Creative tasks for dienes blocks for children. Dienesh's blocks are a system of logic games for the youngest, middle and preparatory group children. Games with cards

Didactic game "How much?"

Material: logical figures.
Purpose of the game: develop the ability to ask questions and develop the ability to identify properties.
Game description: Children are divided into two teams. The teacher arranges logical figures in any order and invites the children to come up with questions starting with the words “How many...”
A chip for every correct question. The team with the most chips wins.
Question options: “How many large figures?” “How many red figures are there in the first row?” (horizontally), “How many circles?” etc.

Didactic game " ARTISTS "

"Sketches of paintings" - sheets of large colored cardboard
additional cardboard parts to compose the composition of the picture;
block set
Purpose of the game:
development of the ability to analyze the shape of objects
development of the ability to compare by their properties
development of artistic abilities (choice of color, background, location (composition).
Game description:
Children are invited to “paint pictures” based on the sketches. One picture can be “painted” at once
several people. Children choose a “sketch” of the painting, paper for the background, details for the future painting, and the necessary blocks. If the part is only outlined in the sketch (the outline of the part), a thin block is selected, if the part is painted, a thick block is selected. So, for example, for a sketch of a painting with elephants, a child will take additional details: 2 elephant heads, the sun, a lake, the top of a palm tree, a cactus, an animal and blocks.
At the end of the work, the artists come up with a title for their paintings and arrange an exhibition
paintings, and the guide tells visitors to the exhibition what is depicted in the painting.

Didactic game "SHOP"

Material: Product (cards with images of objects) Logical figures.
Purpose of the game:
development of the ability to identify and abstract properties
development of the ability to reason and justify one’s choice
Game description:

Children come to a store where big choice toys. Each child has 3 logical figures "money". One “money” can only buy one toy.
Purchase rules: you can only buy a toy that has at least one property of a logical figure. The rule can be complicated by choosing a toy based on two properties (for example, a large square, a blue square, etc.)

Didactic game "What changed"


Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness

Develop thinking.

Material: Dienesha block set.

Progress of the game: Several figures are laid out on the table in front of the child that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced with a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

Didactic game "Round dance"

Target: classifies blocks according to two or three characteristics: color, shape; color – shape – size.

Material: set of Dienesh logic blocks.

Progress of the game.

The teacher offers to arrange magical figures in a cheerful round dance. The round dance will turn out beautiful and elegant.

The blocks are laid out in a circle. Any block is taken at random, then a block is added in which one sign of the previous block will be present, and so on. Last block must match the first block according to one attribute. In this case, the game ends - the “round dance” is closed.

Didactic game “Second row”


Develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, find a figure that is different in one way.

Material: A set of Dienesh logic blocks.

Progress of the game: Place 5-6 of any shapes in a row. Build a second row under them, but so that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different shape (color, size); the same shape, but different color (size); different in color and size; not the same in shape, size, color.

Didactic game “Find the treasure”

Tasks : Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness. Develop thinking.

Material: Dienesha block set.

We lay out 8 logical blocks of Dienesh in front of the child, and while he does not see, under one of them we hide a “treasure” (coin, pebble, cut out picture, etc.). The child should ask you leading questions, and you can only answer “yes” or “no”: “Is the treasure under the blue block?” - “No”, “Under the red?” - "No". The child concludes that the treasure is under the yellow block and asks further about the size, shape and thickness. Then the child hides the “treasure”, and the teacher asks leading questions.

Then the children themselves can play this game, competing to find the treasure.

Didactic game “Game with one hoop”

Tasks: Develop the ability to split a set according to one property into two subsets, and perform the logical operation “not”.

Material: Hoop, set of logic blocks of Dienesh.

Progress of the game: Before starting the game, they find out which part of the game sheet is inside and outside the hoop, establish rules: for example, arrange the pieces so that all the red pieces (and only them) are outside the hoop. After placing all the figures, two questions are asked: what figures lie inside the hoop? Which pieces were outside the hoop? (The answer is assumed: “all non-red pieces lie outside the hoop”). As the game repeats, children can choose which blocks to put inside the hoop and which ones outside.

Didactic game “Game with two hoops”

Tasks: Developing the ability to split a set according to two compatible properties and perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”.

Material: 2 hoops, a set of Dienesh logic blocks.

Progress of the game: Before starting the game, you need to find out where the four areas are located, defined on the game sheet by two hoops, namely: inside both hoops; inside the red but outside the green hoop; inside the green hoop, but outside the red hoop and outside both hoops (these areas need to be circled with a pointer).

1.then the rule of the game is called. For example, arrange the figures so that all the red figures are inside the red hoop, and all the round ones are inside the green hoop.

2.after solving the practical problem of arranging the figures, the children answer the questions: which figures lie inside both hoops; inside the green but outside the red hoop; It is advisable to play the game with two hoops many times, varying the rules of the game.

Note: In options 5 and 6, the common part remains empty. We need to find out why there are no figures that are both red and green, and also why there are no figures that are both round and square.

Didactic game “Let’s move into houses”

Tasks: Develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, and classify.

Material: Set of logical blocks of Dienesh, tables with images of paths and houses

Progress of the game: In front of the children is table No. 1. The child needs to help each figure get into its house, focusing on the signs.

Didactic game “On your branch”

Tasks: Develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, and classify figures according to several criteria.

Material: Set of 24 figures (four shapes, three colors, two sizes). Each figure is the bearer of three important properties: shape, color, size, and in accordance with this, the name of the figure consists of the name of three properties: red, large rectangle; yellow, small circle; green, large square, etc.

Progress of the game: The picture shows a tree on which the figures should “grow”. To find out on which branch which figure will “grow”, take, for example, a small green rectangle and start moving it from the root of the tree up the branches. Following the color pointer, we must move the figure along the right branch. We've reached a fork. Which branch should we follow next? On the right, which has a rectangle. We reached the next fork. Further, the Christmas trees show that a large figure should move along the left branch, and a small one should move along the right one. So, we will go along the right branch. This is where a small green rectangle should “grow”. We do the same with the rest of the figures. The game is played in a similar way with the following picture.

