The purpose of didactic games in the dhow. Methods of conducting didactic games with preschool children. Observation and analysis of the didactic game of preschoolers

a) appropriate for the age of the children;

b) compliance with the didactic task;

c) compliance with methodological requirements.

    Method of playing the game:

a) organizing children to play (receiving interest, placing children);

b) the role of the educator;

c) management techniques;

d) use of a learning algorithm;

Scheme of analysis of a physical education lesson

    Hygienic conditions for conducting classes.

    Correlation of tasks and content of the lesson with the age and physical capabilities of children.

    Correspondence between the ways of organizing children and the stages of mastering movements.

    Quality of children's motor skills.

    Techniques for an individual approach to children when teaching them movements.

    Physical activity in the classroom: indicators of the child’s body’s response to the load. Techniques for regulating physical activity.

    Activation of children's mental activity during the lesson.

    Emotional state of children.

    General and motor density of the lesson.

    Terminology and quality of teaching exercises by the teacher.


Scheme for analyzing classes to introduce children to nature

    Age group.

    Organization of the lesson:

a) switching children from play to activity;

b) organizing children in class;

c) equipment: quantity and quality of natural objects, visual materials, their placement, use of TSO, items for caring for plants and animals.

    Preliminary work with children, its influence on the mastery of the lesson topic.

    Program content:

a) compliance with the objectives of environmental education of children of this age group;

b) accuracy of educational, developmental and educational tasks, connection with everyday work, other methods;

c) the relationship between new and familiar material;

d) cognitive and emotional load.

    Methods and techniques of work, their correspondence to the age of the children, the topic of the lesson, and the conditions of the lesson. The appropriateness of the relationship between the materials used.

    Start of the lesson:

a) attracting the attention of children;

b) setting a cognitive task for children and ways to solve it.

    Progress of the lesson:

a) the role of the teacher (explanation, formulation of questions, nature of assistance to children);

b) a technique for activating attention, memory, and thinking;

c) independent activity of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of their development.

    End of class:

Summing up form;

Involving children in generalizations and conclusions;

Tasks for consolidating the material.

    Analysis of children's behavior during classes (interest, activity, independence, mastery of practical skills, degree of speech relations, ability to observe, compare); level of knowledge of natural history.

    Total duration of the lesson.

    Results and proposals.


Scheme of analysis of visual arts classes

    Purpose of the lesson:

Development of visual sensitivity, associative-figurative thinking, perception.

Work on the expressiveness of the artistic image;

Training in technical skills;

Development of perception of works of art.

    Form, type, type of lesson:

Form - individual;



View - lesson-tasks, lesson-exercise, lesson-graphic stories, etc.

Subject, subject, decorative;

Type - by condition;

According to the sample;

By my own design.

    Material (objects; visual and illustrative)

    Adequacy of the methodology and form of training for the stated goal.

    The effectiveness of the techniques used in the lesson, their focus:

To create interest in the topic;

To complete the task;

For each student to fully understand the means and methods of action;

With the goal of creating quality and expressive work;

To stimulate an independent method of action;

For individual assistance, if necessary;

To stimulate independent activity.

    Emotional state, mood of children during and after classes.

    Qualitative indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson (evaluation of children's work).

    Level of self-service skills and self-organization of one’s activities during classes.


Scheme of analysis of classes using the methodology of music education

    The program content of the lesson, according to the tasks and content of the lessons in a given age group and the level of development of children; functional content; emotional and aesthetic uplift; educational impact; modern sound.

    Organization of classes: hygienic conditions; aesthetic design of the music hall; culture of children's behavior; preparation and quality of visual aids, use of TSO, attributes.

    Structure of classes: type, form of delivery, logic and duration of structural parts. The duration of the lesson, the focus on the emotional provision and interest of children.

    Training and development techniques:


a) methodological techniques specific to a given direction, used by the music director in different structural parts of the lesson. Their validity, effectiveness;

b) interaction between the music director and the teacher in different structural parts of the lesson in order to jointly solve the assigned tasks;

    Class style musical director: tone of speech, emotionality, expressiveness, accessibility of explanation, professionalism of performance, interaction with the teacher, aesthetic taste in the selection of musical repertoire, the ability to see all children, individualization of education.

    General assessment of the lesson: preparedness, importance in the training and development of children’s musicality, wishes for improving the work of the music director.


Scheme of analysis of a lesson on speech development (vocabulary work)

    Type of activity (excursion, observation, viewing).

    Correct choice of lesson topic. Correspondence of program tasks to the topic of the lesson.

    The sequence of implementation of program content during the lesson.

    Organizational expressiveness of the lesson (logical harmony of each part and completeness as a whole).

    The teacher’s choice of rational teaching methods and techniques that ensure children better assimilate new material.

    The duration and quality of the organizational part of the lesson (the presence of various techniques that contributed to the emergence of interest in the content of the lesson: conversation based on the personal experience of children, artistic expression, visuals, games, etc.). What conclusion can be drawn based on this part of the lesson about the interest of children, about the solution of educational tasks in this part?

    Did the children understand the purpose of the lesson (the teacher’s explanation of how to achieve this goal)?

    Teaching a purposeful observation process (teaching children systematic observation, the sequence of transition from the analysis of one side of an object to the other, from the general to the specific; and vice versa, activating different analyzers in the process of observation).

    The teacher’s speech, his role in the lesson.

    The presence of techniques that activate the thinking and speech of children (methods of examining an object, a sample of a new word, an explanation of a new word, repetition of new words by children, the teacher during the lesson, lexical exercises, problematic speech situations, etc.)

    Children’s ability to express their judgments about an object (object), identify the main features, compare an object with another object, use new words, expressions, etc. in their judgments.

    The use of generalizing concepts in children's speech.

    The purpose of the final part of the lesson.

    Methodological techniques aimed at consolidation (games, artistic expression, questions, etc.).

    Solving other problems for the development of children's speech (grammar, coherent speech, education of sound culture of speech).

    Draw a conclusion about the level of development of vocabulary work of children of this age.

Lecture No. 24

Topic 4. Practical lesson: Guidance of didactic games in different age groups

1. Conditions for successful implementation didactic games

2. Guidance of didactic games in 2 younger group

3. Guidance of didactic games in middle group

4. Guidance of didactic games in senior group

5. Analysis of didactic games prepared by students


1. What are the main conditions for successfully conducting didactic games?

2. Explain the features of managing didactic games in the 2nd junior group?

3. Reveal the features of managing didactic games in the middle group?

4. Reveal the features of managing didactic games in the senior group

Tasks for independent work students:

1. Fill out the table “Content of psychological and pedagogical work. Didactic games" (Table 1.) according to the Standard educational program "From birth to school".

Table 1

2. Analyze the organization and conduct of didactic games by a teacher in a preschool educational institution (in practice)


1. From birth to school. Typical educational program preschool education/ comp. Arutyunyan L.N., Sipacheva E.V., Gubanova N.V., Bridko G.F., Kotova L.N., Nevolnik N.I., Golyaeva T.V., Gorbacheva L.V., Lipanova E. .AND.; DIPPO. – Donetsk: Origins, 2015. – 223 p.

Repetition of covered material:

1. Classification of games

2. Classification of games with rules

3. Analysis of the card index of didactic games

Conditions for successfully conducting didactic games

Being an exciting activity for preschoolers, play is at the same time the most important means of their education and development. But this happens when it is included in an organized and controlled pedagogical process. Didactic games are very difficult for management.

By including play in the pedagogical process, the teacher teaches children to play and create, according to A.S. Makarenko, " good game" Such a game is characterized by the following qualities: educational and cognitive value of the content, completeness and correctness of the reflected ideas; expediency, activity, organization and creativity game actions; obedience to the rules and the ability to be guided by them in the game, taking into account the interests of individual children and all players; purposeful use of toys.

Methodology for organizing didactic games

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for the didactic game, its implementation and analysis (researchers Z.M. Boguslavskaya, A.N. Bondarenko, A.I. Sorokina, etc.).

Preparation for conducting a didactic game includes:

· selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech), etc.;

· establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;

· determination of the most convenient time for conducting a didactic game (in the process of organized learning in the classroom or in free time from classes and other routine processes),

· choosing a place to play where children can play quietly without disturbing others. Such a place is usually allocated to group room or on the site;

· determination of the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);

· preparation of necessary didactic material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures, natural material);

· preparation for the game by the teacher himself: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

· preparing children for play, enriching them with knowledge, ideas about the objects and phenomena of life around them, necessary to solve the game problem.

Conducting didactic games includes:

ü familiarizing children with the content of the game, with the didactic material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);

ü explanation of the course and rules of the game. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the children’s behavior in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict implementation of the rules (what they prohibit, allow, prescribe);

ü demonstration of game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, one of the children peeks when their eyes should be closed);

ü determination of the role of the teacher in the game, her participation as a player, fan or referee. The degree of direct participation of the teacher in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of preparation, the complexity of the didactic task, game rules. While participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (with advice, questions, reminders);

ü summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its management, since by the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used with interest in independent play activity Guys. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they have gotten better at the game and promises that next time they can play a new game, it will also be interesting. Children usually look forward to this day.

Analysis of the game is aimed at identifying methods of its preparation and implementation: which methods were effective in achieving the goal, what did not work and why. This will help improve both the preparation and the process of playing the game, and avoid subsequent mistakes. In addition, the analysis will allow us to identify individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children and, therefore, correctly organize individual work with them. Self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with the goal helps to vary the game and enrich it with new material in subsequent work.

Conditions for successful implementation of didactic games:

1.It is necessary to arouse interest in the game in children : creating a surprise moment, a game situation, through the use of any fairy-tale characters. During didactic games, the teacher must maintain a playful mood in the children: interesting material, jokes, laughter, the tone of the teacher. Children should not experience the educational nature of the game. Every game should contain an element of novelty.

2.It is necessary to create conditions for games : select appropriate didactic material and didactic toys and games. Think about how to place teaching materials and toys so that children can use them freely; provide a place for games. Teach children to carefully handle educational toys and games, and carefully fold them at the end of the activity. Printed board games require special attention from the teacher, from which chips, cubes, cards and other attributes are easily lost.

3.Management of a didactic game consists in the correct determination of didactic tasks - cognitive content; in defining game tasks and implementing didactic tasks through them; in thinking through game actions and rules, in anticipating learning results. The teacher needs to ensure that all children are active, especially in group games: every child must understand and accept the didactic task

4.The teacher must monitor compliance with the game rules , correct children’s mistakes, remind them of the existence of rules if the children deviate from them. Care should be taken to continually enrich children's play experiences. To do this, it is advisable to teach play actions with didactic toys, performing these actions together with the child, and organize mutual learning situations for children

5.A didactic game as one of the forms of learning is carried out during the time allocated for classes . It is important to establish the correct relationship between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process. Didactic games sometimes precede classes; in such cases, their goal is to attract children's interest in what will be the content of the lesson. The game can alternate with classes when it is necessary to strengthen the independent activity of children, organize the application of what has been learned in play activities, summarize, and generalize the material studied in class.

