“Creative workshop of Santa Claus” in the “Stars” group. Planning activities in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. birthday of Santa Claus. Parents of pupils of the group “Zvezdochki” also took an active part in collecting exhibits for the “Winter” museum. Parents with their child

At the end of December, according to the program edited by Veraksa “From Birth to School,” work continues to expand children’s ideas about the New Year holiday. The teacher plans proper nutrition, learning New Year's poems, musical and didactic games and exercises to relieve tension from the eye muscles. Detailed description cognitive activity, outdoor games and team-building exercises, math games and more can be found in the appendix to the plan “ Thematic week“Hello, Santa Claus!”

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, the teacher offers children s.r. games “Builders”, “In the theatre”, cut-out pictures “ Road signs", reviewing the album "Russian Folk Clothes".

Cognitive development

The teacher offers board games to the children mathematical content, a tour of the kindergarten territory, the exercise “Which picture is the odd one out,” which promotes cognitive development.

Speech development

For speech development The teacher plans games and exercises for the formation of the ZKR “Riding a horse”, “Blizzard”. Work continues on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, reading New Year's fairy tales and stories.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The plan reflects activities aimed at artistic and aesthetic development: d.i. “Lay out a pattern”, “What does an oval look like”, “Come up with a dance”. Children make gifts for their parents for the New Year.

Physical development

The teacher talks to the children about the need to brush their teeth, offers games aimed at physical development children, learns rhyming rhymes and introduces them to other ways of choosing a leader.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting: “All the children have gathered in a circle.” Goal: promote team unity.Conversation “How beautiful our city is during the holiday.” Goal: to expand ideas about people who care about the beauty of their hometown.Logorhythmic exercise “Riding a horse.” Goal: to form the ZKR and speech breathing.Making New Year's gifts for parents. Goal: to encourage children to please their parents.Fizminutka " New Year" Goal: to develop coordination of speech and movement.
Clearing snow and debris from paths in the area. Goal: to cultivate hard work, communication skills, and teach how to work together.Looking at bird tracks in the snow. Goal: to expand knowledge about wintering birds, to find out from the track which bird it belongs to.Exercise “Christmas tree toys”. Purpose: to practice agreeing adjectives and nouns by gender.Cutting pictures " Musical instruments" Goal: to consolidate the names of musical instruments.P.i. "Frost-red nose." Goal: satisfy children's need for running. Exercise "Tram". Goal: to consolidate the ability to move one after another.
2 p.d.Conversation “My deepest desire.” Goal: to teach children kindness and responsiveness.Cognitive and research activities “States of water”. Purpose: to remind children that water can be in different states.Reading S. Bordner “Meeting the New Year.” Goal: to continue acquaintance with the fairy tale.Creative games in the theater corner. Goal: to promote the development of creativity in dramatizations.Conversation "Queen Toothbrush". Goal: to create a desire to brush your teeth.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Cut-out pictures “Road signs”. Goal: consolidate the names of road signs.Exercise “How much...”. Goal: to develop the ability to count to 5.Finger gymnastics “Christmas tree” by N. Nishchev. Goal: develop fine motor skills.Song-dramatization “Pretend” by Zheleznov. Goal: to strengthen the ability to play along with musical instruments.Exercise "Snow fight". Goal: continue to develop throwing skills.
Cleaning up the area and veranda. Goal: prepare the veranda for decoration.Di. “Place it in order.” Goal: to develop the ability to focus on the size of an object.Di. "Fun account." Goal: to strengthen the ability to form plural nouns.Independent drawing. Goal: to develop the ability to leave the workplace in order.P.i. "Giants are dwarfs." Goal: achieve the correct wide stride. P.i. "Frost-red nose." Goal: satisfy children's need for running.

From December 14 to 18, teachers of the “Stars” group organized the “Creative Workshop of Father Frost.” Educators Zagumennaya L.A. and Rekhtina A.V. organized a direct educational activity with children: “Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”, where the children generalized their ideas about the properties of water, snow and ice. The children carried out the experiments with pleasure and were happy with the results. In the course of direct educational activities on the topic “Our Decorated Christmas Tree,” children created Christmas tree toys with their own hands. The children took an active part in research activities on the topic: “What types of Christmas tree decorations are there?”, “Where does Santa Claus live?”

As part of the New Year's week, children got acquainted with thematic literature and poems: I. Surikov “Winter”, S. Marshak “Twelve Months”, A.S. Pushkin “Winter”, as well as with the musical classic work by P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons (January)”.