Didactic game "Chain"

Target: Development of the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, find a figure based on a given characteristic.

Material: Set of logical blocks of Gyenish.

From a randomly selected figure, try to build the longest chain possible. Options for constructing a chain:

    So that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness) nearby;

    So that there are no figures nearby that are identical in shape and color (in color and size, in size and thickness, etc.);

    So that there are figures nearby that are the same in size, but different in shape, etc.;

    So that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (the same size, but different colors).

Didactic game “Help the fairy-tale hero”


    Exercise children in grouping geometric shapes

    Develop observation, attention and memory


- Divide the shapes between fairy-tale characters so that:

Pinocchio ended up with all the blue squares

So that Pencil gets all the yellow ones

So that Dunno gets all the yellow and big ones

Didactic game "Floors"

Program tasks : Develop the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes according to their characteristics. Practice counting. Develop spatial orientation, attention, logical thinking.

Material : Set of blocks.

Progress of the game:

We suggest placing several figures in a row - 4-5 pieces. These are the residents of the first floor. Now we build the second floor of the house so that under each figure of the previous row there is a piece of a different color (or size, shape).

Option 2: part of the same shape, but a different size (or color).

Option 3: we build a house with other details in color and size.

Game - Fairy Tale “In the Kingdom of Blocks”

Material: Dienesh blocks, one box for three people.
Goal: to introduce blocks and their properties, to develop attention, the ability to identify, abstract properties (size, shape, thickness), imagination, creative thinking.
Game description: Children choose a color for their kingdom (yellow, blue, red). The presenter tells a fairy tale, and the children assign blocks to the roles of heroes and build their own kingdom from them.
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. It was strong, big, thick and looked like a rectangle (children choose a block - a large thick rectangle). The king had a queen very similar to him, only thinner (choose a block - a large thin rectangle). They lived very happily, and they had two children, similar to them, only small (small fat and thin rectangles). And then one day..."
Options: The fairy tale can then be continued according to the children’s ideas or in accordance with the theme. (We went into the forest to pick mushrooms..., We took a pet... etc.)
In games with Dynesha blocks, it is very convenient to use cards with property symbols and logic cubes, presented in the “Let’s Play Together” didactic set, as additional material.

Didactic game "Spaceship"
Material: hoops red, blue, yellow flowers, a large triangle-rocket made of carpet or cardboard, cards with property symbols or logic cubes, Dienesh blocks.
Target: formation of the operation of classification and generalization of blocks according to one to four characteristics, development of logical thinking and attention.
Game description: the hoops are laid out on the floor in a row, a triangle-rocket is added. Using cards with property symbols or logical cubes (except for color), the condition for each of the hoops is determined.

Rules:To launch a spacecraft into orbit, it is necessary to fill all three stages of the launch vehicle with fuel, in accordance with the conditions.
Game options:
First option. Children are divided into teams, each of which fills out its own hoop; the conditions in the hoops are equal in difficulty.
Second option. Children independently choose the hoop they will fill and/or the condition by tossing the cube; the conditions in the hoops vary in degree of difficulty.
Third option. You can fill in any hoops; the conditions in the hoops can be either the same or different levels of difficulty.
Difficulty level:
Simple: the condition specifies only the color of the hoop, or another property is added (shape, size, thickness).
Medium: 2 types of property symbol cards are used, for example, shape and size, shape and thickness, etc.
High: All cards with property symbols including negation are used.
Additional material:sounds of a jet engine, riddles about space.

Game “Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads”

Material: Image of a Christmas tree, 15 cards with symbols, set of logical figures
Goal: Developing the ability to identify and abstract properties. Ability to “read a diagram.” Strengthening ordinal counting skills.

How to play: You need to decorate the Christmas tree with beads. There should be 5 rows of beads on the tree. There are three beads in each row. The number on the card indicates the serial number of the string of beads (we start counting from the top of the tree). Let's hang the first row of beads (cards with the number 1). The filled circle shows us the place of the bead on the string. The first bead is a small yellow circle, the second is a large yellow square, the third is small
yellow triangle. We hang the rest of the beads in the same way.

Outdoor game "Cat and mouse"

Goal: to develop the ability to “read” cards with symbols of properties, identify the necessary properties, stimulate the motor activity of children.
Materials: tokens on ribbons with property symbols for Cat and Mice.
How to play: Children (4-9 people) choose mouse tokens and put them on over their heads and stand in a round dance. In the middle is the cat “Vaska” (you can select him using V. Levin’s counting rhymes). Next to him are the cat tags.
The round dance moves with the words:
-The mice dance in circles,
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise, don't wake up Vaska the Cat.
Vaska the cat will wake up
And the round dance will disperse.
On the last word, the cat quickly puts on one of the tokens and turns to the “mice.” So that they can see him. A token is information for mice about which “mice” the cat will kill. The rest of the mice are not afraid of the cat, they can have fun and tease Vaska. The caught mouse becomes a “cat” and the game continues.
Note: Cards with property symbols can be used as tokens.
Levels of difficulty: you should start the game with the simplest color property, then make it more complicated by changing the properties and combining them. For example: a cat catches red and round mice.
A high level of complexity is the presence of logical negation.

Didactic game "Find me"

Goal: Develop the ability to read the code designation of geometric shapes and find the corresponding code.
Material: A set of blocks, 3 copies of code cards (2 with a regular code, 1 with a negative code).
Progress of the game: Children are divided into two groups. One takes cards, the other takes blocks. The children of the first group take turns reading (decoding) the cards; the child from the second group, who has the corresponding block, comes out and shows a geometric figure.
Possible words to use:
“Blocks, different blocks, yellow, blue and red,
They are familiar to all of us, find me!”

Didactic game "Snail"

Purpose: To train children in classifying blocks according to two criteria; color and shape.
Material: playing field with a spiral image or colored braid, a set of blocks.
Progress of the game: The teacher offers to build the children a house for a snail from magic figures. The house will turn out elegant and beautiful. Laying out the blocks begins from the middle of the spiral. One block is taken randomly, then a block is added in which one feature of the previous block will be present.