6.When finishing the game, the teacher should arouse children’s interest in continuing it and create a joyful prospect . Usually he says: “Next time we will play even better” or: “The new game will be even more interesting.” The teacher develops versions of games familiar to children and creates new ones that are useful and exciting.

The teacher must prepare to conduct educational games. The teacher’s preparation consists of choosing the purpose of the game, selecting the game itself, determining the method of organization and location, and preparing the necessary material. The teacher thinks through its structure, carefully and comprehensively develops an action plan to achieve the task set in the game. In this plan, you must determine your actions, the actions of the group, identify the children you need to pay attention to, select game material and estimate the timing.

When selecting games, the teacher proceeds from what program tasks he will solve with their help, how the game will contribute to the development of children’s mental activity, the education of the moral aspects of the individual, and the training of sensory experience. Does the didactic task of the game correspond to the program content that is studied in the classroom?

Makes sure that in the chosen game children consolidate, clarify, expand knowledge and skills and at the same time do not turn the game into an activity or exercise. The teacher thinks in detail about how, while carrying out the program task, to maintain the play action, a high pace of play (senior preschool age) and to ensure that each child has the opportunity to actively act in a play situation. Also when guiding a didactic game, the teacher must remember that children’s participation in it is voluntary; a child cannot be forced to play, one can only arouse his desire to play, create an appropriate gaming mood and support him during the game. When conducting didactic games, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention for those children who have not gone to kindergarten for a long time.

The management of didactic games, depending on the age of the children, is carried out differently, since each age has its own psychophysiological characteristics.

Theoretical and methodological foundations

organizing children's play activities

preschool age

1. Observation and analysis of play activities of preschool children.

1.1. Observation and analysis role-playing game preschoolers

1.2. Observation and analysis of preschool children's construction play

1.3. Observation and analysis of theatrical play of preschool children

1.4. Observation and analysis of the director's play of preschoolers

1.5. Observation and analysis of the didactic game of preschoolers

1.6. Observation and analysis of active play of preschoolers

Observation and analysis of preschooler play activities

Observation and analysis of a preschooler’s role-playing game.

Protocol for observing the role-playing play of older children.

The plot of the game: “vegetable shop”.

Date of observation: 09/03/16

Game duration: 20 minutes.

Progress of the game:

Kira approached Natasha: Kira, listen, they brought them to my store, will you come to me to buy a lot of apples?

Natasha: Kira, I don’t want to buy apples, can I be a seller?

Kira: Yes Natasha, and then who will I be? I don't want to be a buyer either.

Natasha: Kira, let’s be the manager of the store, someone needs to order fruit.

Kira: Okay, I agree.

I saw the girls playing Dasha: Kira, I also want to play with you?

Kira: We don’t have a buyer, will you buy fruit from us?

Dasha: yes, I’m just going home to pick up my daughter.

Dasha leaves, takes the doll, dresses up her daughter, and takes the bag.

Dasha: Our daughter has run out of vegetables, we need to cook cabbage soup, you’re not capricious, I’ll buy you something tasty in the store.

At this time, Kira and Natasha are setting up, laying out soft tables on them, vegetables and fruits, stocking up with beautiful bags, scales, and a cash register.

Kira: Natasha, who will be our cashier?

Artem approaches the girls: I want to play too?

Kira: Artem, we need to get the goods, will you be the driver?

Artem: Yes, I’ll go and start the car. Artyom took a chair and a ring thrower, built a body out of the builder, sat down and growled, then stood up and began loading the body with potatoes (the substitute was cubes from the designer)

A teacher joined them to help the girls develop the plot.

Nina Konstantinovna: Can I be a cashier, I really want to play with you?

The girls agree with pleasure.

Nina Konstantinovna: The girls need to pack bags with fresh vegetables; they brought us a new delivery of potatoes.

Artem: Who will unload the potatoes? Who will unload them?

Kira: It’s a man’s job to hire a loader.

Kira approaches Gena: Gena, listen, you’re still playing alone, let’s go play with us?

Gena: what should I do?

Kira: Am I taking you to work, unloading goods into the store?

Gena laughed and approached Artem.

Gena: Artem, will you help me?

Artem: of course, I’ll help, I always help my friends.

Gena and Artem approach the teacher and ask.

Artem: where to unload the goods? We brought vegetables here, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, but we don’t know where to unload them.

Nina Konstantinovna: To the warehouse, it will be here, points to different sizes of boxes.

Boys sort vegetables and fruits into boxes.

Kira: takes apples and treats them to the boys.

Artem and Gena pretend to eat apples with pleasure.

Gena: give me more apples and I’ll treat my friends.

Kira: I can’t treat you anymore, if you want more, go to the seller, she will sell it to you, go and pay the money to the cashier.

Dasha: examines vegetables, approaches Natasha (seller)

Dasha: We’ve run out of vegetables at home, please weigh the potatoes for me.

Natasha smiles and puts cubes into the bag.

Natasha: How many kilograms should you put on, two or three?

Dasha: Put it down, my daughter and I will fry the whole package at home in a frying pan.

Natasha lays the package on the scales, Dasha hands the package, smiles, you are charged 40 rubles, you need to pay at the cash register, we have a cashier there

Dasha: here, please take it.

Dasha extends her hands and hands candy wrappers to the cashier.

Kira approaches Natasha and Dasha, takes the package from Dasha and speaks in a harmful voice.

Kira: I don’t like playing you Natasha with Dasha and Dasha, but I’m bored.

Educator: Where is the head? I need to check the documents to see if the driver brought all the vegetables.

The conflict between the girls stops, Kira runs to check the boxes. He counts on a calculator and writes on a piece of paper with a pencil.

Nastya approaches Kira and asks to take her into the game.

Nastya: Kira, let me help, I want it too.

Kira: I can handle it myself, I don’t need help. And you’re not playing with us at all!

The teacher invites Kira to accept Nastya, explaining that the store needs packers, otherwise it is very difficult for the seller to work alone and sell goods and pack vegetables.

Kira persistently refuses Nastya and explains to her that she can cope without her help.

Nastya is very offended, comes up to Dasha and says.

Nastya: Dasha, can I be your daughter and we can go to the store together?

Dasha happily agrees, puts a scarf on Nastya, and takes the bag.

Dasha: We’re late, my daughter takes Nastya’s hand and leads her to the store.

Dasha: Hello, I need to buy apples for my daughter. She's pale, maybe I don't have enough vitamin?

Nastya: Mom, buy me bananas, well, buy them. Nastya persistently and capriciously asks to be bought bananas.

Dasha: be patient, we don’t have enough money, when we come home I’ll take some more money.

Kira: hello, don’t worry, we’ll give you a loan, what does your daughter want? Kira smiles and looks at Nastya friendly.

Kira: Natasha, write down the bananas for the customers.

Natasha: you owe 5 rubles, I’ll write it down in your notebook

Natasha takes a notebook and writes something with a pencil.

At this time, Artem collected lotto in a wicker basket.

Artem: I brought cucumbers, where they need to be unloaded.

Here all the children come up, take part in the game and begin to place lotto (cucumbers) with other vegetables.

Kira: let’s continue the game after class, huh?

Natasha: there’s not much time there, we’ll go for a walk.

Educator: It’s okay guys, we’ll finish the game later.

Gena: Everything will be broken for us anyway.

Analysis plot-role-playing games.

The concept of the game, setting game goals and objectives.

1.How does the idea of ​​the game come about?

2. Is the idea of ​​the game discussed with a partner?

3. How sustainable is the game concept? Does the child see the perspective of the game?

4. Is the concept static or develops as the game progresses? How often is there improvisation in the game?

5. Is he able to formulate a game goal? Verbalize the game task and offer it to other children.

1.What constitutes the main content of the game (action with objects, everyday or social relationships between people).

2.How diverse is the content of the game? How often are games with the same content repeated? What is the ratio of subject household games, reflecting social relations.

Game plot

1.How diverse are the game’s plots? Indicate their name and quantity. (from a conversation with a teacher.

2. what is the stability of the plot of the game, how much does the child follow one plot.

3. How many events does the child combine into one plot?

4. How developed the plot is. Does he represent the flower of events or at the same time the child is a participant in several events included in the plot.

5.How the ability to jointly build and creatively develop the plot of the game is demonstrated. What are the sources of the game's plots?

Fulfilling the role and interaction of children in the game.

1.Whether the role being performed is indicated by a word and when (during the game or before the game).

2.What means does he use to interact with his playing partner (role-playing speech, objective actions).

3. What are distinctive features role-playing dialogue (directed towards a toy, real or imaginary partner).

4. Does and how does it convey the characteristic features of the characters?

5. How does he participate in the distribution of roles? Who manages the distribution of roles. What roles does he most often play - main or secondary? How do you feel about the need to perform secondary roles?

6.What does the child prefer: play alone or join a play group? Describe this association: number. Stability and nature of relationships.

7.Does the child have favorite roles? And how many roles it can play in different games.

Game actions and game items.

1. Does the child use substitute play objects and which ones? On what basis does he select substitute items and transform them for use in the game.

2. Does verbal designation provide substitute objects, and how easily does it do so?

3.Who is the initiator of the choice of a substitute item, the child himself or an adult. Does he offer his replacement option to his partner?

4. Does he use figurative toys in play and how often? Does the child have favorite toys?

5. Characteristics of game actions: the degree of generality, breadth of diversity, adequacy, consistency of one’s actions with the actions of a game partner. What is the role of words in the implementation of game actions.

6. How does he perceive an imaginary situation, does he understand its conventions, does he play with imaginary objects.

Game rules.

1. Do the rules serve as game regulators? Does the child understand the rules?

2. How does the child correlate the fulfillment of the rules with the role he has taken on?

3.Does he monitor other children’s compliance with the rules? How does he react to violation of the rules by his playing partners?

4. How do you feel about your playing partner’s comments regarding his compliance with the rules?

Achieving game results

1. How does the original idea relate to its implementation in the game?

2. Does the child correlate his plan with the achieved result?

3 by what means the implementation of the plan is achieved.

Features of conflicts in the game

1.What do conflicts most often occur about (distribution of roles, implementation of rules, etc.)

2.What are the ways to resolve conflicts?

