Consultations for educators on didactic games. Consultation for educators “Didactic games in preschool educational institutions and their guidance. Didactic game "Open - close"

municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

kindergarten number 7 of the city of Svobodny

Consultation for educators

on the topic

"Musical and didactic games in life

younger preschoolers "

Developed by:



Svetlana Anatolyevna

I qualification category


2016 Nov.

Without play, there is no, and there cannot be, full-fledged mental development. Play is a bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around is poured into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites a spark of inquisitive curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

The goals and objectives of the musical didactic game.

The stages of development of musical play led to the search for a classification of children's games. IN different time and different authors have implemented approaches to pedagogical management of the game process. The versatile approaches reflected the varied principles of classification.

ON THE. Vetlugin's research in the development of musical sensory abilities showed the primary role of musical didactic games as the basis of sensory perception of music. In the future, the development of this group of games was continued by A.N. Zimina, E.P. Kostina and found practical application in the teacher-practitioner N.G. Kononova, who determined the mainthe purpose and purpose of musical and didactic games is to form children's musical and creative abilities, to open up a way for the child to apply the knowledge gained in life practice.

In accordance with this, musical didactic games have the following tasks:

    Development of pitch hearing

    Developing a sense of rhythm

    Development of timbre and dynamic hearing

    Development of initiative, independence, ability to perceive

    Development of creative activity

    Formation moral qualities personality (a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, etc.)

    Enrichment with new experiences.

Musical and didactic game should include the development of game actions. The play action should help the child in an interesting form to hear, distinguish, compare some properties of music, and then act with them.

Musical and didactic games should be simple and accessible, interesting and attractive. Only in this case they become a kind of stimulant of the desire in children to sing, listen, play and dance.

Musical and didactic games should be colorful and interestingly designed. Cards depicting musical images are bright, artistic, exactly match the content of the game.

When working with children, musical and didactic games should be used in accordance with the general tasks of musical and aesthetic education and carried out according to a pre-planned plan. The use of such games in the classroom makes it possible to conduct it more meaningfully and interestingly, since in the game children quickly learn the requirements of the program for the development of singing and musical-rhythmic movements, as well as in the field of music perception.

Didactic games in kindergarten are held in all age groups, starting with the first youngest.

Songs and music are heard in many regime moments DOE. The song is one of the main moments of creative manifestations in children. While playing, the child hums an uncomplicated melody. Games used in the process of singing help teach children to sing expressively, at ease, take breath between musical phrases, and hold it until the end of the phrase. In working on the development of children's songwriting, I use several types of exercise games:

    Distinguish between high and low sounds; ("Where are my kids?", "Wave of sounds")

    Distinguish the direction of movement of the melody up and down; ("Musical ladders")

    Sing a major and minor triad ("I'm coming!", "Where are you?")

    Lead the singing roll call ("What's your name?")

    Sing your names;

    Improvise a melody to a given text ("Musical Lotto")

    Imitate the rhythmic sound of instruments;

    Musical questions and answers ("How are you, children?", "Where are you going?", "What do you want, kitty?")

    Composing a melody of a contrasting nature.

In the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" great importance is devoted to the development of musical creativity children. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly replenish and develop the musical-subject environment, both in the music hall and in group rooms... Musical and didactic games are used in the classroom and in the independent activities of preschoolers.

The group should have musical corners with children's musical instruments, portraits of composers, albums of children's letters and games made by parents and educators with children. The games in the corners change periodically in accordance with the complex thematic planning. There should also be informational advisory stands where parents can find out what musical games they can play with their child at home, or get an answer to any question regarding the musical upbringing of children in the family.

“Musical and didactic game is considered one of the most effective means of musical and sensory development children before school age... Games acquire a special value when they are used in the independent activities of children, ”wrote the psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets. Among many types of art, music rightfully occupies a special place in the aesthetic and artistic education of a child. Music is capable of influencing the all-round development of the child, encouraging moral and aesthetic experiences, leading to the transformation of the environment, to active thinking.

The main purpose of musical and didactic games is to form children's musical abilities, in an accessible game form, help them understand the ratio of sounds in pitch, develop their sense of rhythm, timbre and dynamic hearing, encourage them to independent actions using the knowledge gained in music lessons. Musical and didactic games enrich children with new impressions, develop their initiative, independence, the ability to perceive, to distinguish the basic properties of musical sound.

Along with the main problems of raising children, there is the question of independent activity, which, first of all, manifests itself in the fact that the child himself, without anyone's help, can apply his skills and abilities in everyday life.

The pedagogical value of musical and didactic games is that they open up the way for the child to apply the knowledge gained in life practice.

The ability to act independently, performing musical tasks, allows children to perform musical material better, of better quality, contributes to the development of control over their own performance, musical-aesthetic performances and musical-sensory abilities.

Musical and didactic games always contain action development, which combines elements of entertainment, competition with sensory tasks. The purpose of the game actions is to help the child hear, distinguish, compare some properties of musical sounds, namely: their pitch, strength, duration, timbre. The game rules and actions of musical and didactic games regularly conducted with children help the systematic and systematic development of musical ear, develop the ability not only to hear musical works, but to listen to them, to distinguish between the change of register, dynamics, rhythm in the same work. In addition, musical and didactic exercises and games, especially with the use of desktop-printed material, allow children to independently exercise in mastering the methods of sensory actions. It is known that the improvement of ear for music is in direct proportion to the systematic nature of the exercises.

Play is essential in mental, moral and physical development preschooler and contributes to his harmonious development. In the game, mental processes develop faster and more successfully, sensory development, personal qualities are formed, intelligence develops, communication skills are taught. Play activity is the main form of activity in kindergarten. With preschoolers younger age play and playful teaching methods should be used even more widely than with older children, since play motivation of activity is especially important for toddlers.

Invaluable help in solving problems of sensory development, development of musical ear, cognitive - research, intellectual development children are provided with musical and didactic games, the game form of which facilitates the process of cognition, makes it conscious, and allows to ensure the mental activity of each child.

Musical and didactic games are divided into role-playing, board, and mobile. Each game has its own task aimed at perceiving different properties of sound: pitch, timbre, dynamics, rhythm. Interesting, funny, colorfully designed musical and didactic games evoke an emotional response in children. Like any music-didactic game, its structure includes the development of game actions, but the didactic material of these games differs from music games the fact that it is based on the tasks of developing a musical ear. Playful action only helps the child to hear, distinguish, compare, some properties of music in an interesting form for him. The content, structure, playing actions and rules are aimed at helping the systematic and systematic development of high-altitude and rhythmic, dynamic and timbre hearing.

