Children clap first on the strong, first beat, then on the first and third. Gradually the task becomes more difficult. Children clap on the first and second beats, and remain silent on the third and fourth beats. Then they clap on the first and fourth, and rest on the second and third.

"Let's dance!"

Children stand in a circle in pairs, holding hands. To the music of the Russian folk song “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,” they walk in a circle (8 bars). Then they circle in pairs (8 beats). Then they go to the left in a circle and circle again. Then they go (four beats) to the center. Everyone standing in a pair on the right spins like an asterisk, holding on with their right hand (four beats).
Returning to their seats, they spin again with their pair. Now those standing on the left side in pairs go to the center and also spin around like an asterisk, etc.

"Make no mistake"

Children stand in a circle, facing the center. To the accompaniment of cheerful, active music, they take turns performing the following movements: clapping hands, clapping knees, stomping, springing. Each child performs only one movement. The main thing is not to be late, wait your turn and not mix up the movements. If the children understand the game, you can speed up the pace.
The game develops not only a sense of rhythm, but also attention, concentration, and develops endurance.

"Kalinka Malinka"

Children sit cross-legged facing the center of the circle. In front of each of them is a cube. The text of a familiar song is sung in chorus at a moderate tempo: “Kalinka, raspberry, my raspberry.” At the same time, each player moves the cube in front of him to his neighbor on the right and receives a new cube from his neighbor on the left. The cubes “travel in a circle” to the beat of the music until they return to their “owners.” The movement of the cube must occur on the strong beat, that is, on the stressed syllable of the text.


"Locomotive" is a more complicated version of the previous game. Children sit on chairs in a circle as close to each other as possible. The left hand rests on the left knee, palm up, this is the “station”. There is a “car” cube on the palm of your hand. The “carriages” begin to move to the text: “Locomotive, locomotive, he carried the carriages.” The text is pronounced in the following rhythm: two short sounds, one long. In the rhythm of the text, children hit the cube on their left palm 2 times, holding it on top with their right hand, saying: “Pa-ro...”, and on the long syllable - “voz” - they transfer the cube to the palm of the neighbor on the right, at this time receiving a cube from the neighbor on the left, and so on throughout the text several times. The cubes move in one direction, the “train” has moved on. To avoid a “crash”, you must first clap the rhythm more than once with everyone together, on your palms, without dice. When it is mastered, you can “send the train.” An adult (he sits in a general circle, and in front of him there is a basket with cubes) takes one cube from the basket and throws them in a circle, one after another, until each child has a cube in his hands. When coherence is achieved, the movement of the train can be accelerated and slowed down - change the pace, thus making the tasks more difficult.

"Merry Four"

The movements are performed to cheerful 4-beat music. Children mark the rhythmic pulsation by clapping, slapping their knees, or stamping their feet.

For example:

On “one-two” - claps,
on “three or four” - floods.

At “one-two” - pause,
on “three or four” - we slap on the knees.

Boys on “one-two” - clap, girls on “three-four” - slap on the knees, then change roles.

Some clap the first beat, others clap the second, third and fourth.
The pace can gradually speed up.

Another morning has come, accelerating the already frantic rhythm of our lives. Irina Ivaskiv is with you. And this concept - the rhythm of life - says a lot to me, a composer. People who come into or leave our lives change the rhythm of life, either improving it or driving it into arrhythmia. I think that children feel the rhythm no worse than adults. In my own way. Today I will share with you my experience in developing a sense of rhythm in children. So, simple but very useful rhythm games...

Rhythmic chant "Lunch"

Prepare a visual aid with the words of any poem that can be used for rhythm play. Children can tap the rhythm with their hands, feet, sounds, objects. A good example such a poem would be a lunchtime chant:

We wanted to eat so badly

We sat down at the tables together.

We made noise and shouted

They banged the spoon on the table.

We demand to bring lunch,

We haven't eaten for a hundred years!

They brought us food -

We're finally full!