Game environment

1. Does the game environment prepare in advance or pick up items as the game progresses?

2. Does it use a gaming environment?

The role of an adult in guiding the game

1. Does the child turn to an adult during play and for what reason?

2. Does the adult offer to take part in the game?

With the proposal of the child Kira, the desire to reproduce the world of adults gives rise to the child’s need for partner interaction, which is realized in longer communication with other children. Imitation of relationships between adults in their social life is intensified due to the expansion of children’s ideas about the world around them and the further development of gaming skills. Complicating game plans. There is a need for a chain of roles (Store manager, cashier, salesperson, loader, driver), coordination of role actions (the loader unloads the goods brought by the driver, the jealous woman checks the availability of goods, customers are waiting for new products), the ability to agree on a game, determine role behavior according to turns plot (while the loader is unloading the goods, the buyer decides in different ways what to do: stay at home at this time and dress his daughter for the store. The manager counts the goods brought, etc.

Real relationships are connected with the organization of the game; they determine the children - the leaders, the organizers of the game, Kira and Natasha (agree on the start of the game; distribute roles, accept or not accept others into the game).

In play, children show increased interest, initiative and independence; They play with enthusiasm, introducing something new every time.

When playing roles, children widely use not only knowledge about professions, but also develop children’s imagination using substitute objects; potato cubes, lotto - cucumbers, candy wrappers - money, ring throw - steering wheel, chair - car. The child’s actions with substitute objects are based on the known qualities of the real object from which the “portrait” is copied and used by the child in his world-building work. The child feels like an omnipotent creator of his own world, in which nothing is impossible for him. The more objects and toys a child has at hand that can be used in accordance with his own ideas (cubes, spools, bottles, pebbles, etc.), the more favorable conditions his imagination will develop.

The sources of the plot game are the teacher’s conversation with the children about professions and the reading of poetry.

Expanded children's understanding (through stories, reading a book, looking at illustrations, playing a didactic game;

I was interested in: “What are you playing?”;
- suggested new game actions;
- offered new roles;
- contributed optional equipment or offered to make it together with the children;
- suggested new game situations;

Involved timid, shy children in the game (by direct proposal “Take it to play”, by introducing a new role);

Prevented or eliminated conflicts that arose (over toys, over roles, over following rules);

What means does he use to interact with his playing partner (role-playing speech, objective actions).

Speech etiquette skills (address, introduction, greeting, request, apology, congratulations, farewell, etc.);

Ability to communicate in pairs or groups of 3-5 people;

The ability to communicate to plan joint actions, achieve results and discuss them, participate in the discussion of a specific topic.

Non-verbal skills (non-verbal) - appropriate use of facial expressions and gestures.

Target: the following tasks:

Development of gaming activities

Game components

The concept of the game, setting game goals and objectives.

The idea of ​​the game is more stable, but not static, but developing. Children jointly discuss the idea of ​​the game, take into account their partner’s point of view, and reach a common decision. A long-term perspective of the game appears, which indicates a high level of development of gaming creativity. During the game, children outline a general plan, include new ideas in its duration and formulate a planned, coherent game combined with improvisation.

In play, children create models of various relationships between people

Game plot

The ability to jointly build and creatively develop the plot of the game is improved. It is common for children to learn as much as possible about what they are playing. Social themes occupy a significant place in their games; they combine knowledge in games, drawn from observation, the teacher’s story, books, and films, in a bolder and more varied way.

Game actions, game items

Game actions are often replaced by words. Children carry out play actions with objects - substitutes, natural materials, toys. Ancillary materials are widely used in the game. As the game progresses, they select or replace the necessary materials

Rules of the game

Children understand that following rules is a condition

The role of an adult in guiding the game

Observation and analysis of preschool children's construction play.

Protocol for observing the construction play of older children.

The plot of the game: “Houses on our street.”

Observation date: 09.24.2016

Game duration: 20 minutes.

After breakfast, Mark (5 years old 6m) comes up to Artem (5 years old), Roma (6 years old 8 years old), Natasha (6 years old), Polina (6 years old 1 year old) and asks.

Will you be building today? “Take me to your game, I’ll give you the cubes” Artem Roma is building a house for Natasha. Children portray construction workers. Mark delivers the material. Roma is building a house, and Natasha is building a fence around the house. Roma rebuilds the house several times and tries to make it beautiful. He walks away, looks, and then changes something. Natasha made a fence and wanted to help Roma, but Roma noticed that his hedge turned out to be ugly. “I’m building a beautiful house, but the fence is bad. Make a gate. And you can put up flags, you’ll see, it will be good.” At a distance, the girls set up a dining room. “The canteen manager,” Polya, calls on the phone: “Please bring some compote.”
Construction workers ask for food.
Fields. We'll bring you soup and compote now.
Teacher. You don’t have to carry it, let the workers come to you for lunch during their breaks.
The girls begin to build tables from large building materials, chairs, and arrange the dishes: “Oh, soon the workers will come for lunch, but we’re not ready yet!”

Artem: approaches the girls and says, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you build a dining room.” Mark approached Artem, holding out large cubes and suggesting, “Let’s build a dining room out of these cubes?”

The boys began to build an enclosed space; they built chairs and tables in it.

Artem “We did a better job, put the dishes on our table. Our workers will come now.”

Polya and Natasha begin to put down plates and cups.

At first, Mark looked closely and provided the necessary material. Gradually he became not only an assistant, but also an equal participant in the playing group. Together with the children I discussed what would be best to build. Roma suggested that Mark build a Cinema “Mark, build a cinema. so that we don’t get bored after work, let’s go watch cartoons.” Mark often defended his proposal. The two-way influence on the part of the teacher and the children had a significant impact on Mark.

Mark laid bricks evenly on top of each other, placed cubes on them, a cylinder on the cubes, and a cone on the cylinder.

Natasha approached Mark and offered him her help, “Mark, let’s build a fence like Roma’s, she’s healthy.”

Mark agreed with Natasha.
Construction games occupy a much larger place in the lives of children in the older group than in the younger group. This is due to the fact that the experience of children in the sixth year of life is wider and more diverse. The need to express one’s impressions about the environment, about buildings, transport, the work of adults, about various phenomena in the life of a family and kindergarten determines the nature and content of the game.
Children 5-7 years old are much more independent than children 4 years old. The range of their information about the phenomena of life, about building materials and their properties is wider and more complete than that of children of the younger group. They have richer sensory experiences; it is mainly obtained at the previous age level and is replenished every day in the process of the child’s individual development.
Children of this age have wider motor capabilities - greater freedom and speed of movement, greater accuracy of movements, their dexterity; With appropriate exercises, a significant development of the fine muscles of the children’s hands is achieved, which creates the prerequisites for the independent production of some things and toys necessary for play.
In the process of upbringing and learning, children develop qualities that open up new opportunities for managing construction play and allow them to set new educational tasks: developing intelligence, the ability to actively attract and combine ideas about buildings, transport, and various labor processes. The ability for more accurate perception, finer differentiation of shape and size creates the opportunity to rely more on the visual perception of the finished building, drawing, photograph, which can, under certain conditions, help the teacher in the development of children’s construction activities.

Considering the issue of pedagogical guidance of construction games in the senior group, one cannot help but recall the prerequisites that ensure the success of this guidance. The most important of these prerequisites is the accumulation of the first experience of construction play in children, for whom this game is a new activity.
Without the ability to build, children do not achieve results, and this prevents them from developing a positive attitude towards building play. The most effective ways to accumulate first construction experience is a joint game between the teacher and the child, during which he shows how to make this or that building, draws attention to the successful constructions of children who know how to build well, recommends the simplest building material at the beginning of the work, and then As you master it, it offers more complex ones. This is helped by the creative atmosphere in which children entering kindergarten for the first time find themselves. Some children, at first timidly, and then more and more boldly, join the games of “experienced builders”

Analysis of a construction game.

Amount of children five children took part in the game

Name of the game " Houses on our street"

Educator Cherepenina Nina Konstantinovna

Questions for analysis

Gaming activity analysis

Number of children playing

Who is the initiator of the game

Availability of building materials attributes

Constructor. Flags, toys.

Creating interest in the game

In older groups, children spend a long time building quite complex buildings, incl. using construction sets, practically comprehending the simplest laws of physics. At the same time, the child is fascinated by the process of creation and design. The construction of a building, the making of a toy is what the game is all about: the children agree on what they will build, in what ways, and distribute roles (construction manager, architect, drivers, masons, etc.).

Children's relationships in play


Ability to negotiate

Mutual aid


The desire to always be first

The role of the educator

Helps distribute roles

Makes interesting suggestions for organizing the game

Plays with children

Helps with advice
So, when teaching children construction games, the teacher uses a set of various techniques aimed at developing children’s creativity, constructive skills, and combining the child’s intellectual and practical activities. The teacher teaches children to think about upcoming game actions, develops intelligence, and encourages guessing. For example, it teaches how to compare (how buildings are similar and how they differ)

In the older group there is provision but training children planning collective construction games, identifying participants by prior agreement, using construction skills not only from a visual example, but also from drawings and photographs of various structures. In the process of teaching constructive skills, demonstration of construction methods with an explanation of construction techniques, and formulation of a problematic problem (how to build a building for a school) are also used.

The basis of construction-constructive play is the activity of children, where they reflect the life around them in various buildings with the help of various materials and play activities with them. Like any creative game, it has structural elements - motive, game design, roles, rules, game actions, result.

Game duration

Game duration is 20 minutes

Construction games belong to the group of creative games. They are to some extent similar to role-playing games and are considered by some researchers as its variety. For example, in programs for preschool institutions they are classified in the section of role-playing games. And, indeed, they have one source - surrounding life, and children unite on the basis of common interests, joint activities, and both types of games are collective in nature.

However, there are significant differences between construction-constructive and plot-role-playing games: in the plot-role-playing game, primarily various phenomena are reflected and relationships between people are mastered, and in construction-constructive play, the main thing is the constructive creativity of children and the development of interest in technology.

It is important for the teacher to take into account the relationship between games and building materials with other types of games (role-playing, theatrical, active, didactic). Thus, construction often arises in the process of role-playing game and is caused by it. It kind of sets the goal for the construction game. For example, the children decided to play sailors, so the need arose to build a ship. However construction game It can arise as an independent game, and this or that game develops on its basis. For example, children build a dining room and then play cooks and visitors.

Observation and analysis of the theatrical play of the senior group.

Protocol for observing the theatrical play of children in the senior group

The name of the game is "Little Red Riding Hood"

Game duration: 25 minutes

Danil K came to the group in the morning and told the children how he was in Nizhny at the puppet theater at the performance of “Little Red Riding Hood” over the weekend.

All the guys started asking Educator for her to read the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

Educator suggested to the children, “Let’s show you a performance based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood.” Remember, swami, we showed our mothers a fairy tale at the spring festival?

The children agreed with great desire and began to agree among themselves who would play Little Red Riding Hood.