Musical and didactic games are an important means of developing children's musical activities. Their main purpose in an accessible form is to instill in children a love of music, to interest them in the basics of musical literacy, to understand the ratio of sounds in pitch, to develop timbre, dynamic hearing, a sense of rhythm, musical memory, creativity. Musical and didactic games combine sections of singing, listening, movement to music, playing instruments. They are accessible to children's understanding, arouse interest and a desire to play them. As a result, children not only receive the necessary knowledge about the basics of musical literacy, but also learn to love, appreciate, and understand music. Musical and didactic games are used in musical lessons, but this can hardly be limited. We also need an environment in which you can deepen the learned methods of action, exercise them yourself.

Didactic play is the most typical form of learning for children. Game actions are very diverse. Games for young children consist in comparing melodies, sounds, and sorting pictures by genre. In nursery rhymes, play songs, in games with fingers, the teacher draws the child's attention to the surrounding objects, naming them. The game actions of older preschoolers are more difficult. They require the mutual connection of the actions of some children with others, their sequence, order. One of the elements of the musical and didactic game are the rules, which are teaching, organizing and disciplining. The rules of the game are gradually learned by children. Focusing on them, children evaluate the correctness of their actions and the actions of a friend, relationships in the game. The didactic game combines the clarity of the teacher's words and the actions of the children themselves with toys, play aids, objects, pictures, etc. etc.

Visibility includes:

Objects that children play and actions with them,

Pictures depicting objects and actions with them

Visual demonstration, explanation in words of game actions and implementation of game rules.

In leading the games, the teacher uses a variety of means of influencing preschoolers. For example, acting as a participant in the game, he unnoticed for them guides the game, supports their initiative, empathizes with the joy of the game. Sometimes a teacher, talking about an event, creates an appropriate game mood and maintains it during the game. The teacher may not be involved in the game, but as a skillful director, he directs the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and imperceptibly for the children leads them to a certain result. Awakening children's activity, the teacher does it indirectly: jokes, expresses surprise, uses game surprises. Finishing the game, the teacher should arouse interest in its continuation, create a joyful perspective: "Next time we will play a new game, it will be even more interesting." The teacher develops versions of familiar games or creates new ones.

Didactic games sometimes precede classes. In such cases, their purpose is to attract the interest of children in what will be in class. Play can alternate with activities. When it is necessary to strengthen the independence of children, organize the application of the learned in play activities, summarize

Didactic play has a definite result, which is an indicator of the success of children in the assimilation of knowledge, in the nature of relationships. Didactic play is a practical activity in which children use the knowledge gained in class. It is also an indispensable tool in overcoming various difficulties in the development of children's musical abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to apply musical and didactic games in the classroom and in free activity.

Musical and didactic games should be used in groups. They are stored in musical corners, correspond to the age of children, are constantly updated, change.

1 game is mastered per month at a young age. 10-12 games in junior groups should be mastered per year.

Play occurs when the child's unrealizable tendencies to act like an adult appear, and at the same time, the tendency to the immediate realization of desires, characteristic of early childhood, persists. The essence of the game, according to L. S. Vygotsky, is that it is the fulfillment of the generalized desires of the child, the main content of which is the system of relations with adults.

Play is an activity in which a child first emotionally and then intellectually masters the entire system of human relations. Play is a special form of mastering reality through its reproduction, modeling.


A game - this is a form of activity in which children, creating a special play situation, replacing some objects with others, replacing real actions with abbreviated ones, reproduce the basic meanings of human activity and assimilate those forms of relations that will be realized and realized later.

That is why play is a leading activity, it enables the child to interact with such aspects of life in which real life the child cannot enter.

Play arises when the child's unrealizable tendencies to act like an adult appear, and at the same time, the tendency to the immediate realization of desires, characteristic of early childhood, persists.

Play is an activity in which a child first emotionally and then intellectually masters the entire system of human relations.

Play is a special form of mastering reality through its reproduction, modeling.

“Without play, there is no, and there cannot be, full-fledged mental development.

Play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts pours into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. "V.A. Sukhomlinsky

In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills, and abilities. Games that contribute to the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, the development of creative abilities are aimed at the mental development of the preschooler as a whole.

Play occurs only at certain stages in the development of society, when the child cannot take a direct part in the system of social labor, when an "empty" period of time arises, when it is necessary to wait for the child to grow up. The child has a tendency to actively enter this life. On the basis of this tendency, the game arises.

Didactic games are a type of training sessions organized in the form educational games, which implement a number of principles of game, active learning and differ in the presence of rules, a fixed structure of game activity and an assessment system, one of the methods of active learning (V.N.Kruglikov, 1988)

Didactic game - this is such a collective, purposeful educational activity, when each participant and the team as a whole are united by the solution of the main task and orient their behavior towards winning. A didactic game is an active educational activity on the simulation of the studied systems, phenomena, processes.

Didactic play is one of the important methods of active teaching of children, while the play situation, as a rule, is taken on the basis of the methodological basis of the lesson. The role of each of the participants in the game is clearly defined, there are rules and a specific rating system, and the game provides for a strict and phased order of actions.

In play, the child develops physically, learns to overcome difficulties. He fosters intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative. Through play, children can learn about life, know themselves.

The Kindergarten Education Program places great demands on didactic games. It says: “With the help of didactic games, the teacher carries out sensory education of children, develops cognitive processes (curiosity, understanding of the relationship of the simplest phenomena, etc.). He uses play as a means of developing thinking, speech, imagination, memory, expanding and consolidating ideas about the surrounding life».

An indispensable component of a didactic game are its rules. Rules serve to organize the child's behavior and actions. The rules make the game tense and interesting, put prohibitions and prescriptions that the child must follow during the game. To comply with the rules, the child must learn to overcome the negative emotions that appear due to unsuccessful results, learn to make an effort of will. When you determine the rules of the game that you want to play, do not set conditions that are too harsh or impossible for the child for the time being. The child should enjoy the task.

Let us dwell in more detail on the structural components of the didactic game.

Game intent- the first structural component of the game - is expressed, as a rule, in the name of the game. It is embedded in the didactic task that must be solved in educational process... The game intent often appears as a question, as it were, projecting the course of the game, or as a riddle. In any case, he gives the game a cognitive character, makes certain requirements for the participants in the game in terms of knowledge.

Each didactic game has regulations that determine the order of actions and behavior of students during the game, contribute to the creation of a working environment in the lesson. In addition, the rules of the game educate the ability to manage their behavior, obey the requirements of the team.

The rules can prohibit, allow, prescribe something to children in the game, make the game entertaining, stressful.

Compliance with the rules in the game requires from children certain efforts of will, the ability to deal with peers, to overcome negative emotions that are manifested due to an unsuccessful result. It is important, when defining the rules of the game, to put children in such conditions under which they would receive joy from completing the task.

