Work plan for chess in dhow. Long-term work plan for the White Rook chess club

Explanatory note

The educational program "CHESS" was developed in accordance with and on the basis of the main current regulatory and program documents of the Russian Federation, taking into account the priorities of the development of the system additional education and existing experience in implementing additional educational programs. This program modifies the author's program of I.G. Sukhin “Chess for School”, recommended by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation and published in the "Programs of General Educational Institutions for primary classes(1 - 4) in two parts. Part two." - M.: Education, 2002, 3rd edition, pp. 370 -392.

The Chess program is aimed to implement many positive ideas - to make learning joyful, to maintain a sustainable interest in knowledge. The core moment of the lessons is the activity of the students themselves, when they observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, and find out patterns. This provides for the widespread use of entertaining material, the inclusion of game situations in classes, reading didactic fairy tales.

Learning to play chess from a very early age helps many children not to lag behind their peers in development, and opens the way to creativity for hundreds of thousands of children of the non-communicative type. Expanding their social circle and opportunities for full self-expression and self-realization allows these children to overcome isolation and imaginary inferiority.

Game of chessdevelops visual-figurative thinking , promotes the emergencelogical thinking, fosters perseverance, thoughtfulness, and determination. A child learning this game becomes more collected, more self-critical, gets used to thinking independently, making decisions, fighting to the end, and not being discouraged by failures.

Distinctive features this additional program :

The initial course on learning to play chess is as simple as possible and accessible to primary schoolchildren. Great importance when studying a chess course has a specially organized play activity, using the technique of acting out educational tasks, creating game situations.

Novelty of the program is that detailed instructions have been prepared for each lesson methodological developments, the content was specified, material for the visual series of the lesson was selected, recommendations were given for the preparation of intermediate results of research work.

Relevance of this program is that it is aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students, meeting their needs in active forms cognitive activity Andis due to many reasons: an increase in neuro-emotional overload, an increase in educationally neglected children.

At the center of the modern concept of general education is the idea of ​​developing the child’s personality, shaping his creativity, education of important personal qualities. All this and much more is facilitated by the process of learning to play chess.

Pedagogical feasibility of the program is explained by the fact thatthe initial course on learning to play chess is as simple as possible and is available to younger students. The core moment of the lessons is the actionactivity of the students themselves when they observe, compare, classsimplify, group, draw conclusions, find out patterns. This provides for the widespread use of entertaining material, the inclusion of game situations in lessons, reading didactic fairy tales, etc. Importance when studying The chess course has specially organized game activities in the classroom, the use of the technique of playing out educational tasks, and creating game situations.

Purpose of the program :

Creating conditions for personal and intellectual development students, the formation of a common culture and the organization of meaningful leisure time through learning to play chess.


Creating conditions for the formation and development of key competencies of students (communicative, intellectual, social);

Formation of universal methods of mental activity (abstract-logical thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, ability to perform logical operations).

Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Age of students: 7 – 11 years old.

Implementation period: 3 years

Forms of classes:

    by the number of children participating in the lesson - mainly collective, group, individual;

    on the characteristics of communicative interaction: training, workshop, competition;

    By didactic purpose: introductory classes, classes to deepen knowledge, practical lessons, combined forms of classes.

Lesson mode:

This program is designed for 34 hours (1 year of study) 66 hours (2-3 years of study).

The proposed distribution of hours is approximate and can be adjusted depending on the level of development of children and their interests.

Lesson duration is 40 minutes. Classes are held once a week (1 year of study) and twice a week (2-3 years of study).

Stages of program implementation.

Onfirst year learning the child takes his first steps in the world of chess. Students get acquainted with the history of the origin chess game, chessboard, pieces, learn to perform various didactic tasks, play out positions with a limited number of pieces, blocks of playing positions on separate fragments of the board. Great place devoted to the study of the “pre-mat” period of the game.

The classes use material that is of particular interest to children: riddles, poems, fairy tales, songs about chess, chess miniatures and dramatizations. The key point of the lessons is the activity of the children themselves, in which they observe the movement of pieces on the board, compare the strength of the pieces and their position, draw conclusions, find out patterns, and take their first steps on the chessboard.

Contentsecond year training includes direct training in the game of chess, mastering the rules of the game of chess, as well as getting acquainted with chess notation, the creativity of outstanding chess players; learn to solve chess problems.

The classes use educational posters, diagrams of problems for independent solution, riddles, puzzles on topics, mazes on a chessboard, crosswords, puzzles, chess lotto, quizzes, etc., the solution of which provides not only information about any figure, but also an idea about its gaming capabilities and limitations. In addition, students are offered topics for independent study: “Queen against Pawn”, “Queen against King”, etc., entertaining stories from the history of chess, tests to test acquired knowledge.

Students acquire knowledge and skills that contribute to the performance of 3-4 sports categories. They take part in competitions at various levels.

Contentthird year of study includes three large topics: “Opening Basics”, “Middlegame Basics” and “Endgame Basics”.

Based on previously acquired knowledge and skills, the children deepen their understanding in all three stages of a chess game. At the same time, from the entire abundance of chess material, not only accessible, but also the most development-oriented material is selected.

Expected results

By the end of training, children should know:

    principles of play in the opening, basic tactical techniques;

    principles of play in the middlegame, basic tactics;

    principles of playing in the endgame, basic tactical techniques.

By the end of training, children should be able to:

    correctly position the chess pieces in the opening;

    find simple tactical strikes and carry out combinations;

    accurately play the simplest endings.

During the 3rd year of mastering the educational program, students actively promote the “chess lifestyle” and are organizers of school chess tournaments, including with parents, students of other classes, initiate networking with students of other educational institutions, participate in away competitions for individual and team championships.

Verification methods.

The predicted results of the 3rd year of study are determined using:

    control exercises;


    creative performances;

    games, blitz tournaments;

    performing tasks of a competitive nature;

The results are of a level nature:

Level 1: level of knowledge about the rules of chess;

Level 2: levelthe student gains experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, health, communication, knowledge, work, culture, etc.);

Level 3: level acquisitions by schoolchildrenexperience of independent socially significant action (organizing tournaments, promoting a healthy lifestyle, cultural leisure).

Forms for summing up the implementation of the additional educational program:

    diagnostic study: the formation of logical, communicative, regulatory and other universal educational actions;

    protection of creative and design works;

    chess player's portfolio.

Educational and methodological plan (1 year of study)

Educational and methodological plan (2nd year of study)

Educational and methodological plan (3rd year of study)

Methodological support

Various forms and methods of work are provided, based on the psycho-age characteristics of younger schoolchildren: game, conversation, training, workshop, dialogue with the child, observation, experiment, a full range of research activities: from defining the problem to presenting and defending the results obtained.

Diagnostic tools

(second year of study)

Verification work

The value of chess pieces.

Comparative strength of figures.

Write down chess game.

A game.

Checkmate the lone king with two rooks.

Game of chess.

Checkmate a lone king with a king and a queen.

Checkmate a lone king, queen and rook.

Checkmate a lone king with a king and a rook.

Perform basic combinations.

Educational and methodological support and technical equipment.

Equipment: tables, chairs, chessboard, chess for individual work.Tools : pencils, pens.

Visual aids: didactic material, presentations, games.

Technical equipment: interactive whiteboard, laptops.

Educational and thematic plan of the program


Fields, horizontal, vertical, center, diagonal, moves of chess pieces,

Checkmate, checkmate, stalemate,

Castling, en passant capture, pawn promotion.

Draw options. Game practice

2. Topic section: A Brief History of Chess (1 hour)

Origin of chess. Legends about chess.

3. Topic section: Chess notation (2h)

Designation of horizontals, verticals, fields.

Designation of chess pieces and terms. Recording the starting position. Brief and complete chess notation. Recording a chess game.

Game practice.

4. Topic section: The value of chess pieces (4h)

The value of the figures.

Comparative strength of figures. Achieving material superiority

Achieving material superiority

Achieving material superiority. Methods of protection.

Protection. Game practice

Topic section: Lone King Checkmate Technique (4 hours)

Two rooks against a king

Queen, rook versus king

Queen and king versus king

Rook and king versus king

6 . Topic section: Reaching the checkmate without sacrificing material. 3 hours

Training positions for checkmate in 2 moves in the endgame

Training positions for checkmate in 2 moves in the middlegame

Training positions for mate in 2 moves in the opening

7. Topic section: Chess combination (15h)

Matte combinations. Combination themes. The theme of enticement.

Matte combinations. Theme of distraction.

Matte combinations. Blocking theme.

Matte combinations.

The theme of the destruction of the royal cover

Matte combinations.

The theme of freeing up space. The theme of destruction of protection. X-ray theme.

Matte combinations.

Other combination themes and combination of thematic techniques.

Combinations leading to achieving material advantage. Theme of distraction. The theme of enticement.

Combinations leading to achieving material advantage. The theme of destruction of protection. Bundle theme.

Combinations leading to achieving material advantage. The theme of freeing up space. Overlap theme.

Combinations leading to achieving material advantage. The theme of pawn promotion.

Combinations leading to achieving material advantage. A combination of tactics.

Stalemate combinations

Combinations to achieve a draw.

Combination for perpetual check.

Typical opening combinations

Typical opening combinations

Topic section: Repetition of program material (3 hours)

32 –

Repetition of program material

Total: 34 hours

Program content

Topic: Repetition of covered material (2 hours)

Fields, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, moves of chess pieces.

Checkmate, stalemate, castling, pawn promotion.Draw options. Game practice.

Topic: Brief history of chess. (1 hour)

The birth of chess. Chess is making its way to Europe. World chess champions

Topic: Chess notation (2 hours)

Designation of horizontals and verticals, fields, chess pieces. Brief and complete chess notation. Recording a chess game. Recording the starting position.

Topic: The value of chess pieces (4 hours)

The value of the figures. Comparative strength of figures. Achieving material superiority. Methods of protection.

Topic: Technique for checkmate of a lonely king (4 hours).

Two rooks against a king. Queen and rook versus king. King and queen against the king. King and rook against the king.

Topic: Achieving checkmate without sacrificing material (3 hours )

Training positions for mating in two moves in the opening, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the game. Protection from swearing.

Topic: Chess combination (15 hours )

Achieving checkmate by sacrificing chess material (checkmate combinations). Types of mating combinations: Themes of destruction of the royal cover, distraction, enticement. blocking, freeing up space, destroying protection and others. Chess combinations leading to achieving material advantage. Combinations to achieve a draw.

Topic: Repetition of program material (3 hours)


Averbakh Yu; Beilin M. Journey to the chess kingdom - M.: FiS, 1972.

Specialized software package “Chess Education”. (CD)

Chess in fairy tales. (CD)

Chess school. (CD)

Chess tactics. Problem book for beginners. (CD)

Averbakh Y., Beilin M. Journey to the Chess Kingdom. – M.: FiS, 1972.

Averbakh Yu., Beilin M. Chess tutorial. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1970.

Bloch M. 1200 combinations. – M.: RPPO “Rosblankizdat”, 1992.

Bobby Fischer teaches how to play chess. – Kyiv: Health, 1991.

Bondarevsky I. Combinations in the middlegame. – M.: FiS, 1965.

Bondarevsky I. Learn to play chess. – L.: Lenizdat, 1966.

Bronstein D. Self-instruction manual for the game of chess. – M.: FiS, 1980, 1982.

Weinstein B. Combinations and traps in the opening. – M.: FiS, 1965.

Gorenshtein R. Gift to a young chess player. – M.: Sintez LLP, Marvik-M JSC, 1994.

Zhuravlev N. In the land of chess wonders. – M.: International Book, 1991.

Zhuravlev N. Step by step. – M.: FiS, 1986.

Ivashchenko S. Collection chess combinations. – Kyiv: Radyanska School, 1986.

Kagan I. Kings are in your hands. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1986.

Capablanca H.R. Chess textbook. – M.: FiS, 1983.

Koblenz A. The magical world of combinations. – M.: FiS, 1980.

Kostiev A. Chess lessons. – M.: FiS, 1984.

Kostiev A. To the teacher about chess. – M.: Education, 1986.

Kostiev A. Chess club at school and pioneer camp. – M.: FiS, 1980.

Lasker E. Textbook of chess. – M.: FnS, 1980.

Muchnik H. First chess lessons. -– M.: Military Publishing House, 1980.

Muchnik X. Stories about combinations on the chessboard. – M.: FiS, 1979.

Nezhmetdinov R. Chess. – Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House, 1985.

Neustadt Ya. In the wake of debut disasters. – M.: FiS, 1979.

Neustadt Ya. Chess workshop. – M.: FiS, 1980.

Nikitin A., Fradkin A. A book for a beginning chess player. – Krasnoyarsk, 1983.

Nimzovich A. My system. – M.: FiS, 1984.

Novotelnov N. Meet chess. – M.: FiS, 1981.

Panov V. Chess for beginners. – M.: FiS, 1955.

Roizman A. Chess miniatures. – Minsk: Polymya, 1978.

Savin P. In the world of chess combinations. – Chisinau: Cartea Moldovenasca, 1981.

Sokolsky A. Your first move. – M.: FiS, 1977.

Sukhin I. 1000 of the most famous chess combinations. – M.: Astrel, AST, 2001.

Sukhin I. Chess, second year, or Play and win. - 2002.

Sukhin I. Chess, second year, or Studying and teaching. - 2002.

Henkin V. The Last Shah. – M.: FiS, 1979.

Chess for children. – St. Petersburg: Respex, 1994.

Chess as a subject of study and a type of competitive activity. – M.: GCOLIFK, 1986.

Shumilin N. Workshop on tactics. – M.: St. Andrew's flag, 1993.

Shumilin N. Chess problem book. – M.: FiS, 1964.

Yudovich M. Entertaining chess. – M.: FiS, 1966.

Yakovlev N., Kostrov V. Chess problem book. – St. Petersburg: CNTI, 1994.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - No. 28"

Working programm

"Program for older preschoolers

Chess ABC"

for the 2016-2018 academic year. year

The program was compiled by: Nesterova I.V.

Explanatory note

The program for older preschoolers “Chess ABC” implements a general intellectual direction of gaming activity and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education based on the Program “Chess, first year”, author I.G. Sukhin.
The relevance of the program is due to the fact that radical changes occur in preschool childhood: the formative function of education comes to the fore, significantly contributing to the development of the psyche of older preschoolers and the fullest development of children’s abilities. The introduction of a circle allows you to implement many positive ideas - make learning joyful, maintain a sustainable interest in knowledge. Chess in preschool educational institutions has a positive effect on the improvement in children of many mental processes and qualities such as memory, perception, attention, imagination, thinking, and initial forms of volitional control of behavior. Playing chess helps many children keep up with their peers in development and opens the way to creativity for hundreds of thousands of children of the non-communicative type. Expanding their social circle and opportunities for full self-expression and self-realization allows these children to overcome isolation and imaginary inferiority. The pedagogical feasibility of the program is explained by the fact that the initial course on learning to play chess is as accessible as possible to preschool children. The core moment of the lessons is the activity of the students themselves, when they observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, and find out patterns. At the same time, it is envisaged to widely use entertaining material, include game situations in classes, read didactic fairy tales, etc. Specially organized game activities in the classroom, the use of mnemonic techniques for memory development, methods of playing out educational tasks, etc. are of great importance when studying a chess course. creating game situations.

Goals and objectives of the program:

1. Development and training of mental processes:

Teaching skills to remember, compare, generalize, anticipate

results of its activities; development of logical thinking,

orientation on a plane, attention, memory;

Development of analytical and synthetic activity, thinking, judgments,


2. Development of cognitive interests

Learning the basics of chess,

Broadening your horizons;

3. Development of creative abilities:

Development of creative imagination, fantasy, ingenuity.

4. Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual:

Activates objectivity, independence, perseverance,

calmness, endurance, perseverance, composure, will;

Self-confidence, persistent character, ability to foresee the outcome

Developing the ability to behave in a group while moving,

formation of a sense of tact and cultural habits in the process

group communication with children and adults.

5. Preparing the child for school. Children involved in chess understand science better at school and do their homework faster.

Scope of the program: the program is designed for two years of study.

The schedule of classes is determined by the regulatory framework of general education, focused on teaching children older than school age. Classes are held once a week for 25-30 minutes. The main forms of work in class: individual, group and collective (game activities).
The structure of the lesson includes the study of chess theory through the use of didactic fairy tales, game situations, and mnemonic techniques.
To consolidate knowledge, didactic tasks and positions for game practice are used.
Contents of the Chess ABC program

The program provides 30 chess lessons (one lesson per week) for the senior group and 30 lessons for the preparatory group. The training course includes 6 topics. In each lesson, elementary chess material is covered with in-depth study of individual topics. The main emphasis in classes is on a detailed study of the strengths and weaknesses of each chess piece, its playing capabilities. The program is designed for children of senior and preparatory groups.

By the end of the course, children should know: chess terms: white and black square, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, partners, initial position, white, black, move, capture, stand under attack, capture on the pass, long and short castling , checkmate, stalemate, draw;
names of chess pieces: rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king; rules for the movement of each piece.

By the end of the course, children should be able to: navigate the chessboard; play with each piece individually and in combination with other pieces without violating the rules of the chess code; correctly place the chessboard between partners; correctly arrange the pieces before the game; distinguish between horizontal, vertical, diagonal; castle; check; checkmate; solve basic checkmate problems in one move.

Course topics

1. CHESS BOARD Chessboard, white and black fields, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center.

Didactic games and tasks: “Horizontal”. Two players take turns filling one of the horizontal lines of the chessboard with cubes.
“Vertical”. The same thing, but one of the vertical lines is filled.
“Diagonal”. The same thing, but one of the diagonals of the chessboard is filled.

2. CHESS FIGURES White, black, rook, bishop, queen, knight, pawn, king.

Didactic games and tasks:

“Magic bag” There are all the chess pieces in an opaque bag, each of the children tries to determine by touch which piece is hidden.
“Take a guess.” The teacher verbally describes one of the chess pieces, the children guess.
“Secret piece” All the pieces stand on the teacher’s table in one row, the children take turns calling all the chess pieces, except for the “secret” one, which is selected) in advance; Instead of the name of this figure, you should say: “Secret”.
“Guess” The teacher guesses one of the figures to himself, and the children take turns trying to guess which figure is guessed.

“What do they have in common?” The teacher takes two chess pieces and asks the students how they are similar to each other. What is the difference? (Color, shape.)
“Big and Small” There are six different figures on the table. Children name the tallest figure and place it to the side. Task: arrange all the figures in height.


Initial position (starting position); the location of each of the figures in the initial position; the rule “the queen loves her color”; the connection between horizontals, verticals, diagonals and the initial arrangement of figures.

Didactic games and tasks: “Bag” Children take out the chess pieces one by one and arrange the starting position.
“Yes and no” The teacher takes two chess pieces and asks the children whether these pieces are next to each other in the starting position.
“Ball” The teacher says some phrase about the initial position, for example: “The rook is in the corner,” and throws the ball to one of the children. If the statement is true, then the ball should be caught.

4. MOVES AND CAPTURING OF FIGURES (the main topic of the training course). Rules for moving and capturing each of the pieces, the game of destruction, white-squared and dark-squared bishops, same-colored and opposite-colored bishops, quality, light and heavy pieces, rooks, knights, bishops, queens , king's pawns, en passant capture, pawn promotion.

Didactic games and tasks “Game of destruction” is the most important game of the course. The child forms an internal plan of action, develops the analytical-synthetic function of thinking, etc. The teacher plays with the students with a limited number of figures (most often figure against figure). The one who captures all the opponent's pieces wins.
“One warrior in the field” The white piece must beat all the black pieces located on the chessboard, destroying a piece with each move (black pieces are considered enchanted, immovable).
“Labyrinth” The white piece must reach a certain square of the chessboard without standing on the “mined” squares or jumping over them.
“Outwit the sentries” The white piece must reach a certain square of the chessboard without standing on “mined” squares or on squares under attack from black pieces.
“Take down the sentries” The white piece must beat all the black pieces; such a route of movement on the chessboard is chosen so that the white piece never finds itself under attack from the black pieces.
“Shortest path” In a minimum number of moves, the white piece must reach a certain square of the chessboard.
“Capture of a control field” The game of a piece against a piece is not played with the goal of destruction, but with the goal of placing your piece on a certain field. In this case, it is forbidden to place pieces on squares,

enemy pieces under attack.
“Defense of the control field” This game is similar to the previous one, but with accurate game both sides have no winner.
“Attack of an enemy piece” The white piece must attack the black piece in one move, but in such a way as not to be under attack.
« Double punch“The white piece must attack two black pieces at the same time.
“Capture” From several possible captures, you need to choose the best one - to capture an unprotected piece.
“Defense” Here you need to use one white piece to protect another one standing under the battle.
“Win a piece” White must make such a move that if Black responds, he will lose one of his pieces.
"Limited Mobility" This is a variation of the "destruction game", but with "mined" fields. The one who defeats all the opponent's pieces wins.
Note: All didactic games and tasks from this section (even such strange ones at first glance as “Labyrinth”, “Outsmart the Sentinels”, etc., where there are “enchanted” figures and “mined” fields) are modeled in a way accessible to children 6-7 years of seeing certain real situations that chess players face when playing on a chessboard. At the same time, all games and tasks are entertaining and educational, effectively promoting the training of figurative and logical thinking.

5. GOAL OF A CHESS GAME Checkmate, checkmate, stalemate, draw, checkmate in one move, long and short castling and its rules.

Didactic games and tasks
“Check or not check” A number of provisions are given in which children must determine whether the king is in check or not.
“Give check” You need to declare check to the enemy king.
“Five checks” Each of the five white pieces needs to declare check to the black king.
“Defense against check” The white king must defend against check.
“Mate or not checkmate” A number of provisions are given in which students must determine whether the black king has been checkmated.
“First check” The game is played with all pieces from the starting position. The one who declares the first check wins.
“Castling” Children must determine whether it is possible to castle in certain cases.

6. PLAYING WITH ALL FIGURES FROM THE STARTING POSITION The most general ideas about how to start a chess game.

Didactic games and tasks
“Two moves” In order for the child to learn how to create and implement threats, he plays with the teacher as follows: for each move of the teacher, the child responds with two moves of his own.

Long-term lesson plan for teaching children to play chess in senior group

Number of lessons


"Introducing the Chessboard"

Give children an idea of ​​a chessboard as a playing field for chess.

« Visiting Horizontalik

and Vertical"

Introduce children to the lines on a chessboard, practice them in quickly, correctly finding verticals and horizontals.


Teach children to see the diagonal on the chessboard and not confuse it with other lines.

"Getting to know chess pieces. Pawn"

Introduce children to chess pieces. Form in children the concept of a pawn and its methods of movement.

“The simple-minded figure is the RICK”

Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action and its value.

"The mighty figure of the QUEEN"

"Jump, Leap and Sideways"

Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action, its value and interaction with other figures.

"The King Wants a Fight"

Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action, its value and interaction with other figures.

"Gate of Kaissia"

Strengthen children's ideas about the location of black and white pieces on the board.

“Shah - what is this?”

To form the concept of the check as a situation undesirable for the king, to teach children to remove the “king from under the check.”

“Shah - what is this?”

Continue to formulate the concept of the check as a situation undesirable for the king, teach children to get the “king out from under the check” in different ways.

"Checkmate and stalemate"

Give children the definition of “checkmate” and “stalemate”. Teach children to checkmate on a small square board.

"Checkmate and stalemate"

Continue to formulate the concept of “checkmate” and “stalemate” in children. Teach children to checkmate on a small square board.


Summarize the definition of what a chess game is, consolidate the acquired knowledge and ability to play chess.

"Chess KVN"

To consolidate the acquired knowledge about chess, to arouse interest and desire to play chess.

1. Topic: “Introduction to the chessboard.” Program content: give children an idea of ​​the chessboard as a playing field for chess, give children a brief historical background on the emergence of
chess game, figures, arouse children's interest in chess, expand children's horizons.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Telling the legend “Two Brothers” with illustrations. Guests of the lesson - Black and White cells.

Main part. Teacher's explanation of the topic. Exercises: “Arrange the chessboard correctly”, “Lay out the chessboards”. Part 3: Riddle chess riddles. Gift for children - Chess notebook.

Exercises in the notebook: “Color the squares like on a chessboard.”

2. Topic: “Visiting Horizontalik and Verticalik.” Program content: To introduce children to the lines on a chessboard, to train them in quickly and correctly finding verticals and horizontals, to arouse children's interest in chess, to broaden the children's horizons.