Sasha Yu “I want to play Little Red Riding Hood”, Vika B began to shout down and push Sasha “I want too”

Educator“Girls, don’t swear, we will choose the characters of the fairy tale according to the counting rhyme, so it won’t be offensive to anyone, do the guys agree?”

The children agree and the teacher chooses the characters

Sasha Yu – Little Red Riding Hood

Alyosha K – Gray Wolf

Masha R – mother of Little Red Riding Hood

Julia P and Anya B - Flowers

Vika B – Grandma

Dima Ch and Egor S – lumberjacks

Progress of the game:

Educator"I will be the announcer"

Sasha Yu “who is the announcer?”

Educator"the announcer tells a fairy tale from the author"

Educator introduces attributes to the theatrical play of grandma's house, fir trees representing a forest, and includes calm, quiet music and birdsong.

A girl lives in the forest

And he dances and sings.

Everyone loves her and is waiting for her

The name is Little Red Riding Hood

She lives here alone with her mother.

She loves her grandmother.

Sit back, viewer.

And look carefully

This is a saying, not a fairy tale

The fairy tale will be ahead.

Music is playing. Masha R: Mom bakes pies, Sasha Yu: Little Red Riding Hood tries on a cap and shows off in front of the mirror.

Kr. Cap: Mommy, can you go for a walk?

Should I pick some flowers?

Mom: Well, of course, take a walk,

Make sure you don't get lost.

I need to go see grandma

Treat you to some pies.

Kr. Riding Hood: I won't go far.

You call and I will come.

Masha R: Mom brings the pies to the oven. Mom's dance. Mom takes the already baked pies from the oven and collects the basket.

Mom: Where do you go, fidget?

Show yourself to me.

Kr. Riding Hood: What, my mommy?

Should I go to grandma's?

Mom: Get ready to hit the road

And take a basket with you.

Pies with cabbage

They turned out delicious.

Greetings to grandma.

Be careful, my light.

Mom and Little Red Riding Hood leave the stage.

Storytellers appear. .


So she went on her way

In a scary forest all alone?

And the forest is not at all scary

There are a lot of miracles in it.

No. Flowers dance in it,

and the moon and the stars.

It's easy and simple.

DanceKr. Hats and flowers.

Flowers leave the stage, Little Red Riding Hood collects flowers. Suddenly a wolf appears and hides behind a tree. The announcer looks out from behind the screen.


Be careful, beware

The wolf is coming

Run, save yourself.

The wolf attacks Little Red Riding Hood. She runs away from him and hides behind a tree.

Alyosha K: Wolf, where are you in a hurry, girl?

Kr. Cap: To grandma's at the edge of the forest.

Wolf: Where does grandma live?

Kr. Riding Hood: Over there, there are geese walking

Wolf: What's in your basket?

Kr. Cap: There are pies with potatoes.

Wolf: So you're going the wrong way

The road is safer.

Kr. Riding Hood: Thank you, Wolf, for your advice.

Wolf: Goodbye, be careful.

Little Red Riding Hood leaves, and the wolf walks along the road and dances. Storytellers appear.


Oh, how cunning is the insidious wolf

so deceived the poor thing.

And I went the other way

I'm scared for grandma.

The wolf approaches the grandmother's house.

Wolf: Oh, that’s where grandma lives

The village is not bad.

Oh, someone seems to be coming

Now I'll scare them away.

Dance of village girls. The girls run away, the wolf knocks on the house.

Wolf: Well, it's time to eat

Grandmother: Who came there, tell me?

Wolf: Your granddaughter has come to you. Open it quickly.

Grandmother: Pull the rope on the door and open these doors.

The screen slides apart, the wolf attacks the grandmother and eats her. Storytellers appear.

Oh, how poor

Caught in the Wolf's mouth

And probably Riding Hood

Risks being caught in the mouth.

Oh oh oh

Music plays and Little Red Riding Hood appears. He approaches the door and knocks.

Wolf: Who came there?

Kr. Sh.: Oh, it’s me, grandma.

Your granddaughter.

Wolf: Hurry up, pull it, there’s a lace there

And pressing the handle.

Kr. Sh.: Well, hello, my grandmother.

I came to visit you.

Wolf: How glad I am to see you

Did you bring me the bones? (Ouch)

Kr. Sh.: I brought you pies

Another greeting from mom.

Wolf: Well, I don’t eat pies, after all.

Place them next to the Panama hat.

Kr. Sh.: Grandma, your eyes are so huge

Wolf: So that I can see you better, that’s why they’re big

Kr. Sh.: And the ears, grandma, and the nose

After all, before there were fewer

Wolf: To better hear your question

And remember what was forgotten.

Kr. Sh.: And the teeth, my grandmother,

How huge!

Wolf: And this is to eat you

Kr. Sh.: oh, mom, help me!

The wolf pounces on the girl and runs behind the screen behind her. He comes out and sits in the house. The screen closes.


Poor thing, she was not saved

Now grandma is not alone.

Oh, do you hear, somewhere in the forest

They knock and knock to no avail.

You need to call them for help

let them teach the wolf a lesson.

Lumberjacks appear.


1: Do you hear screaming in the forest?

2: Maybe we saw a fox.

1: What if someone needs help there?

2: Let's run quickly.

1: I'll take the axe.

They run to grandma's house. The screen opens.

1: Oh, brothers, it’s a wolf!

2: Pot-bellied, ate someone.

1: catch him quickly. Hey wolf! It's time for you to work.

The wolf and the woodcutters run away behind the screen. The storytellers come out.


Hurray, grandma is saved!

And our heroine.

And the wolf was left without a tail

I even cried out of grief.

Good is always stronger than evil

And even fairer.

And let every wolf remember

he will be punished for his evil.

The final dance of all the heroes without the wolf. Children dance with red and white flowers.

Analysis of theatrical play.

Amount of children 7 children took part in a theatrical game

Name of the game Fairy tale by Sh Pero “Little Red Riding Hood”

Teacher (full name)

Questions for analysis

Gaming activity analysis

Number of children playing

7 children took part in a theatrical play

Julia, Anya, Alyosha, Masha, Sasha, Dima, Egor

Who is the initiator of the game

The initiator of the game is Daniil K, who visited Nizhny Novgorod and, under impressions, talked about the theater he visited with his parents

Availability of paraphernalia

Mom's house, grandmother's house, fir trees depicting a forest, flowers. Costumes of the Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Lumberjack.Mom

How are roles distributed?

The teacher uses a rhyme to select the actors from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

Relationships between children in play


Ability to negotiate



Negative manifestations in relationships

The conflict between the girls Vika and Sasha is the desire to be the main character, the conflict is resolved by the teacher in the proposal to choose a hero according to the rules.

Creative manifestations of children: in choosing the theme of the game, distribution of roles, movements, creation and use of conditions and attributes, inventing variants of familiar literary works

Continue to develop interest in theatrical play by actively involving children in play activities. Make them want to try themselves in different roles. To complicate the game material by setting more and more promising artistic tasks for children, changing the tactics of working on a game or performance.

Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust. Giving each child the opportunity to have a say in preparing for the performance.

Methods and techniques to help children convey images accurately and expressively

Invite the children to listen to the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” and at the same time highlight the corresponding characters. Invite children to repeat the words of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Offer to play out the heroes of the fairy tale.

Educational – develop learning skills in children to answer questions and not interrupt the speaker. Cultivate positive personality traits - self-confidence, courage, and the ability to empathize.

Educational – expand the active vocabulary using adjectives. Denoting quantity. Use nouns in the suggested case with prepositions in speech. Ability to imitate; ability to coordinate actions during staging

Developmental – develop the child’s auditory and visual attention

Teaching storytelling

Game over. Summarizing

Game duration

Continue to develop interest in theatrical play by actively involving children in play activities. Encourage children to try themselves in different roles.

To complicate the play material by setting children more and more promising (from the point of view of drama) artistic tasks: “You were eaten by a wolf, and then the woodcutters saved you and you are healthy and unharmed” “This role has not been revealed to anyone”, changing the tactics of working on the play.

Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to speak out about the preparation for the performance and the process of the game. Teach children to create creative groups to prepare for the performance, using all available opportunities. Learn to build a line of behavior in a role using attributes of costume details made with your own hands. Encourage improvisation and the ability to feel free in a role. To cultivate artistic qualities in children, to reveal creative potential, involving children in theatrical performances. Provide children with the opportunity to perform in front of their peers.

Theatrical activity will not appear by itself. The leading role in this belongs to the teacher and the entire teaching staff. It is necessary that the teacher himself be able not only to read or tell something expressively, to be able to look and see, listen and hear, but also to be ready for any “transformation”, that is, he himself has mastered the basics of acting, as well as the basics of directing skills . This is what leads to an increase in his creative potential and helps organize children’s theatrical activities.

Observation and analysis of the director's play of a preschooler.

Protocol for observing the director's play of older children

The name of the game is “Chicken Ryaba”

Game duration: 10 minutes

Progress of the game

In the afternoon, Marina A from the younger group came to the group and asked to help the children of the older group cut out the characters from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”: a grandfather, a woman, a hen, a mouse, a white egg and a golden egg. The teacher showed the pictures and asked to stick the cards on cardboard and cut them out.

Julia P and Vika B willingly agreed to help.

Yulia P and Vika B – fulfilled the teacher’s request

YulyaP suggests to the teacher “let’s show the kids the fairy tale The Roasted Hen?”

Teacher “Well done Julia, you offered to show the kids a fairy tale. Let's call them and show them"

Teacher “Vika, put on your chicken hat. Say: “Hello children. I am a chicken. I invited you to visit. I want to take you to the clearing of fairy tales and tell you a very interesting fairy tale!”

Victoria repeated all the words of the teacher, wearing a chicken hat.

Vika “offered to stand behind the chicken (behind herself) and go to the fairy meadow (carpet in the group room)

Then Julia came up and helped the kids sit down more comfortably. She placed a screen on the table and asked the children to listen carefully to the story.

Vika and Yulia tell the children the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.

As the plot of the fairy tale develops, all the acting characters of the fairy tale are sequentially put on the table - figurines that the girls themselves helped make for the tabletop puppet theater.

Julia suggested that the kids look at the figures and asked the children, “Who came to visit you?

The girls invited the kids to choose and show the fairy tale character they liked best and name him.

When telling a fairy tale, the girls changed the intonation of their voices and facial expressions changed.

Yulia P “Guys, tell me what the chicken likes to peck?”

The kids were silent.

Vika B took out two bowls, one with beans and the other with peas, took the chicken and imitated how the chicken pecked the beans, voicing the chicken “Ko! Ko! Ko!”

Vika B “Chicken Ryaba loves beans and peas”

Julia “Well, the fairy tale is over, and we say goodbye to you”

The girls smile and go to their group in good moods.