An essential aspect of the didactic game is game actions, which are regulated by the rules of the game, contribute to the cognitive activity of students, give them the opportunity to show their abilities, apply existing knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve the goal of the game.

The teacher, as the head of the game, directs it in the necessary didactic channel, if necessary, activates its course with a variety of techniques, maintains interest in the game, and encourages those who are lagging behind.

Due to the presence of game actions, didactic games used in the classroom make learning more entertaining, emotional, help to increase the voluntary attention of children, create the prerequisites for a deeper mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Game actions - the basis of the game. The more varied the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children. IN different games game actions are different in their focus and in relation to the players. This, for example, can be role-playing actions, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc.

Game action consisting of several game elements, focuses the attention of children on the content and rules of the game for a longer time and creates favorable conditions for the fulfillment of the didactic task.

Using the didactic game in the educational process, through its rules and actions, children form correctness, benevolence, endurance.

The basis of didactic play, which permeates its structural elements, is cognitive content or didactic task... Cognitive content consists in the assimilation of those knowledge and skills that are used in solving the educational problem posed by the game.

To choose a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of the pupils, since in the games they must operate with the already existing knowledge and ideas. In other words, when defining a didactic task, one must first of all keep in mind what knowledge, ideas of children should be assimilated, consolidated by children, what mental operations should develop in connection with this, what qualities of the personality of children can be formed by means of this game.

The game task is carried out by children. A didactic task in a didactic game is realized through a game task. It determines play actions and becomes the task of the child himself. The most important thing: the didactic task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears to the children in the form of a game plan (task).

Equipmenta didactic game to a large extent includes equipment; it is the availability of technical teaching aids. This also includes a variety of visual aids as well as didactic handouts.

The didactic game has a certain result, which is the finale of the game, gives the game its completeness. It acts primarily in the form of solving the set educational problem and gives children moral and mental satisfaction. For the educator, the result of the game is always an indicator of the level of achievement of children or in the assimilation of knowledge.

Summing up the results is of great importance, as it gives the participants moral satisfaction.

In any case, it is necessary to evaluate the didactic result of the game.

The didactic effect is enhanced if children take part in the preparation of attributes and prizes, as well as in the development of the rules of the game.

All structural elements of didactic play are interconnected, and the absence of the main ones destroys the game. Without a game concept and game actions, without rules organizing the game, a didactic game is either impossible or loses its specific form, turns into the execution of instructions, exercises.

The combination of all elements of the game and their interaction increase the organization of the game, its efficiency, and lead to the desired result.

Summarizing (result)- is carried out immediately after the end of the game. This could be scoring; identifying children who performed the game task better; determination of the winning team, at the same time it is necessary to note the achievement of each child, to emphasize the successes of the lagging children.

Didactic game makes it possible to solve various pedagogical problems in a playful way, the most accessible and attractive for children. The need for play and the desire to play in preschoolers must be used and directed in order to solve certain educational educational problems. The task facing the educator is significantly different from the task of the school teacher: it consists in familiarizing children with material that gives food to the imagination, affecting not only the purely intellectual, but also the emotional sphere.

Methodology for organizing didactic games

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for the didactic game, its implementation and analysis.

The preparation for the didactic game includes:

Selection of the game in accordance with the tasks of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes;

Establishing the correspondence of the selected game to the program requirements of the upbringing and education of children of a certain age group;

Determination of the most convenient time for the didactic game;

Choosing a place to play where children can play peacefully without disturbing others;

Determination of the number of players;

Preparation of the necessary didactic material for the game;

Preparing the teacher himself for the game: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

Preparation and play of children: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, necessary for solving a game problem.

Conducting didactic games include:

Familiarization of children with the content of the game, with didactic material that will be used;

Explanation of the course of the rules of the game. At the same time, the educator pays attention to the behavior of children in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict observance of the rules;

Demonstration of game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform actions correctly, showing that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result;

Determination of the role of the educator in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee;

Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment when children achieve in the game, it is possible to judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used with interest in the child's independent play activity. At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game, and promises that next time you can play a new game, it will be also interesting. goals, what didn't work and why. This will help to improve both the preparation and the process of the game itself to avoid subsequent mistakes. In addition, the analysis allows you to identify individual characteristics in the conduct and character of children and, therefore, to properly organize individual work with them. Self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with a constant goal helps to vary the game, enrich it with new material in subsequent work. The game becomes a method of teaching, takes the form of a didactic one, if the didactic task is clearly defined in it, game rules and actions. In such a game, the teacher introduces the children to the rules, teaches how to follow them through the game. Children operate with existing knowledge, which during the game are assimilated, systematized, generalized.

With the help of didactic play, the child can acquire new knowledge by communicating with the teacher with his peers in the process of observing the players, their statements, actions in the role of a fan, and the child receives a lot of new information for himself, and this is very important for his development.

Children who are inactive, unsure of themselves, less prepared, as a rule, at the beginning take on the role of fans, while they learn from their comrades how to play in order to complete the game task, to become a winner.

Used Books:

1. AK Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten" -M., 1991.
2. A.I.Sorokina "Didactic games in kindergarten" -M., 1982,
3. A. I. Maksakov, G. A. Tumakov "Learn by playing" -M., 1981.
4. D.V. Menderitskaya To the teacher about children's play M., 1982.
5. RI Zhukovskaya "Game and its pedagogical meaning" -M., 1975

Irina Vasina
Consultation for educators "Didactic games in preschool educational institutions and their guidance"

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in work preschool institutions didactic games occupy an important place. They are used in the classroom and in the free activities of children.

Didactic the game is complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a play method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and an independent play activity, and a means of all-round raising a child.

Systems didactic game for preschoolers were first developed by F. Frebel and M. Montessori.

Back in the 40-50s of the last century in domestic pedagogical practice didactic game in preschool education the role of a means of rest from serious training sessions was assigned.

In 1960-70 experience of using games and as a means of enhancing the educational process.

From 1970-80, the introduction of education from the age of 6 stimulated the use of didactic game in the educational process.

Didactic games promote:

Development of cognitive and mental abilities: obtaining new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation, expansion of their ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation;

- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of the dictionary, development of the ability to express their judgments, make inferences.

Social and moral development of the child preschooler: in such a game, cognition of the relationship between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to yield if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.

Structure didactic game form the main and additional components. To the main components relate: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material... Additional components: plot and role.

Didactic task.

For selection didactic game you need to know the level of preparedness pupils, since in games they must operate with already existing knowledge and ideas.