Didactic game "Dominoes"

Goal: To develop the ability to identify the properties of geometric shapes.
Material: Dienesh blocks.
This game can be played by several participants at the same time (but no more than 4). We divide the blocks equally between the players. Everyone makes a move in turn. If there is no piece, you need to skip the move. The winner is the one who lays out all the pieces first.
How to walk?
Shapes of a different size (color, shape).
Shapes of the same color, but a different size, or the same size, but a different shape.
Figures of a different size and shape (color and size).
The same shapes in color and shape, but of a different size.
We walk with figures of a different color, shape, size, thickness.

Dienesh blocks are a set of 48 figures of different colors, sizes, volumes and sizes. Each of the figures in the set is unique. Games with Dienesh blocks are aimed at developing basic mathematical concepts for children from 2 to 8 years old. With their help, you can study the characteristics of objects: colors, shapes, volume, size.

Classes with blocks can be carried out either freely or using auxiliary materials - albums.

I would like to warn you right away that this toy is a serious development tool for joint activities between a child and an adult. Children's independent play with blocks does not allow them to effectively use their developmental potential. The same can be said about classes using albums only. I myself accidentally looked into the detailed description of free games with Dienesh blocks without albums, which I am very glad about. That's why I want to draw your attention to games with blocks without albums. Although, of course, albums wouldn't hurt for a change.

Our version of Dienesha blocks from the manufacturer Corvette. It is made of cheap, but safety-certified plastic. This is a very budget option. The key point when choosing the option from Corvette was the availability of albums for games with tasks. Corvette produces 8 different albums based on Dienesh blocks. Also, for Dienesh blocks, it is from Corvette that you can find additional developments with tasks in development communities.

You can find other very attractive options for Dienesh blocks made of wood, but they usually don’t come with activity books. Albums produced by Corvette are unlikely to be the right size for blocks from another manufacturer. It can also be noted that the prices for wooden blocks of Dienesh are “biting”. That's why I settled on Corvette blocks.

Dienesha blocks | Lyrical introduction (Yana’s introduction to blocks)

I've been eyeing copyrights for a long time methodological materials. Before Yana turned 2 years old. 7 months We didn’t have a shortage of developmental materials, so I had previously put off purchasing them. After the last leap in development, most of our educational toys have become irrelevant. Therefore, when choosing gifts for the new year 2016 for Yana, I wanted to find options for toys with a wide age range and developmental potential. By the way, you can find the chronology of her development from birth, as well as our timing of introducing developmental tasks, the initial reaction to them and the effect.

I decided to turn my attention to educational toys using proprietary methods. Of course, I took care of the safety net by purchasing several plush toys and a set for story game in Ikea. No one can guarantee that a new toy will be received with a bang. Actually, this did not happen for us.

The first acquaintance with Dienesh blocks was a complete disappointment. I don’t even know for whom the disappointment was greater - for Yana, who was simply not interested in laying out figures according to templates in albums, or for me, who had been anticipating her interest in new “developments” for so long. Over and over again I listed the merits of the albums to Yana, played with them myself and with other characters, trying to attract her attention. But it was all in vain.

Yana is very cool about templates. Apparently, these are the fruits of excessive attention 😈. By the way, Yana has the same attitude towards beautiful mosaics with large details and template diagrams that are understandable for two-year-olds. Although most kids are happy to assemble them using templates. Yana always has to be persuaded, and if she collects it, it’s only as a favor.

After our unsuccessful acquaintance, I had to read on the Internet details about the use of blocks. After that, I decided to try free games without albums. Then a miracle happened, Yana’s games were so captivating that they became difficult to complete. When Yana got the hang of it, everything came into play, including albums with templates. Although, according to reviews on the Internet, many kids are primarily interested in learning from albums.

Dienesha blocks | Free games

I give options for games with Dienesh blocks that we practice.


For children 2-3 years old, at the acquaintance stage, you can simplify the game by providing not the entire set, but part of it.

  1. Getting to know the characteristics of objects. Sampling based on one characteristic (color, shape, size, thickness). Please select blocks based on one criterion:
  • red/blue/yellow;
  • square/round/rectangular/triangular;
  • thick/flat;
  • big/small.

Sampling by color

2. Familiarity with the characteristics of objects. Selection of blocks based on several characteristics. Please select blocks based on several criteria. At this point you can feel the enormous potential of developmental material. There are a huge number of options for such samples. Let me give you a few examples. For example, select all:

  • yellow squares and rectangles;
  • thick and round shapes;
  • small and thick triangles;
  • blue and flat shapes.

Selection by color and shape. Yellow squares and rectangles

Developing the skill of systematization

This is the inverse of sampling. The mother makes a sample and invites the baby to determine the characteristic by which the sample was made. To get acquainted with similar games, you can try the most different variants samples. The main thing is that the hidden sign catches the child’s eye. Also, at the initial stages, we give tasks to determine one sign, then we complicate it.

I offer Yana the simplest option, show several groups (rows) of figures and ask her to tell me how they differ.

The blocks are divided into rows according to thickness.
Another task on thickness, but this one is more difficult. The colors distract from the thickness. This level of complexity has so far caused difficulties for Yana.

Continue the series

Another task to develop thinking, continuation of the series. It is a classic task from intelligence tests 😀. Yana cannot yet master even the simplest range of colors. But we only did this a couple of times.

The color range is yellow-red-yellow-….
A series of shapes square-circle-square-...


This creative direction cannot be ignored for any toy with geometric shapes.

In Yana’s development diary, I already wrote that over the past couple of months she has had a big breakthrough in the field of design. Dienesh's blocks also came in handy.

Of course we have Lego. It has its advantages, but try making a house out of regular Lego Duplo blocks. Even for an adult it will take a lot of time. And kids can’t do it at all. A house made of Dienesh blocks from a square and a triangle can be completed in a couple of seconds by both an adult and a child.