Director's play, which emerges in older preschool age, bears little resemblance to its first form that we observed in children. But its essence remains the same. It still involves coming up with a plot that unites different objects, it is also presented objectively, and the child also plays all the roles in it. True, the plots become more complex, the objective environment sometimes only serves as a trigger, often giving way to the children’s own literary creativity, and roles are sometimes difficult to identify, since the child always accompanies his actions with speech, and sometimes replaces all actions with it. The director's play of older preschoolers can take place without many objects, but as a child's communication with one particular toy. The dialogue between a child and a toy is based on his own experience of communicating with people.

Analysis of watching the director's play.

Amount of children Vika Brunova (5l 9m) Yulia Plechikova (7)

Name of the game "Chicken Ryaba"

Educator Romashova Marina Afinogentovna, Cherepenina Nina Konstantinovna

Questions for analysis

Gaming activity analysis

Number of children playing

Vika Brunova and Yulia Plechikova

Who is the initiator of the game?

Yulia Plechikova

Availability of benefits attributes

Chicken's cap

Fairy tale character figurines made by girls for tabletop puppet theater

Chicken Ryaba, Grandfather, Baba, Mouse, a simple egg and a golden egg, Two bowls, one with beans, the other with peas

Creating interest in the game

The interest was created by the teacher from the younger group, M.A. Romashova, asking the children for help, and N.K. Cherepenina involved the children in tabletop theater crafts

Relationships between children in play

Enter into communication;

maintain and complete communication (listen and hear the interlocutor, prove your point of view). Speech skills themselves

speak logically and coherently);

Speak expressively at a normal pace, use the intonation of the dialogue.

Speech etiquette skills (address, introduction, greeting, request, apology, congratulations, farewell, etc.).

Ability to communicate in pairs or groups of 2 people;

The ability to communicate to plan joint actions, achieve results and discuss them, participate in the discussion of a specific topic.

Non-verbal skills (non-verbal) - appropriate use of facial expressions and gestures.

Negative manifestations in relationships

The role of the educator

Organization of a development environment;

Creating an emotionally positive tone of communication;

Provide leadership to the director's game, promoting the development of relationships with peers within the game.

The teacher makes interesting suggestions for organizing the game (show the kids what the chicken eats, how it pecks grains)

Methods and techniques used by the teacher during the game

Create interest in game-creation receiving interest. The method of organizing the game is individual from two children

Educational– develop the ability to imitate; coordinate your actions with the actions of other children

Educational- improve general and fine motor skills; introduce new verbs and adjectives into the children’s active vocabulary; retell fragments of a fairy tale together with young children; use the prepositions “on”, “in” in active speech.

Developmental– continue to develop children’s visual and auditory perception.

A means of expressive speech for children

The child uses different expressive speech means. creates an image of each character, the child changes intonation, rate of speech, volume, emotionally colors speech, uses various suffixes and imitation sounds

Creating an emotionally positive tone of communication;

Provide direction for directing games, facilitating the development of relationships with peers within the game.

Development of the grammatical side of speech. In a similar way, the heroes of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” were played out; the preschooler uses different means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness.

End of the game, summing up

1. Development of interest in other people, the desire to understand them, the need for communication

2. Development of children's communication skills, knowledge about norms and rules of behavior;

3. Development of gaming skills, skills of adequate behavior, imagination and creativity;

4. Formation in children of a positive attitude towards others, correct self-esteem and balanced emotional states.

Game duration

It would seem that, carrying such a positive impulse, director's play should be widely used in working with children. However, raising children by such means is slow and not always successfully implemented in practice. Often the director's game turns into an optional, auxiliary event that can only entertain. Teachers point out these mistakes. In this regard, the problem, from my point of view, is the need to realize that this type of children's activity, such as director's play, creates the most favorable conditions for the development of communicative and speech activity in children of senior preschool age and lays the foundation for the formation of the necessary communication skills.

The system of work of a teacher with children of senior preschool age to teach directing skills

The problem of developing director's games is associated with the creation of pedagogical conditions:

Organization of a development environment;

Creating an emotionally positive tone of communication;

Provide direction for directing games, facilitating the development of relationships with peers within the game.

However, in order to use the game as a means of developing the communicative abilities of preschoolers, it is necessary to carry out: an individual approach, observation of children, and carry out special work on drawing up the plot of the game.

During the director's play, the child should under no circumstances be disturbed, pressure should be applied, the child should be compared with other children, his manifestations should be judged, or his feelings and emotions should be ignored. It is necessary to provide children with freedom and the opportunity to show inner activity. Therefore, it is necessary to create an individual space, provide them with space and time.

Target: The goal of our work is to develop the communication skills of older preschoolers: to reconstruct the child’s full contacts with peers, as well as to identify possible solutions the following tasks:

1. Development of interest in other people, the desire to understand them, the need for communication

2. Development of children's communication skills, knowledge about norms and rules of behavior;

3. Development of gaming skills, skills of adequate behavior, imagination and creativity;

4. Formation in children of a positive attitude towards others, correct self-esteem and balanced emotional states.

Having analyzed the experience of working with children of senior preschool age, the conclusion was made: director’s games can be used as a means of developing communication abilities, since it is in the game that you can help the child establish contact with the outside world, as well as with peers and adults.

Director's games are a type of independent story games. Unlike role-playing games, in which the child tries on roles for himself, in director's play the characters are exclusively toys. The child himself remains in the position of a director who controls and directs the actions of the toy-artists, but does not participate in the game as a actor. Such games are not only very entertaining, but also useful. “Voicing” the characters and commenting on the plot, the preschooler uses different means of verbal and nonverbal expressiveness. The predominant means of expression in these games are intonation and facial expressions; pantomime is limited, since the child acts with a stationary figure or toy. The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, planar and volumetric, puppet (bibabo, finger, puppets), etc.

The main feature of communication is that emotional processes come to the fore. Therefore, in conversation with the child and during play, emphasis is placed on developing children’s emotional responsiveness. In a communication situation, based on vivid emotional experiences, the child develops a desire and need for cooperation, and new relationships arise with the world around him. This stage represents a built system.

In order to set up children for joint constructive and productive activities to create an object-based play environment, for the development of director's games, a friendly atmosphere in the group, an emotionally liberated, positive tone, interested the children, using the technique of a surprise moment (Galina Aleksandrovna, upon arriving in the group, greeted children in a friendly tone, smile). The children immediately had a desire to communicate. Galina Aleksandrovna attracted the children’s attention with her “Theatrical Board Game” crafts, which contained a variety of multifunctional materials. During the activity, any successes of children were assessed positively, the principles of equality and cooperation with children were observed. Sincere interest, the child's trust, and tactful assistance helped to carry out our plans. Next, we made “universal layouts” for acting out plots and implementing the plans of director’s games. We created a game problem situation.

Observation and analysis of the didactic game of preschoolers.

Protocol for observing the didactic play of children in the senior group

The name of the game is "Magic Belt"

Game duration: 20 minutes

Progress of the game

Roma Buyarakov brought a new game from home.

Educator “Roma, I’m wondering what kind of box you have?”

Roma B “This game is called “Magic Belt,” my mother bought it for me, but I’m bored at home alone, playing it isn’t even a little interesting.”

Educator “Roma, let’s now try to play your game with a group of guys?”

Children examine the game, the teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game.

Educator “Let’s play with the “magic belt” using the set “ geometric figures" We arrange the figures in the belt in any order. We conceive a figure (for example, a circle). The presenter, if desired, places a mark in the middle of the belt. Asking questions"

Roma B “Let's choose a driver, who wants to be the leader?”

The children start arguing, everyone wants to be the leader.

Angelina Me, “let’s choose a presenter again using a little counting rhyme?”

All the children agree and stand in a circle. Roma begins the counting rhyme.

The car was walking through a dark forest,

Out of some interest.

Inte, inte, interest

Come out with the letter s,

The letter c didn't fit.

The cross girl came out,

And behind the girl is beauty

A young guy came out.

Roma B “Anya B came out, so she will be the driver”

Sasha Yu “I won’t play your stupid game, play it yourself, I won’t”

Sasha leaves in tears because she was not chosen as the driver

Educator “Sasha should not be angry with the guys, we must follow the rules of the game”

Anya places the magic belt on the mat and lays out the geometric shapes in the belt, placing a mark in the middle of the belt. A mark in the form of a flower is glued to the back of the hidden figure. This is so that Anya does not deceive other children, so that the children know for sure that Anya wished for the same figure.

Roma B: -Is this figure located to the right of the mark? Anya B: - No

Angelina Me: - Is this a plane figure? Anya B: - Yes

Dima Ch: -Is this a small figure? Anya B: -No

Artem M: -Is this a big circle? Anya B – Yes Artem, you guessed right

Teacher: “And now Artem will be the driver, he will guess the type of transport and you will guess.”

Artem takes the magic belt and exchanges the figure cards for transport cards, the children already know the rules.

Roma B: - Is this ground transport? Artem - No

Anya B: - Is this air transport? Artem - Yes

Angelina Me: - Is this a helicopter? Artem –No

Dima Ch: -Is the screw located horizontally? Artem – I didn’t answer because I didn’t understand.

Artem M: - Dima, repeat your question in a different way, I can’t answer.

Dima Ch: - Is this an airplane? Artem - Yes Dima guessed right now Dima water

Roma B: -Nina. I didn't even know that the game could be so interesting

A didactic game, as an independent gaming activity, is based on awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules have been learned by them.

The teacher should take care of complicating the games and expanding their variety. If the children's interest in the game fades (and this applies to a greater extent to board and printed games), it is necessary to come up with more complex rules together with them.

Educator: “Guys, let’s complicate the rules of the game?”

Roma B “of course, let’s do it, otherwise I’m tired of playing the same game”

Educator “Guys, I suggest we play funny games” (newspaper message). We randomly arrange the pictures in the “belt”, you guys name any four numbers (from 1 to 10). For example, let’s come up with something.”

We agree:

First number (2) – Who,

Second number (5) - With whom,

Third number (6) - What we flew on,

Fourth number (8) – Which way.

Educator “Now guys, let’s look at the “magic belt”

(see Figure 3): Let's number the pockets, we get an amazing message in the newspaper:

“The watch with the sparrow on the wolf flew into the dump truck.”

All the children laugh and ask to play more. The teacher suggests coming up with another interesting game next time.

Analysis of viewing a didactic game

Amount of children 5 children

Name of the game "magic belt"»

Educator Cherepenina Nina Konstantinovna

Questions for analysis

Gaming activity analysis

Game start time

7 hours 30 minutes – 7 hours 50 minutes

Goals of the game, their age-appropriateness in preparing children

The teacher must take into account their age capabilities. At this age, one is characterized by curiosity, observation, and interest in everything new: to find the correct solution to a problem oneself. Children do all this with great interest.