By defining didactic task, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind what knowledge, ideas of children should be assimilated, consolidated by children, what mental operations should develop, what qualities of a personality can be formed by means of a given games(honesty, modesty, observation, perseverance, etc.).

In each didactic the game has its own educational task, which distinguishes one game from another. In determining didactic tasks should be avoided in its content. Educator must know in advance and determine accordingly didactic task... So the game "What has changed?" use for memorization exercises, "Toy store" - for the development of thinking, "Guess what you have in mind" - observation, attention.

Game rules.

The main purpose of the rules games- to organize actions, behavior of children. The rules can allow, prohibit, prescribe something to children in the game, makes the game entertaining, stressful.

Compliance with the rules in the game requires from children certain efforts of will, the ability to deal with peers, to overcome negative emotions manifested due to a negative result. Important when defining the rules games, put children in such conditions in which they would receive joy from completing the task.

Game actions.

Didactic the game differs from game exercises in that the implementation of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions.

The development of game actions depends on fiction educator... Sometimes children, preparing for the game, bring their own suggestions: "Let us hide, and someone will look!", "Let me choose the driver with a little bit!"

Mathematical (to consolidate ideas about time, spatial location, number of objects);

Sensory (to consolidate ideas about color, size, shape);

Speech (for acquaintance with a word and a sentence, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, education sound culture of speech, vocabulary enrichment);

Musical (for the development of pitch, timbre hearing, a sense of rhythm);

Natural history (for acquaintance with objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature);

To get acquainted with the environment (with the objects and materials from which they are made, with the professions of people, etc.)

Depending on the use didactic material didactic games traditionally divided into three group:

1. Object games(toys).

2. Desktop-printed games

3. Verbal games.

Games with objects - In games with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects, size, color. When acquainting children with nature in such games, I use natural material (plant seeds, leaves, stones, various flowers, cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which arouses a keen interest in children and an active desire to play.) games: "Make no mistake", "Describe this item", "What it is?", "What first, what then" and etc.

Desktop - printed games- arranged by the type of cut pictures, folding cubes, lotto "Toys", "Tableware", "Clothing", "Plants", "Wild and Domestic Animals" and others, dominoes. Through board games you can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life schemes and make decisions, develop self-control skills.

Verbal games- This effective method education independence of thinking and development of speech in children. They are built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve a variety of mental tasks: describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them by description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena. "Who plays what", "Compose a portrait", "Learn by description".

Didactic games- travel is one of the most effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children.

Didactic play in experimental activity - contributes to the formation in children cognitive interest to the environment, develops basic mental processes, observation, thinking.

To achieve positive results in the development and learning of children through the organization didactic games, the following must be observed conditions:

Positive emotional attitude;

Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;


consistency principle: from simple to complex;

The result for the child acts as a state of need to engage in the proposed activity, and for educator- as the level of achievement of children.

The didactic game guide includes:

1. Introducing children to the content games, use in it didactic material(showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children are clarified).

2. Explanation of the move and rules games, with a clear implementation of these rules. 3. Display of game actions.

4. Determination of the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher guides the actions of the players with advice, a question, a reminder).

5. Summing up games- a crucial moment in its leadership... According to the results games one can judge about its effectiveness, about whether it will be used by children in independent play activities.

Analysis games allows you to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means that it is correct to organize individual work with them.

In kindergarten, in each age group, there should be a variety of didactic games... The need to select a variety of games does not mean that you need to have a large number of them. Abundance didactic games and toys distracts the attention of children, does not allow them to master well didactic content and rules.

When choosing games, children are sometimes faced with too easy or, on the contrary, overly difficult tasks. If games in their complexity do not correspond to the age of children, they cannot play in them and vice versa - too light didactic tasks do not arouse their mental activity.

Introduce new you need to play gradually... They should be accessible to children and at the same time require a certain amount of effort, contribute to their development and self-organization.

Organization didactic game the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparing for the didactic game, its conduct and analysis, in young children, visualization acts more strongly than a word, therefore it is more expedient to combine the explanation of the rules with the demonstration of the game action, if there are several rules in the game, then they should not be communicated at once.

Games it is necessary to conduct them in such a way that they create a cheerful, joyful mood in children, teach children to play without interfering with each other, and gradually lead them to the ability to play in small groups.

In this age didactic games help children to better get to know the surrounding objects and possible actions with them, contribute to the coordination of movements, the development of the eye, the mastery of spatial orientations.

With children of this age educator it is advisable to join the game yourself and arouse children's interest in didactic material, teach to play with it.

Middle preschool children have some experience of playing together, but here too educator takes part in didactic games... He is a teacher and participant games, strive to involve all children, gradually leads them to the ability to follow the actions and words of their comrades, that is, is interested in the process of the whole games... A task didactic games consists in ordering, generalization, grouping, clarification of ideas, assimilation of the names of forms, colors, sizes, spatial relationships.

Musical didactic games, verbal games.

Older preschool children have significant gaming experience and sufficiently developed thinking, so they easily perceive purely verbal explanations games... Only in some cases is a visual demonstration required.

Children of this age are games with the whole group and with small subgroups. In the process of playing together, children develop collective relationships. Therefore, elements of competition can be introduced into the game.

Games reflect more complex life phenomena (everyday life and work of people, technology)... Children classify objects by material, purpose.

Verbal games requiring a lot of mental stress. Children show voluntary attention, independence in solving the assigned task, in fulfilling the rules.

In children in the preparatory group for school, play activity is more conscious and aimed at achieving a result. The leadership should be like this so that play is conducive to mental and moral education and at the same time remained a game. It is necessary to preserve the emotional mood of children, the experience of joy from the move games and satisfaction with its results.

Value didactic games in education children are entirely dependent on educator, on how he manages to pick up these games, complicate the task, help guide the rules correctly games to achieve programmatic objectives.

Thus, didactic games- an irreplaceable means of teaching children to overcome various difficulties in their mental and moral activities. These games are fraught with great opportunities and educational impact on preschool children

Joint activities of parents and teachers - individual conversations with parents, information stands, travel folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - give a more effective result in working with children.

Play takes a special place in a child's life. During the game, the child lives, acts like the adults around him, the heroes of his favorite stories, fairy tales. Play is a need for a growing child's body. In the game, the child's physical strength develops, the hand becomes firmer, the body, or rather the eye, is more flexible, quick-wittedness, resourcefulness, and initiative develop. In the game, the children develop organizational skills, develop endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances. Play is a means of education when it is included in a holistic pedagogical process.



Didactic games in kindergarten (older groups)

Play takes a special place in a child's life. During the game, the child lives, acts like the adults around him, the heroes of his favorite stories, fairy tales. In the game, he can be a doctor, pilot, educator - whatever he wants.