The pupils took an active part in outdoor games: “Two Frosts”, “Make a figure”, “I’ll freeze”, “Frost is a red nose”, “We are funny guys”, “Cat and sparrows”, “Figure, freeze!” and etc.; played didactic games: “Guess what I’ll describe,” “Who comes to our holiday?” and etc.; Sedentary games: “Pass the snowball in a circle”, “Round dance”, “The deer has a big house”, etc.

During their productive activities, in the “Santa Claus workshop” the children created a New Year tree using the imprint of their palms, and the children also decorated the “created” New Year tree with toys made of paper and cardboard. The Christmas tree became an exhibit of the Winter Museum, organized at the preschool educational institution.

Parents of students from the Zvezdochki group also took an active part in collecting exhibits for the Winter Museum. Parents and children completed creative work, crafts, and souvenirs at home. I would like to express my gratitude to the parents of the “Zvezdochki” group for their creativity and imagination.

Schedule two junior group № 10

Period: December 18 – December 24, 2018 .

Topic of the week : "New Year. Father Frost's Workshop"

Tasks : Introduce children to the national holiday - New Year, continue to form the idea of ​​​​the New Year as a cheerful, good holiday. Involve children in decorating the group and making gifts for the holiday. To develop the ability to bring joy to loved ones, to thank for New Year's surprises and gifts. Encourage children to share their desires, impressions, maintain a cheerful mood, and a desire for a positive assessment of others. Form elementary mathematical representations. Develop children's creative and constructive abilities.

Final event of the week: Exhibition of crafts "Santa Claus's Workshop".

Form of conduct : together with parentsResponsible: Kiseleva O.V.

Educational activities carried out on the basis of an integrated approach that ensures integrationOO (speech, cognitive, social-communicative, physical, artistic and aesthetic development).

Day of week: Tuesday

Regime moments

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Conversation on healthy lifestyle - "From morning to evening".

Tasks:Introduce the daily routine. Explain the importance of adherence to the regime.

Games-experiments with different materials -Ice - Smooth, transparent. Water at low temperatures becomes ice.

Thematic pictures on healthy lifestyle, ice, blades, jars, molds.


Preparation for classes

Articulation gymnastics –

Finger game

During breakfast -

Making riddles about winter, New Year.

Themed pictures (New Year)

Large construction set, cars, dolls, dishes, educational cube.

Lesson No. 1 Mathematics 9.00-9.15

Topic: Lesson No. 14 “Comparing objects by length” (consolidation).(Novikova V.P. p. 32)

Lesson No. 2 Music 9.50-10.05

Morning walk .

Card index. Walk no.2 (see card index)(December)

Sub/game -"Dog and Sparrows"

Labor -Sweep the veranda and remove large dry twigs.

Individual work on movement development - Jumping on two legs around the veranda.

Individual work (by educational area) - “Name it affectionately” (snow, Christmas tree). Independent activity

Sand sets for play




Throwing shield

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Getting ready for bed

Quiet hour

Relaxation before bedreading -RNS "Moroz Ivanovich"

Russian folk tales "Moroz Ivanovich"

Work after sleep: climb

Awakening gymnastics

N/a "Cook"

(Teach children to name utensils and explain their purpose)

Massage mats

Health paths

N/a "Cook"

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics –

« Tube, horse, needle»

Finger game – “Snowball”

Game “Wonderful bag” (Dishes)

Wonderful bag, dishes:(pan, spoon, plate, mug, fork.)


Folding wooden inserts "Park"

and adults

Outdoor games (running, jumping) - P/n "Guess where the bell rings", “Pass without being missed”

(see card index)

D/i "“Every bead on a string”

Didactic games(FCCM - subject environment)

D/i “Find what I’ll name”

Game situation “Let’s set the festive table for the dolls”

An evening walk:

Collecting pine cones for crafts.

Interaction with family

Ask your parents to bring onions for planting.

Children going home

Day of week Wednesday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of adults and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiatives

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Supporting the child's individuality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Conversation on life safety (child and other people) “Dangerous situations: contacts with strangers on the street”

Goal: to consider and discuss typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers on the street, to teach how to behave correctly in such situations.

Communication games(interaction skills)


"Blow up the bubble"

"Friendly couple."