Number of children playing

Roma B, Artem M, Dima Ch, Angelina Ya, Anya B

Who is the initiator of the game

Roma B, having introduced a new game into the group, interested the children, the teacher supported and suggested playing a new game.

Game material

Game “Magic Bag” see appendix No. 13- No. 14

It is necessary to create an emotional mood for children, experiencing joy from the progress of the game and satisfaction from their results.

Carrying out the game in different options with their gradual complications

Distribution of roles

Using a counting rhyme, the driver was chosen

Children's understanding and acceptance of didactic tasks

Children develop voluntary attention and independence in solving a given task and following the rules. The game promotes mental and moral education

Children following rules

Thanks to significant gaming experience and sufficiently developed thinking, they easily perceive often verbal explanations of the game. Only in some cases does the teacher use visual demonstration



Ability to negotiate

Presence of negative qualities

At the beginning of the game there was a small conflict when choosing a driver Sasha Yu The desire to always be first

The role of the educator

The teacher plays with the children. He watches the game and helps with advice. Corrects children’s activities. It is very important for the teacher to analyze the game to see if the children have necessary knowledge, performances, ability to play a didactic game, whether everything was provided for in the organization of the environment and whether the children were active enough in the game, what moral qualities demonstrated the ability to subordinate their behavior to the rules of the game, the desire to communicate with peers

End of the game, summing up

At the end of the game, the teacher evaluates both the children’s correct solutions to game problems, as well as their moral actions and behavior, and notes their successes. The teacher supported those who did not succeed

Game duration

Observation and analysis of preschooler’s active play

Protocol for observing the active play of older children

The name of the game is "Gardeners"

Game duration: 20 minutes

Progress of the game

The outdoor game is played in the afternoon during a walk.

The teacher calls the children.


Who's coming to play?

Gather together people!

Come to me quickly

And invite your friends with you!

Then he invites the children to split into two teams. It turned out to be three teams of 6 people: 1 team “daisy” 2 team “buttercup” 3 team “dandelion”. All children participated . The teacher explains the rules.
Rules: start the game at the teacher’s signal; do not run if the previous player has not yet touched; arrange items neatly.

Children line up in 2-3 columns of 6 people behind a line on one side of the site. Those standing first in the columns they hold in their hands 5 small circles cut out of cardboard or made of willow twigs. The second children have buckets with small cubes or pebbles in their hands, the third have buckets of sand, the fourth have watering cans, the fifth have empty buckets, the sixth have no equipment. At a distance of 5–6 m from the line behind which the children stand, another line is drawn. At the teacher’s signal, those standing in the column are the first to run to the second line, lay out circles behind it - as if making holes - at a distance of a step from one another. Then, quickly returning to the end of their column, they touch those standing second with their hands as they go. The second players run behind the line and place a cube or pebble in each circle (“plant potatoes”). Those standing third run and pour a handful of sand into each circle (“fertilize the plantings”). The fourth players run up with watering cans and make imitation movements, as if watering each planting. The fifth run with buckets, “harvest” (put cubes in buckets) and return to the end of the column. And finally, the latter quickly collect the mugs. The column that “plants vegetables” and “harvests” the fastest wins.

Older children acted faster than children 1 year younger.

During the game, the teacher encouraged the children, helped the younger ones, and gave advice.

Analysis of outdoor games

Amount of children 18 children took part in the game

Name of the game "gardeners"

Educator Cherepenina Nina Konstantinovna

Questions for analysis

Gaming activity analysis

Game start time


Goals of the game, their correspondence to the age and preparation of children

Educational – to develop in children the ability to listen carefully to the rules of the game; cultivate positive personality traits (self-confidence, courage, ability to empathize).

Educational - promote the use of familiar movements, teach orientation in space.

Developmental – dexterity, ingenuity4 to develop visual and auditory attention.

Number of children playing

18 children 3 teams of 6 people

Who is the initiator of the game

The initiator of the game is the teacher

Benefits used

Children's sand buckets, watering cans, cardboard circles, pebbles, sand

Creating interest in the game in children

Explanation new game teacher

Rules: start the game at the teacher’s signal; do not run if the previous player has not yet touched; arrange items neatly.

Understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game by children, their implementation, reasons for breaking the rules

All the children accepted the rules of the game; during the game, some children broke the rules, the reasons for their violation were that the children wanted to do it faster than others, for example, Alyosha forgot to touch his hand when finishing planting potatoes. Dina didn’t sprinkle sand on the pebbles at all, but simply ran around the ring.

Distribution of roles in the game

In the team, commanders were selected; they pulled out white, blue, red pebbles from a bag, followed by the following children: a red pebble, the “dandelion” team, a blue stone, the “buttercup” team, and a white stone, “daisy”

Level of children's movements in the game

In play, a child develops as a personality; those aspects of his psyche are formed, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. The game is a testing ground for children's social testing, i.e. those tests that children choose for self-test and during which they master ways to solve problems of interpersonal relationships that arise during the game.

Level of physical qualities (agility, speed, endurance)

In the game it is clear that children have well-developed speed of movement, all children are dexterous and know how to navigate in space

Compliance with ethical standards of behavior during the game

Children are friendly to each other, provide mutual assistance to each other, know how to negotiate with each other, and empathize with their friends.

The role of the educator

Observes children's play, their behavior, and helps with advice. The teacher uses a barker at the beginning of the game

End of the game, summing up

The game ended at 11 hours and 55 minutes. The game creates the basis for a new leading activity - educational. Therefore, the most important task of pedagogical practice is to optimize and organize a special space in the kindergarten to activate, expand and enrich the play activities of preschoolers

Number of repetitions, duration of the game.

The children really liked the outdoor game “gardeners,” so the children repeated the actions with pleasure. Repeat 3 times, the total duration of the game was 20 minutes along with explanations of the rules

Olga Protsenko
Methods of conducting didactic games with preschool children

Efficiency didactic game depends on the methodology of organization and conduct. Positive results in teaching and raising children can be achieved provided that each game is aimed at achieving program objectives.

B.P. Nikitin conventionally divides didactic game in three stages. Each stage of the game corresponds to certain pedagogical tasks. At the first stage, the teacher gets children interested in playing, creates a joyful expectation of a new game, and creates a desire to play. At the second stage, the teacher acts not only as an observer, but also as an equal partner who knows how to come to the rescue in a timely manner and fairly evaluate the children’s behavior in the game. At the third stage, the role of the teacher is to evaluate children's creativity when solving game problems.

Organization didactic games are carried out by the teacher in three main directions: preparation for, her conducting and analysis.

In preparation for conducting a didactic game includes:

– game selection according to didactic tasks;

– determining the place and role of play in the system of education and upbringing;

– establishing relationships and interactions with other educational forms – educational work;

– preparation of play equipment;

– determination of the game time in the daily mode.

Conducting didactic games includes:

– familiarize children with the content of the game, with didactic material, which will be used in the game (show didactic material, a short conversation during which the children’s existing knowledge and ideas are clarified);

– an explanation of the course and rules of the game, during which the teacher draws attention to the need to strictly follow the rules;

– demonstration of game actions by the teacher;

– defining the role of the teacher in game: his participation as a player, fan or referee (the extent of the teacher’s participation in the game depends on age of children, level of their training, complexity didactic task, game rules).

– determination of the number of players;

– developing a playful mood and desire to play in children;

– managing the course of the game, ensuring the activity of all children, providing assistance to those in need;

- summing up the game.

Game analysis is directed:

– to identify methods of its preparation and carrying out;

– to identify individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children;

– complicating the game and enriching it with new material.

The teacher must observe the following: conditions:

– clearly, emotionally and expressively explain to children the task and rules of the game;

– take the position of an equal partner in the game, empathize with the players, react vividly and emotionally to the progress of the game, maintain interest in the actions of each child;

– introduce elements of competition into the game, fun competitiveness between teams, encourage fans who emotionally support the players;

– give each child the opportunity to be in the role of both a participant and a leader of the game; ensure constant change of playing roles;

– vary the tasks and rules of the game, developing the ability to arbitrarily rearrange one’s behavior in accordance with changes in the game content;

– implement an individually differentiated approach to children through the variability of game tasks and rules;

– means and methods that increase children’s emotional attitude to the game should be considered not as an end in itself, but as a path leading to fulfillment didactic tasks;

– used in didactic The game's visualization should be accessible and capacious.

Mandatory requirement for didactic games, Active participation child in them. Sometimes in practice playing games comes down to that the teacher is playing and the children are just watching. Such games are ineffective. The teacher should not do anything for the child in the game, he only needs to help. Training should take place in a relaxed, game form and be invisible. It is necessary to create conditions for games: select the appropriate didactic material and didactic toys, games. Think about how to place educational material and toys so that children can use them freely; provide a place to play.

Let's consider several options for organizing the work of a teacher to teach children the ability to set game tasks. The choice of one or another version of the manual will depend on the children’s existing gaming skills.

1. The child does not know how to set game tasks and for this reason does not join the game. In a game, an adult and a child solve it together, while the initiative first belongs to the adult, he is the bearer of the gaming experience.

2. The child already has a minor gaming experience, which is expressed in the fact that sometimes he independently sets game tasks, and sometimes experiences difficulties. Cooperative play is organized in such a way that the initiative first belongs to the adult, he prompts and advises. Gradually, the initiative passes to the child.

3. The child has mastered the ability to set game tasks, and therefore in games he sets them independently. An adult does not ignore a playing child; he encourages him, approves of him, and instills confidence. In such cases, the play initiative belongs to the child; he plays alone; an adult can join the game to assist in setting a new original, in other words, initiative play task.

The teacher leads didactic game in different ways: in classes he teaches children how to play, introduces them to the rules and game actions, and in independent games he participates as a partner or referee, monitors the relationships between children, evaluates their behavior. Games should arouse interest in children, emotionally captivate them, and this is possible if there are elements of novelty and entertainment, when new information is based on familiar facts and events.

In work, the teacher must actively lead didactic game for everyone stages: organize the game and monitor its progress; take direct part in the game; monitor the progress of the game and, if necessary, provide assistance to the players.

Thus, conducting didactic the game requires compliance with the following stages: 1) preparation for conducting a didactic game; 2)playing the game; 3) analysis played game. At conducting a didactic game in working with preschool children The teacher must comply with the conditions and requirements for didactic games.

The leading activity of a preschooler is play, with the help of which the child learns the world. It is generally accepted that a gaming deficit negatively affects the development of a child’s personality. A preschooler spends a significant part of his time in kindergarten among his peers, under the supervision of teachers. Only a teacher who is proficient in gaming technologies can achieve high results in working with children.