One of the types of play activity is didactic play.

Didactic play is gaining more and more importance, but it is still not used enough in the practice of raising children. Meanwhile, along with the use of didactic play in sensory education (the formation of ideas about color, shape, size, etc.), which is one of the foundations of mental education, comprehensive development and the formation cognitive abilities, it is necessary to familiarize older children of preschool age with the life around them, fostering a careful and respectful attitude to what is created by the creative labor of the people and constitutes the material and spiritual wealth of society. Play is a need for a growing child's body. In the game, the child's physical strength develops, the hand becomes firmer, the body, or rather the eye, is more flexible, intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative develop. In the game, the children develop organizational skills, develop endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances. Play is a means of education when it is included in a holistic pedagogical process.

General and different in role-playing and didactic games.

The basis of didactic game is the organic relationship of game activity and interesting assimilation of knowledge. Didactic game is a cognitive game aimed at expanding, deepening, systematizing children's ideas about the environment, educating cognitive interests, and developing cognitive abilities.

The peculiarity of the role-playing game, first of all, is that an amateur character is clearly revealed in it: children themselves, on their own initiative, create a game and live in it. The most favorite games that children need most are those where the children themselves set the goal of the game: build a house, go to Moscow, cook dinner ... Let the train on which he travels be built of chairs, let the house be built of chips, that's not the point - the child's fantasy will complement reality. The very process of building the plan is important here.

The creative nature of the play activity of children in story game manifests itself in the fact that the child, as it were, transforms into the one he portrays, creates his play life and is sincerely happy or upset during the game. Management role-playing game due to the general or specific tasks carried out by the teacher, and the life of children in the game. But plot role-playing game does not allow direct guidance. The teacher's instructions on what and how to play destroy the most valuable thing in it - the amateur creative nature of play. The teacher successfully fulfills the tasks of upbringing in the process of indirect leadership: expanding the impressions of children, drawing their attention to the content of a person's activity, methods of his work, attitude to his work and those around him. Thus, he creates a conscious, useful game until the game itself, avoiding direct interference in its course.

The guidance of the game is more openly manifested in the questions of the educator who develop the game, help enrich the content of the game action and role, and approve the rules. With the inadmissibility of direct guidance, the indifferent, indifferent attitude of the educator to the play of children is even more unacceptable. The teacher always and everywhere, where children play, shows close attention, interest, a benevolent attitude, a willingness to help children in difficulty, to protect the position of a shy, timid child in the game and to weaken the role of the child as a leader who subordinates children to his will, to his will. In some cases, the educator finds the opportunity and the need to take a direct part in the game. Fulfilling a certain role, he carefully guides the development of the game, the relationship of children.

Didactic gamesdirected: at the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of methods of mental activity, cognitive interests, abilities of children. Knowledge and skills cannot be learned "on the fly." Their assimilation requires time and various forms of activity of the teacher and children. Exercise is an integral part of learning. The didactic game carries out learning tasks. One of them is teaching by means of active and interesting play activities for children. Didactic play only partly meets the requirements of a complete system of knowledge: sometimes it is an “explosion of surprise” for children from the perception of something new, unknown; sometimes play is “search and discovery”, and always play is joy, the path of children to their dreams. The filling of learning with emotional and cognitive content is a feature of didactic play. Didactic games contribute to the development of all aspects of the human personality. If they are carried out vividly, by a skillful teacher, children react to them with great interest, bursts of joy, which increases their importance. Education should be such that it evokes an effort of thought, but does not require tension, does not cause fatigue, fear and unwillingness to learn before the child comes to school.

Psychologist A. V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of didactic play, rightly pointed out: "We need to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the general development of the child, serves to form his abilities."

Structural elements of the game.One of the main elements of the game is a didactic task, which is determined by the purpose of the teaching and educational impact. The game task and the cognitive orientation of the upcoming game action are sometimes laid down in the name of the game: “Let's find out what's in a wonderful bag”; “Who lives in which house?”; "Who can name items made of paper, wood, metal faster?"

Game actions form the basis of didactic game - without them the game itself is impossible. Playful actions are not always practical external actions, when you need to carefully consider, compare, and disassemble something. These are also complex mental actions, expressed in the processes of purposeful perception, observation, comparison, recalling previously learned, - mental actions expressed in the processes of thinking.

The teacher, as it were, attracts children to cooperation, designing the course of the game through play actions, while developing and encouraging the initiative of children, encouraging smart guess. But ... does not allow "annoying" interrogation that destroys the game.

One of the constituent elements of a didactic game are the rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of forming the personality of the child and the group of children, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions in their development and enrichment. The teacher must use words that reflect the stages of mastering game actions and rules: not very good yet, almost good, good, very good. This contributes to the development of self-esteem, prospects in achieving the goal.

Types of didactic games.Didactic games differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game action and the rules, organization and relationships of children, according to the role of the educator. Most often, games are related to the content of training and education: games for sensory education, word games, games for acquaintance with nature, for formation mathematical representations... Sometimes games are correlated with the material: games with folk didactic toys, printed games... The following types of games are most often used: games - travel, games-errands, games-suggestions, games-riddles, games-conversations (games-dialogues).

Travel gameshave similarities with a fairy tale, its development, miracles. The purpose of the travel game is to enhance the impression, to give the cognitive content a slightly fabulous originality, to draw the attention of children to what is nearby, but not noticed by them. Travel games sharpen attention, observation, understanding of game tasks, make it easier to overcome difficulties and achieve success.

Mission games have the same structural elements as travel games, but they are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal assignments. The game task and game actions in them are based on the proposal to do something: "Gather all the red items (or toys) in the basket", "Arrange the rings in size", "Take out the round objects from the bag."

Guessing games"What would be..? or "What would I do ...", "Who would you like to be and why?", "Who would you choose as a friend?" Sometimes a picture can serve as the beginning of such a game.

The didactic content of the game lies in the fact that a task is set for the children and a situation is created that requires comprehension of the subsequent action. Playful actions are determined by the task and from the children of the intended intended action in accordance with the conditions set or the circumstances created. Starting the game, the teacher says: "The game is called" What would be ..? " I will begin, and each of you will continue. Listen: "What would happen if the electricity suddenly went out in the whole city?" Children make assumptions, ascertaining or generalized evidence. The first include assumptions: “It would be dark”, “It would be impossible to play”, “You cannot read, draw”, which children express based on their experience. More meaningful answers: "Factories could not work - for example, bake bread", "Trams and trolleybuses would stop, and people would be late for work."

Games like “What would I do if I were a wizard” are games that call to the realization of dreams, awaken the imagination. They are carried out similarly to the previous game. The teacher begins: "If I were a magician, I would make sure that all people were healthy."