During the 1st and 2nd lines we tap the rhythm in half durations (in 4/4 time), in the 3rd and 4th lines - in quarter notes, in the 5th and 6th - in eighth notes, in the 7th and 8th – come up with an original jazz pattern. At the end, on the syllable “we” we make an ovation - something like a tremolo of claps.

Rhythmic game "Tyts, you-tyts"

We divide children into 3 groups:

  • 1st group: bim-bom, bim-bom
  • 2nd group: tyts, tyts
  • 3rd group: shake, shake, shake

First, you should practice the rhythmic pattern separately with each group, then connect the groups together. The groups take turns entering, but then pronounce their words simultaneously (the teacher’s task is to build an ideal rhythmic ensemble). Change groups from time to time (so that during the game each group can say 3 different rhythmic patterns). You can add all sorts of cowboy stuff (like: trrrrrrr-ehaaaaa). And if you and your children come up with synchronous (within the same group) movements, believe me, the children will remember your lesson for the rest of their lives! And even those who previously grinned at just this word will love the music.)))

The best rhythmic exercises

  • Exercise “Say the words of the song (don’t sing!) to the rhythm of the song”
  • Exercise “Clapping famous musical phrases”
  • Practicing complex rhythmic sections on the piece itself

Best Rhythm Games

  1. Rhythmic game “Rhythmic Echo” (children must clap exactly what you clap)
  2. Rhythm game “Guess the Song” (children must guess and sing a couple of lines of the song whose rhythm you clapped)
  3. Rhythm game “Turn on the tape recorder” (children sing a song; when you turn off the tape recorder, children need to continue singing the song to themselves; when you turn on the tape recorder again, children need to start singing out loud, continuing the lyrics of the song, trying not to fall out of rhythm)

Rhythm games for an open lesson

For various “emergency-exclusive” cases, I always kept the game “Clappers” in reserve. I developed it 20 years ago, but to this day it helps me out. Prepare cards with different rhythmic patterns for this game. Explain to the children the symbols on the cards:

  • Hands: 1 clap
  • Boy with hands on knees: 1 clap on knees
  • Cross: no claps, pause

The game is based on 4/4 time signature. Therefore, each card is divided into 4 identical cells. We start the game with the simplest rhythmic patterns (and always at a slow pace). We clap each symbol with quarter durations.

We make the game even more complicated: we speed up the pace, start showing cards faster, without time to think, so that the given rhythm does not stop when changing cards.

We make the game even more complicated: we divide the children into two teams, start a simultaneous game with two teams, first showing them the same rhythmic patterns, then different ones.

We make the game even more complicated: we post the text of the rhythmic “Lunch” chant (children should know it well enough) and try to pronounce the words of the chant, accompanying it with the rhythmic pattern that the teacher shows on the card.


Rhythm games are some of our favorites. The kids are delighted with them! Use them not only in music lessons, but also in other classes, as five-minute rest periods, as attention games, as team games as fun games. On hikes, quests, camps, for holidays and family gatherings - they will create a good, friendly atmosphere everywhere! If you found the article useful, write about it in the comments. our channel on YouTube.

1. Game “For the little ones”

Number of players: any.

Children repeat words and actions after the teacher at a slow, medium, and then fast pace; starting to speak in a whisper, then in a low voice and very loudly. It is not recommended to repeat more than three times.

Four steps forward
Back four steps
Let's stomp our feet,
Let's clap our hands.
We blink our eyes,
And then we'll jump.

2. Game “Repeat after me” or “Do as I do”

Number of players: any.

Everyone stands in a circle, the leader in the center shows the movements to the music, and the players repeat after him. The music changes and so does the presenter. Both the teacher and the children themselves can choose the leader.

3. Game "Stream"

Number of players: at least 9 people.

Players stand in pairs, one behind the other, depicting a high goal. The driver walks under the gate to the music, choosing a couple, then stands in front of all the couples. Once again, the one left without a partner becomes the driver. There may be several drivers.

4. “Game fashion rock”

Players stand in pairs in a circle facing each other. The presenter shows in advance the movements that will need to be performed to the music: side steps left and right for four counts (with a strike on “4”), then 4 steps back (with a strike on “4” and clapping your hands), then 4 steps forward , but returning not to your pair, but shifting to the left - to a new partner (partner). Then the movements are performed to music.

5. Game “Stand in a circle around...”

Number of players: at least 8 people.

Music sounds, children dance freely, standing in a general circle. When the driver claps or the music stops, the players must form a circle of the number of participants named by the driver and dance again, but with a new lineup.

6. Game “Prohibited Movement”

Number of players: any.

Children stand in a circle to dance. The teacher informs that he will show movements at random to music, which the children will have to repeat, but one of them is forbidden, and does not need to be repeated. The one who repeats the forbidden movement will leave the circle. Then one of the children can drive, inventing a prohibited movement on their own.

7. Game "Big Walk"

Number of players: at least 8 people.

Players become pairs in a circle. The presenter shows in advance the movements that will need to be performed to the music: children, holding each other’s hands, walk in a circle for 6 steps, turn towards each other at “7-8”, then disperse for 4 counts, clap 3 times, stomp 3 times and converge, moving to the left - towards the partner - neighbor. Then the movements are performed to music.

8. Game "Peeking"

Number of players: any.

Everyone stands in a circle, dancing to the music. And two people sit on chairs in the center back to back, pretending to dance on a chair. The music stops and the dancers must turn their heads left or right. If they turn in one direction, they will dance in a circle, and a new couple of the teacher’s choice will take their place. If those on the chairs turn in different directions, they will remain there until their head turns coincide. If after the third time the dancers on the chairs do not look in one direction, then, at the request of the teacher, they will have to vacate the chairs for another pair.

9. Game "Dance on a chair"

Number of players: any.

Children sit on chairs that are in a row. The teacher also sits on a chair opposite the children and demonstrates voluntary movements to the music. Children try to keep up with the teacher. The music stops, the teacher invites someone willing to take his place.
The new driver shows his movements, and everyone repeats after him, then he frees his place for another driver. Music can be different.

10. Game "Who's first?" (with jump rope)

Number of players: any.

Children sit on chairs that are in a row. Two drivers sit on chairs in front of them with their backs to each other at a distance and dance to the music. And on the floor under their chairs lies a jump rope so that, bending down, the driver can reach out with his hand and, when the music stops, pull the rope in his direction. The music stops and the one who first pulls the rope in his direction remains in place, choosing a new opponent. The music can be different and not last long.

11. Game “If you have fun, do it this way”

Number of players: any.

The presenter sings and shows what to do, and the players repeat. The movements can be any.

(shows the first movement).
If your life is fun, do it
(shows the second movement).
If life is fun, may the sun smile on us.
If your life is fun, do it
(shows third movement).

Then the driver changes. One of the children can be the driver.

12. Dance game “We dance in circles”

Number of players: from 6 people.

Participants stand in a circle, and the leader asks them a question: “Are our ears good?” Answer: “Good.” Question: “What about the neighbor?” Answer: “Better!” Each participant grabs the neighbors on the right and left by the ears, and everyone dances in a circle, saying: “We dance from the heart, from the heart!” Our ears are good, good!” (2 times). And then the presenter names another part of the body, for example: elbows, arms, legs, knees, shoulder blades. Anyone can be the host, but after all participants remember the rules of the game.

Second version of “Lavata”

Number of players: any.

Leading: Let's learn the words to our song:

Together we dance tra-ta-ta
Our cheerful dance Lavata (repeat 2 times).

Leading: “Our hands are good! And the neighbor’s is better!” (Everyone joins hands and sings.)

Etc., changing the position of the hands each time. (“The head is good, the ears are good, the knees are good,” etc.)

13. Dance game “How we can dance”

Number of players: from 5 people (with rope or skipping rope).

The participants of the game line up. Music is turned on, preferably cheerful. The participants begin to dance. At this time, any two pull the rope and walk towards the dancers. The players' task is to step over each time without touching the rope, which is raised higher and higher each time. The participant who lasts the longest is the winner.

14. Dance game “Dance of meetings and partings”

Number of players: any.

During the next dynamic dance, which children, as a rule, perform in a general circle, the leader offers to choose a soloist and soloist. As soon as they find themselves in the center of everyone's attention, the presenter will explain that this couple will not dance in the center of the circle for long. As soon as the music stops (and it will definitely stop after 20-30 seconds, the DJ will take care of this), the partner, to the thunderous applause of the dancers, will say goodbye to his partner and invite another soloist into the circle in his place. The music will start playing again, and everyone will applaud the main couple in the updated lineup. But - again a pause, and this time the partner, to the applause of those gathered, will thank her partner for the dance, and invite another soloist in her place. So in a solo couple, the partner and partner change in turn, and the intrigue remains: who will be next?

15. Dance game “Partners and partners”

Number of players: 6 girls and 5 boys.

The boys stand in a circle, with their backs to each other so as not to peek. The music turns on and the girls begin to dance (run) in a circle around their partners or from partner to partner. As soon as the music ends, each girl must stand in front of her partner. The one who does not have enough partner drops out and takes one of the partners with her.

Second option: the partners stand, and the partners dance around them.

Third option: "Musical chairs" There should be one less chair than there are participants. The rules of the game are the same.

16. Game “Musical objects”(hats, balls, gifts, toys)

Number of players: any.

The number of items should be one less than the number of players.
Game option: they pass balls along to music, and there are one fewer of them than the participants. The music stops and the one without the ball comes out. If the ball bursts, the player also leaves the game. Or instead of balls, players pass and put on hats. Moreover, you can take the hat off another player yourself, rather than wait for it to be handed over. When the music stops, the player who does not have the item in his hands leaves.

Second option: transfer one item. And when the music stops, the player who will have the item in his hands comes out. The last one left without an item will be the winner.

Third option: if you play with a gift, then it will be taken by the one who will have this gift at the end of the musical excerpt. This makes it fun to give out gifts.

17. Dance game “Aram-zam-zam”

Number of players: any.

The players stand in a circle and, under the guidance of the teacher, learn the movements: for the phrase “aram-zam-zam, aram-zam-zam” we do 3 claps on the knees, repeating; to the phrase “goo-goo-goo-goo-goo-goo” we do “rolly-polly” - rotating the arms bent in front of you in a circle away from you (fingers gathered into fists); to the phrase “ram-zam-zam” - repeat the first movement; repeat the first and second actions again with the words; then to the phrase “arafik-arafik” we bend the body forward with arms crossed on the chest
(twice); then we repeat the actions to the phrase “guli-guli-guli-guli-guli-ram-zam-zam.” Having learned the words and movements, we dance to the music: on the spot, moving in a circle, in pairs opposite each other.

18. Dance game “Holiday Train”

Number of players: any.

Children stand one after another, holding hands (the neighbor’s hips). The teacher is in front of everyone - the leader. Music sounds, everyone begins to follow the driver, repeating after him the movements that he makes arbitrarily, adding the phrases: “Left hand drive! (turn left.) Steer to the right! (turn right) Mountains! (

rise on your toes.) Tunnel! (sit down or bend over.) Forward move! (Move forward.) Reverse! (move backwards.) Stop!” (the driver changes.)

Second option “Dancing snake”:The driver comes up with movements on the go without phrases, and the rest repeat after him. When the music stops (after 20 seconds), the driver goes to the end of the snake, and his previous neighbor becomes the new driver.

19. Game “Dance figure freeze”

Number of players: any.

The presenter stands with his back to the players and says the words:

Let's clap cheerfully - once.
Great jump - two.
Spinning, spinning - three.
Dancing figure freeze.

At this time, the players clap their hands, jump, spin, and then freeze in place in a dance pose. The presenter turns and chooses the one whose dance figure he liked to take his place.

Second option: Instead of the leader’s words, music sounds - the children dance. The music is interrupted, the presenter chooses a new presenter.