For design classes, I adopted . During the first couple of lessons I got a lot of simple objects real life.

Arbitrary construction of simple objects

Yana was inspired by the idea and at this stage is repeating the designs that she remembered, and also improvising. I must admit right away that so far her improvisations are far from objects from real life. But the main thing is that the process has begun.

Free design. Designing real-life objects for “advanced designers”

When reading such material for the first time, it seems that such games are complex in terms of implementation. I want to convince you otherwise. Just remember a couple of options or write them down on a piece of paper for the first time. Try playing. If your baby likes it, then I’m sure your brain will immediately generate a dozen more game options.

Yana appreciated the free games with Dienesh's blocks. I have a hard time finishing them, as she usually requires continuation. Towards the end we have classes on albums.

Albums for Dienesha blocks

Albums based on Dienesh blocks are designed for different ages. When choosing a specific album, I would advise focusing not on age markings, but on the child’s level of knowledge.

I really liked it album “Making Nonsense”(Babadu). It is marked “from 4 years old,” but if you are enthusiastically involved in your child’s development, then even at less than three years old it may be suitable. This album is distinguished by its colorful design. By the way, if you have a “developed” 4-year-old child, keep in mind that he may no longer be interested in the album. The album contains tasks for studying colors, shapes, sizes, volumes. Below I have provided clickable photos of the spreads.

The second album in our arsenal "Little Logicians"(Babadu). It is intended for children aged two years and older. The design of the album's illustrations is quite modest. The album contains tasks for learning colors, shapes and sizes.

I foresee questions at what age is it better to purchase a set of blocks. Already at one and a half years old they can be used to study colors, and at the end of the second year to study shapes. We only got them towards the end of the third year, and I think it’s timely. In my opinion, there is no need to rush. The optimal age for introducing blocks will depend on the perseverance and temperament of the baby. For calm Yana, this is the end of the third year; for active kids, perhaps it will be 4 years.

You can buy Dienesh blocks and magazines for classes on them here: My-shop.

That's all I have for now about Dienesh blocks. By the way, some of the free games can be adapted to other educational toys, including Lego pieces. In addition to Dienesh blocks, we purchased Nikitin squares and cubes, Cuisenaire sticks and a mathematical tablet with rubber bands (). We can say that in the program early development Yana there was a reboot. I will try to write more about this in the near future.

Responsible parents come up with ideas for their baby interesting tasks, using numerous teaching aids - both purchased and made with your own hands. Among the favorites that help not only to have fun, but also to improve math skills and develop logic are games for children with Dienesha blocks. They can be safely used in working with preschoolers from 2 years old and primary schoolchildren (up to 10 years old).

Purpose, objectives of the methodology

Dienesh blocks are a set of 48 figures aimed at developing children's logic. The set is complemented by cards on which properties are presented in schematic form, as well as the negation of properties.

The purpose of the technique is to develop mathematical abilities in children of preschool and primary school age.

The tasks of using Dienes content blocks are varied:

  • development and improvement of the ability to analyze the shape of objects;
  • improving the ability to compare objects with each other according to one or more parameters;
  • development of imagination and creativity in children.

Classes develop perseverance in children, the desire to solve a given problem, they will help them gain faith in their strength, the desire to think, make decisions, and guess.

History of creation

A wonderful guide for the development of mathematical skills, thinking and imagination appeared thanks to the works of the Hungarian researcher, teacher and mathematician Zoltan Dienes, who set out to make the comprehension of exact science as exciting as possible for children. The basic principle of the methodology is as follows: learning should not be carried out in a boring form, when the child has to listen carefully to explanations and then repeat after the teacher, but in the process of an exciting game that gives rise to the development of the ability to think independently and show imagination.

Dienesh studied the specifics of cognitive processes in preschoolers and identified a pattern - children master numbers and simple arithmetic operations well, but understand abstract categories very poorly. Kids try to find the answer using a ready-made template, which does not always work out. Therefore, the teacher came up with such a manual in which familiarization with the most complex concepts occurs in a visual form.

In a simple and understandable form, having fun, Small child gets acquainted with abstract categories and concepts, which will be very useful to him both at school and in later life.

Now choose for your baby, regardless of his age, suitable game won't be difficult. You can purchase one of the albums, activities with which will be very interesting for preschoolers (this is an album for the youngest - children 2-3 years old, “Let's Play”, “Let's Make Nonsense” and so on).

Best age

Children of different age groups can practice with Dienesh blocks.

  • The youngest children - from 2 years old - can use the elements of the set as substitute objects and play simple games exciting games(e.g. “Feed the animals”).
  • Secondary preschool group. With the help of colored figures, children can build various pictures, using ready-made diagrams or using their own imagination.
  • Senior preschool group. Blocks are a great way to improve math skills, learn to count, and gain the most important concepts of “more” and “less.”
  • Elementary School. Numerous classes with Dienesh blocks will allow you to work through issues that you couldn’t figure out in class in a fun, non-boring way, as well as consolidate your knowledge and improve your ability to think logically.

Each age has its own exercises that will be interesting and accessible to children. Parents can use ready-made options from the file cabinet or come up with something of their own.

Positive Impact

Let's consider what areas in a child's development are affected by the use of this teaching aid. There are several of them:

  • memory;
  • thinking;
  • imagination;
  • ability to think logically;
  • attention;
  • analytic skills;
  • perseverance, the desire to cope with the goal on one’s own.

Regular use of Dienesh blocks also promotes speech development. The child’s active vocabulary gradually begins to include abstract words, adjectives denoting colors, sizes, and shapes. The baby's responses become more complex, he begins to provide evidence of his thoughts, as he has learned to think logically.

These are the beneficial properties of using Dienesh blocks. However, it should be noted that the methodology is somewhat one-sided, which is aimed primarily at developing the child’s mathematical abilities. Therefore, parents should figure out what other benefits they will use.

How to use blocks?

The set, intended for didactic games, includes not only the blocks themselves (48 geometric shapes), but also albums and descriptions of games that can be used in organizing activities with children.

The figures themselves differ in several parameters; there are no identical elements:

  • There are several colors: yellow, red, blue;
  • the shape of the blocks is triangle, square, circle, rectangle;
  • The sizes are also different, the elements can be both large and small.
  • thickness: thin and thick.

Didactic games with Dienesh blocks are varied, and the use of one or another of them depends on the age and abilities of a particular child. Moreover, modern teachers advise paying attention specifically to the child’s development: some children may begin to master new knowledge much earlier (or later) than their peers, but there is nothing unnatural about this.

The creator of the methodology suggested relying on several stages of working with the manual.

  1. Free play. There are no established rules here; the child comes up with them himself. This is how the first acquaintance with the world of mathematical figures occurs.
  2. Play by the rules. Parents explain what needs to be done, the child’s task is to repeat. For example, “repeat the pattern” - the child must put together the finished version shown in the picture from the figures in the set.
  3. Math games.
  4. Getting to know numbers.
  5. Using Dienes blocks to perform early arithmetic operations.

The transition to a new stage should be gradual, occurring at a time when the child is ready for it.

Games with kids

Dienesh blocks can be used from 2 years of age, however average age when children begin to develop interest in them – 3 years.

The following exciting and useful games can be included in the schedule of the little ones.

  • Distribution of figures into groups. The simplest task is to arrange the elements of the set into piles depending on color. Then the task becomes more complicated, the parent asks the child to group elements of the same size and shape. Next - even more interesting: now you need to find, for example, a yellow triangle among the elements.
  • “Find the same one.” The parent shows the child a certain figure, for example a blue triangle, and asks him to find a similar element from the set, for example a triangle of any other color or some yellow element. The “Find another” task is performed in a similar way, but now the child’s task is to find a different figure (of a different color, shape, size).
  • Games with albums. To do this, you need to purchase or download special colorful pictures on the Internet that depict flowers, animals, cars made from geometric shapes. The child will need to understand which element of the set should be attached to the picture (for example, a circle is a car wheel or a flower petal), decide on the color and size and complete the drawing.
  • "Let's feed the animals." A great game for kids that will teach them how to sort figures into groups. The parent creates a kind of zoo by seating toy animals at the table. Next he gives the task - to feed them, using elements from the set as food. But each of the inhabitants of the menagerie eats only his own food (for example, the lion cub likes red figurines). The child’s task is to feed the animals. The tasks should be gradually made more difficult. After some time, the lion cub should fall in love not just with red elements, but with squares.
  • Construction. This is a very interesting game for children 3-3.5 years old, allowing them to develop their creativity. Parents ask the child to create a house, a piece of furniture, a ladder - the child constructs the proposed options.

To gradually complicate the task facing the baby, in the first stages you can allow him to use a diagram with ready-made options, and then invite him to dream up or try to remember. Both will be useful for gaining critical skills.

The “Continue the Row” activities are also very interesting, as they help develop logical thinking. The optimal time to start training is from 3 years old. Parents can offer a variety of tasks.

  • Lay out a simple “chain” of red, yellow and blue elements on the table and invite the child to continue the row. His task is to correct sequence distribute the colors.
  • Invite the child to continue the chain in such a way that there are no identical figures nearby (for example, the circles are not located one after the other, the red elements are not next to each other).
  • Come up with a row yourself so that next to each other there are figures of the same size, but different in color or shape.

Such tasks will help you learn to identify the properties of figures and carry out analysis.

Activities in middle preschool age

At 4-5 years old, you can continue working with didactic games that will help children develop initial mathematical skills and prepare them for targeted training at 6-7 years old. Parents can offer children several exciting activities.


Mom or dad sets up a store in advance, where the goods can be toys, sweets, fruits, etc., and also gives the baby certain figures from the set that will serve as money. Each of the goods in the “store” has its own cost (which is also represented by one of the figures). The child’s task is to figure out what exactly he can afford and make a purchase.

Gradually, the selection criteria may become more complicated - for example, a bear will cost not just a triangle, but a large red one or two small ones - blue and yellow.

You can play “Shop” with several children, it will be much more interesting for them.

"What changed?"

This educational math game will not only help improve your preschooler's memory, but will also be an excellent way to develop thinking in a fun way.

A certain sequence of figures is laid out in front of the child, he must remember it.

There are two options for the game.

  1. One of the figures is removed, the preschooler’s task is to remember the sequence, figure out which element is missing, and return it to the wrong place.
  2. One figure is replaced by another, the child must see the change and restore the original row, correct it.

You can gradually complicate the task by swapping several blocks or including 2-3 new figures in the sequence at once.

"Second row"

This is an effective training in analytical thinking. To work, you will need several figures from the set.

  1. The parent lays out a certain row of blocks, for example blue and red circles. The child’s task is to guess that the yellow circle should be next and report it.
  2. The second option is that the adult creates another sequence, for example several figures of the same color, the child must realize that the next element should also have the same color and continue the series.

There is no need to prompt, the preschooler must carry out the analysis himself and guess which figure is next.

"We're moving into the house"

To work, you should prepare an image of a house that will have several rooms. In each room you should draw those figures that “live” there, as well as those that should not be there (for this, an element is drawn, for example, a circle, and crossed out). The child is required to “place” the elements of the set in the “rooms” intended for them.

Assignments for the senior preschool group (5-6 years old)

"Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

You should prepare the Christmas tree with your own hands in advance: cut it out of green cardboard or draw and paint it.

The adult also prepares hint cards, which depict the figures themselves, painted in the colors of the blocks, with a number next to them - how many elements should be placed on the Christmas tree in the form of a decoration. The child’s task is to understand the diagram and correctly decorate the Christmas tree using the figures from the set.

Classes with areas

Such games help to form an initial understanding of sets. For a math lesson, you should draw two circles on a piece of paper - sets that do not intersect each other. The child needs to place blue figures inside one of them, and red ones inside the other. The yellow elements remain outside the space. This exercise will help explain to a preschooler what “inside” and “outside” are.

When the exercise becomes successful, the task becomes more complicated: now two sets intersect, blue figures are placed in one circle, and yellow ones in the second. The child’s task is to guess what should be in the intersection area. These can be elements of different colors, but of the same size and shape, for example triangles.

To develop logical thinking, you can formulate tasks with the particle “Not”. For example, say not “Place blue squares in the circle,” but “Place neither yellow nor red squares in the circle.”

Complicated chain

A similar exercise has been discussed previously, but older children should be offered more difficult option. The parent asks to create a chain such that neighboring versions of the figures have a similar feature:

  1. The yellow circle is placed first;
  2. the second figure can be a circle of any other color or yellow, but a triangle or square.

This creates a chain. When the exercise is easy and without problems, you should ask the child to come up with a sequence so that its elements are completely different from each other:

  1. yellow circle – first figure;
  2. the second should not be a circle or any yellow shape. For example, a red triangle.
  3. the third element of the row is not a triangle and not red.

The more elements a preschooler includes in the chain, the better.

Further, the task becomes even more complicated - the parent determines the number of figures, for example six, places the first element and the last, the child is required to arrange the blocks in such a way that a complete row of elements is obtained that do not coincide with each other in all respects.

Before offering such a task to your child, you should check for yourself whether it has a solution, that is, parents must first collect the entire series.

Classes with Dienesh blocks will help prepare a preschooler for entering first grade, develop his intellect and creativity. Regular exercises help improve logical thinking, independence, the ability to analyze, compare and contrast. In an accessible form, children receive information about the most important complex categories - color, size, thickness, shape, as well as an idea of ​​the variety of objects, a huge number options that can be put together from them.


Zoltan Gyenes -certainly an outstanding figure in children's education. This is a Hungarian psychologist, theorist and practitioner of the so-called “new mathematics”. The essence of this approach is that children acquire mathematical knowledge not by solving numerous examples in notebooks and reading boring textbooks, but by playing. His most famous manual is Dienesh Blocks, which are specially designed to prepare children's thinking for mastering mathematics.

Games with blocks are accessible and introduce children to with shape, color, size and thickness objects, with mathematical representations and basic knowledge of computer science. Children develop mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), logical thinking, Creative skills and cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention and imagination). While playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs a variety of objective actions (dividing, laying out certain rules, rebuilding, etc.). Dienesh blocks are intended for children from two years old.

Games with Dienesh blocks promote speech development: the baby is forced to construct statements with the conjunctions “and”, “or”, the particle “not”, etc., in addition, Dienesh’s blocks expand the vocabulary (active and passive) through the words: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, red, yellow, etc. .P., ; expressions “all red, all round blue, the same rectangular blue, etc.”

Dienesh's logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes:

a) four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles)

b) three colors (red, blue and yellow);

c) two sizes (large and small);

d) two types of thickness (thick and thin).

There is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four characteristics: shape, color, size, thickness.

In the second younger group start better from giving children the opportunity to independently get acquainted with the blocks of Dienes. In the process of manipulating with blocks, children established that blocks have different colors, shapes, sizes, and that they can play with them: build paths, turrets, etc. Since blocks represent standards of shapes and colors, they help in memorizing program material based on the relationship between color and shape, and in establishing similarities and differences between objects. You need to start with the simplest thing - get to know them (examining the blocks).

With children 3-4 years oldappropriate simple games and exercises, the purpose of which is to master the properties, words “same”, “not the same” in shape, color, size, thickness. The simplest games are offered first.

1. Find all the shapes (blocks) like this one by color (size, shape).

2. Find all the shapes like this one by color and shape (by shape and size, by size and color).

3. "Chain"

With children 3–4 years old, you can master the properties of the words “same” and “not the same” in shape, color, size, thickness.

First task - find all the blocks like

this figure (by color, by shape)



Simple games are appropriate for children aged 2 years and older. For example, there are albums to accompany the blocks (one for each age). The first of the albums is called Dienesh Blocks for the little ones (for children from 2 to 3 years old).

By overlaying colored blocks on color images in the album, the child will be delighted with how flat images turn into three-dimensional ones under his hands. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

Children’s ability to operate with acquired knowledge helps in designing, applique, drawing according to a model: first by overlaying, and then independently laying out, drawing a figure on a blank sheet.

Work with logical blocks can be carried out in all areas of activity: on classes(as per development mathematical abilities, and on speech development- because in front of the older teacher, and even more so preparatory group If the task is to teach the child sound-letter analysis of a word, and in the future, reading, then blocks can be very helpful in isolating the sound being studied in a word, its place in a word, and in the future until the child learns to write letters and words), in isoactivity, V board games , V role-playing games , V outdoor games, in educational games, outside of class in a group development environment .

Once again I would like to emphasize that the division of games by age is arbitrary; it all depends on the level of individual development of the child, his gaming experience with Dienesh blocks.

Games for the younger ones preschool age(3-5 years): Logical figures, Treats for cubs, Artists, Shop

Games for older preschool age (5-7 years): Logic cubes, Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads, Architects (children's playground), Cards - symbols of properties, Logical train, Mosaic of numbers

Game "Treat for the bear cubs."

Material:9 images of bear cubs, cards with signs, symbols of properties, logical figures or Dienesh blocks.

Purpose of the game:development of the ability to compare objects according to one or four properties, understanding of words: “different”, “same”, leading to an understanding of the negation of properties.

Game description:

Option 1: bear cubs came to visit the children. What will we treat our guests to? Our cubs have a sweet tooth and love cookies very much, and different colors, different shapes . What material is convenient for us to “transform” into cookies. Of course, blocks or logical figures. Let's give the cubs a treat. Girls treat. Cookies in the left and right paws should differ only in shape. If the bear cub has a round “cookie” in his left paw, his right paw can have either a square, rectangular, or triangular (not round).

And now the boys treat. Cookies in the cubs' paws differs only in color. In the future, the condition of the game: the difference between cookies in two ways: color and shape, color and size, shape and size etc. In work with older children, the “cookies” may differ in 3-4 properties . In this case, Dienes blocks are used. In all variants, the child chooses any block of “cookies” in one paw, and selects it with the other according to the rule proposed by the teacher.

Game "Artists"

Target: development of the ability to analyze the shape of objects, development of the ability to compare according to their properties, development of artistic abilities (choice of color, background, composition location)

Developmental environment “Sketches of paintings”, sheets of colored cardboard, additional cardboard parts for composing the composition of the painting, a set of blocks.

Progress of the game: children are invited to “paint pictures” based on sketches. Several people can “paint” one picture at once. Children choose a “sketch” of the painting, paper for the background, details for the future painting, and the necessary blocks. If the part is only outlined in the sketch, a thin block is selected, if it is painted over, a thick block is selected. At the end of the work, the children come up with a name for their paintings.

By playing the games included in the kit, the child learns compare, summarize, classify objects according to several characteristics. Encode - decode information using special characters. Gets acquainted with algorithms. Strengthens the ability to add and subtract.


v Educational areas- providing visibility, consistency and accessibility, change of activity.

v Joint and independent play activities (didactic games, board-printed, mobile, plot-role-playing games).

a) in outdoor games (object landmarks, designations of houses, paths, labyrinths);

b) as board-printed cards (to make cards for the games “Settle the Tenants”, “Find a Place for the Figure”);

c) in role-playing games: “Shop” - money is indicated by blocks. “Mail” - the address on the house is indicated by code cards. Similarly, “Train” - tickets, seats.

v Outside educational areas, in subject-developmental environments (art activities, applique, regime moments, subject guidelines).

Working with blocks and logical figures will help not only to master the program material well kindergarten, but also prepare children well enough to study mathematics, geometry and computer science at school, the continuity between kindergarten and school will be at a fairly good level.

Logical-mathematical games contribute to the development of such mental operations as classification, grouping objects by properties, abstracting properties from an object. Children learn to guess and prove. This is especially important, because the popular proverb says: “A mind without a guess is not worth a penny.” Today, in our communication, I also propose to follow the ancient proverb : “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.”

Zoltan Gyenes- this is famous Hungarian mathematician, psychologist and teacher, which changed the standard notion that mathematics is an uninteresting science and far from creative. Dienesh's technique helps children preschool and older age game form master various mathematical concepts, as well as develop psychological processes important for children.

Zoltan Gyenes, based on personal rich teaching experience and research results in the field of psychology, developed a theory of six stages of learning mathematics and created effective visual materials in the form of logic blocks and game aids. The Dienesh system helps parents and teachers actively develop the intellectual and creative inclinations of children.

Author's theory of six stages of learning mathematical concepts

Life Zoltan Dienes has always been closely connected with teaching activities and in-depth study of mathematics. The teacher sought develop a methodology which would help children of all ages learning mathematics is easy and interesting. Based on practical experience and knowledge of developmental psychology, Dienesh created his own program for studying mathematics by children of various age categories, which became the foundation of his system. Teacher recommends in the author's work, parents and teachers can use various logic games, educational teaching aids and exciting mathematical tasks. These pedagogical tools are necessary to stimulate children’s interest in mathematics classes.

Zoltan Gyenes developed and tested it in practice theory about the six stages of learning mathematics. The author of the system called the first stage of mathematical knowledge a free game. Its essence lies in the fact that a child, receiving any task from a teacher, strives to instantly solve it through trial and error, resorting to a chaotic search of options. This stage introduces the baby to the task that he needs to successfully complete. From this moment the child’s learning stage begins.

After numerous attempts to solve the problem, it is carried out smooth transition child on second stage called the rules of the game. Learning the rules for Zoltan Dienes is an important teaching moment, since the baby will not be able to knowledge of the rules of the game to solve supplied tasks from the beginning to the end. The rules contain the most important information for the child, which the teacher strives to convey to him.

At the third stage is happening comparison process. After the adults and the child have used several mathematical games for work, the stage of comparing the content of these games begins. The author of the methodology calls on parents and teachers to teach children to play games that are characterized by similar rules, but use different didactic material. For example, you can play one problem on blocks, then on geometric shapes, buttons, or carving out hares. As a result, the child must come to the correct algorithm for his own actions, regardless of what he is doing. this moment plays. This stage develops abstract thinking in babies.

Fourth stage helps the child perceive during games abstract meaning of numbers. Zoltan Dienes recommends using a variety of diagrams, game cards and tables to develop visual visualization.

At the fifth stage baby comes to understanding that a series of two and more steps leads to one result. The author of the system called this stage symbolic. To describe game cards, you must use a special language in the form of various symbols. The child creates his own symbolic systems during play.

The final stage is longer than all the above stages. At the sixth stage are offered various options descriptions of game cards, specific rules are defined that allow come to necessary logical conclusions. The child and the teacher explore the content of the concepts of axiom and theorem, and also learn the rules for the transition from axioms to theorems.

Many adults believe that the theory of learning mathematical concepts is incomprehensible and difficult for a child to understand. Zoltan Dienes created this theory for children from three to eight years old, taking into account their physiological and age characteristics. In this regard, it is perceived by children as practical exercises with great interest and ease.

The main task of adults is to be patient, understand the features of the technique, and also learn to use visual aids.

As a result, children will be able to solve mathematical problems and exercises of an increased level of complexity easily and quickly.

Games with logic blocks

Dienesha Zoltan Dienes developed logic blocks, allowing you to teach kids the basics of mathematics in an easy playful way. This textbook is recommended for use from the age of three. Logic blocks introduce children to different colors, the concept of shape and size. By playing with Dienesh blocks, the baby actively develops logic, attention, imagination, and memory and other important psychological processes. In the course of working with the author's didactic material, children develop skills in performing various objective actions, develop speech, the ability to analyze, classify, compare, generalize the information received, and also reveal their creative abilities.

Included in the set The game includes 48 logic blocks, which differ in shape, color, thickness and size. Dienesh blocks are presented in the form of basic geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, square, triangle, decorated in yellow, red and blue colors. Geometric shapes are made in large and small size, as well as in the form of thin and thick figures. It is important that there are no geometric shapes with the same parameters in the set.

Before you start playing with blocks Zoltan Gyenes advises parents to introduce the baby in advance with this didactic aid. Lay out the set in front of your baby and give him complete freedom of action. He can sort them out, touch them, hold them in his hands, or even play with them. After the adaptation period, invite your child to complete small tasks. For example, ask your child to sort only blue shapes from the material presented or to distribute the shapes by size and thickness.

Such tasks introduce the child to basic mathematical concepts.

Zoltan Gyenes has developed many block-based math games. Thus, the didactic set comes with detailed instructions, on the pages of which the essence of the author’s work and options for exercises and games are described. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

Games with hoops in the Dienesh system

Zoltan Gyenes developed logic games with hoops that are excellent develop children's ability to think logically and navigate in space. Before the game, explain to your child the basic terminology - “inside” and “outside” the hoop. For this purpose, parents use two standard hoops that differ in color, for example, purple and green, and place them on any hard surface. Next, the following aspects are explained to the baby:

  • what part of the surface is located inside the two hoops;
  • inside the purple hoop but outside the green one;
  • inside a green but outside a purple hoop;
  • outside of both hoops.

Let's take a closer look at the contents of some games..

To play with one hoop, you need to prepare logic blocks and a hoop. Next, invite the baby to place only yellow blocks inside the hoop, and place the rest of the blocks outside the hoop. To consolidate information, you can ask the following questions:

  1. What material is inside the hoop? (Yellow).
  2. What blocks are located outside the hoop? (Not yellow).

During the game, give your child the opportunity to independently choose the main color of the logic blocks.

To play with two hoops, prepare logic blocks and hoops that are colored purple and blue. Place the hoops on a hard surface so that they have a common part after crossing. Next, invite the child to stand in different zones of the hoop, while saying the words: inside and outside the hoop. For example, stand inside the purple hoop but outside the blue hoop, or stand inside both hoops.

Then the child places logic blocks inside two hoops. For example, you need to place all the blue blocks inside the purple hoop, and round blocks inside the yellow hoop. It should be noted that in this game blocks are determined by two main characteristics: color and shape.

The game with three hoops is more difficult. In this game, kids sort blocks according to three criteria. To play, you need to arrange the hoops so that you get eight areas. Next, parents and the baby name these areas in relation to the hoops, which differ in color. For example, inside a green and red hoop, but outside a purple hoop, or inside three hoops. After familiarizing yourself with the areas, adults invite the child to place objects in the hoops: place square blocks inside the red hoop, large blocks inside the purple hoop, and yellow blocks inside the green hoop. To reinforce and repeat the material, ask your child additional questions about the placement of the material inside the hoops.

Games with hoops help children develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking, and also teach synthesis and analysis operations.

Games with logical figures by Dienesh

Based on the Dienesh system, many manuals have been developed for various age categories. Dienesh's logic games can be played by both three-year-old toddlers and first-graders. The “Let's Play Together” set includes flat logical figures that replicate Dienesh blocks, and special cards with property symbols. Dienesh's logical figures introduce kids to basic geometric shapes and sizes. In a light playful form, children learn to encode and decode received information, carry out analysis and synthesis, and children also develop important psychological processes and creative thinking. With the help of symbol cards, children master the skills of using mathematical symbols and learn the symbol system.

Today, parents and teachers are presented with a large number of options for games with Dienesh figures and symbols. You can also think of your own game options that will take into account all the individual characteristics of your child. Let's look at several games with cards with symbols and logical figures.

Game “Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads” teaches ordinal counting, instills the ability to understand patterns, and also develops the child’s abstract thinking.

To work, you need to prepare an image of a Christmas tree, logical figures and cards with symbols. The goal of the game is to decorate the Christmas tree with five rows of beads.

Each row has three beads. The number on the card indicates the serial number of the thread. You need to decorate the Christmas tree from top to bottom. According to the scheme, you need to decorate the first row with beads. For example, a large blue circle, a small blue triangle and a large blue square. By analogy we place the remaining beads. In this case, the shaded circle indicates the location of the bead on the thread.

Game "Shop" develops in children the ability to reason, argue and prove their own choices.

During the game you will need logical figures and cards with pictures of various objects. The child imagines that he is coming to a children's toy store. To purchase goods, special money is used - logical figures. You are allowed to purchase only one product per bill. The purchasing rules are that you can buy a toy that contains only one property of a logical figure. Parents can make it more difficult for their child to choose a toy. For example, when buying a toy, consider two properties of a logical figure.

Game "Artists" teaches kids to compare the properties of objects and develops their aesthetic abilities. For the game, prepare in advance logical figures, special sketches of paintings and additional details for decorating the painting. The child must draw a picture from the sketch. Parents and their baby choose a sketch, background paper, necessary details and logical figures for the picture. During the work process, the child must take into account many features in order to draw the picture correctly. For example, if the part is painted, then you need to use three-dimensional figure. The outline of the part indicates the use of a flat figure. When the picture is completely composed, you need to come up with its name and tell what is depicted on it.

Advantages of the Dienes system

The Dienesh system is not as well known among parents as, for example, the Nikitin methods or games. This system and its multifunctional didactic material will immediately appeal to the child, regardless of his level of training and age. Logical blocks will help develop different types of thinking in your child and reveal his potential for solving exercises and tasks. If you use Dienesh figures or blocks for activities with your baby every day, your baby will develop RAM and the ability to characterize the properties of any object.

In an easy game format, the child studies the parameters of objects and geometric shapes. Kids learn to compare, analyze information, make the necessary decisions, create mathematical models, logical series and chains.

At the same time, games with Dienesh blocks are distinguished by an exciting plot and interesting solutions to the assigned problems. The Dienesh system is recognized as effective and humane, promoting the development of the intellectual, aesthetic, and creative abilities of children.