Games - riddles go into the distant past. Riddles were created by the people themselves and reflect the wisdom of the people. Riddles were included in ceremonies, rituals, and were included in holidays. They were used to test knowledge, resourcefulness. This is the obvious pedagogical focus and popularity of riddles as smart entertainment. Main feature riddles is logical task... The need to compare, remember, think, guess - gives the joy of mental labor. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, form the ability to reason, draw conclusions, inferences.

Conversation games (dialogues).The conversation game is based on the teacher's communication with children. Its distinctive features are the immediacy of feelings, interest, goodwill, faith in the "truth of the game", the joy of the game.

In a game - conversation, the teacher often comes not from himself, but from a character close to the children and thereby not only preserves the game communication, but also enhances his joy, the desire to repeat the game.

The value of the conversation game lies in the fact that it makes demands on the activation of emotional and mental processes: the unity of words, actions, thoughts and imaginations of children. The conversation game fosters the ability to listen and hear the teacher's questions, questions and answers from children, the ability to focus on the content of the conversation, complement what has been said, and express judgments. One of the conditions for conducting a game-conversation is to create a friendly atmosphere. Best time for the game - the second half of the day, when there is a natural decline in new impressions, when there are no noisy games, various emotions. The beginning of the game-conversation is a call, a kind of proverb that has developed in folk pedagogy: "Let's sit side by side and talk nicely."

General questions of leadership of didactic games

The teaching content in didactic games is determined by the "Kindergarten Education Program". At the same time, it is also conditioned by the peculiarities of the game itself, by the fact that the learning principle and play activity of children are simultaneously manifested in it.

Leading a didactic game requires great pedagogical skill, tact and includes:

a) selection and thinking of the program content by the educator, clear definition of didactic tasks, determination of the place and role of play in the system of education and upbringing, establishment of interconnection and interaction with other forms of education;

b) the creation (design) of the game itself and the definition of the game task, game actions, game rules and the result of the game;

c) guiding the course of the game and ensuring the activity of all children, helping the timid, shy, encouraging initiative, clever invention, friendly relationship children among themselves and a positive attitude to the phenomena and events reflected in the game.

When conducting didactic games, the educator is based on general didactic principles. One of them is the principle of consistency. Solo games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system, you cannot achieve a learning and developmental result.

Consistency presupposes a consistently developing and increasingly complex system of games in terms of their content, didactic tasks, game actions and rules.

Teaching children and their assimilation of program requirements requires repetition. The fact that it is easy and simple for an adult and even for school-age children causes significant difficulties for a preschooler. These difficulties are due to the fact that for a preschooler, everything is new: he has no experience, no accumulated ideas and ways of assimilating knowledge. Concrete knowledge is slowly "rooted" and converted into representations. Individual knowledge is only gradually generalized on the basis of short (local) connections and private-system ones. This whole process takes place in time and requires reinforcements, which are provided by repetitions.

The need for repetition of games is also determined by the fact that not all children are equally successful in mastering what constitutes the educational content of the game, game actions and rules. But only on condition of mastering all the elements of didactic games do they pass into the fund of independent games. The didactic game is a combination of visualization, the teacher's words and the actions of the children themselves with toys, play aids, objects, pictures.

The teacher's speech should be understandable to children, figurative and at the same time short; detailed and verbose explanations are not allowed. Numerous guiding questions of the educator hinder the development of the game, the manifestation of childish spontaneity. The game is destroyed by remarks, indications of mistakes, the teacher's desire to bring them to the consciousness of children, his desire to "straighten" the game.

To develop interest in didactic games in older children, the educator includes more complex intellectual and volitional tasks, does not rush to suggest play actions, but invites children to determine them independently.

The game should preserve the emotional mood of children, their ease, the experience of joy from the process of the game and a sense of satisfaction from solving the tasks set in it. The development of the game is most often promoted not by direct, but by indirect methods: the question that integrates and guides the game; surprise expressed by the educator guiding play actions; a joke that enlivens the game and helps to notice what the children did not pay attention to; benevolent humor, emphasizing the unusual situation in the game, surprises unexpected for children that the teacher introduces into the game; an element of expectation, showing the teacher's keen interest in the game; encouraging or warning remark.

In the practice of guiding didactic games, the main difficulties lie in the fact that the teacher sometimes intensifies the teaching effect, imperceptibly for himself switching to the form of teaching that is characteristic of classes. Sometimes the amusement of the game is unjustifiably increased, excessive amusement is given to it, and the basic provision that children learn in didactic play “by playing, but not playing” is violated. The game should be interesting, smart, and not mindless fun. An entertaining character is given to the game when, outside of the correspondence with the didactic and game tasks, the external design of the game is introduced: buildings, costumes, masks, spectacular elements; when the teacher speaks in a mysteriously muffled voice.

Pace is important in guiding and developing the game. The development of the pace of the game has a certain dynamics. At the very beginning of the game, the children act out, as it were, master the content of the game actions, the rules of the game and the course of it. During this period, the pace of the game is naturally slower. In the subsequent period, when the game unfolds in alternating game actions, when children are carried away by the game and experience joy, the pace accelerates. Towards the end of the game, the emotional mood seems to subside and the pace slows down again. However, in the practice of guiding the game, it often happens that the teacher does not catch the developing pace of the game, allows it to be slowed down or accelerated.

The accelerated pace sometimes causes confusion in children, uncertainty, untimely performance of game actions, violation of the rules. Children, as it were, do not have time to "get involved in the game." A too fast paced game excites children. A slow pace occurs when the teacher stretches out explanations, makes a lot of unjustified disciplinary remarks, when the game actions are distant, and the game rules are introduced out of time and the children cannot be guided by them, they commit violations, they make mistakes. The slow pace makes children tired.

The teacher's contact with children, children with each other is achieved easier and faster if the children sit in a circle or semicircle, and the teacher is in the center of a circle or semicircle.

Keeping the game within the suggested time is a great art. The teacher condenses the time primarily by shortening his explanations.Clarity, brevity of descriptions, stories, remarks for children are a condition for the development of the game.

The feature of the didactic game and its final end is the result. For the educator, the result is an indicator of the level of achievement of children or in the assimilation of knowledge.

All structural elements of didactic play are interconnected, and the absence of the main ones destroys the game. Without a game task and game actions, without rules organizing the game, a didactic game is impossible. She loses her characteristics, does not achieve the goal of education and upbringing.

After finishing the game, the caregiver should maintain an interest in further game, create a joyful prospect of anticipation. Usually the teacher says: "And next time we will play even more interesting" or " New game it will be even more interesting. "

Many games, as interest in game problems develops, the assimilation of game actions, game rules are carried out by children independently. The educator should encourage such games independently organized and conducted by children by providing invisible help to children.