The importance of didactic games in kindergarten

The required minimum of teacher competencies is the ability to distinguish a didactic game (DI) from other game forms, knowledge of its structure, types, card files basic games, basic regulatory requirements. Using gaming technology, the educator should not forget that while playing, the child satisfies his key needs, masters activities such as work and study, develops and is formed as a person. Therefore, the teacher must approach the organization of children’s play activities responsibly, relying on basic pedagogical knowledge.

The concept of a didactic game

The activity of preschoolers has different forms, one of them is play activity. For a teacher, a game is both a tool for teaching and upbringing, and a form of organizing the lives of children in a preschool educational institution (DOU). It is a scientifically substantiated and practically confirmed fact that play is the most productive form of activity or directly educational activities(NOD) preschoolers.

GCD in preschool educational institutions is carried out in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations (SANPIN–13), which determine, in particular, their duration (up to 10 minutes for children, up to 30 minutes for older age groups). Note that not all games for preschoolers are didactic (they are also called subject-specific or educational). S. L. Novoselova in the “Origins” program (1997) classifies games based on who initiates them - an adult or a child. Signs by which it is easy to distinguish DI:

  • its initiator will always be an adult (teacher);
  • such a game is aimed at solving an educational problem (“didactics” translated from ancient Greek - teaching);
  • For children, the educational nature of the game should not be obvious.

In the game, preschoolers explore the world and learn to interact

It is important for the educator to understand that the educational results he wants to obtain depend on the fact that the preschooler does not know about the need to achieve them. In a gaming situation, the very possibility of activity, success, and pleasure is important to the child. Educational results are for him side effect, learning occurs unintentionally. It’s a big mistake to start the game with the words: “Your game task is to learn to distinguish colors and find objects based on this characteristic.”

Educational games have a long history, contain elements of folklore and reflect national characteristics. Such games as “Ladushki”, “The White-sided Magpie”, “The Lady” and others have survived to this day. Ancestors laid educational meaning and educational character into games, thereby passing on life experience from generation to generation, preparing children for early adult life. Currently, such games are aimed not so much at preparing preschoolers for adult life, but at organizing leisure time.

Structure of the didactic game

The productivity of DI presupposes knowledge of its structure and understanding of the connections between the main structural elements. There are 3 such elements:

  • Educational/didactic task. IN game process The teacher sets specific learning tasks that are adequate to the form and content of the game, the age group of the children: consolidation of synonymous words in the child’s active dictionary, development of fine motor skills, formation of ideas about color, and many others. What the task is can often be determined by the name of the game: “Assemble the puzzle”, “Guess musical instrument", "Name the object." Let us remind you that the educational task of a didactic game for a child is hidden. When playing, a 5-6 year old child does not seek to learn something, he is interested in the final result (winning) and having fun. Kids are not even interested in winning; they are curious about the process of gaming interaction.
  • Play actions, i.e. ways of showing the child’s activity in the game. For kids, play actions are very simple (disassemble/assemble a simple object; guess the source of the sound, find a pair); Older children are required to take more complex actions (show care, choose the correct option from a variety, name a phenomenon); in the games of children of older groups, actions of an analytical and creative nature predominate (correlate, generalize, classify, invent).
  • Rules of the game. It is important to understand that all participants, including adults, must follow the rules. The rules are determined by the educational and subject content of the game, the tasks inherent in the game, the complexity or simplicity of game actions largely depends on them. The rules of the game are determined by the initiator.

Types of didactic games

Some didactic games may include integrated tasks on speech development, the environment, mathematics and art

Based on the material used, teachers divide DI into groups:

  • didactic games with objects,
  • printed board games,
  • word games.

Didactic games with objects

Items in these games are educational material. Toys, household items, natural materials, works of decorative and applied art - everything can be used. The creative approach of the teacher allows you to organize an excellent game, using high-tech industrial toys, special gaming complexes(for example, the play set “Froebel’s Gifts”), and any available materials, even what is usually thrown away as garbage (lids, chocolate egg cases, shreds) and literally lies under your feet (leaves, pebbles). Variations of games with objects will be dramatizations, plot-didactic and didactic games with motor-oriented toys (pyramids, nesting dolls, cubes).

Ordinary pebbles painted with acrylic paints can be used as a teaching material.

August Froebel is a famous German teacher. It was he who coined the expression “children are the flowers of life.” He proceeded from the premise that “good gardeners” should raise children.

Such play sets, like Froebel's Gifts, included in the materials of the Montessori school, develop fine motor skills, color perception, logical thinking and other abilities of preschoolers

If we talk about educational tasks solved during DI with objects, then, first of all, they develop the child’s mental operations. Children develop the ability to analyze, they learn to find commonalities in objects and distinguish between them, and master the skills of handling different objects. Games with objects expand erudition and horizons, cultivate self-control of behavior and attention. Games aimed at physical development, improve coordination of movements, fine and gross motor skills.

The teacher, by modifying the content of the game, can achieve solutions to problems of varying complexity. Let's look at the example of the game “Wonderful Bag”.

Table: example of complicating the game depending on the age of the students

Junior groupLearn to recognize and name objects.Simple, easily recognizable objects, small quantities are used.
Middle groupDevelop tactile sensations, teach how to identify an object by touch.The number of objects increases, their composition becomes more complex, similar objects appear that are barely distinguishable by touch.
Senior groupDevelop the ability to write a description of an object, come up with/remember a riddle or saying, explain the purpose/possibility of application.Objects are used that require activation of the child’s mental activity and creative potential to describe them.

Board-printed games

These games help solve important educational problems:

  • broaden their horizons and clarify the child’s ideas about the world around them;
  • systematize existing knowledge;
  • develop thought processes, logic, attentiveness;
  • stimulate the imagination.
  1. Pupils of younger groups are offered pictures for easy recognition.

    Such pictures with images of animals are intended for easy recognition when working with younger preschoolers

  2. A more complex version of the same game could be like this: the animals are not presented in full color, but in the form of shadows and moved from previous places.

    The illustration shows a more complex version of the pictures, aimed at recognizing animals by their shadow

  3. The most difficult version of the game: children must guess the animal based on its outline.

    The illustration shows pictures that guide children to recognize animals by their contours

In addition to picture games, other games are widespread Board games- various lotto games, “Labyrinth” type games, construction sets, mosaics. Mostly this group games, so they have a competitive effect that stimulates children, for example, who can complete the maze the fastest. Older preschoolers are increasingly offered didactic computer games, which fully corresponds to the spirit of the times, the practice of using business games in a simplified version. Puzzles have become very popular.

Puzzles (from the English puzzle) are a game of endurance. The first puzzles were wooden and represented a map of England; they were made by the English engraver Spilsbury in 1763. These puzzles were used in school as a teaching aid and were very expensive. Only 100 years later, puzzles began to be made from cardboard and they became widely available.

The range of lotto from different manufacturers is very wide - from classic games before selecting associations.

For younger preschoolers simple lotto games are suitable, aimed at studying objects of the immediate environment, flora and fauna

More complex options Lotto games, which form the basis of literacy, counting, understanding of the world around us, etc., are intended for children of older groups.

Older preschoolers will be interested in games containing new information

Word games

They are characterized by the fact that the child’s solution to a learning task occurs as a thought process. While playing, the child imagines, fantasizes, mobilizes his existing knowledge without the help of game material, without any visual aid. During such a game, the auditory (auditory) channel of information perception is involved, which helps to solve such problems as the formation of attention, the development of speech, reaction speed, understanding of humor, allegories, and allegories. Due to the indicated specifics word games They are a little complicated for kids and are more often used when working with older children.

Among the verbal games there are many folk nursery rhymes, riddles, and jokes. As information material for word games, the teacher can use poems and short excerpts from works of art. The teacher can develop his own version of a word game or use ready-made developments, for example, by A. I. Sorokina, O. M. Dyachenko and other authors.

The attribute of many verbal games is a ball, which allows students to take turns speaking

Card index of didactic games

Modern preschool educational institutions operate in strict accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). The Standard states that preschool institutions must ensure the socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of children (clause 2.6.). Therefore, when developing a calendar-thematic plan for educational activities, the educator must take into account the classes implemented in the form of DI. The thematic plan should include games that, in terms of their educational objectives, meet the requirements of the standard.

Table: card index of didactic games in junior groups

Direction of child developmentNameTasksDescription
Speech"Wonderful chest"
  • Form an active dictionary;
  • develop a culture of speech.
The teacher takes out various objects from the chest (box), the children name the object or get acquainted with a new object.
  • Develop speech culture;
  • ability to form plurals.
The teacher has illustrations of objects in the singular, and the children have similar pictures, where there are several objects. The child whose picture matches the one shown by the teacher says what is shown on it.
Cognitive"Matryoshka"Form ideas about surrounding objects (shape, part and whole).The teacher invites the children to perform various actions with the toy: examine, assemble, disassemble.
"Pyramid"Form ideas about surrounding objects (shape, color, size, part and whole).The teacher lays out several disassembled pyramids with multi-colored rings and mixes them. Gives each child a ring of the same size and color and instructs them to find an identical pair for their ring.
Physical“Let’s recognize the color and act!”
  • To form experience in motor activity;
  • develop readiness for conscious physical activity.
The teacher keeps and distributes objects of different colors to the children. Shows objects of one or another color. If the color of the object matches between the child and the teacher, the child performs an action (runs, jumps, etc.), if it does not match, then the activity does not occur.
“Empty Place” (version of the folk game)Form strong-willed qualities and control over your behavior.Participants run around the circle from different sides. The winner takes a seat, for example, a chair, the loser takes the lead. The driver chooses his partner.
Social-communicative“What did Parsley choose?”To develop organization and mutual assistance in children.The teacher alternately demonstrates the sounds of different instruments, then continues these actions, but behind a screen, the children guess which object makes the sound.
"Silent women"Develop readiness for self-control.After the command “silence” there is silence. If the child laughs, speaks or moves, he gives the presenter a forfeit. Forfeits are “buyed back” at the end of the game.
Artistic and aesthetic"Sea"
  • Develop readiness to perceive music;
  • develop the prerequisites for understanding works of art.
The music worker (teacher) performs a musical piece, the children talk about the feelings and emotions that arise in them, and share their impressions.
"Assemble a pattern"Children collect pictures from fragments depicting folk crafts.