Methodological techniques: play, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Introducing the heroes of the lesson: Horizontal and Vertical. Main part. Teacher's explanation of new material. Exercises: “Slide your finger along the named line”, “Place the field correctly.” Part 3: consolidation of the material covered in chess riddles. Exercises in the notebook: “Correct the mistakes.”

3. Topic: “Diagonal”. Program content: Teach children to see the diagonal on the chessboard and not confuse it with other lines. Arouse children's interest in chess and expand children's horizons.

Methodological techniques: play, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Games with Horizontal and Vertical. “Who will make the horizontal line faster?” and so on. 2. Main part. Teacher's explanation of new material. Exercises: “Find the shortest and longest diagonal”, “What color is the longest diagonal”, “Find the cent of the chessboard”. Part 3: consolidation of the material covered in chess riddles. Exercises in the notebook: “Correct the mistakes.”

4. Topic: “Introduction to chess pieces. Pawn". Program content: Introduce children to chess pieces. To form in children the concept of a pawn and its methods of movement. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: play, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Teacher's story about chess pieces. Games: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wonderful bag”. 2. Main part: learning a rhyme about a pawn and its ways of moving. Exercises: “Put a pawn on its square”, “Show how a pawn can move”, “Which squares a pawn can move on”. Part 3: reading of G. Mishin’s poem “The March of the Little Pawn” with the display of illustrations or a filmstrip.

5. Topic: “The simple-minded figure - RICK.” Program content: Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action and its value. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: play, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Telling the Legend of the Rook

2. Main part: learning a rhyme about a rook and how it moves. Exercises: “Place the rook on its square”, “Show how the rook can move”, “Which square the rook can move on”. Part 3: Games: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wonderful bag”. Exercises in the notebook: “Indicate with arrows the moves of the pawn and rook.”

6. Topic: “The mighty figure QUEEN.” Program content: Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action, its value and interaction with other figures. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: play, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Telling the legend about the queen, why it is called that. 2. Main part: learning rhymes about the queen, ways of its move. Exercises: “Put the queen on its square”, “Show the ways the queen can move”, “Which squares the queen can move on”. Part 3: Games: “Kolobok”, “Forbidden Figure”, “Big and Small, Strong and Weak”. Exercises in the notebook: “Indicate with arrows the moves of the pawn, rook, and queen.”

7. Topic: “Jump, skip and sideways.” Program content: Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action, its value and interaction with other figures. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Telling a legend about a figure - a horse.

2. Main part: learning rhymes about a horse and its ways of moving. Exercises: “Place the knights correctly”, “Show how the knight can move”, “Which squares the knight can move on”. Part 3: Games: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wonderful bag”. Exercises in the notebook: “Indicate with arrows the moves of the named pieces,” “Guess chess riddles.”

8.Theme: “The king thirsts for battle.” Program content: Give an idea of ​​the new figure, methods of action, its value and interaction with other figures. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: Construction of graphic diagrams, models, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes, independent construction of positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Telling the legend of the king as the most important figure in chess. 2. Main part: learning rhymes about the king, its moves, its importance in chess. Exercises: “Put the king on its square”, “Show how the king can move”, “Which square can the king move on”. Part 3: Games: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Wonderful bag”. Exercises in the notebook: “Indicate with arrows the moves of the chess pieces,” “Draw with arrows the ways in which the king can move.”

9. Topic: “The Gates of Caissia.” Program content: To consolidate children's ideas about the location of black and white pieces on the board. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: Construction of graphic diagrams, models, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes, independent construction of positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Telling the legend about the goddess of chess - Caissia. Show illustrations. 2. Main part: Exercises: “Arrangement of chess pieces in the initial position of the game”, “Who is faster and more correct.” Part 3: games: “Bag”, “Yes - No”, “Ball”.

10. Topic: “Check - what is it?” Program content: To form the concept of the check as a situation undesirable for the king, to teach children to remove the “king from under the check.” Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Guessing chess riddles. 2. Main part: Explanation of new material. Exercises: “Placement of chess pieces in check”, “Be able to declare check, open check, double check.” Part 3: games: “Labyrinth”, “Is the Shah hiding in words.”

11. Topic: “Check - what is it?” Program content: Continue to form the concept of the check as a situation undesirable for the king, teach children to get the “king out from under the check” in different ways. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: Construction of graphic diagrams, models, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes, independent construction of positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Guessing chess riddles. 2. Main part: Repetition of material about the check. Exercises: “Placement of chess pieces in check”, “Be able to declare check, open check, double check.” Part 3: games: “Labyrinth”, “Is the check hiding in words”, “Manage to remove the pieces from under the check”.

12. Topic: “Checkmate and stalemate.” Program content: Give children the definition of “checkmate” and “stalemate”. Teach children to checkmate on a small square board. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: Construction of graphic diagrams, models, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes, independent construction of positions, dictionary code.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Repetition of the covered material in riddles and tasks.2. Main part: give the definition of “Checkmate”, “Stalemate”. Exercises: “Arrangement of chess pieces in checkmate and stalemate positions.” Part 3: guessing chess riddles, learning rhymes about checkmate and stalemate, assignments in a notebook.

13. Topic: “Checkmate and stalemate.” Program content: Continue to form the concept of “checkmate” and “stalemate” in children. Continue to teach children how to checkmate on a small square board. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons.

Methodological techniques: Construction of graphic diagrams, models, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes, independent construction of positions, dictionary code.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Repetition of the covered material in riddles and tasks.2. Main part: consolidate the concept of “Mate” and “Pat”. Exercises: “Arrangement of chess pieces in checkmate and stalemate positions.” Part 3: guessing chess riddles, memorizing rhymes about mate and pat, assignments in a notebook.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Reading to children by I. Sukhin “A Chess Tale.” Main part. Introducing children to the rules of behavior in chess. Exercises: “Choose the correct answer.” Part 3: Guessing chess riddles. Drawing on the theme: “I’m in a chess country.”

15. Topic: “Chess KVN”. Program content: To consolidate acquired knowledge about chess, to arouse interest and desire to play chess. Expand children's horizons and cultivate interest in competitive games.

Methodological techniques: game, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes, independent construction of positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part. Jury presentation: methodologist, parents. Division into teams. Main part: games: “Place the pieces”, “Get the king out of check”, etc. Running games. Captains competition: “Choose the correct answer.” Part 3: Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony.

Long-term lesson plan for teaching children to play chess in preparatory group

Number of lessons


"In the land of chess wonders"

To strengthen children's interest in playing chess and conceptual knowledge; activate the mental activity of preschoolers; develop perseverance in children


"Game of Destruction"

To form in children an internal plan of action, an analytical-synthetic function of action. Teach children to play with a limited number of pieces (one or two).

"No man is an island"

To consolidate the idea of ​​the rook, its methods of movement, and its “weight.” Teach children, using the rook as an example, to “beat” all the opponent’s pieces.

October 3-4

"Control field protection"

To consolidate the idea of ​​the rook, its methods of movement, and its “weight.” Teach children to defend a designated area of ​​the chessboard using one or two pieces.

“How Rook lost weight”

Introduce the concept of “castling”, its varieties; develop observation and attention; broaden the horizons of preschoolers; show the grace and beauty of individual moves; develop endurance in the child.

"Control Field Capture"

Strengthen the idea of ​​the elephant, the tour, its methods of movement, and “weight.” To teach children, using the example of an elephant - a piece, to go to a certain square of the chessboard in a minimum number of moves; Develop calmness in the child.

"Polite Elephants"

Teach children, playing with only one piece - using the example of bishops (bishop against bishop, two bishops against one, two bishops against two) to go through the “labyrinth” to a certain field on the board.

"Chess notation"

Reinforce the concept of “chess notation”; learn to write down chess games; learn to navigate on a plane; develop will in children; show the grace and beauty of chess combinations; train memory and attention.

"Magic Square"

Introduce children to the concept of “pawn square” and the square rule; continue to develop interest in the world of chess; train logical thinking; develop calm in the child; enrich children's imagination.

February 1-2

"The Savior is the Opposition"

Introduce children to the concept of “opposition” to a king and a pawn; replenish students' knowledge; make one admire amazing game; develop self-confidence in children.


Continue to develop interest in the world of chess; explain how to start the game correctly and play the opening; consider “good and bad” moves in a chess game; develop strong character in children; activate the mental activity of preschoolers; bring aesthetic pleasure from the game.

"The Magic World of Combinations"

Continue to introduce preschoolers to the world of combinations (“mill”, “fork”, double check, matte final); show the magic, grace and beauty of chess combinations; continue to learn how to navigate on a plane; train observation and attention.

"The Magic World of Combinations"

To form in children the concepts: “mill”, “fork”, double check, matte ending; teach to understand what we are talking about; show the magic, grace and beauty of chess combinations; continue to learn how to navigate on a plane; train observation and attention.

Teach preschoolers to solve various chess studies and problems; teach how to manage small chess forces more intelligently and rationally, achieve a win or achieve a draw, find a way out of hopeless situations with honor; continue to develop interest in the world of chess; develop perseverance and endurance in the child; expand your horizons.

“Solve the sketch, guess the problem - you will find luck”

Continue teaching preschoolers to solve various chess studies and problems; teach how to manage small chess forces more intelligently and rationally, achieve a win or achieve a draw, find a way out of hopeless situations with honor; continue to develop interest in the world of chess; develop perseverance and endurance in the child; expand your horizons.

“Healthy in body - strong in spirit!”

Strengthen, using physical exercises, the movements of all chess pieces; teach to admire an amazing game; develop in children self-confidence and persistent character; develop fantasy, imagination, creative potential of children.


1. Topic: “In the land of chess wonders.” Program content: To strengthen children's interest in playing chess and conceptual knowledge; activate the mental activity of preschoolers; develop perseverance in children, broaden children’s horizons. Methodological techniques: play, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Brief historical background on the origin of the chess game, chessboard, pieces, horizontals, verticals, diagonals, center, edge, corner. Chess notation: addresses of pieces.

2. Main part: Games: “Walk down the street” (a, b, c….) “Take the elevator” (to the required number), “Rockets at the launch” (fly along the black diagonals, along the white ones, along the longest ones, along diagonals of five white cells, four black, etc.). Part 3: Tic-tac-toe game, repeat numbers and letters on the chessboard.

2. Topic: “Game of destruction” Program content: To form in children an internal plan of action, an analytical-synthetic function of actions. Teach children to play with a limited number of pieces (one or two).

Arouse children's interest in chess and expand children's horizons. Methodological techniques: game, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes"

Course of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Game: “Fire” (mark with chips how many fields a certain figure (called the teacher) fires in the center, side, corner, determine the strength). 2. Main part: Game: “Guests”. (The white and black pieces visit each other. The rule of two kings (you can’t come close). Part 3: Game “Harvest” (eat all the pawns on the board with the piece)

3. Topic: “One warrior in the field” Program content: To consolidate the idea of ​​a boat, its methods of movement, “weight”. Teach children, using the rook as an example, to “beat” all the opponent’s pieces. Arouse children's interest in chess and expand children's horizons. Methodological techniques: game, teacher's story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes"

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Rook - moves: capture, strength. Linear and double strikes. 2. Main part: Game: “Fire” (Mark with chips how many squares the rook will “fire” from the middle of the field, from the corner and edge. Determine who is stronger in battle). Game: “Let’s Harvest” (place vegetable pawns on the board and try to count them as “collecting” a rook, trying to spend no more than two moves on each pawn.) Part 3: Game “Battleship”, repetition of names: horizontal, vertical, diagonal . Writing letters. Draw a chessboard in your notebook.

4. Topic: “Protection of the control square” Program content: To consolidate the idea of ​​the rook, its methods of movement, “weight”. Teach children to defend a designated area of ​​the chessboard using one or two pieces. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons. Methodological techniques: playful, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes.”

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Place the rook in the initial position. Rook move. Take. 2. Main part: Didactic tasks and games “Labyrinth”, “Outwit the sentries”, “Alone warrior in the field”, “Shortest path”.

Part 3: “Game of destruction” (rook against rook, two rooks against one, two rooks against two), “Limiting mobility.”

5. Topic: “How Rook lost weight” Program content: Introduce the concept of “castling”, its varieties; develop observation and attention; broaden the horizons of preschoolers; show the grace and beauty of individual moves; develop endurance in the child. Arouse children's interest in chess. Methodological techniques: playful, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes.” Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Teacher’s story: the king is the most important figure and he must be protected, a move was invented for him,

castling. This move involves two pieces: the king and the rook. 2. Main part: showing castling in the long and short directions (the king takes two steps towards the rook, standing on a square of the same color, and the rook jumps over it and stands next to it). Record about - about; ooo. Practice castling without other pieces. Introduce the rules when castling cannot be done. Part 3: Game: “Who is first?” (from 2-3 proposed positions, find where the checkmate is).

6. Topic: “Capture the control field” Program content: To consolidate the idea of ​​the elephant, the tour, its methods of movement, “weight”. To teach children, using the example of an elephant - a piece, to go to a certain square of the chessboard in a minimum number of moves; to develop calmness in the child, to show the grace and beauty of individual moves; develop endurance in the child. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons. Methodological techniques: playful, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes.” Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: the game “fire”. Tell the children about the approximate value of a bishop, taking one pawn as a unit of measurement (a pawn is one unit)2. Main part: Game: “Who is more attentive?” Show several “traps” that you can fall into if you are tempted by the enemy’s “bait”. Part 3: Game of “eating” (eat more pieces in 10 - 15 moves).

7. Topic: “Polite elephants” Program content: Teach children, playing with only one piece - using the example of elephants (elephant against an elephant, two elephants against one, two elephants against two) to go through a “labyrinth” to a certain field on the board. To develop calmness in the child, to show the grace and beauty of individual moves; develop endurance in the child. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons. Methodological techniques: playful, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic diagrams, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes.”

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Place the elephant in the initial position. Bishop move, capture. 2. Main part: White-squared and dark-squared bishops. Multi-colored and single-colored elephants. Quality. Light and heavy figure. Part 3: Didactic tasks “Labyrinth”, “Outwit the sentries”, “Alone warrior in the field”, “The shortest path”.

8. Topic: “Chess notation.” Program content: Reinforce the concept of “chess notation”; learn to write down chess games; learn to navigate on a plane; develop will in children; show the grace and beauty of chess combinations; train memory and attention. To develop calmness in the child, to show the grace and beauty of individual moves; develop endurance in the child. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Riddles in a notebook: 8x8 cm square, letters and numbers are marked, like on a chessboard.

2. Main part: Chess notation: the game “Who is faster?” The teacher writes down chess fields on the board, the children find them in their notebooks and label them with letters and numbers. Repetition of the rules for moving rook, bishop, queen, king and pawn (except for the rules of promotion and capture on the en passant). Part 3: Game: “Journey” (different pieces travel around the board, trying to get to the chess field named by the teacher as quickly as possible: the country). mark all the fields in the notebook with letters and numbers, repeat the letters and study the rules for moving the pieces. Game "Sea Battle". Didactic tasks “Labyrinth”, “Alone warrior in the field”.

9. Topic: “Magic square” Program content: Introduce children to the concept of “pawn square” and the rule of the square; train logical thinking; enrich children's imagination. To develop calmness in the child, to show the grace and beauty of individual moves; develop endurance in the child. Arouse children's interest in chess, broaden their horizons. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Didactic tasks “Outwit the sentries”, “Attack of an enemy piece”, “Double blow”, “Capture”, “Defense”, 2. Main part: Introduction to the “pawn square”. Part 3: Didactic games “Game of destruction” (pawn against queen, pawn against rook, pawn against bishop, pawn against knight, difficult positions), “Limitation of mobility.”

10. Topic: “The Savior is the Opposition” Program content: Introduce children to the concept of “opposition” to the king and pawn; replenish students' knowledge; make you admire an amazing game; develop children's self-confidence and continue to develop interest in the world of chess; train logical thinking; develop calm in the child; enrich children's imagination, broaden their horizons. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Statement of the problem: both kings will run today because Today we will get acquainted with the concept of “opposition”.

2. Main part. Opposition is the position of the kings when they stand opposite each other vertically or diagonally, while they stand on squares of the same color. If the kings are one square apart, then the opposition is called close. With the help of the opposition, the kings fight each other. An exercise in placing kings in opposition

horizontals, verticals, diagonals. Show how, using the knowledge of the opposition, to checkmate the rook with the help of the king: force the opponent’s king to stand in close opposition and at this time check with the rook, try to move his king to the knight’s move, and push the king to the edge of the board. Part 3: Exercise in pairs in checkmate with rook and king. Check your understanding of the material.

11. Topic: “Invincible” Program content: Continue to develop interest in the world of chess; explain how to start the game correctly and play the opening; consider “good and bad” moves in a chess game; develop strong character in children; activate the mental activity of preschoolers; bring aesthetic pleasure from the game, expand students’ knowledge; make you admire an amazing game; develop self-confidence in children. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Statement of the problem: Follow the rules of the opening (the center is occupied, minor pieces are developed, castling, add these rules: it is better not to bring out the queen at the beginning of the game, not to move the same piece several times, not to hunt for pawns). 2. Main part: Show options for attacking the field F7 - F2 (checkmate on the second, fourth, seventh moves) and defense against it. Show checkmate to the legal (knight).

Part 3: Game: in pairs with the goal of checkmating at the beginning of the game; practice checkmate in the opening, the ability
put up protection.

12. Topic: “The Magic World of Combinations” Program content: Continue to introduce preschoolers to the world of combinations (“mill”, “fork”, double check, matte final); show the magic, grace and beauty of chess combinations; continue to learn how to navigate on a plane; train observation and attention. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: What is a “trap?” In a chess game too

You can set traps for the enemy, but you can also fall into them yourself. 2. Main part: Showing forks that can be adjusted by pawns, bishops, rook, queen, king. Talk about the “cunning” of the horse. Show how a knight can adjust a fork - a check with the loss of a rook. Explain how you can connect “enemy pieces in the game” and show different variants ligaments Show how a double check is obtained. Please note that it is impossible to defend against him with the help of other pieces; the king saves himself.

Part 3: Game exercises “make a fork with two, three, four teeth”, “tie a piece”, “put a double check”.

13. Topic: “The Magic World of Combinations” Program content: To form in children the concepts: “mill”, “fork”, double check, matte ending; teach to understand what we are talking about; show the magic, grace and beauty of chess combinations; continue to learn how to navigate on a plane; train observation and attention. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Course of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: repetition of the concepts of fork. 2. Main part: Explain how you can link “opponent’s pieces in the game” and show different options for linking. Show how a double check, a matte final is obtained, define a “mill” (a series of alternating checks in which almost all the enemy pieces can be eaten). Show combination mill. Part 3: Game exercises “make a fork, a mill”, “tie a piece”, “put a double check, matte ending”.

14. Topic: “Solve the study, guess the problem - you will find luck” (4 lessons) Program content: Teach preschoolers to solve various chess studies and problems; teach how to manage small chess forces more intelligently and rationally, achieve a win or achieve a draw, find a way out of hopeless situations with honor; continue to develop interest in the world of chess; develop perseverance and endurance in the child; expand your horizons. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Joint discussion of four options; linear checkmate, checkmate with rook, checkmate with queen, stalemate. 2. Main part: Solving problems in pairs: children come up with problems for each other, and in case of difficulty, the teacher helps. Part 3: Scoring competition (one point for a problem invented by the child himself and one point for solving it in the shortest way, 1\2 points for a problem invented with the help of a teacher, 1\2 points for an irrational solution; o points if the child comes up with the problem for teacher and 0 points if the problem is not solved). For the first time, the winner is determined.

15. Topic: “Healthy in body - strong in spirit!” Program content: To consolidate, using physical exercises, the movements of all chess pieces; teach to admire an amazing game; develop in children self-confidence and persistent character; develop fantasy, imagination, creative potential of children. Methodological techniques: play, teacher’s story, explanation, questions for children, construction of graphic schemes, rhyming, repetition, tasks for constructing positions, alphanumeric codes”, sign-symbolic method.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Introductory part: Jury selection, presentation of teams

2. Main part: Relay races, chess riddles, tasks, puzzles. Part 3: end of the holiday, summing up.


Averbakh Y., Beilin M. Journey to the chess kingdom. M., FiS, 1972

Sukhin I. Magic figures, or Chess for children 2-5 years old. - M.: New school, 1994.

Sukhin I. Magic chess bag. - Spain: Marcota Publishing Center. International Chess Academy of G. Kasparov, 1992.

Sukhin I. Adventures in the Chess Country. - M.: Pedagogy, 1991.

Sukhin I. Amazing adventures in the Chess Country. - M.: Pomatur, 2000.

Sukhin I. Chess for the little ones. - M.: Astrel, AST, 2000.

Sukhin I. Chess, first year, or There are cells black and white wonders and full of secrets: Textbook for 1st grade four-year-old and three-year-old primary school. - Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, 1998.

Sukhin I. Chess, first year, or Studying and teaching: A manual for teachers - Obninsk: Spiritual Revival, 1999.

Collection didactic material to lesson planning of lessons on teaching chess to children of senior preschool and primary school age. Authors and compilers: teachers d/o Zaikin V.V., Zaikina V.L. - Norilsk, MBOU DOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities" Talnakh district, 2010. - 57p

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education - Electronic resource: Ministry of Education and Science.rf/news/3447/file/2280/13.06.14-FGOS-DO

Department of Education Administration

Balashovsky municipal district

Municipal preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten “Ivushka”

Balashov, Saratov region"


work plan of the chess club "White Rook"

I confirm: the head of the Ivushka MDOU

Head: Zhigalova T.M.

2011-2012 academic year year

“All in white squares,

black - wooden board,

and rows of chiseled figures -

wooden troops.

you, my friend, without fear,

enter without hesitation,

like being in the world of a wonderful fairy tale,

to this black and white land.”

Program content: 1) educational broadens horizons, replenishes knowledge, activates the mental activity of a preschooler, teaches orientation on a plane, trains logical thinking and memory, observation, and attention.

2) educational - develops in the child perseverance, endurance, will, calmness, self-confidence, and persistent character.

3) aesthetic - while playing, the child lives in a world of fairy tales, transforming an ordinary board and pieces into magic ones, the grace and beauty of individual moves give children true pleasure, and the ability to find the extraordinary in the ordinary enriches the child’s imagination, brings aesthetic pleasure, makes them admire the amazing game.

4) physical – I instill in children the truth: to play chess well, you need to be physically healthy.

Literature: I.G. Sukhin “Program for teaching preschoolers to play chess”, V.K. Grishin "Playing Chess"

(September October November).

I quarter: Start the process of learning chess in the form exciting game. Offer children fairy tales where the characters are the same age as the children or funny people, as well as fairy tales - “The Chess House”, “The Chess Bun”, “The Chess Turnip”, poems, riddles, a relay race for the quick and correct placement of pawns and pieces, invented by the children themselves chess riddles, guessing riddles from the “Chess Box”. You can use various methods and techniques, but the main one remains the game.

Lesson No. 1-2. Telling the legend about the origin of the chess game. The beginning of the journey to the Land of Chess.

Get children interested in playing chess. After reading the legend, ask the children which of the heroes they liked. Why? “The sage invented chess”, “He reconciled the princes: there were no more wars”, “He did not take any reward.” Instill in children that chess is exciting, but also difficult; chess is everyday work, hard and persistent. Show chess pieces.

Lesson No. 3-4. Introducing the chessboard. Fairy tale "The Chess House". Draw an image of a chessboard on a piece of paper yourself.

Explain what a chessboard is, how it should be positioned in relation to the players, and what symbols are on it. What is a field?

Learn to draw a board and hatch correctly. Give the concept of oblique, vertical and horizontal lines and find them on the board.

Game "Row". Invite the child to place pawns in one row; horses; elephants; rooks; queens; kings. Then the child must ask the teacher about this and monitor the completion of the task.

Lesson No. 5-6. Studying the avenues, streets of the magic board. Fairy tale "The Chess Bun".

Continue studying diagonals and horizontal lines, learn to number lines and name fields by letters and numbers, learn a counting rhyme that makes it easier to memorize vertical lines. Mark the vertical “a”, the 1st horizontal line and the largest diagonal in your notebook.

Lesson No. 7-8. Games “Chess Lotto”, “Place on the Board”, “Horizontal”, “Vertical”, “Diagonal”.

In these lessons, practice finding fields and lines more quickly and correctly, showing and naming them out loud, separately and together.

Make a chess lotto. The one who guesses the most fields wins. Game "Place straight lines on the board."

Lesson No. 9-10. Games – competitions “Make a board”. “Go ahead and name the field.”

Lesson No. 11-12. Getting to know the pawn. Continue reading the fairy tale.

At the very beginning, explain how the pawns are positioned. Hold a competition to see who can place the pawns faster by calling out the square. Conduct a chess relay race.

Lesson No. 13-14. Solving various problems using pawns. Didactic tasks “Labyrinth”. "No man is an island".

From the fairy tale, children should learn how a pawn moves. Check if the moves have been filled in correctly. The rule of "taking on the pass". Remind how a pawn beats an opponent's pawn.

Offer to play with only pawns.

Lesson No. 15-16. “Straightforward, simple-minded piece” - an introduction to the rook. Games “Labyrinth”, “Outsmart the Man”, “Shortest Path”.

Lesson No. 17-18. Solving various problems using a rook.

Read a fairy tale and remember how a rook moves on a chessboard. Explain what “open lines” are, what happens when rooks on an open line (especially on a vertical line) are doubled.

Lesson No. 19-20. Quiz on questions from the “Chess Box”.

Suggest questions about chess lines, squares, pawns, rooks.

Lesson No. 21-24. Repetition of what has been covered, preparation of notebooks.

II quarter: (December – February)

Gradually move on to solving elementary chess problems and studies, solving riddles.

INIthe block did not allow children to play with all the pieces. Gradually teach children to see the entire board. Gets acquainted with other chess pieces until they are complete. It is important that children learn the coordination of the actions of pawns and other pieces with each other. Teach children to memorize various simple traps and combinations “Children’s Checkmate”, “Legal Checkmate”, etc.

Lesson No. 1-2. Continuation of the fairy tale. Getting to know the figure - elephant. Didactic games “Capture the control field”, “Game of destruction”.

Explain to the children how the elephant positions itself and moves, and what combinations it participates in.

Lesson No. 3-4. A powerful figure is the queen.

Explain what the queen’s strength is and how many points it is worth. Offer to solve the simplest problems involving the queen: “Outwit the sentries”, “Take down the sentries”, “Attack an enemy piece”, “Double strike”, “Capture”, “Win ​​a piece”.

Lesson No. 5-6. We answer questions from the “Chess Box”.

Lesson No. 7-8. “Jump, gallop and sideways” - getting to know the horse.

Hold a relay race to see who can place all the pieces and pawns the fastest. Show how the knight moves on the board and note it in your notebooks. Remember the knight rule. Carry out tasks - exercises for the knight's move - “Capture the control field”, “Game of destruction”.

Lesson No. 9-10. Consolidation of new material, answers to questions from the chess box.

Lesson No. 11-12. "The king is thirsty for battle."

Continue reading the story. Remind the children how the king moves by showing his moves. Explain that he also takes unprotected pieces. Show where the white king is and where the black king is. Invite the children to play with all the pieces.

Lesson No. 13-14. Acquaintance with the concepts of “check”, “checkmate”, “stalemate”.

Explain these concepts to children, teach them to fight to the end, not to lose heart, and continue to teach them to play with all the pieces. “Give an open check”, “Mate or not checkmate”, “Stalemate or not stalemate”.

Lesson No. 15-16. “How the rook lost weight.”

Introduction to the technique of castling. Didactic task “Casting”.

Lesson No. 17-18. "Magic Board Notations" - recording of chess games.

Lesson No. 19-20. "Magic square", square rule.

Lesson No. 21-22. Questions from the “Chess Box”.

Lesson No. 23-24. Reinforcing the material covered.

III quarter: (March – May)

Continue solving chess problems.

You can give the task to children who play well to work out with their comrades who are lagging behind.

Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers, the degree of assimilation of chess material, the methodology should be constantly changed. At the end of the year, you can hold a chess competition to determine the strongest player.

Lesson No. 1-2. “The Savior is the Opposition” (continuation of the fairy tale). Chess game. Play with all pieces from the starting position (without explanation of who is better to start the chess game). Didactic game"Two moves."

Lesson No. 3-4. The Legend of the "Invincible". How to play the opening? The most general recommendations on the principles of playing the opening. Play with all pieces from the starting position.

Lesson No. 5-6. Which moves are “good” and which are “bad”

Lesson No. 7-8. "The magical world of combinations."

Lesson No. 9-10. Solve the sketch, guess the problem, and you will find luck.”

Lesson No. 11-12. Let's look at chess studies.

Lesson No. 13-14. “Healthy in body – strong in spirit.”

6 the need for physical exercise.

Lesson No. 15-16. "Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!"

We use the plot of a fairy tale to reinforce the knight's move.

Give children more possible options, such as a white knight, starts moving from any field of the 1st horizontal line, and the 4th from any field of the 8th horizontal line.

Lesson No. 17-18. Quiz on chess terms.

    How many lines are there on the board, what are they called?

    How are squares designated on a chessboard?

    On what lines are the white and black wars located before the start of the battle?

    Is it possible to place two pawns or two pieces on one square?

    How do the moves of pawns differ from the moves of all other pieces?

    How do pawn moves differ from the moves of all other pieces (with capture)?

    How do the moves of pawns differ from the moves of pieces in terms of tempo and speed of movement on the board?

Lesson No. 19-24. Preparation and conduct of a chess competition.

Elena Sadykova
Long-term work plan for the White Lady chess club

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Chamomile"


chess club work plan« White rook»

Supervisor: Sadykova E. R.

“All in white squares,

black - wooden board,

and rows of chiseled figures -

wooden troops.

you, my friend, without fear,

enter without hesitation,

like being in the world of a wonderful fairy tale,

to this black and white land.”

Program content: 1) educational - expands horizons, replenishes knowledge, activates the mental activity of a preschooler, teaches orientation on a plane, trains logical thinking and memory, observation, attention.

2) educational - develops in the child perseverance, endurance, will, calmness, self-confidence, and persistent character.

3) aesthetic - while playing, the child lives in a world of fairy tales, transforming an ordinary board and pieces into magic ones, the grace and beauty of individual moves give children true pleasure, and the ability to find the extraordinary in the ordinary enriches the child’s imagination, brings aesthetic pleasure, makes them admire the amazing game.

4) physical – instilling the truth children: to play well chess, you need to be physically healthy.

Literature: I. G. Sukhin "Program for teaching preschoolers to play chess» , V. K. Grishin "We're playing chess» .

(September October November).

I quarter: Start the learning process chess in the form of an exciting game. Offer children fairy tales where the characters are the same age as the children or funny people, as well as fairy tales - « Chess tower» , « Chess bun» , « Chess turnip» , poems, riddles, a relay race for the quick and correct placement of pawns and pieces, invented by the children themselves chess riddles, solving riddles from « Chess box» . You can use various methods and techniques, but the main one remains the game.

Lesson No. 1-2. Telling the Origin Legend chess game. Start of the journey to the Country chess.

Get children interested in playing chess. After reading the legend, ask the children which of the heroes they liked. Why? "The sage came up with chess» , “Reconciled princes: there are no more wars", "Didn't take any reward". Instill in children that chess is an exciting thing, but also complex, chess- this is everyday work, persistent and persistent. Show chessmen.

Lesson No. 3-4. Getting to know chessboard. Fairy tale « Chess tower» . Drawing yourself on a piece of paper chessboard.

Explain what it is Chess board, how it should be positioned in relation to the players, what symbols are on it. What is a field?

Learn to draw a board and hatch correctly. Give the concept of oblique, vertical and horizontal lines and find them on the board.

A game "Row". Invite the child to place pawns in one row; horses; elephants; rooks; queens; kings. Then the child must ask the teacher about this and monitor the completion of the task.

Lesson No. 5-6. Studying the avenues, streets of the magic board. Fairy tale « Chess bun» .

Continue studying diagonals and horizontal lines, learn to number lines and name fields by letters and numbers, learn a counting rhyme that makes it easier to memorize vertical lines. Mark the vertical in your notebook "A", 1st horizontal line and largest diagonal.

Lesson No. 7-8. Games « Chess lotto» , "Place it on the board", "Horizontal", "Vertical", "Diagonal".

In these lessons, practice finding fields and lines more quickly and correctly, showing and naming them out loud, separately and together.

Make chess lotto. The one who guesses the most fields wins. A game "Place straight lines on the board".

Lesson No. 9-10. Games - competitions "Make a board". "Go ahead and name the field".

Lesson No. 11-12. Getting to know the pawn. Continue reading the fairy tale.

At the very beginning, explain how the pawns are positioned. Hold a competition to see who can place the pawns faster by calling out the square. Conduct chess relay.

Lesson No. 13-14. Solving various problems using pawns. Didactic tasks "Labyrinth". "No man is an island".

From the fairy tale, children should learn how a pawn moves. Check if the moves have been filled in correctly. Rule "takes on the pass". Remind how a pawn beats an opponent's pawn.

Offer to play with only pawns.

Lesson No. 15-16. "Straightforward, guileless figure"- acquaintance with rook. Games "Labyrinth", "Outsmart the Man", "Shortest way".

Lesson No. 17-18. Solving various problems using rooks.

Read a fairy tale and remember how to move rook on the chessboard. Explain what it is "open lines", what happens when rooks on an open line(especially on vertical) double up.

Lesson No. 19-20. Quiz on questions from « Chess box» .

Suggest questions about chess lines, fields, pawns, rooks.

Lesson No. 21-24. Repetition of what has been covered, preparation of notebooks.

II quarter: (December – February)

Gradually move on to solving basic problems chess problems and studies, solving riddles.

In the first quarter, children were not allowed to play with all pieces. Gradually teach children to see the entire board. Meet others chess figures to a complete set. It is important that children learn the coordination of the actions of pawns and other pieces with each other. Teach children to memorize various simple traps and combinations "Children's mat", “Checkmate Legal, etc.

Lesson No. 1-2. Continuation of the fairy tale. Getting to know the figure - elephant. Didactic games "Control Field Capture", "Game of Destruction".

Explain to the children how the elephant positions itself and moves, and what combinations it participates in.

Lesson No. 3-4. A powerful figure is the queen.

Explain what the queen’s strength is and how many points it is worth. Offer to solve simple problems involving a queen "Outwit the Sentinels", "Take down the sentries", "Attack of an enemy figure", "Double punch", "Take", "Win a piece".

Lesson No. 5-6. We answer questions from « Chess box» .

Lesson No. 7-8. "Jump, Leap and Sideways"- getting to know the horse.

Hold a relay race to see who can place all the pieces and pawns the fastest. Show how the knight moves on the board and note it in your notebooks. Remember the knight rule. Carry out tasks - exercises on the knight's move - "Control Field Capture", "Game of Destruction".

Lesson No. 9-10. Consolidation of new material, answers to questions from chess box.

Lesson No. 11-12. "The King Wants a Fight".

Continue reading the story. Remind the children how the king moves by showing his moves. Explain that he also takes unprotected pieces. Show where the white king is and where the black king is. Invite the children to play with all the pieces.

Lesson No. 13-14. Introduction to Concepts "check", "mat", "stalemate".

Explain these concepts to children, teach them to fight to the end, not to lose heart, and continue to teach them to play with all the pieces. "Give an open check", "Mate or not mate", "Put or no stale".

Lesson No. 15-16. "How rook has lost weight» .

Introduction to the technique of castling. Didactic task "Castling".

Lesson No. 17-18. "Magic Board Notations"- recording chess games.

Lesson No. 19-20. "Magic Square", square rule.

Lesson No. 21-22. Questions from « Chess box» .

Lesson No. 23-24. Reinforcing the material covered.

III quarter: (March – May)

Continue to decide chess problems.

You can give the task to children who play well to work out with their comrades who are lagging behind.

Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschool children, the degree of assimilation chess material, constantly change the methodology. At the end of the year you can spend chess competition to determine the strongest player.

Lesson No. 1-2. “The savior is the opposition” (continuation of the tale). Chess game. Play with all pieces from the starting position (without explanation of who is best to start with) chess game). Didactic game "Two Moves".

Lesson No. 3-4. Legend of "Invincible". How to play the opening? The most general recommendations on the principles of playing the opening. Play with all pieces from the starting position.

Lesson No. 5-6. What moves "good ones", which "bad"

Lesson No. 7-8. "The Magic World of Combinations".

Lesson No. 9-10. Solve the sketch, guess the problem, and you will find luck.”

Lesson No. 11-12. Let's sort it out chess studies.

Lesson No. 13-14. "Healthy in body - strong in spirit".

6 the need for physical exercise.

Lesson No. 15-16. "Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!"

We use the plot of a fairy tale to reinforce the knight's move.

Give children more possible options, such as the white horse starts moving from any field of the 1st horizontal line, and the 4th from any field of the 8th horizontal line.

Lesson No. 17-18. Quiz by chess terms.

1. How many lines are there on the board, what are they called?

2. How are the fields designated? chessboard?

3. On what lines are the white and black wars located before the start of the battle?

4. Is it possible to place two pawns or two pieces on one square?

5. How do the moves of pawns differ from the moves of all other pieces?

6. How do pawn moves differ from the moves of all other pieces (with capture?

7. How do pawn moves differ from pieces’ moves in terms of tempo and speed of movement on the board?

Lesson No. 19-24. Preparation and implementation chess competition.

Approximate calendar thematic planning course: “Chess in the senior group.”

Lesson topic

Purpose of the lesson

Number of hours


1. In the land of chess wonders.

Introduction to the game of chess.

2 hours

2. Sage.

Rule of the game. The history of the creation of chess, the origin and emergence of the ancient game. Legends and its appearances.

2 hours

3. Magic board.

Introducing the chessboard. Fields. Straight and oblique lines. Rule of location between opponents.

2 hours


4. Avenues, streets and alleys of the magic board.

Practice quickly and correctly finding verticals, horizontals and diagonals. Introduction to chess notation.

2 hours

5. “Not a step back!” Pawn.

Getting to know the pawn. Studying moves. Interaction with each other.

2 hours


6. “Straightforward, simple-minded figure.” Rook.

Getting to know new figure- rook. Rules of movement. Signs, features of the boat. Methods of action.

2 hours

7. "Polite elephants." Elephant.

History of changes in the ELEPHANT figure. Location at the beginning of the game. Features of movement and action.

2 hours


8. "A powerful figure." Queen.

Correct name of the figure. Queen's power. Similarities with rook and bishop. Mobility and dexterity of the figure. Movement on a chessboard.

2 hours

9. “Jump, hop and sideways.” Horse.

Getting to know the figure. How does a horse walk? Difference from other pieces and pawns. Rules of movement on the chessboard.

2 hours


10. Repetition of topic No. 9.

Repeat and consolidate knowledge about the knight figure. Learn to move around the chess field from different positions.

2 hours

11. “And the king thirsts for battle.”

Introduce the “king” figure. Features of movement. Similarities with the queen and differences in moves. What is stalemate? Mat?

2 hours

12. “How did the rook lose weight?”

Introduction to castling. Conditions for castling.

2 hours


13. Magic board notation.

Introduction to chess notation of moves. Studying chess notation.

2 hours

14. Magic square.

Introducing the special rule when a pawn “wants to become a general without the support of the king.”

2 hours

15. Repetition of topics No. 13 and 14

Reinforce the material covered. Individual approach to consolidation.

2 hours


16. Savior of the opposition.

What is the secret of the opposition? The rules and conditions of the opposition, when and to whom it comes to the aid. Exercises until the victorious end of one of the parties.

2 hours

17. "Invincible."

Getting to know the right way to start the game. Introducing the debut. The main task of the debut.

2 hours


18. The magical world of combinations.

Getting to know the fork. Introducing the "double step". Development of combinational vision, combinational sense.

2 hours

19. Solve the sketch, guess the problem.

We learn to solve problems from the most basic, without the participation of the king; It is more reasonable, rational to manage small chess forces, achieve a win or a draw, and find a way out of a bad position.

2 hours


20. Healthy in body - strong in spirit!

Chess players and sports. Introduce in a healthy way life. Strengthening the fighting qualities of children.

4 hours

21. It’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.

Using the plot of the fairy tale, remember the horse’s move and its various movements. Repetition of the material covered in a year.

4 hours

Approximate list of chess equipment and visual aids.

  1. Chess boards - 10 pcs.

  2. Figures for them - 10 sets.

  3. Demonstration board – 1 pc.

  4. Figures for it – 1 set.

  5. Notebooks with chess problems – 20 pcs.

  6. Pencils – 20 pcs.

  7. Chess stand (approximate themes: “Great people and chess”, “Family and chess”, “Chess and children”, etc.) – 1 pc.

  8. Consultations for parents

  9. Portraits of world chess champions among adults – 18 pcs.