It is good if the teacher uses a variety of technical toys and technical means: alloscope, cinema, TV, tape recorder, turntable. All these means meet the needs of a modern child, raise the content of games to a higher level, diversify games, and play actions satisfy the interests of children.

The use of many technical means makes it possible to overcome the limited space and time, making practically impossible game actions possible. For example, children are playing a “treasure hunt” game. The disc turned on by the teacher conveys the sounds of the forest - birdsong, rustles, noises. This deepens the gaming spirit. Children are sailing on a ship, and the teacher through a movie projector shows the sea, boiling waves, the movement of the ship.

A special concern of the educator is the creation of the "material center" of the game: the selection of toys, pictures, and other materials for the game.

Consultation for educators

Didactic game, its role in the development of preschoolers

Prepared by: E.V. Axelrod

The leading activity of preschool children is play activity. Didactic play is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a play method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.
Didactic games contribute to:
- the development of cognitive and mental abilities: the acquisition of new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation, the expansion of their ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; development of the ability to express their judgments, make inferences.
- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of the dictionary.
- the social and moral development of a preschooler child: in such a game, cognition of the relationship between children, adults, objects of animate and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to yield if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. ...
The structure of the didactic game is formed by the main and additional components. TO main components include: a didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. TO additional components: plot and role.
Conducting didactic games include: 1. Introducing children to the content of the game, using didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children are clarified). 2. An explanation of the course and rules of the game, with a clear implementation of these rules. 3. Show of game actions. 4. Determination of the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, a fan or an arbiter (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, a question, a reminder). 5. Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its leadership. Based on the results of the game, one can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used by children in independent play activities. Analysis of the game allows you to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means that it is correct to organize individual work with them.

Learning in the form of a didactic game is based on the child's desire to enter an imaginary situation and act according to its laws, that is, it meets the age characteristics of the preschooler.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys).

2.Desktop games.

3.Word games.

Didactic games - differ in the educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, the role of the educator.

Object games- are based on the direct perception of children, correspond to the child's desire to act with objects and thus get to know them. IN While playing with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects, size, color. When acquainting children with nature in such games, I use natural material (plant seeds, leaves, stones, various flowers, cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which arouses a keen interest in children and an active desire to play. Examples of such games: “Do not make a mistake "," Describe this subject "," What is it? "," What first, what then ", etc.
Board - printed games-This an interesting lesson for children to get acquainted with the world around them, the world of animals and plants, the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. They are varied in types: "loto", "dominoes", paired pictures "With the help of board-printed games, one can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life schemes and make decisions, and develop self-control skills.

Word games Is an effective method of fostering independent thinking and speech development in children. They are are built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental problems: they describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them by description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena.

In the process of playing, children clarify, consolidate, expand their ideas about the objects of nature and its seasonal changes.

Didactic games - traveling are one of the most effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children.

Didactic play in experimental activity - contributes to the formation of a cognitive interest in the environment in children, develops the basic mental processes, observation, thinking.

The joint activity of parents and teachers - individual counseling for parents, information stands, travel folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - gives a more effective result in working with children.
To develop in children knowledge about the world around them, their systematization, education of a humane attitude to nature, I use the following didactic games:

Material used:

Object games
"What it is?"
Purpose: to clarify the ideas of children about objects of inanimate nature.
Material: natural - sand, stones, earth, water, snow.
The course of the game. Children are offered pictures and, depending on what is drawn on it, it is necessary to decompose the natural material accordingly, to answer what is it? And what is it? (Large, heavy, light, small, dry, wet, loose). What can you do with it?
"Who eats what?"
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about animal food.
The course of the game. Children get out of the bag: carrots, cabbage, raspberries, cones, grain, oats, etc. They call it and remember which animal eats this food.
"Children on a Branch"
Target . To consolidate the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach how to select them according to belonging to the same plant.
The course of the game. Children look at the leaves of trees and bushes, call them. At the suggestion of the teacher: "Children, find your branches" - the children select the appropriate fruit for each leaf. This game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. The children themselves can prepare the material for the game.
"Find what I will show"
Didactic task. Find an item by similarity.
Equipment. Place the same sets of fruits and vegetables on two trays. Cover one (for the teacher) with a napkin.
The course of the game. The teacher shows for a short time one of the objects hidden under the napkin and removes it again, then suggests to the children: "Find the same on another tray and remember what it is called." The children take turns completing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin are named.
"What first - what then?"
Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.
The course of the game. Children are shown objects: an egg, a chicken, a model of a chicken; kitten, cat; puppy, dog. Children need to arrange these items in the correct order.
Desktop games
"It is when?"
Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena in nature.
The course of the game. Each of the children has object pictures depicting snowfall, rain, sunny day, cloudy weather, hail is coming, the wind is blowing, icicles are hanging, etc. and plot pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to properly arrange the pictures they have.
"Magic Train"
Target. To consolidate and systematize children's ideas about trees, shrubs.
Material. Two trains cut out of cardboard (each train has 4 carriages with 5 windows); two sets of cards depicting plants.
Game progress: On the table in front of the children is a "train" and cards depicting animals. Educator. The train and passengers are in front of you. They need to be placed on the cars (in the first - bushes, in the second - flowers, etc.) so that one passenger is visible in each window. The one who is the first to place the animals on the wagons correctly will be the winner.
Similarly, this game can be conducted to consolidate ideas about different groups of plants (forest, garden, meadow, vegetable garden).
"Four pictures"
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about the surrounding nature, develop attention and observation.
The course of the game. The game consists of 24 pictures depicting birds, butterflies, animals. The presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to the participants of the game (from 3 to 6 people). Each player must pick up 4 cards of the same content. The beginner of the game, having examined his cards, hands one of them to the one sitting on the left. He, if he needs a card, keeps it for himself, and any unnecessary one also transfers to the neighbor on the left, etc. Having picked up the cards, each player folds them in front of him, drawings down. When all possible sets have been matched, the game ends. Game participants turn over collected cards, lay them out in four so that everyone can see. The winner is the one with the most correctly selected cards.
Word games
"When does this happen?"
Target. Refine and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.
The course of the game.
The teacher reads alternately short texts in poetry or prose about the seasons, and the children guess.
"Find what I'll tell you about"
Didactic task. Find items by the listed criteria.
Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that all the children can clearly see the distinctive features of objects.
The course of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher asks one of the children: "Show it on the table, and then name what I told you about." If the child coped with the task, the teacher describes another subject, and the task is performed by another child. The game continues until all the children have guessed the object from the description.