Table: card index of didactic games in the middle group

Direction of child developmentNameTasksDescription
Speech"Hot Cold"Add antonyms to your active dictionary.The teacher pronounces an adjective, and the child responds with an adjective with the opposite meaning. You can use a ball or other objects.
"The Beast and His Cub"
  • Form an active dictionary;
  • develop intonation and sound culture of speech.
The ball is thrown from the teacher to the child, the throw is accompanied by the name of an adult animal, the child in response names the baby of this animal.
Cognitive"Guess the time of year!"To form an idea of ​​the planet Earth, its nature, the properties of objects in the surrounding world.The teacher reads a text, a poem, a riddle about the seasons and asks the children what time of year they are talking about.
"Good bad"
  • Develop curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • form an idea of ​​the properties of objects in the surrounding world.
The teacher voices a problematic topic (for example, snowfall). Children give their assessment of the phenomenon.
Physical"Gathering the Harvest"Form motor activity, coordination, motor skills.The teacher tells the children that they are gardeners, and the balls are fruits that need to be collected in baskets. Children take turns throwing “fruits” into the basket: with their left hand - “apples”, and with their right hand - “pears”.
"The Fisherman and the Fishes"To form experience in motor activity aimed at developing coordination.Fishermen try to capture as many fish children as possible with a net (rope).
Social-communicative"Let's say hello!"
  • Develop readiness to interact with peers and adults;
  • develop social and emotional intelligence skills.
The teacher and children talk about different ways of greeting both among people and among animals, come up with their own, and demonstrate them.
"Tell about yourself"
  • Develop social and emotional intelligence skills;
  • develop self-presentation skills.
The child is asked to say his name, briefly talk about his hobbies, habits, etc.
Artistic and aesthetic"Finish the picture"Develop fantasy and imagination through visual activities.Objects are partially drawn in the pictures; you need to finish drawing and coloring the missing parts.
“Paint the handkerchief”
  • To develop the ability to have an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;
  • develop readiness for independent creative activity.
While playing, the child makes simple patterns from various decorative elements.

Table: card index of didactic games for older preschoolers

Direction of child developmentNameTasksDescription
Speech"Broken Phone"Develop auditory attention and speech skills.The teacher whispers a word to the child sitting next to him, who passes it to the child sitting next to him, etc. The last player names the word that he heard. Afterwards, the distortion of the original word is checked and the link where this occurred is determined.
"Third/fourth wheel"Strengthen the ability to perceive information by ear and speech skills.The teacher names the objects of the set and, among others, names an object that is not related to the given set; who notices an error, declares this, for example, by clapping his hands.
Cognitive“What do they plant in the garden?”To develop the ability to classify objects in the surrounding world according to the designated criteria.The teacher asks the children to answer in the affirmative if the object of the surrounding world he named is a garden plant, and vice versa.
"Houseplants"To form ideas about planet Earth and its nature.Children take turns passing a ball or other object and say the names of indoor plants.
Physical"Catch the mouse!"Players are divided into 2 groups: mousetraps and mice. The mousetraps line up in a circle, join hands and, at the command of the leader, raise their hands. Mice run through mousetraps. At the word “clap,” the children in the circle lower their hands. Some of the mice are caught and they stand in a circle. The game ends when all the mice are caught.
“Hugging salutes!”Develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination.The driver catches the players running away from him, the one caught and the driver hug and change roles.
Social-communicative"Web of Friendship"Develop a readiness for open communication, attention, and friendliness.The child winds the thread around his finger, after which he says some information about himself and throws the ball to another participant in the game. A “web” is formed in the center, by which all participants are connected.
"Postman"Develop a willingness to work in a team.The driver-postman says: “I am sending a postcard from Katya to Masha.” Katya passes the “postcard” by shaking hands with her neighbor, etc., until the “postcard” reaches the addressee. Everyone should be a postman.
Artistic and aesthetic"What it is?"Develop the ability for associative thinking.The teacher shows a certain object and suggests finding similarities with something else.
"Cloud"Develop imagination and imaginative perception of the world around you.Children look at the sky, clouds, clouds. The teacher invites you to fantasize and tell them what the clouds look like and where they float.

Note that the names of games, tasks and descriptions given in the card indexes can be specified and supplemented depending on the game situations, individual characteristics of the participants, as well as the desire of the teacher to mobilize their professional and personal potential when conducting classes in a game form. Game attributes can be very diverse, right down to improvised materials. The teacher can use game material in ready-made form, or can make it himself, including with the help of children, but for verbal games no material is required at all.

Preparing and conducting a didactic game

Conducting a didactic game is preceded by its development in the form of a summary. The abstract is compiled according to a certain scheme. Please note that there are no strict requirements for the abstract, but the following structure is generally accepted (see table).

The didactic game is built according to a certain plan

Table: structure of the didactic game outline

Structural element of a synopsisDescription/Contents
HeadingThe title indicates the name and type of game, age (group) of children, educational field according to the Federal State Educational Standard.
TasksOften teachers write “goals” instead of “tasks,” which is methodologically not entirely correct. The concept of “goal” is more closely related to the teacher’s work program in the subject area. In relation to a specific lesson, it is correct to write “tasks”. When formulating tasks, you should use verbs: “to form readiness”, “to form ability”, “to create conditions”, “to develop skills”, etc. Three or four tasks are enough. You can describe in more detail the features of the game and its educational value.
Game materialA list of necessary materials, equipment, inventory, and the required time is indicated.
Game rulesThe rules that determine the actions and productive behavior of children during the game are listed.
Preliminary workIf necessary, the activities of the teacher and children preceding the game are briefly described.
Progress of the gameIn this part, the teacher suggests detailed script, painted according to words. If you are planning a physical education session, you should schedule that as well.
GuidelinesIf necessary, you can include this section in the outline, where recommendations are given to those who will conduct the game.

Table: example of a summary of a didactic game in the middle group (fragments)

AuthorGordovskaya E. S., teacher, State Budget Educational Institution No. 1503, Moscow
Title of the lessonFind out what's changed
  • Educational: to develop the ability to correctly perform the teacher’s tasks.
  • Educational: continue to form spatial concepts in children.
  • Developmental: develop logical thinking and observation skills.
  • Puppet character Fixik,
  • screen,
  • 3 toys.
Progress of the gameChildren sit in a semicircle opposite the screen.
The game uses the puppet character Fixik. Fixie is cheerful and nimble. He constantly rearranges, moves something, and then forgets and asks the guys to tell him where he put his toys.
V.: Children, Fixik came to visit us and wants to play with you. How will we play? Fixik, tell the guys!
Fixik appears from behind a screen standing on the teacher’s table.
Fixik: Children, now we will play with you, I brought toys here: a car, a Sveta doll and a ball. Look where they stand. Where is the doll of Light?
Children: In the middle of the table.
Fixik: And the machine?
Children: To her right.
Fixik: How can you tell where the ball is?
Children: He lies to the left of Sveta.
Fixik: Guys, do you remember where the toys are?
Fixie asks the guys where each toy is.<…>
Fixie: Now I’ll cover the toys with a screen, rearrange something here, and you can guess what will change. Fine?
The teacher covers his table with a screen and rearranges it: the doll “moved” closer to the children, and behind it were a car and a ball. Fixik addresses the children: What has changed here? Where is Sveta? Only the one I name will answer. Be ready!
Next, Fixik addresses the children by name and asks questions.<…>
The screen closes again, but the rearrangement is not made.
Fixik: And now who can say what has changed? What did I rearrange?
Children: Fixie, you forgot to rearrange the toys.
Fixik: Tell me, guys, where these toys were before.
Children: They stood like that: Sveta in front, and the car and ball behind.
The fixie rearranges the toys behind the screen and talks to them. The doll is placed on the side, and the car and ball remain in the middle of the table. Children guess, name the words on the side, in the middle, on the left.
At the end of the game, the teacher and children discuss what they played. The children answer, and the teacher complements and corrects the children’s answers.
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Video: musical and didactic game in the younger group

Video: didactic game in mathematics in the middle group

Video: didactic game on patriotic education

Analysis and evaluation of didactic games in kindergarten

DI has a great semantic load and importance in the formation of a child’s personality, so it must be effective. The assessment is carried out on the following key points:

  • the feasibility of carrying out this particular game with specific children;
  • compliance of educational tasks with the age and psychophysiological characteristics of students;
  • Didactic material must be safe, aesthetic and appropriate for the age of the students

    Questions about the methodology for conducting the game itself also require an answer: what is the role of the teacher as an initiator and leader, what methods of coordinating and organizing children’s play activities were used.

    Table: sample protocol for evaluating a didactic game

    Age group
    Amount of children
    Name of the game
    Questions for analysisActivity analysis
    Game start time
    Didactic tasks
    Number of children playing
    Who is the initiator of the game
    Game material
    Children's understanding and acceptance of didactic tasks
    Children following rules
    Compliance with ethical standards of behavior (underline)
    • Goodwill,
    • responsiveness,
    • sensitivity,
    • mutual assistance,
    • ability to negotiate,
    • empathy,
    • justice.
    Presence of negative qualities (emphasize)
    • Conflict and its resolution,
    • aggressiveness,
    • disputes,
    • the desire to always be first,
    • rudeness in handling.
    The role of the educator
    • Plays with the children
    • watches the games
    • distributes roles,
    • helps with advice,
    • asking questions,
    • corrects children's activities.
    End of the game, summing up
    Game duration
    Notes, suggestions
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    Organization of leisure time for children in preschool educational institutions through didactic games

    In addition to the fact that the didactic game is a form of organizing educational activities in kindergarten, it is also good way organize leisure time for preschoolers outside of classes, mainly in the afternoon. The most suitable games for these purposes would be quiz games. They do not require special preparation, complex gaming material and can be exclusively verbal. When conducting quiz games, it is important to focus on the average and low level of children’s erudition, especially if the topic is new, gradually complicating the questions, focusing on the increasing intellectual background of the students.

    DI can also be built into the holiday script. Guests present, for example, parents, can be involved in such a game. You should not miss the opportunity to solve the problems of teaching and raising children during holidays and other entertainment events. Evenings of musical and didactic games can be organized in kindergarten. The scenario for such an evening is based on the principle of the game “Guess the melody”, “Continue the verse”, “Guess who is singing?” etc.

    If a holiday in a kindergarten is held by invited animators, it is advisable to discuss the script in advance and, if necessary, make adjustments.

    Example scripts

    Examples of leisure and entertainment scenarios with educational games in preschool educational institutions:

    • Summer leisure for children of primary preschool age “On a visit to the bear cub” (Chernikova N.V.). Goal: creating a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of musical and motor activity.
    • Sports entertainment “A fairy tale helps us to play sports” (Alekseevtseva E.V.). Pupils develop basic physical qualities in a playful way: strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, accuracy.
    • Thematic leisure for older preschoolers “Traveling with play” (Nekrasova G.V.). The event is aimed at creating positive motivation for the development of children's dynamic activity, patriotism and empathy, and gender tolerance.
    • Musical entertainment in the senior group “Miracle Tree” (Osipova M. L.). Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge with the help of musical and didactic games.

    A didactic game for a teacher is an effective method of achieving educational goals. Preschoolers carry out game tasks with enthusiasm and at the same time develop the necessary skills for further successful socialization.