Thematic pictures “Child and other people”


Preparing and holding breakfast

Preparation for classes

Morning exercises - under musical accompaniment

Articulation gymnastics –

“Smile, fence, tube”

Finger game –

“1,2,3,4,5 we will decorate the Christmas tree”

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -Strengthen children’s ability to eat carefully, chew food with their mouth closed; use a napkin as needed.

Game "Motalochki"

Large and small construction sets, cars, dolls, clothes for dolls, dishes, educational House.

Game "Motalochki"

Activities aimed at becoming primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities between children and adults

Lesson No. 1 Physical education 9.00-9.15

Lesson No. 2 FCCM 9.25-9.40

Topic: “Soon, soon New Year”

Objectives: Activate the holiday experience; Encourage you to express your thoughts in coherent sentences; Remember the New Year's poems, the leading intonations of joy and admiration.

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Card index. Walk No. 4 (see card index) (December)

Round dance game -"The mice dance in circles"

Labor -shoveling snow to clear a path.

Individual work on movement development –“Magical snowflake, freeze!”

Individual work (by educational area) - d/i “Which one, which one” (snowman, snowflake)




Throwing shield

Bird food

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Getting ready for bed

Quiet hour

Formation of CGN and self-service skills -Teach children to soap their hands until foam forms, rinse it thoroughly, and wipe their hands and face dry with a towel.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch -Strengthen children's ability to eat carefully, eat a cutlet, separating pieces as they are eaten.

Relaxation before bed

Disc with sounds of nature.

Work after sleep: climb

Hygienic and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics

Hardening procedures, preventive measures: walking barefoot along the “Health Paths”,breathing exercises – “Breeze”

Education of CGN, self-care skills and mutual assistance when dressing -Teach children to dress in a certain sequence, teach them to use an individual comb.

Formation of CGN and self-care skills of girls when combing.

After sleep, we try to dress ourselves, and if necessary, ask for help from the teacher.

Massage mats

Health paths

CD with music

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics –

« Tube, horse, needle»

Finger game – “Snowball”

Board game “Whose Tail?”

Ppreparation for afternoon tea, afternoon tea

Fostering a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold the tablespoon correctly, lean over the plate, try to eat silently, chew food with their mouth closed.

We draw a Christmas tree using stencils and color with pencils and wax crayons)

Breathing exercises:

"Magic Bubbles"

Christmas tree stencils, colored pencils, wax crayons


Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Practical lesson-game(nursing) - “Our bear is sick.”

Dramatization games – “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” at the request of the children

Masks, an apron for a goat, a cap for a wolf, attributes for the game “Hospital”

An evening walk: independent activities of children

Support for independent gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activities

Interaction with family

Talk to parents about their children's mood.

Consultation for parents “Safe New Year”, draw the attention of parents to the reminders in the reception area.

Children going home

Day of week: Thursday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of adults and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiatives

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Supporting the child's individuality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Coming up with the end of a story, fairy tale (TRIZ) - Coming up with the end of a story, a fairy tale: “Santa Claus will come to me...” - fantasize on the proposed topic.

Games with mosaics, games with clothespins (MM ) - “Build a snowman”, “Snowflake”, “Make a tail for a fish”.


Game "Clothespins"


Preparing and holding breakfast

Preparation for classes

Morning exercises - accompanied by music

Articulation gymnastics –

“Smile, fence, tube”

Finger game –

“1,2,3,4,5 we will decorate the Christmas tree”

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -Strengthen children’s ability to eat carefully, chew food with their mouth closed; use a napkin as needed.

Situational conversationson the theme "New Year's party." We are preparing for the New Year's party, telling us what costumes we will wear, what we expect from the holiday.

Examination of the painting “New Year is on the threshold”

Thematic pictures and illustrations on the topic of the conversation.

Large and small construction sets, cars, dolls, dishes, educational machines.

Activities aimed at becoming primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities between children and adults

Lesson No. 1

Music 9.00-9.15

According to the music director's plan.

Lesson No. 2 Drawing 9.25-9.40

Topic: “Decorate the Christmas tree.” (Koldina D.N. p. 35)

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Card index. Walk No. 6 (see card index) (December)

Sub/game -« Crow and dogs».

Labor -feeding dogs, puppies (crumb bread, a bun for a small dog, treat them with a soft bone).

Individual work on movement development - snake running.

Individual work (by educational area) - “Tell me what form?” (triangular, square).

Independent activity.

Children's shovels, buckets

Throwing shield



Bird food

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Getting ready for bed

Quiet hour

Formation of CGN and self-service skills -Teach children to soap their hands until foam forms, rinse it thoroughly, and wipe their hands and face dry with a towel.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch -Strengthen children's ability to eat carefully, eat a cutlet, separating pieces as they are eaten.

Relaxation before bedreading -

Reading: RNS “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”

Encourage children to help the nanny set the table.

Encourage children to help their friends get ready for bed.

Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden and the Fox"

Work after sleep: climb

Hygienic and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics

Hardening procedures, preventive measures: walking barefoot along the “Health Paths”,breathing exercises – “Dudochka”

Education of CGN, self-care skills and mutual assistance when dressing -Teach children to dress in a certain sequence, teach them to use an individual comb.

Health paths

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics –

« Tube, horse, needle»

Finger game – “Snowball”

N/a “Big - small”

Games of children's choice.

Ppreparation for afternoon tea, afternoon tea

Fostering a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold the tablespoon correctly, lean over the plate, try to eat silently, chew food with their mouth closed.

Lacing “Journey through fairy tales”, “Collect beads”.


Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Relay Games - with musical accompaniment “Who is further”, “Who is faster”

Joint design of the congratulatory stand “Symbol of the Year”

Theatrical games based on nursery rhymes, fairy tales, author's tales and scripts - fairy tale"Mitten"

"Winter quarters of animals."

Sports equipment: hoops, skittles, balls, arches.

Creating a subject-development environment for theatrical play

An evening walk: independent activities of children

Support for independent gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activities

Interaction with family

Conversation on the topic: “Prevention of influenza and ARVI in warm winter weather”, draw the attention of parents to the reminders in the reception area.

Joint design of the “Symbol of the Year” stand.

Children going home

We instill cultural communication skills: we say “goodbye” to everyone

Day of week: Friday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of adults and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiatives

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Supporting the child's individuality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Puzzles, crosswords, riddles (thinking) Riddles about winter winter fun– develop the ability to quickly solve riddles

Didactic games ( labor education ) - A game“Let’s set the table for the dolls”.

Riddles, poems about winter, winter fun (see card index)


Preparing and holding breakfast

Preparation for classes

Morning exercises - accompanied by music

Articulation gymnastics –

“Smile, fence, tube”

Finger game –

“1,2,3,4,5 we will decorate the Christmas tree”

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -Strengthen children’s ability to eat carefully, chew food with their mouth closed; use a napkin as needed.

Didactic game

“Find what I’ll name”

Independent activities with sports equipment: playing with balls, rolling, spinning.

Activities aimed at becoming primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities between children and adults

Lesson No. 1 9.00 -9.15 Physical education according to the manager’s plan

Lesson No. 2 Application

Subject:"Garland of flags." (D.N. Koldina p. 33)

Objectives: learn to alternate appliqué parts by color. Develop a sense of rhythm and a sense of color.

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Card index. Walk No. 7 (see card index) (December)

Sub/game -« Airplane».

Labor -feeding the birds (crush bread, seeds and feed the birds, calling them: “Guli-guli...”).

Individual work on the development of movements - the game “Even circle”

Individual work (by educational area) – d/i “Name in one word”

Independent activity

Sand sets for playing with snow


Skittles, Balls

Throwing shield

Bird food

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Getting ready for bed

Quiet hour

Formation of CGN and self-service skills -Teach children to soap their hands until foam forms, rinse it thoroughly, and wipe their hands and face dry with a towel.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch -Strengthen children's ability to eat carefully, eat a cutlet, separating pieces as they are eaten.

Relaxation before bedlistening to a musical composition - sounds of nature.

Teach children to undress in a certain sequence and carefully fold their clothes on a high chair before going to bed.

Disc with sounds of nature.

Work after sleep: climb

Hygienic and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics

Hardening procedures, preventive measures: walking barefoot along the “Health Paths”,

breathing exercises – “Blowing on snowflakes.”

Education of CGN, self-care skills and mutual assistance when dressing -Teach children to dress in a certain sequence, teach them to use an individual comb.

Learn to use all types of fasteners, recognize your clothes, and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

Health paths

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics –

« Tube, horse, needle»

Finger game – “Snowball”

Consolidating finger play"Snowball"

Organization of a subject environment for playing music on musical instruments.

Ppreparation for afternoon tea, afternoon tea

Fostering a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold the tablespoon correctly, lean over the plate, try to eat silently, chew food with their mouth closed.

D/i (FCCM - social environment) - “Who has who?” (forest dwellers)

Thematic pictures of forest dwellers. Constructor

Lacing, mosaic.

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Making baby books, compiling and discussing thematic albums, exhibitions, collections – looking at the album “Soon, New Year is coming” with children and discussing crafts, clarifying who and how helped adults in making crafts.


activity “Paths for bunnies” Learn to build paths from bricks and plates.

Album with crafts “Soon, New Year is coming”

Games for children's interests.

An evening walk: independent activities of children

Support for independent gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activities

Interaction with family

Individual conversations with parents about children's behavior.

Conversation on the topic “Let’s decorate the group together”, draw the attention of parents to decorating the group for the New Year

Children going home

Remind children not to forget their toys in kindergarten.

Day of week: Monday

December 24, 2018

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of adults and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiatives

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Supporting the child's individuality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Communication situations (legal education) -

“How to dress properly if it’s frosty outside?”

Geometric constructor– making a slide for the bunnies

Games for the formation of grammatical structure of speech - Exercise “One - many”, “Whose mother, what is the name of the cub”

Thematic pictures for the game “One - Many”, pictures of wild animals and their cubs. Mosaic, Games in the dressing room. Geometric constructor


Preparing and holding breakfast

Preparation for classes

Morning exercises - accompanied by music

Articulation gymnastics –

“Smile, fence, tube”

Finger game –

“1,2,3,4,5 we will decorate the Christmas tree”

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -Strengthen children’s ability to eat carefully, chew food with their mouth closed; use a napkin as needed.

D/i "It is possible - it is not possible"

“Who eats what?”

Independent activity of children according to their interests in the corners of the group.

Activities aimed at becoming primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities between children and adults

Lesson No. 1 Speech development 9.00 - 9.15

Lesson 2. Repetition of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.”
Didactic games “Echo”, “Wonderful bag”

Target. Help children remember the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.” Practice pronouncing words with the sound e (game “Echo”), and determining the qualities of objects by touch (game “Wonderful Bag”).

Lesson No. 2 PPDA (street)

According to the plan of the physical education director.

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Card index. Walk No. 8 (see card index) (December)

Sub/game -"Sparrows and the cat"

Labor -shoveling snow with shovels to the feeder and feeding the birds.

Individual work on the development of movements - performing sports exercises. Individual work (in educational areas) - drawing a “Snowman” with a stick in the snow.

Independent activity

Bird food



Children's buckets,

paddles for playing,

Throwing shield

Drawing sticks.

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Getting ready for bed

Quiet hour

Formation of CGN and self-service skills -Teach children to soap their hands until foam forms, rinse it thoroughly, and wipe their hands and face dry with a towel.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch -Strengthen children's ability to eat carefully, eat a cutlet, separating pieces as they are eaten.

Relaxation before bedreading -

Encourage children to help the nanny set the table.

Encourage children to help their friends get ready for bed.

O. Chusovitina “Soon, soon New Year”

Work after sleep: climb

Hygienic and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics – “Complex No. 2”

Hardening procedures, preventive measures: walking barefoot along the “Health Paths”,breathing exercises – “Snowflake”

Education of CGN, self-care skills and mutual assistance when dressing -Teach children to dress in a certain sequence, teach them to use an individual comb.

Learn to use all types of fasteners, recognize your clothes, and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

Health paths

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics –

« Tube, horse, needle»

Finger game – “Winter”

Looking at New Year's toys and decorations.

Designing “Snowflakes” together with children

Ppreparation for afternoon tea, afternoon tea

Fostering a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold the tablespoon correctly, lean over the plate, try to eat silently, chew food with their mouth closed.

Board games with lacing, beads, inserts, puzzles.

Organization of P/i

"The Wolf and the Hares"

“I’ll freeze it, I’ll freeze it”

with a group of children (with musical accompaniment).

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Relay games, attractions - “Fun Starts”

Thematic drawing (for an exhibition, competition, album) - coloring"Decorate Santa's mitten"

Sports equipment for relay races, coloring books, colored pencils, wax crayons.

An evening walk: independent activities of children

Support for independent gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activities

Interaction with family

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Conversation on the topic: “Hardening in kindergarten”, draw the attention of parents to the reminders in the reception area.

Children going home

We instill cultural communication skills: we say “goodbye” to everyone

Work plan "Holidays with Santa Claus"

1 day 01/09/2017. Snowflake Day

Game library center:

Outdoor game with jumping "Catch a Snowflake"

Playing with words and movements "Snow Woman"

Science Center:

Imprinting snowflakes on snow using stencils - in different weather

Experiments with snow "It melts - it doesn't melt"

Looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass

Book Center:

Reading poems about snowflakes and snowfall

Design Center:

Making snowflakes from sticks

Mathematics Center:

Exercise "Count the Snowflakes"

Today we will have “Snowflake Day,” which means we sculpt, draw, sing songs about snowflakes, learn poems, walk and catch snowflakes in our hands.

Curious facts about snowflakes:

It turns out that snowflakes necessarily have six rays; there are no pentagonal or heptagonal snowflakes.

When it snows, you can breathe easily, this is due to the fact that snowflakes clear the air of dust and fumes.

Snowflakes are absolutely transparent; we perceive them as white due to the refraction of light at the edges of the crystals.

Snowflakes are formed from water vapor, not water! Once a snowflake has melted, it is impossible to restore its shape!

Conversation:“Where do snowflakes come from? Did Santa Claus bring them?

Reading books “Acquaintance with the Nature of Russia” by N.A. Guryeva, story “Snow”.

“When it’s snowing, in calm, windless weather, snowflakes fall from the clouds to the ground like little parachutes. Previously, they thought that snow was frozen droplets of water and that it came from the same clouds as rain. But then scientists proved that snow is never born from water droplets. There is always water vapor in the air. In spring, summer and autumn, steam turns into raindrops, and in winter - into snowflakes. It turns out that water vapor rises very high above the ground, where it is very cold, and tiny crystals form from it. The crystal grows because other tiny crystals attach to it. Having grown heavier, this crystal begins to sink to the ground. As it falls, it continues to grow and turns into a beautiful star - a snowflake. By placing a mitten, you can catch a snowflake and admire its pattern. It seems that every snowflake is different from the others, but scientists have been able to identify several basic forms of snowflakes. They were even given names: star, plate, column, needle, hedgehog.

Watching snowflakes: The shape of snowflakes depends on the weather.

Labor activity: Snow removal on site.

Goals: collect snow in a bucket and bring it into the group to water the plants with water; instruct them to clear the paths.

Outdoor games:“Snowflakes”, “Who will reach the flag the fastest?”

Goal: to develop accuracy, dexterity, speed, ingenuity (complication - include overcoming obstacles).

Individual work:“Who will jump higher?” Goal: to teach how to jump high, to develop strength and agility.

Consultation for parents: “Composition of a children's first aid kit” Introduce parents to the necessary composition of a children's first aid kit.

Day 2 01/10/2017. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

Role-playing center games:

Acting out the situation: new year for toys

Science Center:

Experiments with water:

"Colored Water"

“Ice toys for the Christmas tree outside”

Book Center:

Exhibition of books about the Christmas tree

Concert for dolls: reading poems about the Christmas tree

Art Center:

Drawing with cotton swabs “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with balls”

Modeling "New Year's balls"

Mathematics Center:

Exercise "Friendly family"- laying out Christmas trees according to height

Observation: Looking at home windows decorated for the New Year and Christmas trees.

Spruce watching

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the structure of spruce.

Labor activity

Teamwork at the snow removal site.

Goal: to strengthen the ability to use a wooden spatula.

Outdoor games

“Traps”, “From shore to shore”.

Goal: practice running randomly and jumping over a cord.

Individual work

“Jump to the flag”, “Into the collar”.

Goal: to practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, crawling up.

Motor: P\i.: “Christmas tree”, p\i “I’m not afraid of frost...”, p\i " Balloon".

Working with parents: Moving folder “Winter and winter signs” Expand the understanding of children and parents about the season “Winter”

Day 3 01/11/2017.- Our friend Santa Claus

Art Center:

Application "Mitten for Santa Claus"

Game center:

Running game "I'll freeze it"

Puzzle Games “Collect the picture and you will see Santa Claus”

Science Center:

Experiments with paper “Let’s show Santa Claus the magic balls”- rolling out lumps from different types paper

Book Center:

Entertainment: "Santa Claus makes riddles"

Goals and objectives:

Purpose: - To introduce children to the history of the origin of Santa Claus.

The history of Santa Clauses from other countries. Getting to know the folklore of our distant ancestors.

Development of the motor sphere in combination with music and speech.

Arouse interest in the world around you.

Expand your knowledge about the birthday of Santa Claus.

Expand the information space; enrich vocabulary; systematize children’s ideas about the seasons, signs of winter, names of months; increasing the speech activity of children.

Develop creative thinking, general, fine, articulatory motor skills, directed air flow; improve the ability to coordinate speech with movement; activate vocabulary; expand children's understanding of the images of Santa Claus

Activate children's attention and memory.

To instill in children an interest in joint activities with adults and peers, in changes in nature that occur in winter.

Work with children:

Observing changes in nature.

Reading fiction about winter, Santa Claus, using literary words (learning poems, pronouncing words clearly, guessing riddles).

Drawing portraits of Santa Claus, designing the residence of Father Frost in Ustyug.

Working with parents (making greeting cards for Santa Claus)

Reading fairy tales with children.

Conversation about the seasons. Father Frost's birthday.

Presentation of the birthday of Russian Father Frost (slides)

Lesson on developing coherent speech (Making a story based on a picture)

Give children the opportunity to feel like guardians of the national culture and traditions of Russia

Labor activity: Construction of a snow slide.

Goal: to teach how to collect snow in a pile and compact it with shovels.

Outdoor game: "Dog and sparrows." Goals:

Individual work: Development of movements.

Objectives: - teach how to navigate the site; - find a hidden object using a verbal description.

Day 4 01/12/2017.- Visiting the bunny

Game center:

Outdoor game "The little white bunny is sitting"

Art Center: Coloring book "Bunny"

Modeling "Let's treat the bunny with carrots"

Science Center:

Experiments with water "Let's take the bunny on a boat"- testing different materials

Book Center:

Demonstration of a table theater based on a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Design Center:

Let's build a bunny house (path, fence)- playing around with the building

Reading the story “Hares” by E. Charushin

P\i. "Bunny without a house"

P\i "Bunnies" (action of imitation). Goal: development of motor skills.

Conversation "Wild Animals"

Watching the wind

Goal: continue to improve skills in determining the presence and direction of wind.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow into a designated location for buildings. Goals:

teach to perform a task well;

cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor games

“Traps”, “Crows and Nests”.

Goal: learn to run around the entire area, quickly responding to the teacher’s signal.

Conversation with parents on the topic “Snow buildings” Teachers will involve parents in the construction of snow buildings in the area for children to play

Day 5 01/13/2017 - Matryoshka gatherings

Book Center:

Getting to know the nesting doll by asking riddles about it

Role-playing center games:

Situation “Let’s give the nesting doll some tea”

Art Center: Application: “Merry Matryoshka”

Finger painting “Let’s decorate the sundress for the nesting doll with flowers”

Science Center:

Experiments with wooden toys to identify their properties

Mathematics Center:

Exercise: “Pick up scarves of the same color as the sundress of the nesting doll”

Plot roll. games: “Family”, “Visiting Mana and Vanya”, based on the fairy tales “Turnip”. "Teremok"

Game situations: “We’ll sing nursery rhymes and play a little,” “Birthday” (Russian Nar. Tradition - “Loaf”)

“Bay - bayushki, bay, bay my Mashenka” (singing lullabies)

Did. Games:

"Find out by description"

“Let’s dress the doll Dunyasha” (Russian national costume);

“Let’s dress the doll Dunyasha for a walk” (sheep coat, shawl, mittens, felt boots)

"Wonderful chest"

"Lunch for Matryoshka"

“Find out by taste”, “Cubs and adult animals”, “Who screams what”

Game - get-togethers“Ladushki visiting grandma”

Game - entertainment“Vaska the Cat”, “We walked around the room”

Game - round dance: “We are nesting dolls”

Game - situation: "Music Box"

Formation of a positive attitude towards the history and culture of the Russian people

Weather observation Goals:

Continue to expand and deepen your understanding of the sun in winter conditions;

To develop an interest in inanimate objects of nature.

Labor activity: Construction of a snow slide.

Target: teach how to collect snow in a pile and compact it with shovels.

Outdoor game: "Dog and sparrows." Goals:

consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds;

Individual work: Development of movements.

Goals:- learn to navigate the site; - find a hidden object using a verbal description.

Working with parents: Consultation: “Growing up a helper” To give recommendations to parents at what age it is best to start teaching teachers how to work

Project work "In Santa Claus's workshop."

Municipal preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 24 combined type.”

Project type: educational and creative

Project participants:

Pupils of the group;

Group teachers: Parodina I. A., Kirillova M. A.

Parents of pupils;

Speech therapist - Dorofeeva O. F.

Musical director.

Implementation period: short-term (4 weeks) from 12/01/2015. to 31 December 2015.

Relevance of the project:

Modern children know little about the history of the holiday, since parents generally do not have sufficient information about the origin of the holiday and the making of toys. It is during preschool childhood that the child discovers Magic world fairy tales, legends, tales. It is very important to awaken in children an interest in studying the history of culture and traditions of their country, to cultivate a love for it. Historical information, both that has come down to us from time immemorial and from the recent past, is also a means of emotional and figurative influence on the creative activity of preschoolers. That is why it is so necessary to acquaint children with the culture of their country, its holidays and traditions of celebrating this or that holiday. The knowledge gained as a result of the project will allow children to expand their understanding of the New Year holiday with its good traditions at a level accessible to children, and will show the connection between previous years and our days in the preparation and celebration of the New Year.


To develop children’s interest and desire to learn something new;

Development creativity children;

Promote active interaction between children and parents in

design and research activities.


Develop cognitive interest to the theme of the project through reading poems, tales, ancient legends about the New Year holidays, Christmas tree decorations through practical and creative activities;

Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary, fantasy, imagination, creative abilities;

Cultivate a desire to give gifts for the New Year to loved ones, treat New Year's toys with care;

To cultivate a love for the history of your country, a respectful and caring attitude towards its culture and traditions.

Expected results of the project

Expanding children's knowledge about the preparation and celebration of the New Year and about Christmas tree decorations for this holiday.

Children's interest in learning the history and traditions of folk holidays.

Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage:

Project development.

Setting goals and objectives.

Selection of information material on the topic (poems, illustrations, fiction, creation of a multimedia presentation, materials for artistic and creative activities).

Development of notes on educational activities.

Main stage. Joint activity of children and teacher.

Speech development:

Reading fiction

Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”, “ The Snow Queen", "Twelve Months", fairy tales: "Morozko", "New Year's toys", "Christmas tree toys", etc.

Learning poems and songs about Christmas tree decorations and the New Year


Arouse immediate response and emotional interest

when perceiving fairy-tale characters, the ability to identify the simplest

logical connections in the work;

Develop literary speech, attention, thinking, ear for music.

Cognitive development


Multimedia presentation slides: “How do they celebrate the New Year in other countries?”, “New Year’s decorations and toys of past years”;

Cultivate curiosity and interest in New Year's Eve traditions.

Making riddles about New Year's toys


Develop figurative and associative thinking, imagination, memory.

Increase observation and interest in the native language, enrich children's speech with vivid images.

Play activity

Didactic games:

"Decorate the Christmas tree."

“What toy was taken from the Christmas tree?”

“Come up with a fairy tale about a Christmas tree.”

“Where does Grandfather Frost live?”


Develop visual memory, creative imagination.

Development of associative thinking, memory and ability to concentrate.

Expanding vocabulary.

Joint work

We are decorating our group for the New Year.


Form a child’s positive attitude towards work, a desire to decorate the group, and help younger children decorate the room.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Paper applique: "Monkey", "New Year's Boot".

Modeling : “Christmas tree decorations.”


Develop visual skills, imagination, fine motor skills.

Paper art design

Christmas tree decoration: A snowflake is a piece of fluff.”


Arouse children's imagination;

To instill in children the desire to make an original Christmas tree toy with their own hands from seemingly ordinary materials;

Develop fine motor skills.

Drawing with paints, pencils, crayons.

“New Year’s composition”, “Our holiday”, “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”, “Snowflakes”.


Development of the child’s fantasy and imagination;

Training in new ways, techniques and skills of working with various materials; - develop hard work, a desire to learn and learn new things for yourself;

The final stage:

1 . Exhibition "New Year's Kaleidoscope".

2. Organization and holding of the New Year's party on December 23, 2015.


Children show interest in the history of the holiday, its traditions, preparation and holding. They are happy to participate in project activities related to preparation for the New Year.

They reflect their impressions in creative activities: they tell, depict, embody images in games, unfold the plot, etc.

Work on the project “In Santa Claus’s Workshop” received a warm response from parents. They actively got involved in the work of creating Christmas tree decorations, making creative works together with their child, and also provided great assistance in preparing and conducting New Year's holiday for the children of our group.