"Guess who it is?"
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about the characteristics of wild and domestic animals.
The course of the game. The teacher describes the animal (his appearance, habits, habitat ...) children must guess who they are talking about.
"When does this happen?"
Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena.
The course of the game. Children are offered leaves of different plants with different colors, cones, a herbarium of flowering plants, etc. depending on the season. Children need to name the time of the year when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.
Outdoor games
"What do we take in the basket"
Purpose: to reinforce in children the knowledge of what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
To teach to distinguish between fruits by the place of their cultivation.
To form an idea of ​​the role of people in nature conservation.
Materials: Medallions with images of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.
The course of the game. Some children have medallions depicting various gifts of nature. Others have basket-shaped medallions.
Children - fruits, with cheerful music, disperse around the room, with movements and facial expressions they depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.
Children - baskets should collect fruits in both hands. Prerequisite: each child must bear fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.
Tops - roots
Did. task: to teach children to make a whole from parts.
Materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.
The course of the game: variation 1. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables that have roots for food, and in the blue hoop - those that use tops.
The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable here. (in the area of ​​intersection of the hoops there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.
Option 2. On the table are tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take tops, the second - roots. At the signal, everyone runs scatteringly. On the signal "One, two, three - find your pair!"
Ball game "Air, earth, water"
Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about objects of nature. Develop auditory attention, thinking, intelligence.
Materials: ball.
Course of the game: Option 1. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie." The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. The child responds to the word "dolphin" with "water", the word "wolf" - "earth", and so on.
Option 2. The teacher calls the word "air" the child who caught the ball must name the bird. On the word "earth" - an animal living on the earth; to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.
Nature and man.
Did. task: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
Materials: ball.
The course of the game: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by the hands of people or exist in nature, and the person uses them; for example, timber, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.
"What has been done by man"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.
"What was created by nature"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.
Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember skips their turn.
Choose the one you want.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.
Materials: subject pictures.
Game progress: object pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names any property or feature, and children should choose as many objects as possible that have this property.
For example: "green" - these can be pictures of a leaf, a cucumber, a grasshopper cabbage. Or: "wet" - water, dew, cloud, fog, frost, etc.
Where are the snowflakes?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.
Materials: cards depicting different conditions of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
Gameplay: Option 1 . Children are dancing around the cards laid out in a circle. The cards show various states waters: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
While moving in a circle, the words are pronounced:
Summer has arrived. The sun shone brighter.
It became hotter to bake, Where should we look for a snowflake?
With the last word, everyone stops. Those in front of whom the necessary pictures are located should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:
Finally, winter came: Cold, blizzard, cold.
Go out for a walk. Where should we look for a snowflake?
The desired pictures are selected again and the choice is explained.
Option 2 . There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children should pass their cards to the hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.
The conclusion is drawn from the answers to the questions:
- At what time of the year can water in nature be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late autumn).
Birds have arrived.
Did. task: to clarify the idea of ​​birds.
The course of the game: the teacher only names the birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children should stomp or clap. For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.
Children stomp - What is wrong? (flies)
- And who are the flies? (insects)
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.
Children stomp. - birds arrived: pigeons, martens ...
Children stomp. The game continues.
Birds have arrived: Tit pigeons,
Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, swifts,
Storks, cuckoos, even owls are scops owls,
Swans, starlings. All of you are great.
Result: the teacher, together with the children, clarifies the migratory and wintering birds.
When does this happen?
Did. task: to teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of a poetic word, show the beauty of different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.
Materials: for each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The course of the game: the teacher reads the poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season referred to in the poem.
Spring. Grass blades make their way in the clearing near the path.
A stream runs from the hillock, and snow lies under the tree.
Summer. And bright and wide
Our quiet river. Let's run to swim, splash with fish ...
Autumn. Withers and turns yellow, the grass in the meadows,
Only the winter is turning green in the fields. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind howls in the field, the rain is drizzling.
Winter. Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets, Glittering in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river shines under the ice.
Did. task: to clarify the knowledge of children about the flowering time of individual plants (for example, daffodil, tulip - in spring); a golden ball, asters - in the fall, etc.; teach to classify on this basis, develop their memory, ingenuity.
Materials: ball.
Game progress: children stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws the ball, while naming the season when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child names the plant.
What is made of what?
Did. task: to teach children to identify the material from which the object is made.
Materials: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell., Key, etc.
The course of the game: children take out different objects from the bag and name, indicating what each object is made of.
Guess - ka.
Did. task: to develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; to clarify the knowledge of children about berries.
Materials: pictures for each child with a picture of berries. Book of riddles.

The course of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answers. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up a picture-answer.
Edible - inedible.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.
Materials: basket, object pictures with the image of edible and inedible mushrooms.
The course of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answers. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put the picture-answer to the edible mushroom in the baskets.
Place the planets correctly.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the main planets.
Materials: belt with sewn-on rays - ribbons of different lengths (9 pieces). Hats with the image of the planets.
It's so hot on this planet
That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet, where is it located? (Mercury, because it is closest to the sun).
And this planet was bound by a terrible cold,
The sunbeam did not reach her with warmth.
-What is this planet? (Pluto, because it is farthest from the sun and the smallest of all planets in size).
A child wearing a Pluto hat grabs the longest ribbon # 9.
And this planet is dear to all of us.
The planet gave us life ... (all: Earth)
-In what orbit does the planet Earth rotate? Where is our planet from the sun? (On the 3rd).
The child in the "Earth" hat grabs ribbon # 3.
Two planets are close to planet Earth.
My friend, give them their names as soon as possible. (Venus and Mars).
Children in caps "Venus" and "Mars" occupy the 2nd and 4th orbits, respectively.
And this planet is proud of itself
Since it is considered the largest.
-What is this planet? What orbit is it in? (Jupiter, orbit # 5).
The child in the "Jupiter" hat takes place # 5.
The planet is surrounded by rings
And that was what made her different from everyone else. (Saturn)
Child - "Saturn" occupies orbit number 6.
And what kind of green planets? (Uranus)
A child wearing a matching Neptune hat occupies orbit # 8.
All the children took their places and began to revolve around the "Sun".
A round dance of planets is spinning. Each has its own size and color.
For each, the path is defined. But only on Earth is the world inhabited by life.
Useful - not useful.
Did. task: to consolidate the concepts of useful and harmful products.
Materials: product cards.
The course of the game: to spread out on one table what is useful, on the other - what is not useful.
Useful: rolled oats, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.
Unhealthy: chips, fatty meats, chocolates, cakes, fanta, etc.

Used Books:

A.I. Sorokin "Didactic game in kindergarten".

A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten".